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Complete the following sentences by using the correct form of the words and phrases given in the


1. Officials _______ from offices at 60 in China.

2. Please _______ I can ’t catch up with you.

3. My shoes are small in ______with my sister ’s.

4. Water ________ has killed much of the river ’s wildlife.

5. I have no _____ of hurting you. Could forgive me?

6. Scientists_____ that smoking reduces life expectancy by 12 years on average.

7. I want you to ______ every penny(便士) you ’ve spent.

8. Children usually feel tense(紧张) in the strange_______.

9. A ______ amount of exercise is good for the body.

10. There only two ______ to the problem.

11. A river ______ the village from the outside of the world.

12. He got a _______ of 1000Y uan for the catching the chief.

13.As long as the two sides decide to talk ,their differences can be _______.

14.It is _____ of him to make the unwise decision.

15His honesty ______ him great respect.

16.don ’t feel _____ by the failure this time. Try again.

17.He had _______ a lot of difficulties before he succeeded.

18.Entry into WTO has brought about both opportunities and _____ to China.

19.His _____ from the air crash is really miraculous.

20.The city has been_____ from the profits of the tourism.

21.He was blame because he _______ his family after he became rich.

22.The police promised they can _____ of the hostage.

23.He was always so rude that finally her patience ______.

24.The boy was so addicted to the computer games that he even decided to____ school.

25.______ we agreed to let him go , but we won ’t do that next time.

26.Don ’t act in _____ or be hot-headed ,but do try to work out a plan by 23rd


27.I jumped as if I had been ______ by a scorpion.

28.Lisa is deaf in one ear and ____ blind.

29.i intend to_____ this trip to buy the things we need.

30.He took off his glasses and _____ them hard.

31.She ______ her head sideways and looked towards the door.

32.The thief was caught ____with the loot(赃物).

33.He _____ down and picked up a plastic basket.

34.Her hair _____ long in the back.

35.The team’s success was largely _____ his efforts.

36.After a day’s work ,he _____ his bedroom.

37.There are no simple _____ to the problem of over population.

38.That shirt’s a perfect _____ for your blur skirt.

39.The _____ of the Customs Service was much less regarded.

40.The service runs on _____ days.

41.A lot of money was spent on the _____ of the new hospital.

42._____, I thought the film was pretty good.

43.He did well in his exams ,despite his ____ lack of interest in his work.

44.Becomeing a film star confers(赋予) status ,power,____ and wealth.

45.Please ______ seated until all the test-papers are collected.

46.His people came to him ,demanding _____.

47.After a year she had ____ her ideal weight.

48.Tickets are ______ from the box office.

49.The latest incident is _____ of a winder trend.

50.Several villages have been ____ by the heavy snowfall.

51.The dove(鸽子) is____ of peace.

52.The old house of the writer is _____ as a museum by the government.

53.The children’s museum have several hands on ______.

54.The article gives us a real ____ into the causes of the present economic crisis.

55.I am still ____ to be successful.

56.If you have any questions _____ any of our services ,please feel free to call me.

57.I do believe it is possible for different ethnical groups to live together_______.

58.An appreciation of art will ____ your life.

59.To appreciate what these changes will mean, it is necessary to look at them in ____.
