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Porsche Centre Opening
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3- Event Plan
First part of event remains the same : -Welcoming -Unveil Centre
Then, for the 2nd part of the event, 2 options are now provided : -A large and yet elegant performance -In the Appendix section, a car unveil based on video projection
Address of Porsche Centre Porsche Centre Beijing Haidian [in English]No.35,Wukongqiao,Balizhuang Str.Haidian District,Beijing,China 100039 [in Chinese]北京海淀区八里庄街道五孔桥35号
Porsche Centre Opening
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Drop Off Point Option 2: Photocall along the street
*Remark- Red Carpet at the drop off point/ signing board slightly moved on the side
Porsche Centre Opening
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Number of Customers/ Prospects: 150 Number of VIP’s (excluding 5 from PCN): Number of Media: 30 Government Officials : 10 Others (staff) : 20 Total: 150 to 180 guests
The Grand Opening of Porsche Centre Beijing HaiDian
17 May 2009
Porsche Centre Opening
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1- Recap and Objectives 2- Event Plan 3- Catering 4- Manpower 5- Collaterals 6- Budget Overview 7- Contacts 8- Appendix
Porsche Centre Opening
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Key Messages
*Unveiling of the Centre
Porsche Centre Opening
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Outside View
Porsche Centre Opening
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Guests Flow
Porsche Centre Opening
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Drop Off Point Option 1: Photocall near entrance
*Remark- Red Carpet at the drop off point/ signing board slightly moved on the side
*When guests leave, the Valets parking collect the tags back and bring the cars to the cross road section for the guests.
*First Guests arrive at the drop off point at the entrance area. Hostesses welcome the guests. Then, the cars are either driven to the parking area by the car private drivers or by the Valet Parkings.
Porsche Centre Opening
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Cwenku.baidu.comrs Flow
*At the entrance drop off point, Valet Parking are stationed at the Valet Parking Desk.
When guests arrive, they ask if the guests need the Valet service. If guests do not have drivers, the Valets give a tag to the guests and bring the cars to the parking area going through the back entrance. [drivers are taught by Valet Parking how to get to the Parking area].
*Guests are welcome by the PR agency at the registration desk. Normal guests are welcomed to pass through the signing board and then enter the venue.
PR agency welcome the VIPs, lead them to the signing board for them to sign in. Then, they are guided to the VIP room.
Porsche Centre Opening
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1- Recap and Objectives
-Event Brief -Participants
Porsche Centre Opening
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Event Brief
Monday 8th June
Theme: Porsche Centre Beijing Haidian Opening ☐ soft opening grand opening