


第二十四条 本保险合同成立后,保险人应当及时向投保人签发保险单或其他保险凭证。
第 二 十 五 条 保险人按照第三十条第五款的约定,认为被保险人提供的有关索赔的证明和资料不完整的,应当及时一次性通知投保人、被 保险人补充提供。
第 二 十 六 条 保险人收到被保险人的赔偿保险金的请求后,应当及时作出是否属于保险责任的核定;情形复杂的,应当在六十日内作出核 定,但本保险合同另有约定的除外。
保险人应当将核定结果通知被保险人;对属于保险责任的,在与被保险人达成赔偿保险金的协议后三十日内,履行赔偿保险金义务。保险 合同对赔偿保险金的期限有约定的,保险人应当按照约定履行赔偿保险金的义务。
保险人依照前款约定作出核定后,对不属于保险责任的,应当自作出核定之日起三日内向被保险人发出拒绝赔偿保险金通知书,并说明理 由。
责任免除 第六条 本保险对以下各项不负赔偿责任: (一)由于地震或火山爆发或由此而引起的火灾、爆炸、海啸所造成的损失或产生的费用。
(二)为作业目的而完全故意沉没钻井船造成的损失或费用;这种沉没不构成本保险下的碰撞、触礁、沉没或搁浅。 (三)为控制其他钻井船、平台或设施的喷火、塌陷等而挖掘救护井所造成的损失和费用,除非立即通知承保人这类用途并加付 保费。 (四)不论是施救费用或其他索赔,任何在控制或为控制井喷塌陷或为熄灭井喷造成的火灾而产生的费用、耗用或牺牲的财产。 (五)由于延迟或丧失使用所造成的损失和费用。 (六)损耗、变质、金属疲劳、机器损坏、由于气温引起的膨胀或收缩、腐蚀、生锈、电解、设计错误。本保险也不负责赔偿任 何由于内在缺陷而引起的损失或损毁所产生的修理或置换费用。 (七)由于电路损坏或干扰而造成的发电机、振荡器、电灯、马达开关和其他电气设备的损失,除非这些损失是由于不属本条款 责任免除内的所指明的电气设备外部的承保危险所造成。但本条款对火灾所引起的物质损失仍予以负责。 (八)非属碰撞责任条款承保的第三者责任。 (九)有关搬移财产,清理场地或障碍物的索赔,而不论是否为法律、法令或规章等所要求。 (十)地下或水下部分钻柱的损失,除非该损失是承保危险所致的火灾、井喷、塌陷或钻井船的全损所直接造成。对留在井内及 已完工油井、气井的钻柱不负责任。 井喷是指因地下压力所致钻井液突然、意外、无控制和连续性地从油气井下向地面涌溢后引起油、气或水从井中连续不断、无控



某财产保险公司安装工程一切险合同条款(中英文)ERECTION ALL RISKS CLAUSES第一部分物质损失Ⅰ. SECTION Ⅰ-MATERIAL DAMAGE(一)责任范围 1.Coverage1、在本保险期限内,若本保险单明细表中分项列明的保险财产在列明的工地范围内,因本保险单除外责任以外的任何自然灾害或意外事故造成的物质损坏或灭失(以下简称“损失”),本公司按本保险单的规定负责赔偿。

1.1 The Company shall indemnify the Insured in respect of the physical loss of or damage to the property insured during the period of insurance within the specified work-site arising from any NA TURAL HAZARDS or ACCIDENT other than those specifically excluded, in the manner and to the extent hereinafter provided.2、对经本保险单列明的因发生上述损失所产生的有关费用,本公司亦可负责赔偿。

1.2 The Company shall also indemnify the Insured for the necessary cost specified in the Schedule and incurred following upon any event giving rise to a claim under this Policy.3、本公司对每一保险项目的赔偿责任均不得超过本保险单明细表中对应列明的分项保险金额以及本保险单特别条款或批单中规定的其他适用的赔偿限额。




财产险常用中英文附加条款汇编目录一般附加条款 (6)30天注销保单通知条款/30 Days Notice of Cancellation Clause (6)60天不续保通知条款/60 Days Non-Renewal Notice Clause (6)理赔控制条款/Claims Control Clause (6)共同被保险人条款/Joint-Insured Clause (7)司法管辖权条款/Jurisdiction Clause (7)指定公估人条款/Loss Adjusters Clause (7)损失通知条款/Loss Notification Clause (8)不受控制条款/No Control Clause (8)不可注销保单条款/Non-Cancellation Clause (8)不使失效条款/Non-invalidation Clause (8)预付赔款条款A/Payment on Account Clause (9)预付赔款条款B (9)分期付费条款A/Premium Installment Clause (9)分期付费条款B (10)利益可分性条款/Severability of Interest Clause (10)放弃代位追偿扩展条款/Waiver of Subrogation Clause (10)财产险2000年问题除外责任条款/Year 2000 Problem Exclusion Clause (11)索赔单据条款 (12)财产险附加条款 (13)72小时条款/72 Hours Clause (13)50/50条款(50/50 Clause) (13)地面突然下陷下沉扩展条款/ Accidental Subsidence of Ground Extension Clause (14)定值保险条款/ Agreed Value Insurance Clause (14)空运费扩展条款/ Air Freight Fee Extension Clause (15)其他物品扩展条款/ All Other Contents Extension Clause (15)建筑物变动扩展条款/ Alteration of Building Clause (16)权益转让条款/Assignment Clause (16)自动承保条款/ Automatic Cover Clause (17)自动恢复保险金额条款/ Automatic Reinstatement of Sum Insured Clause (18)分摊豁免条款/ Average Relief Clause (20%) (18)锅炉、压力容器扩展条款/ Boilers and Pressure Vessels Extension Clause (19)商标条款/Brand & Trademark Clause (19)违反条件条款/ Breach of Conditions Clause (20)玻璃破碎扩展条款/ Breakage of Glass Extension Clause (20)玻璃破碎扩展条款(财产一切险)/ Breakage of Glass Clause (PAR) (21)玻璃破碎扩展条款(财产险)/ Breakage of Glass Clause (财产险) (21)盗窃险条款/ Burglary Insurance Clause (21)水箱、水管爆裂扩展条款/ Bursting of Water Tank or Water Pipe Extension Clause (22)增加资产扩展条款A/ Capital Additions Extension Clause (A) (23)增加资产扩展条款B/ Capital Additions Extension Clause (B) (23)85%扩展条款/ Co-Insurance Extension Clause (85%) (24)合同价格扩展条款/ Contract Price Extension Clause (24)复制费用扩展条款/ Cost of Duplication Extension Clause (25)清理残骸费用扩展条款/ Debris Removal Expenses Extension Clause (25)财物种别条款/ Designation of Property Clause (25)索赔单据条款/ Documents Clause (26)地震扩展条款/ Earthquake Extension Clause (26)紧急抢险条款/ Emergency Rescue Clause (27)错误和遗漏条款/ Error and Omissions Clause (27)自动升值扩展条款/ Escalation Extension Clause (28)特别费用扩展条款/ Extra Charges Extension Clause (28)飞行物体及其他空中运行物体坠落扩展条款/ Falling of Flying Objects Extension Clause (29)灭火费用扩展条款A/ Fire Fighting Cost Extension Clause (A) (29)灭火费用扩展条款B/ Fire Fighting Cost Extension Clause (B) (29)消防队灭火费用扩展条款/ Fire Fighting Brigade Charges Extension Clause (30)消防保证条款/ Fire Prevention Facilities Warranty Clause (30)洪水除外条款/ Flood and Inundation Exclusion Clause (31)洪水扩展条款/ Flood Extension Clause (31)防洪保证条款/ Flood Prevention Warranty Clause (32)地基除外条款/ Foundation Exclusion Clause (32)冰雹扩展条款/Hailstone Extension Clause (33)起重、运输机械扩展条款/ Hoisting and Transport Machinery Extension Clause (33)碰撞扩展条款/ Impact Damage Extension Clause (34)碰撞除外条款/ Impact damage Exclusion Clause (34)阻止条款/ Inhibition Clause (34)陆运输扩展条款A/ Inland Transit Extension Clause (A) (35)陆运输扩展条款B/ Inland Transit Extension Clause (B) (35)数据损失澄清条款/IT Clarification Clause (36)地崩及地陷条款/ Landslip & Subsidence Clause (36)遵守法律规定保证条款/ Legal Requirements Warranty (37)雷电扩展条款/ Lightning Extension Clause (37)车辆装载物扩展条款/Loaded Property Extension Clause (38)铁路机车车辆扩展条款/ Locomotive Extension Clause (38)赔款接受人条款/ Loss Payee Clause (39)抵押权条款/ Mortgage Clause (39)泥石流、崩塌、突发性滑坡扩展条款/ Mud-rock flow, Avalanche and Sudden Landslip Extension Clause (40)恶意破坏扩展条款/ Malicious Damage Extension Clause (40)不受控制条款/ No Control Clause (41)指定公估人条款/ Nomination of Loss Adjusters Clause (41)不使失效条款/ Non-invalidation Clause (41)非占用者业主条款/ Non Occupying Landlord Clause (42)场所外财产条款/ Off Premises Property Clause (42)油气管道损坏扩展条款/ Oil or Gas Pipeline Damage Extension Clause (43)建筑物外部附属设施扩展条款A/ Outside Ancillary Devices of Building Extension Clause (A) (43)建筑物外部附属设施扩展条款B/ Outside Ancillary Devices of Building Extension Clause (B) (44)委托加工扩展条款/ Out-sourcing Processing Extension Clause (44)成对或成套设备条款/ Pair & Set Clause (45)预付赔款条款A/ Payment on Account Clause (A) (45)预付赔款条款B/ Payment on Account Clause (B) (45)雇员个人物品扩展条款/ Personal Effects of Employees Extension Clause (46)便携式设备扩展条款/ Portable Devices on Premises Extension Clause (46)专业费用扩展条款/ Professional Fee Extension Clause (47)分期付费条款A/ Premium Instalment Clause (A) (47)分期付费条款B/ Premium Instalment Clause (B) (48)露天存放及简易建筑财产扩展条款A/ Property in the Open or Simple Building Extension Clause (A) (48)露天存放及简易建筑财产扩展条款B/ Property in the Open or Simple Building Extension Clause (B) (49)公共当局扩展条款/ Public Authority Extension Clause (49)冷库扩展条款/ Refrigerating Plants Extension Clause (50)重置价值条款(存货除外)/ Reinstatement Value Clause (not applicable to stock item) (50)清理残骸条款/ Removal of Debris Clause (52)沙尘暴除外条款/ Sandstorm Exclusion Clause (53)沙尘暴扩展条款/ Sandstorm Extension Clause (53)简易建筑除外条款/ Simple Building Exclusion (54)烟熏扩展条款/ Smoke Damage Extension Clause (54)暴雪、冰凌扩展条款/ Snowstorm and Icicle Extension Clause (54)自燃除外条款/ Spontaneous Combustion Exclusion Clause (55)自燃扩展条款/ Spontaneous Combustion Extension Clause (55)自动喷淋系统水损扩展条款/ Sprinkler Leakage Damage Extension Clause (56)仓储财产申报条款/ Stock Declaration and Adjustment Clause (56)暴风雨除外条款/ Storm and Tempest Exclusion Clause (57)暴风雨扩展条款/ Storm and Tempest Extension Clause (57)存放保证条款/ Storage Warranty (58)罢工、暴乱及民众骚乱扩展条款/ Strike Riot and/or Civil Commotions Extension Clause (58)供应中断扩展条款A/ Supply Failure Extension Clause (A) (59)供应中断扩展条款B/ Supply Suspension Extension Clause (B) (59)供应中断扩展条款C/ Supply Failure Extension Clause (C) (59)供应中断扩展条款D/ Supply Failure Extension Clause (D) (60)临时保护措施扩展条款/ Temporary Protection Extension Clause (60)厂区间临时移动扩展条款/Temporary Removal between Factories Extension Clause (61)临时移动扩展条款/ Temporary Removal Extension Clause (61)恐怖活动扩展条款/ Terrorism Extension Clause (61)盗窃、抢劫扩展条款/ Theft, Burglary and Robbery Extension Clause (62)龙卷风除外条款/ Tornado Exclusion Clause (63)龙卷风扩展条款/ Tornado Extension Clause (63)运输条款/ Transit Clause (64)台风、飓风除外条款/ Typhoon and Hurricane Exclusion Clause (64)台风、飓风扩展条款/ Typhoon and Hurricane Extension Clause (64)建筑物未受损部分额外费用扩展条款/ Undamaged Building Extra Charges Extension Clause (65)放弃代位追偿扩展条款/ Waiver of Subrogation Extension Clause (65)装修工人条款/ Workmen Clause (66)企财险附加条款1(仓储物扩展条款) (66)企财险附加条款2(洪水责任水位线条款) (67)企财险附加条款3(建筑物外部附属设施扩展条款) (67)企财险附加条款4(防洪保证条款) (67)企财险附加条款5(简易建筑物扩展条款) (67)一般附加条款30天注销保单通知条款/30 Days Notice of Cancellation Clause30天注销保单通知条款被保险人可随时书面通知保险人注销本保险单,保险人将依照短期费率计收保险生效期间的保费。
































财产险常用中英文附加条款汇编目录一般附加条款 (6)30天注销保单通知条款/30 Days Notice of Cancellation Clause (6)60天不续保通知条款/60 Days Non-Renewal Notice Clause (6)理赔控制条款/Claims Control Clause (6)共同被保险人条款/Joint-Insured Clause (7)司法管辖权条款/Jurisdiction Clause (7)指定公估人条款/Loss Adjusters Clause (7)损失通知条款/Loss Notification Clause (8)不受控制条款/No Control Clause (8)不可注销保单条款/Non-Cancellation Clause (8)不使失效条款/Non-invalidation Clause (8)预付赔款条款A/Payment on Account Clause (9)预付赔款条款B (9)分期付费条款A/Premium Installment Clause (9)分期付费条款B (10)利益可分性条款/Severability of Interest Clause (10)放弃代位追偿扩展条款/Waiver of Subrogation Clause (11)财产险2000年问题除外责任条款/Year 2000 Problem Exclusion Clause (11)索赔单据条款 (12)财产险附加条款 (13)72小时条款/72 Hours Clause (13)50/50条款(50/50 Clause) (13)地面突然下陷下沉扩展条款/ Accidental Subsidence of Ground Extension Clause (14)定值保险条款/ Agreed Value Insurance Clause (15)空运费扩展条款/ Air Freight Fee Extension Clause (15)其他物品扩展条款/ All Other Contents Extension Clause (15)建筑物变动扩展条款/ Alteration of Building Clause (16)权益转让条款/Assignment Clause (17)自动承保条款/ Automatic Cover Clause (18)自动恢复保险金额条款/ Automatic Reinstatement of Sum Insured Clause (18)分摊豁免条款/ Average Relief Clause (20%) (18)锅炉、压力容器扩展条款/ Boilers and Pressure Vessels Extension Clause (19)商标条款/Brand & Trademark Clause (20)违反条件条款/ Breach of Conditions Clause (20)玻璃破碎扩展条款/ Breakage of Glass Extension Clause (21)玻璃破碎扩展条款(财产一切险)/ Breakage of Glass Clause (PAR) (21)玻璃破碎扩展条款(财产险)/ Breakage of Glass Clause (财产险) (21)盗窃险条款/ Burglary Insurance Clause (22)水箱、水管爆裂扩展条款/ Bursting of Water Tank or Water Pipe Extension Clause (23)增加资产扩展条款A/ Capital Additions Extension Clause (A) (23)增加资产扩展条款B/ Capital Additions Extension Clause (B) (24)85%扩展条款/ Co-Insurance Extension Clause (85%) (24)合同价格扩展条款/ Contract Price Extension Clause (25)复制费用扩展条款/ Cost of Duplication Extension Clause (25)清理残骸费用扩展条款/ Debris Removal Expenses Extension Clause (26)财物种别条款/ Designation of Property Clause (26)索赔单据条款/ Documents Clause (26)地震扩展条款/ Earthquake Extension Clause (27)紧急抢险条款/ Emergency Rescue Clause (28)错误和遗漏条款/ Error and Omissions Clause (28)自动升值扩展条款/ Escalation Extension Clause (29)特别费用扩展条款/ Extra Charges Extension Clause (29)飞行物体及其他空中运行物体坠落扩展条款/ Falling of Flying Objects Extension Clause .. 29 灭火费用扩展条款A/ Fire Fighting Cost Extension Clause (A) (30)灭火费用扩展条款B/ Fire Fighting Cost Extension Clause (B) (30)消防队灭火费用扩展条款/ Fire Fighting Brigade Charges Extension Clause (31)消防保证条款/ Fire Prevention Facilities Warranty Clause (31)洪水除外条款/ Flood and Inundation Exclusion Clause (32)洪水扩展条款/ Flood Extension Clause (32)防洪保证条款/ Flood Prevention Warranty Clause (33)地基除外条款/ Foundation Exclusion Clause (34)冰雹扩展条款/Hailstone Extension Clause (34)起重、运输机械扩展条款/ Hoisting and Transport Machinery Extension Clause (34)碰撞扩展条款/ Impact Damage Extension Clause (35)碰撞除外条款/ Impact damage Exclusion Clause (35)阻止条款 / Inhibition Clause (36)内陆运输扩展条款A/ Inland Transit Extension Clause (A) (36)内陆运输扩展条款B/ Inland Transit Extension Clause (B) (36)数据损失澄清条款/IT Clarification Clause (37)地崩及地陷条款/ Landslip & Subsidence Clause (37)遵守法律规定保证条款/ Legal Requirements Warranty (38)雷电扩展条款/ Lightning Extension Clause (39)车辆装载物扩展条款/Loaded Property Extension Clause (39)铁路机车车辆扩展条款/ Locomotive Extension Clause (40)赔款接受人条款/ Loss Payee Clause (40)抵押权条款/ Mortgage Clause (41)泥石流、崩塌、突发性滑坡扩展条款/ Mud-rock flow, Avalanche and Sudden Landslip Extension Clause (41)恶意破坏扩展条款/ Malicious Damage Extension Clause (42)不受控制条款/ No Control Clause (42)指定公估人条款/ Nomination of Loss Adjusters Clause (43)不使失效条款/ Non-invalidation Clause (43)非占用者业主条款/ Non Occupying Landlord Clause (43)场所外财产条款/ Off Premises Property Clause (44)油气管道损坏扩展条款/ Oil or Gas Pipeline Damage Extension Clause (44)建筑物外部附属设施扩展条款A/ Outside Ancillary Devices of Building Extension Clause (A) (45)建筑物外部附属设施扩展条款B/ Outside Ancillary Devices of Building Extension Clause (B) (45)委托加工扩展条款/ Out-sourcing Processing Extension Clause (46)成对或成套设备条款/ Pair & Set Clause (46)预付赔款条款A/ Payment on Account Clause (A) (47)预付赔款条款B/ Payment on Account Clause (B) (47)雇员个人物品扩展条款/ Personal Effects of Employees Extension Clause (47)便携式设备扩展条款/ Portable Devices on Premises Extension Clause (48)专业费用扩展条款/ Professional Fee Extension Clause (48)分期付费条款A/ Premium Instalment Clause (A) (49)分期付费条款B/ Premium Instalment Clause (B) (49)露天存放及简易建筑内财产扩展条款A/ Property in the Open or Simple Building Extension Clause (A) (50)露天存放及简易建筑内财产扩展条款B/ Property in the Open or Simple Building Extension Clause (B) (50)公共当局扩展条款/ Public Authority Extension Clause (51)冷库扩展条款/ Refrigerating Plants Extension Clause (52)重置价值条款(存货除外)/ Reinstatement Value Clause (not applicable to stock item) 52 清理残骸条款/ Removal of Debris Clause (54)沙尘暴除外条款/ Sandstorm Exclusion Clause (55)沙尘暴扩展条款/ Sandstorm Extension Clause (55)简易建筑除外条款/ Simple Building Exclusion (56)烟熏扩展条款/ Smoke Damage Extension Clause (56)暴雪、冰凌扩展条款/ Snowstorm and Icicle Extension Clause (57)自燃除外条款/ Spontaneous Combustion Exclusion Clause (57)自燃扩展条款/ Spontaneous Combustion Extension Clause (57)自动喷淋系统水损扩展条款/ Sprinkler Leakage Damage Extension Clause (58)仓储财产申报条款/ Stock Declaration and Adjustment Clause (58)暴风雨除外条款/ Storm and Tempest Exclusion Clause (59)暴风雨扩展条款/ Storm and Tempest Extension Clause (59)存放保证条款/ Storage Warranty (60)罢工、暴乱及民众骚乱扩展条款/ Strike Riot and/or Civil Commotions Extension Clause .. 60 供应中断扩展条款A/ Supply Failure Extension Clause (A) (61)供应中断扩展条款B/ Supply Suspension Extension Clause (B) (61)供应中断扩展条款C/ Supply Failure Extension Clause (C) (62)供应中断扩展条款D/ Supply Failure Extension Clause (D) (62)临时保护措施扩展条款/ Temporary Protection Extension Clause (62)厂区间临时移动扩展条款/Temporary Removal between Factories Extension Clause (63)临时移动扩展条款/ Temporary Removal Extension Clause (63)恐怖活动扩展条款/ Terrorism Extension Clause (64)盗窃、抢劫扩展条款/ Theft, Burglary and Robbery Extension Clause (65)龙卷风除外条款/ Tornado Exclusion Clause (66)龙卷风扩展条款/ Tornado Extension Clause (66)运输条款/ Transit Clause (66)台风、飓风除外条款/ Typhoon and Hurricane Exclusion Clause (67)台风、飓风扩展条款/ Typhoon and Hurricane Extension Clause (67)建筑物未受损部分额外费用扩展条款/ Undamaged Building Extra Charges Extension Clause . 68 放弃代位追偿扩展条款/ Waiver of Subrogation Extension Clause (68)装修工人条款/ Workmen Clause (69)企财险附加条款1(仓储物扩展条款) (69)企财险附加条款2(洪水责任水位线条款) (69)企财险附加条款3(建筑物外部附属设施扩展条款) (69)企财险附加条款4(防洪保证条款) (70)企财险附加条款5(简易建筑物扩展条款) (70)一般附加条款30天注销保单通知条款/30 Days Notice of Cancellation Clause30天注销保单通知条款被保险人可随时书面通知保险人注销本保险单,保险人将依照短期费率计收保险生效期间的保费。



财产险常用中英文附加条款汇编目录一般附加条款 (6)30天注销保单通知条款/30 Days Notice of Cancellation Clause (6)60天不续保通知条款/60 Days Non-Renewal Notice Clause (6)理赔控制条款/Claims Control Clause (6)共同被保险人条款/Joint-Insured Clause (7)司法管辖权条款/Jurisdiction Clause (7)指定公估人条款/Loss Adjusters Clause (7)损失通知条款/Loss Notification Clause (8)不受控制条款/No Control Clause (8)不可注销保单条款/Non-Cancellation Clause (8)不使失效条款/Non-invalidation Clause (8)预付赔款条款A/Payment on Account Clause (9)预付赔款条款B (9)分期付费条款A/Premium Installment Clause (9)分期付费条款B (10)利益可分性条款/Severability of Interest Clause (10)放弃代位追偿扩展条款/Waiver of Subrogation Clause (10)财产险2000年问题除外责任条款/Year 2000 Problem Exclusion Clause (11)索赔单据条款 (12)财产险附加条款 (13)72小时条款/72 Hours Clause (13)50/50条款(50/50 Clause) (13)地面突然下陷下沉扩展条款/ Accidental Subsidence of Ground Extension Clause (14)定值保险条款/ Agreed Value Insurance Clause (14)空运费扩展条款/ Air Freight Fee Extension Clause (15)其他物品扩展条款/ All Other Contents Extension Clause (15)建筑物变动扩展条款/ Alteration of Building Clause (16)权益转让条款/Assignment Clause (16)自动承保条款/ Automatic Cover Clause (17)自动恢复保险金额条款/ Automatic Reinstatement of Sum Insured Clause (18)分摊豁免条款/ Average Relief Clause (20%) (18)锅炉、压力容器扩展条款/ Boilers and Pressure Vessels Extension Clause (19)商标条款/Brand & Trademark Clause (19)违反条件条款/ Breach of Conditions Clause (20)玻璃破碎扩展条款/ Breakage of Glass Extension Clause (20)玻璃破碎扩展条款(财产一切险)/ Breakage of Glass Clause (PAR) (21)玻璃破碎扩展条款(财产险)/ Breakage of Glass Clause (财产险) (21)盗窃险条款/ Burglary Insurance Clause (21)水箱、水管爆裂扩展条款/ Bursting of Water Tank or Water Pipe Extension Clause (22)增加资产扩展条款A/ Capital Additions Extension Clause (A) (23)增加资产扩展条款B/ Capital Additions Extension Clause (B) (23)85%扩展条款/ Co-Insurance Extension Clause (85%) (24)合同价格扩展条款/ Contract Price Extension Clause (24)复制费用扩展条款/ Cost of Duplication Extension Clause (25)清理残骸费用扩展条款/ Debris Removal Expenses Extension Clause (25)财物种别条款/ Designation of Property Clause (25)索赔单据条款/ Documents Clause (26)地震扩展条款/ Earthquake Extension Clause (26)紧急抢险条款/ Emergency Rescue Clause (27)错误和遗漏条款/ Error and Omissions Clause (27)自动升值扩展条款/ Escalation Extension Clause (28)特别费用扩展条款/ Extra Charges Extension Clause (28)飞行物体及其他空中运行物体坠落扩展条款/ Falling of Flying Objects Extension Clause (29)灭火费用扩展条款A/ Fire Fighting Cost Extension Clause (A) (29)灭火费用扩展条款B/ Fire Fighting Cost Extension Clause (B) (29)消防队灭火费用扩展条款/ Fire Fighting Brigade Charges Extension Clause (30)消防保证条款/ Fire Prevention Facilities Warranty Clause (30)洪水除外条款/ Flood and Inundation Exclusion Clause (31)洪水扩展条款/ Flood Extension Clause (31)防洪保证条款/ Flood Prevention Warranty Clause (32)地基除外条款/ Foundation Exclusion Clause (32)冰雹扩展条款/Hailstone Extension Clause (33)起重、运输机械扩展条款/ Hoisting and Transport Machinery Extension Clause (33)碰撞扩展条款/ Impact Damage Extension Clause (34)碰撞除外条款/ Impact damage Exclusion Clause (34)阻止条款/ Inhibition Clause (34)内陆运输扩展条款A/ Inland Transit Extension Clause (A) (35)内陆运输扩展条款B/ Inland Transit Extension Clause (B) (35)数据损失澄清条款/IT Clarification Clause (36)地崩及地陷条款/ Landslip & Subsidence Clause (36)遵守法律规定保证条款/ Legal Requirements Warranty (37)雷电扩展条款/ Lightning Extension Clause (37)车辆装载物扩展条款/Loaded Property Extension Clause (38)铁路机车车辆扩展条款/ Locomotive Extension Clause (38)赔款接受人条款/ Loss Payee Clause (39)抵押权条款/ Mortgage Clause (39)泥石流、崩塌、突发性滑坡扩展条款/ Mud-rock flow, Avalanche and Sudden Landslip Extension Clause (40)恶意破坏扩展条款/ Malicious Damage Extension Clause (40)不受控制条款/ No Control Clause (41)指定公估人条款/ Nomination of Loss Adjusters Clause (41)不使失效条款/ Non-invalidation Clause (41)非占用者业主条款/ Non Occupying Landlord Clause (42)场所外财产条款/ Off Premises Property Clause (42)油气管道损坏扩展条款/ Oil or Gas Pipeline Damage Extension Clause (43)建筑物外部附属设施扩展条款A/ Outside Ancillary Devices of Building Extension Clause (A) (43)建筑物外部附属设施扩展条款B/ Outside Ancillary Devices of Building Extension Clause (B) (44)委托加工扩展条款/ Out-sourcing Processing Extension Clause (44)成对或成套设备条款/ Pair & Set Clause (45)预付赔款条款A/ Payment on Account Clause (A) (45)预付赔款条款B/ Payment on Account Clause (B) (45)雇员个人物品扩展条款/ Personal Effects of Employees Extension Clause (46)便携式设备扩展条款/ Portable Devices on Premises Extension Clause (46)专业费用扩展条款/ Professional Fee Extension Clause (47)分期付费条款A/ Premium Instalment Clause (A) (47)分期付费条款B/ Premium Instalment Clause (B) (48)露天存放及简易建筑内财产扩展条款A/ Property in the Open or Simple Building Extension Clause (A) 48 露天存放及简易建筑内财产扩展条款B/ Property in the Open or Simple Building Extension Clause (B) 49 公共当局扩展条款/ Public Authority Extension Clause (49)冷库扩展条款/ Refrigerating Plants Extension Clause (50)重置价值条款(存货除外)/ Reinstatement Value Clause (not applicable to stock item) (51)清理残骸条款/ Removal of Debris Clause (52)沙尘暴除外条款/ Sandstorm Exclusion Clause (53)沙尘暴扩展条款/ Sandstorm Extension Clause (53)简易建筑除外条款/ Simple Building Exclusion (54)烟熏扩展条款/ Smoke Damage Extension Clause (54)暴雪、冰凌扩展条款/ Snowstorm and Icicle Extension Clause (55)自燃除外条款/ Spontaneous Combustion Exclusion Clause (55)自燃扩展条款/ Spontaneous Combustion Extension Clause (55)自动喷淋系统水损扩展条款/ Sprinkler Leakage Damage Extension Clause (56)仓储财产申报条款/ Stock Declaration and Adjustment Clause (56)暴风雨除外条款/ Storm and Tempest Exclusion Clause (57)暴风雨扩展条款/ Storm and Tempest Extension Clause (57)存放保证条款/ Storage Warranty (58)罢工、暴乱及民众骚乱扩展条款/ Strike Riot and/or Civil Commotions Extension Clause (58)供应中断扩展条款A/ Supply Failure Extension Clause (A) (59)供应中断扩展条款B/ Supply Suspension Extension Clause (B) (59)供应中断扩展条款C/ Supply Failure Extension Clause (C) (59)供应中断扩展条款D/ Supply Failure Extension Clause (D) (60)临时保护措施扩展条款/ Temporary Protection Extension Clause (60)厂区间临时移动扩展条款/Temporary Removal between Factories Extension Clause (61)临时移动扩展条款/ Temporary Removal Extension Clause (61)恐怖活动扩展条款/ Terrorism Extension Clause (62)盗窃、抢劫扩展条款/ Theft, Burglary and Robbery Extension Clause (62)龙卷风除外条款/ Tornado Exclusion Clause (63)龙卷风扩展条款/ Tornado Extension Clause (63)运输条款/ Transit Clause (64)台风、飓风除外条款/ Typhoon and Hurricane Exclusion Clause (64)台风、飓风扩展条款/ Typhoon and Hurricane Extension Clause (65)建筑物未受损部分额外费用扩展条款/ Undamaged Building Extra Charges Extension Clause (65)放弃代位追偿扩展条款/ Waiver of Subrogation Extension Clause (66)装修工人条款/ Workmen Clause (66)企财险附加条款1(仓储物扩展条款) (66)企财险附加条款2(洪水责任水位线条款) (67)企财险附加条款3(建筑物外部附属设施扩展条款) (67)企财险附加条款4(防洪保证条款) (67)企财险附加条款5(简易建筑物扩展条款) (67)一般附加条款30天注销保单通知条款/30 Days Notice of Cancellation Clause30天注销保单通知条款被保险人可随时书面通知保险人注销本保险单,保险人将依照短期费率计收保险生效期间的保费。

财产一切险 英文

财产一切险 英文

CHINA PACIFIC PROPERTY INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITEDPROPERTY ALL RISKS INSURANCE CLAUSESGENERAL PROVISIONArticle 1The Insurance Contract incorporates the Insurance Clauses, Proposal Form, Policy or Certificate, and Endorsements (if any). Any agreement related to the Insurance Contract shall be in written form.PROPERTY INSUREDArticle 2 The property insured shall include the following property contained in the premise(s) specified in the Policy:2.1 property belonging to the Insured solely or jointly with others for which the Insured is responsible;2.2 property under management, control, and/or in the custody of the Insured;2.3 other property in which the Insured has an economic interest legally admitted.Article 3The following property shall not be insured by this Policy, unless otherwise specifically agreed between the Insurer and the Insured and with insured value stated in this Policy:3.1 gold, silver, pearls, diamonds, jades, jewelry, ancient coins, antiques, ancient books, ancientpaintings, stamps, works of art, works of painting and calligraphy, rare metals and the like;3.2 embankments, water gates, railways, roads, culverts, tunnels, bridges, docks and piers;3.3 plants, equipments and materials in mines or mineral pits;3.4 mobile communication devices, portable computers, portable photographic apparatus, and otherportable devices or equipments;3.5 construction or erection works not taken over or put into service.Article 4 The following items and articles are not insured by this Policy:4.1 land, mineral resources, water and other natural resources;4.2 mines and mineral pits;4.3 banknotes, coupons, securities, magnetic and integrate circuit (IC) cards with cash value and thelike;4.4 Files and documents, account books, drawings, technical data, computer software or data, andother properties of which the value could not be appraised;4.5 guns, ammunitions or explosives;4.6 illegal or dilapidated buildings and structures, properties illegally occupied;4.7 vehicles licensed for general transport use;4.8 animals, plants and agricultural crops.SCOPE OF COVERArticle 5 Subject to the terms, exclusions, conditions and provisions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the Insurer shall indemnify the Insured for direct physical loss of or damage to the property insured (physical loss or damage being hereinafter termed Damage) caused by any Natural Hazard or Accident which occurs during the period of insurance, other than those specifically excluded in this Policy.The Insurer shall also indemnify the Insured for physical loss of or damage to the property insured resulting from necessary and reasonable measures taken at the time of the happening of perils insured against by this Policy for the purpose of preventing or diminishing imminent damage to property hereby insured and/or preventing the spread and/or aggravation of loss or damage. Article 6 Subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions contained herein or endorsed hereon, the Insurer shall also indemnify the Insured in respect of costs and expenses necessarily and reasonably incurred for the purpose of preventing or mitigating the loss of or damage to the propertyinsured after the occurrence of an insured event.EXCLUSIONSArticle 7 The Insurer shall not indemnify the Insured in respect of any loss, damage, or expenses resulting from:7.1 willful act or gross negligence of the Applicant or the Insured or his representative;7.2 governmental or judicial actions;7.3 war and warlike operation, hostilities, armed conflicts, strike, riot, civil commotion, coupd’état, conspiracy insurrection, terrorism;7.4 earthquake, tsunami and secondary disasters so caused;7.5 nuclear radiation, nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, nuclear pollution or contamination andother radioactive pollution or contamination;7.6 pollution of atmosphere, soil, water and other non-radioactive pollution, exceptnon-radioactive pollution caused by perils hereby insured.7.7 inherent vice or latent defect of the property insured, wear and tear of the propertyinsured, changes in atmosphere (climatic or temperature) conditions, changes in normal water level or any other progressively operating causes; changes in substance, mould, humidity, mice, insects or vermin, birds, oxidation, rust, leakage, baking;7.8 theft, burglary or robbery.Article 8 The Insurer shall not be liable for:8.1 consequential loss of the property insured arising from an event insured;8.2 loss of or damage to the property insured itself arising from faulty design, defectivematerial, or bad workmanship;8.3 loss of or damage to the outside ancillary devices of building such as advertising signs,antenna, neon lights, solar energy equipment and other property insured stored in the open or in the simple building and the loss of or damage to the simple building itself, caused by the lightning, rainstorm, flood, inundation, windstorm, tornado, hailstone, typhoon, hurricane, snowstorm, icicle, sandstorm;8.4 loss of or damage to the boilers or other pressure vessels themselves caused by theirown explosion;8.5 loss of or damage to the mechanical or electrical devices themselves unless due toexternal forces;8.6 loss of or damage to electrical or mechanical equipment caused by faulty operation orlack of skills of the Insured or any of his employee(s);8.7 shortage discovered at the time of taking an inventory;8.8 any loss or expenses caused by failure of public utilities, such as electricity, gas, watersupply or other energy sources, due to any causes;8.9 the deductible(s) stated in the Policy.INSURED VALUE, SUM INSURED, AND DEDUCTIBLEArticle 9 The insured value of the property insured, which can be either the reinstatement value, the book value, the market value or other values at the time of the happening of Damage, shall be agreed upon between the Applicant and the Insurer and stated in the Policy.Article 10 The sum insured, which shall be determined by the Applicant according to the insured value and stated in the Policy, shall not exceed the insured value. The part of sum insure in excess of the insured value is deemed to be invalid, and correspondingly the premium of such part in excess shall be returned to the Applicant.Article 11 The deductible shall be agreed between the Applicant and the Insurer when entering into the insurance contract and specified in the Policy.PERIOD OF INSURANCEArticle 12 Unless otherwise agreed, the period of insurance shall be one year subject to the inception and expiration date as stipulated in the Policy.OBLIGATIONS OF THE INSURERArticle 13 In case of application of standard clauses, the Insurer shall enclose them in the Proposal Form and explain the contents of the insurance contract to the Applicant. For the clauses exempting the Insurer’s liability, the Insurer shall make remarkable notice in the Proposal Form, Policy or other certificates to draw the Applicant’s attention, and explain them clearly in written or oral form when entering into the contract. Otherwise, such clauses shall be void.Article 14 The Insurer shall issue the Policy or other certificates in a timely manner after the establishment of an insurance contractArticle 15 The Insurer’s right to cancel the Policy as stated in Article 19 is void if not exercised by the Insurer within thirty days after his acknowledgement of any causes for cancellation of this Policy. After two years from the establishment of the insurance contract, such right to cancel the Policy is also void and the Insurer shall be liable for Damage insured by this Policy.If before the establishment of the insurance contract, the Insurer is aware of the Applicant’s misrepresentation or non-disclosure, the Insurer cannot cancel the Policy, and still shall be liable for Damage insured by this Policy.Article 16 If the Insurer believes that the proofs and documents provided by the Insured, as required in Article 25, are not sufficient, the Insurer shall request the Applicant and/or the Insured to provide additional materials in time and once for all.Article 17 Upon receipt of a claim, the Insurer shall confirm whether the Damage is covered by this Policy or not in a timely manner. For complicated cases, the Insurer shall make decision within thirty days, unless otherwise stipulated in the insurance contact.The Insurer shall notify the Insured of the decision in a timely manner. If the Damage is covered by this Policy, the Insurer shall make payment within ten days after reaching an agreement with the Insured. If the time limit for indemnity is specifically stipulated in the insurance contact, the Insurer shall make payment within such time limit. If the Damage is not covered by this Policy, within three days after the decision, the Insurer shall issue a declination letter and explain the reasons to the Insured.Article 18 The Insurer shall allow an advance payment that can be determined by the available proofs or documents if the final settlement amount cannot be determined within sixty days after receipt of such claim and relevant documents, and pay the balance to the Insured after the final amount of indemnity is adjusted.OBLIGATIONS OF THE APPLICANT AND/OR INSUREDArticle 19Before entering into an insurance contract, the Applicant shall make full and accurate representation and disclosure at the request and/or inquiry of the Insurer in respect of the property insured and the Insured himself and complete the Proposal Form faithfully.If the Applicant fails to fulfill the obligation of making full and accurate representation and disclosure as aforementioned due to his willful act and/or gross negligence, which may affect the Insurer’s decision whether to write the risk of the insurance and, if so, whether to raise the premium rate, the Insurer is entitled to cancel the Policy.If the Applicant willfully fails to comply with the obligation of making full and accurate representation and disclosure, the Insurer shall not be liable for any loss or damage happening prior to the cancellation of the Policy while no premium shall be refunded.If the Applicant, due to gross negligence, fails to disclose in truth material particular(s) which has significant contribution to the occurrence of the event insured hereby, the Insurer shall not indemnify the Insured for any loss or damage happening prior to the cancellation of this Policy, but shall return premium collected.Article 20 The Applicant shall pay premium as agreed upon in the insurance contract.If the premium is agreed to be paid in a lump, the Applicant shall pay the premium on or before the agreed due date. Otherwise, the Insurer shall not be liable for any loss or damage which occurs prior to premium payment.If the premium is agreed to be paid in installments, the Insurer shall undertake liability in proportion of the paid premium to the total premium payable before the occurrence ofDamage. The total premium payable refers to the total premium that the Applicant shall pay as agreed prior to the occurrence.Article 21 The insured shall observe and fulfill relevant laws, regulations and requirements on fire, safety, production operations and labor protection, improve management, take all reasonable precautions to protect the security of the property and prevent and/or minimize Damage thereto. The Insurer is entitled to inspect whether or not the Insured has fulfilled the aforementioned obligation of reasonable precautions, and make recommendations in writing to the Applicant or the Insured on eliminating risks and dangers, which shall be implemented by the Applicant and/or the Insured in a serious manner accordingly.If the Applicant or the Insured fails to comply with due obligation of reasonable precautions, the Insurer is entitled to charge additional premium or cancel the Policy.Article 22 Once any property insured is transferred, the Insured or the Assignee shall notify the Insurer in time.If the risk increases materially due to that transfer, the Insurer may charge additional premium or cancel the Policy subject to the terms and conditions of the Policy within thirty days after the Insurer’s receipt of such notice, in which case, the Insurer shall retain the premium due for the period from the date of inception to the date of cancellation, and refund the remainder of the charged premium to the ApplicantIf the Insured or Assignee fails to comply with the aforementioned obligation of notification, the Insurer shall not be liable for any Damage due to the material increase of risks resulted from such transfer of the property insured.Article 23 During the period of insurance, the Insured shall give the Insurer timely written notice of any alteration of the occupation and/or usage and/or location of the property insured and/or other material facts which may increase the risks materially and affect the Insurer’s decision whether to continue writing the risk of insurance and, if so, whether to increase the premium, and the Insurer is entitled to charge additional premium or cancel the Policy.If the Insured fails to comply with the obligation of notification aforementioned, the Insurer shall not be liable for any Damage due to the material change of the risks.Article 24 If any event giving rise to or likely to give rise to a claim under this Policy comes to his knowledge, the Insured shall:24.1 take all necessary and reasonable measures to prevent or minimize the Damage; otherwise theInsurer shall not be liable for any extended or aggravated loss or damage caused hereby;24.2 give notice to the Insurer immediately and submit a written report on the cause, course and extent of the loss or damage. If the Applicant and/or Insured fail to notify the Insurer in time due to his willful act or gross negligence, which makes the Insurer not able to ascertain the nature, cause and extent of the loss, the Insurer shall not indemnify the Insured in respect of such uncertain part of Damage, except that the Insurer is aware or ought to be aware of the occurrence timely by other means.24.3 preserve the spot, permit and assist the Insurer in investigation of the Damage. If the cause of the occurrence cannot be ascertained or the severity of the damage cannot be verified due to the refusal of or disturbance by the Insured, the Insurer shall not be liable for such uncertain part of Damage.Article 25 To lodge a claim, the Insured shall submit the following proofs and documents:25.1 the original policy, claims application, list of lost or damaged property, certificates of technicalappraisal, report on the occurrence, invoices of rescue expenses, necessary accounting books, documents and certificates issued by relevant governmental departments or public authorities.25.2 all other information and available documents or proofs concerning the verification of the nature,cause and extent of the Damage that can be provided by the Applicant or Insured.If the Applicant or Insured fails to comply with their obligation of providing the proofs and documents as aforementioned, which makes the Insurer not able to verify the Damage, the Insurer shall not indemnify the Insured in respect of the uncertain part of Damage.LOSS SETTLEMENTArticle 26 The Insured cannot lodge any claim against the Insurer if he has no insurable interest in the property insured at the time of the occurrence hereby insured.Article 27 The Insurer may, at his option, indemnify the Insured for loss of or damage to the property insured by either:27.1 cash: the Insurer makes cash payment as indemnity; or27.2 replacement: the Insurer replaces the lost or damaged property with that of the same type,structure, function and capacity as the nearest condition of the property immediately prior to Loss; or27.3 repair: the Insurer repairs the damaged property.Nevertheless the extra costs and/or expenses of any alterations, additions or improvements occurring in the course of repair or replacement carried out by the Insured shall not be recoverable under this Policy.Article 28 The property insured still carrying salvage value after Damage shall be disposed upon agreement between the Insured and the Insurer. If the salvage of the damaged property is retained by the Insured, the salvage value shall be deducted from the actual amount of indemnityArticle 29 For the loss of or damage to the insured property recoverable under this Policy, the amount of indemnity shall be ascertained on the following basis:29.1. If the sum insured is equivalent to or greater than the insured value, the payment shall be theactual loss sustained but in no case shall the maximum liability of the Insurer exceed the insured value.29.2. If the sum insured is less than the insured value, the amount of indemnity shall be such aproportion of the actual loss as the sum insured bears to the insured value, but in no case shall the maximum liability of the Insurer exceed the sum insured.29.3. Every item, if more than one, of this Policy shall be adjusted separately subject to the conditionherein.Article 30 If the sum insured is equivalent to or greater than the insured value, the Insurer shall pay the Insured in respect of the necessary and reasonable costs and/or expenses incurred for the purpose of preventing or diminishing imminent damage to property insured caused by peril insured against by this Policy, in which case, the amount of such sue and labor expenses shall be calculated separately from the amount of indemnity for the damage of the property insured, subject to the limit of the insured value of the rescued property insured.If the sum insured is less than the insured value, the payment of the aforementioned sue and labor expenses shall be such proportion of the actual expenses as the sum insured of the rescued property insured bears to its insured value, and calculated separately from the amount of indemnity for the Damage of the property insured, subject to the limit of the sum insured of the rescued property insured.In the case that uninsured items are included in the rescued property, the Insurer shall only pay for the proportion of the sue and labor expenses as the insured value of the rescued property insured bears to the total value of the rescued property.Article 31 The amount of indemnity shall be the amount as reached in Article 29 and 30 deducting the deductible for any one accident/occurrence.Article 32 If at the time of any loss or damage happening to any property hereby insured, there be any double insurance subsisting, the Insurer shall not pay or contribute more than his rateable proportion of loss or damage as the corresponding sum insured under this Policy bears to the corresponding total sum insured under all these policies.The Insurer shall not advance the amount payable by other insurer(s). If the Insurer has paid more than his share due to the Insured’s non-disclosure, the Insurer is entitled to claim for the portion paid in excess.Article 33 In the event of a partial loss, upon settlement of the claim by the Insurer, the sum insured of this Policy shall be reduced correspondingly from the date of Damage, and no premium shall be refunded by the Insurer for so reduced. If reinstatement of the sum insured is required by the Applicant, an additional premium for the reinstated amount shall be charged on pro rata daily basis from the date of requirement by the Applicant to the expiry date of this Policy.Article 34 If any third party is held liable for the Damage insured hereby, the Insurer shall be entitled by subrogation to claim for indemnity against such third party upon Insurer’s paying for the Damage subject to the limit of the payment, and the Insured shall provide the Insurer with all the necessary documents and relevant information known to him.If the Insured has already been indemnified by the third party liable for the Damage, the Insurer shall deduct the corresponding amount when calculating the amount of indemnity.The Insurer shall not indemnify the Insured for the Damage, if the Insured waive the right to claim against the third party liable before the Insurer makes payment of indemnity. If after receiving indemnity from the Insurer, the Insured waives the right to claim against any third party liable for the Damage without the Insurer’s consent, such waiver of right is invalid. If due to the Insured’s willful act or gross negligence, the Insurer cannot exercise the right of subrogation, the Insurer may deduct a corresponding amount when calculating the amount of indemnity or request refund of a corresponding amount from the indemnity paid to the Insured.Article 35 The limitation of action to claim for indemnity under this Policy shall be two years from the date that the Insured is aware or ought to be aware of the occurrence of loss or damage insured hereby.DISPUTE RESOLUTION AND JURISDICTIONArticle 36 All disputes arising from implementing this Policy shall be settled through negotiations between the parties concerned. Upon failure to reach an agreement through negotiations, such dispute shall be referred to the arbitration commission specified in the policy. If there is no arbitration commission specified in the policy and no agreement reached for arbitration, legal proceeding could be initiated with the People’s Court in People’s Republic of China.Article 37All disputes related to this insurance contract shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China, but except laws of Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR, and Taiwan.MISCELLANEOUSArticle 38 In respect of partial loss of the property insured, the Applicant may cancel the Policy within thirty days from the date that the Insurer makes payment of indemnity. This insurance may also be terminated at the option of the Insurer by sending fifteen days’ notice to the effect being given to the Applicant, unless otherwise agreed and stipulated in this Policy.If this insurance is terminated as aforementioned, the Insurer shall refund to the Applicant the premium of the undamaged proportion of the property insured after deducting the premium that shall be charged from the date of inception to the date of cancellation.Article 39 At the Applicant’s request for cancellation of this Policy before the inception of insurance, the Insurer shall charge the Applicant a commission for cancellation as stipulated in the Policy, but shall return the balance of the premium to the Applicant.At the Applicant’s request for cancellation of the Policy after inception of insurance, the insurance shall be terminated from the date of notification, in which case, the Insurer shall retain the premium calculated according to the Short-Term Premium Rate Table for the period from the date of inception to the date of cancellation, and refund the balance of the charged premium to the Applicant.This insurance may also be cancelled at the request of the Insurer after inception of insurance by sending fifteen days’ notice to the effect being given to the Applicant, in which case the Insurer shall calculate the premium on pro rata daily basis from the inception date of insurance to the date of cancellation, and refund the balance of premium to the Applicant.Article 40 In the case that the property insured suffers total loss insured against hereby, this insurance shall terminate upon the Insurer’s fulfillment of indemnity obligation. If the loss is not covered hereby, this insurance shall terminate, but the Insurer shall refund to the Applicant the charged premium after deducting the short-term premium as calculated pro rata daily from the date of inception to the date of total loss.LANGUAGEArticle 41 In the event of a discrepancy between the Chinese version and its English translation, the Chinese version shall prevail.DEFINITIONSArticle 42 The following definitions shall apply to the terms concerned in the policy:1. Fire: a disaster caused by combustion out of control in time or space. The Insurer shall not be liable for the peril of fire unless the following three conditions have been satisfied simultaneously: 1.1 Combustion produces heat, light and flame;1.2 Combustion is occasional and unexpected;1.3 Combustion goes beyond control and tends to spread and expand.Therefore only combustion phenomena shall not constitute the “fire” insured against in the policy. Purposive burnings in production and life, for example, burning contaminated clothes for epidemic prevention or burning the grass on waste land by fire, etc, is not the fire insured hereby but normal combustion.In addition, the losses caused by baking, roasting or ironing shall not be insured hereby because of no combustion phenomena and tend of spreading and expanding.The damage of electric motors, appliances and equipment caused by overuse, overvoltage, swinging cross, flash, leakage and self-heating shall not belong to fire risk insured. However, if combustion happens, goes beyond control and spreads, it constitutes peril of fire insured and the Insurer shall be responsible for compensation for the losses of electric motors, appliances and equipment.2. Explosion:explosion includes physical explosion and chemical explosion.Physical explosion: when liquid is changed into steam or gas expands, its pressure rises sharply and greatly exceeds the ultimate pressure that container can bear, explosion happens, such as boiler explosion, air compressor explosion, compressed gas cylinder explosion and liquid gas storage tank explosion, etc. Boiler and pressure vessel explosion is defined as follows: a boiler or pressure vessel bursts during use or pressure test to make its pressure instantaneously drop to external atmospheric pressure, which is called “explosion accident”.Chemical explosion refers to a phenomenon that an object gives off plenty of heat and gases when decomposing or burning momentarily and spreads all around at a great pressure, such as gunpowder explosion, flammable dust and fiber explosion, flammable gas explosion and various chemicals explosion, etc.Losses caused by inherent vice, latent defect, wear and tear, inferior quality of the property or negative pressure shall not be explosion insured against hereby.3. Lightning stroke: a disaster caused by lightning. Lightning refers to an electric discharge phenomenon happening in cumulonimbus clouds, between clouds or between clouds and ground. The destructive forms of lightning stroke are divided into direct lightning stroke and inductive lightning stroke.3.1. Direct lightning stroke: loss caused as lightning hits property insured directly, which is covered hereby as direct lightning stroke liability.3.2. Inductive lightning stroke: static induction or electromagnetic induction caused by lightning stroke makes indoor metal objects which insulate against ground produce high potential and sparks, thereby leading to fire and damage of electric appliance, or high voltage induction of lightning results in damage of electric appliance, which is insured hereby as inductive lightning stroke liability.4. Rainstorm: a rain when the rainfall is more than 16mm per hour, or more than 30mm per 12 hours, or more than 50mm per 24 hours.5. Flood: flash flood, flooding of rivers, landing of tide and back flow. But regular rising tide, water leakage of automatic sprinkler system, underground water seepage and water pipe burst shall not belong to flood liability hereby insured.6. Tempest: a natural wind whose force reaches Beaufort Force 8 and speed is more than 17.2 m/s.7. Tornado: a violent whirlwind of small range and short time whose maximum speed on land is 79m/s to 103m/s and maximum extreme speed is more than 100m/s.8. Hailstone: ice block or ice ball falling to the ground from severe convective cumulonimbus clouds, whose diameter is greater than 5mm and core is hard.9. Typhoon and hurricane: typhoon refers to a tropical cyclone whose maximum average force near the center reaches or exceeds Beaufort Force 12, which means wind speed is more than 32.6m/s;。
















第一条 被保险财产第二条 本保险承保钻井船的船壳和机器,包括船上以及旁边或附近有关的钻井船或普通船(这些船的本身除外)上的设备、工具、机械、沉第二条箱、起立架、材料、供应物、配件、钻井机和设备、井架、钻柱、套管、油管并包括正在被钻井中的钻柱和所有表内所列由被保险人持有、保管或控制的这类财产。

保险责任第三条根据保险条件和责任免除,本保险负责赔偿被保险财产的一切直接损失,但对被保险人,财产所有人或管理人未克尽职责而造成的第三条 损失不负责赔偿。

碰撞责任第四条 如与其他船舶发生碰撞,对被保险人或担保人由于船舶过失应负责赔偿任何其他人有关碰撞的任何款项,承保人将按承保比例付给第四条被保险人或担保人,但对每一事故的责任不超过他们在合同价值中所占的比例数。

第五条如因大部分船壳保险人书面同意而对本船责任进行抗辩或采取限制责任的行为,承保人也将按同样比例支付被保险人产生或被迫支第五条 付的费用。








中国大地财产保险股份有限公司建筑工程一切险条款总则第一条 本保险合同由保险条款、投保单、保险单以及批单组成。


第一部分 物质损失保险部分保险标的第二条 本保险合同的保险标的为:本保险合同明细表中分项列明的在列明工地范围内的与实施工程合同相关的财产或费用,属于本保险合同的保险标的。

第三条 下列财产未经保险合同双方特别约定并在保险合同中载明保险金额的,不属于本保险合同的保险标的:(一)施工用机具、设备、机械装置;(二)在保险工程开始以前已经存在或形成的位于工地范围内或其周围的属于被保险人的财产;(三)在本保险合同保险期间终止前,已经投入商业运行或业主已经接受、实际占有的财产或其中的任何一部分财产,或已经签发工程竣工证书或工程承包人已经正式提出申请验收并经业主代表验收合格的财产或其中任何一部分财产;(四)清除残骸费用。


第四条 下列财产不属于本保险合同的保险标的:(一)文件、账册、图表、技术资料、计算机软件、计算机数据资料等无法鉴定价值的财产;(二)便携式通讯装置、便携式计算机设备、便携式照相摄像器材以及其他便携式装置、设备;(三)土地、海床、矿藏、水资源、动物、植物、农作物;(四)领有公共运输行驶执照的,或已由其他保险予以保障的车辆、船舶、航空器;(五)违章建筑、危险建筑、非法占用的财产。


第六条 在保险期间内,由于第五条保险责任事故发生造成保险标的的损失所产生的以下费用,保险人按照本保险合同的约定负责赔偿:(一)保险事故发生后,被保险人为防止或减少保险标的的损失所支付的必要的、合理的费用,保险人按照本保险合同的约定也负责赔偿。


1. gold, silver, pearls, diamonds, precious stones and jades;
2. antiques, articles of virtue, ancient coins, ancient books and ancient paintings;












财产险常用中英文附加条款汇编目录一般附加条款 (6)30天注销保单通知条款/30 Days Notice of Cancellation Clause (6)60天不续保通知条款/60 Days Non-Renewal Notice Clause (6)理赔控制条款/Claims Control Clause (6)共同被保险人条款/Joint-Insured Clause (7)司法管辖权条款/Jurisdiction Clause (7)指定公估人条款/Loss Adjusters Clause (7)损失通知条款/Loss Notification Clause (8)不受控制条款/No Control Clause (8)不可注销保单条款/Non—Cancellation Clause (8)不使失效条款/Non-invalidation Clause (8)预付赔款条款A/Payment on Account Clause (9)预付赔款条款B (9)分期付费条款A/Premium Installment Clause (9)分期付费条款B (10)利益可分性条款/Severability of Interest Clause (10)放弃代位追偿扩展条款/Waiver of Subrogation Clause (10)财产险2000年问题除外责任条款/Year 2000 Problem Exclusion Clause (11)索赔单据条款 (12)财产险附加条款 (13)72小时条款/72 Hours Clause (13)50/50条款(50/50 Clause) (13)地面突然下陷下沉扩展条款/ Accidental Subsidence of Ground Extension Clause (14)定值保险条款/ Agreed Value Insurance Clause (14)空运费扩展条款/ Air Freight Fee Extension Clause (15)其他物品扩展条款/ All Other Contents Extension Clause (15)建筑物变动扩展条款/ Alteration of Building Clause (16)权益转让条款/Assignment Clause (16)自动承保条款/ Automatic Cover Clause (17)自动恢复保险金额条款/ Automatic Reinstatement of Sum Insured Clause (18)分摊豁免条款/ Average Relief Clause (20%) (18)锅炉、压力容器扩展条款/ Boilers and Pressure Vessels Extension Clause (19)商标条款/Brand &Trademark Clause (19)违反条件条款/ Breach of Conditions Clause (20)玻璃破碎扩展条款/ Breakage of Glass Extension Clause (20)玻璃破碎扩展条款(财产一切险)/ Breakage of Glass Clause (PAR) (21)玻璃破碎扩展条款(财产险)/ Breakage of Glass Clause (财产险) (21)盗窃险条款/ Burglary Insurance Clause (21)水箱、水管爆裂扩展条款/ Bursting of Water Tank or Water Pipe Extension Clause (22)增加资产扩展条款A/ Capital Additions Extension Clause (A) (23)增加资产扩展条款B/ Capital Additions Extension Clause (B) (23)85%扩展条款/ Co-Insurance Extension Clause (85%) (24)合同价格扩展条款/ Contract Price Extension Clause (24)复制费用扩展条款/ Cost of Duplication Extension Clause (25)清理残骸费用扩展条款/ Debris Removal Expenses Extension Clause (25)财物种别条款/ Designation of Property Clause (25)索赔单据条款/ Documents Clause (26)地震扩展条款/ Earthquake Extension Clause (26)紧急抢险条款/ Emergency Rescue Clause (27)错误和遗漏条款/ Error and Omissions Clause (27)自动升值扩展条款/ Escalation Extension Clause (28)特别费用扩展条款/ Extra Charges Extension Clause (28)飞行物体及其他空中运行物体坠落扩展条款/ Falling of Flying Objects Extension Clause (29)灭火费用扩展条款A/ Fire Fighting Cost Extension Clause (A) (29)灭火费用扩展条款B/ Fire Fighting Cost Extension Clause (B) (29)消防队灭火费用扩展条款/ Fire Fighting Brigade Charges Extension Clause (30)消防保证条款/ Fire Prevention Facilities Warranty Clause (30)洪水除外条款/ Flood and Inundation Exclusion Clause (31)洪水扩展条款/ Flood Extension Clause (31)防洪保证条款/ Flood Prevention Warranty Clause (32)地基除外条款/ Foundation Exclusion Clause (32)冰雹扩展条款/Hailstone Extension Clause (33)起重、运输机械扩展条款/ Hoisting and Transport Machinery Extension Clause (33)碰撞扩展条款/ Impact Damage Extension Clause (34)碰撞除外条款/ Impact damage Exclusion Clause (34)阻止条款/ Inhibition Clause (34)内陆运输扩展条款A/ Inland Transit Extension Clause (A) (35)内陆运输扩展条款B/ Inland Transit Extension Clause (B) (35)数据损失澄清条款/IT Clarification Clause (36)地崩及地陷条款/ Landslip & Subsidence Clause (36)遵守法律规定保证条款/ Legal Requirements Warranty (37)雷电扩展条款/ Lightning Extension Clause (37)车辆装载物扩展条款/Loaded Property Extension Clause (38)铁路机车车辆扩展条款/ Locomotive Extension Clause (38)赔款接受人条款/ Loss Payee Clause (39)抵押权条款/ Mortgage Clause (39)泥石流、崩塌、突发性滑坡扩展条款/ Mud—rock flow, Avalanche and Sudden Landslip Extension Clause (40)恶意破坏扩展条款/ Malicious Damage Extension Clause (40)不受控制条款/ No Control Clause (41)指定公估人条款/ Nomination of Loss Adjusters Clause (41)不使失效条款/ Non—invalidation Clause (41)非占用者业主条款/ Non Occupying Landlord Clause (42)场所外财产条款/ Off Premises Property Clause (42)油气管道损坏扩展条款/ Oil or Gas Pipeline Damage Extension Clause (43)建筑物外部附属设施扩展条款A/ Outside Ancillary Devices of Building Extension Clause (A) (43)建筑物外部附属设施扩展条款B/ Outside Ancillary Devices of Building Extension Clause (B) (44)委托加工扩展条款/ Out-sourcing Processing Extension Clause (44)成对或成套设备条款/ Pair & Set Clause (45)预付赔款条款A/ Payment on Account Clause (A) (45)预付赔款条款B/ Payment on Account Clause (B) (45)雇员个人物品扩展条款/ Personal Effects of Employees Extension Clause (46)便携式设备扩展条款/ Portable Devices on Premises Extension Clause (46)专业费用扩展条款/ Professional Fee Extension Clause (47)分期付费条款A/ Premium Instalment Clause (A) (47)分期付费条款B/ Premium Instalment Clause (B) (48)露天存放及简易建筑内财产扩展条款A/ Property in the Open or Simple Building Extension Clause (A) (48)露天存放及简易建筑内财产扩展条款B/ Property in the Open or Simple Building Extension Clause (B) 49 公共当局扩展条款/ Public Authority Extension Clause (49)冷库扩展条款/ Refrigerating Plants Extension Clause (50)重置价值条款(存货除外)/ Reinstatement Value Clause (not applicable to stock item) (51)清理残骸条款/ Removal of Debris Clause (52)沙尘暴除外条款/ Sandstorm Exclusion Clause (53)沙尘暴扩展条款/ Sandstorm Extension Clause (53)简易建筑除外条款/ Simple Building Exclusion (54)烟熏扩展条款/ Smoke Damage Extension Clause (54)暴雪、冰凌扩展条款/ Snowstorm and Icicle Extension Clause (55)自燃除外条款/ Spontaneous Combustion Exclusion Clause (55)自燃扩展条款/ Spontaneous Combustion Extension Clause (55)自动喷淋系统水损扩展条款/ Sprinkler Leakage Damage Extension Clause (56)仓储财产申报条款/ Stock Declaration and Adjustment Clause (56)暴风雨除外条款/ Storm and Tempest Exclusion Clause (57)暴风雨扩展条款/ Storm and Tempest Extension Clause (57)存放保证条款/ Storage Warranty (58)罢工、暴乱及民众骚乱扩展条款/ Strike Riot and/or Civil Commotions Extension Clause (58)供应中断扩展条款A/ Supply Failure Extension Clause (A) (59)供应中断扩展条款B/ Supply Suspension Extension Clause (B) (59)供应中断扩展条款C/ Supply Failure Extension Clause (C) (60)供应中断扩展条款D/ Supply Failure Extension Clause (D) (60)临时保护措施扩展条款/ Temporary Protection Extension Clause (60)厂区间临时移动扩展条款/Temporary Removal between Factories Extension Clause (61)临时移动扩展条款/ Temporary Removal Extension Clause (61)恐怖活动扩展条款/ Terrorism Extension Clause (62)盗窃、抢劫扩展条款/ Theft,Burglary and Robbery Extension Clause (62)龙卷风除外条款/ Tornado Exclusion Clause (63)龙卷风扩展条款/ Tornado Extension Clause (63)运输条款/ Transit Clause (64)台风、飓风除外条款/ Typhoon and Hurricane Exclusion Clause (64)台风、飓风扩展条款/ Typhoon and Hurricane Extension Clause (65)建筑物未受损部分额外费用扩展条款/ Undamaged Building Extra Charges Extension Clause (65)放弃代位追偿扩展条款/ Waiver of Subrogation Extension Clause (66)装修工人条款/ Workmen Clause (66)企财险附加条款1(仓储物扩展条款) (67)企财险附加条款2(洪水责任水位线条款) (67)企财险附加条款3(建筑物外部附属设施扩展条款) (67)企财险附加条款4(防洪保证条款) (67)企财险附加条款5(简易建筑物扩展条款) (67)一般附加条款30天注销保单通知条款/30 Days Notice of Cancellation Clause30天注销保单通知条款被保险人可随时书面通知保险人注销本保险单,保险人将依照短期费率计收保险生效期间的保费。

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PROPERTY ALL RISKS INSURANCE CLAUSESⅠ.THE PROPERTY INSUREDThe property insured shall refer to all properties and expenses specified in the Schedule of this Policy.Unless specifically agreed upon in writing between the Insured and the Company and appraised and value-established by professionals or assessors, the following articles and the expenses relevant thereto shall not be covered under this Policy:1. gold, silver, pearls, diamonds, precious stones and jades;2. antiques, articles of virtue, ancient coins, ancient books and ancient paintings;3. works of art or postage stamps;4. advertisements, aerials, neon, pieces of solar energy apparatus etc. on buildings;5. computer system records or its making and copying costs;Under no circumstances shall the following articles relevant thereto be covered here under:1. guns, ammunition or explosives;2. banknotes, securities, bills, documents, files, account books or drawings;3. animals, plants and agricultural crops;4. mobile phones, portable computers, removable photograph apparatus or other precious articles;5. vehicles licensed for general transport use.Ⅱ.COVERAGEThe Company shall indemnify the Insured in respect of the physical loss of or damage to the insured property stated in the Schedule, during the period of insurance arising from any NA TURAL HAZARDS or ACCIDENT other than those specifically excluded, in the manner and to the extent hereinafter provided.DEFINITIONSThe words“NATURAL HAZARDS”shall for the purpose of this Policy, mean thunder-and-lightning, hurricane, typhoon, tornado, storm, tempest, flood, inundation, frost, hailstorm, landslide, rockslide, avalanche, volcanic explosion, subsidence of ground and any other phenomena of nature with strong destructive power and beyond human control.The Word “ACCIDENT”shall for the purpose of this Policy, mean any unforeseen, uncontrollable and sudden event which leads to material damage, including fire and explosion.Ⅲ.EXCLUSIONSThe Company shall not be liable for:1. loss of or damage to the property insured and expenses arising from faulty design, defective material, or bad workmanship;2. loss of or damage to the insured items themselves or expenses arising therefrom due to wear and tear, inherent or latent defect, change in substance, spontaneous combustion, natural heating, oxidation, rust and corrosion, leakage, mice, insects or vermin, change in atmosphere(climatic or temperature)conditions, change in normal water level or any other progressively operating cause;3. loss of or damage to the mechanical or electrical devices not due to exterior forces;4. loss of or damage to steam boilers, steam pipes, or other pressure vessel machines or apparatus themselves due to their explosion;5. loss of or damage to electrical or mechanical equipment caused by faulty operation or defective technology on the part of the Insured or any of his employee(s);6. shortage discovered at the time of taking an inventory;7. depreciation, loss of market, loss of use and other consequential loss of any description;8. loss of or damage to the insured property caused by wind, frost, rain water, snow, flood, hailstorm, or dust while being stored in the open or covered by or under a shed thatched with reeds, tarpaulins, straw, asphalt felt, plastic or nylon sheet;9. loss of or damage to the insured property caused or expense incurred by earthquake or tsunami;10. loss of or damage to the insured property caused or expenses incurred by intentional act or gross negligence of the Insured or his representative, and burglary by Insured’s family member or relatives or employees;11. loss of or damage to the insured property caused by failure of public utilities, such as: electricity, gas or water supply or other energy sources except failure caused by NATURAL HAZARDS or ACCIDENT;12. loss of or damage to the insured property or expenses incurred arising from war, warlike operation, hostilities, armed conflicts, terrorism, conspiracy insurrection, coup d’etat, strike, riot, and civil commotion;13. confiscation, requisition, destruction or damage by any action or order of any government de jure or de facto or by any public authorities;14. loss of or damage to insured property directly or indirectly caused or expenses incurred by nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, nuclear weapons, nuclear materials, nuclear radiation and radioactive contamination;15. loss or damage caused or expenses incurred by pollution of any kind or description whatsoever such as atmosphere, land and water pollution but this does not include loss or damage caused by pollution arising from NATURAL HARZARDS or ACCIDENTS;16. the deductibles stated in the Schedule to be borne by the Insured.Ⅳ.TREATMENT OF CLAIM1.The Company shall, at its option, indemnify the Insured in respect of loss or damage falling within the Coverage of the Policy by either:1.1 paying the amount of the actual value of the property lost or damaged or;1.2 paying the necessary cost of repairing or restoring the damaged property to its nearest condition immediately preceding the damage or;1.3 repairing or restoring the damaged property to a condition near to other property of like kind and quality;2. Indemnity under this Policy shall be based upon the sound market value of the property prevailing at the time of loss. If the sound market value of the damaged property is lower than the sum insured of such property, the claim shall be settled on its market value; if the sound market value of the property is in excess of the sum insured, the Company shall only be liable for such proportion of the claim as the sum insured of the damaged property bears to its sound market value. If the insured property enumerated in the Schedule is more than one item, the provision of this clause shall apply to each thereof.3. If a claim for loss of or damage to the insured item is settled on a total loss basis, the salvage value of such item shall be deducted from the indemnity payable by the Company. The Company may, at its option, decline the abandonment of any damaged property by the Insured.4. In the event of loss of or damage to any equipment item insured forming part of a pair or set, the Company shall not be liable in respect of each of such item lost or damaged for more than its proportionate part of the sum insured on the complete pair or set.5. In the event of any loss occurrence, the Company shall also pay the Insured for the expenses reasonably incurred for taking necessary measures to minimize loss or damage to the least extent, but in no case shall such expenses referred hereto exceed the sum insured of the insured property.6. Upon settlement of a claim, an endorsement shall be issued by the Company to reduce the sum insured corresponding to the property lost or damaged by the amount so settled from the date of loss, and no premium shall be refunded for the amount so reduced. If reinstatement of the sum insured is required by the Insured upon settlement of the claim, an additional premium for the reinstated amount shall be charged at an agreed rate, and be calculated on pro rata daily basis fromthe date of loss to the expiry of the insurance.7. The Insured’s right of recovery under this Policy shall be forfeited should the Insured fail to exercise such a right within two years from the date of the occurrence of the accident, which is known or should have been known to the Insured.Ⅴ.OBLIGATIONS OF THE INSUREDThe following Obligations shall be strictly fulfilled by the Insured and his representative;1. The Insured and his representative, when applying for insurance shall make true answers or statements to the questions in the Proposal and Questionnaire or to any other questions raised by the Company.2. The Insured and his representative shall pay to the Company in due course the agreed premium in the manner as provided in the Schedule and Endorsements.3. During the period of this insurance, the Insured shall at his own expense take all reasonable precautions, including paying sufficient attention to and putting into practice the reasonable recommendations of the Company, prudently selecting the workmen and employees and complying with all statutory regulation and safety operation procedures.4. In the event of any occurrence which gives or might give rise to a claim under this Policy, the Insured or his representative shall:4.1 notify the Company immediately and within seven(7)days or any further period as may be agreed by the Company in writing, furnish a written report to indicate the course, probable reason and extent of loss or damage;4.2 take all necessary measures to avoid aggravation of the loss or damage and minimize it to the least extent;4.3 preserve the spot affected and defective parts before an inspection is carried out by a representative or surveyor from the Company;4.4 inform the Public Security Bureau immediately in case of loss or damage due to theft or burglary or malicious acts;4.5 furnish all such information and documentary evidence as the Company may require for supporting the claim.Ⅵ.GENERAL CONDITIONS1. Policy EffectThe due observance and fulfilment of the terms and conditions of this Policy in so far as they relate to anything to be done or complied with by the Insured shall be a condition precedent to any liability of the Company under this Policy.2. Policy VoidanceThis Policy shall be voidable in the event of misrepresentation, misdescription or non-disclosure made by the Insured or his representative in any material particular in respect of this insurance. 3. Policy TerminationUnless its continuance be admitted by the Company in writing, this Policy shall be automatically terminated if:3.1 the insurable interest of the Insured is lost;3.2 the risk of loss or damage is increased.After termination of the Policy, the premium shall be refunded to the Insured calculated on pro rata daily basis for the period from the date of termination to the date of expiry.4. Policy CancellationThis Policy may be canceled at any time at the request of the Applicant in writing or at the option of the Company by giving a fifteen(15)days prior notice to the Applicant. In the former case the Company shall retain a premium calculated on short term rate basis for the time the Policy has been in force while in the latter case such premium shall be calculated on pro rata daily basis.5. Forfeit of BenefitIf the claim is in any respect fraudulent, or if any fraudulent means or devices are used by the Insured or his representative to obtain any benefit under this Policy or if any loss or damage is occasioned by the intentional act or in the connivance of the Insured or his representative, then in any of these cases, all the rights and benefits of the Insured under this Policy shall be forfeited, and all consequent losses arising therefrom including the amount of claim paid by the Company shall be indemnified by the Insured.6. Reasonable InspectionThe representative of the Company shall at any suitable time be entitled to attend the site and inspect or examine the risk exposure of the property insured. For this purpose, the Insured shall provide full assistance and all details and information required by the Company as may be necessary for the assessment of the risk. The above mentioned inspection or examination shall in no circumstances be held as any admission to the Insured by the Company.7. Double InsuranceShould any loss, damage, expenses or liability recoverable under the Policy be also covered by any other insurance, the Company shall only be liable to pay or contribute his proportion of the claim irrespective as to whether the other insurance is arranged by the Insured or others on his behalf, or whether any indemnification is obtainable under such other insurance.8. SubrogationWhere a third party shall be held responsible for the loss or damage covered under this Policy, the Insured shall, whether being indemnified by the Company or not, take all necessary measures to enforce or reserve the right of recovery against such third party, and upon being indemnified by the Company, subrogate to the Company all the right of recovery, transfer all necessary documents to and assist the Company in pursuing recovery from the responsible party.9. DisputeAll disputes under this insurance arising between the Insured and the Company shall be settled through friendly negotiations. Where the two parties fail to reach an agreement after negotiations, such dispute shall be submitted to arbitration or to court for legal actions. Unless otherwise agreed, such arbitration or legal action shall be carried out in place where the defendant is domiciled.Ⅶ.SPECIAL PROVISIONSThe following provisions shall be applied to all parts of this Policy and shall override the other terms and conditions of this Policy if any conflict arises.。
