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惠普 G5服务器 说明书

1应用环境• 网络:防火墙、高速缓存、VPN• IT 基础设施:DNS 、域控制器、Staging Server • 客户专用:Web Farm 、ISP 和ASP • OEM 设备:电信和安全特性和优势• HP ProLiant DL120 G5是一款入门级的机柜服务器,拥有惠普服务器一贯特性,为客户提供了充分的保证;• 单路处理器,高度为1U ,运行单一应用非常理想,非常适合用于网络基础架构应用以及WEB 服务器等应用,具有非常好的性价比• 经济实用的解决方案,易于购买、易于管理。
• 可选 Lights Out 100c 的远程管理,提供低成本的高效解决方案,让您可以随时随地远程管理服务器。
性能• 采用英特尔3200芯片组,支持1333MHz 前端总线• 处理器选择- 从入门级赛扬处理器到四核至强处理器• 4个DIMM 插槽- 800MHz DDR-2 Unbuffered ECC ,最大8GB简单经济的通用型服务器,集成了必要的核心技术,能够满足未来业务发展所需。
HP ProLiant DL120 G5带有两个PCI-E 的插槽,并可以更换为一个PCI-E 和一个PCI-X 的插槽垂直扩展板,可以同时支持HP 的HBA 卡以及Smart Array 阵列卡,并可以支持SAS 高速硬盘。
可选LO100C 远程管理卡,提供了高性价比的远程管理功能,可以在任何地点、任何时间实现远程管理。
• 集成N C 105i P C I e 单端口千兆服务器网卡(Broadcom 5722)• 集成SATA 0/1 RAID选件• 2个LFF (3.5”)非热插拔硬盘托架• 可选的非热插拔SAS 硬盘- 需要可选的SAS HBA 或阵列控制器• 扩展插槽:- 标配: 2个PCI Express x8插槽(1个x8,1个x4)- 可选: 将PCIe x8更换为PCI-X 64/133• 可选的硬盘或USB 软盘• 内部USB 2.0接口,用于USB 启动管理• Lights Out 100c (可选),带Select/Advanced 升级功能专为实现机架内的可维护性而设计• 包括固定的安装滑轨- 无需将服务器拆下机架,即可维护内部组件 • 可安装在Telco 机架中• 前端和内部状态指示灯• 前端和后端单元ID 开关/指示灯 • 2个前置USB 端口• 非常适合于连接数据中心“急救设备”服务器性价比极好的单路处理器2产品编号说明465475-AA1英特尔®奔腾®双核处理器E2160 (1.80GHz ,1MB 二级高速缓存,800MHz 前端总线),1GB (标配)到8GB (最大) ECC PC2-6400 无缓冲DDR2 SDRAM 内存,机架式465476-AA1英特尔®至强®双核处理器3065 (2.33GHz ,4MB 二级高速缓存,1333MHz 前端总线),1GB (标配)到8GB (最大) ECC PC2-6400 无缓冲DDR2 DRAM 内存,机架式469378-AA1英特尔®至强®四核处理器X3320 (2.50GHz ,6MB 二级高速缓存,1333MHz 前端总线),2GB (2x1GB) (标配)到8 GB (最大) ECC PC2-6400无缓冲DDR2 SDRAM 内存,机架式AM848A英特尔®至强®四核处理器3110 (3.0GHz,6MB 高级缓存,1333MHz 前端总线)1GB (标配)到8GB (最大) ECCPC2-6400无缓冲DDR2 SDRAM 内存,机架式标准配置处理器取决于产品型号英特尔®至强®四核处理器X3350 (2.66GHz ,12MB 二级高速缓存,95 瓦,1333MHz 前端总线)注:仅通过 CTO 可用。

功能特点1. 附近HP授权服务中心查询用户可以通过系统输入自己所在的地理位置,系统将自动检索附近的HP授权服务中心,并显示在地图上。
2. 服务中心信息查询用户选择一个服务中心后,系统将提供该中心的详细信息,如地址、联系电话、营业时间等。
3. 预约维修服务用户在查询到合适的HP授权服务中心后,可以直接预约维修服务。
4. 用户评价和反馈用户可以在系统中查看其他用户对各个HP授权服务中心的评价和反馈。
优势和价值1. 便捷性HP授权服务中心查询系统提供了一种快速、便捷地找到合适的服务中心的方式。
2. 高效性通过预约维修服务功能,用户可以提前将自己的问题和需求告知服务中心,服务中心也可以提前做好准备,以提供更高效的服务。

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HP ZBook移动工作站产品介绍说明书

When it comes to powerful computing on the go, mobile workstations are in a class of their own, providing a spectrum of performance, reliability and expandability that extends well beyond the capabilities of standard mobile computers.Solution guideWhy choose a mobile workstation?While HP EliteBook 800 series Notebooks can provide you withexcellent value, HP ZBook Mobile Workstations deliver superbperformance, outstanding reliability and wide-ranging scalabilityas well as a range of screen sizes to fit various needs.* Many workstation technologies are selectable options. Specifications can vary by workstation platform.** Varies by regionHP EliteBook 800 seriesNotebookHP ZBook MobileWorkstations*Form factors• 14.0-inch diagonal• 15.6-inch diagonalForm factors• 15.6-inch diagonal• 17.0-inch diagonalOperating systems1,2• W indows 10 Pro 64• Windows 8.1 Pro 64• W indows 7 Professional 64(available through downgrade rightsfrom Windows 10 Pro 64)• U buntu Linux• F reeDOS 2.0Operating systems1,2• W indows 10 Pro 64• Windows 10 Home 64• Windows 7 Professional 64 (available throughdowngrade rights from Windows 10 Pro)• Windows 7 Professional 64• FreeDOS 2.0Performance• I ntel® Core TM i3, i5, i7 processors• U p to 16 GB non-ECC memory3• U p to 500 GB storage4Performance• I ntel® Core TM i3, i5, i7 processors• I ntel® Xeon® quad-core processor5• Up to 64 GB ECC memory3• Up to 4 TB storage4• Two Thunderbolt TM 315 (supporting DP 1.2,USB 3.1 Gen 2, PCIe)• Up to dual HP Z Turbo Drive G2 (NVMe PCIe SSD)for accelerated storage performance• Support for up to UHD display options• HP DreamColor12 panel optionReliability• M IL-STD-810G testing6• H P DuraCase• H P DuraKeys• P recision stamped full magnesiumalloy chassis• C hemically strengthened glass touchpad• C ast titanium alloy display latchReliabilityAll the reliability features in theHP EliteBook 800 series Notebook plus:• More MIL-STD-810G testing6• Rigorous ISV testing and certifications• Productivity-boosting software toolssuch as HP Performance Advisor andHP Remote Graphics Software preloadedGraphicsAMD Radeon™ graphicsGraphicsISV-certified, workstation-caliber AMD FirePro TMor NVIDIA® Quadro® professional graphicsWarranty1/1/0 or 3/3/0 support; on site serviceis extraWarranty3/3/3 or 3/3/0 support**HP ZBook MobileWorkstations are designedfor the demands of userswho work with professionaland technical applications,large and complex datasetsor intricate 3D models.2Take performance to new extremesLeave the performance bottleneck behind with HP ZBooks. With industry-leading processing, storage, graphics, and system management components HP has engineered a total system approach to define new levels of overall performance.Intel Processor TechnologyHigh-performance Intel® Xeon® processors are validated and tested by Intel and HPfor demanding workstation applications. Besides supporting greater reliability with ECC memory, Intel® Xeon® processors offer up to 29% performance gains over equivalent Intel® Core TM processors on the HP Entry Workstations.7Storage solutions to meet your needsHigh-performance storage solutions are required for demanding workflows.HP ZBooks offer high reliability and performance with storage capacities up to4 TB. With 2.5” and M.2 storage bay options, you can choose from SATA HDD, SATA SSD, and NVMe PCIe SSD options.The HP Z Turbo Drive G2 is a remarkably affordable and innovative NVMe PCIe-based SSD storage solution. It revolutionizeshow your HP ZBook handles large files—significantly reducing boot up, calculation and graphics response times (even with 4K video). To learn more, see /go/zturbo. Leading-edge professional graphics Extensive HP testing over a widerange of graphics cards, simulating real-world customer workloads and stress teststhat far exceed typical usage, translate into higher quality drivers that customers trust. Strong relationships with NVIDIA® and AMD help us quickly resolve any issues. That’s how we give your HP ZBook graphics solutions that feature optimized thermal and power design, wide-ranging application certification and a three-year limited warranty.HP Performance AdvisorGet the most out of your ZBook from day one. With HP Performance Advisor pre-installed on every HP ZBook, you can spend more time working, processing and designing and less time troubleshooting IT. This exclusiveHP software wizard helps configure, customize and optimize your system for each new application and driver you install. To learn more, see/go/performanceadvisor.HP Remote Graphics SoftwareWork like you’re local with transfer speedsup to 60 fps for your most demanding applications. HP Remote Graphics Software (RGS) takes the mobility of your workstation to a whole new level13. Now you can leave your HP ZBook docked at the office and connect from home while still getting that high end workstation performance youneed and expect. Not only can you viewthe session, but you can collaborate with multiple remote users by streaming your local workstation screen across the cloudto your team’s individual devices or pulling multiple remote feeds to a single PC. Every HP Z Workstation includes an HP RGS sender license ready to activate and an HP RGS receiver can be downloaded for any PC, Mac®, MacBook®, Windows tablet or thin client. And with advanced touch recognition featureson HP RGS 7 you can easily do real work with workstation-class applications on an HP ZBook or tablet. To learn more, see / go/rgs.Thunderbolt TM 3Connect to a multitude of devices through a single port with the versatile Thunderbolt™ 3. You can connect via Thunderbolt, DisplayPort 1.2, USB 3.1, and PCIe. Power two 4K displays @ 60 Hz, daisy chain up to 6 devices, and transfer data at speeds up to 40 Gb/s—double that of previous generation Thunderbolt. The possibilities are endless. HP ZBook Studio, ZBook 15 G3 and ZBook 17 G3 offer dual Thunderbolt™ 3 ports.Performance on displayHP ZBooks come with a variety of display choices from FHD up to UHD/4K resolutions. UHD/4K panels offer extremely high resolution (3840 x 2160) for maximum screen real estate and vibrant, clear pictures. The HP ZBook 15u offers a touch option.HP DreamColor TechnologyTake color accuracy to the next leveland achieve maximum impact with theHP DreamColor Display. Designed by color professionals and digital content creators, HP DreamColor is the power tool they use to produce trusted results. Featuring a palette of over one billion colors, you’ll get precise color accuracy and predictable color across your entire digital workflow.HP ZBooks help youspend less time waiting andmore time creating withindustry-leading processing,graphics and innovativetechnologies.3Mission-critical reliability We understand your work is critical and system down time or failure is not an option. HP ZBooks are designed and tested to comprehensively address reliabilityin all its forms, so you can rest assuredyour workstation will keep up in the most demanding environments.Business-rugged designHP ZBooks are designed to stand up tothe rigors of users who are constantly onthe go. HP uses third party vendors to test the ZBooks to military standards for drop, vibration, dust, temperature, and altitude.6 Tested beyond industry standardsHP knows you challenge your workstations every day, so HP does too. HP Z Workstation engineers conduct 115,000 hours of rigorous testing to ensure world-class reliability. In brutal three-axis testing—where frequency, voltage, and temperature are varied—our engineers push the limits of processors, memory, and other system parts. Thisthree-axis testing uses proprietary toolsand techniques, and stresses componentsin ways that help detect potential designor component weaknesses that would otherwise go unnoticed. In some cases, rigorous qualification enables us to find issues that have been previously overlooked by our component vendors. We have strong relationships and influence with these vendors, which enable us to obtain and integrate improved components into our systems, many of which are unique toHP Z Workstations.ECC memory for data integrityMemory errors can happen anywhere, anytime—with consequences as disastrous as a system crash in the middle of a critical operation.Error Correction Code (ECC) memory detects and corrects soft errors in the memory system on the fly, preserving the integrityof your data. HP offers ECC memory onour workstations so your mission-critical applications can run smoothly with minimized memory errors.Safe and secureHP offers a variety of scalable hardware, software, and BIOS-based security features to help you defend your organization against viruses and other threats. These integrated security features safeguard what matters to you the most—your data, device and identity.• An optional fingerprint reader and integrated Smart Card Reader help keep your identity secure.• HP SureStart goes to work at startup—making sure your ZBook is protectedfrom malicious or unanticipated malware attacks. It’s designed to automatically restore the BIOS within 30 seconds if it is ever attacked or corrupted.• Secure Erase enables you to permanently destroy data on your hard drive in preparation for your system disposal or redeployment.Engineered BIOSHP BIOS helps hardware compatibility and increases workstation reliability by reducing power consumption through preset sleep states, adjustable fan speeds that maximize operating efficiency, and power management features.Independent Software Vendor (ISV) certificationHP supports an extensive list of application partners and works closely with many software vendors to ensure that these applications work smoothly and flawlessly on HP ZBooks in all possible configurations. HP also provides a test suite to graphics vendors, to help increase the reliabilityand stability of industry-standard graphics products.Learn more about how HP’s relationships power you.Ultimately, our intense focus on reliability gives you greater peace of mind when running professional applications on theHP ZBook. You knowthat you have a system that is designed, tested, and proven for the work you do. 115,000 hours of testing4HP ZBook 15uThin. Powerful. Affordable.Enjoy workstation performance in a low cost, compact package. HP created the world’s first workstation Ultrabook™8 and we improve it with each generation. This 15.6” diagonal form factor is the perfect combination of mobility and cost.HP ZBook StudioWorld’s first quad core workstation Ultrabook TM 9We put desktop workstation performance in a sleek new body to unleash the ultimate mobile workstation. At just 18mm thin, 4.4 lbs.10 and an optional 4K DreamColor display,12 you can take your studio on the road with you.HP ZBook 15Portable PowerhouseCreativity knows no limits on HP’s thin and light next generation ZBook 15, the world’s best-selling mobile workstation.11 Offering a powerful blend of mobility and robust configurability, it’s the perfect mix of style, features, and portability.HP ZBook 17HP’s ultimate in mobile performance The HP ZBook 17 offers HP’s ultimate in power plus portability with a 17.3-inch diagonalscreen, massive scalability and configurability, and all the latest power-packed features.Why choose an HP ZBook?HP Z Workstations have been on the market for over 30 years. Designed from the inside out to fulfill the needs of ourcustomers, HP Z Workstations deliver high performance and reliability with the latest innovation and industry-leading technologies.Available operating systems 1,2Maximum memory 3Maximum storage 4Maximum graphics ZBook 15u G3Windows 10 Professional Windows 7 Professional FreeDOS32 GB1.5 TBAMD FirePro™ W4190MZBook StudioWindows 10 Professional Windows 7 Professional FreeDOS32 GB 2 TBHP ZBook Studio specialedition: NVIDIA® Quadro® M1000M with 4 GBdedicated GDDR5 graphics memory (Extra 2 GB of graphics memory provides enhanced application performance with larger graphics datasets).ZBook 15 G3Windows 10 Professional Windows 7 Professional FreeDOS64 GB 3 TBNVIDIA® Quadro® M2000M AMD FirePro TM W5170MZBook 17 G3Windows 10 Professional Windows 7 Professional FreeDOS64 GB 4 TBNVIDIA® Quadro® M5000M AMD FirePro TM W6150MMemory, storage and graphics that meet your needs30+years in the industry5© 2016 HP Development Company, L.P . The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.Intel, Core, Xeon, Thunderbolt, and Ultrabook are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. AMD and FirePro are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Microsoft and Windows are U.S. registered trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. NVIDIA and Quadro are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. Linux® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries. Apple, Mac, and MacBook are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.4AA4-8242ENW, April 2016For more information visit /go/zbooks1. Not all features are available in all editions or versions of Windows. Systems may require upgraded and/or separately purchased hardware, drivers, software or BIOS update to take fulladvantage of Windows functionality. Windows 10 is automatically updated, which is always enabled. ISP fees may apply and additional requirements may apply over time for updates. See 2. This system is preinstalled with Windows 7 Professional software and also comes with a license and media for Windows 10 Pro software. You may only use one version of theWindows software at a time. Switching between versions will require you to uninstall one version and install the other version. You must back up all data (files, photos, etc.) before uninstalling and installing operating systems to avoid loss of your data.3. Maximum memory capacities assume Windows 64-bit operating systems. With Windows 32-bit operating systems, memory above 3 GB may not all be available due to systemresource requirements.4. For hard drives, GB = 1 billion bytes. TB = 1 trillion bytes. Actual formatted capacity is less. Up to 16 GB (for Windows 7) of system and up to 30 GB (for Windows 8) disk is reserved forsystem recovery software.5. Multi-Core is designed to improve performance of certain software products. Not all customers or software applications will necessarily benefit from use of this technology.Performance and clock frequency will vary depending on application workload and your hardware and software configurations. Intel’s numbering is not a measurement of higher performance.6. Testing was not intended to demonstrate fitness for Department of Defense contracts requirements or for military use. Test results are not a guarantee of future performance underthese test conditions.7. Results based on the SPECapc benchmarks for DS SolidWorks 2015 CPU Composite and the Cinebench CPU benchmark test; comparing an HP Z240 Tower Workstation with anIntel® Core™ i5-6600 processor to an HP Z240 Tower Workstation with an Intel® Xeon® E3-1240 v5 Processor. All other system configurations were selected to be as equal as possible.8. Not all configurations qualify as an Ultrabook TM .9. Based on HP’s internal analysis of all mobile workstation models from any vendors with >200 thousand unit annual sales as of October 29, 2015, having Quad-core CPU’s, withIntel’s Ultrabook Certification.10.Weight will vary by configuration.11.Source: IDC WW WS Historical Tracker 2015Q1 – 05.06.1512.FHD Touch and UHD DreamColor displays planned to be available in 1H16.13.HP RGS requires a Windows, Linux®, or Mac® OS X 10.10 and newer operating system and network access.Rate this documentShare with colleagues。
HP Business Service Management 9.21入门指南说明书

HP Business Service Management 适用于 Windows 和 Linux 操作系统软件版本:9.21BSM 入门指南文档发行日期:2012 年 11 月软件发布日期:2012 年 11 月法律声明担保HP 产品和服务的唯一担保已在此类产品和服务随附的明示担保声明中提出。
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版权声明© 版权所有 2005 - 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.商标声明Adobe® 和 Acrobat® 是 Adobe Systems Incorporated 的商标。
AMD 和 AMD Arrow 符号是 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 的商标。
Google™ 和 Google Maps™ 是 Google Inc. 的商标。
Intel®、Itanium®、Pentium和 Intel® Xeon®是 Intel Corporation 在美国和其他国家/地区的商标。
iPod 是 Apple Computer, Inc. 的商标。
Java 是 Oracle 和/或其附属公司的注册商标。
Microsoft®、Windows®、Windows NT®、Windows® XP 和 Windows Vista® 是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国的注册商标。

1.4 备件和材料
简介: 惠普公司将提供所有维修所需的备件和材料,确保惠普公司提供支持的硬件设备恢复正常
运行。这些备件和材料包括进行必要的工程改进所需的备件和材料。更换下来的产品部件 归惠普公司所有。
1.5 不间断工作
惠普公司的工程师到达客户现场后,立即开始进行不间断服务,直至设备能够重新运行。 如需额外的备件或资源,服务工作可暂停,直至这些备件或资源备齐。
表 2.基于存储设备的主动式服务
系统监控 – ISEE 标准版
对于具备最低技术条件要求的客户,惠普公司提供 Instant Support Enterprise Edition (ISEE)实时远程事件管理软件,该软件可监视合同范围内的设备状态。一旦检测到隐患 时,立即生成通知事件转发给惠普公司,以便惠普公司进行审查、提供支持服务。
现场硬件系统支 持服务
如果惠普公司确定硬件问题不能通过远程方式解决,则一名惠普公司的工程师将到客户现 场进行硬件的维修使其恢复运行。
此外,惠普公司还可能进行一些必要的工程改进,以便这些硬件产品能够正常运行,并与 更换部件兼容。惠普公司可全权决定安装固件更新,从而使惠普公司所提供支持的产品恢 复正常运行。

企业的内部财务控制 Finance for Excellence
课程简介: 教师将用非财务专业术语,深入浅出地将 企业财务控制与管理过程的关键要素向学员进行介绍, 主要内容包括财务领域的变革,惠普公司加强内部控制 的管理实践。预算管理的出发点,影响预算编制的因素 以及预算的考核,同时有大量生动地实例分析。
课程长度:1天 培训价格:USD300每人
惠普公司的战略规划与评估 Decision Base
内容简介:整个培训是教师指导学员进行一次实战练习的 过程,学员将亲手创建一个虚拟公司,并通过与同伴一起 负责该公司的所有运作过程,学会如何以全局的观点看待 整个公司的运作,而不是只专注某一个环一节或部门。学 员将学会制定业务计划、分析市场因素,如何进行财务分 析和评估,特别是如何在关键时间、由关键的人员对企业 发展策略作出正确的判断。其中一些关键方法和工具来自 于惠普公司的实际经验。
听课对象:企业中高层管理者及业务发展主管 课程长度:3天 培训价格:USD1,200每人
公司内部审计 Internal Audit
内容简介:向学员介绍用于企业内部控制的审计系统。内 容包括审计的目的、作用、责任、方法、抽样、分析、报 告及实施。以惠普公司的实务为例,向学员介绍企业如何 利用内部审计工具,对其内部营运进行“健康体检”实际 操作过程及审计报告的编制。促进企业效绩目标的实现。
• 惠普的人力资源管理 HR Management
• 企业利润目标的财务控制 Finance for Excellence
• 跨国公司的市场营销 Strategic Marketing
• 管理流程 Process of Management
HP Web Services和设置按钮的功能介绍说明书

HP Web Services button. Provides quick access to HP Web Services features, including HP ePrint.Setup button. Provides access to the main menus.Wireless button (wireless models only). Provides access to the Wireless menu and wireless sta-tus work button (for products connected to a network only). Provides access to network settings and information. From the network settings screen, you can print the Network Summary page.Information button. Provides product status information. From the status summary screen, you can print the Configuration Report page.Supplies button. Provides information about supplies status. From the supplies summary screen,you can print the Supplies Status serJet Pro MFP M521Use the Control Panel1.Place the original document face-up in the document feeder, or face-down on the upper left corner of the glass.2.Touch Fax .3.Type a fax number on the key pad.4.Touch the Start Fax button.Touch the Fax Menu button to customize fax settings.Supported file types: .PDF , .JPG•Printing documents from a USB drive •Viewing and printing photos from a USB drive •Scanning to a USB drive1.Place the original face-up in the document feeder, or face-down on the upper-left corner of the glass.2.Touch the Start Copy button.Touch the Settings button to customize copy settings.Use the Apps menu to access applications downloaded from the HP ePrintCenter Web site. Web services must be enabled on the product before downloading applications from the HP ePrintCenter Web site.More Help •HP ePrint Center: /go/eprintcenter •Product support: /support/ljmfpM521series © 2016 Copyright HP Development Company, L.P .1.Place the original document face-up in the document feeder, or face-down on the upper left corner of the glass.2.Select a location to scan to:•USB drive •Network Folder (Requires additional configuration)•E-mail (Requires additional configuration)3.Touch the Scan button.。

接下来,让我们一起深入了解服务器的基础知识,并重点探讨一下惠普 G7 服务器的相关产品知识。
接下来,让我们聚焦到惠普 G7 服务器。
惠普 G7 服务器在性能方面表现出色。
内存方面,支持大容量的 DDR4 内存,可以根据实际需求进行扩展,以满足不断增长的业务需求。
在存储方面,惠普 G7 服务器提供了多种选择。
惠普服务管理器 9.20 版安装指南说明书

HP Service Manager适用于 Windows®和 UNIX®操作系统软件版本:9.20安装指南文档发行日期:2010 年 6 月软件发行日期:2010 年 6 月法律声明随产品和服务提供的货品质量保证声明中阐明了 HP 产品和服务的唯一担保。
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版权声明© 版权所有 1996-2010 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.商标声明Java™ 是 Sun Microsystems,Inc. 在美国的商标。
Microsoft® 和 Windows® 是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国的注册商标。
Oracle® 是 Oracle Corporation 和/或其附属机构的注册商标。
UNIX® 是 The Open Group 的注册商标。
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惠普金牌服务(HP Care Pack)介绍

硬件故障 10% 25% 65%
提高IT系统可 用性关键: 您需 要服务商同时支 持软件和硬件维 护, 以提高故障 诊断, 准确定位 和解决问题
来源: 由 Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates执行的服务器故障分析调研
惠普白金服务 Proactive Care
• 投诉专用,请不要把正常的金牌注册申请发到这个邮箱
• 处理escalation 的TAT是两个工作日
增强型金牌服务(Foundation Care )-保内金牌服务证(IWCP) IWCP-保内金牌服务证 机架服务器 U2GH5E U2GJ4E U2GK3E U7VX7E U7VY6E U7VZ5E U7WG4E U7WH3E U7WJ2E U7VP0E U7VP9E U7VQ8E U7AZ7E U7BB5E HP 3 year 24x7 DL320e Foundation Care Service HP 4 year 24x7 DL320e Foundation Care Service HP 5 year 24x7 DL320e Foundation Care Service HP 3 year 24x7 DL60 Gen9 Foundation Care Service HP 4 year 24x7 DL60 Gen9 Foundation Care Service HP 5 year 24x7 DL60 Gen9 Foundation Care Service HP 3 year 24x7 DL80 Gen9 Foundation Care Service HP 4 year 24x7 DL80 Gen9 Foundation Care Service HP 5 year 24x7 DL80 Gen9 Foundation Care Service HP 3 year 24x7 DL120 Gen9 Foundation Care Service HP 4 year 24x7 DL120 Gen9 Foundation Care Service HP 5 year 24x7 DL120 Gen9 Foundation Care Service HP 3 year 24x7 DL160 Gen9 Foundation Care Service HP 4 year 24x7 DL160 Gen9 Foundation Care Service 说明 IWCP:In-warranty Carepack 保内金牌服务证 7x24,4小时硬件响应; 硬盘返还; 保内金牌服务证,7x24 4小时现场响应; DL320e,三年 DL320e,四年 DL320e,五年 DL60 Gen9,三年 DL60 Gen9,四年 DL60 Gen9,五年 DL80 Gen9,三年 DL80 Gen9,四年 DL80 Gen9,五年 DL120 Gen9,三年 DL120 Gen9,四年 DL120 Gen9,五年 DL160 Gen9,三年 DL160 Gen9,四年 单价
HP OfficeJet 200 Mobile系列使用手册说明书

Microsoft 和 Windows 是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国和/或其他国家/地区 的注册商标或商标。
HP OfficeJet 200
HP OfficeJet 200 Mobile series
© 2016 版权所有 HP Development Company, L.P.
2016 年 3 月,第 1 版
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2 使用入门 ...................................................................................................................................................... 2 辅助功能 ................................................................................................................................................................ 2 HP EcoSolutions(惠普与环境) .....................................................................

惠普经销商大学产品和服务的统筹培训Corporation standardization office #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8大自然的任何生命都有规律。
产品和服务的开发设计也是如此!商 海 导 航-----惠普经销商大学·高级课程2000年9月18日 第24期生命的延伸引 言产品和服务是我们每天都接触的东西。
生命的规律一棵刚刚成长的杨树看到一棵苍老的槐树在秋风的萧瑟中逐渐死去,禁不住迷惑的问古老的槐树:“槐树伯伯,我们都要死的么,好可怕呀!”“傻孩子,任何东西都要死去的”, 槐树笑眯眯的回答:“死并不可怕,这是自然的规律,但你没发现,槐树爷爷在死的过程中,他的叶子制造了新鲜的空气,他的身体提供了良好的木材,他的根已经腐化,成了养分,都要被我们吸收的。
生死轮回,去而复始,只要把握规律,就能把导入期 成长期 成熟期 衰退期ABC重新开始也许能带来全新的市场,但也带来全新的风险。

使用指南© Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.Bluetooth 是其所有人所擁有的商標,Hewlett-Packard Company 已取得授權使用。
Intel 和 Centrino 是 Intel Corporation 在美國和其他國家/地區的商標。
SD 標誌是其所有人的商標。
Java 是 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 的美國商標。
Microsoft 和 Windows 是 Microsoft Corporation 在美國的註冊商標。
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第一版: 2013 年 9 月文件編號: 734763-AB1產品聲明本使用指南說明大部分機型最常用的功能。
並非所有版本的 Windows 8 系統都能提供所有功能。
此電腦可能需要升級及/或另外購買硬體、驅動程式及/或軟體,才能充分發揮Windows 8 功能優勢。
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2002 2001 1985
中国惠普大学 --- 全方位的业务体系和服务能力
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技术与 平台
客户能力提升 需求
培训 咨询 外包服务
质量管理 学院
IT管理 学院
IT技术 学院
服务外包 学院
网络教育 学院
专业课 程体系 和解决 方案
专业课程 体系和解 决方案
• 全球最大的科技公司的技术支持 • 中西合璧,领航中国企业管理实践 • 培训模式创新 – 咨询式培训、案例教学,
11 © Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
坚守诚信 团队制胜 奉献卓越
中国惠普大学 - 全球培训行业领导者
10 全球前
120 遍布
200 全球超过
1450 全球
20000 超过
HP 教育培训部被著名的市场分析公 司IDC评为全球IT培训行业领导者之一
3 © Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
中国惠普大学 -市场认可,是我们不断前进的动力 荣誉及市场认可
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Rev:$42BM Employee: 84,400
Rev:$91.6BM Employee: 150,000
业务规模 领导者和员工
2008 2010 2011
客户 利润
员工 成长
社会责t 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
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惠普质量管理学院 惠普网络教育学院
中国惠普大学 --- 全方位学习与咨询集成解决方案
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• 融合国际先进理念 • 引进国际优质课程 • 国际专家交流 • 国际合作培训项目
• 六大学院覆盖各个领域 • 课程及集成解决方案并重 • 咨询与培训多重整合,集成 • 拥有专业顶尖人才及跨领域专家队伍
• 依托惠普全球70多年最佳实践 • 扎根中国29年与中国企业共同成长 • 丰富实战经验的顾问和讲师 • 一流的实训平台及设施
HP Confidential
6 • 连续 年CCID“IT培
7 • 连续 年CCW“中国
IT管理培训用户满意 度第一”大奖
• 商学院荣获多项行
• 多门课程被评为经典 课程
1985 惠普IT技术学院
2001 惠普商学院
2002 惠普IT管理学院
2010 惠普服务外包学院
IT 模块微咨询
培训管理 外包服务
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根植中国 悠久历史 企业大学领导者
• 1985年惠普培训服 务事业部成立
• 与中国惠普同龄
• 亚太区企业大学联 合会核心理事
• 中国企业大学联合 会发起单位
300 · 每年服务
· 30余个专业课程体系
· +500门课程/年授课
像不能忽略太阳的光芒那样,不可忘怀硅谷自美国惠普的诞生; 像不要忘记春天的盎然一般,不能忽视IT合作从中国惠普开始。 -- 《合金英雄》 4 © Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
服务外 包学院
惠普网络教育学院 惠普质量管理学院 惠普服务外包学院
2011 2011 2010
•企业培训及人才培养的专业外包服务 •大型项目中的培训规划、管理和实施
惠普IT管理学院 惠普商学院
6 © Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. 惠普IT技术学院
专业课 程体系 和解决 方案
专业课程 体系和解 决方案
培训工作 专业外包
全方位学 习系统整 体解决方
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学习平台运维支持服务 培训外包服务
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中国惠普大学 -六大学院,专业专注,精耕细作
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