American Indians 美国印第安人
n. n. n. v. n.
遗产,传统 封建主,勋爵,贵族 庄园 熔化 商人
militia mission mobility
n. n. n.
民兵 使命 流动
Montreal moral moralism naturalization nobility oath observe Old World
The USA --American Beginning
Hello Class! In today's class we are going to deal with the first chapter on the history of the United States of America. As is known to all, America is a new nation and the product of the Western civilization. In fact, the American continent was first discovered by an Italian sailor called Christopher Columbus in 1492. And the United States was not officially founded until 1776 when 13 former British colonies rose up against the British Empire and fought a war for their independence. But, before we start, let's take the time to preview some of the questions regarding the history of the United States. Please see if you can answer the following questions. Please supply the correct answers, if you happen to know them, in the space bellow.
美国印第安人文化的多样性与特点美国印第安人(Native Americans)是美洲原住民的后裔,他们在美洲大陆上已有数千年的历史。
另外,很多部落都有神圣之物的概念,如神灵图腾(Spirit Totems)或神圣的草药,被视为保护者和指导者。
高二英语英语国家历史与文化背景介绍练习题50题1.The Industrial Revolution first started in _____.AB.FranceC.GermanyD.England答案:D。
2.Who is known as the “Iron Lady” in British history?A.Queen Elizabeth IIB.Margaret ThatcherC.VictoriaD.Diana答案:B。
3.The famous British writer who wrote “Pride and Prejudice” is _____.A.Charles DickensB.Jane AustenC.William ShakespeareD.Thomas Hardy答案:B。
4.The British national flag is known as _____.A.TricolorB.Star-Spangled BannerC.Union JackD.Maple Leaf答案:C。
英国国旗是米字旗,即Union Jack。
Tricolor 是法国国旗等三色旗的统称,Star-Spangled Banner 是美国国旗,Maple Leaf 是加拿大国旗的标志枫叶。
5.The Battle of Hastings in 1066 led to the Norman Conquest of _____.A.EnglandB.ScotlandC.WalesD.Ireland答案:A。
英美社会与文化名词解释1.American Indians美国印第安人It is considered as native inhabitants of North America.2.Mayflower CompactIt is the first document of self-government in American,and it is the seed of American democracy.3.The Civil Rights MovementIt is the blacks' struggle against racial discrimination and demand for equal rights with the whites. The movement was characterized by major campaigns of civil resistance.4.Separation of powersDue to the structural principle of U.S. federal government.The doctrine that political power should be divided among separate and independent bodies as a precaution against tyranny or arbitrary excesses by government.Three branches of government are created and power is shared among boom婴儿潮,生育高峰It is a period marked by a greatly increased birth rate.It most often refers to the post-WWⅡhigher birth rate in the United States.It is a period from 1946 to 1964.It is estimated that 78.3 million Americans were has been described variously as a "shockwave" and as "the pig in the python."6.McCarthyismAnti-Communist hysteria in US during the 1950 launched by McCarthy. The campaign of widespread persecution of many people as Soviet spies.Its effects lasted for decades.7.A salad bowlIt is alternative metaphors to describe the current American society , the trend is toward multiculturalism.It just like ingredients in a real salad,each culture keeps its own special "taste" and characteristics.8.Electoral CollegeAmerican way to elect the President.The President is not elected directly by the voters but by "presidential electors".9.Uncle SamIt is a figure symbolizing the United States.It is portrayed as a tall,white-haired man with a goatee.He often dressed in red ,white,and blue, and wears a top hat."Uncle Sam" to the United States is "John Bull" to UK.10.Muckrakers黑幕揭发者They were a group of reform-minded journalists,novelists and critics in America at the turn of the20th century.They exposed various dark sides of the seemingly prosperous society.They gave rise to the Progressive movement.11.Rosa Parks IncidentRosa Parks is a middle-aged black woman.She refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white passenger who had just gotten on.Then Rosa was arrested and fined 10 dollars.This insident led to a 1956 Supreme Court decision banning segregated buses.12.A nation of nations万民之邦The US has long been known as a nation of immigration,a multinational and multiracial country.The vast majority of its population is immigrants or descendants of immigrants coming from all over the world.13.New EnglandIn 1620,pilgrims from England first settled in New England to form plymouth Colony.But now,it is a region in the northeastern comer of the United States consisting of the 6 states.14.WASPsIt refers to the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants and their descendants.They are Americans of English ancestry.Until quite recently,to many peopie the WASPs had been the Americans.Their culture had represented the American culture.The WASPs still dominate every aspect of American life.。
白人、黑人、印地安人、各种混血种人、各少数族 裔等 2005年7月至2006年7月,少数族裔人口由9830万增 加到1.007亿,即如今3个美国人当中就有一个是 少数族裔。在此期间,拉美裔、亚裔和黑人的人口 分别增长了3.4%、3.2%和1.3%,而作为 主体族群的非拉美裔白人只增长了0.3%。
1934年,国会制订《印第安人改组法》,承认土 著文化的价值,恢复部落制,帮助印第安人重建 部落政府。 1975年,国会通过《印第安人自决和教育援助法 》,宣布在保持联邦与部落特殊关系的前提下, 赋予部落政府参与联邦涉及印第安人的政策的制 订和执行。至此,文化多元主义最终取代种族同 化而成为美国政府印第安人政策的精神原则,部 落的合法地位获得可靠的保障。
印第安人的语言是世界上最 有趣、最难懂的语言之一
欧洲殖民者的入侵时白人的社会文化发展状况: *工、商业的发展 *技术和器物上的先进 *制度和组织上的发达 *以征服自然增殖财富为目标的人生观 白人移居北美,旨在寻求生存发展的空间和机遇, 他们与印第安人之间,便发生激烈的生存竞争,因 为两种生活方式根本就是水火不相容的。
3、土著习俗的变化 *放弃了赤身露体的习惯,衬衣、外套、裤子、裙子、 帽子、鞋子和袜子为他们所接受。 *男子蓄发涂面的风俗,也日益少见。 *驯养的牛、羊、猪肉代替了兽肉,面包、牛奶、咖啡 等食物饮料出现在他们的餐桌上。 *住进了固定的房舍 4、语言上的复杂多样性在不断消减 传统仪式、观念和习俗与现代物质、技术和制度因 素的混合,使土著社会失去整合,土著文化呈现支离 破碎和光怪陆离。
占据优势的白人文化,必然迫使土著文化为 其扩张让路,致使两种文化不能和平共存。 受性质和势能差异的制约,两种文化也不存 在彼此融合的可能。
2023年宁夏回族自治区中考英语真题 (解析版)
2023is the Year of the Rabbit in China.But___1___would a year be named after a rabbit?Rabbits aren’t very strong___2___,but they are symbols of beauty and cleverness in Chinese culture.They are also___3___as the luckiest of all the Chinese zodiac(生肖)animals.If you were born in the Year of the Rabbit,you are thought to be beautiful,clever and lucky.The Chinese zodiac animals___4___more than just what kind of person you are.They also have a deep connection with ancient Chinese culture.Other cultures around the world have their own___5___about rabbits. Most of them think of rabbits as symbols of springtime and cleverness.People do many things that relate to(与……相关)rabbits.For example,___6___the first day of a new month, people in western countries will say,“rabbit,rabbit”.They believe saying it will bring___7___good luck.___8___, not every culture sees rabbits as symbols of good luck.American Indians___9___rabbits to be cheats(骗子).For the most part,rabbits mean good luck,so don’t forget to say,“rabbit,rabbit”at the beginning of the next ___10___month.It could mean30days of good luck!1.A.whenB.whyC.whereD.what2.A.player【答案】1.B 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.D7.A8.B9.A10.C【解析】【导语】本文主要介绍了和兔子有关的文化。
简单地说,美国英语的特点可以分为三大类:一、美国英语的一致性、二、丰富多彩的美国英语词汇、三、美国英语的一些读写差异一、美国英语的一致性作为美国唯一的官方语言和多民族通用语言, 美国英语具有惊人的一致性。
早在17 世纪, 美国还处在殖民地初期, 就是如此。
美国的早期移民, 大多来自英国的中部、南部和伦敦地区; 在英国, 他们基本上属于同一社会阶层, 而且讲的是同一种语言。
这些人到了美国, 无论流动到何处, 从事何种职业, 他们坚持讲自己国家的语言。
他们在殖民地所处的社会地位或阶层常有变动, 居住的地点也不稳定, 经常从一个地区流动到另一个地区。
可以说, 无论是在发音方面, 还是在用词方面, 美国英语都不太容易受到地方色彩的影响, 因而美国这块土地上的人所讲的英语克服了空间上的障碍, 有着惊人的一致性, 与印度、前苏联、中国等国家同时并存多种民族语言或方言的情况形成鲜明的对比。
后来, 陆续进入美国的新移民急于挤进已经讲着英语的高级社会阶层, 这种心情激励他们学习使用社会通用的语言。
曾经来自不同国家和地区的民族集团, 生活在同一社会, 互相接触、影响和融合, 共同创造和丰富了美国的语言与文化。
American Indians美国印第安人
American IndiansAMERICAN INDIANS. The application of the name Indians to the native peoples and tribes of the New World is an erroneous usage, originating in the belief of the Spanish discoverers of America that they had reached the eastern shores of Asiatic countries already partially known. As it happens, the name is now, even apart from the addition of American, customarily applied to the aborigines of the western hemisphere, while it is used with far less frequency as a collective name for the inhabitants of the great country of the East known from the remotest times as India.Various questions in regard to the American Indians have been discussed in the article AMERICA. It is here intended to treat more particularly their ethnographical position, and to give what may be called a working classification of the races. This is followed by a separate notice of the present distribution and condition of the North American Indians.It may be asserted with some confidence that there is nothing', in the physical and mental condition of the aboriginal Americans which requires us to postulate for them a foreign origin. If man was evolved originally from several centres, America assuredly included one at least; if he sprang from a single pair, then we can even conceive that pair to have been first established in the New World, and the arguments brought forward in support of an Asiatic origin of the American would not lose their point if adduced in favour of an American origin of the Asiatic peoples.Andreas Retzius, the founder of scientific craniolog}', arguing on insufficient materials, grouped all the American aborigines in two great divisions—(1) a western or high-land, occupying the main ranges of the Rocky Mountains and Andes, with the intervening lands thence to the Pacific: and (2) an eastern, mainly lowland, whose domain stretched from the western uplands to the Atlantic seaboard. The former, being characterized by brachycephalous or round heads, he felt disposed to connect with the brachycephalous Mongolians and Malays of Asia and Australasia. The latter, being of a decided dolichocephalous or long-headed type, he traced to possible Berber and Guanche migrations from north-west Africa and the Canary Islands, doubtless because the historical arrival of the dolichocephalous Norsemen in the New World was of too recent date to serve his purpose. But Virchow ("Anthropologie Amerika's," in Verhandlungen der Gesell. für Anthropologie,1877, p. 144-56) has amply shown that this classification is unten-able, and it will be seen further on that there are long and round-headed types often intermingled in every part of the continent. Virchow himself, while denying the claim of the American race to be considered autochthonous, declines to commit himself as to the probable regions whence they may have reached their present habitat. The theory of an Asiatic immigration via Behring Strait has been somewhat revived since ethnologists have, so to say, rediscovered the lost Tchuktchis of the north-east coast, of Siberia through Nordenskjold's Swedish polar expedition of 1878-9. These Tchuktchis are supposed to form the connecting link between the races of the two worlds, and the supposition is strengthened by the invention of an American branch of the tribe. Professor Nordenskjöld himself remarks that "this race, settled on the primeval route between the Old and the New World, bears an unmistakable stamp of tha Mongols of Asia and Eskimo and Indians of America"(Petermann's Mittheilungen, 1879,p. 330). But Lieutenant Palander of the same expedition says that " they undoubtedly descend from the Greenland Eskimo" (ib.), which would at once deprive them of all value as a connecting link, while Peschel (Races of Man, p. 391) much more probably allies them to the Itelmes (Kamtchadales), the two languages being "as closely related as is Spanish to Portuguese." W. H. Dall (Contributions to American Ethnology, vol.i., Washington, 1877) further points out that the Innuit (Eskimo) tongue, said to be spoken by the Tchuktchis, is merely a trading jargon, a mixture of Koriak, Tchuktchi, Innuit, English, Hawaiian, and others. It is also to be noted that the Samoyedes and other Asiatic Arctic peoples, assumed by many to be thepro-genitors of the Eskimo, are of Mongoloid stock and distinctly brachycephaltus, while the Eskimo are the most dolichocephalous race on the globe next to the Kai Colos of Fiji (Flower). Thus the Eskimo, instead of being a connecting link, form an anthropological barrier between the populations of the two hemispheres at the very point geographically most convenient for effecting the transition.Nor would the question be much furthered by allowing the arrival of a few barbarous tribes via Behring Strait in prehistoric times. Their presence would leave the Aztec, Mayan, Peruvian, and other local cultures unexplained, except as independent developments. And more recent historic migrations of Chinese, Japanese, and other civilized peoples, otherwise involved in tremendous difficulties, would leave equally unexplained the primevalmound-building races of the Ohio valley and the still more ancient Brazilian races of the Santa Catharina and Santos shell-heaps. Because a stray vessel has been cast ashore on the western seaboard since the discovery of America, Virchow suggests the possibility of similar arrivals in remoter times. But if the Chinese arrived so recently as even 8000 years ago (an extreme supposition) in sufficient numbers to build up a civilization in Central America, the Chinese origin of such a civilization would to this day be as self-evident as is theChinese origin of the neighbouring Japanese civilization. The foreign founders of these communities would necessarily have brought with them their arts, their domestic animals, their more useful plants and cereals, without which they must have themselves speedily perished or been absorbed in the surrounding native populations. But no trace of these things was found in the New World on its discovery. There was neither the rice of the Chinese, nor the wheat, barley, oats, or rye of the Western nations, nor the iron now proved to have been known to the ancient Assyrians and Egyptians, nor the horse, camel, ox, sheep, pig, dog, or poultry of the eastern hemisphere. Instead of these, there was little beyond one cereal (maize), one esculent root (potato), one feeble beast of burden (llama), limited to the uplands of the southern Cordilleras, one species of dog elsewhere unknown. Most of the useful plants and animals of the East have since been introduced, and flourish vigorously even in the wild state, a sufficient proof that they would have been propagated had they been introduced at an earlier epoch. The knowledge of metals was limited to copper, both wrought and, in Wisconsin, apparently cast (J. S. Butler), bronze, lead, gold, and silver. Otherwise most of the nations were at the discovery still in the Stone Age; and, although Virchow's assertion may be true that the most practised archaeologist will fail to detect any material difference between the stone implements of the two hemispheres, this merely implies that the arts of Palaeolithic and Neolithic man were pretty much the same every-where.Nor is there anything in the religions, systems of govern-ment, architecture, and other arts of the native Americans, by which they can be connected with the corresponding-systems of the East. That the Toltec builders of the low obtruncated Mexican pyramids were a different people from the pyramid builders of the Nile valley, and that the mummies of the Ancon necropolis and other parts of Peru were of a different stock from the Egyptian mummies, is sufficiently evident from the texture of the hair alone. The hair of the old cultured races of America was the same as that of all the later American races, uniformly lank, because cylindrical in section. The hair of the old Egyptians, like that of the modern Fellahin, is, on the contrary, uniformly wavy, because more or less oval in section. The religions, again, of the Red Man, we are told by Carl Schultz-Sellack, Oscar Loew, and other good observers, are " essentially astrological, based on star, sun, and moon worship," with which was often associated an intricate method of measuring time built on a series of twenty constellations " (Zeitschr. für Ethnologie, 1879, p. 209). "The sun," says Loew, "is the god of most Indian tribes. ' He diffuses warmth and nourishment for us and our animals ; why shall we not worship him ]' observed to me on one occasion Masa-yamtiba, a Moqui Indian (New Mexico) " (ib. p. 265). This Masayamtiba was a better philosopher than those ethnologists who seek for the origin of such a simple cult in the remote corners of the globe, rather than in the beneficial influence of the heavenly bodies which shine alike for allmankind. The four great gods of the Mayas, the "props of the heavens," answered to the four great Mexican gods of the four quarters of the compass, all being associated with the four elements of wind, water, fire, and earth. But to what does either system answer in the polytheistic creeds of the Hindus, Assyrians, Babylonians, or other nations of antiquity 1 There is something similar in the Neo-Buddhistic teachings; but Buddhism, even of the oldest type, is much too recent to explain anything in the religious worlds of Mexico or Yucatan. The hare is associated in America, in Asia, and even amongst the Bushmen of South Africa with the moon. But this association was obviously suggested independently by the spots which, especially in the first quarter of the moon seem to present the outlines of a hare on its form. Waitz (Anthropology, p. 255) well observes that a common belief in a universal flood, or in the periodical destruction of the world, whether by fire, water, storms, or earthquakes, and analogous or parallel lines of thought—taken individually—afford no proof whatever in favour of affinity, and even resemblances in several points possess only a secondary importance; for they may partly, under like conditions, arise spontaneously among peoples who have always lived in a state of separation, or may have partly resulted from periods of short intercourse between two different peoples.In any case, these slight coincidences are of little account when weighed against the argument based on diversity of speech. The tremendous force of this argument, as applied to the American aborigines, is scarcely realized by anthropologists such as Waitz or Virchow, who have not culti-vated philological studies, and it is significant that, in the already quoted paper by Virchow on the " Anthropology of America," the linguistic element is not even referred to. On the other hand, it has been greatly depreciated and even brought into contempt by the vagaries of certain etymologists, who discover affinities where there is nothing but the vaguest verbal resemblance. Science hasdemon-strated beyond all cavil that, while differing widely among themselves, the American languages not only betray no affinity to any other tongues, but belong to an absolutely distinct order of speech. They are neither isolating or mono-syllabic like the Indo-Chinese group, agglutinating like the Ural-Altaic, Bantu, or Dravidian, nor inflexional like the Semitic and Aryan. They come nearest in structure to the Basque, which is the only incorporating language of the Old World, but differ from it essentially inasmuch as their capacity of incorporating words in the sentence is not restricted to the verb and a few pronominal elements, but extends in principle to all the parts of speech. This faculty, which, with one or two doubtful exceptions, seems to be characteristic of every American idiom from Behring Strait to Cape Horn, has received the name of polysyn-thesis, literally "a much putting together." Hence, in a comprehensive classification of articulate speech aceording to its inner mechanism, a special place must be reserved for the American group; and, if we assume as the most probable theory that all speech has slowly evolvedfrom a few simple beginnings, passing successively from the state of crude roots to the isolating condition, and so onwards to the agglutinating and other orders, then in such a scheme the American will stand apart in some such position as under :—_Incorporation.Agglutination.Isolation.(Bantu, Berber, kc.) (Basque alune.)(Chinese, Anadíese, r¿ Siamese, &c.) %s\ •</mInflexion.Polysynthesis. (American alone.)Here it is not intended to imply that American derives from Malayan or Dravidian, but only from some now extinct agglutinating forms of speech of which Malayan or Dravidian maybe taken as still surviving typical instances. The disappearance in America of all such assumed forms, unless the Otomi of Mexico is to be accepted as a solitary lingering specimen, argues both a very great antiquity and an independent evolution of the American languages. And as the course this evolution has taken differs entirely from that pursued by the idioms of the _ Old World, it follows that the first peopling of America, if from the Old World, must be thrown back to a time when all speech itself was in its infancy, to a time when slow diffusion might be conceived as equally probable from an eastern or a western starting-point. It is this feature of polysynthesis that gives the American race its first and greatest claim to be regarded as truly autochthonous, in the same sense that we regard the Mongolian and Caucasian races as truly autochthonous in Asia.Sayce (Science of Language, 1880) has finally adopted this view.There is a general consensus amongst anthropologists that on the western continent we are in presence of two distinct original types, the brachycephalous and dolicho-cephalous. But these are no longer confined to separate geographical areas, as Betzius supposed. The very general practice of artificially flattening or otherwise deforming the skull has naturally caused less value to be attached to the craniological test in America than elsewhere. The practice has been traced back even to prehistoric times, and a clay figure recently found associated with the remains of a child by Reiss and Stübel in a grave in Ancon puts in a clear light the method adopted by the ancient Peruvians (The Necropolis of Ancon, Berlin and London, 1881, plate 90). Still, careful investigations have placed it beyond doubt that the normal skull both in North and in South America is now mesaticephalous, or of a type intermediate between the two extremes, a fact sup posed to imply a general intermingling of the two primeval stocks. On the other hand, Virchow (loc. cit., passim) showsperfectly normal ancient and recent crania from both sides of Greenland, from El Carmen on the Rio Negro, Patagonia, from the Botocudo tribe, East Brazil, from a tumulus of Santa Fé de Bogota, and even a Peruvian mummy exhumed at Pancatambo, all of which are distinctly, in some cases extremely, dolichocephalic. In the same way he produces brachycephalic skulls from the Brazilian shell-mounds of Santos and Santa Catharina, from the barrows of the Ohio valley mound-builders, from the Carib and Araucanian tribes, and from the Pampas of La Plata, the last mentioned of an extreme type, in close proximity to the extreme dolichocephalous specimens from Patagonia. Were it safe to argue from the analogy of Britain, where the dolichocephalic builders of the long barrows seem to have preceded and afterwards become intermingled with the brachycephalic builders of the round barrows (Dr Thurnam), the western continent might be supposed to have been successively occupied first by a long-headed and then by a round-headed race, which kept aloof in a few places, while more generally becoming fused in a normally mesaticephalic type. But we have in America no guide to the relative priority of the two forms of head, nor are there now any long-headed races on the eastern Asiatic seaboard whose ancestors might be taken as the precursors of the corresponding element in the West. The obvious alternative also remains, that the two forms may have become differentiated on the American continent, just as similar differentiations must, by those who do not accept the doctrine of fixity of species, be assumed to have taken place in Asia. For such an evolution America offered a more ample field even than Asia, for it is not confined to the northern hemisphere, but stretches from the Arctic nearly to the Antarctic Circle, presenting in this wide range almost every conceivable variety of climate, atmosphere, soil, and temperature.We thus see that the two cranial forms do not necessarily militate against the possible primordial unity of the homo Américaines. This unity seems on the other hand implied in certain physical and mental features, common to all the native races. Of the physical traits the most important and uniform are—(1) the hair, which is always black, coarse, glossy, and long, like a horse's mane, round in transverse section and persistent to extreme old age; (2) slight beard, but always straight, never wavy ; (3) eyes small, black, somewhat deep-set, always horizontal ; (4) eye-brows narrow, very arched, and black ; (5) prominent cheek bones and nose, the latter often very long and aquiline. other region of the globe where so great a variety of colour prevails. The more general tints are a copper or cinnamon brown, and olive yellow; but the subjoined table of tribes, grouped according to their colour, shows that the extremes of a deep brown almost approaching a true black, and of a light or fair hue almost approaching a true white, also occur, altogether independently of latitude, climate, or elevation of the land :—==TABLE ==Similar tables might easily be drawn up of stature, varying from the dwarfish Eskimo, Fuegian (mean 5 ft. 1 in.), and Peruvian (mean 4 ft. 9 in.) to the gigantic Patagonian, the tallest race on the globe.No less varied are the other physical traits, while the wide divergence of mental capacity is sufficiently indicated on the one hand by the Cherokees of the southern Alleghanies, who in 1824 invented a complete syllabic writing system, and who can reckon to a million and upwards, and on the other by the Chiquitos of the Bolivian lowlands, who, D'Orbigny assures us (op. cit. ii. p. 163), "cannot get beyond one (tama), after which they have nothing but terms of comparison." The only real intellectual faculty common to all the American races is that implied by the peculiar polysynthetic mechanism of their speech. But beneath this general morphological structure, the substance of the languages themselves varies greatly in all that concerns their phonetic systems, vocabularies, relational forms, syntax, and methods of combination. While, for instance, the Thlinkeet of the extreme north-west Pacific seaboard, the Apache of Arizona, the Quichua of Peru, and the Aymara of the Bolivian uplands are amongst the very harshest and most guttural tongues in the world, the Otuke of the Bolivian plains, the Mohave of Arizona, the Chiquito of the upper Paraguay basin, the Samucu on the north frontier of Gran Chaco, and many Amazonian dialects are distinguished by great softness, often rivalling in euphony the most musical languages of the eastern hemisphere. The linguistic families differ from each other, not only in the measure to which their polysynthesis has been developed, but even in its very character, so that while some have scarcely yet arrived at a clear differentiation of verb and noun, others, like the Iroquois, have a purely verbal, others again, such as the extinct Timucua of Florida, an exclusively nominal inflexion. In the same way some are partial to prefixes, some to suffixes, some to infixes. Many of the Californian idioms seem to be still verging on the agglutinating stage, while the just-mentioned Timucua, the Aztec, Choctaw, Shoshone, Cree, Matlalzinca, and others of the Anahuac table-land, have reached the very acme of polysynthesis, in which all the parts of the sentence often become by indefinite composition and syncope fused into one interminable "bunch-word " of from ten to fifteen syllables and upwards. As these languages also differ entirely in their vocabularies, often pos-sessing not a single root in common, it follows that they can be no more classed together than can for instance the various agglutinating tongues of the Caucasus or the Soudan.It thus appears hopeless to look for any unity of details in the mental and physical faculties of the American aborigines. What they have in common is reducible to one physical and one mental quality, the universal texture and black colour of the hair, and their polysynthetic speech. These two propertiespoint directly at primordial unity of origin; the endless varieties of detail argue a prodigious antiquity and an independent development of the race on the American continent. The variety renders the work of classification a labour of extreme difficulty and uncertainty. Amidst all these endless points ofdiver-gence, it seems impossible to find any common basis round which to group the various tribes and races, and the pro-blem becomes further complicated by the fact that, while many of these tribes differ in speech, though evidently of one racial stock, others belonging to the same linguistic connexion present the widest physical discrepancies. Thus the Chiquitos and the Moxos peoples of Bolivia, obviously of one ethnical type, speak several fundamentally distinct languages. The same is true of the Moqtii, Queres, Isletta, Tegua, Zuiii, and other New Mexican Pueblos, while the reverse phenomenon is presented by the Montagnais and Nasquapees of Labrador, both of whom speak closely related Cree dialects, yet differ so much in appearance that, "judging from their exterior, one would suppose them to belong to different families of the human race " (Hind's Labrador, i. p. 332). Within comparatively narrow areas occurs occasionally every conceivable element of confusion, as in California and the south-western States, occupied by the morally debased and physically degraded Pah-Utes, the tall and manly Mohaves, the ferocious Apaches, the mild and intellectual Indians of the New Mexican Pueblos, some fishers and hunters, some living on roots and berries, some skilled agriculturists, all speaking fundamentally distinct languages.It is evidently impossible in such a case to adhere throughout to any one method of classification, and the following tentative survey is consequently based partly on the linguistic and partly on the ethnical elements, but partly also on mere geographical grounds. Fortunately there are in all the divisions of the continent a few great families, occupying vast regions, in which the ethnical and linguistic elements largely coincide. Foremost amongst these are thesub-arctic races and the Athabascans, Algonquins, and Dakotas in the north, the Maya-Quiche in the centre, and in the south the Caribs, Quichua-Aymaras, and Guaranis. These eight stocks cover jointly an area of not less than 11 millions of square miles, with a total aboriginal population of about four millions. But the seven millions of pure and mixed Indians occupying the remainder of the land, 5 millions of square miles in extent, are divided into a multiplicity of tribes, whose racial and linguistic affinities present problems the solution of which must long tax the utmost ingenuity of science. The total number of distinct languages alone is estimated at about 760, of which 430 are in the north and 330 in the south. In the northern division Balbi reckons, exclusive of California, thirty-two stock languages, far too low an estimate, while Bivero and Tschudi consider that of the southern idioms as many as four-fifths are radically distinct. But all such calculations are mere vague guesses at the truth; and in the present state of our knowledge it is impossible to form an estimate of the actual number of languages still current in Gran Chaco, Chiquitos, theAmazon valley, Central America, Mexico, California, the Columbia basin, regions where an extraordinary complexity of speech prevails. Nevertheless language forms on the whole perhaps the most convenient basis of classification, and without its aid it would have been impossible to determine the affinities of many wide-spread races, such, for instance, as that of the Arizona Apaches with the Canadian Chippewyans, or on the other hand to separate nations apparently closely related, like the Iroquois from their Algonquin neighbours, or the Araucanians from the Peruvians. The true relations of many tribes are, on the other hand, still doubtful, because of uncertainty re-garding the languages they speak. Such are the Cheyennes, Blackfeet, and Arapahoes, classed by some with the Dakotas, by others more probably with the Algonquins. Such also are the so-called Dieguehos (Kizh, Netela, and Kechi) of South California, oscillating between the Shoshone (Snake) and Yuma connexions, and the Pawnees of Nebraska and Kansas grouped by Bancroft with the Shoshone, but by Morgan regarded as an independent race. So close is the physical resemblance in these and many other cases that the question must ultimately be decided by a more exhaustive study of their languages.The American races may be conveniently grouped under the following eighteen divisions:—I. Hyperborean Races. —This division may on the whole be regarded as possessing a certain ethnical, linguistic, and geographical nnity. Still the Aleutians differ so greatly in language, and in some respects in type, from the Eskimo proper that it seems desir-able to class them separately. The Eskimo (or "Innuits," as they call themselves) are thus distributed by Dall:—Kopagmut, mouth of the Mackenzie; Kangmaligmut, thence to Manning Point; Nuwukmut, about Point Barrow and Icy Cape; Kowagmut, east end of Hotham Inlet; Salawigmut, at Salawik river; Chuklukmut, Gulf of Anadyr, Asia, often confounded with the Tchuktchis, from whom they are entirely distinct;Okee-ogmut, the islands north of 63° N. lat.; Kikhtogamut, St Lawrence Island; Kaviagmut, between Kotzebue and Norton Sounds; Mahlemut, neck of Kadiak Peninsula ; Unaligmut, from Norton Sound to mouth of the Yukon ; Ekogmut, Yukon Delta; Magemut, from Y'ukon to Kuskokwim river; Kuskwogmut,Kus-kokwim Bay; Nushagagmut, Bristol Bay, west to Cape Newenham; Ogulmut, north side of Alaska peninsula; Kaniagmut, south side of Alaska peninsula and Kadiak Island; Chugachigmut, Prince William's Sound to Atna river; Ugalakmut, from Atna river to Mount St Elias.The last-named, the Ugalenzes of the Russians, call themselves Chilkhatmut, and are undoubtedly true Eskimo; although fre-quently confounded with the Thlinkeets, on whose domain they converge. The few Innuit tribes east of theMackenzie have not been classified, but two of them, the Netchillik and Uqulsiksillik, were met by Lieut. Schwatka in 1879, who received from them some particulars regarding the remains of the Franklin expedition.Of the Aleuts, whose collective name is "Ungungun," or "People," there are two divisions :—I. Unalashkans, who call themselves Kagataya Kung'n ("Men of the East"), occupying the extremity of the Alaska Peninsula, as far as 160° W., and the Una-lashka or Fox Islands. 2. Atkhas, occupying all the other Aleutian Islands.II. Thlinkeets.—These form a distinct ethnical and linguistic group, occupying a compact geographical area along the Pacific coast from about Mount St Elias to the Simpson river, and including Sitka and the other adjacent islands. They are often called " Koloshes," a term of doubtful origin, but the national name is "T'linket," "man," or "T'linketantukwan," "men belonging to all villages." The tribal divisions are :—Yakutat, between Mounts St Elias and Fairweather ; Chilkahtkwan, Chilkhaht river valley; Sitkakwan, Sitka Islands and part of Prince of Wales Islands; Stakhinkwan, lower course of Stikine river; Takukwan and Skatkwan, Taku Inlet, Alaska; Iludsunu, Hood's Bay and Huchinu Rapids: Iliknu and Tungass, about Simpson river.The Thlinkeet language seems to be completely isolated, showing nothing beyond the faintest verbal resemblance to the Aleut and more southern Hydah. It has a plural in k, and an instrumental form in tch or tsh, the combination of which produces a heaping up of final consonants, which none but the natives can pronounce. Thus ass, tree ; asstsli, by a tree : isk, trees ; assktsh, by trees. (See "Notes on the Sitkakwan Dialect," by J. Furnhelm, in Contributions to American Ethnology, vol. i.)III. Columbian Races.—The general grouping of these is purely geographical, the main divisions largely ethnical and linguistic ; the area, British Columbia, Queen Charlotte and Vancouver Islands, Washington, and Oregon. Here are five stock races speaking an immense number of dialects, which, owing to their extremely evanescent character, it is very difficult to classify. The Puget Sound district, in the north-west of Washington, is in this respect specially remarkable. But great light has recently been thrown on this Babel of tongues by the labours of G. Gibbs, published by Dall, in North American Ethnology, vol.i. p. 240. The five stock races with their chief tribal subdivisions are asfollows :—1. Ilydahs.—lha Kaigani of Prince of Wales Islands and north coast of Queen。
印第安人(美洲土著的统称)探访亚马逊印第安人土著部落:被现代文明遗忘的世外桃源2.36万播放 01:38印第安人印地安人一般指印第安人美洲土著的统称印第安人(American Indian),是对除因纽特人(又称爱斯基摩人)外的所有美洲土著的统称,并非单指某一个民族或种族。
分布北美洲、南美洲语言上百种,但统称印第安语[1]代表玛雅人、阿兹特克人、印加人外文名American Indian中文名印第安人86%的人还看了•四大人种生殖差异•印第安摩托车价格表•印第安纹怎么才能消除•阿拉伯人简介4张印第安人“印第安人”这一称呼本是欧洲人对美洲土著的统称,后来通行于世界。
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The Traditional culture of Oglala Lakota
Family is of utmost importance to the Oglala Lakota, with loyalty to the tribe coming in close second. Each family had one or more tipi households. The women were critical to the family's life: they made almost everything the family and tribe used.
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Brief introduction
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Brief introduction
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Brief introduction Oglala flag
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The history of Oglala Lakota
The Oglala Lakota, along with the six other groups of Lakota, had separated from each other by the early 19th century. By 1830, the Oglala had around 3,000 members. In the 1820s and 1830s, the Oglala, along with the Brulé another Lakota band, , and three other Sioux bands, formed the Sioux Alliance. This Alliance attacked surrounding tribes for territorial and hunting reasons.
My love is such that rivers cannot quench, 而我对你的 爱就是一把火,江河也不能熄灭 Nor ought but love from thee, give recompense. 世上没 有东西可与之相抵,除了你的爱 Thy love is such I can no way repay, 可是你的爱,如 此浓烈,我无以为报 The heavens reward thee manifold, I pray. 只求上苍给 你更多的恩赐 Then while we live, in love let’s so persevere 有生之年, 愿你我在爱中永存。
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The bands
Each of the twenty tribes were subdivided into bands (tiyośpaye), which consisted of a number of smaller family camps (tiwahe). During parts of the year, the small camps were scattered across the region; at other times, these camps gathered together as a tiyośpaye to cooperate on activities such as a large buffalo hunt.
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Notable Oglala
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To My Dear And Loving Husband 致我亲爱可爱的丈夫 ----Anne Bradstreet
If ever two were one, then surely we. 如果二即是一, 那么我们就是一个整体。 If ever man were loved by wife, then thee; 如果有谁深 受妻子爱戴,那么那人就是你。 If ever wife was happy in a man, 如果有谁因为自己的 男人而感到幸福, Compare with me, ye women, if you can. 那么来吧, 女人,与我相比,你是否幸福依旧。 I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold, 对我而 言你的爱远重金山, Or all the riches that the Earth doth hold. 比那东方的财 LOGO 宝还要耀眼
Notable Oglala
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Brief introduction
The Oglala [oɡəˈlala] Lakota or Oglala Sioux [su:] (meaning ''to scatter one's own" in Lakota language[5]) is an American Indian tribe. A majority of the Oglala live on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota ( 南达科他州松树岭印 第安保留地 ),the eighth-largest Native American reservation in the United States. The Oglala are a federally recognized tribe whose official title is the Oglala Sioux Tribe of the Pine Ridge Reservation.
Oglala Lakota
(沃格拉拉族 f introduction The history of Oglala Lakota The Traditional culture of Oglala Lakota
The bands
Beyond the family was the clan. Inheritance of clan chief positions and the composition of the clans was matrilineal: only the males born to the clan could be life chiefs of it. Within the clan, relatives whom Europeans and Americans would call cousins were considered, and identified by titles, equivalent to brothers and sisters. Because of the importance of the clan, a boy's maternal uncle, rather than his father.