写好毕业论文。 所 以 研 究 如 何 帮 助学 生 打 好 英 语 语 言 基 础 , 适 应 合 作 办 学 对 英 语 能 力 的 高 要 求 ,是 目前 合 作 办 学 英 语 任 课 教 师 最 值 得 深 入 研究 的课 题 之 一 。 3 . 教师素质。 中外 合 作 办 学 对 英 语 教 学 的 要 求 较 高 .同 样 对 教 师 的要 求必然很高。但在很多高校 , 中方 教 师 的 口语 水 平 较 低 , 远 远 不 能 满 足 中外 合 作 办 学 对 英 语 教 学 的 需 要 :部 分 教 师 既 不 熟 悉雅思 、 托福 等 国 际性 的英 语 考 试 的 内容 。 又 不 了解 雅 思 托 福 等考试的具体流程 , 更 不 用 说 教 学组 织 和 方 法 了。 外 方 教 师 也 不尽如人意 , 许 多 学 校 引进 的外 教在 其 国 内从 没从 事 过 教学 , 英语讲得很溜 , 但 由 于不 懂 语 言 教 学 的规 律 , 浪 费 了 学 生 很 多 时间: 有 的外 教 对 自己教 的专 业 课 几 乎 一 无 所 知 , 专业课成 了 英语听力课 ; 有 的外 教 不 了解 中 国学 生 的学 习特 点 , 一 味 地 采 用 其 国 内的 教 学 方 法 , 不 会 灵 活 变通 。 诸 如 此类 的 问题 不 胜 枚 举 。笔 者 认 为 中外 合 作 办 学 , 应 该 是 中西 合璧 、 博 采 众 长 的教 育模式 , 那种 一 味强 调 国外 的教 学 方 法 、 盲 目推 崇 国外 的教 学 理 念 的做 法 是 错 误 的 、 愚蠢的。 4 . 管理 问题 。 中外 合 作 办 学 的 一 个 重 要 目 的就 是 要 学 习 西 方 先 进 的教 育理念 、 管理经验 , 并 与 中 国 的实 际 国 情 相 结 合 , 走 出 一 条 具 有 中 国特 色 的 育 人 之 路 。 许 多 高 校 在 学 习借 鉴 的过 程 中 , 教 学 方法是学会 了, 并 且 也 积极 地运 用 到 教学 实 际 中 , 但 是 没 有 把 对方 的管 理 方 式 学 会 , 也 没 有 真 正 领 会对 方 的教 学 理 念 。 最后 只能导致学生不满意 , 领导不 满意 , 教师本身 也不满意 , 合 作 办学 徒 有 其 名 , 走 进 了 死胡 同 。 笔 者 留 意 到 , 在 笔 者 所 在 的 院 校, 凡是 出国回来的教师 , 在介绍 经验时 , 总是说 人家西方 国 家 怎样 怎 样 。言 外 之 意 , 西方国家一切都是好的 . 都 是 我 们 应 该学 习 的 。 笔 者未 听过 哪 个 老 师 真 正 对 比 两 国 的实 际情 况 , 谈 谈 对 方 是 在 一 种 什 么 实 际情 况 下 采 取 的这 一 理 念 方 法 。结 合 中 国 实 际 中 国该 采 取 什 么 样 的 方法 . 哪 些 可 以学 习西 方 ?哪些 不 能 学 习西 方 ? 三、 提 高 中外 合 作 办学 项 目 中大 学 英 语教 学质 量 的 途 径 1 . 模 块 化 设 置 大 学英 语课 程 . 增 强 英语 教 学 的针 对 性 。 结合 笔者 所 在 院校 实 际 ,中外 合 作 办 学 项 目的学 生 英 语 水 平 普遍 较 低 , 且 参 差不 齐 。 存 在 的 问题 有 : 语 法基 础 薄 弱 、 口 头 表 达 能 力 和 听力 理 解 能力 差 、 词汇量小 、 阅读 和写 作 能 力 也 非 常 差 。因此 , 中外 合 作 办 学 项 目中 的 大学 英 语 课 程 设 置 和传 统 意 义 上 的 大 学 英 语课 程设 置 要 有所 区 别 。 黄 芳 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 提出 了大 学英 语 课 程 设 置模 块 化 、 教学管理一体化 、 学 生 选课 体 系 化 的 系 列模 式 。该 模 式 应用 到 了 上海 理 工 大 学 的 大 学 英 语 教 学改革当中 , 取 得 了 较 好 的 效果 。 笔 者认 为模 块 化设 置 大 学 英 语 课 程 ,更 有 利 于 提 高 中外 合 作 办 学 大 学 英语 教 学 质 量 。 即教 学 上 采 取 模 块 化 教 学 , 有 针 对 性 地设 置 听 力 、 口语 、 语法 、 阅读 、 写 作 等 课 程 。如 第 一 学 期 主要 围绕 学 生 的 语 言 基 础 知 识 ( 语音语 调 、 语法、 词汇 、 听力 、 V l 语 等) , 帮助学生打好语 言基础 , 并 培 养 学 生 学 习 英 语 的兴 趣. 同时加强 听说教 学 : 第 二 和 第 三 学 期 主 要 围 绕 语 言 实 际 应 用能力 的培养 ( 听力 、 I Z l 语、 阅读 、 翻译 、 写作、 跨 文 化 交 际 等) 。在 强 化 听 说 训 练 的 同 时 , 进行 阅读与写 作教学 , 帮 助 学 生掌握 阅读和写 作技巧 , 提 高跨 文化交 际能 力 ; 第 四 学 期 主 要 结合雅 思 、 托福进 行�
大学英语(2-1)知到章节测试答案智慧树2023年最新山东科技大学绪论单元测试1.College English online course is ______-oriented.参考答案:out第一章测试1.Find a different pronunciation in the underline part.参考答案:usually2.In early 17th Century England, religious _____ made it difficult for manypeople to practice their religions.参考答案:persecution3.While during reading, to make proper predictions,you can follow four steps.And they are ________Identify key ideas, main characters and major events that have already occurred.;Decide what you think will happen, based on what hasalready occurred in the book or article.;Look back and check to make sure your prediction is proper.; Think about what you have readalready.4.We were most impressed by the fact that even those patients who were nottold of their serious illness were quite aware of its potential outcome. 句中“that”引导的是什么从句?参考答案:同位语从句5.Is prewriting an outline?参考答案:错6.“一带一路”倡议 can be rendered as “One Belt One Road”.参考答案:错pared with predicting on questions, it is more likely to get the correctanswers when we predict on answers.错8.Where did the practice of taking a gap year evolve?参考答案:In the United Kingdom9.According to the 2019 QS World University Rankings, three Scottishuniversities are among the top 100 worldwide except________参考答案:University of St. Andrews10.What is the benefit of good environment mentioned in the conversation:参考答案:Refresh our mind.;Enhance the sense of happiness.;Soothe our stress.第二章测试1.He had been getting better, but during the night his condition deteriorated.What might the underlined word mean?参考答案:getting worse2.In the1880s the United States was a land sharply divided between theimmensely wealthy and the very poor. 句中“immensely”可以理解为“极其地,非常地”参考答案:对3.When we write about our first day of college experience, which tense do weuse the most?___参考答案:Past tense4.“中国宝贵的文化遗产” can be rendered as “Chinese valuable culturalheritage”.参考答案:错5.In the sentence “So you’d wait until everyone is served before you eat”,whichwords should be stressed?参考答案:wait ;everyone6.According to the video clip,what factors have contributed to the specificcultures in different nations?参考答案:Customs;Environments ;Areas7.What was not included in traditional afternoon tea?参考答案:fish and chips8.How is the the pan-fried bun stuffed with Chinese chives and eggs?参考答案:It’s crispy outside and tender inside.第三章测试1.Which sentence is the topic sentence of the following paragraph?1)Goals are the best illustration of the chance nature of this game. 2)Ninetypercent of goal shots (known as “chances” or, in hopeless cases, “halfchances”, or in France, opportunités ) are either blocked or are so far offcourse that they soar deep into the stands. 3)If the ball happens to be aimed about right and slips through the forest of hairy le gs, it’s sheer luck. 4)Theshooter, or “striker”, then takes full credit for this accident, peels off his shirt and sprints around in circles as four or five fellow players jump on his back to try to stop him and get his shirt back on.参考答案:1)2.Behaviorists suggest that the child who is raised in an environment wherethere are many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual development. 该句共有几个谓语结构?参考答案:5个3.Which of the following essays do we usually arrange chronologically?参考答案:Instructional guides;History lessons, books and biographies; Literary works;Planning a project4.Which of following choices could be used to translate “全面发展” ?参考答案:all-round development;develop in all-round way;overall development 5.Which of the following discourse marker is not for introducing?参考答案:My first story is about...6.Both Socrates and Confucius lived in the periods of political and socialchanges during which traditional values and practices were beingchallenged.参考答案:对7.What are the uses of mind maps?参考答案:Note taking;Group thinking;Brainstorming;Exam revision8.What are the features of classes in university?参考答案:Teachers are more like facilitators and guides. ; They are more digital, and mobile.;Problem solving often seems to be an integral part students need to master. 第四章测试1.Find a different pronunciation in the underline part.( )参考答案:measure2.We were unable to _________ what exactly was wrong with him. ( )参考答案:define3.Which of the following subtitles is most likely to contain the information of how to take down notes in class?( )参考答案:Going to lectures and seminars4.Aluminum remained unknown until the nineteenth century, because nowhere in nature is it found free, owing to its always being combined with other elements, most commonly with oxygen, for which it has a strong affinity.该句子由一个主句, 两个原因状语和一个定语从句组成。
S ci ence an T ech d nol ogy nn I ovaton i H e a大 学 英语 写作 教 学 的因 素及 解 决 途径
王汉平 王宏 ( 山东科技大 学济南校 区 1 山东 济南 2 0 3 ; 2日照 市新 营中学 山东 日照 2 6 0 ) 501 7 8 0 摘 要 : 文通过对 当前造 成学生英语 写作 能 力薄 弱的 因素分析, 出大 学英语 写作教 学 中的问题 , 而提 出改进 写作教 学的有效途径 , 本 指 进 以便 更 好 地 提 高 大 学 生 的 英 语 写 作 水 平 。 关键 词 : 大学英语 写作教 学 有效途径 中图分类号 : 3. G6 4 3 文献 标识 码 : A 文章编号 : 6 4 0 8 2 0 ) lc-O 0 -0 1 7 - 9 X( 0 9 1 () 2 6 1
阅读 小 , 乏 对 英语 国家 政 治 、 化 、 史 缺 文 历
等 多方 面 知 识 的 了解 , 造成 了词 汇 量 小 、 语 法 知 识 不 牢 固 、 识 面 狭 窄 、 维 不 开 阔 知 思 等 。 英 语 语 言 表 达 中 , 写 错 误 多 , 语 在 拼 时 态不当、 谓不一致 、 子结构不正 确, 主 句 表 达方 式 单 调 , 反 反 复 复使 用 一 个 句 型 。 常 思 维模 式 单 一 , 想 表 达 不 清 楚 , 出 来 的有 思 写 不少是中式英语。
达能 力。
2大 学英语 写作教学的有效途径
Jm c ie e 认 为 , i S rv n r 指导 性 的写作 教学 是 课 堂 教 学 中很 重 要 的 手 段 , 有 助 干 培 它 养学 生 更 有效 地进 行 写 作 。 因此 , 重视 学 生 的英 语 写 作 能 力 的 培 养 是 十 分 必 要 的 。 2. 1循 序渐进 的 写作教 学模 式 从 大 学 一 年 级 开 始 , 据 学 生 的 英 语 根 基础 , 师制 定 出 一 套 系统 的写 作 计 划 。 教 在 写作 课 上 , 从 简 单 的 造句 及 翻 译 开 始 , 先 结 合 教 材 进 行 大 量 的 汉 译 英 、 译 汉 或 用 常 英 用 词 、 组 造 句 的 练 习 。 简 单 句 到 复 合 词 从 句 , 他们 能 够 熟 练 掌 握 句子 的 结 构 , 确 使 准 地 表 达 思 想 , 免一 些 语 法 错 误 。 后 , 避 然 从 句子 再 过 渡 到 段 落 的 翻 译 和 写 作 上 , 导 指 学 生 围绕 主题 句进 行 扩 展 , 容 不 限 , 要 内 但 防止 离 题 或跑 题 。 二 年级 的写 作 教 学 中 , 在 按 照 大 学 英 语 三 、 级 的 写 作 要 求 , 行 不 四 进 同题 材 、 同体 裁 的 例 题作 文 练 习。 师要 不 教 认真 批 改 , 随 时 指 出 作文 的优 点 和 缺 点 , 并 帮 助 学生 分 析 改正 作 文 中 的 不 足 之 处 。 2 2 写作 课应 与精 读 课 听说 课相 结合 . 在 精 读 课 上 , 师 应 注 意 对 课 文 的 分 教 析 和 讲 解 , 学 生 对 文 章 的 篇章 结 构 、 述 使 论 方法 有 一 个 全 面 的 认 识 , 求 他 们 把 好 的 要 写 作 方 法 应 用 于 英 语 写作 中 去 。 听 说 课 在 上 , 量 把 一 些 好 的 听 力 内 容 通 过 让 学 生 尽 复述 或 表 演 的 方 式 表 现 出 来 , 助 于 培 养 有 学生 接 受 语 言 和 灵 活运 用语 言 的 能 力 。 2 3 加 强英 语各 种语 言 技能 的训 练 . 《 纲》 确 指 出 : 教 学 过 程 中 , 注 大 明 在 应 重打 好 语 言 基 础 , 要 传 授 必 要 的 语 言 知 既 识 , 要 引 导 学 生 运 用 所 学 的 语 言 知 识 和 也 技 能 进 行 广 泛 的 阅 读 和 其 他 语 言 交 际 活 动 , 以要 正 确 处理 阅 读 与 听 、 、 的 关 所 写 说 系 。 文 写 作 是 一 项 综 合 运 用 各 种 能 力 的 英 活动 , 注 意 全 面 培 养 学 生 这 四 种 语 言 技 要 能。 首先 , 提 高 课 堂 教 学 效率 。 课 堂 教 要 在 学 中 , 师应 根 据 所 学 内容 穿 插 一 些 英 语 教 国家 文 化 背景 , 励 引导 学 生 积 极 参 与 , 鼓 通 过 提 问 、 言 、 论 的 方 式 , 学 生 一 个 锻 发 讨 给 炼听 、 的机 会 , 炼 用英语思维 , 高 口 说 锻 提 头表达 能力。
Unit 1A人们对闲暇时光的态度,很大程度上受现代人对旅行的热爱程度和旅行条件的舒适程度的影响。
Unit 1 B当你坐上飞机去度暑假时,你最担心的可能是房子的后门是否锁上了。
[ 稿 日期 ]0 1 3—0 收 2 1 —0 6
[ 基金项 目] 本文是山东科技 大学群 星科研项 目( 目编号为 q 127 ) 项 x0 19 的阶段性成果之一 。 [ 作者简介 ] 曹晓青( 9 8一) 女 , 17 , 山东博 兴人 , 山东科技大学讲师 , 文学硕士 , 主要从事大学英语教学 与研究 。
集 中在 教 学 大 纲 、 学 模 式 和 评 价 系 统 三 教
个 方 面 , 中 教 学 模 式 改 革 是 此 次 改 革 的 其
相 对 的 ; 识 主 要 不 是 通 过 教 师 传 授 获 得 知
的 , 是 学 习者 在 一 定 的 情 景 及 社 会 文 化 而
核 心 , 就 是 要 建 立 一 个 “基 于 计 算 机 和 课 也
主 义 理 论 的 发 展 做 出 了 重 大 的 贡 献 。 当 今
到 证 书 。 教 学 模 式 也 主 要 是 以 教 师 为 中
的建 构 主 义者 主 张 : 界 是 客 观 存 在 的 , 世 但 对 于世 界 的理 解 和赋 予 意 义 却 是 由 每个 人 自己 决 定 的 ; 识 是 个 体 与 外 部 环 境 交 互 知 作 用 的结 果 , 体 对 事 物 的 理 解 与 其 先 前 个
2 1 年 6月 01 第2 8卷 第 3期
2007年山东科技大学外国语学院英语综合考研真题第一部分:英语语言学知识一、Define the following terms. Be brief but make sure you have fully defined the concept. (Use examples where you can) (每题2分,共30分)1. phoneme2. allophone:3. complementary distribution4. overlapping distribution5. minimal pair6. Semantic change7. Vowel8. Backformation9. Root10. Connotation11. Reference12. Open class13. Syntax14. Pragmatics15. Illocutionary act二、Identifying phones: Write the IPA symbol for the sound described.(每题2分,共10分)1. voiceless alveolar fricative2. voiced velar nasal3. high back rounded tense vowel4. voiceless alvelolar lateral liquid5. voiced interdental fricative三、Identify the maxim violated and the implicature raised in the following interchange.(每题5分,共10分)1. BIFF: Where’s Sue?TAMMY: There’s a blue VW parked in front of Ed’s house.2. You walk into the living room, where your roommate is reading a book. You ask what he is reading, and he replies, “A book.”四、Spanish voiced obstruents (共12分)五、Consider the following speech acts(每题5分,共10分)I. Sign on a door, intended to keep people from walking in unannounced: Knock before entering.II. Priest during christening ceremony: I christen this baby Natasha.III. Boss to employee, intended to get employee to come in for a brief meeting: Why don’t you come into my office for a second?1. What is the syntactic form of speech act (I)? Of speech act (III)? (Choose from:declarative, imperative, wh-interrogative, yes-no interrogative)2. What type of speech act is (I)? What type of speech act is (II)? (Choose from:commissive, declaration, directive, expressive, question, representative)六、Answer the following questions as comprehensively as possible, givingexamples if necessary. (每题4分,共28分)1. Explain the relation between surface structure and deep structure.2. How are semantic meaning and pragmatic meaning related?3. Use the appropriate phrase structure rules to draw a labeled constituent structure tree diagram: The young girl went to the cinema.4. What makes modern linguistics different from traditional grammar?5. Read the following words and try to tell how they are formed.StudyWTOSitcomWindow-shopInternationalization6. Translate the following terms into Chinese or English:Perlocutionary actRegisterIdeational functionPresuppositionPhatic communion语言能力言内行为互补分布互为下义词应用语言学7. Suppose you are studying abroad, do you know how to improve your speech act competence?第二部分:英美文学知识七、Read the poem, and answer the questions that follow. (10 points)(1) Define the term IAMBIC PENTAMETER with examples from the poem. (6 points)(2) Paraphrase the italicized lines. (2 points)(3) What do the last two lines suggest? (2 points)八、Read the following passage, and explain Heathcliff’s BITTERNESS toward andPASSION for Catherine. (10 points)“You teach me now how cruel you’ve been - cruel and false. WHY did you despise me? WHY did you betray your own heart, Cathy? I have not one word of comfort. You deserve this. You have killed yourself. Yes, you may kiss me, and cry; and wring out my kisses and tears: they’ll blight you –they’ll damn you. You loved me - then what RIGHT had you to leave me? What right - answer me - for the poor fancy you felt for Linton? Because misery and degradation, and death, and nothing that God or Satan could inflict would have parted us, YOU, of your own will, did it. I have not broken your heart - YOU have broken it; and in breaking it, you have broken mine. So much the worse for me, that I am strong. Do I want to live? What kind of living will it be when you - oh, God! Would YOU like to live with your soul in the grave?”From Wuthering Heights九、What literary school do Ulysses and The Sound and Fury belong to? Whatfeatures are peculiar to this school? (10 points)十、The Scarlet Letter is a story of guilt. Explain how Dimmesdale and Hester react totheir shared sin differently. (20 points)。
【导语】从⼭东科技⼤学教务处获悉,2020年下半年⼭东科技⼤学英语四六级考试报名的通知已公布,报名时间为9⽉22⽇-9⽉27⽇,具体详情如下: 各系(部)、各班级: 根据⼭东省教育招⽣考试院《关于做好2020年下半年全国⼤学英语四、六级考试笔试报名和试卷申报⼯作的通知》要求,按照我校疫情防控⼯作部署和学校教学⼯作统⼀安排,现将我校考点2020年下半年全国⼤学英语四、六级考试⼝试和笔试报名⼯作安排如下: ⼀、考试科⽬及时间 (⼀)笔试(CET)考试科⽬及时间⽇期考试种类考试代码考试时间12⽉12⽇英语四级考试(CET4)19:00-11:20英语六级考试(CET6)215:00-17:25 (⼆)⼝试考试科⽬及时间 英语四级⼝语考试(CET-SET4)考试时间为11⽉21⽇(F203次),英语六级⼝语考试(CET-SET6)考试时间为11⽉22⽇(S204次),具体场次安排如下:上午下午场次(代码)时间场次(代码)时间场次18:30-9:00场次613:30-14:00场次29:15-9:45场次714:15-14:45场次310:10-10:30场次815:00-15:30场次410:45-11:15场次915:45-16:15场次511:30-12:00场次1016:30-17:00备⽤场(21))12:15-12:45场次1117:15-17:45----备⽤场(22)18:00-18:30----备⽤场(23)18:45-19-15 ⼆、报名及考务⼯作时间安排任务开始时间结束时间上报名9⽉22⽇9时9⽉27⽇18时上缴费9⽉22⽇9时9⽉28⽇18时⼝试准考证打印11⽉16⽇9时11⽉22⽇18时笔试准考证打印12⽉1⽇9时12⽉12⽇17时 三、报名⼯作要求 (⼀)CET报名⼯作要求 1.不允许社会考⽣参加CET考试。
山东科技大学2012年招收硕士学位研究生入学考试基础英语试卷Part Ⅰ Reading comprehension(40 points)Text one: The Westinghouse Science Talent Search, the most prestigious high school science contest in the nation, was launched to identify young scientific talent, and it has been doing so with remarkable precision since 1941. Every year, approximately 1,700 students from around the country polish off projects they have been working on for as long as two years, and send in a report to the contest offficials. Simply entering the contest is an impressive achievement for a high school junior. It means that the student has spent hundreds of hours probing a scientific question or testing a theory about which he has written a scientific paper of near-professional quality. The top 300 students become semifinals, and from this group, 40 are selected to bring their projects to Washington. Ten projects are then selected as the best in the final round of judging. The 40 finalists get at least $1,000 for their effort, and the top student receives a $40,000 scholarship. Most of the winners, from semifinals up, are guaranteed admission to the college of their choice.From the very start, this contest was different ftom traditional science fairs. Its goal was not simply to choose the best project but to locate the best potential scientists. The distinction is an important one. The contest has a number of features that test the mettle of the students as well as the projects. It endeavors to explore the nimbleness and originality of the minds behind the projects, rather than just rewarding the boldness of the experiment. The contest’s unnderlying philosophy is that students discover their scientific talents by working on scinece, not by listening to lectures in a classroom.1. The Westinghouse Science Talent Search is .A a professional science contest for American high school studentsB a conventional American science contestC a respected high school science contest in the U.S.D a science fair exclusively for high school juniors2. According to the passage, the aim of the Westinghouse Science Talent Search has always been to .A discover young scientific talentsB involve young students in scientific researchC promote scientific research in American high schoolsD provide opportunities for high school juniors to present theirscientific papers3.The Westinghouse Science Talent Search differs fromtraditional science contests in that .A it is an annual contest with the active participation of high schoolstudentsB it lays emphasis on the professional quality of the projectsC it is designed to search for the most promising studentsD it intends to find the best potential scientists4. It can be concluded from the passsage that .A only the finalists of the Westinghouse Search are admitted to the college of their choicesB the participants in the Westinghouse Search discover and exploit their talents by developing their own scientific projectsC the Westinghouse Search attaches gr eater importance to the contestants’ courage and determination than the project itselfD no science contest in the world can match the Westnghouse Search in the precision of identifying prospective scientists5. It can be inferred from the passage that the author takes a(n) attitude towards the Westinghouse Science Talent Search.A positiveB negativeC neutralD indifferentText two: There is much discussion today about whether economic growth is desirable. At an earlier period, our desire for material wealth may have been justified. Now, however, this desire for more than we need is causing serious problems. Even though we have good intentions, we may be producing too much, too fast.Those who criticize economic growth argue that we must slow down. They believe that society is approaching certain limits on growth. These include the fixed supply of natural resourcers, the possible negative effects of industry on the natural environment, and the continuing increase in the world’s pop ulation. As society reaches these limits, economic growth canno longer continue, and the quality of life will decrease.People who want more economic growth, on the other hand, argue that even at the present growth rate there are still many poor people in the world. These proponents of economic growth believe that only more growth can create the capital needed to improve the quality of life in the world. Furthermore, they argue that only continued growth can provide the financial resources required to potect our natural surroundings from industrialization.This debate over the desirability of continued economic growth is of vital importance to business and industry. If those who argue against economic growth are correct, the problems they mention cannot be ignored. To find a solution, economists and the business community must pay attention to these problems and continue discussing them with one another.6. According to those who argue against economic growth, we must slow down for the following reasons EXCEPT that .A our natural surroundings are in danger of being destroyed by industryB the fixed supply of natural resources marks a point beyond which economic growth cannot continueC the world population is ever increasingD more efforts should be made to improve the quality of our material life7. Those who want more economic growth believe that continued economic growth .A is essential to the well-being of society as a wholeB can provide the solution to many of our social problems todayC can protect our environment from being polluted by industryD can provide us with more natural resources for industrialization8. We may infer from the context that ”proponents” (paragraph 3) most probably means .A arguments in support of somethingB disagreementsC people who argue for somethingD people who argue against sonething9. The passage is mainly about .A the contradiction between economists and the business communityB the present debate on economic growthC the advantages and disadvantages of economic growthD the importance of the debate on economic growth10. We may infer from the passage that the author .A describes the case as it isB is for the economic growthC is against continued economic growthD is very much worried about the problems caused by continued economic growthText three: Participation in the classroom is not only accepted but also expected of the student in many courses. Some professors base part of the final grade in the student’s oral participation. Although there are formal lectures during which the stuednt has a passive role(i.e., listening and taking notes), many courses are organized around classroom discussions, student questions, and informal lectures. In graduate seminars the professor has a “managerial” role and the students make presentations and lead discussions. The students do the actual teaching in these seminars.In the teaching of science and mathematics, the dominant mode of instruction is generally traditional, with teachers presenting formal lectures and students taking notes. However, new educational trend have emerged in the humanities and social sciences in the past two decades. Students in education, sociology, and psychology classes, for example, are often required to solve problems in groups, design projects, make presentations, and examine case studies. Since some college of university courses are “applied’ rather than theoretical, they stress “doing” and involvement.Professors may establish social relationships with students outside of the classroom, but in the classroom they maintain the instructor’s role. A professor may have coffee one day with students but the next day expect them to meet a deadline for the submission of a paper or to be prepared for a discussion or an exam. The professor may give extra attention outside of classroom to a student in need of help but probably will not treat him or her differently when it comes to evaluating school work. Professors have several roles in relation to students; they may be counselors and friends as well as teachers. Students must realize that when a teacher’s role changes, they must appropriately adapt their behavior and attitudes.Many teachers believe that the responsibility for learning lies with the student. If a long reading assignment is given, instructors expect students to be familiar with the information in the reading even if they do notdiscuss it in class or give an examination. (Courses are not designed merely for students to pass exams.) The ideal student is considered to be one who is motivated to learn for the sake of learning, not the one interested only in getting high grades. Grade-conscious students may be frustrated with teachers who do not believe it is necessaty to grade every assignment. Sometimes homework is returned with brief written comments but without a grade. Even if a grade is not given, the student is responsible for learning the material assigned.11. What is the main theme of this reading?A Academic success in universities in the United States.B Behavior, attitudes, and values found in the American university.C Competition in American socioty.D The relationship between teachers and students.12. “Participation in the classroom is not only accepted but also expected of the student” in many courses exceptA seminar courses.B formal lecture courses.C informal lecture courses.D psychology classes.13. In the past two decades educational methods in the humanities and social sciences haveA not changed at all.B become more theoretical than applied.C changed from theoretical to applied.D changed dramatically.14. “Students must realize that when a teacher’s role changed, they must appropriately adapt their behavior and attitudes.”This meansA teachers and students can be friends outside class, but must retainthe teacher-student relationship in class.B teachers and students can never be friends.C students should establish relationships with teachers so that theycan get better grades.D students should always follow the teacher’s instructions.15. “Courses are not designed merely for students to pass exams.”This meansA teachers want students to fail exams.B teachers care only about exam grades.C teachers believe that passing exams is not the only purpose of acourse.D some courses are designed for students to get low grades.Text four: Siam Cement didn’t have to do a thing when the baht crashed in 1997, making its $ 5 billion foreign-debt burden even heavier. As one of thailand’s biggest, most-pamepered conglomerates and the country’s best-connected company---the royal family holds 36%---it could have played the spoiled brat, sat on its 86-year history and told foreign bankers they would just have to wait if they wanted their money back. Plenty of other Thai companies with less-impressive pedigrees did just that.Instead, Siam Cement decided to face its bankers ---and its future. The company looked beyond the three years that analysts predicted it would take to clear the oversupply in its main businesses: cement, petrochemicals and paper. It saw that Thailand’s boom era had ended, taking the company’s growth prospects with it. If it wanted to be anything more than a big cement maker in a small market, it would have to expand regionally. So Siam Cement is repaying its debt to maintain a blue—chip reputation that will be needed to finance its ambitious plans. And with Asia’s ailing banks unable to offer fresh capital, the company is finally opening its books and its doors to the investors and analysts it had long shenned.Nearly two years since the baht’s cataclysmic fall, Siam Cement is a different company. A comprehensive restructuring plan spells out the few business on which it will focus and the many it wants to exist, while leaving undecided the fate of its holdings in a few industries. It has successfully issued its first bond, most likely the first of several, to help get its finances in order.Foreign and local bankers impressed with the restructuring blueprint say the task facing Siam Cement is daunting but manageable. The sprawling conglomerate lost 52 billion baht ($1.4 billion) in 1997. It still has $1.2 billion in mostly foreign short-term credits and another $ 1 billion in long-term debt coming due this year. Its debt-to-equity ratio is 5.2 to 1. The figures are frightening but the company’s reform plan and new-found transparency have gave convinced analysts it has its finances under control. Indeed, many analysts say they would like to see similar action from other Thai firms.Analysts and bankers say Siam Cement has always been among thebest managed of Thai firms. President Chumpol Nalalmlieng, who holds an MBA from Harvard University, worked his way up the ranks over 27 years. Promotions at the company are based on merit, not nepotism. “It always gave poor boys a break,” says a senior Thai banker. These traits, plus its royal status, made it an automatic part of any fund manager’s emerging-markets portfolio for much of the past decade.16. Other Thai companies without royal connections told foreign bankers to wait if they wanted their money back becauseA.they didn’t have to do a thing.B.they didn’t know what to do.C.they didn’t want to do anything. C.unclear17.Siam Cement is repaying its debt because it wants toA.give its investors the impression that it is as dependent as ever.B.show off.C.appear better than before.D.maintain its connection with the roral family.18.It may be inferred from the third paragraph that Siam Cement company wouldA.expand its area of business.B.narrow its scope of business.C.entirely change its orientation of business.D.become a first-class company in Thailand.19.It is said in the passage that Siam Cement’s employees may be promoted according to all the following factors EXCEPTA.talent.B.achievements.C.successful ways of management.D.age20.What is the author’s attitude toward Siam Cement company?A.detachedB.criticalplimentaryD.derogatoryPart Ⅱ Translation(55 points)1.Chinese into English(30 points): 我几乎天天都要到海滨去散步,踏在那细软的沙子上,有一种说不出来的舒适。
4) 孤高的, 冷淡的
be remote and cold in one's manner 态度冷漠
她的态度彬彬有礼但却十分冷淡。 Her manner was polite but remote.
remote control (无线电)遥控
promote v. 推进, 增进 demote v. 使降级
典型考题 1) Foot ______ his return
a.announced b.declared c.published d.proclaimed
答案a. announce 在此指“预示” ;declare一般指在正式场合 宣布官方的立场或态度等;publish指“发表, 出版”; proclaim指官方在公共或正式场合宣布一些国家重要事情, 也可 用于个人或一般场合。
announcement n.
2. aurally: adv.听觉地,听觉上地
aural: adj.听觉的 oral: adj.口头的 visual: adj.视觉的,看得见的
3. cable: n. 1) 电缆
wideband cable 宽频带电缆 train cable 列车电缆 cable television 有线电缆
-ity 用于词尾,构成名词,表示“性质,状 态,……性。 如: conductibility传导性; productivity生产率;probability可能性; reliability可靠性等等。
6. plantation: 大种植园,大农场
plant v.种植
interplant v.(实行)套种
remote adj. 1) 遥远的, 偏僻的
Part I Translation (20 points, 20 minutes) Directions: Translate the following 10 quotes from different films into Chinese and write in the bracket the English name of the film from which each quote is taken. (2 points for each: 1.5 points for the translation and 0.5 point for the name of the film)
Shandong University of Science and Technology 山东科技大学
《高级英语听说》 考试注意事项、题型及答题要求
考试时间:19周周六(7月5日)晚7:30 — 9:30 Pm; 考试有听力放音,必须带收音机和耳机; 放音时间:8:00 PM; 放音频率:84.5 MHz; 监考教师提前10分钟发试卷,考试务必提前15分钟到达 考场; 试卷为闭卷,除 “英译汉”外均用英语答题; 考试范围:Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3, Unit 4,Unit 5, Unit7, Unit 11 (The Lion King);
Thank You For Watching
Part II Listening and filling (40 points, 40 minutes) Directions: Listening to the following four clips from the four different films and fill in the missing words in the blanks. Each clip is read twice. There is a piece of signal music between the first and the second time. The second reading begins after the signal music. (1 point for each blank) (特别提示:考试听力在8:00 PM 正式开始,开始后有一段“试听”英文歌曲 My Heart will Go On,时间为2分钟。片段前后遍之间有一个“提 示音”,在“提示音”之后开始播放第二遍,请考生留 意。)
2013 年山东科技大学外国语学院 852 英语综合考研真题
1/7圣才电子书 十万源自考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 2/7
圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台
圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台
圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台
圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台
圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台
山东科技大学《学术英语(1)》研究生期末复习题库2021.12Until 1The answer betrays a lack of understanding that disintegration of a radioactive atom involves the creation of a new nucleus.The answer reveals that the respondents fail to understand that a new nucleus will be produced when a radioactive atom is broken.答案暴露了对放射性原子的解体涉及新核的产生的缺乏了解。
In the constructivist approach to learning, the learner’s ideas and conceptions prior to instruction are seen as important prerequisites for learning.According to the view of constructivists, a person's ideas will survive school education and form an important basis for new learning.在建构主义学习方法中,学习者在教学之前的想法和概念被视为学习的重要先决条件。
The way out of this impasse may lie in taking the lay conceptions into account and increasing the integration between factual information and practical / political considerationThe solution is to consider lay ideas and combine factual knowledge with practical or political factors.摆脱这种僵局的出路可能在于考虑世俗的概念并增加事实信息与实际/政治考虑之间的整合解决方案是考虑世俗的想法,将事实知识与实际或政治因素结合起来。
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1.教学 (中澳、中美) 组奖励