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应该,按理应该 3.shall/should___________________ 将要,将会 4.will/would____________________
必须;一定;偏要; 5.must __________________
观察下列各句,注意谓语动词形式。 1.He can finish the paper in an hour. 2.Would you please pass me the dictionary? 3.She may be very busy now. 4.I will never forget the days we spent together.
B. could可以代替can表示请求, 但语气较can客气、委婉:
★could 提问,答语用can ---Could I borrow your pen? can ---yes, you_______.
may 常用来表示:
A. 在正式文体中表示请求、允许(比can正式):: eg. May I come in ? You may go now.
used to I ___________ cry when I was a child.
shall 用法 1. shall表征求意见,用于一三人称
Shall we go by train, Mom? Shall he attend the meeting? 2.用于二 三人称 的陈述句中,表威胁警告命令允诺等语 气 疑问句中
2.You will happy when you get a gift.
3.You can be taken Bus No.3 to the theatre. take
4.We should to help each other.
5.You can coming come a little earlier.
2. could的主要用法是:
could solve We didn`t know whether the young man ____________
A. could 是can的过去式, 表示与过去 有关的能力和推测: (solve) the problem. 我们不知道这个年轻人是否能解决这个问题。
B. 表示说话人的猜测: “也许” “可能”: 通常只用于肯
The guest may arrive this afternoon. ---Can he attend the meeting? ---Yes, he____. may I am not sure.
C. 表示祝愿,位于句首 eg. May you succeed! 祝你成功!
2.提出 请求或建议 ,在疑问句中用于第二人称。
eg: If you want help, let me know, will you? Will you marry me?嫁给我好吗? ★祈使句问句与答语一般用will will you? Open the door, _______ --- Please come to my party. will --- Yes, I________. 3. 表习惯或必然结果 Fish will die without water.没有水鱼会死。 I will go to see my former classmates on weekends. 周末我会去看望以前的同学。
You shall get a present when I came back.
You shall be punished if you break the rules.
should 用法
1. 应该=ought to
You should study hard.
2. “居然”,“竟然”,表说话人意料之外。
假如你是李华,你的美国朋友Jack四月份即将来中国旅游,写信向你了解你所在 城市的天气、食及交通等方面的情况。请你根据提示用用英文给Jack 写一封 回信。 1.四月天气暖和,四月底有点热,建议他带薄外套、T恤和短裤。 2.饮食:有很多中国传统小吃(介绍一两样),如果不习惯中餐,可以去KFC。 3.交通:从机场到你所在城市开车大概2个小时。建议他做大巴比较便宜,打出租 车很贵。 4.希望Jack 能多呆几天,以便你可以带他游览风景名胜。 注意:1.可根据情况增加细节以使行文流畅 2.字数100左右。 3.参考词汇: T恤和短裤T-shirt and pants 风景名胜places of interest Dear Jack, I am very excited to know that you will come to China for sight-seeing in April.You want to know something about my city,now I am wtiting to tell you in detail. ______________________________________________________________________ 18 ___________________________________________________________________
Modal Verbs 情态动词
情态动词表示说话人的 某种感情或语气,对某 一动作或状态的某种态 度。表示“需要、可以、 必须、应当”等。
可以,能够,可能 1.can/could____________________ 可以;或许,可能;祝愿 2.may/might____________________
6.You must be return the book before the Summer vacation. 7.I will waiting for you at the entrance . wait 8.You should bought a small gift when you visit a friend of buy yours.
May you have a good journey! D. may as well=had better do 最好做某事 You’d better take notes carefully. You may as well take notes carefully.
would & used to (过去常常,习惯于)
would do 现在有可能做,也有可能不做
used to do过去常做(现在已经不做了)
used to There ____________be a big tree.
would I __________go to the library when I was free.
1. 必须。must表主观“必须” have to 表客观“不得不” I must go home this Saturday. I’ve got a cold, so I have to see a doctor.
---Must I stay here?
---Yes, you ________. must
needn`t No, you _________./you don’t have to. ★mustn‘t 表禁止,不准,一定不要。 You mustn`t play with fire. ____________________________. 你不准玩火。 ____________________________. 你不准吸毒。 You mustn`t take drugs.
针对现在---- + V原
针对过Leabharlann Baidu---- should have done
To my surprise, he should be a thief. He should have lied to me yesterday.
注意: should have done 还有:本该做却没有做(含有责备之 意) should have come You ____________________(come)earlier,see what,you are 14 late again.
2. must 一定,肯定 He ____________be crazy.他一定疯了。 must He ____________________(stay)up last night. must have stayed 他昨晚一定熬夜了
back to school again. 1.Thanks to your help,I can go back
eg. I will tell you something important. 我要告诉你一件重要的事情。 情态动词:1.表意愿或意志 will never do I ________________it again. 我不会再做了。
Dear Jack, I am very excited to know that you will come to China for sight-seeing in April.You want to know something about my city,now I am wtiting to tell you in detail. It is warm in my city in April,but it can be a little bit hot at the end of this month.Thus you don`t have to bring thick clothes,just some thin coats ,T-shirts and pants.In your letter,you were worried about the traffic.It is very convenient for you to reach my city.There are buses which will take you here in two hours from the airport every thirty minutes.Besides,the price of ticket is reasonanble.You had better not take taxi ,it is too expensive. I hope you can stay here for several days so that I can show you the places of interest in my city.You may experience a very pleasant trip of good view and delicious food.There are many kinds of Chinese traditional food including Jiaozi and Zongzi.If you are not used to these,we can go to the KFC where you can have food you like. I am looking forward to seeing you soon. 19 Yours,
5.We should help each other.
• 情态动词的特点:
1.情态动词自身都有一定的意义。 2.情态动词后接动词原形。 3.情态动词没有人称和数的变化, 也没有非谓语形式。
1. can和could
1. can的主要用法是: A. 表能力 can dance very well. eg. The girl __________ 这女孩舞跳得很好 B. 表示说话者的推测﹑事物的可能性:(否、疑) eg. _______ the news _______? Can be true 这条新闻会是真的吗? C. 在口语中, can可以表示请求或允许: eg. ____________________? Can I sit here 我可以坐这里吗?