Japanese animation


日本动漫介绍英文版 (3)

日本动漫介绍英文版 (3)

Japanese animation which was import into China in 1980s,was popular as soon as it was shown on TV screen in China.To some extent,we can say that Chinese youths were acompanied with Japanese animation as they were growing up.During this time,Janpanese animation influenced their ideas and consciousness.
The classification of the Japanese anime…
Super Robot Wars
The influence of Japanese animations on Chinese youths
Introduce the meaning of some words…
TV anime comic :Animation
works which continuous projected on TV.
OVA: be short for Original Video
Animation, Original intention is original animation video refers to videotape or DVD form directly with the release of the animation works. Later development for “Original Visual Animation” .


Do you still remember these?
Detective Conan
2Hale Waihona Puke Inuyasha3
Sailor Moon
Cardcaptor Sakura
The history of Japanese anime
• 1917-1945:the birth of Japanese anime • 1946-1973:explore period • 1974-1989:mature period • 1990-now:twenty-first century period
The influence of Japanese animations on Chinese youths
Japanese animation which was import into China in 1980s,was popular as soon as it was shown on TV screen in China.To some extent,we can say that Chinese youths were acompanied with Japanese animation as they were growing up.During this time,Janpanese animation influenced their ideas and consciousness.
Introduction in detail
While the earliest known Japanese animation dates to 1917,and many original Japanese cartoons were produced in the ensuing decades, the characteristic anime style developed in the 1960s—notably with the work of Osamu Tezuka—and became known outside Japan in the 1980s. Anime, like manga, has a large audience in Japan and recognition throughout the world. Distributors can release anime via television broadcasts, directly to video, or theatrically, as well as online.

日本动漫文化 英文介绍

日本动漫文化   英文介绍
❖ 1946-1973:Explore period (探索期)
❖ 1974-1989:Mature period (成熟期)
❖ 1990- now: The refinement phase (细化期)
1917-1945:the birth of Japanese anime Momotarô: Umi no shinpei 桃太郎海上神兵
日本动漫文化 英文介绍
1.Origin 2.The history of anime 3.Popular reasons 4.Characteristic and type 5.Famous author
The Japanese anime, is called the Japanese cartoon and Japanese Caricature.
1946-1973:Explore period
Astro Boy
1974-1989:Mature period
藤子·F·不二雄(1933年-1996年) DORAEMON
1990- now: The refinement phase
Saint Seiya
Popular reasons
Famous author
❖ 宫崎骏,Miyazaki Hayao (龙猫,千与千寻 spirited away)
❖ 高桥留美子Rumiko Takahashi—(犬夜叉 Inuyasha)
❖ 尾田龙一郎Oda Ryuichiro-(one piece海贼 王)
❖ 乌山明-(龙珠 ) ❖ 藤子F不二雄 – (DORAEMON哆啦A梦) ❖ 諫山 創いさやま はじめ-进击的巨人、
❖ Japanese anime have a strong targeted. ❖ Japanese cartoon is classified according to



Howl's Moving Castle哈尔的移动
城堡 Japan domestic box office receipts: Super 20 billion yen (about 1.5 billion yuan), viewing trips breakthrough 1200 million (2004) 日本本土票房收入:超200亿日元(约 合15亿人民币),观影人次突破1200万 人 Genre: Animation Fantasy 类型:动 画 奇幻 Director: Hayao Miyazaki 导演:宫崎 骏 Starring: Chieko Baisho the U.S. round out the macro Takuya Kimura 主演:倍赏千惠子 木村拓哉 美轮明宏
Ponyo On The Cliff By The Sea 崖上的金鱼姬(2008) Release Date: July 19, 2008
There is a little golden fish whose name is Poniu~likes to go up to the surface of the ocean.Once upon a time, she met a little human~a little boy .. The little boy is very lovely and kind to take care of Poniu.. Poniu's mama-ocean's godness use magic to change poniu into a little girl...then boy and girl get together and be happy...

Japan Animation

Japan  Animation
D o y o u s till re m e m b e r th e s e ?
In u y a s h a
D e te c tiv e C o n a n
H is p e t p h ra s e (口头禅): T h e tru th a lw a y s o n ly one!
T h e s a ilo r m oon
C a rd c a p to r S a k u ra
D o ra e m o n
Japan is the largest anime power in the world. The animation development modle has distinctive(与众不同的) ethnic characteristics.
Japan Animation
His Representative work
Castle in the Sky (1986)
My Neighbor Totoro(1988)
Spirited Away (2001)
Princess Mononoke(1997)
Logo: To live
Howl's Moving Castle(2004)
TV anime comic:Animation works which continuous projected on TV(电视动画) Plagantony(剧场版) OVA:Original Video Animation (原创动画录影带) BGM:Background Music(背景音乐) Cosplay



【导语】英语美文的阅读有助于我们对英语知识的学习,提升我们的英语能力,以下“高中英语作文”由整理发布,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注!【篇一】日本动漫 Japanese AnimationRecently, the Japanese animation Your Name was popular. Nearly all the audience gave their biggest applause after they went out of the theater. It is known to all that most famous master of Japanese animation had just retired not long before, and people worried about the missing of excellent animation but now they saw the new master. Japanese animation is always my favorite type of movie, when I was very small, I watched many classic cartoons every day. Japanese animation has been part of many people’s childhood. They watched Japanese cartoons all the time when they were children and discussed the plots with partners. Sometimes they even imitated the games. These cartoons build the hero dreams for the kids and teach them with the right values. Today, though the children can have more choices, they still are in favor of Japanese animation.最近,日本动漫《你的名字》非常受欢迎,几乎所有的观众在走出*时都给了他们最热烈的掌声。



阻击王 悬赏令 狙击手:【狙击王】 乌索普(骗人布) [USOPP] 悬赏:3000万(司法 岛事件

航海士:【小贼猫】 娜美(奈美)[NAMI] 只要跟钱有关的都喜 欢,橘子,风车 悬赏:1600万(司法 岛事件)

厨师:【黑足】山 治(香吉士 香吉) [SANJI] 悬赏:7700万 (司法岛事件)

“ONE PIECE”在故事中为“一 个大秘宝”之意。故事描述男主 角‘草帽’蒙其· D· 路飞为了当 上“海贼王”而踏上“伟大航道” 及与其伙伴的经历。传说中‘海 贼王’哥尔· D· 罗杰在死前说出 他留下了具有财富、名声、力量 世界第一的宝藏“ONE PIECE”, 许多人为了争夺“ONE PIECE”, 争相出海,许多海贼开始树立霸 权,而形成了“大海贼时代”。 十年后,路飞为了要实现与因救 他而断臂的四皇‘红发’香克斯 的约定而出海,在遥远的路途上 找寻着志同道合的伙伴,一起进 入“伟大航道”,目标当上“海 贼王”。

船长:【草帽小子】蒙奇· D· 路飞
天真,戴草帽,战斗时草帽拿下来,左眼 下方的疤痕(小时候为了证明自己拥有做 海贼的勇气自己划的)大大的嘴始终展现 著灿烂的笑容、好吃、白痴、讲义气。 超人系恶魔果实能力者-橡皮果实

在东海的一个小村庄长大,和到这个 地方的的海贼香克斯建立了很好的友 谊,一心想成为像他们那样的海贼。 爱打抱不平的路飞误食了海贼们抢来 的橡皮果实,从此再也学不会游泳,但 却拥有了可怕的果实力量!红发香克 斯离开渔村再次出海前,把自己的草 帽戴在了路飞头上。「将来你一定要 还给我,当你成为出色海贼的时候」 从此他的目标是--海贼王!那顶草 帽,成了路飞最珍爱的宝物。 爸爸是 革命军首领多拉格,爷爷是海军中将 卡普,哥哥艾斯是最强的白胡子海贼 团二队队长(艾斯是罗杰的儿子)。 总之,路飞拥有超级错乱且强大的家 庭。 最具代表性的一句话:我是要成




那么,你知道日本动漫的英语怎么说吗?日本动漫的英文释义:Japanese anime and manga日本动漫的英文例句:就在几英里以外,一堆花表明正在悼念这些孩子们,花束中躺着一只泰迪熊和一些日本动漫卡片。

Just a few feet away, a stack of flowers mark a memorial for the children. A teddybear and Japanese anime cards are tucked in under the bouquets.她还说,观众很喜欢这类电影,因为他们能轻易抓住并感受这些角色以及他们的故事,很多情节都曾在日本动漫中出现过。

She said audiences love this type of film because they can identify easily and feel connected to the characters and their stories, many of which appeared earlier inJapanese anime form.《每日电讯报》在一篇谴责现代女学生性感时装的文章中疾呼;而东京《读卖新闻》将日本动漫青春期前孩童人物称为“洛丽塔式的性感”。

" demands the Daily Telegraph in an article condemning contemporary sexyschoolgirl fashions, while T okyo's Daily Yomiuri refers to "the Lolita-like sex appeal" of preteen Japanese anime characters.就好像是宜家和一个13岁的日本动漫小姑娘结合在一起,还诞生出了一家旅馆!Another family favorite is the Hotel T omo in Japantown over the hill from this one (it’s l ike Ikea mated with a 13 year old Japanese anime girl and gave birth to ahotel).在日本这个岛国,动画产业有自己独特的一个支部(日本动漫)。


杉田智和(Sugita Tomokazu)
• Gintama:Sakata Gintoki • (银魂:坂田银时)
樱井孝宏(Sakurai Takahiro)
• Final Fantasy:Cloud Strife • (最终幻想:克劳德) • Code Geass:Kururugi Suzaku • (反叛的鲁鲁修:枢木朱雀) • Polar Bear's Cafe:Polar Bear • (白熊咖啡厅:白熊)
冢治虫)began to create the first Japanese animation:
• Astroboy • (铁臂阿童木)
Mature Stage
• Science Fiction
• Miyazaki Hayao(宫崎骏)
• Spirited Away(千与千寻) • Kiki's Delivery Service(魔女宅急便) • Howl's Moving Castle(哈尔的移动城堡) • Castle in the Sky(天空之城) • My Neighbor Totoro(龙猫) • Princess Mononoke(幽灵公主) • The Wind Rises(起风了)
野原新之助(Nohara Shinnosuke) 矢岛晶子 (Yajima Akiko)
Voice Actors Are Monsters
• Kiki's Delivery Service
• Kiki • Ursula • They have the same
voice actor • 高山南 • (Takayama Minami)

日本动漫, 商业化, 英文

日本动漫, 商业化, 英文

1917~1945:Germination stage . The birth of Japanese anime – colorless age
1946~1973:Explore period --desire for peace
1947~1989:Mature period — mechanical era
Tokyo Animator School
Line by line, page by page, Nobuki Mitani has been eking out a living for six years.
"Every day I work about 10 to 12 hours", says the 27-yearold animator, "often we work on Saturday and if it's busy we work Sunday, too." Japanese animation is a more than 2-billion-dollar-a-year industry, but for those who painstakingly draw each figure, the in-between animators, it's anything but lucrative. Nobuki is paid by the page or cel, each worth about 2 dollars. All told, he makes less than 1,000 dollars a month. This is home, one room, no shower, no air-conditioning. Nobuki says he avoids drinking water so as not to sweat and he is not the only one feeling the heat.


Original. Script. Supervisory / Miyazaki
原作.脚本.监督/ 原作.脚本.监督/宫崎骏 Music / Joe Hisaishi 音乐/久石 让 音乐/
Theme song / Kato registered as sub-
主题歌/ 主题歌/加藤登纪子
Logo: the so-called smart, that is me la
Logo: Although there will be no happy time, but I still Hen spirit宣传语:虽然会有不开心的 宣传语: Music / Joe Hisaishi: 音乐/久石 音乐/
时候,但我还是佷精神。 时候,但我还是佷精神。
GHIBLI时期作品 时期作品 (1985—— )
票房收入: 票房收入:5亿8800万日元,观众人数: 8800万日元,观众人数: 万日元 80万1680人 80万1680人). Original name:原名とないのトトロ 原名とないのトトロ Production: Tokuma 制作:德间书店 制作: Original. Script. Supervisory / Miyazaki原作. 原作. 脚本.监督/ 脚本.监督/宫崎骏
Miyazaki is a famous Japanese animation director, January 5, 1941 Born in Tokyo. 宫崎骏是日本著名动画片导演,1941年1月5日生于东京 日生于东京. 宫崎骏是日本著名动画片导演 年 月 日生于东京 Miyazaki is Japan's animation industry can be a legend, can be said that without him the cause of Japanese animation will be much the worse. 宫崎骏可以说是日本动画界的一个传奇, 宫崎骏可以说是日本动画界的一个传奇,可以说没有他 的话日本的动画事业会大大的逊色。 的话日本的动画事业会大大的逊色 He is the first animation to rise to the human high thinkers. 他是 第一位将动画上升到人文高度的思想者. 第一位将动画上升到人文高度的思想者.

动漫 英文

动漫  英文

日本动漫业已有90余年的历史,时至今日, 动漫已成为了日本的第三大产业。日本动 漫在全世界拥有大批爱好者。仅以美国为 例,2003年日本销往美国的动画片以及相 关产品的总收入多达43.59亿美元。 在日本,不论政府抑或商家,都没有仅仅 将“动漫”当作简单的休闲文化,而是扎 扎实实将其当作一个产业来加以扶持和发 展。
With the development of the times, animation has been a hot topic,the fans are mostly teenager. Nowadays many people ,including adults like it.it's no longer children's patents. 随着时代的发展, “动漫”已经成为一热 点话题,动漫迷多以青少年为主。现今许 多人包括成年人都爱上了“动漫”。“动 漫”不再是孩子的专利。
Japanese anime has 90 years of history, to date, animation has become Japan's third-largest industry.Japanese animation has a large number of fans in the world. The United States in 2003, Japan exported animation and related products, up to $ 4,359,000,000 of total revenue. In Japan, regardless of the Government or business, are not merely "animation" as a simple leisure culture, but solid to be treated as an industry to support and development.



日本动漫的英语怎么写现在我们很多人都喜欢看日本动漫,可是你知道日本动漫的英语怎么写吗?下面是店铺为你整理的日本动漫的英语写法,希望大家喜欢! 日本动漫的英语写法The Japanese anime日本动漫Japanese anime多指日本动漫animeJapanese animation日本动漫迷fans of Japanese animation日本动漫[1],是日本动画和日本漫画的合称。


日本1.Japanesen.日本人,日本国民; 日语;adj.日本的,日本人的; 日语的2.Japann.日本;3.cipango<古>=Japan(为马可·波罗及中世纪地理学家所用)Japanese的用法1. New Japanese cars averaged 13 km to the litre in 1981.1981年,新型的日产汽车平均每升汽油能跑13千米。

2. At least three British golf courses are now owned by the Japanese.现在英国至少有3家高尔夫球场为日本人所有。

3. She speaks no Japanese and is unfamiliar with Japanese culture.她不会说日语,也不了解日本文化。

4. Japanese car makers are laying ever more stress on European sales.日本汽车制造商比以往任何时候都更加重视欧洲市场的销售情况.5. Subaru is one of the smallest Japanese car makers.斯巴鲁是日本最小的汽车制造商之一。



四代风影 我爱罗
• the group is called the atasuki group. it contains 9 people.
melody of hope
• every fans of NARUTO hope that one day, they will become friends like before.
Rokudou mukuro 六道骸
•Got the cloud ring •拥有彭格列雾属性指环
Hibari kyoya 云雀恭弥
•Got the fog-ring •拥有彭格列云指环
Sawada Tsunayoshi
•Got Ozora ring •拥有彭格列太空属性指环 • 彭格列boss
Yondaime Hokage
• the main plot of NARUTO
• In Naruto the official story started 12 years ago, one is called "9 Yaohu"(九尾妖狐) huge monster attack on Konoha ninja village. It is a legend would be a landslide tsunami wave tail. Huo Ying was the fourth generation of their own lives to seal the nine Yaohu newborn children (both four generations of the Watergate affair Huoying their children) Naruto Uzumaki people.



日式动画制作流程Creating a Japanese anime involves a complex and multifaceted production process. 日本动画的制作过程充满了错综复杂的环节和多方面的工作。

In the conceptualization phase, the idea for the anime is developed. This involves creating a compelling story, defining the characters, and establishing the overall artistic vision for the anime. 在概念阶段,动画的创意被开发出来。


Once the concept is approved, the pre-production phase begins. This involves creating storyboards, scripting the dialogue, and designing the characters and backgrounds. 一旦概念获得批准,预制作阶段就开始了。


The next step is the production phase, which is where the animation is actually created. This involves animating the characters, creating the backgrounds, and adding special effects. 接下来是制作阶段,这是动画实际被创作的地方。


Sound design and voice acting are also critical components of the production phase. This involves creating sound effects, composing the music, and recording the voice actors. 音效设计和配音也是制作阶段的关键组成部分。

Japanese Animation 日本动漫 英文简介

Japanese Animation 日本动漫 英文简介

• • • • • • •
Spirited Away(千与千寻) Kiki's Delivery Service(魔女宅急便) Howl's Moving Castle(哈尔的移动城堡) Castle in the Sky(天空之城) My Neighbor Totoro(龙猫) Princess Mononoke(幽灵公主) The Wind Rises(起风了)
神谷浩史(Kamiya Hiroshi)
• • • • • • • •
Natsumei Yuujinchou: Natsumei Takashi (夏目友人帐:夏目贵志) Attack On Titan:Levi (进击的巨人:利威尔兵长) Kuroko's Basketball:Akashi Seijuro (黑子的篮球:赤司征十郎) Durarara!!:Orihara Izaya (无头骑士异闻录:折原临也)
Voice Actors
• • • • • • • • Japanese:声優(せいゆう) Famous Voice Actors: 神谷浩史(Kamiya Hiroshi) 小野大輔(Ono Daisuke) 杉田智和(Sugita Tomokazu ) 樱井孝宏(Sakurai Takahiho) 宫野真守(Miyano Mamoru) 声優は怪物です。
杉田智和(Sugita Tomokazu)
• Gintama:Sakata Gintoki • (银魂:坂田银时)
樱井孝宏(Sakurai Takahiro)
• • • • • •
Final Fantasy:Cloud Strife (最终幻想:克劳德) Code Geass:Kururugi Suzaku (反叛的鲁鲁修:枢木朱雀) Polar Bear's Cafe:Polar Bear (白熊咖啡厅:白熊)



日本动漫英文作文I love Japanese anime because it's so unique and creative. The characters are always so interesting and the storylines are often unpredictable. It's a great way to escape from reality and immerse yourself in a different world.The animation in Japanese anime is always top-notch.The attention to detail is amazing and the action scenesare always so exciting. It's no wonder that anime has sucha huge fan base all over the world.One of the things I love most about Japanese anime is the variety of genres available. Whether you're into action, romance, horror, or comedy, there's always something for everyone. It's great to be able to explore different typesof stories and characters within the world of anime.The voice acting in Japanese anime is also somethingthat sets it apart from other forms of animation. The voiceactors bring so much emotion and depth to the characters, and it really adds to the overall experience of watching anime.I also appreciate the cultural aspects that are often present in Japanese anime. It's a great way to learn about Japanese traditions, customs, and even language. It's like getting a glimpse into another culture while being entertained at the same time.Overall, Japanese anime is a fantastic form of entertainment that offers something for everyone. Whether you're a casual viewer or a hardcore fan, there's always something new and exciting to discover in the world of anime.。

Comic and Animation part1 关于日本动漫的英文ppt

Comic and Animation part1 关于日本动漫的英文ppt

2.exploration period
After several years development, the industry of Japanese animation has been shaped. But during this time, animation is not popular as today it is. In contrast, it was discriminated deeply, because the die-hard Japanese hold that animation is just for children and childish, just like some of our parents today. How can this situation been changed. The contribution of two late cartoonists and their master pieces are undeniable.
Although his name came from English, but his English name is Astro Boy. In Taiwan he is called as 原子小金刚,the people of Hong Kong call him 小飞侠阿童木. Atom cartoon was rebuild twice in 1980 and 2003.Also it made into a film in 2009.
Atom is also the first foreign cartoon broadcast
in the People's Republic of China.
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