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31. The full official name of Australia is

A. The Republic of Australia.

B. The Commonwealth of Australia.

C. The Federation of Australia.

D. The Union of Australia.

32. Canada is well known for all the following EXCEPT

A. its mineral resources.

B. its forest resources.

C. its fertile and arable land.

D. its heavy industries.

33. In the United States community colleges offer

A. two-year programmes.

B. four-year programmes.

C. postgraduate studies.

D. B.A. or B.S. degrees.

34. In_____, referenda in Scotland and Wales set up a Scottish parliament and a Wales assembly.

A. 2000

B. 1946

C. 1997

D. 1990

35. Which of the following clusters of words is an example of alliteration?

A. A weak seat.

B. Safe and sound.

C. Knock and kick.

D. Coat and boat.

36. Who wrote Mrs. Warren's Profession?

A. John Galsworthy.

B. William Butler Yeats.

C. T. S. Eliot.

D. George Bernard Shaw.

37. Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser is a(n)

A. novel.

B. short story.

C. poem.

D. autobiography.

38. Which of the following italicized parts is an inflectional morpheme?

A. Unlock.

B. Government.

C. Goes.

D. Off-stage.

39. _____is a language phenomenon in which words sound like what they refer to.

A. Onomatopoeia

B. Collocation

C. Denotation

D. Assimilation

40. The sentence "Close your book and listen to me carefully!" performs a(n) ____function.

A. interrogative

B. informative

C. performative

D. directive

31. 澳大利亚的全称是:the commonwealth of Austrilia

32. 加拿大以什么著称,除了什么以外(矿产、森林、肥沃的土地)。答案选the heavy industries.

33. 美国社区大学一般提供two-year制课程

34. 1997年苏格兰、威尔斯全民公决各自有了自己的议会

35. 哪一个是头韵法,答案:safe and sound

36 谁写的Mrs. Warren's Profession,答案是:George Bernard Shaw

37 Sister Carrie是神马东东,答案:novel

38 下面哪一个斜体部分为曲折语素,答案goes里面的es

39 听其音,知其意是神马东东,答案:拟音Onomatopoeia

40 "关上课本,认真听我讲“起的啥作用,答案:directive


31. Which of the following is the French-speaking city in Canada?

A. Vancouver

B. Ottawa

C. Montreal

D. Toronto

32. Which of the following are natives of New Zealand?

A. The Maoris

B. The Aboriginals

C. The Red Indians

D. The Eskimos

33. The established or national church in England is ________.

A. the Roman Catholic Church

B. the United Reformed Church

C. the Anglican Church

D. the Methodist Church

34. The thirteen former British colonies in North America declared independence from Great Britain in ________.

A. 1774

B. 1775

C. 1776

D. 1777

35. “Grace under pressure” is an outstanding virtue of ________ heroes.

A. Scott Fitzgerald’s

B. Ernest Hemingway’s

C. Eugene O’Neill’s

D. William Faulkner’s

36. Widowers’ House was written by ________.

A. John Galsworthy
