Intel PSG为什么要做可编程加速卡?
Intel PSG为什么要做可编程加速卡?单祥茹【期刊名称】《中国电子商情·基础电子》【年(卷),期】2018(000)005【总页数】2页(P23-24)【作者】单祥茹【作者单位】【正文语种】中文Intel PSG的前身是全球著名的FPGA厂商Altera公司,2015年底被Intel收购。
在今年4月份的北京媒体见面会上,Intel PSG亚太区市场拓展经理刘斌不仅介绍了FPGA在数据中心的主流应用,更是带来一个重要信息:除了FPGA芯片,Intel PSG还将向市场提供采用Arria 10 GX FPGA的Intel可编程加速卡(Intel PAC)。
此举意味着,原始设备制造商 (OEM) 在其服务器系列中可以采用Intel FPGA加速。
事实上,在Intel推出该款加速卡之前,FPGA已经在服务器加速中获得应用,那么,Intel 为什么又要推出这样一款加速卡呢?刘斌表示:“Intel做这件事是认真的,主要基于三个方面的考虑。
VHDL语言编程用什么编译软件_需要看哪方面的书籍VHDL 的英文全名是VHSIC Hardware Description Language(VHSIC硬件描述语言)。
VHSIC是Very High Speed Integrated Circuit的缩写,是20世纪80年代在美国国防部的资助下始创的,并最终导致了VHDL语言的出现。
本文主要介绍了VHDL语言编程用什么编译软件以及学习VHDL语言需要看哪方面的书籍,最后还阐述了学习VHDL 语言应注意的几个问题盘点。
1.Synopsys和Xilinx合作出版基于FPGA的SoC设计原型方法手册 [J], 无
2.Synopsys推出全新HAPS-80基于FPGA的原型解决方案 [J],
3.Synopsys推出全新全新Galaxy SI解决方案 [J],
4.Synopsys推出全新桌面型原型验证解决方案 [J],
5.NI正式推出LabVIEW20周年纪念版LabVIEW8.20提供与The Math Works,Inc.MATLAB语言语法的兼容性、基于FPGA的快速系统原型设计,以及全新的调制解调工具包 [J],
Synopsys SoC 架构设计指南说明书
IP加速DesignWare IP,针对您的SoC进行调整从一开始就保证正确的 SoC 架构每一个复杂的 SoC 设计都是在巨大的上市时间压力下创建出来的。
随着软件内容的增加以及更多IP (以及更复杂IP)被集成,设计人员面临着在不过度设计 SoC 的情况下性能、功耗和面积目标等诸多挑战。
作为您的设计团队的一员,Synopsys 的 SoC 架构设计顾问将帮助您的 SoC 在正确的起点开始。
顾问们已经准备好将他们多年的设计手机、汽车、网络和物联网 SoC 的专业技能应用到您独特的设计中。
这些顾问将在以下方面应用并分享他们的深厚知识:• CPU、DSP和 ASIP 功能• 制定低功耗策略• 关键模块的设计(RTL,ASIP)• PPA 估算• 内存架构,总线带宽/延迟• 验证和基于 FPGA 的原型设计与您的 SoC 一样独特的 IP在为您的快节奏的市场打造 SoC 时,如果能够把针对您的设计调整的 IP 整合到一起,这将会为您带来竞争力上的优势。
然而现成的 IP 已经不足以应对您的设计挑战。
我们期待 IP 供应商能提供更多解决方案,包括简化 IP 配置和集成以及加速软件开发等。
Synopsys的“ IP 加速”计划将重新定义您对 IP 供应商的期望,它能帮助您以更少的功夫、更低的风险和更快的上市速度成功地将IP集成到您的 SoC 中。
“Synopsys团队提出了详细的建议来测试并构建我们 AI SoC的复杂接口,帮助确保我们按时启动项目。
”〜 一家领先的人工智能计算公司的研发总监预先验证的 IP 子系统,可由您或我们的团队 进行定制随着硬件和软件复杂性的增加,您需要更先进的集成 IP 解决方案来满足您快速的项目进度,同时还不能影响质量。
无论您需要单个控制器和 PHY 集成、多种协议的组合或者是需要具有处理器及软件堆栈的完整子系统,Synopsys 专家都能够交付针对您的 SoC 进行优化的 IP 子系统。
Synopsys Polaris SAAS服务描述书说明书
© 2022 Synopsys. All rights reserved worldwide. | ConfidentialSYNOPSYS POLARIS SAAS SERVICE DESCRIPTIONSERVICE SUMMARYFor each of the below defined service level offerings, Synopsys will perform fAST Static Application Security Testing (“fAST Static”) and/or fAST Software Composition Analysis (“fAST SCA”) assessments for the Customer supplied application source code in support of an Application. The following sections provide an overview of the various levels of service offerings, as well as the defined program and support features. "Application" means a collection of Projects that are connected to or have been created to support a single business purpose. A "Project" supports an application. A project may be considered a single, unique application in its own right, or a contributing module or component to the application. In total, a single Application shall not exceed 1M lines of code.POLARIS-SAAS SAST APPLICATION TESTING SUBSCRIPTION - AUTOMATEDThe Polaris fAST Static subscription offering is based on a twelve (12) month consecutive period (“Subscription Term”) and based on the following process:• A defined Application for the Subscription Term;•Customer may create up to five (5) supporting Projects for the defined Application;•Customer may utilize an unlimited number of single assessments during the Subscription Term which are allocated to the defined Application;•Customer to submit the source code payload to the Polaris platform for fAST Static according to the Polaris user guide;•Synopsys will conduct an automated source code analysis assessment leveraging the customer supplied source code; and•Polaris Application Security test results are delivered to customer via Polaris’ portal. POLARIS-SAAS SAST APPLICATION TESTING SUBSCRIPTION – FIRST SCAN TRIAGEThe Polaris fAST Static subscription offering is based on a twelve (12) month consecutive period (“Subscription Term”) and based on the following process:• A defined Application for the Subscription Term;•Customer may create up to five (5) supporting projects for the defined Application;•Customer may utilize an unlimited number of single assessments during the Subscription Term which are allocated to the defined Application;•Customer to submit the source code payload to the Polaris platform for fAST Static application security testing according to the Polaris user guide;•Synopsys will conduct an automated source code analysis assessment leveraging the customer supplied source code;•Synopsys will perform one-time results review audit of the assessment findings for each initial assessed project to identify and suppress false positives;•All subsequent requests, all assessments will be delivered as automated scan; and•Polaris Application Security test results are delivered to customer via Polaris’ portal.POLARIS-SAAS PKG SAST/SCA TESTING SUBSCRIPTION – FIRST SCAN TRIAGEThe Polaris fAST Static and fAST SCA subscription offering is based on a twelve (12) month consecutive period (“Subscription Term”) and based on the following process:• A defined Application for the Subscription Term;•Customer may create up to five (5) supporting projects for the defined Application;•Customer may utilize an unlimited number of single assessments during the Subscription Term which are allocated to the defined Application;•Customer to submit the source code payload to the Polaris platform for fAST Static and fAST SCA application security testing according to the Polaris user guide;•Synopsys will conduct an automated source code analysis and automated software composition analysis assessment leveraging the customer supplied source code;•Synopsys will perform one-time results review audit of the fAST Static assessment findings for each initial assessed project to identify false positives;•All subsequent requests for both fAST Static and fAST SCA will be delivered as an automated scan; and•Polaris Application Security test results are delivered to customer via Polaris’ portal. POLARIS-SAAS SCA APPLICATION TESTING SUBSCRIPTION – AUTOMATEDThe Polaris fAST SCA subscription offering is based on a twelve (12) month consecutive period (“Subscription Term”) and based on the following guidelines:• A defined Application for the Subscription Term;•Customer may create up to five (5) supporting projects for the defined Application;•Customer may utilize an unlimited number of single assessments during the Subscription Term which are allocated to the defined Application;•Customer to submit the source code payload to the Polaris platform for fAST SCA testing according to the Polaris user guide;•Synopsys will conduct an automated software composition analysis assessment on the customer supplied source code;•Customer may utilize an unlimited number of single assessments during the Subscription Term which may be allocated to the defined Project; and•Polaris Application Security test results are delivered to customer via Polaris’s portal. SERVICE ASSUMPTIONS•For Polaris fAST Static and/or fAST SCA, an Application may include up to five (5) Projects and, regardless of number of Projects, in total, a single Application shall not exceed 1M lines of code.•Upon initiation of the first assessment, the Project source code may not be changed for the term of the Subscription Period. Any updates to Project source code must be a derivative of theoriginal Project source code which was assessed during the first assessment.•Any source code submitted by the customer must meet the minimum requirements as published by Coverity Static Application Security Testing (“SAST”) and/or Blackduck Software Composition Analysis (“SCA”) language support guidelines.•Upon initial tenant creation, all organization administration will be performed by the customer.•The Synopsys support staff provides coverage path for any issues with the Polaris offering.Synopsys will provide coverage via phone, email and, Synopsys Community and will maintainservice level objectives with published resolution times.•For any Application under subscription, only one (1) vulnerability assessment may be active per Project at any one time.•All Polaris SaaS services, or types described are subject to the following security controls: https:///company/legal/software-integrity/security-commitments.html •All Polaris SIG support services described are subject to the following terms and conditions, which are incorporated herein by reference (registration for a community account is not required for Polaris customers): https:///content/dam/synopsys/sig-assets/guides/synopsys-sig-support-guide.pdf•All Polaris SIG services and deliverables will be delivered in English.SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVESTriage Activity Response Times For fAST Static tests, scan issue triage for any projectwill be delivered in up to three (3) business days.Polaris Platform Availability Polaris will make all Services and Content available tocustomer at 99.95% platform availability per month. POLARIS SERVICE OUTCOMEUpon completion of the vulnerability assessment, the customer may access a detailed report with the discovered vulnerability findings. The results of the assessment will be available via an automated process once all analysis processes have been fully completed. The return time of the results is dependent on the size of the Application. Increased return times may be required as the submitted size of the payload increases. The following information is available for each discovered vulnerability:fAST Static - Static Application Security Testing•Issue Type•Issue Description•Issue Severity•Engine Type•Assessment Date and Time•Contributing Code EventfAST SCA - Software Composition Analysis•Issue Type•Issue Description•Issue Severity•Engine Type•Assessment Date and TimePOLARIS PLATFORM SECURITY CONTROLSPolaris brings the power of the Synopsys Software Integrity (“SIG”) products and managed services together into an integrated, easy-to-use solution that enables security and development teams to build secure, high-quality software faster. Polaris is delivered as a multi-tenant, cloud-based solution with a user-friendly web interface for managing projects and analyzing results.As an organization dedicated to protecting and securing our customers’ applications, (SIG) is equally committed to our customers’ data security and privacy.DATA CENTER SECURITYThe Polaris platform leverages the Google Cloud Platform (“GCP”) to take advantage of the highest standards for security, compliance, and availability for multiple regions of the globe. For additional information on the GCP platform security, infrastructure, privacy, or compliance, please refer to:https:///securityOur data centers are protected with several layers of security to prevent any unauthorized access of your data. We use secure perimeter defense systems, comprehensive camera coverage, biometric authentication, and a 24/7 guard staff.Polaris is physically housed in a Tier 4 A+ datacenter featuring multiple redundant power and network feeds and “five-nines” uptime. The datacenter is compliant with SAS 70 Type II/SSAE 16 Type II, ITIL V2 Services Manager, and ITIL V3 Foundation Certifications. The datacenter has 24x7x365 security utilizing CCTV. All datacenter employees are background checked. All physical data center access is supervised , and all doors require PIN, magnetic card, and biometric retina scans before granting access. The data centers has redundant power systems with backup generators and double-conversion UPS.SOFTWARE SECURITYPolaris was designed and developed from the ground up using industry best practices throughout the Secure Development Lifecycle. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:•Comprehensive architecture and threat model review•Defined secure software development process•Automated and Manual security testing•Data flow diagram•System, Network, and Application Security procedures•Compliance with ISO 27001 and SOC 2, Type 2DISASTER RECOVERY AND BUSINESS CONTINUITYDisaster Recovery (“DR”) and Business Continuity (“BC”) are at the core of all Synopsys Information Technology operations. All DR and BC documents are managed internally by the Synopsys operations team. Should an entire regional datacenter fail due to physical or logical disaster, procedures documented in the Disaster Recovery Plan for the specified region is implemented. At a high level, this plan outlines the location of all data backups along with key personnel required to access and perform a full restoration. This process is owned by the Synopsys Director of Operations. During the time betweenthe loss of the Synopsys online service and the restoration of service the Customer Account Manager will enact the communication process to the customer base with updates to the recovery process.•Recovery Point Objective (RPO): 24 Hours•Recovery Time Objective (RTO): 8 HoursAny event which poses a disruption to business as normal must be reported through the Synopsys response team.DATA STORAGE AND PRIVACYSynopsys takes every necessary precaution to protect our customers’ data. Synopsys has browser-to-system SSL encryption. All data, including intellectual property and analysis results, are encrypted with data-at-rest encryption technologies. Only duly authorized Synopsys personnel have direct access to customer data. A customer is provided the ability to delete all historical tenant-level data which includes all data / historical results, from the Polaris platform.ACCESS CONTROL / MANAGEMENTMulti-factor authentication (MFA) capability is provided to customers for accessing SIG applications.•Access to Synopsys Information, Synopsys Information Assets, Information Systems, and Synopsys Networks are unauthorized unless expressly approved by Synopsys.•Synopsys designates the responsibility for authorizing system access to Synopsys Information, Synopsys Information Assets, Synopsys Information Systems, as well as Synopsys Network and operating services to assigned Asset Owners and Data Owners.•Asset Owners and Data Owners must authorize access to Synopsys Information and Synopsys Information Assets according to valid business requirements.•Access authorizations must limit system access, accounting for Least Access Privilege Principles and the sensitivity levels of Synopsys Information•Wherever feasible, Asset Owners and Data Owners shall define access authorizations to align with functional workgroups or roles, such as Role Based Access Control (RBAC).•Access authorizations shall also account for any legal or contractual restrictions for limiting access to Synopsys Information or services.SYSTEM ARCHITECTUREThe Polaris system architecture includes multiple layers of security including, but not limited to up-to-date encryption technologies and access control. All access to the system uses secure connectivity, allowing authorized personnel only, with the highest level of encryption for all users to access the environment. This includes:•Required two-factor authentication•Access permitted only from predefined locations - Access is denied from unauthorized locations •Encrypted Ethernet between servers using a minimum of 128-bit encryption•All private decryption keys stored off site and at a separate site than the dataCOMMITTED AVAILABILITYPolaris provides the following uptime commitment for customers. Polaris will (a) make all Services and Content available to customer at 99.95% availability per month, (b) use commercially reasonable efforts to make Polaris Services available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week apart from: (i) scheduled downtime, and (ii) any force majeure events including, but not limited to Internet service provider failure or delay, Non-Polaris Applications or services, or denial of service attack.INCIDENT RESPONSEThe Synopsys Information Security defines, maintains, and communicates all security incidents as a part of the Security Incident Response Plan. The information security team will continuously evaluate and address information security events and Information Security Incidents in a timely, effective, and orderly manner.SECURE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT LIFECYCLEFor all Synopsys software assets, the strongest security processes and controls are required and built on two pillars:•Core Security Requirements•Product Security RequirementsGiven Synopsys leadership in the world of software security, it is imperative that Synopsys internal development efforts not only meet but also exceed the standards used by other security-minded development groups. What follows below is a high-level overview of the various areas that are covered in depth within the detailed standards for:•Information Gathering and Threat Modeling•Infrastructure Security•Data Classification•Configuration and Deployment Management Security•Identity Management Security•Authentication Security•Authorization Security•Access Controls•Session Management Security•Input Validation and Output Encoding•Logging and Error Handling•Encryption of Sensitive Data (Transit and Rest)•Business Logic Security•Client-side Security•API Security。
龙源期刊网 Synopsys推出基于FPGA全新HAPS—80原型解决方案作者:来源:《中国电子报》2015年第70期本报讯新思科技(svnopsys)目前宣布:推出全新HAPS-80基于FPGA的原型系统,该系统为Synopsys的端到端原型解决方案的一部分。
HAPS-80企业级配置采用赛灵思(Xilinx)VittexUltraScale FP-GA芯片,可支持高达16亿个专用集成电路(ASIC)逻辑门,并支持面向并行设计执行的远程使用和多设计模式。
作为Synopsys Verification continuum平台的一部分,vcs仿真结合Unified Compile以及veldi调试结合Unified Debug简化了在仿真、模拟和原型之间的移植,使设计和验证的启动时间缩短了数月。
synopsys紧密集成了硬件和软件HAPs基于FPGA的原型解决方案,定位于从vmex UltrascaleVU440器件提供最高性能和最大容量。
Identify Microsemi Edition 快速教程 2015 年3月说明书
Identify® Microsemi Edition Quick TutorialMarch 2015Preface PrefaceCopyright Notice and Proprietary Information © 2015 Synplicity, Inc. All Rights Reserved. All rights reserved. This software and documentation contain confidential and proprietary information that is the property of Synopsys, Inc. The software and documentation are furnished under a license agreement and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement. No part of the software anddocumentation may be reproduced, transmitted, or translated, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, manual, optical, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Synopsys, Inc., or as expressly provided by the license agreement.Right to Copy DocumentationThe license agreement with Synopsys permits licensee to make copies of the documentation for its internal use only.Each copy shall include all copyrights, trademarks, service marks, andproprietary rights notices, if any. Licensee must assign sequential numbers to all copies. These copies shall contain the following legend on the coverpage:“This document is duplicated with the permission of Synopsys, Inc., for the exclusive use of __________________________________________ and itsemployees. This is copy number __________.”Destination Control StatementAll technical data contained in this publication is subject to the exportcontrol laws of the United States of America. Disclosure to nationals of other countries contrary to United States law is prohibited. It is the reader’sresponsibility to determine the applicable regulations and to comply withthem.2Identify Microsemi Edition Quick Tutorial, March 2015PrefaceDisclaimerSYNOPSYS, INC., AND ITS LICENSORS MAKE NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.Registered Trademarks (®)Synopsys, AEON, AMPS, Astro, Behavior Extracting Synthesis Technology, Cadabra, CATS, Certify, CHIPit, CoMET, CODE V, Design Compiler,DesignWare, EMBED-IT!, Formality, Galaxy Custom Designer, GlobalSynthesis, HAPS, HapsTrak, HDL Analyst, HSIM, HSPICE, Identify, Leda, LightTools, MAST, METeor, ModelTools, NanoSim, NOVeA, OpenVera, ORA, PathMill, Physical Compiler, PrimeTime, SCOPE, Simply Better Results, SiVL, SNUG, SolvNet, Sonic Focus, STAR Memory System, Syndicated, Synplicity, the Synplicity logo, Synplify, Synplify Pro, Synthesis Constraints Optimization Environment, TetraMAX, UMRBus, VCS, Vera, and YIELDirector are regis-tered trademarks of Synopsys, Inc.Trademarks (™)AFGen, Apollo, ARC, ASAP, Astro-Rail, Astro-Xtalk, Aurora, AvanWaves,BEST, Columbia, Columbia-CE, Cosmos, CosmosLE, CosmosScope, CRITIC, CustomExplorer, CustomSim, DC Expert, DC Professional, DC Ultra, Design Analyzer, Design Vision, DesignerHDL, DesignPower, DFTMAX, Direct Silicon Access, Discovery, Eclypse, Encore, EPIC, Galaxy, HANEX, HDL Compiler, Hercules, Hierarchical Optimization Technology, High-performance ASICPrototyping System, HSIMplus, i-Virtual Stepper, IICE, in-Sync, iN-Tandem, Intelli, Jupiter, Jupiter-DP, JupiterXT, JupiterXT-ASIC, Liberty,Libra-Passport, Library Compiler, Macro-PLUS, Magellan, Mars, Mars-Rail, Mars-Xtalk, Milkyway, ModelSource, Module Compiler, MultiPoint, ORAengi-neering, Physical Analyst, Planet, Planet-PL, Polaris, Power Compiler,Raphael, RippledMixer, Saturn, Scirocco, Scirocco-i, SiWare, Star-RCXT,Star-SimXT, StarRC, System Compiler, System Designer, Taurus, Total-Recall, TSUPREM-4, VCSi, VHDL Compiler, VMC, and Worksheet Buffer are trademarks of Synopsys, Inc.Identify Microsemi Edition Quick Tutorial, March 20153Preface Service Marks (sm)MAP-in, SVP Café, and TAP-in are service marks of Synopsys, Inc.SystemC is a trademark of the Open SystemC Initiative and is used under license.ARM and AMBA are registered trademarks of ARM Limited.Saber is a registered trademark of SabreMark Limited Partnership and isused under license.All other product or company names may be trademarks of their respective owners.Printed in the U.S.AMarch 20154Identify Microsemi Edition Quick Tutorial, March 2015Identify Microsemi Edition Quick Tutorial © 2015 Synopsys, Inc.March 20155TutorialThis simple tutorial teaches you how to instrument and debug a small HDL design. The design is a simple 4-bit counter with a clock and reset. The counter design used with the tutorial is written in VHDL.Note:This tutorial simulates hardware debug data by applyingrandomly generated data to all instrumented nodes. This data does not reflect the actual operation of the design and only servesto show the format of the debug data.This tutorial introduces the reader to basic Identify operations. The tutorial includes the following major topics which are intended to be performed in the order listed below.•Instrumenting Your Design , on page 7•Setting up the IICE , on page 10•Writing the Instrumented Design , on page 14•Debugging Your Design , on page 15•Selecting the Cable Type , on page 16•Triggering on a Breakpoint , on page 17•Triggering on a Watchpoint , on page 19•Using the Complex Counter , on page 21•Generating Waveforms , on page 22Tutorial© 2015 Synopsys, Inc.Identify Microsemi Edition Quick Tutorial 6March 2015Design SchematicThe following figure shows the simple state machine configured as a 4-bit counter. The state diagram is shown to the left of the schematic.Design DescriptionThe tutorial design is implemented in VHDL as a single entity with twoprocesses. The first process implements a state machine; the second process computes the output values based on the current state.SchematicState MachineTutorialIdentify Microsemi Edition Quick Tutorial © 2015 Synopsys, Inc.March 20157Instrumenting Your DesignYou use the Identify instrumentor to select both breakpoints andwatchpoints and to set the sampling and triggering modes. TheIdentify instrumentor is launched from the Synplify Pro synthesis tool and is run prior to synthesis.The HDL design and project files for this tutorial are included in “counter” subdirectory under the share /demo_design directory in the Identify software installation. Before you begin the tutorial, copy the “counter” subdirectory to a local directory and make sure that you have read and write permission for the directory and files.Note:While performing the tutorial, the active project (prj ) file will be updated; copying the files to a local directory preserves the orig-inal files installed in the share directory.To begin the instrumentation:1.Start the Synplify Pro synthesis tool.2.In the project view, click the Open Project button to display the OpenProject dialog box and click the Existing Project button.3.Navigate to the location where you copied the counter_vhdl subdirectory.This subdirectory includes an HDL design file (counter .vhd ) and aMicrosemi-specific project file (counter_vhdl .prj ).4.Select (open) the Microsemi-specific project file.5.Select File->Save As from the menu and rename the selected project file totutorial .prj .Note:The remainder of this document uses the term tutorial to refer-ence the VHDL project.Tutorial© 2015 Synopsys, Inc.Identify Microsemi Edition Quick Tutorial 8March 20156.Right click on the Identify implementation and select Launch IdentifyInstrumentor from the popup menu.7.If prompted to create a new Identify implementation, click OK .8.If prompted, enter the location of the Identify installation in the Configure Identify Launch dialog box, click the Locate Identify Installation radio button, and click OKto launch the Identify instrumentor.TutorialIdentify Microsemi Edition Quick Tutorial © 2015 Synopsys, Inc.March 201599.If prompted for a license, select a license from the list of availablelicenses displayed and click Select .The figure below shows the initial Identify instrumentor window as launched from the Synplify Pro synthesis tool. The window shows the design hierarchy on the left and the HDL file content with all the potential instrumentationmarked and available for selection on the right.LO Tutorial© 2015 Synopsys, Inc.Identify Microsemi Edition Quick Tutorial 10March 2015Setting up the IICEClick on the Edit IICE settings icon on the toolbar to bring up the IICE Sampler tab shown in the following figure. The IICE Sampler tab defines the sample depth, sampling modes, and the sample clock.On the IICE Sampler tab:1.Leave Buffer type set to internal_memory2.Select 128 for the sample buffer depth.3.Leave the Allow qualified sampling check box unchecked.4.Leave the Allow always-armed sampling check box unchecked.5.Leave the Allow data compression check box unchecked.6.Enter /clk for the sample clock and select positive polarity for the clockedge.7.After you have set and/or verified the above IICE Sampler tab settings,click the IICE Controller tab.The IICE Controller tab selects the type of triggering.On the IICE Controller tab:1.Make sure that the Complex counter triggering radio button is selected andthat the Width is set to 16.2.Leave the Import external trigger signals set to 0.3.Leave the Export IICE trigger signal check box unchecked; the Allowcross-triggering in IICE check box cannot be selected until a second IICEunit is created.4.Click the OK button at the bottom of the dialog box.Selecting the InstrumentationAfter setting up the IICE, the HDL code for the tutorial design is displayed in the Identify instrumentor window as shown in the following figure. Use the hierarchy browser on the left to navigate through your design. Clicking on a hierarchical node displays the corresponding section of the source code.Selecting Watch PointsIn the source code display, scroll down and select the signalcurrent_state on line 52 for instrumentation by clicking on thewatch-point (glasses) icon displayed next to its name. When you click on the icon (or on the signal name), a popup menu is displayed as shown in the following figure to allow you to select how the watch-point signal is to be instrumented.Select Sample and trigger for the current_state signal. The icons preceding each occurrence of the signal in the HDL code will be green and an accumulation of the total number of bits for each instrumentation type will be displayed in the console window.Note that when you select an instrumentation type, the icon changes color according to the following table.Icon Color Watch-Point SelectionGreen Sample and triggerBlue Sample onlyPink Trigger onlyClear (unfilled)Not instrumentedSelecting BreakpointsThe circular icons to the left of the line numbers beginning on line 61 select the corresponding breakpoint for instrumentation. Whenselected, the color of the icon changes to green. Click on the icons on lines 63, 65, and 67 to select their corresponding breakpoints.Writing the Instrumented DesignTo write the instrumented design, select File->Save project instrumentation from the menu or click on the Save project’s activated instrumentation icon on the toolbar. Saving the project automatically adds a set of files to the Identify implementation directory which are then used by thesynthesis tool to incorporate the instrumented logic into the design.At this point, you would:•synthesize the design in the Synplify Pro synthesis tool to generate the output netlist•place and route the synthesized output netlist in the Libero place and route tool•program the resultant bit file into the FPGA •cable the board containing the programmed FPGA to your host foranalysis by the Identify debuggerDebugging Your DesignDebugging your design is done from the Identify debugger. To launch the debugger from the Synplify Pro synthesis tool:1.Open the tutorial project in the synthesis tool and highlight the Identifyimplementation in the Project view.2.With the right mouse button, select Launch Identify Debugger from thepopup menu or click the Launch Identify Debugger icon in the top menubar.If you are prompted for a license, select the appropriate license from the list of available licenses displayed.Note:To avoid being prompted for a license each time you start the Identify debugger, check the Save as default license type box beforeselecting your license.The Identify debugger opens your project in the instrumentation window with the hierarchy browser displayed on the left and the HDL source codedisplayed on the right as shown in the following figure. Note that the only instrumentation visible in the source code display are the breakpoints and watchpoints that you selected during the instrumentation phase with the Identify instrumentor.Selecting the Cable TypeTo run the tutorial, select the “demo” cable type by:1.Clicking on the “tutorial” tab at the lower left corner of the window todisplay the project window.tutorial tab IICE tab2.Selecting demo from the Cable type drop-down menu.If a demo selection is not available, enter the following Tcl command atthe console window prompt:com cabletype demo3.Clicking on the IICE tab at the lower left corner of the window toredisplay the instrumentation window.Triggering on a BreakpointIn the source code display, use the scroll bar to scroll down until the first breakpoint on line 63 is visible on the left side of the source code and then click on the breakpoint to activate it.Notice that the breakpoint icon changes from green to red indicating that the breakpoint is active. The breakpoint at line 63 triggers on the positive edge of the sample clock when the current_state signal has the value s_TWO .Now that you have an active trigger condition, arm the IICE triggercircuits on the FPGA device by clicking the Run icon in the menu bar. Clicking on the Run icon downloads the trigger information to theIICE. When the trigger occurs, the sampled data is transferred back to the debugger. The small arrow to the left of the breakpoint icon indicates which breakpoint triggered (identifying which breakpoint triggered is important when multiple breakpoints are active).The Cycle display in the middle of the menu bar shows the value zero where the trigger occurred. By clicking on the up-down arrows on the right, you can increase or decrease the cycle count to show values immediately before orafter the trigger point. Early Middle Late CycleYou can change where the trigger point is in the buffer by selecting one of the Early, Middle, or Late icons to the left of the cycle counter and again clicking the Run icon. The trigger location changes the next time the IICE triggers. Triggering on a WatchpointYou can also trigger on a watchpoint that is specified on any sampled signal.The Watchpoint Setup dialog box accepts any legal VHDL (or Verilog) expression that evaluates to a constant.To set a simple watchpoint:1.Click on the current_state signal2.Select Set trigger expressions from the popup menu3.In the first (left) field, enter s_THREE and c lick OKClick the Run icon. When signal current_state reaches the value s_THREE,the IICE triggers.Note:Because randomly generated data is applied, the trigger watch-point (s_THREE) may not reach its intended value. Click the adja-cent STOP icon if triggering does not occur within a few seconds.Using the Cycle data display controller, you can now browse back and forth through the debugger data buffer to view the design activity.Cycle data display controllerTutorialIdentify Microsemi Edition Quick Tutorial © 2015 Synopsys, Inc.March 201521Using the Complex CounterThe default settings for the complex counter mode (events with a value of 1) effectively disable the counter. To use the complex counter to wait for a breakpoint and/or watchpoint trigger event and then to count a specified number of cycles before triggering the sample buffer:1.Set the counter mode to cycles and the counter value to a value greaterthan 1 (note that you must have previously enabled Complex countertriggering on the IICE Controller tab in the Identify instrumentor).2.Change the watchpoint of signal current_state to s_TWO .3.Click the Run icon and wait for the data to download.The value at time zero will be updated with the sample data after the specified number of cycles has occurred as shown in the following figure.Note:Because randomly generated data is applied to all instrumented nodes, the results displayed do not reflect actual design plex counter settingsTutorial© 2015 Synopsys, Inc.Identify Microsemi Edition Quick Tutorial 22March 2015Generating WaveformsDisplay the debug data by clicking the Open Waveform Display icon in the menu bar. All sampled signals are included in the waveform display with two additionalsignals automatically added at the top of the display. The first signal, identify_cycle, shows the trigger location in the sample buffer. The second signal, identify_sampleclock , shows every clock edge. The following figure shows a typical waveform view with the identify_cycle and identify_sampleclock signals highlighted.。
synopsys 逻辑综合 发展史
Synopsys DesignWare IP for Automotive SoCs 自动汽车SoC
DesignWare IP for Automotive SoCsFigure 2: IP for ADAS SoCsOverviewAutomotive SoC architectures are evolving to support the transition to centralized domain compute modules, complex FinFET processes, artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, and new Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication. Synopsys provides the broadest portfolio of automotive-grade DesignWare Interface, Processor, Security and Foundation IP with highest levels of safety, security, quality and reliability. Designers can accelerate their SoC-level design and qualification with: ASIL B and D Ready IP developed and assessed specifically for ISO 26262 random hardware faults, ARC processors compliant for both ASIL D random hardware faults and ASIL D systematic, ISO 9001-certified Quality Management System, IP designed and tested as per AEC-Q100, SoC-Level safety manager, IP for automotive grade 0, 1, and 2 temperature, and IP on 22FDX and FinFET processes including 16-nm and 7-nm with 5-nm in development.Figure 1: ADAS applicationsAdvanced Driver Assistance SystemsSynopsys’ DesignWare Automotive IP is implemented using a Functional Safety (FuSa) compliant development flow for ISO 26262 random hardware and systematic faults for ASIL B and D safety levels. Synopsys’ DesignWare IP portfolio for safety-critical automotive SoCs includes functional safety packages, whichconsist of Failure Modes Effects and Diagnostics Analysis (FMEDA) reports, Safety Manuals, and certification reports to accelerate SoC level safety assessments and help designers reach their target ASILs. Synopsys implements a safety culture, policies, processes, strategies with independent safety managers for FuSa-related IP development. In addition, the DesignWare ARC processors provide SoC level safety manager to monitor, detect and report random failures under normal operation. Synopsys’ high-performance, small area, and low-power IP portfolio, available in advanced FinFET processes, helps designers accelerate ISO 26262 assessment and achieve ASIL targets.Figure 3: IP for connected vehicle and infotainment SoCsISO 26262 Functional SafetySafety-critical systems rely on SoCs and IP to meet Automotive Safety and Integrity Levels (ASILs) specific to each application. Synopsys’ ASIL B and D compliant, automotive-grade IP portfolio is developed and assessed specifically for random hardware faults with ASIL D systematic. The ASIL B and D Ready, automotive-grade IP portfolio is developed and assessed specifically for random hardware faults. The DesignWare ARC EM22FS processor is compliant for both ASIL B or D random hardwarefaults and ASIL D systematic. Using certified IP helps SoC designers reduce supply chain risk and accelerate the requirements specification, design, implementation, integration, verification, validation and configuration of their SoC-level functional safety.Connected Vehicle and InfotainmentInfotainment SoCs supporting real-time multimedia networks and incorporating the latest interface IP standards and protocols in emerging automotive operating systems require a broad, high-quality IP portfolio for automotive applications. Synopsys offers USB, LPDDR4, HDMI, MIPI, PCI Express ®, mobile storage, security, data converters, logic libraries, embedded memories, Sensor and Control IP Subsystem, and ARC ® Processors to speed connected vehicle and infotainment SoC development in the latest 28-nm and 16/14-nm FinFET process technologies. Synopsys also offers Ethernet IP that supports Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) standards and enables predictable andreliable networks for functional safety ADAS applications.Benefits of Synopsys DesignWare IP for Connected Vehicle and Infotainment• Multiple interfaces including LPDDR4, PCI Express, USB, DisplayPort, HDMI, MIPI, Ethernet AVB/TSN• ARC EM, HS, and EV Functional Safety Processor IP supports ISO 26262 functional safety applications with integrated hardware safety features• Security IP for HDCP 2.3 and DTCP-IP increasescontent protectionGatewaysGateway SoCs for automotive networks manage the system connectivity for domains applications. Synopsys offers a portfolio of silicon-proven IP including up to 10G Ethernet IP supporting time-sensitive networking (TSN) for real-time high-performance data connectivity, ARC processors with ASIL D safety capabilities for real-time data management, and security IP with root of trust for encryption/decryption and Root of Trust. With Synopsys’ DesignWare IP, designers can accelerate the design of gateway SoCs used for advanced network processing and critical system management including secure Over-the-Air (OTA) software management.Figure 4: IP for automotive gatewaysFigure 4: IP for gateway SoCs Designed for Automotive ReliabilitySynopsys DesignWare IP has been designed and tested in accordance to Synopsys’ stringent automotive mission profile following automotive-specific design rules. Synopsys verifies our physical IP with very high-reliability automotive Parts Per Million (PPM) targets and critical specifications according to automotive Process Capability Index (Cpk) distributions.Faster Time-to-MarketSoCs for ADAS, connected vehicles & infotainment and gateways are growing in complexity as they implement high-performance applications such as vision detection/correction as well as extensive multimedia content. To reduce the overall effort and cost of assembling and integrating IP into an SoC, Synopsys offers DesignWare IP Subsystems following an ISO 9001 quality and ISO 26262 functional safety process for ASIL readiness. The subsystems consist of pre-validated, fully integrated solutions that utilize Synopsys’ automotive IP and tools for the specific SoC application. In addition, DesignWare IP Subsystems provide extra functionality and value over simply integrating a PHY and controller, e.g., common register interface between the PHY and controller, debug logic, and more. The Interface IP Subsystems include key protocols for automotive such as DDR, PCIe, USB, MIPI, and Ethernet, as well as multi-protocol subsystems.Figure 5a: DesignWare IP Subsystems Figure 5b: DesignWare IP Prototyping Kits DesignWare IP Prototyping Kits include a proven reference design of the target IP pre-tested on a HAPS FPGA-based prototyping system and software development platform running Linux OS. The pre-verified IP configuration can easily be modified to explore design tradeoffs for various automotive applications and offer a quick out of the box IP prototyping experience to accelerate software development.©2021 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. Synopsys is a trademark of Synopsys, Inc. in the United States and other countries. A list of Synopsys trademarks is available at /copyright .html . All other names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.For more information on DesignWare IP for automotive applications, visit /ip-automotive.。
在本次会议 中 ,参会者将会亲临现场 见证安捷伦科技
7 年 的技 术 飞 跃 与 烁 世 贡 献 。从 “ 在 网络 ”的全 面测 试 方 0 泛
案 ,到 3 4 G- G的 无线测试大全 ;从高速数字技术的深入解
得可 Po lw T rFo @A x系统 能满足
现 实 的 大 规模 复 杂 生 产 要 求
讨大会。 ( 本刊 通 讯 员)
产和产品管理专 家 ,这家 电子公司具有相 当严格的评估标
准 ,而 DE 的 系 统 不 仅 达 到 甚 至 在 一 些 地 方 超 越 了客 户 的 K
S n p y 推 出快速 原型 系统 y o ss
H S6 AP .0系 列
全球 领先的半导体设计 、验证和造软件及知识 产权
误 ,显 著 缩 短处 理不 规 则 B A 所 需 的 时 间 。 G
锡膏的浪费量在一个星 期内减少 了210 , 0 g 在大规 模生产环 境下 ,这是一个相 当理想的数字。使用得可 Ha k y 。 w E e 印刷 后检测工具 , 印刷产量超过每张 电路板 1s 4 这个 目标 达 1%。 0
域。 ( 本刊 通 讯 员)
2 6日在北京新 云南皇冠假 日酒店盛大召开。本次测试测量
大会还会先后在 中国深圳 、中国台湾 ( 台北和新竹 ) 、韩 国 ( 首尔 ) 、印度 ( 班加 罗尔和新德里 ) 、马来西亚 ( 槟城 )和
新 加 坡 等 地 相 继 举 行 , 创亚 洲 地 区最 大 的 测 试 测 量科 技 年 开 度盛会 。
DE K的 Po lw封闭式印刷头技术 ,在经过一段成功 rFo 的测试期后 ,因其杰 出的表 现能满足复杂 的大规模生产要 求, 为一家知名的 电子解决方案公司所采用。作为设计 、 生
Synopsys为TSMC 22nm ULP/ULL工艺提供DesignWare基础IP
器 (HDD)提 供 服 务 的 细 分 市 场 ,可 提 供 高 出 三 层 连 接 和 USB 3.0连接 ,拓 展 了 VIP接 口可选 方 案 ,
单元 (TLC)NAND 33%的位密度 。新型 QLC固态硬 让 嵌 入 式 视觉 系 统 的原 型 开发 更 为简 便 。(来 自莱 盘可以满足人工智能 、大数据 、商业智能 、内容传输 迪 思 )
HAPS一80的远程 访 问 功能 ,也 使 得 寒武 纪 软 件人 员
能够 持续 进行 不 问断 软件 测试 。HAPS一80兼 具 出色
Mentor强化 支持 TSMC 5nm F i nFET 和 7nm F i nFET P I US工 艺
(cOre oxide)或厚 10氧化 物 以实现 低漏 电率 的逻 辑 学 习 处 理 器 云 端 智 能 芯 片 MLU100 通 过 使 用
库 、内存 测试 与修 复 能力 以及 功耗 优化 套件 ,能 为 HAPS一80,能够加快其软件和系统验证迭代速度。
SoC带 来最 佳 的结 果质 量 。 (来 自 Synopsys)
瑞萨电子株式会社 (瑞萨电子 )与麦格纳近 日 联 合 宣 布 :双 方 将 合 作推 出专 为人 门级 到 中级 车 辆 设 计 、新 型 高 性价 比 3D环 视 解 决方 案 ,这将 加 速高 级 驾驶辅 助 系统 (ADAS)的量 产 和普及 。
该 3D 环 视 系 统 采 用 了瑞 萨 电子 高 性 能 低 功 耗 、专 为智 能 摄 像 头 和全 景 环 视 系统 而 优 化 的 片上 系统 (SoC)。通 过提供 3D环视安 全功能 ,新 系统 可帮助汽车制造商为更多汽车消费者提供更安全 、 先 进 的车 辆 ,进 而 为安 全 出行 做 出贡献 。 (来 自瑞 萨 电子 )
Synopsys HAPS系列基于FPGA的ASIC原型最快捷的交付方式
Synopsys HAPS系列基于FPGA的ASIC原型最快捷的交付方式硅片tapeout前用于系统验证和硬件/软件集成的原型对于现在的 IP 和 SoC 设计团队而言必不可少。
但是开发原型的时间很短,从 RTL 完备到获得芯片时间也很少,这意味着原型开发工程师必须尽快交付操作原型,他们所承受的压力巨大。
HAPS ProtoCompiler 通过设计规划、逻辑综合、调试以及连接至其他验证环境(例如 Synopsys VCS 和 ZeBu)等自动化功能,为 IP 验证和软件开发减少系统启动的时间和难度,只要该系统是基于 Synopsys HAPS 系列的。
原型软件同 HAPS 系列紧密集成,以便实现传统“廉价”电路板和 FPGA 设计工具均无法企及的系统性能。
功能:HAPS ProtoCompiler 的功能用于加快实现原型的时间。
这主要关注启动时间和计划的改善,从而使得处理时间最多可缩短至竞争产品的 50%。
HAPS ProtoCompiler 技术拥有高效的数据模型、编译器和分割工具,并通过使用基于 FPGA 原型的 Synopsys HAPS 系列,来提高工程师的工作效率。
通过HAPS 系列专用的快速编译器和时钟转换,来加速 ASIC 设计的编译和转换。
2.5 亿 ASIC 门分割引擎可自动生成适合多个 FPGA 的可行设计,仅需几分钟便能交付结果,相比之前的几小时更加便捷。
重复使用对于 ASIC 设计和原型来说都是最佳实践。
HAPS 硬件架构的模块化性质结合 HAPS ProtoCompiler 的增量和层次化项目管理功能,可避免冗长的重新编译及布局布线周期,从而加快启动时间。
原型项目所开发的 HAPS-DX 及 HAPS 系列系统直接兼容,允许原型开发团队将单个 ASIC 模块或 IP 原型项目集成至较大型的子系统中,从而实现完整的 SoC 验证场景。
SynplifySynplify、Synplify Pro和Synplify Premier是Synplicity(Synopsys公司于2008年收购了Synplicity公司)公司提供的专门针对FPGA和CPLD实现的逻辑综合工具,Synplicity的工具涵盖了可编成逻辑器件(FPGAs、PLDs和CPLDs)的综合,验证,调试,物理综合及原型验证等领域。
其客户也遍布于通讯、半导体、航空/航天、计算机和军事电子等诸多领域,如:Philips,Agilent,Cisco,Lockhe ed,GE,Siemens,Lucent,Ericsson,Huawei,ZTE,UTStarcom等全球几千家用户。
Synplify Pro是高性能的FPGA综合工具,为复杂可编程逻辑设计提供了优秀的HDL综合解决方案,它包含了BE ST算法对设计进行整体优化;自动对关键路径做Retiming,可以提高性能高达25%;支持VHDL和Verilog的混合设计输入,并支持网表*.edn文件的输入;增强了对System Verilog的支持;Pipeline功能提高了乘法器和ROM的性能;有限状态机优化器可以自动找到最优的编码方法;在timing报告和RTL视图及RTL源代码之间进行交互索引;自动识别RAM,避免了繁复的RAM例化。
精品文档你我共享Synopsys产品线介绍目录DC Ultra (1)DesignWare Library (DesignWare 库) (2)DFT Compiler (2)TetraMAX ATPG (3)Apollo-II (3)Star-RCXT (4)Hercules (4)PrimeTime (5)VCS (5)Vera (6)LEDA (6)Cosmos-Scope ............................................................................................................ .7 DC UltraDesign Compiler的最高版本在Synopsys软件中完整的综合方案的核心是DC UltraTM,对所有设计而言它也是最好级别的综合平台。
DC Ultra添加了全面的数据通路和时序优化技术,并通过工业界的反复证明。
DC Ultra具有独特的优化技术,能满足今天设计的各种挑战。
DC Ultra提供快速的具有先进水平的数据通路优化技术,能建立快速关键路径时序。
另外,DC Ultra采用后布局和优化布线技术,易于较快达到时序收敛。
DC Ultra已在工业界确立了领先地位,DC Ultra综合引擎能提供DC Expert 所有的功能,以及它的独特的优点。
能与DC Ultra共同工作的软件有路径综合、测试综合和功耗优化、静态时序和功耗分析,以及经验证的、高性能Design Ware库。
•对数据通路设计的面积和时序方面,提交最好质量的设计结果•对时序要求很高的设计,提供最好的电路性能•与测试和功耗综合紧密结合,以提供最高的设计效率,并致力于实现所有综合的目标•对那些需要多次反复设计流程才能达到时序收敛的设计,通过提供和布局布线环境的紧密衔接,有助于快速实现设计的多时序收敛•来自于超过50个硅片和库的供应商可应用的大于500个综合库精品文档你我共享DesignWare Library (DesignWare 库)DesignWare Library包含了最常用的结构以外的IP,这对于设计开发ASIC和SOC来讲是必要的。
针对Arm的全新计算平台,新思科技提供了经优化的EDA和IP全方位解决方案,包括Synopsys.ai全栈式人工智能驱动型EDA解决方案、新思科技接口和安全IP、以及新思科技芯片生命周期管理PVT IP,助力Arm实现业界领先的性能和功耗。
新思科技EDA事业部总经理Shankar Krishnamoorthy表示:“在先进的移动设备上不断增加新功能并持续优化性能和能效,意味着设计挑战成倍地增加。
把 EDA 解决方案引入双方的合作开启了一个全新阶段,意味着新思科技和Arm作为半导体领军企业将整合各自的优势,帮助共同客户加速实现基于Arm架构的SoC设计。
”Arm高级副总裁兼终端事业部总经理Chris Bergey表示:“新的Arm2023全面计算解决方案在设计阶段就将系统纳入考量,提供了一套针对特定市场的技术,以助力客户实现下一代视觉计算体验所需的计算性能。
Synplify FPGA 设计验证平台
1. Synplify FPGA设计验证平台可编程逻辑器件的价值在于可以通过快速的原型验证使产品的面市时间大大缩短。
Synopsys的FPGA产品专注于增强高密度和高性能可编程逻辑设计的能力,为设计工程师提供FPGA设计验证解决方案:1)Synpli fy Pro为复杂可编程逻辑设计提供了优秀的HDL综合解决方案;2)Synplify Premier集成了Graph-Based物理综合技术,并提供Floor Plan选项;3)Identify是唯一的RTL级调试工具,能够在FPGA运行时对其进行实时调试;4)Confir ma为复杂设计一次成功提供高性能的ASIC/SoC原型验证系统z HAPS是高性能的ASIC原型验证系统,大大减少了一次流片成功的风险,加快了产品推向市场时间。
z Certify 确保客户在使用多片FPGA进行ASIC/SoC验证时快速而高效地完成工作;z Identify Pro提供全面可视化的调试环境;z CHIPit基于FPGA技术的芯片开发平台可用于芯片的原型验证、软硬件协同验证;5)Synplify DSP是基于DSP算法的代码产生和综合工具,架起了算法验证和RTL代码实现之间的桥梁;2. 高性能FPGA综合工具Synplify Pro1)Synplify Pro 解决方案随着FPGA的容量已经超过了数百门的范围,并且速度也超过了200MHz,对工具的要求也随之增长。
Synplify Pro定位于复杂可编程逻辑设计,可以使你轻松的提高复杂FPGA设计的性能,节约开发时间。
2)BEST算法的特点Synopsys的FPGA产品都是基于BEST(Behavior Extracting Synthesis Technology)算法。
晶晨半导 体还利用 S n p y y o ss经验证过的高质量 Dein r s Wae g 接 口和模拟 I P解决方案 。这 些专为中芯的 6 n 低功耗工 5m 艺进 行了优化 的解决方案 , 满足 了晶晨半导 体的性能和集成 度 目标 ,同时确保 了产 品本身的成功 。
( 刊 通 讯 员) 本
飞 兆 半 导体 积极 扩 展 手 机 应 用 市场
飞 兆半 导 体 公 司宣 布 , 公 司 业 已 增 强对 于 移 动 手 机 市 该 场 的 投入 , 公 司成 功 的 半导 体解 决 方 案 上 ,提 供 新 的 功 能 在 性 水 平 ,以 帮 助 客 户 实 现投资和开发 ,以满足手机制造商特 定的
信号 路 径 需 求 ,包括 音 频 、视 频 、US B、信 号 、感 测 和 定 时 , 以及 外 设 内核 、照 明和 R F的 功 率 管 理 。 所 有 主 要 的移 动 设 备 制 造 商 均 已采 用 飞 兆 半 导 体 的技 术 ,用 于 包 括 智 能手 机 的 大 多 数 移 动手 机产 品 中 。飞 兆 半 导 体 通 过 获 取 市场 信 息 , 及 与 世 界 各 地 手 机制 造 商 和 芯 片 组 以 供应商的密切合作来推动新产品的开发 。
和运营团队;以及致力于提供卓越的客户支持 ,这些实力让 我们在 R F行业脱颖而出。SGe半导体期望仿效历届 GS i A 奖项 优胜者的成功 之道 ,继续 扩大在无 线连 接性领域 的业
务 ,并 做 出重 要 贡 献 。 ”
( 刊 通 讯 员) 本
如 I o i r的多角 多模 ( l— on rMut Mo e C C mpl e Mut C re l - d , i i MC MM)优化和 E O 时序修正 ,来缩短 他们 的设计周期 。 C
Synopsys第一次公开演示USB 3.2
去年7月份,苹果、惠普、英特尔、微软等科技公司组成的USB3.0 Promoter Group联盟首次公开了USB 3.2标准。
新的USB 传输协议一经发布,即在业界造成了不小的影响。
而就在日前,着名芯片公司Synopsys(新思科技)就第一次公开演示了USB 3.2。
本次演示的USB3.2设备和主机基于HAPS-80 FPGA硬件原型平台,USB-PHY的物理层采用FinFET工艺制造,单通道带宽10Gbps,双通道联合传输即可达到USB3.2标准的20Gbps(2.5GB/s)。
HAPS平台通过PCI-E 总线连接一台Linux PC,机器配置了数台大容量存储设备。
纳斯 达克 股票市场 代码 ; s NP S ) 日前 宣 布 : 为其 HAP s 。基
于 F P GA 原 型 系 统 的 用 户 推 出 新 版 的 D e e p Tr a c e De b u g
的带 有复 杂触发条 件 的信号 探 点可 被 记 录 , 并且 在 系 统 执 行 时存储 大量 状 态 历 史 记 录 来 提 供 更 深 的 记 录 。S RAM
子 板也可 释放 F P GA 片 上 RAM , 使 其用 于 为 S o C 设 计 的
深 度追踪 纠错软 件 。借 助 HAP S De e p Tr a c e De b u g , 原 型 工 程师可 利用 比传 统 F P G A 片上 逻 辑 纠错 器所 用 的存 储 器 高出将 近 1 0 0倍 的信 号 存 储 容 量 。新 的深 度 追 踪 纠 错 功能 同时增 强 了容量 和故 障隔离 性能 , 同 时 释 放 片 上
F P GA 存 储 器 来 满 足 验 证 复 杂 的 系 统 级 芯 片 ( S o C ) 设 计 之 需求。 “ Qu a l c o mm At h e r o s公 司 的 W i — F i / B l u e t o o t h组 合 产
存储 模块 提供原 型 。 “ GS I 技 术 NB T S R AM 被 设 计 到 HAP S De e p Tr a c e
2 0 1 2年 5月 1 0 日— — 艾 法 斯 控 股 公 司 ( Ae r o f l e x 进 一步缩 短测 试周期 时间 。 ”
Ho l d i n g C o r p . , 纽 交所代 码 : ARX ) 旗下 的全资 子公 司艾法
斯有 限公 司( Ae r o f l e x L i mi t e d ) 日前 宣 布 : 该 公 司 已 经 和 高
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Synopsys HAPS-80D系统是基于HAPS-80原型验证产品系列而开发,HAPS-80目前已部署超过1,500套系。