

译林牛津版高中英语M2 U1 reading I 教学课件 (共18张PPT)

译林牛津版高中英语M2 U1 reading I 教学课件 (共18张PPT)

What’s the right order of the sentences?
Justin did not show up at the family lunch the next day.
3 Kelly heard Justin return home.
1 Justin left home to play baseball with his two friends.
1. Finish the rest exercises on p4-5. 2. All the people are concerned about
Justin’s disappearance. What do you think might have happened to him? Please give an ending to the story.
A newspaper article always gives details to support the main points of the story. Write down the supporting details for each point below.
Main points
Justin _to_w_a_r_d_s _hi_s_h_o_m_e_a_t_1_0_.4_5_p_.m__. returned ______________________
home. _h_er__br.oyt 1h1epa.mrd. ______________________
1. Do you believe that Justin was really taken away by the aliens? Why or why not?

译林牛津版必修二Unit1 Reading (共16张PPT)

译林牛津版必修二Unit1 Reading  (共16张PPT)
4.Why did people show interest in the case? Due to reports of strange lights in the sky and of alien visits around the time the boy disappeared.
2.When and whegriveesdtihde tmhaeinbidoeya agnodmissing? Three days ago, inmoDsotvimerp,oNrteawntHfaacmtspshire.
3.What did the police do? They have stepped up their search for the boy.
The 2-9 para. Do exercise C1
Sharing opinions The existence of aliens
Do you believe the existence of aliens? Could you give some reasons?
3. To attract other1s’7attention, many people
tell lies. 4. No alien has ever been caught.
5. There is no clear picture about UFOs.
6. Many “UFOs” have been proved to be mistakes.
1. Read the text at least ten times. 2. Read another English newspaper

2019教育译林牛津版必修二Unit1 Reading 共16张PPT数学

2019教育译林牛津版必修二Unit1 Reading  共16张PPT数学

Who is the boy?
Why were the police puzzled?
When/ Where/ How did he go missing?
Reading strategy
The 1st part The 2nd part The 3rd part
Reading strategy
Listen to the recording and find out what happened
to the boy according to the time sequence.
the next day
8p.m. 10.45p.m
Listen to the recording and find out what happened
2.When and whegriveesdtihde tmhaeinbidoeya agnodmissing? Three days ago, inmoDsotvimerp,oNrteawntHfaacmtspshire.
3.What did the police do? They have stepped up their sea_i_m_p_o__rt_a_nt information can be found in the following paragraphs.
Fast reading The first paragraph -the lead
1.Who is the boy that went missing? Justin Foster who is a fifteen - year-old boy.
not be the only planet where life exists. 4. Many photos prove the existence of UFOs.

英语-高中-必修2-牛津译林版课件:Unit 1-Reading (共36张PPT)

英语-高中-必修2-牛津译林版课件:Unit 1-Reading (共36张PPT)
d make a statement about what will happen in the future
e not wide
f look at someone or something for a long time
Retell the story Fog with the help of the following chart.
2. Why did Polly take the Underground train to Green park?
Because the fog is too thick for the bus to go to King Street.
3. What was the weather like outside the train station?
A story with a climax(高潮) or a surprise ending is usually more eye-catching.
1.What is the story about?
A young woman lost in the fog.
2.Where did Polly live?
ask for help
danger get lost
Reading strategy--how to read a story
There are different types of stories. Stories have basic elements as follows:
In the _e_n_d__, Polly got to _k_n_o_w_ that the old man was blind! Why did he do that in such a day? The old man wanted to __p_a_y_ back the help he received when it was sunny. Polly __f_e_lt_ so warm!

牛津译林版 必修2 Unit 1 Reading精品公开课课件

牛津译林版 必修2 Unit 1 Reading精品公开课课件
One requirement: be active! It doesn’t matter how many mistakes I make. What matters is how much I enjoy the class.
Learning objectives:
1. Ss will know how to read a news story. 2. Ss will get a clear understanding of the text. 3. Ss will work in groups to present an interview before the end of the class. 4. Ss will be more curious about something unexplained.
1. According to the title and pictures, can you guess what happened to the boy ?
2. What else will be discussed in the article? 3. Where can you find this article ?
Boy missing,
police puzzled
Boy missing, police puzzled
What is the complete form of the title?
A boy is missing and police are idea puzzled. From the title, we can the get the general of the passage.



7.attach vt.认为有重要性,重视;把……固定,附上→ attached adj.附加的; 依恋的→ attachmentn.附件;依恋;连接物
8.frequently adv.频繁地,经常→ frequent adj.频繁的→ frequencyn.频 繁;频率
9.enable vt.使能够,使可行→ able adj.有能力的 → unable adj.未能;无法→ disable vt.使伤残
Section A Welcome to the unit & Reading
Unit 1 Lights,camer
基础落实•必备知识全过关 语篇研读•文本脉络全明晰 重难探究•能力素养全提升 学以致用•随堂检测全达标
6.angle n. 角度;立场,观点
7.Atlantic adj.
8.ocean n.
9.audience n.
10.location n. 外景拍摄地;地方,地点
11.desert n.
串记拓展词汇 1.type n.类型,种类 vt.& vi.打字→ typical adj.典型的;特有的 edy n.喜剧片,喜剧→ comedian n.喜剧演员 3.fantasy n.幻想作品;幻想,想象→ fantastic adj.奇异的;空想的;极出色 的;不可思议的 4.horror n.恐怖电影(或故事等);震惊,恐惧→ horrible adj.恐怖的;极坏 的→ horribly adv.可怕地;非常地 5.romance n.爱情故事;浪漫史;爱情→ romantic adj.浪漫的;多情的;空 想的→ romantically adv.浪漫地;不切实际地→ romanticism n.浪漫主 义;浪漫精神 6.actually adv.实际上,事实上→ actually adv.实际上,事实上

译林牛津英语模块二 Unit1 reading课件

译林牛津英语模块二 Unit1 reading课件
I’m sorry to hear that your son is missing. But would you like to tell me why you didn’t feel worried at first?
Then when did you find he was missing?
2. In the seventh paragraph, “show up” means ___.
A. arrive or appear B. reach
C. disappear
D. reach for
3. We can infer that the boy might go missing ___. A. in his own room B. on the playground C. in Kelly’s room D. in his brother’s room
A boy is missing and the police are puzzled.
‘How to read a newspaper article’
to give a general idea about the news
the first paragraph
to tell readers :
for lunch the next day.
Boy missing, police puzzled
3.return 4.put heard Justin 3______ home and 4_____ on his 5.spaceship favorite CD.
claimed to see a large 5__________ flying outside, in

译林牛津版高中英语 Module2 Unit2 Reading(1) (共28张PPT)

译林牛津版高中英语 Module2 Unit2 Reading(1)  (共28张PPT)
going to the Himalayas.
On 15th July Toby and his brother will be taking a 1.______ to Morocco.
After arriving in Morocco
They are going to travel through the Sahara Desert, by 2. ______, and they will 3. ______ in tents and sleep on the ground with local guides.
An Adventure in Africa
Warm up Fast reading Careful reading Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3
1.What adventure activity will the writer try?
White-water rafting
4___ see wild animals in Kenya 1___ tcalikmebaMflioguhntttoKMiliomraonccjaoro in Tanzania 6___ go to the Himalayas
An Adventure in Africa
Warm up Fast reading
After the trip They will be moving to Tanzania and they are going to to Kenya 8.______ Mount Kilimanjaro, which can be very 9.____
After African part of the They are going to the 10.__________. trip



Wish you were here one day!
Wish you were here one day!
Wish you were here one day!
Big Ben Sidney Opera House
the Statue of Liberty the Taji Mahal
Have you ever considered going to Africa to take an adventure?
They have to wear s_p_e_c_i_a_l_ clothing ,
a __h_e_lm__e_t_ and a _l_if_e_ja_c_k_e_t, just
__in__c_a_s_e__ their raft gets turned
upside down or sinks.
zebra on the grassland
read p6:
Q: Where will they climb Mount Kilimanjaro?
Mount Kilimanjaro
After that, they’ll be moving on to __Ta_n_z_a_n_ia___, where they’re going to climb Mount__K_il_im_a_n_j_a_ro_. Mountain climbing can be very __ti_ri_n_g___ , and many people feel sick as the air gets t_h_in_n_e_r.
f. During the two weeks’ walking in Kenya, we will try to get as close as possible to the animals.

译林牛津版高中英语模块二 unit1 Reading 1(共24张PPT)

译林牛津版高中英语模块二 unit1 Reading 1(共24张PPT)

Find the best answers
1.The reason why people were interested in the disappearance of the child is that____ A. The lost boy was 15 years old.
B. The police advised them to do so.
Can you tell me what happened that night?
Mr. Foster
Mrs. Foster
(from China Daily)
Detective Sam Peterson
For example (with Mr. Justin):
Students A: Can you tell me what happened that night? Students B: I went on night work that evening. …surprised … not tell … stay out late. not show up … lunch the next day… my wife … worry … ask me …. police Students A: So far, the police haven’t found … about …, but …not rule out the possibilities …taken by aliens,…also look into other…not give up until…Don’t worry too much.
A.They can’t make sure that Justin was taken by aliens. B.They think it possible for some people to make up an amazing story. C.They are looking at other possibilities, such as murder.

高一英语牛津译林版必修第二册 Unit1 Reading1课件

高一英语牛津译林版必修第二册 Unit1 Reading1课件

Visual special effects (Another aspect …)
(… also …)
Think of and appreciate the work done behind the scenes.
Para. 5 … what we see on the cinema screen is just the tip of the huge iceberg of film-making.
t(h4e) yDirector James Cameron spent six months looking at
Props contribute to a a really were.
film’s success.
revising plans of the Titanic in order to build a full-
Unit 1
Reading 1
The evolution of video and sound devices
Unit 1 Lights, camera, action!
Reading 1 Behind the scenes
actin g
setting music
Today, I’ll give you a brief introduction to some aspects of film-making you might not be familiar with.
Sound effects
(To begin with, …)
Para. 1 Actually, the film you see on the screen is the product of a huge amount of hard work, most of which takes place behind the scenes.

译林牛津版高中英语M2 U1 Reading II 课件(共33张PPT)

译林牛津版高中英语M2 U1 Reading II 课件(共33张PPT)

southern Indian Ocean on March 8, 2014 with 239
passengers and crew on board. Due to a lack of
evidence, the search is challenging. Up to now,
the government hasn’t offered a due explanation.
5. As scholar Curtis Peebles has said,
"We watch thiensskeieasrcsheeokfing meaning. In the end,
what we fiinndoinseo’sursseealvrecsh."foSro __s_e_a_r_c_h_in__g_f_o_r_ the truth is
nd sentence structures with the help of context and practice. 2. keep track of the current news about the unexplained 3. Imagine an ending of the story by using the w ords and phrases correctly.
Possibility __I_t _is__p_o_s_s_ib__le__th_a_t___ the plane was hijacked by the captain.(可能)
Th_e_r_e__is__a_p_o_s_s_i_b_il_it_y_t_h_at the plane was shot down.
4._____ your help, I passed tห้องสมุดไป่ตู้e examination

牛津译林版Unit 2 reading1 (共16张PPT)

牛津译林版Unit 2   reading1 (共16张PPT)
2. What does he do in his free time? He studies English.
3. Why does he listen to music? Because it makes him happy.
4. What’s Li Hua’s dream? He wants to play in the next world cup.
• Li Hua is Simon’s favourite football star. • Li Hua is a member of Huanghe Football
• Li Hua plays football very well .
• Li Hua studies English in his free time . • Li Hua also enjoys listening to music. It
a. What is Li Hua’s dream ?
b.Who is Li Hua ?
c. Who is Simon’s favourite player ? 1
d.What does Li Hua do in his free
time ?
Read Para. 1-2 and try to finish exercise B2
He plays table tennis very well. He plays for National Team of China He is a member of National Team of China. In his free time, he likes listening to music.

2019年译林牛津版必修二Unit1 Reading (共16张PPT)精品物理

2019年译林牛津版必修二Unit1 Reading  (共16张PPT)精品物理

The world we live in is full of things that cannot be explained even by today's science.
incomplete Boy missing, police puzzled
A boy was missing, and the police were puzzled.
1. Read the text at least ten times. 2. Read another English newspaper
article after class. 3. Write an ending to the news story.
3. To attract other1s’7attention, many people
tell lies. 4. No alien has ever been caught.
5. There is no clear picture about UFOs.
6. Many “UFOs” have been proved to be mistakes.
to the boy according to the time sequence.
play baseball walk towards wake up
the next day
8p.m. 10.45p.m
return home not show up for lunch
Careful Reading
4.Why did people show interest in the case? Due to reports of strange lights in the sky and of alien visits around the time the boy disappeared.

2019年译林牛津版必修二Unit1 Reading 共16张PPT语文

2019年译林牛津版必修二Unit1 Reading  共16张PPT语文

The world we live in is full of things that cannot be explained even by today's science.
incomplete Boy missing, police puzzled
A boy was missing, and the police were puzzled.
New but_le_s_s_i_m_p_o__rt_a_nt information can be found in the following paragraphs.
Fast reading The first paragraph -the lead
1.Who is the boy that went missing? Justin Foster who is a fifteen - year-old boy.
6. Aliens can come to the earth, just like men can land on the moon.
Critical thinking
Cons from the students
1. Seeing is believing. 2. No concrete evidence can prove it.
Be unsure
Critical thinking
Pros from the students
1. Nothing is impossible. 2. Lots of people all over the world have
claimed that they have seen UFOs.
3. In the huge univ1er7se, the earth may
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home at 110:0:405pp.m.m. .
( T ) 4. Justin has a sister called Kelly. ( F ) 5. The aliens were yewllohwite–-skinned. ( T ) 6. Mavis Wood has been taken by the
4. What does Kelly think happened to her brother? She thinks the aliens took her brother.
the following evidence given by Justin’s
paragraphs parents, sister, neighbors … 9
Reading strategy for news articles: Read title + Look at pictures/ charts
predict Read first paragraph/ the lead
for details Read the rest paragraphs
用约30个单词概述课文的主要内容。 _J_u_s_t_in__F_o_s_te_r__w_e_n_t_m__is_s_i_n_g_t_h_r_e_e_d_a_y_s_a_g_o_.__ _S_o_m__e_w__it_n_e_s_se_s__sa_i_d_h__e_w_a_s__ta_k_e_n__a_w_a_y_ by _a_l_ie_n_s_s_i_n_c_e_t_h_e_y_s_a_w__s_tr_a_n_g_e__li_g_h_t_s_a_n_d_____ _a_l_ie_n_s_._T_h_e__p_u_z_z_le_d__p_o_li_c_e_h_a_v_e__s_te_p_p_e_d_ up _t_h_e_ir__se_a_r_c_h_._________________________
4. Can you name some other features (特征) of a news title? attractive, exact, direct …
How to read a newspaper article?
( to give a general idea
about the news )
1. Do you believe in the existence of aliens?
2. Look at the title and pictures, what information can you get from them?
1. Is there anything wrong with the title according to the grammar? The title is incomplete.
In Dover.
2. What did Justin do with friends last Friday? He went to play baseball with two friends.
3. What time did Justin get back home that night? At about 11 p.m.
“Boy missing, It’s about a missing boy. police puzzled”
Who a boy When three days ago
the first paragraph
What went missing Where in Dover
Why … unknown…
3. Who is in charge of the case? Detective Sam Peterson.

( T ) 1. Justin Foster lives in Dover, New Hampshire.
( F ) 2. Justin plays fboaostebbaalll. ( F ) 3. The witnesses saw Justin walking
How well did you understand the details in the newspaper article? Read it again and answer the following questions: 1. Which city does Justin Foster live in?
Read the following newspaper article quickly and answer these questions.
1. What is the article about? The article is about a missing boy.
2. When was Justin last seen? Friday night.
the first paragraph
( to tell readers “who” “when” “where” “what” “why” “how” )
the following paragraphs
( to give detailed but less important information )
Boy missing, police puzzled
To get some ideas about how to read a newspaper article To gain an overall understanding of the article To master the words and phrases in this article
2. What is the complete title? The boy is missing and the police are puzzled.
3. Why did the writer use an incomplete sentence as its title? Because it’s brief.