智慧语言模式(巧妙回应术)(Intelligent language model (clever response technique))

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智慧语言模式(巧妙回应术)(Intelligent language model (clever

response technique))

As the saying goes: "a word to make, but also to master of Zen Buddhism is often a word epiphany, let a person be able to escape.

Life is full of nine in ten. A strong man tries himself in trouble, but a weak man sink in difficulty. Why do some people become weak and choose to sink into it? Are they not born with the ability to succeed? No, it isn't! Buddhism says, is "already there", that is to say, everyone has enough resources. NLP coach's premise is also based on this, coach NLP technology believes that everyone has all the resources that make him happy! The coach is an expert on the subject he has, and he has all the answers to the question

So why do many people still feel unhappy today, tired, helpless, angry, helpless, or even disgusted with life? From a psychological point of view, it is caused by some limited beliefs of human beings. What is the limiting belief? The belief that a person is thinking is a limited belief, and the reason for failing to achieve the goal is often because of the limited beliefs that he or she does not have. If you want a better life, you must change these beliefs first.

Based on the above idea, coach NLP technology is mainly through the unique language model, for the parties to see their own introspection, thinking of the blind, to get rid of obstacles of faith, limit their successful expansion of it, and then volunteered to take action to make their own progress, so as

to enhance their quality of life.

The restrictive beliefs that fill our minds with tiredness and powerlessness are usually:

The competition is so fierce that business can not be done.

It's really too hard.

It's impossible.

With busy work, where do you have time to study?

You can only give up your family if you want to work.

No way, only this way.


You've probably heard of Zen master speak eloquent words, Zhizhirenxin, Zen wisdom just need high understanding to "Enlightenment", "interesting", such as Zen Buddhism "by means of non-literature, zhizhirenxin". But there are few people who can realize great wisdom. The circle, rather than retreat webs! Originated in the United States NLP is a very practical psychology, it is one of the skills of "imitation of excellence", by this method, the rules of language imitation of outstanding figures, below, I try to put the structure out in the competition is so fierce, you can not do this limit as an example of faith:

World view law:

When a person has a limited belief, it is a fact for him. For example, there is a person who runs into difficulties, he will say: "the competition is so intense, business can not do."". If he believes that this is a fact, it can not be changed, because the facts can not be changed. When he believes that this can not be changed, he will not seek a breakthrough approach, business will be more difficult.

Therefore, in order to break a man's restrictive beliefs, the first thing to do is to turn his "facts" into his "world view", so that the parties understand that this is only his personal idea. The language used here is to add "you think" before the client's restrictive beliefs, and turn his affirmative statement into a question: "you think competition is intense and business can't be done, right?""

When the client hears this sentence, his subconscious receives a message: This is only his personal idea, not the fact. This laid a foundation for the belief that it would break down later.

Two, counter examples:

When a person has limited beliefs, his mind is often focused on one thing and no other possibilities. The Party led to negative examples, if he can see different possibilities, so limiting beliefs will collapse of itself.

The language used here is to ask the client to find a possibility from the opposite side by asking questions:
