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姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________


一、选词填空(词汇运用) (共15题;共75分)

1. (5分)看图,将下列单词的序号写在对应的横线上。


(1) This is my ________.

(2) Give me a ________,please.

(3) ________. I'm Kitty.

(4) This is Danny's ________.

(5) Touch your ________,John.

(6) Good ________;! Nice to meet you.

2. (5分)选词填空。

with at to in for (1) I'm not good ________;sports.

(2) He is very friendly ________;me.

(3) What grade are you ________?

(4) Fruit and vegetables are good ________ us.

(5) They didn't want to play ________;him.

3. (5分) It's ________(love/lovely). 它很可爱。

4. (5分)选词填空

look for glad get

well, surprised, messy, missing (1) I am ________. I will go to the zoo.

(2) Wow! My mum makes a big cake for me. I am so ________.

(3) My mum is ill. I hope she can ________;soon.

(4) I am sad. I lost my new pen. I will ________;it.

(5) My father is angry,because I always make my room ________.

5. (3分)根据表格内容填空。

A:ten B:twenty C:thirty

D:forty E:fifty F:sixty

G:seventy H:eighty I:ninety

(1) A plus E is ________

(2) I minus D is ________

(3) B plus F is ________

(4) H minus C is ________

6. (5分) Look at that________ (snowman/snowmen)It's cool.

7. (6分)—Did he visit San Francisco?

—Yes,he ________(does,did).

8. (5分)选择单词补充短文。

do about are course hobby with swimming morning A:Good ________.

B:Good morning. How ________ you?


B:Do you often go ________ on Saturday?

A:Yes,I ________.

B:What's your ________?

A:I love doing the high jump best. That's my hobby. What ________you?

B:I love dancing best. Will you dance ________ me this evening?

A:Yes,of ________. See you.

B:See you.

9. (5分)根据上下文,选择适当的单词完成短文

carefully worried had visited trip

Waterfall took travelled safety bought

Last weekend,the children went on a ________to the mountains. They ________ there with their teachers by train. They ________ the natural beauty. In front of the ________,some of the children ________ photos,some of them drank water and ate food. Some of them ________ some special fruit in the small shop. They ________ a happy time. Their teacher watched them ________. She ________ about their ________.

10. (5分) What ________ (else /also) do you do at school?

11. (5分)选择适当的Be(is ,am ,are )动词填空。

(1)—Where ________ you going?

—I ________ going to the bank.
