
主持英语角的开场白【篇一:英语角主持稿】planning book of may 17th english corner (mothers day)Ⅰ主持(修改版)支持人:陈妍(dona)石紫娜()主持人a:主持人b:支持稿:-a:good evening,ladies and gentlemen!女士们,先生们,大家晚上好!-b:good evening,respectable leaders and teachers尊敬的领导和老师,大家晚上好!-a、b:warmly welcome to our english corner热烈欢迎大家来到英语角-a:i am-b:i am-a:the subject is mothers day.do you know the history of the mothers day?这次活动的主题是母亲节!嘿,紫娜。
你知道母亲节的来历吗?-b:um..., i dunno. thats what im counting on. spill.um...,我不晓得啊。
-a:let me tell you, combined with the screen.让我来结合屏幕告诉你吧!in 1907, anna m. jarvis (1864-1948), a philadelphia schoolteacher, began a movement to set up a national mothers day in honor of her mother1907年,安娜米贾维斯(1864 - 1948),一位费城教师,开始一场运动来建立一个全国性的母亲节纪念她的母亲。
-b:oh, i see something like this would be a thing ah!哦,我明白了,原来是这样一会事啊!-a:carnations are the most popular on mothers day.a bouquet of carnations, the words mother, you have worked hard to allow the mothers cheeks will be able to re-split broad smiles on their faces!康乃馨是母亲节最受欢迎的花。

英语角主持稿(合集五篇)第一篇:英语角主持稿1.开场致辞Singles Day is coming soon,Zowie,have u been away from single life.泽君,你脱单了吗?No,I haven't thought about it.Singles Day has come to mean something different.It's a day for online shopping.Yeah,Since online shopping makes the purchase more convenient, my mother never bothers to go shopping on a rainy day or feel footsore after a whole day walking.It is certain that online shopping diversifies(多样化)our choices, offers us the best price and saves time in a sense.However, we must admit that most people who shop online are always browsing(随意翻阅)something that is not in their budget(预算)总是看些自己买不起的东西and wasting hours even money without awareness.In order to benefit from online shopping instead of been ruined by it, I suggest that each one of the online shoppers,self-control and make every minute and every penny count.2.逗笑(Make me smile)Come on kelly,lets have some fun.each 2 one group and back to back ,u guys need to turn around after 3 numbers and then use everything u have to make him laugh.两人一组(最好是异性),背靠背,在泽君数3个数之后立刻转身逗对方笑,Loser is the one who smiles first.Winner有奖励,Loser will be punished!Yep!Lets begin~(.........)OK,congratulations!恭喜获胜者,奖励会是什么呢~~~ You will know~ Losers!please put u hands up ,(...)good,i need u to praise ur partner with some Gorgeous words(handsome, fascinating,attractive,cute ,incredible and so on)你们要用华丽的话真诚地赞美你的搭档,英文30s,用中文的话要持续1分钟,and the same time ,winners!these are what u got.3.嘉宾表演NEXT, I have the honor to introduce a great dancer to you....HER NAME is XXX, Come on XXX,show something to us~(...)What a wondeful performance You’re very professional.Thank u.There is another person, a nice raper and also a great Bboxer.Welcome XXX ,hu ~~~~(...)Wow,such an amazing show.Thank u XXX.4.唠嗑Next Wednesday is Eleven.eleven,The Singles,especially for the boys,Are u ready to get rid of ur single life?Maybe you should check what music is playing.Why do i say that,a research give the answer.First the researchers found a guy who was rated average looking ——that means he has a normal face.Then that average guy talked about a couple of food products with 87 different women, aged 18 to 20.But before the conversation, half the women heard a romantiTc French love song,The other half heard a normal song.After talking, the guy asked for each girl‘s phone number.Only 28 percent of the women who heard the normal song gave out their info.But 52 percent of the women who listened to the love song said yes.So maybe, guys, you should wait for a romantic music before making your move.首先,研究人员找来一个被一组妇女认定是长相一般的男人。

==本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改!==英语角主持稿英语角主持稿(一)The opening speech of the Master of Ceremony of an English Evening Party.young ladies and young men,we are very happy to gather here to hold an English evening party.First of all, let me introduce our distinguished guests tonight: ***, our language expert from Canada. ***, our headmaster and ***, the secretary of the CPC committee of our school.And I would also like to take this opportunity to wish *** to enjoy his stay in our school and all present to have a wonderful time tonight.Now let's invite *** to say a few words to us.Mr. ***'s speech...Thank you, Mr ***.Now it's time for us to have performance. For this evening party all the classes have made careful preparations. So I'm sure we'll be able to enjoy many excellent performances tonight.The first item is a group dance given by Class 3 Senior 2. Now let's give them warm applause....Therefore,I'm very glad to be the host of this evening party.I believe we can give you a great perform !“Thank you for the warm hospitality that makes me feel so welcome。



英语角主持稿(英文版)A:Good afternoon,everyone.I`m happy to see you again.B:Yeah,thank you for coming here this time.This is our English Garden.A:Today our topic is English learning experience.We invite many experienced stude nts to share their english experience.B:And we also like to hear the problems you have when you study English.A:Hope you will grasp this wonderful opportunaty to learn something.B:Now,let`s get started.A:So,what`s the first thing we should do?B:Let me think.Oh,that`s it.Have you heard about Xia Peng?A:You are talking about the person who won the CCTV 21th century English Spee ch Contest?B:Yes,indeed.A:I have heard one of his excellent speech,walls and bridges.It is really an inspirin g one.B:So everybody,we will show you this fantastic speech,just watch and listen and try to learn something good from him.A:Very fabulous pronunciation,isn`t it?B:Yes,and the content of his speech is very profound.I like it very much.A:So everyone,after hearing such a wonderful speech,you must have a lot to share with each other.So let`s have a free talk.B:Just talk how you feel about the speech and what can you learn from it.A:I know you still have a lot of words to share,but I have to say,time`s up.B:Next,we invite one of our sister schoolmates,Zhen Yue,to share her speech conte st experience.A:Ok.Let`s welcome.A:Thank you,we appreciate it very much.Very good experience,right?B:Yes,but what is the next thing we should do?A:Next,I think it is very important to those who come from other department.B:So what?A:We invite one of our sister schoolmates,Li Li,to come here to share us the CET4 and CET6 experience.B:She has got a high score at CET6,so let`s give her a big hand.A:Thank you.I think you`ve learned a lot from her address.B:Yes,and we all know that spoken is also very important,not only to us English m ajor,but also those who are study other majors.A:Of course.It is important because China is becoming an international country,and the English is a language used wildly in different parts of the world.B:Yes,but to speak a good English is not a esay job,and most people find it is he ad to talk with foreigners.A: So now we`ll invite -- to talk something about how to speak English well.B:Let`s give him a big hand.A:Thank you very much.I think now you must know how to speak a good English better.B:But I still have a problem.A:What?B:Vocabulary.Everytime I speak English,I feel that my vocabularies are limited,and it makes me feel hard to express myself freely.A:I also have such kind of problem.B:So,why don`t we ask a student who know how to remember new words well to share the methods with us?A:Who?B:A:Ok,let`s welcome.A:Thanks for your methods.B:Now,after hearing a speech about how to remember words,let`s play a game called English words cross puzzle,Dan Ci Jie Long.A:We will start from the left side in row 1,and the one beside he or she speak an other word that must contains the last letter of the fomer one.B:So,everybody,listen carefully,the first word is HOUSE.A:Now,time`s up.B:As you can see,we have talked a lot of problems that you may have when you study English.A:Now,we`ll provide a free talk for you to talk about your own problems.B:So just feel free to talk the people around you.A:Hey,i have a question for you,can you speak tongue twister well?B:You can give me one to let me try.A:Ok,let me think.how about this?A tidy tiger tied a tie tighter to tidy her tiny tail. B:A tidy tiger tied a tie tighter to tidy her tiny tail.A:wow,you did a good job.so,everybody,now,we will invite six friends to come here to show how well they can speak tongue twister.B:So,who like to come here?please reise your hand.A:Really amazing,right?B:Yes.Here comes to our final part,Crazy English.A:Let`s welcome Chen Peiyuan,the head of morning reading corner,to lead us shou t English.B:Let`s welcome.A:Hey,boys and girls,ladies and gentlemen,are you ready?B:Thank you all for coming here tonight for the first activity of Eng lish Garden.C:Our topic today is “Food Culture in different countries”,and we w ill provide you many delicious food.D:And there also are some performances and games for you to enjoy. A:So what you have to do is enjoy yourselves and learn something fromthis activity.B:First of all,let`s give you a brief introduction of all the profess ors and teachers.They areA:We want to express our heartfelt appreciation for the attendence of them.And now,let`s welcometo address for us.Let`s give him/her a big hand.A:Thank you for that,we appeciate it very much.B:So,hey,what is the first thing we should do?A:Yeah,we will invite our foreign teacherto show us how to do salad. B:OK,let`s welcome两个主持与外教聊天A:Let`s give a big hand toagain.OK,I believe you have known how to do salad now,right?B:Yeah.Next,let`s play a game for fun.A:So what`s the game?B:It`s Guessing Food.Now,let me tell you how to play this game:We wil l ask 12 people to play the game,and 3 people will in one group. We p repare four special food and ask a foreign teacher to chose one of th em and write it down on the board.Each group can ask the foreign teac her some questions one by one,and the foreign teacher can only answer Yes or No.The group which first find out what the food is will be th e big winner,and will get that special food as a gift.A:Sounds like a very exciting game.So,who like to play the game?Raise your hands.A:Hey,the winner seems very clever,right?B:Yes,I agree.And I think you`ve already had a very good time.Now,let us enjoy a song.A:你最喜欢的食物是什么?(建议用日语说)B:What did you say?A:I mean,what is your favourite food?B:Oh,I see.My favourite food is sushi.A:Do you want to know how to make it?B:Yes.A:Now,let`s welcome our Japanese teacher to show us how to make it. B:WelcomeA:Everybody,as you can see,we prepare some decicious food for you all to enjoy.B:Now,it`s meal time.So,just help yourselves and have fun.Are you rea dy?A:Wow,the food is so delicious,isn`t it?B:Yes,I couldn`t agree more.Oh,I want something more.A:Hey,you are so batten.Next time,I will bring you more,but now,why d on`t we play a game to let our stomaches relax.B:All right,all right,what`s the game this time?A:It`s.Now,let me tell you how to play this game:We will invite 6 stu dents to play the game.Each student can choose one teacher as their p artner.Two people in one group.The first group start with a word we p rovide to make a sentence,then each group makes a sentence containing the last word of the last sentence,and above all,all the sentences m ust form a smooth story.So,everybody,who would like to play this game, raise your hand.A:Hey,the story seems have no ending,but now,it is our show time.B:Let`s enjoy a song.A:Very excellent voice,right?After being involved in so many exciting programs,I think you must have a lot to share with each other.B:So,let`s have a free talk,just talk something with your group membe rs in English.A:My fellow students,I know you still have a lot to say,but I have to say,time`s up.B:Hey,have you ever been to abroad?A:No,but I`m dying to go to a foreign country,and to gain some experi ence.B:But we all know that the chance is very little,and most people find it is very hard to adjust themselves to a foreign country.A:So going abroad is really a serious issue.B:Right.Tonight,we invite two Chinese teachers,Mary and Carrie,to tal k about the experience they`ve had when they were living abroad.A:First of all,let`s welcome Mary.A:Thank you,we really appreciate that.Now,let`s welcome Carrie.A: Thank you Marry and thank you Carrie。

请大家和旁边的同学打招呼,可以用一些常见的问候语,比如:“Hello! H ow are you?”或者“Nice to meet you!”等等。

英语角主持稿:俊:Ladies and gentle men welcome to "Your time" , our English corner!Here we provide an excellent stage for you to show yourself, to strengthen your oral English and social acceptability, despite of whether you are good at English, don’t be afraid to losing face, because I think you will the best, you will be a strong man or strong women, sooner or later!豪:Welcome to join our English Corner, from now, I hope we can become intimate friends. I believe a friendly and close relationship will last long between us!仪:We will care and support each other, we will willing to share our happiness and soreness to each other .俊:I believe you are a very active group, by the way-it is very clear to me that you all reflecting everything we are looking for: equality, freedom, open and communion.瑜:For all of you, including me are full of expectation of our English corner now Let we begin our English corner!俊:Let us applause to welcome our foreign teacher to take part in our English Corner!Katie :( Now to make an self introduction)仪:Now here comes the first part: Word chain(单词接龙)君:Do you know how to play the word chain? Katie, can you say a word at random, and then the next student will say a word which the first letter of it is the last letter of the word you say.俊:Oh yeah, don’t you think the loser should accept some punishment? If the participant could not say out a word he should read these “Tongue twister”as punishment.豪:Have you watch the film called:《The Pursuit of Happyness(当幸福来敲门)》,it was based on true story of an African American investment expert Chris Gardner. It have interpret (阐释)the success of an abjection salesman (落魄业务员)who was brink of bankruptcy(濒临破产), and his wife left home salesman. It show him how to industriously fulfill the responsibility of the single parents(如何刻苦耐劳的善尽单亲责任), upwards into the stock market traders,( 奋发向上成为股市交易员),eventually became a well-known stories of financial investments(金融投资家). What’s more the film have won the 2006 best actor Oscar nomination(2006年奥斯卡最佳男主角提名)俊:And now we will invite two students to reappear the film, feeling the implied meaning inside it,are you ready?仪:Hey,Jason do feel happy?俊:Yes, I do, so do all of you?瑜:Jason,if one day your ship are selling on the sea, you meet with a rainstorms, and what’s worse, your ship are seriously damage and sinking, your lifeboat are only able to carry 5 people, but there are then people in your ship, they are :Family, money, health, power, love, fame, knowledge, justice, honest, belief.豪:Wa,maybe you should make an difficult choice.俊:Yes, but want to know your answer first!仪:How time files!俊:It is time to say goodbye now, do you feeling happy?Have you practice you Spoken English?If not, come and next time, and try to practice ,I believe “Practice make prefect!”俊:Thank you! Thank for your coming! Don’t forget to go with your friend next time! 合:See you!。

A :Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our English corner . It's my great honour to be one of the hosts tonight. My name is Mo junbo .You can just call me Ivan for convenience, and who standing beside me now is my partner Annabel.B:Thank you,Ivan . Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I'm honoured to be the host the in English corner tonight too. this is the first time for me to be a host since I came to nanguo.A:Yes, it's really a good chance for us,isn't it ?B:Yes. And both of us hope all of you have a nice time here. Well, our topic is something about ''New Year'' . we are going to have fun tonight , isn't it???!!A: Yeah,it's obvious that we are going to have fun . So what you have to do is enjoy yourselves and learn something from this activity.B:First of all,let`s give you a brief introduction of all the professors and teachers.They areA:We want to express our heartfelt appreciation for the attendence of them.B:First of all,due to the New Year's theme,do you want to get familiar to our Chinese New Year?A:Certainly,Ok ,let's welcome Jecissca to give us presentation.8班PPT展示+提问环节A:Excellent,excellent!Jecissca,thank you so much!B: That's great!Although Chinese New Year and Spring Festival are dramatic,the foreign culture is different from Chinese ,and its New Year tradition isn't exception.So ,let's welcome----------to present the foreign New Year.7班ppt展示+提问环节A:Wa!Give them a big hand!Let's welcome another group to perform B:Welcome!7班第二次pptB:And now It’s the Fun time!,let`s welcome to address for us..A: Let`s give him/her a big hand !!猜单词B: Wow , what a wonderful performance ! You guys know a lot of thing about New Year’s day! Give yourself a hand!!A:Yes ,and we should also try to learn something beneficial from the performance.B :Right , but what is the next thing we should do?A: The next round that coming to us is a test for the intelligence.B:Really? what`s the game this time?A: We are going to next part. ----guess vocabulary! first,let's welcome Lura to give you a brief introduction of the game. ..猜歌词B:Wow, :Really amazing,right?A:Yes,as you can see, They are too smart to be defeated ,we really appreciate that.B:T hat’s right. we have been guessing so much vocabulary, what about guess some songs?A:O h, it’s really a good idea.B:We are going to give you guys some music ,and try to speak out the name of the song, ok?A:Ok. Hey,boys and girls,ladies and gentlemen,are you ready ??!B: Let`s get it started. Music please!!(So,who like to come here?please raise your hand.)(what about XXX?)(we have prepare something special for the volunteer~)(Let`s give him/her a big hand.)(it’s a good opportunity for you to show yourself)Role Play 环节A:I can’t believed you guys know a lots of songs.!B: I can’t agree with y ou more, it’s beyond all praise.A: That’s right. And we are together here today to enjoy the time and improve ourselves in English. So what’s next?B: It would make you laugh your head off. It’s a drama called .---------.A: Wow,!let’s enjoy it.派红包B: After being involved in so many exciting programmes,I think you must have a lot of feelings to share with each other.A:Yes,it must be .And I want to share with you too.B:Ok~So, Can you write them down on the paper?A:Of course ,OH,I have another idea!B:What it is?A:我们来玩一个交换祝福游戏。

A:Good evening,ladies and gentlemen.Welcome to our English Corner organized by English Club.It’s my great honour to be one of the hosts tonight. My name’s xx.And standing here beside me is my partner,xx.B:Thank you,xx.Good evening,students and t eathers.I’m honoured to co-host English Corner tonight.I hope you all have a good time here.OK,now, let's warmly welcome our honoured guest. The man who from ……(shcool name).welcome!A:To start with,we would like to briefly introduce the whole process of today’s activities.The first part of the activity is (节目名称)A:Wow!!What a wonderful clapper talk!Thank you for the wonderful performance. B:Thank you!xx(主持人A),Do you know the game which name is ……?A:Oh!Yes,it's very interesting.B:Oh.really?Actually,I am not really know it ,can you let me know something about it?A:My honor.(游戏规则部分最好用中文讲)B:It sound great.Then let's begin the game.游戏环节……A:Time's up.Do you want a holiday?You can go where you want to go ,do what you want to do.B:Hey,here!The next part is freetalk.Why don't we talk something about our holiday?Now ,boys and girls,enjoy yourself!Free talk……A:Boys and girls ,it's the show time now,let's welcome xx(表演嘉宾)show time……A:Oh,ladies and gentlemen,I’m certain that we have g ot a nice time here.But as you you know,Time is fleeting and I’m afraid our English Corner has come to end.we hope all of you have learn something or make new friends here.B:Yes,it’s our honoured to share the night with all of dies and gentlemen.tha nkyou for coming.Thank you for joining us.Good night and good luck!see you next time.A:The staff and guest performers please come to the stage to take photo .Take photo……。

首先,让我们一起来唱一首欢快的英语歌曲吧!“Twinkle, twinkle, little star” 小朋友们,跟着老师一起唱,挥动你们的小手,像快乐的小鸟一样!唱完歌,咱们来玩一个有趣的游戏,叫做“水果大作战”。
最后,让我们一起大声说:“I love English!” 希望小朋友们在今后的每一天,都能开开心心地学习英语,让英语成为你们的好朋友!好啦,今天的英语角活动就到这里啦,小朋友们,下次再见咯!。
英语角主持串词 (2)

1,A:Ladies and gentlemen ,attention please!2.A+B:Wellcome to our English coner tonight!3,B;Good evening,boys and girls,ladys and gentlement. welcome to our English Corner organized by ENGLISH HOBBYIST CULB. It's my great honour to be one of the hosts tonight. .My name's XX.You can just call me XXX for short.And standing here beside me is my partner,XXX.4,A: :Thank you ,Baby. Good evening,ladies and gentlemen.I'm honoured to co-host English Corner tonight .This is the first time I've ever been a host since I came to Campus. I hope all of you will have a nice time here. Now,Let’s warmly welcome our honored guests, ** and **. Welcome !大家掌声欢迎!5,B:Thank you ,Mr xxx. TO start with,we would like to briefly introduce the whole process of today’s activities. The first part is communicating with your partners,there are three topics,the first topic is HOMETOWN,the next one is about The difference between senior high school and university.and the last one is What Extracurricular Activities Have You Participated In?6,A:meanwhile, the other part is playing games including (just do it察言绘形,,brain twists)and make a guess).What's more,the third part is singing a song. OK,everybody. Let’s get into the first topic-our hometown,as we all know ,students in our university come from all over the country.But the hometown is always in our mind.Let others know more about your hometown,the culture,the Specialities ,and the customs?7,B:It's the show time!and we hope all of you can enjoy youself!8,A:COME ON ,DON’T BE SH Y!(中间部分)9.B:Now,boys and girls ,let’s play a game,we can named it(just do it察言绘形. Let’s welcome my partner ** to make an exemple.welcome!掌声欢迎)~~~~10,A:well ,thank you **,now,Let’s have a try!Who want to have a try!come here!please!11,A What a lovely game it i s:OK.Boys and girls,let's get into another topic about the differences between the life of the senior school and university.University is a paradise?And senior high school is a hell?As a freshman,what do you think of the difference between senior high school and university?now!Share with us!12..B: Have you attention ,please!the next game is right here waiting for us.有请***帮我们介绍一下第一个游戏的具体玩法next game is brain twist.13.A: Well,the last topic is What Extracurricular Activities Have You Participated In?Gradually,we realize that we have more chances to develop our interests since we came to theuniversity!Now, let’s shar e what kind of activities you have joined in ,or what organizationyou are working for?14,B: After the topic I believe that we know more about each other. Then let’s have a break and play a game, ,我猜我猜我猜猜we call it(make a guess)Be active!15,A:Fatanstic,ladies and gentlemen,the English Corner tonight will come to the end after an English song.I'm certain that we have got a nice time here.We hope all of you have learn something or make new friends here.now,let’s sing a song,yesterday once more!music please!16.B:what an exciting song! .Ladies and gentlemen,It's our great honoured to share the night with all of you.Thank you for coming.Thank you for joining us.let’s look forward to the next week’s English coner. Good night and good luck!See you next week!17.A:See you!。

精心整理盛兴英语角英文主持稿R :Ladiesandgentlemen.R&X:WelcometoourEnglishCorner!LMN:尊敬的校领导,各位外宾,亲爱的老师们,同学们,大家晚上好!X:Inordertoinspirethestudents ’interestinlearningEnglishandtoimproveourspokenEnglish,ourSchoolMinistr yofEducationandtheTeachingandResearchGroupofSeniorEnglishhavelaunchedtheEnglishCorner.They haveprovideduswithmoreopportunitiestopracticeourOralEnglishaswellasourrealcommunicativeskillsin apureEnglishlanguageenvironment.Ibelieveallthestudentswillappreciateyourconsideration.Thankyoual l.LMN:R:It ’X:LMN:R:X:特.Let R:’sw Game1【YouZhangming:“I ’manewstudenthere.Myparentsareworkinginourhometownveryfaraway.SofarIhaveonlyonefriendhere.Sheismydesk-mate.W heneverIcomeacrossaprobleminstudy,Iwillturntoherforhelp.Sheisverykindandpatient.Excepther,Idarenotaskanybodyelsequestions.I ’mnotgood atsomecoursesandI ’mafraidthatotherpeoplewilllaughatmeorteaseme.IhopethatIwillhavemanygoodfriendshereoneday,butwhoshouldItrustand makefriendswith?”Somestudentscomeontothestageandgatheraroundthelittlegirl.Theytalkwithher,sendhergifts,helphercarrytheschoolbag,makefacestoamuseher,et c.Finally,shesmilesandbegantolaughhappilywiththewords “I ’mveryhappywithsomanygoodfriends.”Theforeignteacher,(),comesontothestagetotelleverybodythetruthofrealfriendship –Friendshipisaboutsharing.Arealfriendissomeonewhomakesy ouhappy.X:Thanks,().Thankyoufortellingusthetruthoffriendship.Atthesametime,Ihaveaquestionforallofyou.Canyou preciselydescribewhatyourfriendlookslikeinEnglish?Now()isgoingtoplayagamewithustoseewhetherwe knowourfriendswell.Thegameiscalled‘FindYourFriend’.Welcome!Game2:Theforeignteacher(R)walksontothestagewith3or4picturesofdifferentfacestogetherwith3or4volunteers.He/sheasksthemtoholdthepicturesinfront ofthemselvestocovertheirfaces.Thenhe/sheallowsanother3or4studentstodescribewhattheirfriendslooklike.Aftereachdescription,theforeignteac heraskstheaudiencewhichonehis/herfriendis.Ifhe/shemakesit,he/shewillbeallowedtocomeontothestagetomakefriendswiththeoneholdingthepict ure.Whenthatfinishes,thehostorhostesscomestothestage.R:Haveyoufoundyourfriend?(Yes!!!/Notyet!!!)IfIamyourfriend,pleasetakemetoyourheart.Now,mydearfrie ingupnextisasongcalled“TakeMetoYourHeart”performedbyHeShuoandZhuJunxian.Let’senjo ythehappymomenttogether!LMN:如果我是你的朋友,那就请你把我留在你心中。

1, L: Ladies and gentlemen, attention please!2. L+C: Welcome to our English corner tonight!3, C: Good evening, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our English Corner organized by ENGLISH FANS OSSACIATION. It's my great honor to be one of the hosts tonight. .My name's 陈爽. You can just call me Kris. And standing here beside me is my partner, 李文婷.4, L: Thank you, Baby. Good evening, ladies and gentle-men. I'm honored to co-host English Corner tonight. I hope all of you will have a nice time here. Now,Let’s warmly welcome our honored guests. Welcome! 大家掌声欢迎!5, C: TO start with, we would like to briefly intro duce the whole process of today’s activities. The first part of the activity is our performance, Now it's time for us to enjoy the performance for this English corner, our English fans association have made some elaborate[i'læbərət, i'læbəreit] preparation .So we are sure we will be able to enjoy excellent performances tonight.L: Good! The applause being used first enthusiastically by us is welcomed coming on the stage XXX!The program that they bring about is: XXX.Now Let us give them warm applause.中:让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎xx同学带来的节目xxx6, L: Next, the other part is playing games. First is the English riddle.1.What day of the week is the best for having fried foods2. What kind of dog has no tail3. What keys wont open doors4. When can you run as fast as a horse5. I begin with T and end with T, and I am full of T. What am I6. Why is "heat" faster than "cold"7. Why is "SMILES" the longest English word8. In CHOCOLATE, there are three things to drink. What are they9. I get dirty when your face and hands become clean. What am I10. When is a blue book not a blue book11. Why do birds fly south for winter12. What kind of cake do small boys dislike13. Twelve girls were standing under a large umbrella. Why didnt anyof them get wet14. What is there between sea and sky15. What goes up but never comes down答案:1. Friday2. hot dog3. monkey, donkey, turkey4. When I am riding on horseback.5. teapot6. Because you can catch a cold.7. Because there is one mile between S and S.8. COCOA, TEA, and COLA9. towel10. When it is read.11. It is too far to walk.12. A cake of soap13. It wasn’t raining.14. and15. your age:Next, boys and girls ,l et’s play a nother game, we can named it(just do it我猜我猜我猜猜(make a guess)Be active!Let’s welcome my partner李文婷to make an example. welcome!掌声欢迎)~~~~工作人员用动作比划,观众分组参与,根据动作猜单词。

1,开场白2,活动:(1)猜东西;(2)填歌词3,自由交谈(谈谈关于College Life)4,结束语P: Ladies and gentlemen , attention please! It's the show time!X: Please be quiet and switch off your cell phones.P: Okay, guys, let’s get down to businessX; Good evening, ladies and gentlemen . welcome to our English Corner . It's my great honor to be one of the hosts tonight. .My name's Xu Qi. And standing here beside me is my partner, Peng Xiwen.P: I hope all of you will have a nice time here. Now,let’s warmly welcome our honored guests, ______________ , ______________________ and our foreign teacher ______________________ Welcome !X:To start with, we would like to briefly introduce the whole process of today’s activities. The first part is making a guess. And other part is listening to the music and filling the lyrics. What’s more , the third part is free-talk which the topic is College Life.P: OK, now let’s get into our first part----making a guess. In this part , we will randomly choose ten students .(游戏细节有待商讨)Now Here we go!~P: Okay, guys , let’s turn to next part . In this part, you will listen to the music we played and filling the lost lyrics(游戏细节有待商讨)X: What a lovely game it is. Okay, boys and girls, let’s go to the last part-----free-talk. In this part we are gonna talk something about our college lives. Tell everybody how do you feel about your college life and what’s your plans or goals in next 2 years.P: But first of all , let’s invite our foreign teacher to tell us how his(her) college life was. Miss(Mr.)_________ Welcome!~X: Thank you Miss(Mr.)_________. Now, it’s your turn. Let’s have a try! Who wanna have a try! Come here! Please!P: After the talks I believe that we know more about each other, right? Okay, ladies and gentlemen, the English Corner will come to the end with an English song (music). I'm certain that we have got a nice time here. We hope all of you have learn something or make new friends here.X: Ladies and gentlemen,It's our great honored to share the happiness with all of you. Thank you for coming. Thank you for joining us . Good night and good luck! See you next time!P: See you!。

英语角主持稿范文男:Ladies and gentlemen ,attention please!It's the show time! 表演后女:Wow !What a wonderful Clapper talk!Thank you for thewonderful performance!Now (Well,Good evening),ladies and gentlemen,wele to our English Corner organized by XXXX(合) 。
It's my great honour to be one of the hosts tonight.My name's XX.You can just call me XXX for short.And standing here beside me is my partner,XXX.男:Thank you ,XXX。
Good evening,ladies and gentlemen.I'm honoured to co-host English Cornertonight .This is the first I've ever been a host since we came to Guangzhou Campus.女:Both of us hope all of you have a nice timehere.Well,As theposter shows,our topic is something about a movie named "A Story of Lala's Promotion",it's Chinese name is "杜拉拉升职记"。
This movie was very hot some days ago.I'm surethat almost everyone has watched it.男:So,first of all,please allow me to introduce the story.In this story...........(读稿)。

英语角活动主持词1,A:Ladies and gentlemen ,attention please!2.A+B:Wellcome to our English coner this afternoon!3,B:Good afternoon,boys and girls. welcome to our English Corner . It's my great honour to be one of the hosts this afternoon. .My name's XX.And standing here beside me is my partner,XXX.4,A: :Thank you ,XX. Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen.I'm honoured to host English Corner this afternoon .This is the first time I've ever been a host since I came to this university. I hope all of you will have a nice time here. 5,B:To start with,we would like to briefly introduce the whole process of today’s activities. The first part is learning English from listening to music,we will learn some useful words in English.the next one is our porformance.and the last one is our games part.6,A:Meanwhile, we will play some games including ( make a guess , En glish words and Stick person)Anyone who win the game will have a gift. Now,we will begin our activity.B:OK,everybody. Let’s get into the first part of our activity. I think most of us like listening to music.We can not only relax ourselves but also learn some useful things.A:Next we will listen to an English song called Love the way you lie and after listening we will learn some words7,A:Next we will have some performance brought by all of you.Let’s welcome the first group.Now It's our show time!we hope all of you can enjoy youself!①The fisrt performance is a song brought by 403:Auld long syne Let’s welcome②The song is really wonderful!Next we will appreciate an English poem called when we are yong8,B:The poem is really impressive.Now,boys and girls ,we will come to an exciting moment.A:well ,you are right.we will find a lucky man, who will be the lucky man now,Let’s my partner take a paper from the boxB:After it,we will hear a song D renched~曲婉婷welcome!9let’s play a game.Let’s welcome my partner ** to make an exemple.welcome B: the next game is right here waiting for us.有请***帮我们介绍一下第一个游戏的具体玩法next game is …10.After the game we will continue our performance341:英语诗朗诵男生:英文歌Me and you11A: Then let’s have a break and play a game, we call it(make a guess)Be active!12.The final performance is a song The day you went away .Welcome!15,A:ladies and gentlemen,the English Corner will come to the end .I'm certain that we have got a nice time here.We hope all of you have learn something here.B:It's our great honour to share this afternoon with all of you.Thank you for coming.Thank you for joining us.See you !A:See you!。


第14周星期五六年级魅力英语主持稿P:dies and gentlemen.S:Hello.boys and girls.合:Welcome to the charm of English.S:同学们,老师们,下午好,欢迎收听“魅力英语”栏目。
P:I’m …..我是播音员。
S:I’m 。
S:今天,是由我们六年级来主持魅力英语栏目,我们给大家准备了几个特别的节目!P:First,Welcome 陈彤and 苏心怡. They’re from Class 4, Grade 6.S:首先,欢迎热烈陈彤and 苏心怡同学。
P:They will show us an interesting storyS:他们将给我们带来一个有趣的英文故事!P:L et’s warmly welcome !S:掌声有请!(表演完后)P:Wonderful !Thank you very much !S:太精彩了!谢谢。
P:Time flies,Six years of primary school is always so fast。
S:时光飞逝,小学六年的时光过得那么快P:It’s the school that let us both be in a happy and meaningful life.S:是27小,让我们过得既快活又有意义。
P:还记得Stubid Clubid 这首歌吧. ?S:记忆犹新!P:它曾带给了我们荣誉,给了我们无穷的力量!现在,就让我们重温它的弦律吧!P:Now,Please warmly welcome………………………………They’re from Class1,Grade 6.S: 下面有请六(!)班的。
请会唱的同学们一起高歌!(唱完歌)P:Thank you so much . At the same time, we should thanks our dear teachers , every day they work hard for us.S:非常感谢。
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1, L: Ladies and gentlemen, attention please!
2. L+C: Welcome to our English corner tonight!
3, C: Good evening, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our English Corner organized by ENGLISH FANS OSSACIATION. It's my great honor to be one of the hosts tonight. .My name's 陈爽. You can just call me Kris. And standing here beside me is my partner, 李文婷.
4, L: Thank you, Baby. Good evening, ladies and gentle-men. I'm honored to co-host English Corner tonight. I hope all of you will have a nice time here. Now,Let’s warmly welcome our honored guests. Welcome! 大家掌声欢迎!
5, C: TO start with, we would like to briefly intro duce the whole process of today’s activities. The first part of the activity is our performance, Now it's time for us to enjoy the performance for this English corner, our English fans association have made some elaborate[i'læbərət, i'læbəreit] preparation .So we are sure we will be able to enjoy excellent performances tonight.
L: Good! The applause being used first enthusiastically by us is welcomed coming on the stage XXX!
The program that they bring about is: XXX.
Now Let us give them warm applause.
6, L: Next, the other part is playing games. First is the English riddle.
1.What day of the week is the best for having fried foods?
2. What kind of dog has no tail?
3. What keys wont open doors?
4. When can you run as fast as a horse?
5. I begin with T and end with T, and I am full of T. What am I?
6. Why is "heat" faster than "cold"?
7. Why is "SMILES" the longest English word?
8. In CHOCOLATE, there are three things to drink. What are they?
9. I get dirty when your face and hands become clean. What am I?
10. When is a blue book not a blue book?
11. Why do birds fly south for winter?
12. What kind of cake do small boys dislike?
13. Twelve girls were standing under a large umbrella. Why didnt any of them get wet?
14. What is there between sea and sky?
15. What goes up but never comes down?
1. Friday
2. hot dog
3. monkey, donkey, turkey
4. When I am riding on horseback.
5. teapot
6. Because you can catch a cold.
7. Because there is one mile between S and S.
9. towel。