



2024年MBA考研英语大纲样题一、阅读理解1. 文章标题:The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Business内容概要:本文主要讨论了人工智能对商业的影响,包括其对就业市场、企业管理和商业模式的影响。


2. 文章标题:The Importance of Ethical Leadership in Business内容概要:本文讨论了在当今商业环境中,道德领导力的重要性,并探讨了道德领导力对企业发展的影响。


二、写作1. 作文题目:The Pros and Cons of Globalization要求:请就全球化的利与弊进行分析,并提出对于全球化未来发展的建议。

2. 作文题目:The Role of Technology in Business Management要求:请在本文中讨论技术在企业管理中的作用,以及技术对企业管理带来的影响。

三、翻译1. 将以下英文段落翻译成中文:"In today's rapidly changing business environment, it is essential forpanies to adapt to new technologies in order to staypetitive. The rise of artificial intelligence and big data has revolutionized the way businesses operate, andpanies that f本人l to embrace these changes will be left behind."2. 将以下中文段落翻译成英文:"随着全球化的深入发展,企业经营面临着新的挑战。



单词音标A / ei, E/a bita body ofa couple ofa far crya fewa good deala good manya littlea lota lot ofa series ofa.m.abandon/ EbAndEn/ abatement/ EbeitmEnt/ ability/ Ebiliti/able / eibl/aboard / EbR:d/ about / Ebaut/ above / EbQv/ above allabroad/ EbrR:d/ absence/ AbsEns/ absent/ AbsEnt, Ebse absolute/ AbsElu:t/ absorb/ EbsR:b/ abstract/ AbstrAkt/ abundant/ EbQndEnt/ academic/ AkEdemik/ accelerate/ AkselEreit/ accent/ AksEnt, Akse accept/ Eksept/ acceptable/ EkseptEbl/ acceptance/ EkseptEns/ access/ Akses/ accident/ AksidEnt/ accommodation/ E,kRmEdeiFE accompany/ EkQmpEni/ accomplish/ EkRmpliF/ accomplishment/ EkRmpliFmE according/ EkR:diN/ accordingly/ EkR:diNli/ account/ Ekaunt/accounting/ EkauntiN/ accuracy/ AkjurEsi/ accurate/ Akjurit/ accuse/ Ekju:z/ accustomed/ EkQstEmd/ ache/ eik/achieve/ EtFi:v/ achievement/ EtFi:vmEnt/ acid/ Asid/ acquaintance/ EkweintEns/ acquire/ EkwaiE/ acre/ eikE/across / EkrRs/act / Akt/action/ AkFEn/ active / Aktiv/ activity/ Aktiviti/ actor/ AktE/ actress/ Aktris/ actual/ AktjuEl/ actualsacute/ Ekju:t/ad/ Ad/adapt/ EdApt/add/ Ad/add up toaddition/ EdiFEn/ additional/ EdiFEnl/ address / Edres/ adequate/ Adikwit/ adjective/ AdViktiv/ adjust/ EdVQst/ administration/ EdministreiFE admire/ EdmaiE/ admission/ EdmiFEn/ admit/ Edmit/adopt/ EdRpt/adult/ AdQlt/ adulteration/ EdQltEreFEn advance / Edva:ns/ advanced/ Edva:nst/ advantage/ Edva:ntidV/ adventure/ EdventFE/ adverb/ AdvE:b/advertise/ AdvEtaiz/ advertisement/ EdvE:tismEnt advice/ Edvais/ advisable/ EdvaizEbl/ advise/ Edvaiz/ adviser/ EdvaizE/ aeroplane/ ZErEplein/ affair/ EfZE/affect/ Efekt/ affection/ EfekFEn/ affiliate/ Efilieit/affix/ Efiks/afford/ EfR:d/ afraid/ Efreid/ Africa/ AfrikE/ African/ AfrikEn/ After / a:ftE/after allaftermarket/ B:ftEmB:kit/ afternoon/ a:ftEnu:n/ afterward/ a:ftEwEd(z)/ again/ Egein, Egen/ against/ Egeinst, Egen age / eidV/aged/ eidVd/ agency/ eidVEnsi/ agent/ eidVEnt/ aggregate/ Agrigeit/ aggregate GNPaggression/ EgreFEn/ aggressive/ Egresiv/ago/ EgEu/ agree/ Egri:/ agreement/ Egri:mEnt/ agriculture/ AgrikQltFE/ ahead/ Ehed/ ahead ofaid / eid/aim/ eim/air/ ZE/aircraft/ ZEkra:ft/ airline/ ZElain/ airliner/ ZElainE/ airplane/ ZEplein/airport/ ZEpR:t/ alarm / Ela:m/ alcohol/ AlkEhRl/ alienation/ eiljEneiFEn/ alienator/ eiljEneitE/ alienee/ eiljEni:/ alike/ Elaik/alive/ Elaiv/all/ R:l/all at onceall butall of a suddenall overall rightall the sameall the timeallocation/ AlEkeiFEn/ allow/ Elau/allow foralmost/ R:lmEust/ alms/ B:mz/alone/ ElEun/ along/ ElRN/ alongside/ ElRNsaid/ aloud/ Elaud/ alphabet/ AlfEbit/ already/ R:lredi/also/ R:lsEu/alter/ R:ltE/ although/ R:lTEu/ altogether/ R:ltEgeTE/ always/ R:lweiz, R:lw amateur/ AmEtE:/ amaze/ Emeiz/ ambition/ AmbiFEn/ ambulance/ AmbjulEns/ amend/ Emend/ amendment/ EmendmEnt/ America/ EmerikE/ American/ EmerikEn/ among/ EmQN/ amongst/ EmQNst/ amortization/ EmR:tizeiFEn amount/ Emaunt/amuse/ Emju:z/ analysis/ EnAlEsis/ analyze/ AnElaiz/ ancestor/ AnsistE/ ancient/ einFEnt/ and/ And, End/ and so onangel/ eindVEl/ anger/ ANgE/ angry/ ANgri/ animal/ AnimEl/ anniversary/ ,AnivE:sEri/ announce/ Enauns/ annoy/ EnRi/ annual/ AnjuEl/ annuity/ Enju:iti/ another/ EnQTE/ answer/ a:nsE/ answer forant/ Ant/ anticipate/ Antisipeit/ anxiety/ ANgzaiEti/ anxious / ANkFEs/ any / eni/ anybody/ enibRdi/ anyhow / enihau/ anyone/ eniwQn/ anything/ eniWiN/ anything butanyway/ eniwei/ anywhere/ eniwZE/ apart/ Epa:t/apart fromapartment/ Epa:tmEnt/ apologize/ EpRlEdVaiz/ apology/ EpRlEdVi/ apparent/ EpArEnt/ appeal/ Epi:l/ appear/ EpiE/ appearance/ EpiErEns/ appetite/ Apitait/ apple/ Apl/ applicable/ AplikEbl/ application/ AplikeiFEn/applied/ Eplaid/ apply/ Eplai/ appoint/ EpRint/ appointment/ EpRintmEnt/ appraisal/ Epreizl/ appreciate/ Epri:Fieit/ appreciation/ Epri:FieiFEn/ approach/ EprEutF/ appropriate/ EprEupriit/ approval/ Epru:vEl/ approve/ Epru:v/ approximately/ EprRksimitli/ April/ eiprEl/ Arabian/ EreibjEn/ arbitrage/ B:bitrB:dV/ architect/ a:kitekt/ architecture/ a:kitektFE/ area/ ZEriE/ argue/ a:gju:/ argument/ a:gju:mEnt/ arise/ Eraiz/arm/ a:m/ armchair/ a:mtFZE/ army/ a:mi/ around/ Eraund/ arouse/ Erauz/ arrange/ EreindV/ arrangement/ EreindVmEnt arrears/ EriEz/ arrest/ Erest/ arrestment/ ErestmEnt/ arrival/ EraivEl/ arrive/ Eraiv/art/ a:t/article/ a:tikl/ artificial/ a:tifiFEl/ artist/ a:tist/as/ Az, Ez/as a matter of factas a resultas a result ofas a ruleas far asas far concernedas foras good asas ifas long asas regardsas soon asas wellas well asas...asash/ AF/ ashamed/ EFeimd/ Asia/ eiFE/Asian/ eiFEn/ aside/ Esaid/aside fromask/ a:sk/ask afterask forasleep/ Esli:p/ aspect/ Aspekt/ assemble/ Esembl/ assembly/ Esembli/ assessmentassessorasset/ Aset/asset accountassets incomeassets settlementassign/ Esain/ assignmentassist/ Esist/ assistance/ EsistEns/ assistant/ EsistEnt/ associate/ EsEuFieit/ association/ EsEusieiFEn/ assume/ Esju:m/ assure/ EFuE/ astonish/ EstRniF/ astronaut/ AstFEunR:t/ at/ At, Et/at a lossat allat all costsat all timesat any rateat first sightat handat heartat intervalsat largeat leastat lengthat mostat no timeat onceat one timeat presentat the cost ofat the momentat the same timeat timesathlete/ AWli:t/ Atlantic/ EtlAntik/ atmosphere/ AtmEsfiE/ atom/ AtEm/ atomic/ EtRmik/ attach/ EtAtF/ attack/ EtAk/ attempt/ Etempt/ attend/ Etend/ attendance/ EtendEns/ attention/ EtenFEn/ attitude/ Atitju:d/ attorney/ EtE:ni/ attract/ EtrAkt/ attraction/ EtreAkFEn/ attractive/ EtrAktiv/ auction/ R:kFEn/ audience/ R:djEns/ auditingAugust/ R:gQst/ aunt/ a:nt/ Australia/ RstreiljE/ Australian/ RstreiljEn/ author/ R:WE/ authority/ R:WRriti/auto/ R:tEu/ automatic/ R:tEmAtik/ automobile/ R:tEmEbi:l/ autumn/ R:tEm/ avail/ Eveil/ available/ EveilEbl/ avenue/ Avinju:/ average/ AvEridV/ aviation/ eivieiFEn/ avoid/ EvRid/ avoidable/ EvRidEbl/ await/ Eweit/ awake/ Eweik/ award/ EwR:d/ aware/ EwZE/ away/ Ewei/ awful/ R:ful/ awkward/ R:kwEd/ ax/ Aks/axebaby/ beibi/ back/ bAk/back and forthback downback upbackground/ bAkgraund/ backward/ bAkwEd/ backwards/ bAkwEdz/ bad/ bAd/ badly/ bAdli/bag/ bAg/ baggage/ bAgidV/ bail/ beil/ balance/ bAlEns/ ball/ bR:l/ balloon/ bElu:n/ ballooningban/ bAn/ banana/ bEna:nE/ band/ bAnd/ bank/ bANk/ banker/ bANkE/ banking/ bANkiN/ bankrupt/ bANkrEpt/bankruptcy/ bANkrEptsi/ banner/ bAnE/bar/ ba:/barber/ ba:bE/bare/ bZE/ bargain/ ba:gin/ barrier/ bAriE/ barter/ ba:tE/base/ beis/basic/ beisik/ basin/ beisn/ basis/ beisis/ basket/ ba:skit/ basketball/ ba:skitbR:l/ bat/ bAt/bath/ ba:W/ bathe/ beiT/ bathroom/ ba:Wrum/ battery/ bAtEri/ battle/ bAtl/be/ bi:/be about tobeach/ bi:tF/bean/ bi:n/bear/ bZE/bear in mindbeard/ biEd/ bearer/ bZErE/ bearish/ bZEri:F/ beast/ bi:st/beat/ bi:t/ beautiful/ bju:tiful/ beauty/ bju:ti/ because/ bikRz/ become/ bikQm/ bed/ bed/bee/ bi:/beef/ bi:f/beer/ biE/ before/ bifR:/ before longbeforehand/ bifR:hAnd/ beg/ beg/ beggar/ begE/beginner/ biginE/ beginning/ biginiN/ behalf/ biha:f/ behave/ biheiv/ behavior/ biheivjE/ behaviour/ biheivjE/ behind/ bihaind/ being/ bi:iN/ belief/ bili:f/ believe/ bili:v/bell/ bel/ belong/ bilRN/ below/ bilEu/belt/ belt/ bench/ bentF/ bend/ bend/ beneath/ bini:W/ beneficial/ benifiFEl/ beneficiary/ benifiFEri/ benefit/ benifit/ beside/ bisaid/ beside pointbesides/ bisaidz/ best/ best/bet/ bet/ better/ betE/ between/ bitwi:n/ beyond/ bijRnd/ beyond questionbicycle/ baisikl/ bid/ bid/ bidder/ bidE/big/ big/bill/ bil/billion/ biljEn/ binder/ baindE/ biology/ baiRlEdVi/ bird/ bE:d/ birth/ bE:W/ birthday/ bE:Wdi/ biscuit/ biskit/bit/ bit/bite/ bait/black/ blAk/ blackboard/ blAkbR:d/ blame/ bleim/ blank/ blANk/ blanket/ blANkit/ blanknotebleed/ bli:d/ blind/ blaind/ block/ blRk/ blood/ blQd/ bloom/ blu:m/ blow/ blEu/ blue/ blu:/ board/ bR:d/ boast/ bEust/ boat/ bEut/ body/ bRdi/boil/ bRil/ bold/ bEuld/ bomb/ bRm/ bond/ bRnd/ bonded/ bRndid/ bone/ bEun/ bonus/ bEunEs/ book/ buk/ booking/ bukiN/ bookstore/ bukstR:/ boom/ bu:m/ boot/ bu:t/ border/ bR:dE/ bore/ bR:/ born/ bR:n/ borrow/ bRrEu/ borrowingboss/ bRs/ both/ bEuW/ both...and...bother/ bRTE/ bottle/ bRtl/ bottleneck/ bRtlnek/ bottom/ bRtEm/ bound/ baund/ boundary/ baundEri/bowl/ bEul/ box/ bRks/ boy/ bRi/ brain/ brein/ brainstormbrake/ breik/ branch/ bra:ntF/ brand/ brAnd/ brass/ bra:s/ brave/ breiv/ bread/ bred/ breadth/ bredT/ break/ breik/ break awaybreak downbreak inbreak intobreak offbreak outbreak throughbreak upbreak-evenbreakfast/ brekfEst/ breast/ brest/ breath/ breW/ breathe/ bri:T/ breed/ bri:d/ breeze/ bri:z/ bribe/ braib/ brick/ brik/ bride/ braid/ bridge/ bridV/ brief/ bri:f/ bright/ brait/ brilliant/ briljEnt/ bring/ briN/ bring aboutbring downbring forwardbring into operation bring outbring upBritain/ britn/ British/ britiF/broad/ brR:d/ broadcast/ brR:dka:st/ broke/ brEuk/ broken/ brEukEn/ broker/ brEukE/ brokerage/ broukEridV/ broom/ bru:m/ brother/ brQTE/ brow/ brau/ brown/ braun/ brush/ brQF/ bubble/ bQbl/ bucket/ bQkit/ budget/ bQdVit/ build/ bild/build upbuilding/ bildiN/ bulb/ bQlb/bulk-cheapbull/ bul/bull-bearbullet/ bulit/ bulletin/ bulitin/ bullish/ buliF/ bunch/ bQntF/ bundle/ bQndl/ burden/ bE:dn/ bureau/ bjuErEu/ burn/ bE:n/burn downburn outburn upburst/ bE:st/bury/ beri/bus/ bQs/bush/ buF/ business/ biznis/ busy/ bizi/but/ bQt/but forbutter/ bQtE/ button/ bQtn/buy/ bai/by/ bai/by accidentby all meansby and byby and largeby farby handby itselfby means ofby mistakeby no meansby oneselfby the wayby virtue ofby way ofby-businessby-lawby-productC.O.D.cabbage/ kAbidV/ cabin/ kAbin/ cabinet/ kAbinit/ cable/ keibl/cadre/ kAdri,kB:dE/ cafe/ kAfei, kEfei/ cage/ keidV/cake/ keik/ calculate/ kAlkjuleit/ calculator/ kAlkjuleitE/ calendar/ kAlindE/ call/ kR:l/call forcall offcall oncall upcalm/ ka:m/ camel/ kAmEl/ camera/ kAmErE/ camp/ kAmp/ campaign/ kAmpein/ campus/ kAmpEs/ can/ kAn/can not helpCanada/ kAnEdE/ Canadian/ kEneidjEn/cancel/ kAnsEl/ cancer/ kAnsE/ candidate/ kAndidit/ candle/ kAndl/ candy/ kAndi/ canvasser/ kAnvEsE/ cap/ kAp/ capable/ keipEbl/ capable ofcapacity/ kEpAsiti/ capital/ kApitl/ capitation/ kApiteiFEn/ captain/ kAptin/ capture/ kAptFE/ car/ ka:/ carbon/ ka:bEn/ card/ ka:d/care/ kZE/care forcareer/ kEriE/ careful/ kZEful/ careless/ kZElis/ cargo/ ka:gEu/ carpenter/ ka:pintE/ carpet/ ka:pit/ carriage/ kAridV/ carry/ kAri/carry offcarry oncarry outcarry throughcart/ ka:t/carve/ ka:v/case/ keis/cash/ kAF/ cashier/ kAFiE/ cassette/ ka:set/cast/ ka:st/ castle/ ka:sl/ casual/ kAVjuEl/ cat/ kAt/ catalog/ kAtElRg/ catalogue/ kAtElRg/catch firecatch sb.'s eyecatch sight ofcatch up withcattle/ kAtl/cause/ kR:z/ caution/ kR:FEn/ cave/ keiv/cease/ si:s/ceiling/ si:liN/ celebrate/ selibreit/cell/ sel/cement/ siment/cent/ sent/center/ sentE/ centigrade/ sentigreid/ centimetercentral/ sentrEl/ centre/ sentE/ century/ sentFuri/ ceremony/ serimEni/ certain/ sE:tEn/ certificate/ sEtifikit/ chain/ tFein/chair/ tFZE/ chairman/ tFZEmEn/ chalk/ tFR:k/ challenge/ tFAlEndV/ champion/ tFAmpjEn/ chance/ tFa:ns/ change/ tFeindV/ channel/ tFAnl/ chapter/ tFAptE/ character/ kAriktE/ characteristic/ kAriktEristik/ charge/ tFa:dV/ charming/ tFa:miN/ chart/ tFa:t/chase/ tFeis/chat/ tFAt/cheap/ tFi:p/cheat/ tFi:t/check/ tFek/check incheck outcheck upcheek/ tFi:k/cheer/ tFiE/ cheerful/ tFiEful/ cheese/ tFi:z/ chemical/ kemikl/ chemist/ kemist/ chemistry/ kemistri/ cheque/ tFek/chess/ tFes/chest/ tFest/ chicken/ tFikin/chief/ tFi:f/child/ tFaild/ childhood/ tFaildhud/ childish/ tFaildiF/ chilly/ tFili/ chimney/ tFimni/chin/ tFin/china/ tFainE/ China/ tFainE/ Chinese/ tFaini:z/ chocolate/ tFRkElit/ choice/ tFRis/ choose/ tFu:z/chore/ tFR:/ Christian/ kristiEn/ Christmas/ krismEs/ church/ tFE:tF/ cigaretcigarettecinema/ sinimE/ circle/ sE:kl/circuit/ sE:kit/ circular/ sE:kjulE/ circulate/ sE:kjuleit/ circulation/ sE:kjuleiFEn/ circumstance/ sE:kEmstEns/ cite/ sait/citizen/ sitizn/city/ siti/civil/ sivl/civilization/ sivilaizeiFEn/ civilize/ sivilaiz/ claim/ kleim/class/ kla:s/ classical/ klAsikEl/ classify/ klAsifai/ classmate/ kla:smeit/ classroom/ kla:srum/ clause/ klR:z/clean/ kli:n/clear/ kliE/clear awayclear upclearance/ kliErEns/ clerk/ kla:k, klE:k/ clever/ klevE/client/ klaiEnt/cliff/ klif/climate/ klaimit/ climb/ klaim/clinic/ klinik/clock/ klRk/close/ klEuz, klEus/ closed/ klEuzd/ closedown/ klouzdaun/ cloth/ klR:W/ clothe/ klEuT/ clothes/ klEuTz/ clothing/ klEuTiN/ cloud/ klaud/ cloudy/ klaudi/club/ klQb/clue/ klu:/ clumsy/ klQmzi/ coach/ kEutF/coal/ kEul/ coarse/ kR:s/coast/ kEust/coat/ kEut/cock/ kRk/code/ kEud/ coffee/ kRfi/coin/ kRin/cold/ kEuld/collapse/ kElAps/ collar/ kRlE/ colleague/ kRli:g/ collect/ kElekt/ collection/ kElekFEn/ collective/ kElektiv/ college/ kRlidV/ colony/ kRlEni/ color/ kQlE/ colour/ kQlE/ column/ kRlEm/ comb/ kEum/ combination/ kRmbineiFEn combine/ kEmbain/ come/ kQm/come aboutcome acrosscome alongcome into effectcome offcome oncome outcome roundcome throughcome tocome upcome up againstcome up tocome up withcomfort/ kQmfEt/ comfortable/ kQmfEtEbl/ command/ kEma:nd/ commander/ kEma:ndE/ comment/ kRment/ commerce/ kRmE(:)s/ commercial/ kEmE:FEl/ commission/ kEmiFEn/ commit/ kEmit/ committee/ kEmiti/ commodity/ kEmRditi/ common/ kRmEn/ communicate/ kEmju:nikeit/ communication/ kEmju:nikeiF communism/ kRmjunizEm/communist/ kRmjunist/ community/ kEmju:niti/ companion/ kEmpAniEn/ company/ kQmpEni/ compare/ kEmpZE/ compare tocompare withcomparison/ kEmpArisn/ compass/ kQmpEs/ compel/ kEmpel/ compensate/ kRmpenseit/ compensation/ kRmpenseiFE compete/ kEmpi:t/ competent/ kRmpitEnt/ competition/ kRmpEtiFEn/ competitor/ kEmpetitE/ complain/ kEmplein/ complaint/ kEmpleint/ complete/ kEmpli:t/ complex/ kRmpleks/ complicated/ kRmplikeitid/ compose/ kEmpEuz/ composition/ kRmpEziFEn compound/ kRmpaund, kE comprehension/ kRmprihenFE comprehensive/ kRmprihensiv compress/ kEmpres/ compromise/ kRmprEmaiz/ computer/ kEmpju:tE/ comrade/ kRmrid/ conceal/ kEnsi:l/ concentrate/ kRnsEntreit/ concentration/ kRnsEntreiFE concept/ kRnsept/ concern/ kEnsE:n/ concerning/ kEnsE:niN/ concert/ kRnsEt/ conclude/ kEnklu:d/ conclusion/ kEnklu:VEn/ concrete/ kRnkri:t/ condemn/ kEndem/ condense/ kEndens/ condition/ kEndiFEn/ conduct/ kRndEkt, kEnconductor/ kEndQktE/ conference/ kRnfErEns/ confess/ kEnfes/ confidence/ kRnfidEns/ confident/ kRnfidEnt/ confirm/ kEnfE:m/ conflict/ kRnflikt, kEn confront/ kEnfrQnt/ confuse/ kEnfju:z/ confusion/ kEnfju:VEn/ conglomerate/ kEnglRmErit/ congratulate/ kEngrAtjuleit congratulation/ kEngrAtjuleiF congress/ kRNgres/ conjunction/ kEndVQNkFE connect/ kEnekt/ connection/ kEnekFEn/ conquer/ kRNkE/ conscience/ kRnFEns/ conscious/ kRnFEs/ consent/ kEnsent/ consequence/ kRnsikwEns/ conservative/ kEnsE:vEtiv/ consider/ kEnsidE/ considerable/ kEnsidErEbl/ considerate/ kEnsidErit/ consideration/ kEnsidEreiFE consignmentconsist/ kEnsist/ consolidation/ kEnsRlEdeiFE constant/ kRnstEnt/ constitution/ kRnstitju:FEn construct/ kEnstrQkt/ construction/ kEnstrQkFEn consult/ kEnsQlt/ consume/ kEnsju:m/ consumer/ kEnsju:mE/ consumerism/ kEnsju:mEriz consumption/ kEnsQmpFEn contact/ kRntAkt, kEn contain/ kEntein/ containercontainerization contemporary/ kEntempErErcontent/ kRntent, kEnt contest/ kEntest, kRnt continent/ kRntinEnt/ continual/ kEntinjuEl/ continue/ kEntinju(:)/ continuous/ kEntinjuEs/ contract/ kRntrAkt, kEn contract for purchase contract for servicecontract interestcontract lifecontract of purchasecontract of service contractorcontradiction/ kRntrEdikFEn contrary/ kRntrEri/ contrast/ kRntrAst, kEn contribute/ kEntribju(:)t/ contribution/ kRntribju:FEn contributor/ kEntribju(:)tE control/ kEntrEul/ controller/ kEntroulE/ convenience/ kEnvi:njEns/ convenient/ kEnvi:njEnt/ convention/ kEnvenFEn/ conventional/ kEnvenFEnl/ conversation/ kRnvEseiFEn convert/ kEnvE:t, kRn convertible/ kEnvE:tEbl/ convey/ kEnvei/ conveyance/ kEnveiEns/ convince/ kEnvins/ cook/ kuk/cookercool/ ku:l/ cooperate/ kEuRpEreit/ coordinate/ kEuRdinit/ cope/ kEup/ copper/ kRpE/copy/ kRpi/ copyright/ kRpirait/ core/ kR:/corn/ kR:n/corner/ kR:nE/corporation/ kR:pEreiFEn/ correct/ kErekt/ correction/ kErekFEn/ correspond/ kRrispRnd/ corresponding/ kRrispRndiN/ corridor/ kRridR:/ corrupt/ kErQpt/cost/ kRst/ costing/ kR:stiN/ costly/ kRstli/ cotton/ kRtn/cough/ kRf/could/ kud, kEd/ council/ kaunsil/ counselingcount/ kaunt/count oncount upcounter/ kauntE/ counterfeit/ kauntEfit/ counterfoil/ kauntEfRil/ country/ kQntri/ countryside/ kQntrisaid/ county/ kaunti/ couple/ kQpl/ courage/ kQridV/ course/ kR:s/court/ kR:t/cousin/ kQzn/cover/ kQvE/ cover upcow/ kau/crash/ krAF/crazy/ kreizi/ cream/ kri:m/ create/ kri(:)eit/ creative/ kri(:)eitiv/ creature/ kri:tFE/ credit/ kredit/crew/ kru:/crime/ kraim/ criminal/ kriminl/ crisis/ kraisis/ critical/ kritikEl/criticism/ kritisizEm/ criticize/ kritisaiz/ crop/ krRp/ cross/ krRs/ crowd/ kraud/ crowded/ kraudid/ crown/ kraun/ crude/ kru:d/ cruel/ kruEl/ crush/ krQF/cry/ krai/cube/ kju:b/ cubic/ kju:bik/ cultivate/ kQltiveit/ culture/ kQltFE/ cunning/ kQniN/ cup/ kQp/ cupboard/ kQbEd/ curb/ kE:b/cure/ kjuE/ curiosity/ kjuEriRsiti/ curious/ kjuEriEs/ currency/ kQrEnsi/ current/ kQrEnt/ curtain/ kE:tn/ curve/ kE:v/ custom/ kQstEm/ customercut/ kQt/cut acrosscut backcut downcut incut offcut outcut shortcutback/ kQtbAk/ cycle/ saikl/dad/ dAd/daily/ deili/ dairy/ dZEri/ dam/ dAm/ damage/ dAmidV/ dance/ da:ns/danger/ deindVE/ dangerous/ deindVrEs/ dare/ dZE/dark/ da:k/dash/ dAF/data/ deitE/date/ deit/ daughter/ dR:tE/ dawn/ dR:n/day/ dei/ daylight/ deilait/ dead/ ded/ deadline/ dedlain/ deadly/ dedli/deaf/ def/deal/ di:l/deal indeal outdeal withdealer/ di:lE/dear/ diE/death/ deW/ debate/ dibeit/ debenture/ dibentFE/ debit/ debit/debt/ det/debtee/ deti:/ debtor/ detE/debt-riddendecade/ dekeid/ deceive/ disi:v/ December/ disembE/ decent/ di:snt/ decide/ disaid/ decision/ disiVEn/ deck/ dek/ declare/ diklZE/ decline/ diklain/ decorate/ dekEreit/ decrease/ dikri:s, di:kri: deduct/ didQkt/ deed/ di:d/deep/ di:p/ deependefault/ difR:lt/ defeat/ difi:t/ defectsdefence/ difens/ defend/ difend/ defense/ difens/ deficit/ difisit/ define/ difain/ definite/ definit/ definition/ definiFEn/ degree/ digri:/delay/ dilei/ delegate/ deligeit/ delegation/ deligeiFEn/ delicate/ delikit/ delicious/ diliFEs/ delight/ dilait/ delighteddeliver/ dilivE/ delivery/ dilivEri/ demand/ dima:nd/ democracy/ dimRkrEsi/ democratic/ demEkrAtik/ demonstrate/ demEnstreit/ dense/ dens/deny/ dinai/ depart/ dipa:t/ department/ dipa:tmEnt/ departure/ dipa:tFE/ depend/ dipend/ dependent/ dipendEnt/ deposit/ dipRzit/ depreciation/ dipri:FieiFEn/ depression/ dipreFEn/ deprive/ dipraiv/ depth/ depW/ derive/ diraiv/ describe/ diskraib/ description/ diskripFEn/ desert/ dezEt, dizE:t/ deserve/ dizE:v/ design/ dizain/ desirable/ dizaiErEbl/desk/ desk/ despair/ dispZE/ desperate/ despErit/ despite/ dispait/ destroy/ distrRi/ destruction/ distrQkFEn/ detail/ di:teil/detect/ ditekt/ determination/ ditE:mineiFEn determine/ ditE:min/ determined/ ditE:mind/ devalue/ di:vAlju:/ develop/ divelEp/ development/ divelEpmEnt/ devil/ devl/devote/ divEut/ diagram/ daiEgrAm/ dial/ daiEl/dialect/ daiElekt/ dialog/ daiElRg/ dialogue/ daiElRg/ diameter/ daiAmitE/ diamond/ daiEmEnd/ diary/ daiEri/ dictation/ dikteiFEn/ dictionary/ dikFEnEri/ die/ dai/die downdie outdiet/ daiEt/differ/ difE/ difference/ difrEns/ different/ difrEnt/ difficult/ difikElt/ difficulty/ difikElti/dig/ dig/digest/ didVest, daidV diligent/ dilidVEnt/ dine/ dain/dinner/ dinE/direct/ direkt/ direction/ direkFEn/ director/ direktE/dirty/ dE:ti/ disadvantage/ disEdva:ntidV disagree/ disEgri:/ disappear/ disEpiE/ disappoint/ disEpRint/ disappointment/ disEpRintmEn disapprove/ disEpru:v/ disaster/ diza:stE/disc/ disk/ discharge/ distFa:dV/ discipline/ disiplin/ disclose/ disklEuz/ discount/ diskaunt/ discourage/ diskQridV/ discover/ diskQvE/ discovery/ diskQvEri/ discuss/ diskQs/ discussion/ diskQFEn/ disease/ dizi:z/ disguise/ disgaiz/dish/ diF/ dishonor/ disRnE/ dishonour/ n./ disinflation/ disinfleiFEn/ dislike/ dislaik/ dismiss/ dismis/ disorder/ disR:dE/ display/ displei/ dispute/ dispju:t/ dissolution/ disElu:FEn/ dissolve/ dizRlv/ distance/ distEns/ distant/ distEnt/ distinct/ distiNkt/ distinguish/ distiNgwiF/ distrain/ distrein/ distribute/ distribju:t/ distribution/ distribju:FEn/ district/ distrikt/ disturb/ distE:b/ditch/ ditF/dive/ daiv/divide/ divaid/dividend/ dividend/ division/ diviVEn/ divorce/ divR:s/do/ du:, du/do away withdo one's bestdo withoutdock/ dRk/ docking/ dRkiN/ doctor/ dRktE/ document/ dRkjumEnt/ dog/ dRg/dole/ dEul/ dollar/ dRlE/ domestic/ dEmestik/ donkey/ dRNki/ door/ dR:/ dormitory/ dR:mitri/ dose/ dEus/ double/ dQbl/ doubt/ daut/ doubtful/ dautful/ down/ daun/ downpaymentdownstairs/ daunstZEz/ dozen/ dQzn/ draft/ dra:ft/ drag/ drAg/ drain/ drein/ drama/ dra:mE/ dramatic/ drEmAtik/ draw/ drR:/draw indraw ondraw updrawback/ drR:bAk/ drawer/ drR:/ drawing/ drR:iN/ dread/ dred/ dream/ dri:m/ dress/ dres/ dress updrill/ dril/drink/ driNk/drive/ draiv/driver/ draivE/drop/ drRp/drop bydrop offdrop outdrought/ draut/ drown/ draun/drug/ drQg/drum/ drQm/ drunk/ drQNk/dry/ drai/duck/ dQk/due/ dju:/due todull/ dQl/dumb/ dQm/dump/ dQmp/ durable/ djuErEbl/ duration/ djuEreiFEn/ during/ djuEriN/ dusk/ dQsk/dust/ dQst/duty/ dju:ti/dye/ dai/each/ i:tF/each othereager/ i:gE/ear/ iE/early/ E:li/earn/ E:n/ earnest/ E:nist/ earningsearth/ E:W/ earthquake/ E:Wkweik/ ease/ i:z/easily/ i:zili/east/ i:st/eastern/ i:stEn/easy/ i:zi/eat/ i:t/echo/ ekEu/ economic/ i:kEnRmik/ economical/ i:kEnRmikEl/economics/ i:kEnRmiks/ economy/ i(:)kRnEmi/ edge/ edV/ edition/ idiFEn/ editor/ editE/ educate/ edju(:)keit/ education/ edju:keiFEn/ educator/ edVukeitE/ effect/ ifekt/ effective/ ifektiv/ efficiency/ ifiFEnsi/ efficient/ ifiFEnt/ effort/ efEt/egg/ eg/eight/ eit/ eighteen/ eiti:n/ eighth/ eitW/ eighty/ eiti/either/ aiTE, i:TE/ either...orelder/ eldE/elect/ ilekt/ election/ ilekFEn/ electric/ ilektrik/ electrical/ ilektrikEl/ electricity/ ilektrisiti/ electron/ ilektrRn/ electronic/ ilektrRnik/ electronics/ ilektrRniks/ element/ elimEnt/ elementary/ elimentEri/ elephant/ elifEnt/ elevator/ eliveitE/ eleven/ ilevn/ eleventh/ ilevnW/ eliminate/ ilimineit/ elimination/ ilimineiFEn/ else/ els/ elsewhere/ elswZE/ embarrass/ imbArEs/ embezzle/ imbZzl/ emerge/ imE:dV/ emergency/ imE:dVEnsi/ emit/ imit/emotion/ imEuFEn/ emotional/ imEuFEnl/ emperor/ empErE/ emphasis/ emfEsis/ emphasize/ emfEsaiz/ empire/ empaiE/ employ/ implRi/ employee/ emplRii:/ employer/ implRiE/ employment/ implRimEnt/ empty/ empti/ enable/ ineibl/ enclosure/ inklEuVE/ encounter/ inkauntE/ encourage/ inkQridV/ encouragement/ inkQridVmEn end/ end/ending/ endiN/ endless/ endlis/ endorse/ indR:s/ endorsee/ indR:si:/ endorsement/ indR:smEnt/ endorser/ indR:sE/ endure/ indjuE/ enemy/ enimi/ energetic/ enEdVetik/ energy/ enEdVi/ enforce/ infR:s/ engage/ ingeidV/ engine/ endVin/ engineer/ endViniE/ engineering/ endViniEriN/ England/ iNglEnd/ English/ iNgliF/ Englishman/ iNgliFmEn/ enjoy/ indVRi/ enjoy oneselfenjoyment/ indVRimEnt/ enlarge/ inla:dV/ enormous/ inR:mEs/ enough/ inQf/ ensure/ inFuE/enter/ entE/ enterprise/ entEpraiz/entertain/ entEtein/ enthusiasm/ inWju:ziAzEm enthusiastic/ inWju:ziAstik entire/ intaiE/entitle/ intaitl/ entrance/ entrEns/ entry/ entri/ envelope/ envElEup/ environment/ invaiErEnmE envy/ envi/equal/ i:kwEl/ equality/ i(:)kwRliti/ equip/ ikwip/ equipment/ ikwipmEnt/ era/ iErE/error/ erE/escape/ iskeip/ especially/ ispeFEli/ essay/ esei/ essential/ isenFEl/ establish/ istAbliF/ establishment/ istAbliFmEnt estimate/ estimit, estim etc.Europe/ juErEp/ European/ juErEpi:En/ evaluate/ ivAljueit/ evasion/ iveVEn/eve/ i:v/even/ i:vEn/even ifevening/ i:vniN/event/ ivent/ eventually/ iventjuEli/ ever/ evE/ever soevery/ evri/every othereverybody/ evribRdi/ everyday/ evridei/ everyone/ evriwQn/ everything/ evriWiN/ everywhere/ evriwZE/ evidence/ evidEns/evident/ evidEnt/evil/ i:vl/ evolution/ i:vElju:FEn/ exact/ igzAkt/ exam/ igzAm/ examination/ igzAmineiFEn examine/ igzAmin/ example/ igza:mpl/ exceed/ iksi:d/ excellent/ eksElEnt/ except/ iksept/ except forexception/ iksepFEn/ exchange/ ikstFeindV/ excise/ eksaiz/ excite/ iksait/ excitedexciting/ iksaitiN/ exclaim/ ikskleim/ exclude/ iksklu:d/ excuse/ ikskju:z, ikskj ex-dividendexecute/ eksikju:t/ executive/ igzekjutiv/ executor/ eksikju:tE/ exemption/ igzempFEn/ exercise/ eksEsaiz/ exhaust/ igzR:st/ exhibit/ igzibit/ exhibition/ eksibiFEn/ exist/ igzist/ existence/ igzistEns/exit/ eksit/ expand/ ikspAnd/ expansion/ ikspAnFEn/ expect/ ikspekt/ expectation/ ekspekteiFEn expediter/ ekspidaitE/ expenditure/ ikspenditF/ expense/ ikspens/ expensive/ ikspensiv/ experience/ ikspiEriEns/ experiment/ iksperimEnt/ expert/ ekspE:t/expire/ ikspaiE/ explain/ iksplein/ explanation/ eksplEneiFEn explode/ iksplEud/ exploit/ eksplRit, iksp explore/ iksplR:/ explosion/ iksplEuVEn/ explosive/ iksplEusiv/ export/ ekspR:t, ekspR expose/ ikspEuz/ express/ ikspres/ expression/ ikspreFEn/ extend/ ikstend/ extensive/ ikstensiv/ extent/ ikstent/ external/ ekstE:nl/ extraordinary/ ikstrR:dinEri/ extreme/ ikstri:m/eye/ ai/eyesight/ aisait/fabric/ fAbrik/face/ feis/face to faceface up tofacility/ fEsiliti/fact/ fAkt/factor/ fAktE/ factory/ fAktEri/fade/ feid/ Fahrenheit/ fArEnhait/fail/ feil/failure/ feiljE/faint/ feint/fair/ fZE/faith/ feiW/faithful/ feiWful/fake/ feik/fall/ fR:l/fall back onfall behindfall in withfall outfall throughfame/ feim/family/ fAmili/ famine/ fAmin/ famous/ feimEs/ fan/ fAn/ fancy/ fAnsi/far/ fa:/far fromfare/ fZE/farm/ fa:m/ farmer/ fa:mE/ farming/ fa:miN/ farther/ fa:TE/ fashion/ fAFEn/ fashionable/ fAFEnEbl/ fast/ fa:st/ fasten/ fa:sn/fat/ fAt/fatal/ feitl/fate/ feit/ father/ fa:TE/ fatigue/ fEti:g/ fault/ fR:lt/ faulty/ fR:lti/ favor/ feivE/ favorite/ feivErit/ favour/ feivE/ favourablefax/ fAks/fear/ fiE/ fearful/ fiEful/ feasibility/ fi:zEbiliti/ feasible/ fi:zEbl/ feast/ fi:st/ feature/ fi:tFE/ February/ februEri/ federal/ fedErEl/ fee/ fi:/feed/ fi:d/ feedbackfeel/ fi:l/feel likefeeling/ fi:liN/ fellow/ felEu/。



















2.试卷内容和结构听力测试包括三个部分:提供给考生的部分信息指导语言测试点题型题号计分1段独白或对话(180〜220个单词)(播放两次记录)英语特定和特定信息填写表格5 5分B 1段独白或对话(280〜320个单词)(播放两次录音)英语特定,特定和一般信息完整句子或简短回答问题5 5分C 3个独白或对话(200〜300个单词)(播放1次录音)英语了解一般含义和细节;推断单词的含义;判断态度/意图多项选择(从4选择1)10 10分A部分(5个问题):考生’了解特定和特定信息的能力。





二、教材教学重点:课文理解Answer the Questions、句子翻译Sentence Translation、词汇记忆Language and Culture Focus,知识拓展活动Extended Activities。

第1—9单元Reading I的课文及练习、教学参考书上所要求的重点词汇、拓展练习B 的Function and Structure、拓展练习C的Practical Reading以及Reading II的Special Use的部分习题等等。

三、教材教学难点:口语训练,课文中的长句和难句理解,部分专业词汇记忆,Reading I课文习题中的选词变形填空和组词成句练习。

四、重点复习范围及要求:所学全部课文英译汉,长难句的语法理解,重点词汇的读、译、写和应用,Special Use部分习题,英语情景对话等。

五、各单元重点词汇:第一册Unit 1:Production生产, manufacture大量制造, service, 服务merchandise买卖,trade贸易, land土地, labor劳动, capital资本, distribute分发,entrepreneurship企业家素质, accomplish完成, perform表演,实行,go bankrupt破产, creditor债权人, venture(有风险的)工作项目,profit利润;relate---to/with将---联系起来, be extracted---from从---中提取,be responsible for对---负责, make---of value使某物更有价值,look for寻找,decide on作出决定,up to 直到,refer to, 提到,涉及,pay for为---而付钱, distribute---to/among在---中分发,分销,分配。



I. 考试性质英语(二)考试是为高等学校和科研院所招收专业学位硕士研究生而设置的具有选拔性质的全国统一入学考试科目。


II. 考试形式和试卷结构(一)考试形式考试形式为笔试。













共四篇文章,总长度为1 500词左右。

















































1. 听力理解:考生应能听懂英语国家日常生活和学术领域的英语对话和讲座,把握主要信息点。

2. 阅读理解:考生应能读懂各类英语文章,理解文章的主旨、细节和推断作者意图。

3. 翻译:考生应能将英语资料准确翻译成中文,并表达清晰。

4. 写作:考生应能撰写各类英语短文,包括说明文、议论文和应用文,表达清楚,语法正确。



1. 听力理解:30分
2. 阅读理解:30分
3. 翻译:30分
4. 写作:30分
1. 听力部分:提前阅读选项,预测内容;注意关键词汇和信息;做好笔记。

2. 阅读部分:快速阅读文章,把握主旨;仔细阅读问题,定位答案;注意细节和推理。

3. 翻译部分:理解原文,准确传达意义;注意语言流畅和地道。

4. 写作部分:审清题目,明确观点;结构清晰,逻辑严密;注意语言准确和得体。



















共四篇文章,总长度为1 500词左右。













1.5 语言能力要求 1.6 商务内容要求
1.17 词汇要求
本考试要求词汇量达到4,500词,其中 商务专业词汇1,500词左右。
1.8 考试项目
本考试分为听力、阅读、翻译与写作、 口语四大模块。各个项目、题数、记分和 考试时间等如下表:
序 模块 形 分值 时间

题 计分 数
2 30
前三个模块合计 100 120
62 100
序号 模块 形式 分值 时间 (分钟)
题数 计分
1 20
商务句子口译 (汉译英) 4 口语 口试 50 12
2 10 1 20
4 50
1.9 考试组织机
由常设的“全国国际商务英语培训认 证考试中心”负责组织考务培训、命题、 考试、阅卷和认证工作。由来自相关行业 和高校的专家组成专家委员会,指导考试 和认证工作。
质量和数量的表达方法 主要结算票据
主要贸易术语具体内容 检验、索赔、
2.2 商务内容要求

其它 外汇汇率
全国国际商务英语培训认证考试 (一级)
主要内容 一、大纲总体介绍 二、语言能力要求与商务内容要求详解 三、题型介绍



MBA联考英语大纲词汇汇总整顿(一)abatement n.减(免)税,打折扣,冲销abide v.坚持,遵守abolish v.废除,取消absence n.缺席,不在场;缺少,没有absent a.缺席,不在场;心不在焉absorb v.吸取;吸引…注意,兼并;兼并absurd a.荒唐abundance n.丰富,充裕abundant a.大量,充裕,丰富accumulate v.积累,积蓄,堆积accuracy n.精确,精准accurate a.精确,精准accuse v.指责,控告acid a.酸,酸性n.酸,酸性物质acquaint v.(sb.with)使结识,使理解acquaintance n.相识,熟人acute a.敏锐,激烈,严重adhere v.(to)粘附,胶着;坚持adolescent n.青少年 a.青春期,青少年adopt v.采用,采用,收养adultertion n.掺假,劣等货,假货,次品adventure n.冒险,奇遇,惊险活动adverb n.副词advertise v.为…做广告advertisement n.广告advice n.劝告,忠告,意见advisable n.明智,可取advise v.劝告,建议;告知adviser n.导师,顾问advocate n.倡导者,鼓吹者,辩护律师v.倡导aeroplane n.飞机aerospace n.太空,宇宙空间affair n.事情,事件,事务affect v.影响;(使)感动affection n.爱,感情affiliate n.附属机构,联营公司affirm v.断言,必定,(在法庭上)证明affix vt.附加;贴上;盖印 n.词缀affluent adj.富裕afford v.肩负得起,买得起,花得起(时间);供应,予以afraid a.(of)怕,胆怯;恐怕,紧张Africa n.非洲African a.非洲(人) n.非洲人after prep.在…后来,在…背面 conj.在…后aftermarket .n.贩卖修理用零件市场afternoon n.下午,午后afterward(s) ad.日后,后来again ad.又,再(次),重新against prep.对(着),逆;反对;违背;接近,倚在;对比age n.年龄;时期,时代 v.变老,老化aged .a.年老,通过相称岁月,有...岁agency n.代理(处),代办处agenda n.议事日程agent n.代理商(人),代表aggravate v.恶化,加重,加剧aggregate v.集合,共计aggression n.敌对情绪或行为aggressive a.侵略,好斗;敢作敢为,有进取心ago ad.此前,…前agony n.苦恼,痛苦agree v.(to,with)批准,赞成;一致,适合agreement n.批准,一致;协定,合同agriculture n.农业ahead ad.在前,向前,提前,前头aid v.援助,救援 n.援助,救护;助手,辅助物aim v.(at)目在于,旨在;瞄准,针对n.目的,目air n.空气,大气,天空;神气,架子v.使通风air-conditioning n.空调aircraft n.航空器,飞机airline n.航线;航空公司airlines .n.航空公司airplane n.飞机 [英]aeroplaneairport n.机场,航空站aisle n.走廊,过道alarm n.警报;惊恐 v.使惊恐,惊动;向…报警album n.集邮本,照相簿,唱片alcohol n.酒精,乙醇alert a.警惕;机灵alien n.外侨;外星人 a.外国;(from)相异alienation n.疏离感alienator .n.让渡人,赠送者,疏远者alienee .n.受让人alike a.相似,想像alive a.活着着;活跃,热闹all a.所有,所有 pron.一切,所有ad.完全,都allege v.断言,宣称allocate v.分派,分派,把…拨给allocation .n.拨给,分派allow v.容许,准许;承认;让…得到allowance n.津贴,补贴(费)alloy n.合金ally n.同盟国,同盟者;支持者v.(with)使结盟almost ad.几乎,差不多alms n.救济金;救济品alone a.单独,独立 ad.仅仅,只;单独地,独自along prep.沿着 ad.向前 along with与…一起aloud ad.出声地,大声地alphabet n.字母表already ad.已,已经also ad.也,同样;并且,还alter v.变化,变更alternate a.交替,轮流v.交替,轮流alternative a.两者挑一 n.可供选取事物,替代物although conj.尽管,虽然,虽然altitude n.高度,海拔altogether ad.完全,所有地;总共;总之aluminum n.铝always ad.永远,始终;总是,始终AM A.M.(a.m.)上午amateur a.业余 n.业余(活动)兴趣者amaze v.使惊奇,使惊愕,使惊叹ambition n.雄心,野心ambitious a.有雄心,野心勃勃ambulance n.救护车amend v.修改,修正amendment .n.改正,修正America n.美洲;美国American a.美洲(人);美国(人)n.美国人;美国人amid .prep.在...中among prep.在…之中,在…中间amortization .n.分期清偿债务amount n.数量,总额v.(to)共计,总共达,等于ample a.充分,富裕;宽敞,宽敞amplify v.放大,增强amuse v.逗…笑,给…以娱乐(消遣) analysis n.分析,分解。













2、试卷内容与结构听力测试由三节组成:节为考生提供的信息指导语语言测试要点题型题目数量计分A 1段独白或对话(180~220词)(放2遍录音)英语特定和具体信息填充表格5 5分B 1段独白或对话(280~320词)(放2遍录音)英语特定、具体和总体信息补全句子或简答题5 5分C 3段独白或对话(200~300词)(放1遍录音)英语理解大意和细节;推断词义;判断态度/意图选择题(4选1)10 10分A节(5题):测试考生理解特定和具体信息的能力。



MBA考试大纲热点词汇词意及用法示例(1)第一级别1. pace of modern life 节奏growth of economy 增长speed of traveling 速度2. mark of key words 标记sign of illness 征兆symbol of purity 象征signal of start 信号label of “By Air” 标签trace of the criminal 线索,踪迹spot(a report made on the spot)斑点,现场stain on the carpet 圬渍,弄脏3. effective method/medicine/measures 有效的efficient secretary/engine 高效的valid certificate/excuses 有效的,可靠的sufficient supply/funds 充足的adequate scientific evidence 足够的4. ordinary day/person/illness 平常的, 普通的, 平凡的regular customer/exercise/bedtime 有规律的, 定期的normal price/temperature正常的;常态的average intelligence 平均的, 普通的, 一般的5. exact description/words/meaning 切贴的precise target/measurement 精准的accurate figures/calculation/weather forecast/watch 准确的definite life/date/promise 有限的, 明确的6. extend the railway/business scope 延伸,扩展stretch the shrunken trousers/arms 伸展,拉长prolong my stay in Beijing 延长postpone/put off holding the match 推迟delay/hold back the train 延误, 阻止cancel/call off appointment/the order 取消7. debate the education laws 讨论,争论dispute the truth of his words 争论, 辩论,反驳, 驳斥bargain over the price/a big bargain 讲价, 谈条件, 交易consult my principal on this matter 咨询, 商量8. disturb sb./the surface of the lake/the peace/the balance 打扰,打乱interrupt the traffic/ ot hers’ talk 打断,中断interfere with other countries’ national affairs 干涉offend the teacher 冒犯~ traffic regulations 违反9. modify a law/terms of the contract/a product 修改alter clothes 改样revise the composition/a book 修订,校正transform our daily life 改变~ heat into power 转化10. rise(The sun/price/river …) 上升,上涨raise flower/fish/child 种,养~ question 提问~ money 募集arise (Problem/difficulty/misunder standing …) 发生,出现arouse one’s interest 激起,唤起11. adapt/adjust (oneself) to the new environment 使适应adjust the teaching/methods to suit … 调整adopt the suggestion/the policy 采用~ an homeless dog 收养12. release news/ energy/ suspect 释放,发布relieve pressure/ pain 减轻,缓解reveal a secrecy/ mystery/the end of a story 揭示Studies ~ that … 显示13. associate the west with poverty 联系communicate with each other 交流connect the wire to the television 连接~ the old man with the murder 联系correspond with my request 相等,符合~ with a friend 通信14. promote understanding/production/sale 促进~ sb. to president/the higher grade 提拔,升职proceed The interview ~ed friendly./~with the story/~to tell the story 进行, 继续下去exceed~ my expectation/ Heart attack ~ high blood pressure as the first killer. 超过excel ~ in strength 超群15. transfer sb. to another position 调动~ the luggage to another car/to another school/to another bus 转移~ property to another person 转让transmit disease/signal/heat 传播,传送transform/turn/convert/change… into … 转化~ people’s view on life 改变16. available any material available 可以得到的anyone available 有空的tickets available 可用的approachable headmaster 平易近人的attainable goal 可达到的17. consistent policy/effort 一贯的constant pressure/rain 时常发生的~ speed/temperature 恒定的,不变的continual stops/interruptions 频繁的continuous supply 持续的18. original plan/works 原来的,本来的primitive weapons/tribes 落后的~ coins 古老的19. deliver a letter/goods/newspaper 递送~ a lecture 发表(演说) discharge steam/electricity 排出~ one from obligation 免除义务~ a suspect 释放20. gain/win supporters 赢得obtain a book/a degree 得到acquire knowledge/experience/ skill 学得,获得achieve success/one’s goal 获得,达到21. expensive price 昂贵的dearcostly victory 付出很大代价的~ jewelry 贵重的valuable suggestion 有价值的precious metal 珍贵的priceless friendship 无价的22. compare A with B 比较compare A to B 比较,比做A is comparable toB 可比较的, 比得上的contrast His actions ~ with his principles 对比时显示差别by contrast/in contrast to 相比之下distinguish between green and blue/ right from wrong 区别Human ~s himself from other animals. 有别于23. damage the car/his brain 损坏,损伤ruin the city/the painting/his hope 毁灭spoil the child 宠坏~ a plan/an atmosphere 破坏wreck a boat/ship 机、船失事24. substitute A for B 用A替Breplace B with A 取代A take the place ofB 代替B give way to A 让路25. deny V-ing 否认~ women the right to vote 拒绝给..deprive women of the right to vote 剥夺26. ignore anyone greeting her 不理睬~ our objection/the difference 不顾;忽视neglect others’ criticism/her appearance/one’s meals and sleep/one’s duty 疏忽;忽视27. spread the news/disease 扩散~ the wet clothe on the grass 摊开scatter the crowd/leaves 驱散28. artificial intelligence/satellite/flower/hair/rain 人造的false teeth/impression 虚假的,错误的manual work 手工的,用手操纵的fake art works 仿制的,赝品的faulty goods/design 劣质的,不完善的counterfeit banknotes/ coins 伪造的,假的29. empty bottle 空的~ promise/ lectures 空洞的bare mountain/ head 光秃的blank application forms/ paper/ mind 空白的~ look 茫然的vacant position 空缺的~ lot 空闲的hollow water pipe 中空的margin notes written in the margin 页边的空白30. assure you of the reliability / you that the news are reliable 向…保证;使放心ensure one’s saf ety/ success/ the supply of the necessities 确保insure one’s property against fire 保险secure the coast areas from the food 使安全feel ~ with you beside me 安全的31. recover from illness/ shock 康复~ the lost umbrella 找回restore the ruined picture 复原~ law and order/ energy 恢复resume higher education/ what he was doing 重新开始,继续32. relieve pressure/headache减轻,缓解relax one’s muscles/ attention 放松,休息33. mild climate/leader 温和的faint light/voice/idea/hope 微弱的modest price/demand 适度的34. privilege a ~of meeting the president at any time 特权,优惠advantage has the ~ of a superior education 优势,优点interest 7%interest on a loan 利息for the ~ of people 利益35. rival for the gold medal/ in love 竞争对手,敌手enemy a public ~/ a lifelong ~/ Conceit is the ~ of [to] progress. 敌人companion in arms/ traveling ~/ faithful ~ 同伴,伴侣partner dancing ~/ business ~ 伙伴,合作者;搭档36. path a narrow ~ through the forest 小路the ~ to success 途径route climb mountains by a ~ / a direct bus ~ 路线,线路lane~ in the village; a ~ special for bus 小巷,车(航)道37. pension 养老金, 退休金subsidy 补助金, 津贴reward酬金,奖金commission佣金,手续费grant 补助金, 拨款alms 救济金38. tie the parcel/ shoes 捆,绑~ of friendship/ blood 联系,纽带attach the horse to the tree 系上~ a document to a letter/labels to the luggage/ a hospital ~ed to the university使附属于;加于… 之上connect this wire to the television/ two families ~ed by marriage 连接the suspect ~ ed with a murder. 关连fasten~ one’s coat against the cold/ the seat belt/ a door 扣住, 拴紧, 使固定39. restrain one’s anger/ laughter 抑制~ the child from approaching the fire 制止restrict oneself to two cigarettes a day/ business by laws 限制,约束(范围)limit the amount of the food one eats/ speed 限定;限度(超过限定程度会受罚) confine his mind with the tradition 束缚40. crude oil 天然的~ behavior 粗野的coarse food/ clothe 粗糙的~ manners/ joke 粗陋的tough job 费力的~policy 强硬的rough estimate/ guess 粗略的~ road 粗糙的41. enforce his argument/ demand 加强论点[坚持要求]confirm your determination 坚定决心intensify your research 加紧研究strengthen the national spirit 增强(强化)民族精神42. prevent disease/ crime 预防,防止~ sb. from doing sth. 阻止protect home industry/the river from pollution 保护~ the country from attack 防卫forbid smoking and drinking/ sb. to do sth. 禁止prohibit entering the construction site/ sb. from doing sth. 禁止,不准43. chase the dog 追逐~ the cow out of the field/ fear from mind 驱赶pursue an escaped prisoner 追逐~ wealth and pleasure 追求~ a career 从事seek the answer to the question/shelter from rain 寻找~ to hide my idea 企图44. guess what happened/ his attitude 猜想,猜测assume this to be true 假定~ new duty 承担imagine the situation there/ what he looks like 设想,想象foresee预见45. credit 信贷;信誉;学分currency货币cheque/check 支票banknotes钞票cash现金loan贷款46. wealthy a ~ family 富有的,富裕的fertile land/ soil 肥沃的,富饶的prosperous country/ business 繁荣的,昌盛的promising project/ job 有希望的,有前景的47. conceal one’s feelings 隐藏~ the news from his mother 隐瞒shield a country from invasion 防御~ themselves against the rain 躲避preserve the old castle 保护~ the meat/ dead body 保存;淹制retain the appearance of youth/ the old chair handed down in my family 保留,保持48. wage by the piece 工资(周,日;体力劳动salary teachers’ salary 薪水(按月, 年;专业人员)revenue of a country/of a company 国家收入,税收income收入,所得49. eliminate the false and retain the true/ the possibility/misunderstanding 消灭,消除remove one’s hat 脱掉~ the dishes from the table/the stain 去掉withdraw his promise/ his remark on this matter 收回~ troops from the area 撤退~ money from the ban 提款retreat to countryside 隐退;退却,撤退abandon one’s idea/ his attempt 放弃~ career/ wife and children/ weapons 抛弃50. outstanding an ~ writer/ achievement 杰出的,突出的,显著的worthwhile a ~ job/ task 值得做的valuable information/ suggestion 有价值的51. contain 70% of water/ poisonous gas 包含a bottle ~ing 2 liters beer 容纳(物品)hold The hotel can ~ at least 300 people. 容纳(人)52. address a meeting/ the football team 给…讲话~ his husband as “boss” 称呼speak three languages 讲~ to the man in English 说话~ in the meeting 发言talk talk about sth. with sb./ talk to sb 谈话,谈论converse with sb. 会话;谈话53. memorize = learn … by heart the poem/ the good sentences 记忆recall my university life 回忆,想起~ unsafe cars/ the marketers from abroad 招回~ his offending words 收回recite the paragraph to the class/ the passage without reminding 背诵remind him to review what has been learned timely/ him of the past 提醒,使想起54. decline Prices will ~. 下降The empire has ~. 衰落~ an invitation/ offer 婉言谢绝refuse one’s demand/ his proposal 拒绝~ the unqualified staff 辞退reject the bribe/ his idea 断然拒绝;抵制~ an appeal 驳回deny telling a lie to me/ stealing anything 否认~ women any right 拒绝给予某人某物55. tend a small bookstore/the sick 照料,看护~ to retreat in face of a new challenge 往往tame a tiger/ a wild horse/ the trouble making river 驯服,制服a ~ cat/ monkey 顺从的,驯服了的breed Mice ~ quickly. Fish are ~ed in the reservoir. 繁殖,饲养War breeds misery and ruin. 滋生cultivate new species of rice 栽培~ a love of arts/ a habit of analysis/ a new generation 培养feed ~ domestic animal at regular intervals 喂食56. launch ~ a project/ mass campaign 发动,开展~ the home-made aircraft carrier/ space ship 发射,使船只下水smuggle illegal goods/ drugs/ crude oil/ a large sums of currency 走私,私带bribe the customs officers 贿赂load the gun/ camera with film 装载~ the truck with apples 装货57. prospective bride/ profits 未来的;预期的potential customers 潜在的;可能性,潜力58. miss the target/ the train by 2 minutes/ the chance 错过; 遗漏fail the examination/ too many students 失败, 不及格~ to catch the suspect 不能lose to the rival in the competition/the football match 输~ heart/ head/ way/ appeal to children 失去59. heal the wound ~; ~ the patient 愈合;使复原cure a patient/ a disease/ a pain 治愈treat an illness 治疗~ the matter as a joke 对待~ her sister to the theater 款待recover from illness/ shock 康复;恢复~ the lost confidence 找回60. interfere in sb.'s private affairs 干涉with his work /the communication signal 干扰bother the teacher with so many questions 打搅,麻烦interrupt others’ conversation/ speech; ~ the traffic 打断; 阻断disturb the balance of the nature/ the surface of the lake 搅乱The bad news has ~ed me very much. 使烦恼61. excite be ~d by the news of victory 使激动~ interest/jealousy 激起(感情) induce sb. to commit mistakes 劝诱~ sleepiness/suspect 招致inspire people to invent 启发~ the poor with the courage to eliminate the poverty 鼓舞~ people to write poems 给人灵感attract others’ attention/ a large number of oversea visitors 吸引62. influential an ~ politician 有影响力的productive ~ force 生产的a very ~ writer 多产的effective method/ measures 起作用的,有效果的fruitful a ~ tree 硕果累累的a ~ meeting/ negotiation/ campaign 有成效的63. illustrate in the book 图解~ my viewpoint with my own experience 例证demonstrate the theory 证明~ the operation of the new machine/an action 演示,示范express his appreciation to the host/his enjoyment with a sweet smile 表达,表示display the children’s handwriting/ commodities ~ed in the windows 展示,陈列64. extend railway/flight 延伸~ business scope 扩展expand the company from 20 branches to 45 branches 扩张;扩大~ with heat 膨胀enlarge a photo/one’s house 放大,扩建stretch arms and legs to relax 伸展~the shrunk trousers 拉长65. safety public ~; 安全,平安caution drive with ~ 小心,谨慎~ students not to cheat on the exams 告诫security of the country/ an environment of peace and ~ 安全(感);保安precaution take ~ against disease/fire 预防~ noise/fire precautions 预防措施66. charges freight ~/ ~ for repairing the TV set 费用, 收费fare bus/taxi ~ (交通)费用fee tuition ~/ a doctor’s ~ for visit (教育、医疗)费用price 价格,单价payment付款67. origin of human/ of civilization 起源,由来Spanish ~ 血统root the ~ of a tooth/of hair/ tongue 根the ~ of evil 根源source ~ of news/ information/ a river/ water 出处,源头68. spare tire/parts 备用的~ bed/time 空闲的extra work/ extra train/ charge 不在计划之内的additional conditions/ regulations 另外的,附加的,补充的surplus labor/ funds 过剩的, 剩余的; 盈余69. tender a ~ mother/ expression 温柔的~ meat 脆嫩的delicate silk/ operation 精细的,精致的mild weather/ leader/ answer 温和的~ fever 轻微的gentle nature/ wind 温和的;文雅的, 轻柔的70. retreat to countryside 隐退~ from the frontline 撤退,退却withdraw his words 收回~ troops from the area 撤退~ money from the bank 提款remove people’s doubts/ ~ hat after enteri ng the room 排除,去掉delete the surplus words 删除71. late spring/morning/1960s 晚春later后来latest news/development 最新的lately最近,近来the latter --- the former后者,前者72. delicate operation/silk/instrument 精心的,精致的deliberate decision/fire 深思熟虑的, 故意的distinct voice/advantage/increase 清晰的,明显的73. intensive care/training 细致的~ investigation 深入的extensive knowledge/damage 广阔的, 广泛的74. dense population/traffic 稠密的tense muscles/expression 紧张的75. distribute books to students 分发~ resources 分配attribute success to the good policy 归因于contribute to heart disease 促成~ something to socialist construction 贡献76. claim to be the best 声言exclaim in surprise 呼喊, 惊叫blame sb. for sth. 责备, 谴责77. expose the material to sunlight/the corruption to the public 暴露impose pressure on our daily life/one’s own will on others 强加~ tax on imports 加税dispose of waste 处理78. maintain an interest 维持~ a building 维修,包养retain the truth and eliminate the false/the assets 保留,留住,持有contain 70%water 含有,包含sustain the weight 撑住,抵御79. reserve a table for two 预定deserve attention/ praise 值得preserve meat/ 保鲜~ dead bodies 保存conserve forest/ mineral recourses 保护80. like The two brothers are like each other. 介词像alike The two brothers are alike形容词像likely It’s likely that our team will defeat the opponent. 可能的81. explode The bomb exploded 爆炸, 爆发explore ~ the possibilities/the unknown area 探索;研究; 考察expand The company has ~ed its operations. 扩大,膨胀82. transfer sb. to another position 调动~ the luggage to another car 转移transmit disease/signal 传播,传送transact business over phone 交易83. revise a composition/a book 校订, 修正reveal a secrecy 泄露;透露84. aspect in many aspects 方面inspect the army/ the factory 检查,视察85. resist disease/wind/temptation 抵制,抵抗insist on V-ing 坚持做.~ that … . 认为persist in V-ing 坚持做consist of four sections 由…组成86. consume fuel 消费,消耗~ potatoes 吃掉resume what we were doing/ the lost territory/our spirit 重新开始,收复,恢复assume what you said to be true 假定87. wonder what was going on 想知道It’s no wonder … 奇怪wander into the room 徘徊His mind ~s in class. 精神恍惚88. assure you of the reliability of the news/ you that the news are reliable 向…保证;使放心ensure one’s safety/ success/ the supply of the necessities 确保insure property against robbery 保险89. rise The prices/the sun/hopes ~. 上升,上涨arise problems /misunderstanding/ situation ~ 发生,出现raise flower/fish/question 种,养,提问90. resign one’s position 辞职;放弃retire at the age of 60 退休~ from the world/business 离开retain the appearance of youth 保留;保持91. transmit light/ sound/ disease/ signal / data 传递,传播submit the report/ papers/ a plan to the authority 呈交to an unjust decision 屈服permit children to smoke 允许an entry ~ 许可证admit his crime/stealing 承认;供认~ him into the university 让…进入commit a crime/mistake 干(坏事)~one’s soul to God托付92. subordinate position in the company 部下,下属successive three ~ operations 连续的subsequent 随后的;后来的93. discourage his son from joining the army 使失去勇气;阻止dissuade sb. from doing sth. 劝阻distract sb. from sth. 使…注意力转移disturb the balance/ his work/ the signal/ the peace 打扰;妨碍94. conform (to) to the demand of society 符合~ to the interest of students 迎合confirm the news/ guess/ suspicion 确证,证实affirm one's loyalty to one's country 断言reform the society 改革~ the criminal 改造95. formally wear ~ 正式地resemble each other ~ 形式上地formerly以前地96. inquire = enquire of the timetable 询问require Plants `~ lights. 需要He is required to leave. 要求acquire knowledge/skills/a language 学得,获得97. review the past 回顾;复习~ a new novel 评论revive the traditional industry 振兴,重振revise a composition/ a book 修订,修改98. alive The cat is still ~ 活着的living his ~ relatives/ a ~ plant 活着的;现存的lively a ~ description 充满生机的,逼真的live a ~ mouse 活的broadcast ~ 现场直播99. convert some Hong Kong dollars into American dollars 兑换invert a cup 使倒转divert water from the stream into the fields 转向;转移exert~ influence on the judge’s grading 施加insert~ the key into the keyhole 插入100.ripe fruits/time/judgment 成熟的mature man/physically 成熟的101. chase the thief/the dog away 追捕,赶走pursue a goal/a career/knowledge 追求,从事102. worth a watch ~ more than one million dollars值…a question ~ discussing 值得…的worthy a man ~ of praise/~ to be praised 配得上的worthwhile a ~ job 值得做的,值得花时间的103. economic policy/ problem/ crisis 经济上的economical be ~ of fuel/ an ~ housewife 节约的,节俭的104. imaginary an ~ story/ hero 想象中的, 假想的; 虚构的imaginative an ~ writer 富于想象力的105. sensible a ~ choice/ decision 明智的sensitive~ ears/ skin/ instrument 敏感的,灵敏的106. successful成功的successive win five ~ games = win five games in succession 连续的107. industrial areas/ nations/ workers 工业的,产业的industrious people 勤劳的, 刻苦的108. respectable old man 可敬的,受尊敬的respectful be ~ to anyone who achieves something 恭敬的,尊重人的respective to visit our ~ mothers/ perform your ~ duties 各自的,分别的109. considerate wife/manager 体贴的;考虑周到的considerable income/effort/time 相当(大,多)的,可观的110. continual stops/ flashes of lightening 频繁的continuous ten days’ ~ hot weather/ supply 持续的111. historic meetings between the leaders 有历史意义的historical evidence/play 历史的,历史上的112. favorable weather for harvest/attitude toward the project 有利的;赞同的favorite books/fruits/dishes 喜爱的,中意的112. comparable a 比得上的, 可以相比的comparative a 相对的, 比较的112. comprehensible 能理解的,易懂的comprehensive 综合的,全面的113. take actions/steps/measures to do … 采取行动take effect 生效take a course 修课程take shelter 躲避(Measures/ actions/steps must be taken to do …)make effort to do … 努力take pains to do …make use of natural resources 利用take advantage ofhave effect/influence/impact on 对...有影响have faith in 相信, 信任give an order for 定购,下订单place/ put/ lay emphasis (stress, value) on重视,强调give/ attach importance (weight) topursue a career/ degree/ further study 从事,追求(with)draw money from bank 提取perform an operation/a play/one’s duty 做,履行,表演114. keep pace with the development/ the rapid change 跟上keep in touch with each other through telephone 保持联系keep an eye on the change of the situation 密切关注keep a distance from each other while talking 保持距离115. stimulate the flow of blood/sb to further effort 刺激, 激励seek an answer/to make peace 寻找, 尝试fasten seat belt116. response/reaction/objection/solution/approach/appealaccess/adaptation/exposure/contribution/attitude/right to (名词+ to)comment/ remark/ concentration/ focus/ effect/ impact/ influence on (名词+ on)warn/remind/accuse/convince/deprive/inform/envy sb. of sth. (名词+of) charge sb. with sth. (doing sth.)accuse sb. of sth. (doing sth.)blame sb. for sth. (doing sth.)117. be entitled to有权利, 有资格be concerned with关注,关心be concerned about关注,担忧be absorbed inbe concentrated/focused on专心于…be devoted to 致力于be engaged in从事be related tobe linked tobe attached tobe connected withbe associated with跟… 有关, 跟…联系在一起118. be bound for Shanghai 前往,开往be bound to do sth. 肯定做某事be liable to punishment 应受be liable to do sth. 往往,易于做be due to his carelessness 由于be due to give a lecture 预期做119. in the light of按照, 根据in the event of如果发生,万一in spite of尽管in favor of赞成,支持in honor of为纪念,为表示对…的敬义in the face of不顾,面对regardless of不管,不顾in terms of以…的观点;就…而说on good terms好的关系120. on purpose故意on duty当班on sale出售;贱卖on the spot在现场on the whole大体上by chance/ by accident偶然,不小心by mistake错误地by the way顺便说in return作为回报in advance事先in vain徒劳in question正在讨论之中的in public当众的,公开地in private私下地in turn依次;反过来in person亲自,本人in a sense从某种意义上说to… extent/degree 在…程度上on… scale 以…规模/幅度in no wayin no caseon no accounton no occasionby no meansunder no circumstance 决不121. at first at last 起先终于at least at most 至少至多at large at length未被捕详细地at table at work在吃饭在工作at hand 在手边, 在附近, 即将到来at stake 危如累卵, 危险at the sight of the exam paper 看见...时at the thought of examination 一想起at the cost of his life 以...为代价at the present speed/rate/level以… 速度at an hour’s/one meter’s intervals 每隔一段时间,每隔一段距离122. under construction/discussion/attack/threat/the controlin use/effect/trouble/questionon the rise/decrease123. be partial to偏袒,偏爱be indifferent to漠不关心be similar to相似be superior to优于,比…高级be inferior to劣于,比…差be preferable to更可取,更好be comparable to可相齐并论be equivalent to相当于,等值于be particular about挑剔,讲究be curious about好奇be mad about 喜欢be aware/conscious of意识到,知道be ashamed of 羞愧be afraid of 害怕124. make out the outline of the mountain 辨认出make for the exit 向…走去make up the majority 组成make up for the lost time/the loss 弥补125. cut off the electricity/conversation 切断cut down the expenses 减少126. carry out a plan/a policy/an experiment 执行carry on reading 继续carry over the rest goods 贮存(货物等)供下一季供应127. run down sb. in the back 诽谤the battery run down用完run into difficulty/debts 遇到run over his notes/the reports 浏览run out of the money 用完128. The thief broke away from the policeman. 逃离,脱离A fire/war/fight break out.爆发His lecture/the relationship breaks off. 中断,中止Our English will break through. 突破The ice breaks up in the spring. 裂开Atoms break up when tensely heated. 分解The meeting broke up at midnight. 结束129. take over the company/the job 接管take up space/time 占据~ a new hobby, English 开始从事take in what you said/students 理解,欺骗take on responsibilities 承担~ more staff 雇佣take after his father in every way 相似,相象130. put out a fire/light 熄灭put up a notice 张贴~ tent 搭建put off a conference 推迟131. come across my former teacher, an old picture 遇到,偶然碰见come out (news/book ~) 公开,出版come about How does it ~ that your answers are identical to mine? 发生come (a)round after operation 苏醒132. turn up the radio 开大He hasn’t turned up yet. 露面turn down the music 关小~ his application for the job. 拒绝turn out to be wrong 证明是~ the new model cars 生产turn/hand over the company to me 转交,移交turn to 求助于133. call for equality/intensive care 要求,需要call off the meeting 取消call on the government/sb 呼吁/拜访call at the construction site 访问134. lay out a plan 计划,安排lay down a new regulation 制定lay off some staff 解雇lay in some food 储存135. put up with inconveniences 忍受, 容忍come up with a new solution to the food shortage 提出catch up with my classmates in English 赶上make up for the lose 补偿136. His speech breaks off again and again. 中断,停止Fires break out again and again. 爆发His car breaks down again and again. 损坏,崩溃Ice /atom breaks up with the change of temperature. 破碎,分解137. set about contacting the company 开始做,着手处理set off/set out出发,启程138. fall out ~ with each other over the education of the child 争吵hair ~ 脱落fall through A plan/A policy ~ 落空;失败fall back on bank account 求助于,依靠fall behind落后139. get across the plan 使人理解get by 通过;逃脱get over difficulties/ fear 恢复,克服get at his secrecy 得到;查明140. go off (食)变质;断电go by what your supervisor says 遵守~ appearance 根据…判断go into economic problems/ details of the occurrence 研究,探讨go over his notes/the account 浏览;检查第二级别1. abandon one’s idea 放弃~ a friend in trouble/weapon 丢弃2. assemble in the hall 集合~ a machine 装配resemble his father 像3. appeal to the public 呼吁~ to the audience 吸引~ against the judge’s decision 申诉4. available anyone/material/ticket ~ 可得到的,可用的5. associate the west with poverty 联系communicate with each other 交流connect the wire to the television 连接~ the old man with the murder 联系correspond with my request 相等,符合~ with a friend 通信6. brand of the soap 商标,牌子band乐队;波段bend a river bending to the west/head over a book (使)弯曲bound to do / for somewhere 必定的/开往…的7. conceal one’s feelings/the truth 隐瞒;隐藏cancel a order/unnecessary words 取消,删除8. refine sugar/oil 提炼,精练define depression as …/the properties of the drug 定义,解释confess one’s guilty/stea ling money 坦白,承认confirm a rumor/the news/a reservation 进一步证实,确证9. conscious in the operation/of his shortcomings 清醒的,意识到的conscience according to one’s ~/ a bad ~ 良知,良心10. consult with the supervisor/a specialist/ a telephone directory 商量,咨询,查询insult the intelligence of the audience 侮辱11. accelerate The car ~d and overtook me. ~ the development 加速,促进12. contact between different countries/sb. by telephone 接触,联系contract to build a bridge 订合同sign a ~ 合同contrast city and country life/ between action and words 对比,对照,差异contest a beauty/folk songs 比赛,竞赛content of the box 内容of the silver in a ton of ore 含量with the present life/ to be a teacher 满足的13. deceive = cheat = fool欺骗perceive something unusual 察觉14. offend sb. with improper words 冒犯defend the island against invasion/his reputation 保卫,保护~ the suspect 辩护,辩解15. dramatic change/description/woman 戏剧性的;引人注目的domestic troubles/market/animal 家庭的,国内的,驯养的16. distinct improvement 明显的~ ideas from others 不同的~ voice 清晰的instinct act by ~ 本能extinct the ~ species/ the ~ family 灭绝,绝种17. privilege a ~of meeting the president at any time 特权,优惠advantage has the ~ of a superior education 优势,优点interest 7%interest on a loan 利息for the ~ of people 利益18. explore the Antarctic regions/the possibilities/the outer space 勘探,研究,探索exploit the oil undersea 开发~ the poor 剥削~ one's talents 利用explode爆炸,爆发19. dash A wolf ~ed through the woods. 猛冲,飞奔a boat ~ed against the rock 猛撞flash in the sunlight 闪烁~ into one’s mind 闪现A car /Time ~es. 飞驰crash The bus ~ed into a tree. 撞击The plane ~ over the sea. 坠毁cash pay in 现金~ a cheque 兑现20. block in the pipe/ ~ traffic (obstacle) 障碍(物);阻碍flock of birds/people/questions 大群21. furious at being kept waiting 狂怒的~ blow/knocking 猛烈的curious A ~ child/investigator 好奇的,求知的22. rival for the gold medal/ in love 竞争对手,敌手enemy a public ~/ a lifelong ~/ Conceit is the ~ of [to] progress. 敌人companion in arms/ traveling ~/ faithful ~ 同伴,伴侣partner dancing ~/ business ~ 伙伴,合作者;搭档23. anniversary the 100th anniversary of the founding of Rome 周年纪念日ceremony marriage/graduation/opening ~ 典礼,仪式24. appreciate your timely help 感激~ English poem 鉴赏~ the value of the land 增值approve of the decision 同意~ the budget 批准25. assign the monitor to take notes/day for the meeting 指派,指定~ property to the successor 过户~ the hard work to the strong labor 分配resign one's position (as secretary) 辞职~ oneself to one's fate 听从26. candidate for the position/for the entrance exam 候选人,应考人27. capacity of 2 liters/of one billion phones 容量;潜力;生产量28. company in the journey/radio as a ~ 陪伴campaign a ~ to stop people smoking 运动29. compose be ~d of 20 components 组成~ music for the film 写作oppose the new plan/the enemy force 反对;对抗expose the material to sunlight/corruptions to the public 暴露;揭露impose a tax on imports/one’s will on others 征税;强加dispose of wastes 处理30. compromise make ~ with/~ of principle 妥协;让步31. concentrate on work/on road while driving 集中,专心concrete evidence/suggestion/analysis 具体的,实质性的32. condemn violence of any sort 谴责~ sb. to death 宣判condense steam into water/the story into a few sentences 凝结;精简33. decent behavior/house/salary/job 得体的,体面的34. enforce his argument/ demand 加强论点[坚持要求]confirm your determination 坚定决心intensify your research 加紧研究strengthen the national spirit 增强(强化)民族精神35. deny telling lies to the manager 否认~ the prisoner any food 拒绝给予deprive the children of a normal childhood/ women any right 使丧失;剥夺36. dialect of the ancient Greece 方言,土话。





















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