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G20是公认的全球经济治理主要平台,有一组数字很说明问题:G20人口占全球2/3,国土面积占全球60%,国内生产总值占全球85%,贸易额占全球80%。可以说,G20成员经济状况的好坏,直接影响世界经济的晴雨。G20成员的合作,直接决定国际经济合作的方向。The G20 is widely recognized as the premier forum for global economic governance. This can be well illustrated by the following figures: the G20 accounts for two thirds of the world population, 60% of total land mass, 85% of global GDP and 80% of international trade. Hence, it is fair to say that the performance of G20 economies has a direct bearing on the well-being of the world

economy and that cooperation among G20 members decides the future of international economic cooperation.


The G20 is different from previous cooperation mechanisms. Here, developed countries and developing countries sit at the same table as equal partners, and discuss and decide on international economic matters on an equal footing. This reflects a major change in the world economic pattern and represents historical progress in keeping with the trend of our times.
