第四讲 汉英句子翻译1
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1. 以前的功课也许有一大部分是为了这张毕业文凭,不得已而做的,(从今以后,你们可以依自己的心愿去自由研究了。)
You have perhaps finished your college courses mostly for obtaining the diploma, that is, out of sheer necessity. (However, from now on you are free to follow your personal bent in the choice of studies.)
2. 这几天心里颇不宁静。
I have felt quite upset recently.
当然也可以译成:The last few days have found me very restless.
1. 必须符合英语的语言习惯和英美等国的文化习俗;
2. 必须符合英美人的思维方式;
3. 必须是句中应该突出的信息;
4. 必须符合句中的逻辑关系。
1. 我们的城市在过去的十年里经历了翻天覆地的变化。
The past decade saw great changes of our city.
2. 她从来没想到他是个不诚实的人。
It never occurred to her that he was a dishonest man.
汉语原文中的主语是“她”,是行为的主体,这一句子结构反映了中国人的思维方式。在英语译文中,主语被译成“It”, 看似风马牛不相及,其实这是西方人的思维方式:这种念头从来没有闪过她的脑际。这是西方人比较重视客观事实的例证之一。同时,译文这样处理重点突出
3. 我给你打国际长途就跟给楼下的李姐打电话差不多,一拨就通。
An international phone call to you is as easy as a call to Sister Li downstairs.
原文的主语是“我”,而译文的主语则是“an international phone call”。因为“国际长途电话很方便”在原文中是非常重要的信息,译文中应该放在突出的位置,而且“an international phone call”作主语可以使后面的谓语更为洗炼、简洁,也更符合英美人的表达习惯。
4. 宗教不得干预政治。
It is impermissible to interfere with politics in the name of religion.
宗教本身不会发出动作干预政治,是人们/团体以宗教的名义对政治进行干预。因此,若译为:Religion must not interfere with politics .就不符合原句中的逻辑意义了。
5. 汉字在历史上有过不可磨灭的功绩。
* Chinese characters have made indelible contributions in history.
The system of Chinese characters has played an invaluable role in the history.
6. 我们恢复和采取这些贸易方式的原因很简单:因为我们出口商品就是为了我们国外客户消费方面的需要。
*The reason for us to restore and adopt these trade practices is very simple because our export commodities are for the use and consumption of our foreign customers.
The reason why we have restored and adopted these trade practices is very simple .Our export commodities are for the use and consumption of our foreign customers.
汉语“……的原因是因为……”,不能译成the reason is ……because……,不符合英语逻辑。the reason why……是地道的英语。所以,针对中英文逻辑上的不同,翻译时行文要及时变通。
7. 笆,用竹子、柳条等编成的一种东西。
Ba is something made of bamboo or willow branches.
对中国人来说,该汉语句子根本不成问题,因为整体印象是对的;但是译成英语,除了要注意“等” 此处表示“列举后煞尾”,而不是“列举未完” 之外,还必须分析:“竹子”和“柳条”是并列关系,还是选择关系?换句话说,“笆”是用“竹子”和“柳条”一起编的,还是编一物时只选其一?由于只能是后者,英语就要用or;若用and 就不对了。
有些动词,在汉语里只能用于人,而在英语里,既可用于人,也可用于物。如:汉语的“目睹”,我们只能说人“目睹”,不能说物“目睹”;而英语的see ,witness ,或escape,既可以用于指人,也可以用于物。例如:罗马遭遇了历史上的大事件:Rome witnessed great historic events.
1. 我没注意到这个错误。
The mistake escaped me (or my notice).
Tianjin first saw the rise of the movement.
3. 蹲在池塘边苇丛中的青蛙叫得更起劲了。
*The frogs that sat among the reeds by the pond were shouting more enthusiastically than before.
The frogs that crouched among the reeds by the pond were croaking more vigorously than before. “蹲”“叫”、在汉语中既可用于人也可用于动物,但是英语“sat, shouting” 与主语frogs搭配不当;动词crouch (lower the body by bending the knees), croak (frog makes the deep low noise),用于指动物的行为。
4. 上海港不断更新设备,这个港口的生产已经面目一新。
*Now the production at this port has taken on a new look, as the workers of Shanghai port has constantly replaced old equipment with new.
The workers of Shanghai port have constantly replaced old equipment