优秀英语课件 Robots机器人

Unit 2
基础知识自采 重点难点研析知能强化训练
核心词汇 1.When she was telling us about her headache, her real aim was just to gain our____________(同 情). 2.It was a reasonable ____________(评估)and probably pretty close to the truth. 3.The opening____________(章)gives a general overview of the subject. 4.She got a ____________(兼职的)job to supplement the family income. 5.When climbing a mountain I advise beginners to use a ____________(手杖).
4.________ when Asimov was eleven years old_________his talent for writing became obvious. 阿西莫夫的写作天才是在他11岁时才显露出来的。
1.more ; than 2.there stood Gladys Claffern 3.published,4.It was; that
1.test out 2.ring up 3.turn around
4.leave...alone 5.set aside all bound
to for pare ...with... 10.or
rather 11.whisper to 12.fall in love with
高中英语《Unit 2 Robots(1)》优质教学课件

Step 5:Post reading
Do you think it needs to rebuild Tony, why or why not?
Would you give some suggestions to Mr. Belmont?
(as an engineer or a husband)
the house changed a party in completely his attitude her house
He managed to catch her in time from the next
Tony: Mr. Perfect !
Step 3:Consolidation
Title: Satisfaction
Step 1:Skimming
The text mainly tells us
A. why Claire fell in love with a human
B. why a robot fell in love with a human
When she heard Gladys whispering
to another woman that she had never seen anyone so handsome
felt being envied
as Tony
She remembered Tony was just a machine
felt embarrassed admired him
When he helped her with the salesman

lecturer:------.Βιβλιοθήκη 1Contents
the defination of robot the history of robot the application of robot
the trend of robot the disadvantages of robot
The defination of robot
device with one or more
arms and joints. Robots can
be similar in form to a
human, but industrial robots
do not resemble people at
The history of robot
Three laws of robotics
The first rule
Robot may not injure a human,or sit back and do nothing hurt humans;
The second rule
Unless contrary to the first rule,the robot must obey human orders;
The application of robot
Packaging, is still a minor application area for industrial robots,accounting for only 2.8%.These application area is expected to grow as robots become easier to handle.

Robot may not injure a human,or sit back and do nothing hurt humans;
The second rule
Unless contrary to the first rule,the robot must obey human orders;
Application of sensors to improve the operability of robot.
1Hale Waihona Puke 65 Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory developed the beast robot.
1978 Unimation company developed industrial robot puma which means the industrial robot technology has fully matured.
1948Robert Wiener published"cybernetics",offered to the computer as the core of automated factory.
1954American George Dvorkin creat the world's first programmable robot,and registered patents.
The history of robot
the first stage-----theoretical development(1920---1948)
1942American science fiction writer asimov put forward the "three lawsof robotics"

The application of robot
Packaging, is still a minor application area for industrial robots,accounting for only 2.8%.These application area is expected to grow as robots become easier to handle.
1959 Dvorkin and American inverntor Joseph Ying Ge Bogeinvernt the first industrial robot and found a robot copany---unimation.
Three laws of robotics
A robot is a stang-alone hybrid(混合的)computer system that performs physical and computational acticities.Capatable of performing many different tasks,it is a multiple-mintion device with one or more arms and joints. Robots can be similar in form to a human, but industrial robots do not resemble people at all.
robot must protect themselves.
The history of robot
the second stage ----technology develpoment(1954---1978)
九年级英语PPT Robot课件1

2.3.From a robot shop.
3.A robot can make breakfast for me.
4.Yes. I can stay in bed for an extra hour.
1.What can a robot do? 2.If you want a robot, what do
you want it to do for you? 3.3.Can robots change our life? 4. If so, what good changes and
Teaching objectives: 1.To understand the idea of how robots can change our lives. 2.To recognize and understand vocabulary about life with robots. 3.To identify the good/bad points of owning a robot.
5.Mr Jiang always went shopping with his
6.Mr Jiang’s robot could cook delicious
dinner for him. T
7.The robot could relax and watch TV after
Jviiarnugs . A few weeks later, the robot camuegshst a ______.

Work in pairs to make predictions according to the sample sample. A: Will people use money in 100 years? B: No, they won’t. Everything will be free. Will people live to be 200 years old? A: Yes, they will.
will / be going to + 动词原形
1.Make predictions about yourself in 10 years . Write down 5 sentences
2.Go ober the new words.
How to make predictions? New vocabulary : will /wɪl/ 将,会,要 robot /‘rəubɔt/ 机器人 everthing [‘ɛvrɪ,θɪŋ 】每件事物 money [‘mʌnɪ] 钱;货币;通货 Country ['kʌntrɪ] 国家 ;祖国;故乡 peace [pi:s] 和平;和约;和睦 won’t = will not 一般将来时态:
I think there will be only one country Only one country in the whole world? Will there be would peace?
I hope so.
__A__D 3.There will only be one country.
Unit 1 people have robots?

Байду номын сангаас能。
生态系统:ROS的支持与发展 依托着一个强大的社区。 尤其关注兼容性和支持 文档,提供了一套“一站式” 的方案使得用户得以搜索并 学习来自全球开发者数以千 计的ROS程序包。
ROS 提供类似操作系统所提供的功能
硬件抽象描述:将硬件差别与操作系统其他层相隔离的一薄层 软件,它是通过采用使多种不同硬件在操作系统的其他部分看 来是同一种虚拟机的做法来实现的。取消了对硬件的直接访问, 其目的在于将硬件抽象化。
Player:一款优秀的二维仿真平台,可以用于平面移动机器人的仿真,现在在ROS 里可以直接使用。
OpenCV:大名鼎鼎的机器视觉开源项目,ROS提供了cv_bridge,可以将OpenCV的 图片与ROS的图片格式相互转换。 OMPL:现在最著名的运动规划开源项目,已经成了MoveIt的一部分。 Visp:一个开源视觉伺服项目,已经跟ROS完美整合。 Gazebo:一款优秀的开源仿真平台,可以实现动力学仿真、传感器仿真等,也已 被ROS吸收。
ROS的控制器(master)给ROS的节点储存了主 题和服务的注册信息。节点与控制器通信从而报 告它们的注册信息。当这些节点与控制器通信的 时候,它们可以接收关于其他以注册及节点的信 息并且建立与其它以注册节点之间的联系。当这 些注册信息改变时控制器也会回馈这些节点,同 时允许节点动态创建与新节点之间的连接。
节点与节点之间的连接是直接的,控制器仅 仅提供了查询信息,就像一个DNS服务器。节点订 阅一个主题将会要求建立一个与出版该主题的节 点的连接,并且将会在同意连接协议的基础上建 立该连接。
参与者(Domain Participant):任何DDS的用户都必须通过 Participant来访问全局数据空间。 发布者(Publisher):可以与多个数据写入器(DataWriter) 相联,发布一种或多种主题(Topic)的消息。 订阅者(Subscriber):可以与多个数据读取器(DataReader) 相联,订阅一种或多种主题(Topic)的消息。 数据写入器(DataWriter):每个数据写入器对应一个特定的 Topic。 数据读取器(DataReader):每个数据读取器对应一个特定 的Topic,类似于ROS1中的一个消息订阅者。 主题(Topic):一个Topic包含一个名称和一种数据结构。 QoS Policy:Quality of Service,质量服务原则,负责数据质量。 QoS是DDS中非常重要的一环,控制了各方面与底层的通讯机 制,主要从时间限制、可靠性、持续性、历史记录几个方面, 满足用户针对不同场景的数据应用需求。

一种可编程和多功能的,用来搬运材料、 零件、工具的操作机,或是为了执行不同的 任务而具有可改变和可编程动作的专门系统。
robot,原为robo,意为奴隶, 即人类的仆人。
结构简单,动作单一,适用于固 定不变的工作
可以记住信息,按照信息内容不 断重复地执行任务
程控机器人和智能 这两种机器人相对先-
机器人有三个基本构成,分别是“脑”、 身体、控制机器人的程序。
指令,控制机器人各部位协调动 控制机器人的程序 作,是人与机器人“沟通”的方
由生产厂商专门开发 的以激发学生学习兴趣、 培养学生综合能力为目标 的机器人成品、套装或散 件。它除了机器人机体本 身之外,还有相应的控制 软件和教学课本等。
倒水机器人 亲子机器人
(一)编写程序 (二)调试程序 (三)下载程序 (四)启动机器人

The application of robot
Packaging, is still a minor application area for industrial robots,accounting for only 2.8%.These application area is expected to grow as robots become easier to handle.
The history of robot
the first stage-----theoretical development(1920--1948)
1942American science fiction writer asimov put forward the "three lawsof robotics"
Assembly accounts for approximately 40% of the applications of the world robot stock . Many of these robots can be found in the automotive and electronics industries.
A robot is a stang-alone hybrid(混合的)computer system that performs physical and computational acticities.Capatable of performing many different tasks,it is a multiplemintion device with one or more arms and joints. Robots can be similar in form to a human, but industrial robots do not

具体内容包括:1. robot的定义和分类;2. robot的组成部分和功能;3. 人类与robot的互动方式;4. robot在日常生活和科技领域的应用。
二、教学目标1. 让学生掌握robot的基本概念和分类;2. 使学生了解robot的组成部分和功能;3. 培养学生与robot的互动能力,提高他们的科技英语素养。
五、教学过程1. 实践情景引入:展示一段关于的动画片,让学生初步了解的概念。
2. 知识讲解:通过PPT,详细讲解robot的定义、分类、组成部分、功能和应用。
3. 例题讲解:分析几个关于robot的例题,帮助学生巩固所学知识。
4. 随堂练习:让学生完成几道关于robot的选择题,检查他们的学习效果。
5. 小组讨论:让学生分成小组,讨论robot在日常生活和科技领域的应用,分享彼此的看法。
7. 课后作业:布置一道关于robot的实践作业,要求学生课后完成。

Tony ---- a robot
Gladys Claffern ---- a woman that Claire envies
Reading II-skimming (5m) Exercise2
Careful reading Exercise1
Talk with humans Play with humans
Domestic robots家用机器人
The robot which can mow the lawn (除草机器人)
The robot which can dance with men Entertainment Robot
Warming Up
What is a robot?
A robot is basically a computercontrolled machine that is programmed to move, manipulate (操 纵) objects, and accomplish work for us human beings. It is able to perform repetitive tasks more quickly, cheaply, and accurately than humans. Exercise1
Isaac Asimov What’s the relationship between Isaac Asimov and robots?
最早提出机器人这个概念的人是科幻作家阿西莫夫(Isaac Asimov),二十世纪四十年代他在一本短篇小说中用到了 robotic这个单词。在那篇短文中,阿西莫夫提出了三个指导机 器人行为的准则,也就是著名的机器人三大定律
02725_Robot (Science English PowerPoint)

Basic Principles and Key Technologies of Robots
Introduction to the Basic Principles of Robots
Definition and Classification of Robots
Documentation and Research
Most technical documentation, research papers, and patents related to robotics are written in
English Therefore, profitability in Technical English is crucial for accessing and understanding
Sensor and Actor Technology
Types of Sensors
An introduction to the various types of sensors used in robotics,
including proximity sensors, vision sensors, force sensors, and
Control Architectures
A discussion of different control architectures used in robotics, including centralized control, distributed control, and hybrid control

2023 Microosoft introduced Microsoft Robotics studio.
The application of robot
Industrial robots are used a wide specturm of applications.The main applicantions are still today however , welding and assembly. Below are some examples of current applications.
The disadvantages of robot
Secondly: People lose jobs when machines take their
place,especially in the mass production industry such as automobile business.
Everything is programmed and the only thing we need to do is to push a button or throw on a switch.This has given us great convenience but made us lazier and less smart.This is not

The electronic brain can replicate human free will with 80 languages. They are flexible, skilled, and even emotionally capable of thinking, being the best friend of the human race and performing various tasks. From a mother to a cook, to a quick delivery, to a dog to a household budget, it is the most threatening enemy of all.
Robots will be?
The possibilities of robot autonomy and potential repercussions have been addressed in fiction and may be a realistic concern in the future.
In animation Artificial Intelligent Football GGO
(domestic)Remote controlled These are mecha that are controlled externally. 这些是外部 Artificial Intelligent Football GGO is 控制的机器 a Chinese animated television series 人。 about football and future technology made by Puzzle Animation studio Ltd.

2: Robot定义Robot是一种自动化,它能执行预先设定的任务,替代人类完成一系列重复、危险或繁琐的工作。
2.1 Robot的组成部分Robot包括以下几个主要组成部分:- 机械结构:Robot的机械结构决定了其能够进行的动作和工作空间。
- 传感器:Robot通过传感器来感知周围环境,包括摄像头、激光雷达等。
- 控制系统:Robot的控制系统接收传感器数据,并根据预先设定的程序来控制机械部件的运动。
- 电源系统:Robot使用电池或电源供电,确保其能够长时间稳定工作。
2.2 应用领域Robot在以下领域具有广泛的应用:- 制造业:Robot可以代替人工完成零件加工、装配和包装等工作,提高生产效率。
- 物流与仓储:Robot可以用于自动化仓库管理、货物搬运和分拣等任务。
- 医疗保健:Robot可以辅术、护理病人和提供身体辅助功能等。
- 农业:Robot可以用于农作物种植、采摘和农业环境监测等工作。
3.1 传感器反馈Robot通过传感器感知自身和周围环境的状态。
3.2 决策Robot的控制系统根据传感器反馈的数据进行决策。
3.3 执行Robot根据决策结果执行相应的动作。
4:使用Robot的步骤4.1 Robot设置- 连接电源并确保充电状态良好。
- 启动控制系统,并进行初始设置,包括校准传感器和标定工作空间。
4.2 编写程序- 使用Robot编程语言编写程序,描述Robot需要执行的任务和相应的动作。

The application of robot
Packaging, is still a minor application area for industrial robots,accounting for only 2.8%.These application area is expected to grow as robots become easier to handle.
Assembly accounts for approximately 40% of the applications of the world robot stock . Many of these robots can be found in the automotive and electronics industries.
2006 Microosoft introduced Microsoft Robotics studio.
The applicatioቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ of robot
Industrial robots are used a wide specturm of applications.The main applicantions are still today however , welding and assembly. Below are some examples of current applications.
One of the most common uses forindustrial robots is welding .Robot welded car bodies for example enhances safety ,a robot never miss a welding spot and performs equally all through the day.

The controller can be a microprocessor or a microcontroller. It receives input signals from the sensors, processes them through programming or algorithms, and then outputs control signals to the driving system to achieve precise control of the robot's motion.
With the development of computer technology, controllers have become more intelligent and programmable, enabling more complex and flexible robotic operations.
Modern robots
Industrial Robots
Service Robots
Industrial robots are machines des tasks in manufacturing processes. They are programmable and can be controlled remotely or locally.
Cartesian robots,关节机器人等。
Application area
Manufacturin g industry
Robots are widely used in the manufacturing industry to replace human beings to complete dangerous, labor-intensive, and repetitive tasks.
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In animation
Artificial Intelligence
Mecha(Semi-aua that have the ability to be self-aware,
机器人是一种机器,特别是一个可编程的计算 机,能够自动执行一系列复杂的动作。机器人 可以由外部控制装置或控制可以嵌入在。机器 人可以构造成人形,但大多数机器人都是为了 完成任务而设计的机器,不考虑它们的外观。
Robots can be autonomous or semi-autonomous and range from humanoids such as TOSY's TOSY Ping Pong Playing Robot to industrial robots, and even microscopic nano robots. By mimicking a lifelike appearance or automating movements, a robot may convey a sense of intelligence or thought of its own.
What is robot ?
A robot is a machine—especially one programmable by a computer—capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically. Robots can be guided by an external control device or the control may be embedded within. Robots may be constructed to take on human form but most robots are machines designed to perform a task with no regard to how they look.
(abroad)think, and sometimes feel emotion
Piloted ThMisecuhbaiquaitonuimsesubagnednremfaenagtuar,eskmnoewchna pinilotJeadpiannternaaslly robot 机驾器驶人动漫在日本被称为机器人动画和机器人 anaims e vaenhdiclerosb. ot Fmorangeaxa, maprelesaniminecluadned mMaonbgialethaSt ufiet ature 漫这画是,种动封画闭和在漫内画部中驾机驶器像人开在车战一斗样。的机体器裁人分。为例 robGoutsndinambatt(l1e9. 7T9h)e gaenndreTishebroSkuepnedrowDniminetnostiwono sFuobrctaretesgsories, 两子类包,括一机类动是战“士超高级达机(器19人79”)的和动超画时或空漫要画塞包 "suMpaecrrorsosbo(1t"98is2).one category in which the anime or manga 括(一19个82超)大。型的完全不存在的机器人。第二类 incTluhdeeres aaresuupseuralslyizeadn tAoItaslylystenmontoplaasussisibtleanrdobcoatr.e Tfohrethseecond 是通“常真有正AI系的统机协器助人和”照,顾该飞机行器员人。可以解释现实 capteilgoot。ry is "real robot", where in the robots used are explainable 世界的物理。 by real world physics.
Robots will be?
The possibilities of robot autonomy and potential repercussions have been addressed in fiction and may be a realistic concern in the future.
In animation Artificial Intelligent Football GGO
(domestic)Remote controlled These are mecha that are controlled externally. 这些是外部 Artificial Intelligent Football GGO is 控制的机器 a Chinese animated television series 人。 about football and future technology made by Puzzle Animation studio Ltd.
机器人已可经以取自代治了或人半类自在治执范行围重从复人和形危如险to的sy的任t务os,y乒人类宁 愿乓不玩这机样器做人,或工无业法机做器到人的,,甚因至为微尺小寸的的纳限米制机,器或人发。生在 极通端过环模境仿中逼,真如的外太观空或或自海动底化。的动作,机器人可以传 达自己的智慧或想法。
Robots have replaced humans in performing repetitive and dangerous tasks which humans prefer not to do, or are unable to do because of size limitations, or which take place in extreme environments such as outer space or the bottom of the sea.