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HDPE穿孔管 HDPE perforated pipe

表面排水溝 surface drain

表曝機 surface aerator

厂區 factory area ; plant area (污水處理厂厂區)

場區道路 plant road

車位 truck space

沉降 Settlement

陳家沖填埋場 Chenjiachong Landfill Site

承載力 bearing capacity

城市固體廢棄物 municipal solid waste

城市生活固體廢物,城市生活垃圾 Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)

城市生活垃圾衛生填埋技術規範 Technical Code for Sanitary Landfill of Municipal Solid Waste

出水水質 effluent quality

擋土牆 retaining wall

地磅房及傳達室 Weighbridge Room and Reception Room

調節池 adjusting tank

動態發酵 dynamic fermentation

堆肥產品 compost product

堆肥化 composting

二沉池 secondary sedimentation tank

二次沉淀池 secondary sedimentation tank

二級發酵(次級發酵) secondary fermentation

防護網 protective net

防滲材料 impervious materials

防滲層 liner

廢塑料、廢紙、廢織物、草木樹葉和廚余 waste plastics、waste paper, waste fabric, plant, kitchen residue and sweeping

焚燒 Incineration

焚燒爐 incinerator

腐熟度 putrescibility

復合防滲層 composite liner

鈣基膨潤土 calcium bentonite

高密度聚乙烯膜 HDPE

高溫堆肥 high-temperature composting

工程量清單 Bill of Quantities

工業固體廢物,工業垃圾 Industrial Solid Waste

工藝流程圖 process flowchart

固體廢物 Solid Waste

固體廢物的管理,垃圾管理 Solid Waste Management, SWM

刮泥機 sludge scraper

管理區 Management Area

好氧堆肥 aerobic composting

橫向導氣軟管 transverse gas tube

灰渣 ash residue

回流污泥 returned sludge

回流污泥泵 return sludge pump

混凝土穿孔管 concrete perforated pipe

混凝土路面 concrete road

混凝土心牆 concrete wall

加油站 Gas Station

家庭垃圾 household garbage

家庭垃圾的分揀;家庭垃圾的分類 sorting of household waste 建築垃圾 Construction Waste

漿砌塊石 stone blocks with cement mortar

攪拌器 blender

截洪溝 flood intercepting trench

截污壩 pollutant intercepting dam

進場道路 Access road

進水泵房 inflow pumping room

進水水質 inflow water quality

靜態發酵 static fermentation

居民生活垃圾 Household Waste

庫底平整線 bottom flatting line of the site

庫區填埋邊線 landfill side line of the site

庫容 Storage capacity

垃圾 Waste ,Solid Waste

垃圾壩 waste dam

垃圾殘渣 residue

垃圾槽 waste chute

垃圾層 waste layer

垃圾產量 Waste output

垃圾堆肥場 waste composting field

垃圾堆體 waste pile

垃圾副壩 secondary waste dam

垃圾揀選場 Waste Sorting Site

垃圾氣化 waste gasification

垃圾收集車 waste collector

垃圾桶 garbage ,rubbish barrel

垃圾箱 garbage container

垃圾壓實系統 waste compactor system

垃圾衍生燃料 Refuse-derived fuel (RDF)

垃圾衍生燃料 waste derived fuel

垃圾轉運車 waste transfer truck

垃圾轉運站 waste transfer station

垃圾裝卸坡 waste loading ramp
