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Injection Mold Technical Terms

(一)模具专业基本用词Professional Terms

1.塑料— plastic, resin

2.样件— sample

3.钢料— steel

4.注塑机— injection machine, press

5.产品— part, product, moulding

6.模具— mold, mould, tool

A 简易模(样板模)— prototype mold

B 量产用模具— production mold 7.三维造型(数模)—3D model, 3D data

8.二维产品图— 2D part drawing

9.设计— design

10.制造— manufacture, build up, construction, fabrication, make

11.检验— check, inspection

12.测量— measure, inspection

13.修改— change, modify, correction

14.工程更改— engineer change

15.质量— quality

16.数量— quantity

17.基准— datum, reference

(二)如何解析2D 产品图?How to read 2D part drawing?


1.点— point

2.线(边)— line, edge


A 侧面— side

B 表面— surface

C 外观面— appearance surface 4.壁厚— wall thickness, stock thickness

5.加强筋(骨位)— rib

6.孔— hole

7.细长的槽— slot

8.柱位— boss

9.角— corner

A 圆角— fillet

B 倒角— chamfer

C 尖角— sharp corner 10.斜度— angle, taper

11. 凹槽—recess , groove

二. 分模信息Splitting

1.分型线— parting line (P/L), splitting line

2.主分模方向— main direction, line of draw

3.浇口设定— gating

一.产品标识Part Identification

1.产品名称— part name (P/N)

2.产品编号+版本号— part number + revision (Rev.)

3.型腔号— cavity number

4.材料标记— material symbol

5.模具编号— mold number (no.)

6.日期印— dating insert, date code

7.循环印— cycling code

8.公司标志— company logo

二. 技术要求Specification (Special Requirement)

1.项目启动表Kick-off sheet

1)项目名称— program name, project name

2)产品名称— part name, product name, part description

3)产品编号— part number (P/N)

4)客户模号— customer mold no.

5)项目启动日期— kick off date, start date

6)项目完成日期— due date, lead time

7)内模件用钢— tool steel

8)型腔数量— number of cavities

9)数据文件编号— data file no.

10)注塑材料— resin, plastic, raw material

11)收缩率— shrink, shrinkage, shrink factor

12)注塑机吨位— molding machine size, injection machine size 13)成型周期— cycle time

14)型腔光洁度— cavity polish

15)型芯光洁度— core polish

16)皮纹(晒纹)— texture, grain

17)拔模斜度— draft angle, removal taper

18)注塑件颜色及光泽— molded color & gloss

19)模具加工地— manufacturing facility

20)热流道供应商— manifold manufacturer, manifold supplier 21)浇口位置— gate location / position

22)浇口类型— gate type

产品标识— stamp information, part identification

特殊要求— special instructions

1.产品质量及外观要求Part Quality & Appearance Requirement 1)尺寸及公差Dimension & Tolerance

①重要尺寸— critical dimension, important dim., key dim.

②理论尺寸— nominal dimension

③实际尺寸— actual dimension

④公差— tolerance

⑤公差带— tolerance range

⑥尺寸超差— dimension deviation

⑦接受(合格)— accept, OK

⑧拒绝(不合格)— reject, refuse, obsolete, NG

⑨让步接受— concession, special admit

⑩返工— re-work

2)产品缺陷(常见的)Defects (normal)
