
2023年度21世纪大学英语综合教程第二册Unit2课文翻译及课后答案,3篇(文档)21世纪大学英语综合教程第二册Unit2课文翻译及课后答案1 几年前的一天,我来到萨拉曼卡——纽约附近的一个火车站。

21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程二1.In the six-and-one half years sincet the federal government beagan certifying food as “organic,”Americans have taken to the idea with considerable enthusiasm.自联邦政府六年半前认证“有机”食品以来,美国人以极大的热情接受了这一概念。
2.To eat well, says Michael Pollanthe,the author of"In Defense of Food,"means avoiding "edible food_like substances"and sticking to real ingredients,increasingly from theplant Kingdom. “吃得好”,《食物无罪》的作者迈克尔波轮说,“意味着避免摄入‘可食用的类似的物质’,并坚持从蔬菜中获取真正营养成分的原则。
3.Neither the enabling legislation nor the regulations address food safety or nutrition. 不论有机食品的立法或是法规都未涉及食品安全或是营养问题.4.Professor Howard that major corporations now are responsible forat least 25 perceent of all organic manufacturing and marketing. 霍华德教授估计,大公司现在承担了至少25%的有机食品生产和销售。
5.Popularizing such choices may not be as marketable as creating a logo that says"organic" . 推广这样的做法可能不会像设计一个“有机”的标志那么有市场.1. The two former elephant trainers had seen enough abuse andneglect at circuses and zoos to inspire them to create a sanctuary whereelephants could live out their lives. 这两位前驯象员在马戏团和动物园见过太多大象所遭受的虐待和忽视,于是决心为大象建立一座可以颐养天年的憩息所.2. Soon Hohenwald was rockingas the two greeted each other with ttrumpeting and celebratory bumping.不一会儿,霍恩沃尔德因他们相遇时互致问候的吼声和庆祝性的碰撞而震动起来3. Shirley and Jenny instantly fell into their old routine,wandering the sanctuary side by side.雪莉和詹妮很快恢复了她们的老习惯:肩并肩地在保护区内闲逛.4. At one point, the four spent therr hours trumpeting----the vibrations felt by evey living being in the sanctuary.有一次,四头大象持续三小时的鸣吼使保护区内的每个生命都为之震颤。

21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程二1.In the six-and-one half years sincet the federal government beagan certifying food as “organic,”Americans have taken to the idea with considerable enthusiasm.自联邦政府六年半前认证“有机”食品以来,美国人以极大的热情接受了这一概念。
2.To eat well, says Michael Pollanthe,the author of"In Defense of Food,"means avoiding "edible food_like substances"and sticking to real ingredients,increasingly from theplant Kingdom. “吃得好”,《食物无罪》的作者迈克尔波轮说,“意味着避免摄入‘可食用的类似的物质’,并坚持从蔬菜中获取真正营养成分的原则。
3.Neither the enabling legislation nor the regulations address food safety or nutrition. 不论有机食品的立法或是法规都未涉及食品安全或是营养问题.4.Professor Howard that major corporations now are responsible forat least 25 perceent of all organic manufacturing and marketing. 霍华德教授估计,大公司现在承担了至少25%的有机食品生产和销售。
5.Popularizing such choices may not be as marketable as creating a logo that says"organic" . 推广这样的做法可能不会像设计一个“有机”的标志那么有市场.1. The two former elephant trainers had seen enough abuse andneglect at circuses and zoos to inspire them to create a sanctuary whereelephants could live out their lives. 这两位前驯象员在马戏团和动物园见过太多大象所遭受的虐待和忽视,于是决心为大象建立一座可以颐养天年的憩息所.2. Soon Hohenwald was rockingas the two greeted each other with ttrumpeting and celebratory bumping.不一会儿,霍恩沃尔德因他们相遇时互致问候的吼声和庆祝性的碰撞而震动起来3. Shirley and Jenny instantly fell into their old routine,wandering the sanctuary side by side.雪莉和詹妮很快恢复了她们的老习惯:肩并肩地在保护区内闲逛.4. At one point, the four spent therr hours trumpeting----the vibrations felt by evey living being in the sanctuary.有一次,四头大象持续三小时的鸣吼使保护区内的每个生命都为之震颤。

Text A 活下去的理由“你对自杀有什么看法?”电话那端传来一个女性微弱的声音。

2.小鸟在保护区的草场上轻快地飞过,作 为世界上最大的陆地动物家园,这里有 着不同寻常的宁静。
Unit 2: Text A
3. The sanctuary was started in 1995 by
Carol Buckley and Scott Blaise. The two former
6. 芭克雷证实说,正如我们在《国家地理》 杂志和探索频道看到的那样,大象彼此之 间十分友善。因为芭克雷接触的大象都遭 受过忽视和虐待,她目睹了大象之间同病 相怜的情感,这些情景令她难忘,其中还 包括下面这个不同寻常的故事。
Unit 2: Text A
9. 多年前,当詹妮还是头小象时就与雪莉相识了 ,她们同在一个马戏团卖力地演出。尽管她们 仅仅相处了几个星期,但在分开之前雪莉已承 担起了詹妮代理妈妈的重任。但那是23年前的 事了,她们还会记得吗?
Unit 2: Text A
10. Jenny knew right away who Shirley was. Soon Hohenwald was rocking as the two greeted each other with trumpeting and celebratory bumping.
8.自由是件美好的东西,詹妮渴望拥有它。她因腿 伤被单独关在一个院子里一天,但事实证明那对 她来说是一种压力。于是她被放到象群中,就在 那时她与一位“故人”不期而遇。

1. enables2. arguing3. comments4. despite5. planet6. pretending7. cruel8. pollutted9. particularly10. freedom61.have no use for2.playing with3.dwell on4.get together995.lined up6.No doubt7.make sure8.why notTEXT CSuggested Answers to the Questions in Text CPassenger Pigeons1. They looked attractive with a blue back and a pink breast.2. Over 300 million birds an hour.3. They lived throughout Eastern North America and they ate acorns and beechnuts.4. They were suffocated; fed grain soaked in alcohol; beaten down with long sticks,killed with shotguns, caught in nets or trapped with a stool pigeon.Great Auk1. The Great Auk looked like the penguin.2. They lived in the North Atlantic.3. Between 1785 and 1844.4. They were hunted mainly for their feathers which were used for mattress and pillow stuffing.5. Two fishermen.11.C2.B3.D4.D5.A6.C17.1,Main Idea: Clever Hans proved to be an excellent student. Example 1: Facing his teacher, he would stand quietly during each lesson.Example 2: These “blinders” made Hans look directly at his teacher.2, Main Idea: Most parents work hard at either preventing failure or protecting their children from the knowledge that they have failed.Example 1: One day is to lower standards. A mother describes her child’s hastily made table as “perfect!” even though it wobbles on uneven legs.Example 2: Another way is to shift blame. If John fails science, his teacher is unfair or stupidUnit 5,Listening & Speaking1, have a good memory, in learning, remembering names, memorizing figures, in others, to recall something,when we first met? what you saw at the moment? my name; what you told me; what I said; what the instructor told us to do?the password? your promise.we first met in 2000; I saw nothing at the moment; what I told you; what you said.3,1), by any chance, aren’t you, for that purpose, I’m asking you, in different ways, ring a bell, reminding me, a good memory, reading aloudThe language used to expree curiosity.They learned how to use it last week.She helps LiMing recall the language.Repetition enhances memory.She reads aloud every day.2), hit pretty well, his poor eyesight, had perfect eyesight, The next day, the middle of the fairway, he saw it, where the ball wasWell, I was hitting pretty well, but my eyesight’s gotten so bad I couldn’t see where the ball went.But he’s 85 and doesn't play golf anym ore.Do you see it, Scott?Well, where is it?5, CADDA6, DBBBB7, TTFFF8, on a musical instrument, to learn them, quite difficult for you, habit of doing it, forming habits, the ordinary things in life, habit, with ordinary habits, the plot of a book, means memory. 9, They would probably say that people had memorized how to do them.It can be described as learning by means of forming habits. They enables us to do most of the ordinary things in life.You are making use of something that is very much like habit. What is memory?Text A51.fortunate2.respected3.forever4.characteritary6.friendship7.memories8.soul9.precious wyer61.as well as2.made use of3.keep their distance from4.took out5.as for6. stared at 71.While the car is old, it still runs well.2.While we are a small company, we produce over 10,000 machines a year.3.White I quite understand why he refused to help her, I cannotagree that he was right not to do so.4.While no more than twenty-two, she was already a highly successful business-woman.5.While in poor health, she continued to carry out her duties.81.even worse2.even less3.even more interesting4.even more exciting91.At the soldier’s funeral, the general presented his wife with a medal as well as an American flag.2.These old stamps are even more valuable than all the rest of my estate. As for the diamond ring, it is priceless.3.While his love is now a memory, each time I stare at his photo, I can fully appreciate the depth of his love.4.Mother often tells me to make good use of my precious time and keep my distance from those I mistrust.5.I didn’t understand that mature friendship could enrich our lives until I read his letter.101.equipments → e quipment2.advices → advicermatio ns → information4.are → is5.works → w ork6.grasses → gra ss7.progresses → progress 8.are → is9.treasure → treasures10.wealths → wealth Pratcical Writing(写作):111.Edward Burton2.Mrs. Ella Lindstrom3.president4.1448 South 25th Street5.7701612Chen Xiang, Sales managerSuton International Shipping Limited88 South Changjiang RoadShanghai 200441P.R. ChinaMr. James GreenGeneral ManagerGreen Industries Inc.999 Park AvenueRockford, IL 61265USA141.earnest2.quality3.lonely4.relief5.old-fashioned6.satisfy7.hankerchief8.spread9.stirred 10.package 151.lifting out2.straighten up3.are in love with4.poured out5.has come down to6.drew back7.was wrapped up8.Once upon a time161.B2.C3.A4.B5.D6.D7.C8.D171. 1) She was busy getting their children fed and off to school.2) He was reading the newspaper.3) She was having a very busy morning but her husband didn’t lend her a hand. And when she wanted to talk to him, he just kept on reading the newspaper.2. 1) They were in the kitchen eating and talking with each other.2) They sat and shared some quiet time at the table.3) His family enjoyed some “quality time” together one morning.Unit 6,Listening & Speaking1, an awful experience; care, concern and comfort; daily communication; to express sympathy; what happened to you; her bad luck; his condition3,1), going on; making a donation; feeling awful; for them; we can help; make a difference; make a big difference; the most important thing; That’s for sureThey’re making a contribution to children suffering from leukemia.They feel deeply sorry.They want to make a contribution.If everybody contributes, it will make a big difference.It reflects their heartfelt concern.2), how he was doing; It was a stomach flu; she could do; it was over; a quick recoveryHi! This is Anna. How are you doing?Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. What kind of flu is it?That sounds awful. Is there anything I can do?Well, I hope it doesn’t take long. Let me know if I can help.5, CADBA6, CDCBD7, TFFTT8, unlucky; some theories; has to do with; making the 13th; bad luck; the 13th guest; in almost every country9, Some have been considered to be lucky; some, unlucky.It is unknown.Yes. There are some.There were 12 demigods and then Loki appeared, making the 13th. Since Loki was evil and cruel and caused human misfortunes, and since he was the 13th demigod, the number 13 came to be a sign of bad luck.There were 13 persons at the Last Supper, and Judas was the 13th guest.Text A51. waging2. standard3. community4. issues5. project6. transferred7. significant8. experiences9. personnel 10. medical6.1. hooked up2. right now3. torn apart4. ran through5. along with6. stepped back7. walked into8. stayed with 71. I love Yao Ming for his modesty and so does my girlfriend.2. Frank quickened his steps and so did Henry.3. Jane bought a copy of Love Story and so did all the other girls.4. I am confident that the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be agreat success. So am I.5. If your brother Adam can do it, so can I.6. I’d love to go to Shanghai to see the World Expo in the year 2010. So would I.81. Instead of ordering an advance, the general commanded that the soldiers retreat immediately.2. We propose that Louis be appointed chairman and chief executive of IBM Corp.3. The patient has requested that the doctor discontinue treatment, but the doctor has ignored his request.4. The police chief ordered that parking be prohibited on Main Street during rush hours.5. David demanded that he be told the truth about what had happened to his beloved son.91. Xiao Zhang was knocked off his bicycle by a taxi on his way home from school.2. Katha rine is very proud of her husband’s achievements in medical research.3. When I asked Billy if there was anything else I could do for him, he again asked me to hold him.4. I fully understood why they had these two restrictions placed on me, but I really d idn’t like them.5. I am sorry I can not grant your request right now. I have to talk it over with our manager.6. Since she lost her job a number of years ago, Helen has been looking forward to being employed again by the MacDonald’s Corporation.101. The criminal was punished.2. Special attention must be paid to this important issue.3. She was made fun of at the party.4. Is the house cleaned regularly?5. Lost time must be made up for.6. He was found innocent of all charges.7. You have been told the truth.8. My report will be sent to you by Tom.9. English is spoken almost all over the world.10. A fine has to be paid if the books are not returned to the library on time or renewed before they are due.111.26 Glendale Road, Chester CH4 7HB.2. The top right hand corner.3. By using “Dear Andy.”4. By responding to news in a letter sent by her friend.5. In paragraph 2, she tells her friend something about her work. In paragraph 3, she tells her friend the news about the death of their old teacher. In paragraph 4, she invites her friend to a show.6.“Hope to see you soon.”7.She signs off. (writes”lots of love ” and signs her first name below that.)12Dear Ann,It’s been half a year since you left home. I miss you very much! Luckily, I’m coming to G uangzhou to attend a meeting on May 10th. The meeting will last five days. I’ll come to see you during my stay there and we can have a good long talk to make up for all the lost time.I’m so looking forward to seeing you!Love,XiaomingText B141. response2. informed3. risk4. value5. limit6. permitting7. involved8. bold9. perceive 10. retain151. to be honest with you2. shortly after3. searching for4. pick up5. come up with6. find out7. regardless of8. Given the circumstancesText C16/ 1.D 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.D 6.C17/Topic sentenceThere are several good reasons why deer hunting should be permitted.Controlling words in the topic sentenceSeveral good reasons why deer hunting should be permitted Transition wordsFirst of all, second, finallyreasons1, If hunting were not permitted, many more animals would starve to death over the winter months.2, The license fees paid by hunters supply most of the money used by the state and federal governments to buy recreation areas, wildlife refuges, and the park lands.3, Some people hunt to gather food.Unit 7,Listening & Speaking1, do something; it is made; established; signed; free of ; full of;put it back; do it your way; wait in line; keep quiet in the bus; delay the plan; read the document; pay income taxes; take this course; observe the rules; sign the contract; protect the environment; do it right now; sit in my class; keep your promise; meet the obligation; pay it back; make any noise here 3,1), what’s up; my way; o n campus; have an obligation; feel obliged; It’s our duty; we’re supposed; after this thoughIt’s type B.There’s a movable blood bank.She feels obliged to donate blood.It can save patients’ lives.He says that he has the same feeling and would like to do something for his fellow countrymen and women.2), to explain; cool his heels in jail; listen to him; he was lucky; in a good mood; was the groomJust be quiet. I’m going to let you cool your heels in jail until the chief gets back.And I said to keep qu iet! You’re going to jail!Lucky for you that the chief is at his daughter’s wedding. He’ll be in a good mood when he gets back.5, DCDDC 6, CCDAA 7, TFFFT8, in a thick forest; off the pile; a poor man; for the rest of your life; have more need; since my childhood; the honesty; instead of me; lead a simple life.9, He found some treasure among a pile of bricks.He said, “I will show you a treasure that will keep you in comfort and happiness for the rest of your life.”Because he believed that the king had more need of it than he did.He wondered at the honesty of the poor man.He gave up his empire and led a simple life.Text A.51.proposal2.rent3.social4. lengths5. solutions6. alternative7. admire8. Meanwhile9. experts mon 61. goes to great lengths2. have in common3. In a nutshell4. gives it to you straight5. hanging around6. paid off7.tell it like it is 8. instead of71. but that she’s very tired2. but that it is not big enough3. but that they were extremely rude4. It’s not that they cannot do it well5. It’s not that I don’t trust you6. It’s not that he’s not intelligent81.Had he been in your position, he’d p robably have done the same.2.Had you reminded me, I might not have forgotten.3.Had we followed his advice, we might have avoided the disaster.4.Had we caught the 10 o’clock train, we would ha ve got there by lunch time.5.Had he worked hard this term, he could have passed the examination.91.The two, who have nothing in common, have actually become friends. It’s not that they liked each other from the very beginning, but that they have worked together and helped each other.2.When you meet new words while reading, looking up thewords in the dictionaries is one solution. Another alternative is to guess the meaning from context.3.Instead of going to great lengths to check in books, you’d better search on the Internet.4.Had he told the truth, he wouldn’t have been in such an embarrassing situation.5.His boss refused to raise his pay. Meanwhile he proposed to the company that they fire him.6.In a nutshell, your effort will pay off.101.were2. would have forgotten3. wouldn’t have failed4.had bad5.were/was6.had driven7.might/should/would have8.would be9.saw 10.had spokenPratcical Writing(写作):11(3) Dear Chris,(6) Thanks for your last letter. I am really sorry I didn’t write back earlier, but I have only just got back from holiday. I went with three friends to a little place called Mojacar which is near Almeria, but it wasn’t exa ctly what we expected!(2) We booked some rooms in a hotel in the village, but when we arrived at the hotel, we were very disappointed. Itwas very old, rather dirty and we couldn’t see the sea. So, we decided to change.(8) The next hotel was perfect. It was very clean and it had the biggest swimming pool I have ever seen. But there was one problem — it was too expensive! We stayed one night, but then it was time to change again!(1) In the end we found a beautiful apartment with a balcony and it was cheap. Unfortunately, we only had four days of our holiday left.(5) Anyway, I must go and unpack my suitcase! I will write again soon.(4) Love,(7) Natalia1264 Robin RoadCambridgeRH25 8PX23 October, 2004Dear Sarah,Thank you so much for the card and money that you sent me for my birthday. My parents gave me a new stereo so I have already decided that I will use the money I got from youto buy two new CDs.Lots of Love,Jonathan141.beneath2.reappearing3.shaking4.missing5.sank6.silent7.dozen8.silver9.steel 10.echo151.at once2.at work3.as long as4.once again5.trip over6.by and by7.mde of8.shook her head161. D2. B3.D4.C5.D171. 1) About eight adults sitting waiting, and a lot of kids.2) It’s always a very crowded room and the atmosphere is pretty tense.2. 1) Vermeer Van Delft.2) She is quite tall and fairly strong. She is about 18 or 19 years old.3) She is wearing a white scarf, a yellow blouse, a blue apron and an orange floor-length skirt.Unit 8,Listening & Speaking1, around us; behind it; curious about the; explore it; to know; we have different seasons; we long to discover; why we get tired; it is so difficult; we got so much rain; you got a cold; it happens that way; we have different seasons; the earth moves around the sun; discovery is exciting; the body needs to rest; it takes time; is was the rainy season; physical exercise3,1),final exams; the thing is; dead right; under stress; belong to; the former; why is that; our genes differ; I read widely Because she’s under a lot of stress.They tend to overeat or eat little under stress.He tends to overeat.He says that the reason is that their genes are different. Because he reads widely, particularly about such things.2), was serious; a brain transplant; cost a lot; a brain would cost; a difference in price; they were overusedThings don’t look good.Well, the only chance is a brain transplant.This is an experimental procedure. It might work, but the bad news is that brains are very expensive, and you will have to pay the cost yourselves.For a male brain, $200,000. For a female brain, $500,000.This is standard pricing practice. Men’s brains have to be marked d own because they’re overused.5, BDABA6, CBDDC7, TFTFT8, around us; goes against; were simpler; in its simplest form; past ages; the steps of evolution; have been found; go back; reptiles before birds; from one form to another9, Because of evolution.Because it proves that all the plants and animals in the world today have developed in a natural way from earlier forms that were simpler.Becausethey can prove that evolution did take place.That fish developed in the waters of the earth before amphibians, amphibians before reptiles, reptiles before birds, and so on.A theory that proves that life has progressed from one form to another.Text A51.advances2.predict3.existed4.powerful5.audiences6.manufacturing7.damaged8.effect9.contains 10.connected 61.thanks to2.at a pace3.died of4.for one5.was replaced with6.carrying around7.in the first place 8.has come full circle 9.and so on7puters of this type use very little power, which means that they will run on small batteries.2.After I left hometown, I never met my best friend Leon again, which was a great pity.3.She said the job would be done by March, which I doubt.4.The day before she gave her speech to the large audience at the town hall, she was a little worried, which was understandable.5.He was educated at the local grammar school, after which he went on to Cambridge.81.as it moves across the sky2.As time went by3.As technology keeps advancing4.As he has been up since 4 A.M.5.as they have so much paperwork to deal with6.as computers become more and more powerful91.The past decade has seen the advances in computer scienceand technology at a dizzying pace.2.Thanks to the development of genetic engineering, someday doctors will be able to replace damaged genes with healthy ones and nobody will die of cancer anymore.3.As it is difficult to predict what effect this new drug will have on the patient, probably we should not give it to him in the first place.4.This nuclear power plant has existed for twenty years, but it suddenly stopped its operation ten years ago, which is really difficult to understand.5.Once you connect your computer to the Internet, you will find that many services on the Internet — email for one — are provided free of charge.6.At different stages of my life I have been a teacher, a salesman, a manager and so on. Now it seems that my career has come full circle and I am teaching again at this college thatI left thirty years ago.101.No longer will I believe a word you say.2.Seldom did she show her feelings.3.Only after long consideration did he agree to our plan.4.Not only did he turn up late, but he also forgot his books.5.Had she become a lawyer, as her parents wished, she would have earned a large salary.6.In came the chairman and the meeting began.7.Hardly had he finished his work when the telephone rang.8.Never did we think his speech had made so deep an impression on his audience.9.So much does he worry about his financial position that he can’t sleep at night.10.Had he worked harder, he would have got through the exams.Pratcical Writing(写作):111. ****************2. *******************3.reschedule the meeting on May 10th4.Sun, 2 May, 2004, 12:13:345.that the General Manager, Mr. Brown, must be away for a marketing conference in Paris around that time.12 Hi, David,It’s great to hear that you’re coming soon.You can travel by plane or train. If I were you, I’d do it by plane. Why not contact a few travel agents? They sometimes offercheap flights.It would be worth bringing another form of identification, like an ID card, because you won’t want to carry your passport around all the time. You ought to bring a little English currency with you, in case the banks are shut when you arrive. However, it’s a good idea to have mainly travellers checks, as they’re much safer. By the way, you’ll probably find it’s well worth getting a student card —you’ll be able to get all sorts of discounts, particularly when it comes to traveling around. There’s just one other thing —you’d better remember to get in touch with us when you’re over here, or we’ll be very upset! Love,Chen Bin141.electricity2.power3.safety4.amount5.harmful6.be alarmed7.huge8.check9.heat 10.Steam151.get into2.After all3.take place4.blew off5.to make matters worse6.taken steps7.taking chances8.Even though161.A2.C3.A4.C5.D6.B7.B8.C17Steps involved1)The subjects listened to a recording.2)The subjects took a 15 question test to see which words they remembered.3)The subjects took a language proficiency test.Transition words usedto begin with, following…, finally。

Unit1.Listening & Speaking1, what has been said, mentioned earlier, two-way interaction, a breakdown, even confusion, a native speaker, going on3,1), be fun, I don’t think, it depends, What’s that, what you mean, got it, what would you say;Tom Chang.It depends.He’ll tell them a little white lie.It’s an innocent social fib or excuse.Not mentioned.2), serious hearing problems, to hear 100%, is perfect, hear again, listen to the conversations, three times; What did you say Would you speak louder pleaseNo. I’ve been having serious hearing problems for years. I can’t hear people well. That’s why I’m here. What do you mean by hearing aid What’s thatOh, I haven’t told my family yet. I just sit around and listen to the conversations.You know what I’ve changed my will three times!5, BADCA6, DACCB7, FTTFF8, complaining about, does everything, every 10 hours, every 2 hours, every 24 hours, in one hour, damn near, from down the hall, I just realized9, They are talking about Nurse Nancy.Because she did everything absolutely backwards.1)One doctor told her to give a patient 2 milligrams of morphine every 10 hours. She gave him 10 milligrams every 2 hours.2)The other doctor told her to give a petient an enema every 24 hours. She tried to give him 24 enemas in one hour.They heard a blood-curdling scream from down the hall. She was boiling a patient.Text A5/6/ on for theshoulder over in like thetime out all right the end of71. By the time I got home, I was too tired to do anything active.2. The two girls look too similar for people outside the family to tell them apart from each other.3. What in the world does mm stand for The abbreviations that people use on the BBS are too confusing for me to understand.4. Because of TV, most people have become too lazy to make the effort to go to the cinema.5. Anne made a serious mistake yesterday because the test gave her too little time to decide on the correct choice.81. until I have really learnt the basics of the language.2. until the end of the book3. until they have finished their speeches4. until my teacher explained them in class with several examples5. until I saw Sam Ward leave the building6. until he got on a city bus91. Because of the heavy snow, the passengers had to wait at the airport until midnight when the snow stopped.2. Twenty minutes after the train started, the two boys found that they had got on a train heading for Hangzhou instead of their hometown, Suzhoul.3. Similar-sounding English words often result in misunderstandings among English-speaking people.4. The driver heard an unusual sound from the car engine, so he pulled over immediately to check, but it turned out all right in the end.5. Mr. Lee felt very embarrassed when he realized that he had made a very common mistake among speakers of English as a second language.6. Mary felt like learning English and hoped she could learn it quickly, but soon found it was too difficult for her to learn in a short period of time.101. giving us heat and light2. ranging in age from 4 to 163. Being invited to speak here4. your encouraging words5. sitting between Mary and Tom6. leaving today’s work for Tomorrow7. playing in the playground8. taking a break9. leaving me alone10. taking mechanical things apart111. Mr. LiXinyang, the president of Nanjing Technical College.2. To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the founding of Nanjing Technical College.3. At the Guest Center of NTC.4. On July2, 2004 from 12:30 to 13:30 .5. On Wednesday, may12, 2004.6. To celebrate Mr. David Brown’s retirement from McMillan Investment Company.7. At the Grand Hall.12Dear WuJi,You are invited to attend a graduation party at my house on Sunday, June27. The party will start immediately after our graduation ceremony, at about 4:00. Your parents and friends are welcome, too.I do hope you can come. Sincerely,WangJunText B141. mysteries2. mysterious3. meanings4. stared5. estimate6. imagined7. figured8. board9. pronounce10. weighed11. presented12. object151. Take a look2. get right3. objected to4. at least5. makes no sense6. beside himself7. dawn on8. think ofText C16/17/Unit 2Listening & speakingsome way, when this occurs, do so, in a polite way, in society, my interrupting you, being late, step on you, forgotten your name, what I have said, forgotten your birthday, the delay, hurt your feelings.3. what happened, calling you, any reason, an interesting lecture, turn it off, reach me, I’m terribly sorry, excuse me, make up for, stop it, the saying.Because she couldn’t reach LiMing on the cell phone. It was WangYing’s birthday.Because he was attending a lecture.He was sorry for forgetting WangYing’s birthday. She said that she could understand.at the airport, a window seat, an aisle seat, a20-minute delay, in about half an hour, baggage claim checks.Okay.Make it a window seat, but if there aren’t any left, I’ll take an aisle seat.I sure hope that’s the only delay. Oh, where are my baggage claim checksGreat! Uh, thanks a lot.5. CADAB6. CABDC7. TTFFT8. in a loud voice, particularly interesting, in the same room, in curing them, left alone, had a talk, suffering from a delusion, who are you9. He announced that he was the famous British naval hero, Lord Nelson.He decided to put the two men in the same room.No disturbance was heard from the room that night. He had a talk with the new inmate.He said that he had been suffering from a delusion and he was not Lord Nelson, but Lady Nelson.Text A5/ bother6/ short the disposal the same time face your back on coupleof inside out around71. must have seen the tickets for tonight’s play2. must have been here many times3. may have gone bad4. may not have received the present81. Nancy was glad to have quit her part-time job before her final exams.2. Aren’t you ashamed to have eaten all the fruit in the basket3. We are really grateful to have received so much care during our visits here.4. Henry was foolish to have trusted such a liar.91. The public noticed that since that local official left, his position had been vacant for a couple of months.2. Seeing the girl looking around helplessly on the platform, the young porter asked politely if she needed any help.3. I recognized your companion the minute he appeared at the door. He looked just as you had described.4. We didn’t bother to find a hotel, for my good friend invited us to stay in her house and put a luxurious car at our disposal.5. While the professor was turning the suitcases inside out to find his glasses, his wife was sitting comfortably in an armchair watching the whole scene.6. I turned my back on her because she expected me to treat her like a queen.101. seeing a doctor as soon as possible2. working for another hour3. buying a new car4. going to the cinema5. having been to New York6. quitting my job7. speaking it8. being recognized9. spending all that money10. losing my job11kind invitation, will be pleased to attend, be held at the Holiday Inn, they are unable to attend due to a previous engagement.12An informal letter of acceptance:June24, 2004Dear WangJun,After graduation is a great time to have a party. Being at your house is always lots of fun. My boyfriend, Tom, will be coming, too.Thanks for the invitation.Best,WuJiAn informal letter of refusal:June24, 2004Dear WangJun,I wish I could attend your graduation party. I know it will be lots of fun. Unfortunately, my parents have already invited some of our relatives over for a celebration. I wonder if you could come by on Monday everning so you can tell me all about the party. Let me know if you can.Best,WuJiText B14/15/ free the bestof through sight deltwith reply to intoawayText C16/17/Unit 3,Listening & Speaking1,have decided to do a driving force, without a firm belief, a certain degree of optimism, improve your chances, move to Shanghai, do it right now, find a part-time job, taking TOEFL, change my plan, going abroad for further studies, achieving my goal, my success, win, make a success of the plan, everything will be fine, the results, my promotion, OK.3,1), as your second foreigh language out of the question, at the same time, learning Japanese, smell the flowers, the more chances, I’m very optimistic about, working hard on it.She’s decided to study Japanese as her second foreigh language.It’s impossible to manage two foreigh languages at the same time.He asks her not to work so hard.It’s so strong that nobody can change her mind.Yes. Because she has realized the importance of speaking more languages in this rapid-changing society.2), has set her mind, a little girl, going to college, how hard it is, make a success of her future career.Why Because I’m blind Michael, I’ve had my heart set on getting a college degree ever since I was a little girl. My blindness has never stopped me from going to college.Sure it is. But I’ve made a decision to give it a try no matter how hard it is. You know, I’ve always dreamed of going to college one way or another. Nothing can stop me from achieving my goal.Thanks. I’m sure I’ll make it. I’ve no doubt of my success. I don’t think you’d be any different.You bet. Nothing is impossible for a determined mind. 5, BBCCBD6, CAADD7, FFTTT8, half full Seeing the world, long-term successes, in color, the thoughts and opinions of others, an attitude of, constantly look to, more enjoyable.9, Is the glass half empty or half fullIt can have a far-reaching influence on everything from our day-to-day lives and selections of mates, to our career choices and long-term successes.They think in color. They are open-minded to new ideas and situations and enjoy the thoughts and opinions of others.They think that change is a good and necessary thing.They appreciate good feedback and take criticism with a grain of salt.Text A51. salesman2. mental3. taste4. failure5. challenge6. puzzle7. reasonable8. otherwise9. realistic10. level61. step by step2. have … in mind3. apply to4. move on to5. had come through6. built up7. concentrate on8. leading to71. That’s how he became a world-famous basketball star.2. that’s why you couldn’t sing a song.3. that’s when the trouble really began.4. That’s where I studied in my childhood.5. That’s what he should d now.81. If you ran as fast as you could, you would come first in the 100-meter dash.2. If she worked as hard as she could, she would catch up with her classmates.3. If you tried as hard as you could, you would overcome the difficulties.91. He has given up running in order to focus on the long jump.2. In his book I Can’t Accept N ot Trying, Michael Jordan looks back on how he approached the challenges he faced.3. If you had tried as hard as you could, you would have long achieved your goal of becoming a starter on the varsity.4. Even if you fail the final examination, don’t get down on yourself, because you can take the examination again at the beginning of next term.5. If you ultimate goal is to become an English teacher, then the first thing you have to do is to learn English well.6. Not everyone is going to be world-famous. But if you have done your best, you can still be considered a success.101. smoking2. to stay3. to think4. to bring5. bursting6. buying7. to stay8. trying9. traveling10. meeting, seeing11Anderson, General Manager.Brain wishes to go back home to spend Spring Festival with his family.January22, 2003.from January 25th to February 7th.WeiDaxing’s father is seriously ill and he wants to see him in the hospital.12June5, 2004Deat Mr. Smith,I’m sorry to tell you that I’m not feeling well today and had best not come to work. The doctor has told me that I have caught a bad cold and has advised me to stay in bed for a few days. Now I’m writing to ask for several sick leave days. I’ll come back to work as soon as I feel better.I appreciate your understanding.Yours truly,WangYingText B141. willing2. anxious3. definitely4. detail5. Furthermore6. partly7. type8. perform151. carried out2. looking forward to3. In most cases4. fell in love with5. Getting ahead6. contributed to7. stand out8. dedicated … to Text C16/171.disagree: dis + agree: not agree 不同意2.psychologist: psychology + ist: someone who is trained in psychology心理学家3.unconditional: un + conditional: not limited by or depending on any condition(s)无条件的4.postgraduate: post + graduate 研究生的5.modernize: modern + ize使现代化UNIT 4Listening & Speaking1.to know2.a strong desire3.the unknown4.around us5.What’s going on 6.global warmingwhere human curiosity comes from 8.this interesting fact9.how the law of gravity works 10.the secret11.why people ehave this way12.the real reason behind this13.what’s in your mind14.how does it work1.understand this2.get its message3.I’m most curious4.Do you happen to know 5.trying to tell us6.the beauty7.so much curiosityAnswers to questions1.In an art gallery.2.They were talking about an impressionistic picture.3.She was keen to know about the meaning of the colors,dabs and strokes.4.He asked her to use her imagination.5.He said that she is an inquisitive person.1.the first time2.the exact fare3.a fare card4.how it worked on the bus5.inquisitive needs1.Excuse me. Do I have to pay the exact fare for the bus 2.What’s that3.I wonder whether I can use it on the subway.4.This is my first time to visit the city of Shanghai.5.Thanks. I hope you don’t mind my asking, but how does the fare card work here on the bus6.Yes.7.Thank you.681.as we do2.they cannot tell us 3.get the answer4.by their color5.in front of a red card 6.tell colors apart7.were found out8.as a color9.for human beings91.They tried to find out whether animals can see color.2.Because they were curious to know whether bees tell flowers apart by their color.3.They put a bit of syrup in front of a blue card, and no syrup in front of a red card.4.The bees would come to the blue card, no matter where it was placed, even if it had no syrup in front of it.5.Bees don’t see color as we do.Text A51. enables2. arguing3. comments4. despite5.planet6. pretending7.cruelpollutted9.particularly 10.freedom61.have no use for 2.playing withdwell on4.get together 5.on behalf of 6.on earth7What do you guess has made him change his mind2.Who do you guess is the winner of the speech contest 3.When do you suppose the results of the exam will come out4.Where do you imagine they spent their vacation81.I don’t thi nk he will agree with us.I don’t think Alice can understand such a difficult question.3.I don’t think you are taller than your brother.4.I don’t think they have made up their minds.91.This report dwells on how some species were exterminated because of the polluted environment.2.To tell the truth, I think a snide comment made out of prejudice is better than faked praise given by a hypocrite.3.Mary countered the manager on behalf of all the employees by arguing that it’s cruel to limit the employees freedom and it will eventually affect the company’s reputation.4.What on earth has enabled some people, particularly certain high officials, to abuse their powers despite the law5.I don’t think success is merely related to intelligence. In fact, many good qualities, such as innocence, honesty, humor and loyalty, can help us succeed, too.6.Strangely enough, the joke did not bring about hearty laughter, not even a hint of any. Could it be that the audience was pretending to be seriousGRAMMAR REVIEW101.John isn’t here. Try phoning his home number to see if he’s there.2.Walking along the street, he stopped to take a picture.3.I forgot to ask him for his address.4.We regret to inform you the model you want is out of stock.5.They tried to pass the exam.6.I remember turning the lights off before we came out.7.I’ll never forget hearing this piece of music when I was lonely.8.I regret giving up the job.9.I stopped eating chocolate last year.10.She first told us her plan and then went on to tell us how she would carry it out.Pratcical Writing(写作):111.Charles2.Dryden3.reduced4.121.Peter2.Gerald3.Jim rang about the training course you are interested in. It’s called “Managing People” and the next one is on July 13th. If you’re interested, call Joanna Little at 032-4388-7762.TEXT B1. amazing2. disappoint3. suspicious4. Scientists5. reasoning6. replacedsignal8.suspect9.was divided 10. intelligent15。
《21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程 2》 Unit4-B Volunteering Vacations

Unit 4: Warm up
Directions: You will hear a passage and you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard.
Anchor: For the nearly 30 million 1. r_e_g_is_t_e_re_d_ volunteers in China, this year’s International Volunteer Day is a special one. Their 2. _ou_t_s_ta_n_d_i_n_g_ contributions to the 3. _r_e_li_e_f _ for the May 12 earthquake and the success of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games have 4. __le_ft_a__d_e_e_p_i_m_p_r_e_s_s_io_n___ on the world. CRI reporter Shuang Feng has more. Reporter: In the past year, the 5. _e_x_tr_a_o_rd_i_n_a_ry_ contributions of Chinese volunteers have been seen everywhere, from 6. _re_s_p_o_n_d_in_g___ to the May 12 earthquake to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
Official statistics show that China has accumulated about 8 billion hours of volunteer work from 380 million volunteers since 1993.

Unit One误会佚名有35 美分。
当警察到达时,他们让乘客颗炸了15 英里长的交通堵塞。
起飞20 分钟后,这人开始担心起来。
大多数误会远没有这么严导致公路关闭或乘客飞错大陆英语作为的问题: “你是说七十还是十七?”“你是说你能来还是不能来?”发音相似的单词对把。

21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程2U11. Introduction to 21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程2U121世纪大学英语应用型综合教程2U1是一门针对大学生的英语学习课程。
2. 课程目标21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程2U1的课程目标主要包括以下几个方面:2.1 提高听力能力通过听取各种听力材料,如录音对话、新闻报道和讲座等,学生将能够提高他们的听力技巧和理解能力。
2.2 培养口语交流能力通过对话和口语练习,学生将能够提高他们的口语表达能力和沟通能力。
2.3 提升阅读理解能力教材中的阅读材料将涵盖各种主题,包括科技、文化、社会等。
2.4 加强写作能力通过写作练习,学生将能够提高他们的写作能力和语法应用能力。
3. 教材内容21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程2U1的教材内容涵盖了以下几个方面:3.1 听力理解教材中的听力练习将涉及各种实际场景,如购物、约会、求职等。
3.2 口语表达教材中的口语练习将涵盖常见的口语表达,如自我介绍、问路、讨论问题等。
3.3 阅读理解教材中的阅读材料将包括各种主题和文体,如新闻报道、科技文章和文学作品等。
3.4 写作能力教材中的写作练习将包括对话的转写、简单的作文和报告等。
4. 学习策略为了帮助学生更好地学习21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程2U1,以下是一些学习策略:4.1 多听多说学生应该积极参与听力和口语练习。

21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程第3版2课后答案unit11、I saw the boy _______?the classroom. [单选题] *A. enter intoB. enter(正确答案)C. to enter intoD. to enter2、Mary, together with her children ,_____ some video show when I went into the sitting room. [单选题] *A. were watchingB. was watching(正确答案)C. is watchingD. are watching3、When you are tired, listen to music and try to _______ yourself. [单选题] *A. supportB. showC. playD. relax(正确答案)4、Which animal do you like _______, a cat, a dog or a bird? [单选题] *A. very muchB. best(正确答案)C. betterD. well5、—______ my surprise, Zhu Hui won the first prize in the speech contest. —But I think he could, because he kept practicing speaking.()[单选题] *A. To(正确答案)B. AboutC. ForD. In6、Hurry up,?or we’ll _______ class. [单选题] *A. be late for(正确答案)B. late forC. late withD. be late with7、She is a girl, _______ name is Lily. [单选题] *A. whose(正确答案)B. whoC. whichD. that8、____ father is a worker. [单选题] *A.Mike's and Mary'sB. Mike and Mary's(正确答案)C. Mike's and MaryD. Mike and Marys'9、For more information, please _______ us as soon as possible. [单选题] *A. confidentB. confidenceC. contact(正确答案)D. concert10、12.Who will ________ the Palace Museum after Shan Jixiang retires? [单选题] * A.in chargeB.in charge ofC.be in charge of (正确答案)D.be in the charge of11、Tom sits _______ Mary and Jane. [单选题] *A. amongB. between(正确答案)C. onD. next12、83.The school is? ? ? ? ? ? ?the hospital. [单选题] * A.withB.intoC.ontoD.opposite(正确答案)13、What lovely weather,()? [单选题] *A.is itB. isnt it(正确答案)C. does itD.doesn’t it14、It _____ us a lot of time to do this job. [单选题] *A. spentB. madeC. took(正确答案)D. cost15、______! It’s not the end of the world. Let’s try it again.()[单选题] *A. Put upB. Set upC. Cheer up(正确答案)D. Pick up16、Be careful when you _______ the street. [单选题] *A. are crossingB. is crossingC. cross(正确答案)D. is cross17、The sun disappeared behind the clouds. [单选题] *A. 出现B. 悬挂C. 盛开D. 消失(正确答案)18、10.Mum, let me help you with your housework, so you ________ do it yourself. [单选题] * A.don’t need to(正确答案)B.need toC.don’t needD.need19、You could hardly imagine _______ amazing the Great Wall was. [单选题] *A. how(正确答案)B. whatC. whyD. where20、The man lost his camera and he ______ it now.()[单选题] *A. foundB. is findingC. is looking forD. looks for(正确答案)21、What he said sounds _______. [单选题] *A. pleasantlyB. nicelyC. friendly(正确答案)D. wonderfully22、Tom is ____ honest man, so we all like to work with him. [单选题] *A. aB. an(正确答案)C. /D. any23、What did you _______ at the meeting yesterday? [单选题] *A. speakB. tellC. say(正确答案)D. talk24、I paint a lot of pictures. [单选题] *A. 评论B. 注意C. 悬挂D. 画(正确答案)25、_____you may do, you must do it well. [单选题] *A.WhichB.WheneverC.Whatever(正确答案)D.When26、1.________my father ________ my mother is able to drive a car. So they are going to buy one. [单选题] *A.Neither; norB.Both; andC.Either; orD.Not only; but also(正确答案)27、In the closet()a pair of trousers his parents bought for his birthday. [单选题] *A. lyingB. lies(正确答案)c. lieD. is lain28、The city is famous _______ its beautiful scenery. [单选题] *A. for(正确答案)B. ofC. asD. to29、—Is this ______ football, boy? —No, it is not ______.()[单选题] *A. yours; myB. your; mine(正确答案)C. your; meD. yours; mine30、The plane arrived at London airport _______ Wednesday morning. [单选题] *A. on(正确答案)B. atC. inD. for。

21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程网络学习(课后答案)Unit-2Unit 2.Ⅰ.Comprehension of the textA.1.Everyone’s first love always begins with butterflies in their stomach, nervous laughs, being passionate about everything and thinking that he or she is “the one”.2.Because it is the first time you open your life, heart and soul to another person and trust him/her not to hurt you.3.My first love taught me the good, the bad and the ugly4.Yes, it is. When I am least expecting it, I will see my old “soul mate”5.Helen Keller best sums up love for us by believing that”the best and most beautiful things in the world can not be seen or even touched. They must be felt within the heart.”B.1.Para.4 2.P10 3.P2 4.P8 5. P1C.1.Old things or certain songs will always remaind me of my first love, let alone running into him/her some day. He or she was the one and only person who made or broke my world, so that person will always hold a special place in my heart.2.I learned lessons and experiences through mistakes,B.1.The girls began to look though the photo albums(翻阅照相簿).2.Spring in East China usually sets in about March(约在3月开始).3.But if things don’t improve,her family will fall apart(就会破裂).4.A good student usually knows how to sum up knowledge(总结知识).5.Let go of my arms(松开我的胳膊),you are hurting me.Ⅴ. Interaction略.Part BⅠ.Comprehension of the textA.FTFTFB.1.A-C-E-F-H 2.B G 3.DⅡ.language focusA. BCDAEFB.1.flourished 2.engage 3.intimate 4.unique 5. proceed Ⅲ.CBABC ADCAB DCABA BDCABⅣ.Translation1.我们搬了工厂以后公司就发展起来了。

3. 不管是在发达国家,还是在发展中国家,食源
Unit 1: Text A
4. The global incidence of foodborne disease is difficult to estimate, but it has been reported that in 2005 alone 1.8 million people died from diarrheal diseases. A great proportion of these cases can be attributed to contamination of food and drinking water. Additionally, diarrhea is a major cause of malnutrition in infants and young children.
9. 食物污染给社区以及医疗系统造
成了巨大的社会和经济负担。1991 年在秘鲁再次爆发的霍乱致使那年 的鱼类和渔业产品出口损失达5亿美 元。
Unit 1: Text A
10-1. The safety of food derived from biotechnology needs to be carefully assessed. To provide the scientific basis for decisions regarding human health, new methods and policies to assess such food need to be developed and agreed upon internationally. The assessment should consider health benefits as well as possible negative health implications.

21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程2课后题annimal一. 选择1. The earth is a planet and it ______ around the sun. [单选题] *A.goes(正确答案)B. goC. will goD. went2. I ______ in the city since I left school. [单选题] *A.liveB. will liveC. was livingD. have lived(正确答案)3. ---Jerry, have you ever been to the Great Wall?---Yes. I______ there with my parents last year. [单选题] *A. goB. went(正确答案)C. will goD. have gone4. ---What a nice watch! How long ______ you ______ it?--- For just two weeks. [单选题] *A. will; buyB. have; had(正确答案)C. were; havingD. did;buy5. Paper ______ first ______ about 2000 years ago in China. [单选题] *A. is; creatingB. is; createdC. has; createdD. was; created(正确答案)6. We ____five English songs by the end of last term. [单选题] *A had learned(正确答案)B learnedC have learnedD will have learned7.He ______ English for 3 years before he came here . [单选题] *A is still learningB had been learning(正确答案)C was still learningD has been learning8. Han Mei told me she _____lunch, so she was very hungry. [单选题] *A has hadB hasn't haveC have hadD hadn't had(正确答案)9. They ______ on the program for almost one week before i joined them, and now we ____ on it as no good results have come out so far. [单选题] *A had been working; are still working(正确答案)B had worked; were still workingC have been working; have workedD have worked; are still working10. It ______ for four days when we arrived, so the roads were very muddy. [单选题] *A was rainingB would be rainingC had been raining(正确答案)D has rained二. 选择(根据括号内的词选择正确的形式)1.I thought he ______________(be) all right in a few days. [单选题] *isthinkswould be(正确答案)is readingwill be doing2. He __________(read) Lu Xun this month. [单选题] *isthinkswould beis reading(正确答案)will be doing3. He ___________(be) modest now. [单选题] *is(正确答案)thinkswould beis readingwill be doing4. He always ____________(think) of others. [单选题] * isthinks(正确答案)would beis readingwill be doing5. What___________(do) this time tomorrow? [单选题] * isthinkswould beis readingwill be doing(正确答案)三. 阅读Singles’ Day, shopping spreeNovember 11th, also called “Double11”, is Singles’ Day in China and the red-letter day in every shopper’s calendar. It is China’s largest shopping festival and the retail industry’s most important 24 hours of the year, according to a report by a consumer research group. The findings of this report show that many shoppers stay up late, and take the shopping festival as the one day of the year they could not do without.Showing off on social mediaTypical participants in “Double11” shopping spree are young professional women working in junior positions. Many female respondents to the survey said they posted photos of their purchases on social media for their friends to admire. Hu Xuanling, 23, said she was looking forward to showing off her “loot” during “Double11”, particularly for popular products which she has bought at a discount. “That only makes them look much better,” she said.Team work: ready, steady, shop!As the day has increased in popularity, some shoppers have even established their own traditions. Hu Xuanling admitted to teaming up with friends and colleagues, saying: “My friends and I even have tactics, like splitting up into teams for different products, to make sure everyone gets his or her favorite. It is so much fun.”The report concludes that because of the success of “Double11” shopping spree, similar online shopping festivals are emerging, such as, “6.18” and “12.12”. It also predicts thatwith online shopping becoming more and more popular, more cashless payments will be made in China than ever before.1. November 11th is China’s largest online shopping festival. [单选题] *T(正确答案)F2. Hu Xuanling likes to post photos online of what she has bought on November 11th. [单选题] *T(正确答案)F3. On November 11th, everyone shops alone. [单选题] *TF(正确答案)4. “Double11” is not the only shopping festival in China. [单选题] *T(正确答案)F5. It is possible that more cashless payments will be made in China than ever before. [单选题] *T(正确答案)F6. What happens on November 11th in China? [单选题] *a. Online shops sell items at low prices, so there is a big shopping festival.(正确答案)b. Shops close for one day, so that the salesclerks can have a break.c. People stay up late and have a big party.7. Which group of people is most likely to enjoy “Double11” shopping festival? [单选题] *a. Young professional women in junior positions.(正确答案)b. Young professional men in junior positions.c. Male and female college students.8. Why do some shoppers use social media on November 11th? [单选题] *a. To post pictures of the food they have eaten.b. To show pictures of what they have bought.(正确答案)c. To send messages of thanks to shops.9. What tactic do some shoppers use to get even more bargains? [单选题] *a. They get together with friends and work as a team.(正确答案)b. They borrow money from the bank on November 11th.c. They don’t go to work that day.10. According to the writer, why will more cashless payments be made in China in the future? [单选题] *a. People don’t like to carry money around with them.b. People aren’t earning as much money as they did before.c. More and more people are shopping online.(正确答案)。

Unit 8 Exercises: Comprehension
B. Second Reading: Text A has 10 paragraphs. Which paragraph contains the following information? Fill in the blanks with the corresponding paragraph numbers.
a weekend.
Unit 8 Exercises: Comprehension
B. Second Reading: Text A has 10 paragraphs. Which paragraph contains the following information? Fill in the blanks with the corresponding paragraph numbers.
2. How is a person’s life being prolonged these days?
3. What is the percentage of the population in the 55-to-64 age group today?
4. What are the two examples illustrating that we have made remarkable advances in medicine?
5. I wonder if there are weapons and wars in the year 2100. I wonder if people in the year 2100 know how to make the best use of the past. I wonder if people there learn to preserve traditions and institutions.

1. enables2. arguing3. comments4. despite5. planet6. pretending7. cruel8. pollutted9. particularly10. freedom61.have no use for2.playing with3.dwell on4.get together995.lined up6.No doubt7.make sure8.why notTEXT CSuggested Answers to the Questions in Text CPassenger Pigeons1. They looked attractive with a blue back and a pink breast.2. Over 300 million birds an hour.3. They lived throughout Eastern North America and they ate acorns and beechnuts.4. They were suffocated; fed grain soaked in alcohol; beaten down with long sticks,killed with shotguns, caught in nets or trapped with a stool pigeon.Great Auk1. The Great Auk looked like the penguin.2. They lived in the North Atlantic.3. Between 1785 and 1844.4. They were hunted mainly for their feathers which were used for mattress and pillow stuffing.5. Two fishermen.11.C2.B3.D4.D5.A6.C17.1,Main Idea: Clever Hans proved to be an excellent student. Example 1: Facing his teacher, he would stand quietly during each lesson.Example 2: These “blinders” made Hans look directly at his teacher.2, Main Idea: Most parents work hard at either preventing failure or protecting their children from the knowledge that they have failed.Example 1: One day is to lower standards. A mother describes her child’s hastily made table as “perfect!” even though it wobbles on uneven legs.Example 2: Another way is to shift blame. If John fails science, his teacher is unfair or stupidUnit 5,Listening & Speaking1, have a good memory, in learning, remembering names, memorizing figures, in others, to recall something,when we first met? what you saw at the moment? my name; what you told me; what I said; what the instructor told us to do?the password? your promise.we first met in 2000; I saw nothing at the moment; what I told you; what you said.3,1), by any chance, aren’t you, for that purpose, I’m asking you, in different ways, ring a bell, reminding me, a good memory, reading aloudThe language used to expree curiosity.They learned how to use it last week.She helps LiMing recall the language.Repetition enhances memory.She reads aloud every day.2), hit pretty well, his poor eyesight, had perfect eyesight, The next day, the middle of the fairway, he saw it, where the ball wasWell, I was hitting pretty well, but my eyesight’s gotten so bad I couldn’t see where the ball went.But he’s 85 and doesn't play golf anym ore.Do you see it, Scott?Well, where is it?5, CADDA6, DBBBB7, TTFFF8, on a musical instrument, to learn them, quite difficult for you, habit of doing it, forming habits, the ordinary things in life, habit, with ordinary habits, the plot of a book, means memory. 9, They would probably say that people had memorized how to do them.It can be described as learning by means of forming habits. They enables us to do most of the ordinary things in life.You are making use of something that is very much like habit. What is memory?Text A51.fortunate2.respected3.forever4.characteritary6.friendship7.memories8.soul9.precious wyer61.as well as2.made use of3.keep their distance from4.took out5.as for6. stared at 71.While the car is old, it still runs well.2.While we are a small company, we produce over 10,000 machines a year.3.White I quite understand why he refused to help her, I cannotagree that he was right not to do so.4.While no more than twenty-two, she was already a highly successful business-woman.5.While in poor health, she continued to carry out her duties.81.even worse2.even less3.even more interesting4.even more exciting91.At the soldier’s funeral, the general presented his wife with a medal as well as an American flag.2.These old stamps are even more valuable than all the rest of my estate. As for the diamond ring, it is priceless.3.While his love is now a memory, each time I stare at his photo, I can fully appreciate the depth of his love.4.Mother often tells me to make good use of my precious time and keep my distance from those I mistrust.5.I didn’t understand that mature friendship could enrich our lives until I read his letter.101.equipments → e quipment2.advices → advicermatio ns → information4.are → is5.works → w ork6.grasses → gra ss7.progresses → progress 8.are → is9.treasure → treasures10.wealths → wealth Pratcical Writing(写作):111.Edward Burton2.Mrs. Ella Lindstrom3.president4.1448 South 25th Street5.7701612Chen Xiang, Sales managerSuton International Shipping Limited88 South Changjiang RoadShanghai 200441P.R. ChinaMr. James GreenGeneral ManagerGreen Industries Inc.999 Park AvenueRockford, IL 61265USA141.earnest2.quality3.lonely4.relief5.old-fashioned6.satisfy7.hankerchief8.spread9.stirred 10.package 151.lifting out2.straighten up3.are in love with4.poured out5.has come down to6.drew back7.was wrapped up8.Once upon a time161.B2.C3.A4.B5.D6.D7.C8.D171. 1) She was busy getting their children fed and off to school.2) He was reading the newspaper.3) She was having a very busy morning but her husband didn’t lend her a hand. And when she wanted to talk to him, he just kept on reading the newspaper.2. 1) They were in the kitchen eating and talking with each other.2) They sat and shared some quiet time at the table.3) His family enjoyed some “quality time” together one morning.Unit 6,Listening & Speaking1, an awful experience; care, concern and comfort; daily communication; to express sympathy; what happened to you; her bad luck; his condition3,1), going on; making a donation; feeling awful; for them; we can help; make a difference; make a big difference; the most important thing; That’s for sureThey’re making a contribution to children suffering from leukemia.They feel deeply sorry.They want to make a contribution.If everybody contributes, it will make a big difference.It reflects their heartfelt concern.2), how he was doing; It was a stomach flu; she could do; it was over; a quick recoveryHi! This is Anna. How are you doing?Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. What kind of flu is it?That sounds awful. Is there anything I can do?Well, I hope it doesn’t take long. Let me know if I can help.5, CADBA6, CDCBD7, TFFTT8, unlucky; some theories; has to do with; making the 13th; bad luck; the 13th guest; in almost every country9, Some have been considered to be lucky; some, unlucky.It is unknown.Yes. There are some.There were 12 demigods and then Loki appeared, making the 13th. Since Loki was evil and cruel and caused human misfortunes, and since he was the 13th demigod, the number 13 came to be a sign of bad luck.There were 13 persons at the Last Supper, and Judas was the 13th guest.Text A51. waging2. standard3. community4. issues5. project6. transferred7. significant8. experiences9. personnel 10. medical6.1. hooked up2. right now3. torn apart4. ran through5. along with6. stepped back7. walked into8. stayed with 71. I love Yao Ming for his modesty and so does my girlfriend.2. Frank quickened his steps and so did Henry.3. Jane bought a copy of Love Story and so did all the other girls.4. I am confident that the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be agreat success. So am I.5. If your brother Adam can do it, so can I.6. I’d love to go to Shanghai to see the World Expo in the year 2010. So would I.81. Instead of ordering an advance, the general commanded that the soldiers retreat immediately.2. We propose that Louis be appointed chairman and chief executive of IBM Corp.3. The patient has requested that the doctor discontinue treatment, but the doctor has ignored his request.4. The police chief ordered that parking be prohibited on Main Street during rush hours.5. David demanded that he be told the truth about what had happened to his beloved son.91. Xiao Zhang was knocked off his bicycle by a taxi on his way home from school.2. Katha rine is very proud of her husband’s achievements in medical research.3. When I asked Billy if there was anything else I could do for him, he again asked me to hold him.4. I fully understood why they had these two restrictions placed on me, but I really d idn’t like them.5. I am sorry I can not grant your request right now. I have to talk it over with our manager.6. Since she lost her job a number of years ago, Helen has been looking forward to being employed again by the MacDonald’s Corporation.101. The criminal was punished.2. Special attention must be paid to this important issue.3. She was made fun of at the party.4. Is the house cleaned regularly?5. Lost time must be made up for.6. He was found innocent of all charges.7. You have been told the truth.8. My report will be sent to you by Tom.9. English is spoken almost all over the world.10. A fine has to be paid if the books are not returned to the library on time or renewed before they are due.111.26 Glendale Road, Chester CH4 7HB.2. The top right hand corner.3. By using “Dear Andy.”4. By responding to news in a letter sent by her friend.5. In paragraph 2, she tells her friend something about her work. In paragraph 3, she tells her friend the news about the death of their old teacher. In paragraph 4, she invites her friend to a show.6.“Hope to see you soon.”7.She signs off. (writes”lots of love ” and signs her first name below that.)12Dear Ann,It’s been half a year since you left home. I miss you very much! Luckily, I’m coming to G uangzhou to attend a meeting on May 10th. The meeting will last five days. I’ll come to see you during my stay there and we can have a good long talk to make up for all the lost time.I’m so looking forward to seeing you!Love,XiaomingText B141. response2. informed3. risk4. value5. limit6. permitting7. involved8. bold9. perceive 10. retain151. to be honest with you2. shortly after3. searching for4. pick up5. come up with6. find out7. regardless of8. Given the circumstancesText C16/ 1.D 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.D 6.C17/Topic sentenceThere are several good reasons why deer hunting should be permitted.Controlling words in the topic sentenceSeveral good reasons why deer hunting should be permitted Transition wordsFirst of all, second, finallyreasons1, If hunting were not permitted, many more animals would starve to death over the winter months.2, The license fees paid by hunters supply most of the money used by the state and federal governments to buy recreation areas, wildlife refuges, and the park lands.3, Some people hunt to gather food.Unit 7,Listening & Speaking1, do something; it is made; established; signed; free of ; full of;put it back; do it your way; wait in line; keep quiet in the bus; delay the plan; read the document; pay income taxes; take this course; observe the rules; sign the contract; protect the environment; do it right now; sit in my class; keep your promise; meet the obligation; pay it back; make any noise here 3,1), what’s up; my way; o n campus; have an obligation; feel obliged; It’s our duty; we’re supposed; after this thoughIt’s type B.There’s a movable blood bank.She feels obliged to donate blood.It can save patients’ lives.He says that he has the same feeling and would like to do something for his fellow countrymen and women.2), to explain; cool his heels in jail; listen to him; he was lucky; in a good mood; was the groomJust be quiet. I’m going to let you cool your heels in jail until the chief gets back.And I said to keep qu iet! You’re going to jail!Lucky for you that the chief is at his daughter’s wedding. He’ll be in a good mood when he gets back.5, DCDDC 6, CCDAA 7, TFFFT8, in a thick forest; off the pile; a poor man; for the rest of your life; have more need; since my childhood; the honesty; instead of me; lead a simple life.9, He found some treasure among a pile of bricks.He said, “I will show you a treasure that will keep you in comfort and happiness for the rest of your life.”Because he believed that the king had more need of it than he did.He wondered at the honesty of the poor man.He gave up his empire and led a simple life.Text A.51.proposal2.rent3.social4. lengths5. solutions6. alternative7. admire8. Meanwhile9. experts mon 61. goes to great lengths2. have in common3. In a nutshell4. gives it to you straight5. hanging around6. paid off7.tell it like it is 8. instead of71. but that she’s very tired2. but that it is not big enough3. but that they were extremely rude4. It’s not that they cannot do it well5. It’s not that I don’t trust you6. It’s not that he’s not intelligent81.Had he been in your position, he’d p robably have done the same.2.Had you reminded me, I might not have forgotten.3.Had we followed his advice, we might have avoided the disaster.4.Had we caught the 10 o’clock train, we would ha ve got there by lunch time.5.Had he worked hard this term, he could have passed the examination.91.The two, who have nothing in common, have actually become friends. It’s not that they liked each other from the very beginning, but that they have worked together and helped each other.2.When you meet new words while reading, looking up thewords in the dictionaries is one solution. Another alternative is to guess the meaning from context.3.Instead of going to great lengths to check in books, you’d better search on the Internet.4.Had he told the truth, he wouldn’t have been in such an embarrassing situation.5.His boss refused to raise his pay. Meanwhile he proposed to the company that they fire him.6.In a nutshell, your effort will pay off.101.were2. would have forgotten3. wouldn’t have failed4.had bad5.were/was6.had driven7.might/should/would have8.would be9.saw 10.had spokenPratcical Writing(写作):11(3) Dear Chris,(6) Thanks for your last letter. I am really sorry I didn’t write back earlier, but I have only just got back from holiday. I went with three friends to a little place called Mojacar which is near Almeria, but it wasn’t exa ctly what we expected!(2) We booked some rooms in a hotel in the village, but when we arrived at the hotel, we were very disappointed. Itwas very old, rather dirty and we couldn’t see the sea. So, we decided to change.(8) The next hotel was perfect. It was very clean and it had the biggest swimming pool I have ever seen. But there was one problem — it was too expensive! We stayed one night, but then it was time to change again!(1) In the end we found a beautiful apartment with a balcony and it was cheap. Unfortunately, we only had four days of our holiday left.(5) Anyway, I must go and unpack my suitcase! I will write again soon.(4) Love,(7) Natalia1264 Robin RoadCambridgeRH25 8PX23 October, 2004Dear Sarah,Thank you so much for the card and money that you sent me for my birthday. My parents gave me a new stereo so I have already decided that I will use the money I got from youto buy two new CDs.Lots of Love,Jonathan141.beneath2.reappearing3.shaking4.missing5.sank6.silent7.dozen8.silver9.steel 10.echo151.at once2.at work3.as long as4.once again5.trip over6.by and by7.mde of8.shook her head161. D2. B3.D4.C5.D171. 1) About eight adults sitting waiting, and a lot of kids.2) It’s always a very crowded room and the atmosphere is pretty tense.2. 1) Vermeer Van Delft.2) She is quite tall and fairly strong. She is about 18 or 19 years old.3) She is wearing a white scarf, a yellow blouse, a blue apron and an orange floor-length skirt.Unit 8,Listening & Speaking1, around us; behind it; curious about the; explore it; to know; we have different seasons; we long to discover; why we get tired; it is so difficult; we got so much rain; you got a cold; it happens that way; we have different seasons; the earth moves around the sun; discovery is exciting; the body needs to rest; it takes time; is was the rainy season; physical exercise3,1),final exams; the thing is; dead right; under stress; belong to; the former; why is that; our genes differ; I read widely Because she’s under a lot of stress.They tend to overeat or eat little under stress.He tends to overeat.He says that the reason is that their genes are different. Because he reads widely, particularly about such things.2), was serious; a brain transplant; cost a lot; a brain would cost; a difference in price; they were overusedThings don’t look good.Well, the only chance is a brain transplant.This is an experimental procedure. It might work, but the bad news is that brains are very expensive, and you will have to pay the cost yourselves.For a male brain, $200,000. For a female brain, $500,000.This is standard pricing practice. Men’s brains have to be marked d own because they’re overused.5, BDABA6, CBDDC7, TFTFT8, around us; goes against; were simpler; in its simplest form; past ages; the steps of evolution; have been found; go back; reptiles before birds; from one form to another9, Because of evolution.Because it proves that all the plants and animals in the world today have developed in a natural way from earlier forms that were simpler.Becausethey can prove that evolution did take place.That fish developed in the waters of the earth before amphibians, amphibians before reptiles, reptiles before birds, and so on.A theory that proves that life has progressed from one form to another.Text A51.advances2.predict3.existed4.powerful5.audiences6.manufacturing7.damaged8.effect9.contains 10.connected 61.thanks to2.at a pace3.died of4.for one5.was replaced with6.carrying around7.in the first place 8.has come full circle 9.and so on7puters of this type use very little power, which means that they will run on small batteries.2.After I left hometown, I never met my best friend Leon again, which was a great pity.3.She said the job would be done by March, which I doubt.4.The day before she gave her speech to the large audience at the town hall, she was a little worried, which was understandable.5.He was educated at the local grammar school, after which he went on to Cambridge.81.as it moves across the sky2.As time went by3.As technology keeps advancing4.As he has been up since 4 A.M.5.as they have so much paperwork to deal with6.as computers become more and more powerful91.The past decade has seen the advances in computer scienceand technology at a dizzying pace.2.Thanks to the development of genetic engineering, someday doctors will be able to replace damaged genes with healthy ones and nobody will die of cancer anymore.3.As it is difficult to predict what effect this new drug will have on the patient, probably we should not give it to him in the first place.4.This nuclear power plant has existed for twenty years, but it suddenly stopped its operation ten years ago, which is really difficult to understand.5.Once you connect your computer to the Internet, you will find that many services on the Internet — email for one — are provided free of charge.6.At different stages of my life I have been a teacher, a salesman, a manager and so on. Now it seems that my career has come full circle and I am teaching again at this college thatI left thirty years ago.101.No longer will I believe a word you say.2.Seldom did she show her feelings.3.Only after long consideration did he agree to our plan.4.Not only did he turn up late, but he also forgot his books.5.Had she become a lawyer, as her parents wished, she would have earned a large salary.6.In came the chairman and the meeting began.7.Hardly had he finished his work when the telephone rang.8.Never did we think his speech had made so deep an impression on his audience.9.So much does he worry about his financial position that he can’t sleep at night.10.Had he worked harder, he would have got through the exams.Pratcical Writing(写作):111. ****************2. *******************3.reschedule the meeting on May 10th4.Sun, 2 May, 2004, 12:13:345.that the General Manager, Mr. Brown, must be away for a marketing conference in Paris around that time.12 Hi, David,It’s great to hear that you’re coming soon.You can travel by plane or train. If I were you, I’d do it by plane. Why not contact a few travel agents? They sometimes offercheap flights.It would be worth bringing another form of identification, like an ID card, because you won’t want to carry your passport around all the time. You ought to bring a little English currency with you, in case the banks are shut when you arrive. However, it’s a good idea to have mainly travellers checks, as they’re much safer. By the way, you’ll probably find it’s well worth getting a student card —you’ll be able to get all sorts of discounts, particularly when it comes to traveling around. There’s just one other thing —you’d better remember to get in touch with us when you’re over here, or we’ll be very upset! Love,Chen Bin141.electricity2.power3.safety4.amount5.harmful6.be alarmed7.huge8.check9.heat 10.Steam151.get into2.After all3.take place4.blew off5.to make matters worse6.taken steps7.taking chances8.Even though161.A2.C3.A4.C5.D6.B7.B8.C17Steps involved1)The subjects listened to a recording.2)The subjects took a 15 question test to see which words they remembered.3)The subjects took a language proficiency test.Transition words usedto begin with, following…, finally。

Column II
A. receive money, property, etc. from sb. when they die
B. a person who makes money by starting or running business
C. continue to hold or contain sth. D. principles concerning right and
Unit 5 Exercises: Language Focus
A. Match the following words in Column I with their explanations in Column II.
Column I 1. demonstrate 2. inherit 3. entrepreneur 4. morality 5. commitment 6. retain
Creating a relatively fair society and helping the people to have a suitable surviving environment means estblishing a peaceful world.
Unit 5 Exercises: Translation
The idea "Self-cultivation; Regulating the family; Managing the nation; And establishing peace all over the world" has affected Chinese for thousands years.
communities, were changed as well.

21世纪大学实用英语综合教程(第二册)课文翻译及课后习题答案Unit One误会佚名他头发蓬乱,衣着肮脏,口袋里只有35美分。
一天早晨,一位生活在美国的韩国妇女到上班地点时,她的老板问她:“你拿到盘子了吗?” “没有……”她回答说,心里却在纳闷,不知道他到底是什么意思。
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21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程2 1-5单元课后答案(完整版)Unit 1the six-and-one half years sincet the federal government beagan certifying food as “organic,”Americans have taken to the idea with considerable enthusiasm.自联邦政府六年半前认证“有机”食品以来,美国人以极大的热情接受了这一概念。
eat well, says Michael Pollanthe,the author of"In Defense of Food,"means avoiding "edible food_like substances"and sticking to real ingredients,increasingly from theplant Kingdom. “吃得好”,《食物无罪》的作者迈克尔波轮说,“意味着避免摄入‘可食用的类似的物质’,并坚持从蔬菜中获取真正营养成分的原则。
the enabling legislation nor the regulations address food safety or nutrition. 不论有机食品的立法或是法规都未涉及食品安全或是营养问题.Howard that major corporations now are responsible for at least 25 perceent of all organic manufacturing and marketing. 霍华德教授估计,大公司现在承担了至少25%的有机食品生产和销售。
such choices may not be as marketable as creating a logo that says"organic" . 推广这样的做法可能不会像设计一个“有机”的标志那么有市场.1. It is more difficult topopularize education(普及教育)in the rural areas than in the urban areas.2. Every country must stick toits own path(坚持自己的道路).3. I made clear to him that he should be responsible for the accident(为这次意外负责).4. He neither knows nor cares(既不知道也不关心) what happened.5. Many parents expressed concern about(表达了担忧)their children’s Internet addiction.Unit 21. The two former elephant trainers had seen enough abuse and neglect at circuses and zoos to inspire them to create a sanctuary where elephants could live out their lives. 这两位前驯象员在马戏团和动物园见过太多大象所遭受的虐待和忽视,于是决心为大象建立一座可以颐养天年的憩息所.2. Soon Hohenwald was rockingas the two greeted each other with ttrumpeting and celebratory bumping.不一会儿,霍恩沃尔德因他们相遇时互致问候的吼声和庆祝性的碰撞而震动起来3. Shirley and Jenny instantly fell into their old routine,wandering the sanctuary side by side.雪莉和詹妮很快恢复了她们的老习惯:肩并肩地在保护区内闲逛.4. At one point, the four spent therr hours trumpeting----the vibrations felt by evey living being in the sanctuary.有一次,四头大象持续三小时的鸣吼使保护区内的每个生命都为之震颤。
5. Elephants wear their hearts on their trunks ,as it were,so it was easy to tell that Shirley was not dealing well with Jenny is death----her eyes were half shut and her trunk dragged on the ground. 可以说大象不会隐藏他们的心情,因此和容易看出雪莉无法承受詹妮之死所带来的打击——他的眼睛半闭着,鼻子拖在地上。
1. It depressed us that(令我们情绪低落)no progress was made duringthe negotiation.’t let it fall into thehands of enemy(落入敌人手中)。
a country can afford to neglect education(忽视教育)drew out all his money(取出所有的钱)from the bank.condemn him, while others praise him(而有些人却赞扬他).Unit 31. Sport has the power to change the world,the power to inspire,the power to unite people in away that little else can.体育运动员具有改变世界的力量,其激励人心,团结众人地力量,在某种程度上难有匹敌。
his 27 years in captivity ,mainly on Robben Island,sport helped sustain the spirits of Mandela and his fellow inmates.在他27年的铁窗生活中(主要关押在罗本岛),体育运动支撑着他和难友们的精神。
make huge efforts when bidding to stage major sporting events,not just for their commercial worth but for the long---term social benefits that are the lehaby of such events.很多城市在争取举办大型体育赛事时全力以赴,这并非只图其他商业价值,也是为了此类赛事留下的长远的社会效益。
4. It shows us how to participate in something that isbigger than ourselves,and teaches us how to demonstrate respect for teammates and opponents.它向我们表明如何参与到比我们自身更具意义的事情中去,教导我们如何向队友和对手表示尊敬。
5. The Homeless World Cup has inspired nearly 50 grass--rootball projects around the world,working with homeless and excluded people. 流浪汉世界杯与一些无家可归,备受冷落的人携手,全世界已促成了近50个基层足球活动项目.ventured their lives(冒着生命危险)in war.2. I work for a commercial radio station(商业广播电视台)3. The company sponsored(赞助)several TV programs.4. Few people realized thediscovery was significant(意义重大).5. Convention(惯例)requiresthat such meetings open with prayer.Unit 4caller probably anticipated getting through to the office staff instead of a volunteer who was finishing a shift at home.打电话的人可能以为是打给办公室工作的员工,而不是一个刚值完班在家的志愿者.2 Her fragile voice faded away as she struggled to catch her next breath.她费力地呼吸着,声音弱得几乎听不见。
was sure thar there was on instance where I condone suicide as a solution.我确信在任何情况下我都不可能原谅以死来解决问题的做法。
4. Grandma Florence had taken a turn for the worse,and they wanted me to come back immediately.奶奶弗洛伦斯的病情恶化了,他们让我立刻赶回去。
5. My caller’s hope came not from the prospect of her own life improving,but form her perception that God had a aurpose for her needed help on Earth just a little longer.打电话者的希望不是来自自己的生活将会改善,而是来自她认为上帝对此早有安排:他需要她的帮助,需要她在尘世多留一些时间。
1 My wife burst into tears(哭了起来)when she heard the bad news.2. The scene before him dimmed out and his words trailed off(他的话音也逐渐低了下来.3. I think our fortune is taking aturn for the better(将要好转)4. We will deal with these eventsin historical sequence(将按历史上的先后顺序研究这些时间).is said that James Watt’s observation of steam issuing from a kettle gave birth to zhe idea of the steam engine(使他产生了发明蒸汽机的想法)Unit 51. My fellow Americans :ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.我的美国同胞们:不要问国家能为你们做些什么,而要问你们能为国家做些什么。