爆破音组:[p]-[b] [t]-[d] [k]-[ɡ]“形象代言词”自己记录[ɑ:⁽ʳ⁾][ ]; [ɔ:] [ ]; [ɜ:⁽ʳ⁾][ ] [i:] [ ]; [u:][ ][ ʌ ] [ ]; [ ɒ ] [ ]; [ ə ] [ ] [ I ] [ ]; [ ʊ ] [ ]; [ e ] [ ] [ æ ] [ ][aɪ] [ ]; [eɪ] [ ]; [ɔɪ] [ ] [aʊ] [ ]; [əʊ] [ ]; [ɪə⁽ʳ⁾] [ ] [eə⁽ʳ⁾] [ ]; [ʊə⁽ʳ⁾] [ ][ p ] [ ]; [ b ] [ ]; [ t ] [ ] [ d ] [ ]; [ k ] [ ]; [ ɡ ] [ ] [ θ ] [ ]; [ ð ] [ ];[ f ] [ ] [ v ] [ ][ tr ] [ ]; [ dr ] [ ][ m ] [ ]; [ n ] [ ]; [ ŋ ] [ ] [ w ] [ ]; [ h ] [ ]; [ j ] [ ] [ l ] [ ]; [ r ] [ ];[ s ] [ ]; [ z ] [ ];[ ts ][ ] [dz] [ ];[ ʃ ] [ ];[ ʒ ] [ ]; [ ʧ ] [ ][ʤ] [ ]发音拼读训练——(单音节)准确拼读单词三大规律第一种:元音+辅音(发音时:用所有力气和声音把前面的元音发得响亮、清晰,剩下一点点气流和力气把后面的辅音一带而过。
eight ask aim east each[eɪt] [ɑ:sk] [eɪm] [i:st] [i:tʃ]第二种:辅音+元音(发音时:元音和辅音相拼,拼读成一个整体)shy how try show tee[ʃaɪ] [hau] [traɪ] [ʃəʊ] [ti:]第三种:辅音+元音+辅音(发音时:元音和辅音相拼,拼读成一个整体,声音有力、清晰,剩下一点点气流和力气把后面的辅音一带而过。
英语练习第一课元音练习1 单元音练习/ i: / bee/bi:/ feet/fi:t/ keep/ki:p/ key/ki:/ team/ti:m/ meet/mi:t/ / I /it /ɪt/ big/bɪg/ city/sɪtɪ/ give/gɪv/ sick/sɪk// e / get/get/ best/best/ text/tekst/ help/help// æ /fat/fæt/ have/hæv/ cat/kæt/ back/bæk/ hat/hæt// a:/ laugh/la:f/ glass/gla:s/ half/ha:f/ farm/fa:m/ park/pa:k// ɔ:/ horse/hɔ:s/ saw/sɔ:/ corn/kɔ:n/ course/kɔ:s/ salt/sɔ:t// ɒ / dog/dɒg/ pot/pɒt/ cost/kɒst/ what/wɒt/ honest/′ɒnɪst// u:/ food/fu:d/ moon/mu:n/ rule/ru:l/ loose/lu:s/ noon/nu:n//ʊ/ book/bʊk/ put/pʊt/ good/gʊd/ would/wʊd/ could/kʊd// ʌ / must/mʌst/ does/dʌz/ money/′mʌni/ ugly/′ʌgli/ come/kʌm/ / ɜ:/ nurse/nɜ:s/ bird/bɜ:d/ burn/bɜ:n/ turn/tɜ:n/ girl/gɜ:l// ə / better/betə/ never/nevə/ worker/wə:kə/ welcome/welkəm/2 双元音练习/ eɪ / may/meɪ/ name/neɪm/ game/geɪm/ eight/eɪt/ age/eɪdʒ// əʊ/ no/nəʊ/ home/həʊm/ hope/həʊp/ wrote/rəʊt/ note/nəʊt/ pose/pəʊz// aɪ / eye/aɪ/ time/taɪm/ buy/baɪ/ right/raɪt/ bike/baɪk/ kite/kaɪt/ / aʊ/ now/naʊ/ out/aʊt/ how/haʊ/ about/ ə′baʊt/ south/saʊθ/ house/haʊs// ɔɪ / boy/bɔɪ/ toy/tɔɪ/ noise/nɔɪz/ voice/vɔɪs/ point/pɔɪnt/ coin/kɔɪn// ɪə/ ear/ɪə/ near/nɪə/ idea/aɪ′dɪə/ hear/hɪə/ mere/mɪə/ spear/spɪə/ / eə/ air/eə/ tear/teə/ care/keə/ dare/deə/ fair/feə/ there/ðeə/ / ʊə/ tour/tʊə/ poor/pʊə/ sure/ʃʊə/ moor/mʊə/(停泊) your/jʊə/ 音标综合练习/θ/ bath/ba:θ/(v洗澡) thick/θɪk/ mouth/maʊθ/ breath/breθ/(n呼吸) thought/θɔ:t/ author/´ɒθə/ truth/tru:θ//ð/the/ ðə/ they/ðeɪ/ that/ðæt/ mother/′mʌðə/ thus/ðʌs/ then/ðen//s/ face/feɪs/ mouse/maʊs/ cakes/keɪks/ caps/kæps/ likes/laɪks/ stops/stɒps//z/ close/kləʊz/ keys/ki:z/ boys/bɔɪz/ pens/penz/ halves/ha:vz//tʃ/ catch/kætʃ/ cheep/tʃi:p/ rich/rɪtʃ/ watch/wtʃ/ child/tʃaɪld/ question/kwestʃən/ teach/ti:tʃ/ challenge/tʃlɪndʒ//dʒ/orange/′ɒrɪdʒ/ large/la:dʒ/ juice/dʒu:s/ job/dʒɒb//tr/tree/tri:/ try/traɪ/ true/tru:/ trouble/traʊbl/ track/træk//dr/ dry/draɪ/ dream/dri:m/ dress/dres/ drink/drɪŋk/ hundred/′hʌndrɪd//ʃ/ she/ʃi:/ sharp/ʃa:p/ fish/fɪʃ/ shock/ʃɒk/ shoe/ʃu://ʒ/pleasure/′pleʒə/ measure/′meʒə/ television/′telɪvɪʒən//ts/let′s/lets/ sports/spɔ:ts/ puts/pʊts/ writes/raɪts/ seats/si:ts//dz/ hands/hændz/ birds/bɜ:dz/ friends/frendz/ beds/bedz/ stands/stændz//h/ he/ hi:/ hard/ha:d/ him/hɪm/ heard/hɜ:d/ half/ha:f//l/like/laɪk/ late/leɪt/ learn/lɜ:n/ lead/li:d/ light/laɪt//m/ my/maɪ/ more/mɔ:/ seem/si:m/ meat/mi:t/ mind/maɪnd/ men/men//n/nice/nɪs/ wind/waɪnd/ mind/maɪnd/ rain/reɪn/ fine/faɪn//ŋ/ sing/sɪŋ/ wing/wɪŋ/ ring/rɪŋ/ long/lɒŋ/ beautiful/bju:təfl//j/you/ju:/ few/fju:/ yard/ja:d/ music/′mju:zɪk/ student/′stju:dnt/ excuse/ɪk′skju:z//w/ work/wɜ:k/ way/weɪ/ well/wel/ what/wɒt/ twelve/twelv/ twin/twɪn//r/ red/red/ road/rəud/ write/raɪt/ wrong/rɒŋ/ problem/′prɔbləm/ 清辅音浊辅音对比练习[p]-[b] [t]-[d] [k]-[g] [f]-[v] [s]-[z] [θ]-[ð] [ʃ]-[ʒ][ts]-[dz] [tʃ]-[dʒ] [tr]-[dr]/p/: pen map help cheap pencil paper apple happy appear/b/: bag by bed boy bus blue rabbit cabbage/t/: ten time not get table bottle bottom little pretty watched washed/d/: desk door day dog add daddy middle played cleaned climbed answered/k/: cat come cut clock cry picture school Christmas chemistry book bike cake kite Kate look/g/: go girl big get egg bigger biggest guess great glad game golf again glass grass goat God dog goal /f/: five fish fine family fifteen photo phone elephant laugh enough off coffee/v/: very five have of leave voice visit visitor themselves/s/: nice city cycle sit six some bus use us desk books miss class/z/: is his please music lose husband apples leaves thieves knives size exercise prize zoo reason/θ/: three thank month thin thought three throw tooth teeth south north month mouth through/ð/: this the with than breathe though mother father there that these those/ʃ/: she shoe short shop wash sure Asia special sufficient delicious/ʒ/: usually television pleasure garage/ts/: shirts hurts coats costs goats Let’s kites gates dates pizza/dz/: beds birds hands friends decides/tʃ/: chair much lunch China watch picture question teach teacher rich future each reach/dʒ/: age page huge orange gentle gentleman general bridge porridge judge jump jacket just June Jim sandwich/tr/: tree trip try true truth train/dr/: dress drive hundred children drink dry draw dreamThe sun Tongue Twister(绕口令)(1)There are thirty-three trees there. (θ, ð)(2)A big black bug bit the back of the big black bear.The big black bear beat back the big black bug. (/b/) (3)She sells seashells on the seashore,and the shells she sellsare seashells. I′m sure because if she sells shells at the seashore,the shells she sells are seashells for sure.(/ θ/,/s/,/z/,/ʃ/)(4)There is a kitten in the kitchen.In the kitchen,I fly the chicken.Afly flies into the kitchen while I′m frying the chicken.( /tʃ/)(5)You are no need to light a night light on a light night like tonight.For a night,light′s a slight light and tonight′s a night that′s light.When a night′s light like tonight′s light,it′s really not quit right to light night lights with their slight light′s on the light night like tonight.(/n/--/l/)(6)The sun shines on the small shop signs.(/s/--/ʃ/)(7)Why didn′t you do that what I told you to do?(/t /--/d/)(8)The doctor′s daughter knocked at the locked door.(9)Mike likes to write by the nice bright light at night.(10)Is this pair of scissors of his sister′s? Yes,this is the pair of scissors of his sister′s . (/s/--/z/)(11)Pete picked up a piece of paper and put it intothe paper basket. (/p/)(12)William wants to know whether the weather will be wetter tomorrow. (/w/)★常见的字母与字母组合发音规则元音字母的发音(一)元音字母a(1) [eɪ] paper; late; make; lake ; face(2) [æ] bag; fat; cat; ladder; mass(3) [ə] ago; along; among; above; aloud(4) [ɪ] comrade; village; manager; palace; private(5) [a:] dance; France; chance;ask; mask; task; basket(二)元音字母e(1)[i:] me; he; she; these; evening(2)[e] hen; get; set; tell; echo(3)[ɪ] useless; ticket; basket; pocket; before; below(三)元音字母i(1)[aɪ] China; hi; time; guide;(2)[ɪ] sit; hit; ill; little ;(3)[ɪ] unit(四)元音字母o(1)[əʊ] no; so; go; home; photo;(2)[ɒ] not; hot; box; fox; cock; cost;(3)[ə] purpose; concern(4)[ʌ] son; month; come; love; dove; glove; mother (五)元音字母u(1)[ju:] pupil; student; use; cube(2)[ʌ] cut; luck; umbrella; us(3)[ʊ] put; full; pull元音字母组合的拼读规则(一)元音字母a的字母组合(1)ai或ay [eɪ] rain; train; brain; pain; day; may (2)al [ɔ:] small; wall; call; talk; walk; chalk(3)-ance [a: ns] chance; dance; France(4)-ant [ənt] assistant; important;peasant(5)-ange [eɪndʒ] change; danger; strange(二)元音字母e的组合(1)-ea-ea[i:] team; meat; lead; teach; read; please ;-ea[e] threat; bread; peasant-ea[ɪə] real; really-ea[eɪ] great; break(2)-ee[i:] feel; week; keep; three; street; sweep(3)-er[ɜ:] her; term; service; Germany[ə] worker; paper; western; teacher(三)元音字母i的组合(1)-ie [i:] field; piece; achieve[aɪ] lie; die; tie(2)-igh(t) [aɪ] high; night; light; bright(3)-ir [ɜ:] girl; firm; circle; first; third(四)元音字母o的组合(1)-oa [əʊ] boat; coat; road; goat(2)-oi [ɔɪ] point; join; oil(3)-oo [u:] soon; too; zoo; room; noon; food (4)-or [ɔ:] for; horse; important; morning; born (五)元音字母u的组合(1)-u [ʊ] full; bull; pull; push; bush(2) -ue [ju:] argue; continue辅音字母及辅音字母组合的拼读规则1. b [b] back; big; lab; brother2. c [s] city; Bruce; juice; bicycle; face; central3. d [d] did; made; desk; duck; doubt; damage4. f [f] five; flag; life; leaf5. g [dʒ] large; general; gymnastics; age; energy6. h [h] help; behave; hello; hit; hurry7. j [dʒ] joy; judge; injure; journey; January; jar; just8. k [k] king; milk; kick; kiss; lock; knock9. l [l] light;look; let; lab ; live10. m [m] meet ; meat ; mother ; come ; make ; Tom11. n [n] in ; now ; next ; ton ; nest12. p [p] map ; cap ; people ; pest13. q [k] unique14. r [r] room;read ; rest ; around15. s [s] see ; some ; set ; sister ; works ; lips ; newspaper16. t [t] tooth; cat ; teach ; tool ; hit; cut ; let ; ten17. v [v] very ; live ; vehicle ; vase ; valley ; village18. w [w] wear ; window ; widow ; week ; weak ; wisdom19. x [ks] box ; fox ; next ; textile20. y [j] you ; youth ; yes ; young21. z [z] zoo ; quiz ; zebra ; zero第三课名次练习名词练习题1.( ) 1 She was very happy. She_____in the maths test.A. makes a few mistakeB. made a few mistakesC. made few mistakesD. makes few mistake( ) 2 We need some more____. Can you go and get some, please?A. potatoB. potatosC. potatoesD. potatoe( ) 3 _____are____for cutting things.A. Knife/usedB. Knives/usedC. Knife/usingD. Knives/using ( ) 4 What big____ the tiger has!A. toothB. teethC. toothsD. toothes( ) 5 Please remember to give the horse some tree___.A. leafsB. leavesC. leafD. leave( ) 6 -Can we have some ___?-Yes, please.A. bananaB. orangesC.appleD. pear( ) 7 On the table there are five____.A. tomatosB. piece of tomatoesC. tomatoesD. tomato2.( ) 1 They got much ___ from those new books.A. ideasB. photosC. informationD. stories( ) 2 He gave us____ on how to keep fit.A. some advicesB. some adviceC. an adviceD. a advice ( ) 3 When we saw his face, we knew___ was bad.A. some newsB. a newsC. the news P. news( ) 4 What___ lovely weather it is!A. /B. theC. anD. a3.( ) 1 -Would you like___tea?-No, thanks. I have drunk two____.A. any, bottles of orangeB. some, bottles of orangeC. many, bottles of orangesD. few, bottle of oranges( ) 2 He is hungry. Give him ___ to eat.A. two breadsB. two piece of breadC. two pieces of breadD. two pieces of breads( ) 3 It really took him:___ to draw the nice horse.A. sometimesB. hourC. long timeD. some time( ) 4 I would like to have___.A. two glasses of milkB. two glass of milk IC. two glasses of milksD. two glass of milks( ) 5 Can you give me ____?A. a teaB. some cup of teaC. a cup teaD. a cup of tea( ) 6 Please give me ___ paper. A. one B. a piece C. a D. a piece of ( ) 7 John bought___for himself yesterday.A. two pairs of shoesB. two pair of shoeC. two pair of shoesD. two pairs shoes4.( ) 1 -How many ____ have you got on your farm?-I've got five.A. sheepsB. sheepC. pigD. chicken( ) 2 Some ___ came to our school for a visit that day.A. GermansB. GermenC. GermanyD. Germanies( ) 3 In the picture there are many____ and two.A. sheep; foxes C. sheeps; foxesB. sheeps; fox D. sheep;foxs( ) 4 A group of______ will visit the museum tomorrow.A. HungarianB. AustralianC. JapaneseD. American5.( ) 1 This table is made of___.A. many glassB. glassesC. some glassesD. glass( ) 2 -What would you like to have for lunch, sir?-I'd like____. !A. chickenB. a chickenC. chickensD. the chicken( ) 3 Children should make____ for old people in a bus.A. roomB. a roomC. roomsD. the room6.( ) 1 Tables are made of___.A. woodB. some woodsC. woodenD. woods( ) 2 I wonder why ______ are so interested in action (武打片) films.A. peopleB. peoplesC. the peopleD. the peoples( ) 3I have read____ of the young writer.A. worksB. workC. this worksD. the works7.( ) 1 Let's meet at 7: 30 outside the gate of___?A. the People's ParkB. the Peoples' ParkC. the People ParkD. People's Park( ) 2 ___ Chinese people are ___ hard working people.A. /; aB. We; theC. The; theD. The; a( ) 3 How many were there in the street when the accident happened?A. policemanB. policesC. policeD. peoples8.( ) 1 If these trousers are too big, buy a smaller____.A. setB. oneC. pieceD. pair( ) 2 Last week I bought a TV____.A. pair .B. setC. pieceD. block( ) 3 There is a of wood left on the ground.A. cupB. piece ,C. boxD. pair9.( ) 1 There are sixty-seven___ in our school.A. women's teacherB. women teachersC. woman teachersD. women teacher( ) 2 There are five___in our factory.A. woman driver B, women driver C. woman drivers D. women drivers ( ) 3 These ____ were sent to the villages to help the farmers.A. women doctorB. women doctorsC. woman doctorsD. woman doctor10.( ) 1 They write most of their___ in English.A. business letterB. business lettersC. businessesD. businesses letters ( ) 2 We came to a ___ at last .and went in.A. watch shopB. watches shop ,'C. watching shopD. watchs shop ( ) 3 This shop sells apples, bananas and things like these. It's a___.A. food shopB. book shopC. fruit shopD. vegetable shop( ) 4 She broke a___while she was washing up.A. glass of wineB. glass for wineC. glass wineD. wine glass( ) 5 I've forgotten both of the____.A. room numbers .B. rooms numberC. rooms numbersD. room number11.1. September 10th is____in China.A. Teacher's DayB. Teachers'DayC. Teacher DayD. Teachers Day ( ) 2 -Is the broom under ____ desk? -No, it's under____.A. the teacher's; myB. teacher's; mineC. teacher's; meD. the teacher's; mine( ) 3 Excuse me, where is the___?A. men's roomB. mens' roomC. men's roomsD. men rooms12.( ) 1 The football under the bed is____.A. Lily and LucyB. Lily's and Lucy'sC. Lily's and LucyD. Lily andLucy's( ) 2 This is my____dictionary.A. sister MaryB. sister'sC. sister, Mary'sD. sister's Mary's ( ) 3 He went to ___ shop to buy a shirt.A. a tailorB. the tailorC. a tailorsD. the tailors'( ) 4 Joan is____.A. Mary's and Jack sisterB. Mary and Jack's sisterC. Mary and Jack sisterD. Mary's and Jack's sister13.( ) 1 In a few____ time, those mountains will be covered with trees.A. yearB. years'C. year'sD. years( ) 2 It's about ___ walk from my house.A. ten minuteB. ten minutes'C. ten minute'sD. ten minutes ( ) 3 The post office is a bit far from here. It's about_____.A. thirty minutes's walkB. thirty minute's walkC. thirty minutes' walkD. thirty minutes walk( ) 4 Half___ telephone calls are made in English.A. the worldB. worldC. the world'sD. world's14.( ) 1 ____ face to the south.A. Windows of the roomB. The windows of the roomC. The room's windowsD. The windows in room( ) 2 Please take two___.A. picture of the parkB. pictures of the parkC. the pictures of a parkD. picture of a park( ) 3 The workers are repairing____.A. the roof of the houseB. a roof of the houseC. roof of the houseD. this roof of house15.( ) 1 Miss Smith is a friend of____.A. Mary's mother'sB. Mary's motherC. mother's of MaryD. Mary mothers( ) 2 This is a book of ___.A. TomB. Tom'sC. herD. him( ) 3 The post card is sent by ____.A. a friend of my fatherB. a friend of my father'sC. my father friendD. my father friend's16.( ) 1 Sydney is a city of___.A. AmericaB. GermanyC. AustraliaD. Japan( ) 2 My father likes buying us ___.A. carsB. flowersC. peasantsD. presents( ) 3 In England, the last name is the ___.A. full nameB. family nameC. middle nameD. given name( ) 4 Mr Gao is a teacher. He works in a new____.A. shopB. schoolC. factoryD. hospital17.( ) 1 My father is a____. He works in a hospital.A. teacherB. doctorC. farmerD. soldier( ) 2 -Which animal lives only in China?-The____.A. tigerB. monkeyC. pandaD. elephant( ) 3 April come before___and after___.A. March; MayB. May; MarchC. June; MayD. March; February( ) 4 Which of the following is right?A. China has a large population.B. China has much population.C. China has many populations.D. China has a great deal of population. ( ) 5 Please do like this. Fold the paper____ and cut along the fold.A. into piecesB. in halfC. on halvesD. to half( ) 6 You played the violin wonderfully. Will you please play another____?A. oneB. gameC. programmeD. piece参考答案:1. 1-7 C C B B B B C2. 1-4 C B C A3. 1-7 B C D A D D A4. 1-4 B A A C5. 1-3 D A A6. 1-3 A A D7. 1-3 A D C8. 1-3 D B B9. 1-3 B D B10. 1-5 B A C D A11. 1-3 B D A12. 1-4 D C C B13. 1-4 B B C C14. 1-3 B B A15. 1-3 A B B16. 1-4 C D B B17. 1-6 B C B A B D。
Lesson One3. [i:] [I] [p] [b] [t ] [d]4. 元音练习[i:] [I][pi:p] [pIp][pi:b] [pIb][bi:t] [bIt]5.辅音练习[p] [b] [t ] [d][i:] [pi:] [bi:] [ti:] [di:][I] [ pI] [bI] [ tI] [dI]6.音节综合练习[p] [b] [t ] [d][pId] [bIt] [tId] [dIp][pi:d] [bi:t] [ti:d] [di:p]词首i n i ll i s i f i nk i t i ncome i ndoor i nside i nterest词中b i ll wom e n v i s i t w i sh s ie ve v i ll a ge sh i p m i st b u sy词尾cit y histor y Sund ay prett y tax i sleep y ic y monk ey词首pen price person pole post page park please proud词中happen appeal example computer open operation surprise chapter 词尾stop step hope tape tap rope cheap slip sleep help wipe tip词首bit big bad black back basis bag block best business box词中table about robber lobby cabin habit rubber mobile词尾web job cab grab lab crab rib globe sob tube词首tea talk time tooth tomato take town teacher type音标拼读练习21. [e] [æ] [k] [g] [ f ] [v]2. 元音练习[e] [æ][kef] [kæf][peg] [pæg][ted] [tæd][vet] [væt]3. 辅音练习[k] [g] [ f ] [v][e] [ke] [ge] [fe] [ve][æ] [kæ] [gæ] [fæ] [væ]4. 音节综合练习[k] [g] [ f ] [v][ket] [gIv] [ fi: t] [veg][kæt] [gæv] [ fIt ] [væg]5. 单词,短语及句子练习音标拼读练习31. [ɑ:] [ ɔ:] [ ɔ ] [s ] [ z] [ θ] [ ð ]2. 元音练习[ɑ:] [ ɔ:] [ɔ][hɑ:d] [ hɔ:d] [hɔd ][pɑ:s ] [pɔ:s ] [pɔs ][fɑ:] [fɔ:] [fɔ][ðɑ:t] [ ðɔ:t] [ðɔt]3. 辅音练习[s ] [ z] [θ] [ð ] [ɑ:] [sɑ: ] [ zɑ:] [θɑ:] [ ðɑ: ][ ɔ:] [sɔ: ] [ zɔ:] [θɔ:] [ ðɔ: ]4. 音节综合练习[s ] [ z] [θ] [ ð][si: ] [ zi:l] [ θæŋk] [ ðæn ][set ] [ zest] [ θiŋ] [ ði: ]5. 单词,短语及句子练习音标拼读练习41. [ʌ] [ɜ:] [ ə ] [h ] [ l ] [ r]2. 元音练习[ʌ] [ ə ] [ɜ: ][hʌt ] [hə t ] [hɜ:t ][lʌv ] [lə v ] [lɜ:v ][rʌb ] [rə b ] [rɜ:b ]3. 辅音练习[h ] [ l ] [ r][ʌ] [hʌ] [l ʌ] [rʌ][ ə] [hə] [l ə ] [rə][ɜ: ] [hɜ:] [lɜ: ] [rɜ: ]4. 音节综合练习[h ] [ l ] [ r][hi:d ] [ li:d ] [ ri:d][hæm ] [ læm ] [ ræm]5. 单词,短语及句子练习[h ]音标拼读练习5、61. [ u: ] [ u] [m] [n] [ ŋ ]2. 元音练习[u: ] [ u][mu:n ] [mun][ru:d ] [ rud][fu:t ] [ fut]3. 辅音练习[m] [n] [ŋ ][u: ] [mu: ] [nu: ] [su:ŋ ][ u] [mu] [nu] [ suŋ ]4. 音节综合练习[m] [n] [ŋ ][kim] [kin] [ kiŋ ][seim] [sin] [ siŋ ][mɔ:m] [mɔ:n] [mɔ:ŋ ]5. 单词,短语及句子练习[n]词首no none not know now neighbour narrow词中manner island honor wonder honey business kindness词尾person can fan season kitchen sudden eaten moon[ŋ]词首这个音一般不出现在词首词中drink angry banker finger English pink language词尾sing ring wing long thing song morning evening1. [ei] [əu] [ai] [ʃ] [ʒ ] [tʃ] [dʒ ]2. 元音练习[ei] [əu ] [ai][ʃeid] [ʃəud ] [ʃaid][feil] [fəu ] [fail][dei] [dəu ] [dai]3. 辅音练习[ʃ] [ʒ ] [tʃ] [dʒ][ʃei] [ʒei ] [tʃei ] [dʒei][ʃu ] [ʒu] [tʃu ] [dʒu][ʃai] [ʒai ] [tʃai ] [dʒai]5. 单词,短语及句子练习[ei] a ai ay ea ei词首age ate aim eighty ail ache aid April agent able词中late great weight main cake plate steak save词尾say day gray weigh lay spray tray hay pay may[əu] o ow oa uo oe ough词首old own owe oath oak open over ocean odor词中wrote quote loaf moan polar float phone bold motion moment hotel 词尾so toe row flow echo sow dough bow tomato window gold[ai] i y ai ei eye igh ye ie uy词首I eye idea island eyesight idle icon ivory aisle ice词中like fight mind light wine wild knife crisis arrive词尾fly lie spy tie buy try high dry cry pie my why[ʃ]词首she shop shut shy sure shape show shoulder sheep词中fishing machine conscious motion action special sunshine词尾fish dish wash ash push rush finish cash trash wish[ʒ ]词首英语中这个音一般不出现在词首词中illusion vision decision usual explosion measure pleasure词尾garage prestige[tʃ]音标拼读练习7、81. [au] [ɔi ] [ts ] [dz ] [tr] [dr ]2. 元音练习[au] [ ♓ ][laudz] [ ●♓♎ ][faul] [ ♦♓● ][tau] [ ♦♓ ][kaund] [ ♓⏹ ]3. 辅音练习[ts ] [dz ] [tr] [dr ] [au] [auts ] [audz ] [trau] [drau ]5. 单词,短语及句子练习Lesson Eight4. 单词,短语及句子练习。
英伯英语音标练习第一课元音练习1单元音练习/i:/ bee/bi:/ feet/fi:t/ keep/ki:p/ key/ki:/ team/ti:m/ meet/mi:t//i/ it /it/ big/big/ city/siti/ give/giv/ sick/sik//e/ get/get/ best/best/ text/tekst/ help/help//?/ fat/f?t/ have/h?v/ cat/k?t/ back/b?k/ hat/h?t//a:/ laugh/la:f/ glass/gla:s/ half/ha:f/ farm/fa:m/ park/pa:k// ?:/ horse/h?:s/ saw/s?:/ corn/k?:n/ course/k?:s/ salt/s?:t// ? / dog/d?g/ pot/p?t/ cost/k?st/ what/w?t/ honest/?nist//u:/ food/fu:d/ moon/mu:n/ rule/ru:l/ loose/lu:s/ noon/nu:n//u/ book/buk/ put/put/ good/gud/ would/wud/ could/kud// ? / must/m?st/ does/d?z/ money/'m?ni/ ugly/ ?gli/ come/k?m/ /?:/ nurse/n?:s/ bird/b?:d/ burn/b?:n/ turn/t?:n/ girl/g?:l//? / better/bet?/ never/nev?/ worker/w?:k?/ welcome/welk?m/2双元音练习/ei/ may/mei/ name/neim/ game/geim/ eight/eit/ age/eid?//?u/ no/n?u/ home/h?um/ hope/h?up/ wrote/r?ut/ n ote/ n?ut/ pose/p?uz//ai/ eye/ai/ time/taim/ buy/bai/ right/rait/ bike/baik/ kite/kait//au/ now/nau/ out/aut/ how/hau/ about/ ?baut/ south/sau (/house/haus//?i/ boy/b?i/ toy/t?i/ noise/n?iz/ voice/v?is/ point/p?int/ coin/k?in//i?/ ear/i?/ n ear/ ni?/ idea/ai di?/ hear/hi?/ mere/mi?/ spear/spi?//£?air/ e/?tear/t e ?care/k e ? dare/d e ? fair/f e /?there/e,£/?/u?/ tour/tu?/ poor/pu?/ sure/?u?/ moor/mu?/(停泊)your/ju?/音标综合练习1./i:/ /i/ /e/ /?//bit/ /wi:k/ /di:l/ /ri?l/ /kid/ /dig/ /kwik/ /tip/ /zip/ /rid/ /wil/ 用1/bit week deal real kid dig quick tip zip rid will fill/pet/ /p?k/ /g?p/ /k?g/ /n?g/ /r?m/ /b?tl/ /sed/ / h?pi/ /ten/ /red/pet pack gap cap nag ram battle :said happy ten red/ setl/ /tr??/ /di pend/settle trash depend2./a:/ / ?:/ / ? / /u:/ /u//a:sk/ /ma:sk/ /pa:st/ /fra: ns/ /?d/ /l?: n/ /n?:t/ /p?:z/ /f?ks/ /s?k/r —ask mask past France odd lawn naught pause fox sock/fa:/ /la:d? / /ma:k/ /l?:d/ /t?:/ /st?:m/ /p?t/ /kr?p/ / 0 ?/pr?mis/far large mark Lord torch storm pot crop thought promise/huk/ /lu:s/ /sut/ /tuk/ /mud/ / &u:/ /pul/ /wud/hook loose soot took mood through pull wood3./?/ /?/ /?//b?z/ /d?l/ / h?ri/ /g?lf/ / tr?bl/ /?: n/ /s?:f/ / t?:n?// beg?/ /t?k/buss dull hurry gulf trouble earn surf turner begger tuck/k?:b/ /?:k/ /? merik / / s?k?/ / k?mp?/ /s? vei/ /p? veid/ /p?'h?ps/curb irk America soccer camper survey pervade perhaps/b?:lesk/ / m?:d?/burlesqueimurder4./ei/ /?u/ /ai/ /au/ /?i//keip/ /greit/ /mein/ /pr?p?uz/ / m?u?? n/ /st?u n/ /?uv?/ /sait/kape great main propose moti on stone oversight/raim//daut//'taipist//aust//m?ist/I ?ist?/rhyme doubt typist oust moist oyster5./i?/ /??/ /u?//vi?/ __/?f??/ _/d??/ _/sk??/ _/bu? n/ _____ /gu?d/ _/ ru?r?l/ __/? pi ?//k?l?mbi?/veer affair dare scare bourn gourd rural appearColombia/m?ti?ri?l/ /misti?ri?s/material mysterious第二课辅音练习/p/ pea/pi:/ pie/pai/ top/t?p/ cap/k?p/ people/pi:pl/ pride/praid//b/ bee/bi:/ by/bai/ buy/bai/ black/bl?k/ bear/b e /?/t/ let/let/ sat/s?t/ feet/fi:t/ team/ti:m/ tide/taid//d/ led/led/ sad/s?d/ feed/fi:d/ do/du:/ dear/di?//k/ lack/l?k/ take/teik/ clock/kl?k/ class/kla:s/ weekend/Wi:kend//g/ big/big/ lag/l?g/ glass/gla:s/ gum/g?m/ good/gud/guest/gest//f/ face/feis/ fast/fa:st/ leaf/li:f/ surf/s?:f/ favorite/ feiv?rit//v/ very/ veri/ five/faiv/ fever/ fi:v?/ serve/s?:v/ never/ nev?// S bath/ba: f/(v 洗澡)thick/ 8k/ mouth/mau (7 breath/bref/(n 呼吸)thought/ 0 ? author/' ?S truth/tru: 8/e/ the/ e?/ they/eei/ that/e?t/ mother/m?e?/ thus/ e?s/ then/een//s/ face/feis/ mouse/maus/ cakes/keiks/ caps/k?ps/ likes/laiks/ stops/st?ps//z/ close/kl?uz/ keys/ki:z/ boys/b?iz/ pens/penz/ halves/ha:vz//t?/ catch/k?t?/ cheep/t?i:p/ rich/rit?/ watch/wt?/ child/t?aild/ question/kwest??n/ teach/ti:t?/ challenge/t?lind?//d?/ orange/?rid?/ large/la:d?/ juice/d?u:s/ job/d??b//tr/ tree/tri:/ try/trai/ true/tru:/ trouble/traubl/ track/tr?k//dr/ dry/drai/ dream/dri:m/ dress/dres/ drin k/dri?k/hun dred/ h? ndrid//?/ she/?i:/ sharp/?a:p/ fish/fi?/ shock/??k/ shoe/?u://?/ pleasure/ple??/ measure/me??/ television/ telivi??n//ts/ let s/lets/ sports/sp?:ts/ puts/puts/ writes/raits/ seats/si:ts//dz/ han ds/h ?n dz/ birds/b?:dz/ frien ds/fre indz/ beds/bedz/ sta nds/st ?n dz//h/ he/ hi:/ hard/ha:d/ him/him/ heard/h?:d/ half/ha:f//l/ like/laik/ late/leit/ learn/l?: n/ lead/li:d/ light/lait//m/ my/mai/ more/m?:/ seem/si:m/ meat/mi:t/ min d/ma ind/ men/me n//n/ nice/nais/ wind/waind/ mind/maind/ rain/rein/ fine/fain//?/ sin g/si?/ win g/wi?/ rin g/ri?/ Ion g/l??/ beautiful/bju:t?fl//j/ you/ju:/ few/fju:/ yard/ja:d/ music/mju:zik/ student/'stju:dnt/ excuse/ikSkju:z/ /w/ work/w?:k/ way/wei/ well/wel/ what/w?t/ twelve/twelv/ twi n/twi n//r/ red/red/ road/r?ud/ write/rait/ wrong/r??/ problem/ pr?bl?m/清辅音浊辅音对比练习[p]-[b] [t]-[d] [k]-[g] [f]-[v] [s]-[z] [0-Ie] [?]-[?][ts]-[dz] [t?]-[d?] [tr]-[dr]/p/: pen map help cheap pen cil paper apple happyappear/b/: bag by bed boy bus blue rabbit cabbage/t/: ten time not get table bottle bottom little pretty watched washed/d/: desk door day dog add daddy middle playedclea ned climbed an swered/k/: cat come cut clock cry picture school Christmas chemistry book bike cake kite Kate look/g/: go girl big get egg bigger biggest guess great glad game golf aga in glass grass goat God dog goal /f/: five fish fine family fiftee n photo pho ne elepha nt laugh eno ugh off coffee/v/: very five have of leave voice visit visitor themselves/s/: nice city cycle sit six some bus use us desk books miss classthieves knives size exercise prize zoo reason / 0 /: three thank month thin thought three throw tooth teeth south north month mouth through /e/: thisthewiththanbreathethoughmotherfather there that these those/?/: she shoe short shop wash sure Asiaspecialsufficient delicioussandwichare seashells. I m sure because if she sells shells at the seashore,the shells she sells are seashells for sure.(4) There is a kitten in the kitchen 」n the kitchen,l fly the chicken.A/ts/: shirtshurtscoatscostsgoats Let ' s kites gatesdates pizza/dz/: beds birds hands friendsdecides/t?/: chairmuchlunch China watch picture questionteach teacher rich future each reach/d?/: agepagehugeorangegentle gentleman general/?/: usually television pleasure garage bridge porridge judge jump jacket just June Jim/dr/: dress drive hundred childrendrinkdrydrawdreamThe sun Tongue Twister( 绕口令 )(1)There are thirty-three trees there. (0,e)(2)A big black bug bit theback of the big black bear.The bigblack bear beat back thebig black bug. (/b/)/tr/: tree triptry true truth train(3)She sells seashells on the seashore,and the shells she sellsfly flies into the kitche n while I'm fryi ng the chicke n.( /t?/)(5) You are no need to light a night light on a light night liketonight.For a night,light s a slight light and tonight s a night that s light.Whena night s light like tonight s light,it s really notquit right to light night lights with their slight light s on the light n ight like to night.(/ n/--/l/)(6) The sun shines on the small shop signs.(/s/--/?/)⑺Why didn t you do that what I told you to do (/ /--//)(8) The doctor s daughter knocked at the locked door.(9) Mike likes to write by the n ice bright light at ni ght.(10) Is this pair of scissors of his sister s Yes,this is thepair of scissors of his sister s . (/s/--/z/)(11) Pete picked up a piece of paper and put it into the paper basket. (/p/)(12) William wants to know whether the weather will be wetter tomorrow.(/w/)★常见的字母与字母组合发音规则(一)元音字母a(1) ⑵⑶⑷(5) [ei] paper; late; make; lake ; face[?] bag; fat; cat; ladder; mass[?] ago; alo ng; _amon g;jabove;_aloud[i] comrade; village; manager; pajace; private [a:] dance; France; chance ask; mask; task; basket(二)元音字母e(1)[i:] me; he; she; these;_eve ning(2)[e] hen; get; set; tell; _echo(3)[i] useless; ticket; basket; pocket; before; below(三)元音字母i(1) [ai] China; hi; time; guide;(2) [i] si± hit; iU; little ;(3) [i] unit(四)元音字母o(1) [?u] no; so; go; home; photo;(2) [?] n ot; hot; box; fox; cock; cost;(3) [?] purpose; con cer n(4) [?] son; month; come; love; dove; glove; mother(五)元音字母u(1) [ju:] pupil; stude nt; use; cube(2) [?] cut; luck; umbrella; us(3) [u] put; full; puJl元音字母组合的拼读规则(一)元音字母a的字母组合(1)ai 或ay [ei] rain; train; brain; pajn; day; may(2)ai [?:] smaji; wall; call; talk; walk; chalk(3)-ance [a: ns] chance; dance; France(4)-ant [?nt] assistant; importan t peasant(5)-ange [eind?] change; danger; strange(二)元音字母e的组合(1)-ea-ea[i:] team; meat; lead; teach; read; please ;-ea[e] threat; bread; peasa nt-ea[i?] real; really-ea[ei] great; break(2)-ee[i:] feel; week; keep; three; street; sweep(3)-er[?:] her; term; service; Germany[?] worker; paper; western; teacher(三)元音字母i的组合(1)-ie [i:] field; piece; achjeve[ai] lie; die; tie(2)-igh(t) [ai] high; night; light; bright(3)-ir [?:] girl; firm; circle; first; third(四)元音字母o的组合(1)-oa [?u] boat; coat; road; goat(2)-oi [?i] point; join; oil(3)-oo [u:] soon; too; zoo; room; noon; food(4)-or [?:] for; horse; importa nt; morning; born (五)元音字母u的组合(1) -u [u] full; bull; pull; push; bush⑵-ue [ju:] argue; continue辅音字母及辅音字母组合的拼读规则1. b [b] back; b ig; lab; b rother2. c [s] city; Bruce; juice; bicycle; face; cen tral3. d [d] did; made; desk; duck;_doubt;_damage4. f [f] five; flag; life; leaf -5. g [d?] large; _gen eral;_gy mn astics; age; energy6. h [h] help; behave;_hello;_hit; hurry7. j [d?] joy; judge; injure; journey; Janu ary; jar; just8. k [k] king; milk; kjck^k^s; lock^knock9. l [l] light ;look; let; lab ; ljve10. m [m] meet ; meat ; _mother ; come ;_make ; Tom11. n [n] in; now ; next; ton ; nest12. p [p] map ; cap ; _people ;_pest13. q [k] unique14. r [r] room ;read ; _rest ; around15. s [s] see ;_some ]set: sister ; works ; lips ; newspaper16. t [t] tooth; cat ;jeach ;Jtool ; hit; cut ; let ; ten17. v [v] very ; live ; vehicle ; vase ; valley ; village18. w [w] wear ; win dow ; widow ; week ; weak ; wisdom19. x [ks] box ; fox ; next; textile20. y [j] you ; youth ; yes ; young21. z [z] zoo ; quiz ; zebra ;zero第三课名词练习名词练习题1.()1 She was very happy. She _____in the maths test.A. makes a few mistakeB. made a few mistakesC. made few mistakesD. makes few mistake()2 We n eed some more ____ . Can you go and get some, please A. potato B. potatos C. potatoes D. potatoe()3 _____ are __ for cutt ing thi ngs.A. Kni fe/usedB. Kni ves/usedC. Kni fe/us ingD. Kni ves/us ing ()4 What big ____ the tiger has!A. toothB. teethC. toothsD. toothes()5 Please remember to give the horse some tree ___ .A. leafsB. leavesC. leafD. leave()6 -Ca n we have some ___-Yes, please.A. bananaB. orangesC.appleD. pear( ) 7 On the table there are five __ .A. tomatosB. piece of tomatoesC. tomatoesD. tomato2.( ) 1 They got much ___ from those new books.A. ideasB. photosC. informationD. stories( ) 2 He gave us ___ on how to keep fit.A. some advicesB. some adviceC. an adviceD. a advice ( ) 3 When we saw his face, we knew___ was bad.A. some newsB. a newsC. the news P. news( ) 4 What___ lovely weather it is!A. /B. theC. anD. a3.( ) 1 -Would you like___tea-No, thanks. I have drunk two ___ .A. any, bottles of orangeB. some, bottles of orangeC. many, bottles of orangesD. few, bottle of oranges ( ) 2 He is hungry. Give him ___ to eat.A. two breadsB. two piece of breadC. two pieces of breadD. two pieces of breads( ) 3 It really took him:___ to draw the nice horse.A. sometimesB. hourC. long timeD. some time( ) 4 I would like to have___.A. two glasses of milkB. two glass of milk IC. two glasses of milksD. two glass of milks( ) 5 Can you give me ___A. a teaB. some cup of teaC. a cup teaD. a cup of tea( ) 6 Please give me ___ paper. A. one B. a piece C. a D. a piece of ( ) 7 John bought___for himself yesterday.A. two pairs of shoesB. two pair of shoeC. two pair of shoesD. two pairs shoes4.( ) 1 -How many ___ have you got on your farm-I've got five.A. sheepsB. sheepC. pigD. chicken( ) 2 Some ___ came to our school for a visit that day.A. GermansB. GermenC. GermanyD. Germanies( ) 3 In the picture there are many ___ and two.A. sheep; foxes C. sheeps; foxesB. sheeps; fox D. sheep;foxs( ) 4 A group of ____ will visit the museum tomorrow.A. HungarianB. AustralianC. JapaneseD. American( ) 1 This table is made of___.A. many glassB. glassesC. some glassesD. glass( ) 2 -What would you like to have for lunch, sir-I'd like ___ . !A. chickenB. a chickenC. chickensD. the chicken( ) 3 Children should make ___ for old people in a bus.A. roomB. a roomC. roomsD. the room 6.( ) 1 Tables are made of___.A. woodB. some woodsC. woodenD. woods( ) 2 I wonder why _____ are so interested in action 武( 打片) films.A. peopleB. peoplesC. the peopleD. the peoples( ) 3I have read ___ of the young writer.A. worksB. workC. this worksD. the works 7.( ) 1 Let's meet at 7: 30 outside the gate of___A. the People's ParkB. the Peoples' ParkC. the People ParkD. People's Park( ) 2 ___ Chinese people are ___ hard working people.A. /; aB. We; theC. The; theD. The; a( ) 3 How many?????????were there in the street when the accident happenedA. policemanB. policesC. policeD. peoples8.( ) 1 If these trousers are too big, buy a smaller ___ .A. setB. oneC. pieceD. pair( ) 2 Last week I bought a TV __ .A. pair .B. setC. pieceD. block( ) 3 There is a of wood left on the ground.A. cupB. piece ,C. boxD. pair9.( ) 1 There are sixty-seven___ in our school.A. women's teacherB. women teachersC. woman teachersD. women teacher( ) 2 There are five___in our factory.A. woman driver B, women driver C. woman drivers D. women drivers ( ) 3 These _______ were sent to the villages to help the farmers.A. women doctorB. women doctorsC. woman doctorsD. woman doctor10.( ) 1 They write most of their___ in English.A. business letterB. business lettersC. businessesD. businesses letters ( )2 We came to a ___ at last .and went in.A. watch shopB. watches shop ,'C. watching shopD. watchs shop ( ) 3 This shop sells apples, bananas and things like these. It's a___.A. food shopB. book shopC. fruit shopD. vegetable shop( ) 4 She broke a___while she was washing up.A. glass of wineB. glass for wineC. glass wineD. wine glass( ) 5 I've forgotten both of the __ .A. room numbers .B. rooms numberC. rooms numbersD. room number11.1. September 10th is __ in China.A. Teacher's DayB. Teachers'DayC. Teacher DayD. Teachers Day ( ) 2 -Is the broom under ___ desk -No, it's under __ .A. the teacher's; myB. teacher's; mineC. teacher's; meD. the teacher's; mine( ) 3 Excuse me, where is the___A. men's roomB. mens' roomC. men's roomsD. men rooms12.( ) 1 The football under the bed is __ .A. Lily and LucyB. Lily's and Lucy'sC. Lily's and LucyD. Lily and Lucy's ( ) 2 This is my ___ dictionary.A. sister MaryB. sister'sC. sister, Mary'sD. sister's Mary's( ) 3 He went to ___ shop to buy a shirt.A. a tailorB. the tailorC. a tailorsD. the tailors'( ) 4 Joan is __ .A. Mary's and Jack sisterB. Mary and Jack's sisterC. Mary and Jack sisterD. Mary's and Jack's sister13.( ) 1 In a few ___ time, those mountains will be covered with trees.A. yearB. years'C. year'sD. years( ) 2 It's about ___ walk from my house.A. ten minuteB. ten minutes'C. ten minute'sD. ten minutes( ) 3 The post office is a bit far from here. It's about ___ .A. thirty minutes's walkB. thirty minute's walkC. thirty minutes' walkD. thirty minutes walk ( ) 4 Half___ telephone calls are made in English.A. the worldB. worldC. the world'sD. world's14.( ) 1 ___ face to the south.A. Windows of the roomB. The windows of the roomC. The room's windowsD. The windows in room( ) 2 Please take two___.A. picture of the parkB. pictures of the parkC. the pictures of a parkD. picture of a park( ) 3 The workers are repairing ___ .A. the roof of the houseB. a roof of the houseC. roof of the houseD. this roof of house15.( ) 1 Miss Smith is a friend of ___ .A. Mary's mother'sB. Mary's motherC. mother's of MaryD. Mary mothers ( ) 2 This is a book of ___.A. TomB. Tom'sC. herD. him( ) 3 The post card is sent by __ .A. a friend of my fatherB. a friend of my father'sC. my father friendD. my father friend's 16.( ) 1 Sydney is a city of___.A. AmericaB. GermanyC. AustraliaD. Japan( ) 2 My father likes buying us ___.A. carsB. flowersC. peasantsD. presents( ) 3 In England, the last name is the ___.A. full nameB. family nameC. middle nameD. given name( ) 4 Mr Gao is a teacher. He works in a new __ .A. shopB. schoolC. factoryD. hospital 17.( ) 1 My father is a __ . He works in a hospital.A. teacherB. doctorC. farmerD. soldier( ) 2 -Which animal lives only in China-The ___ .A. tigerB. monkeyC. pandaD. elephant ( ) 3 April come before___and after___.A. March; MayB. May; MarchC. June; MayD. March; February( ) 4 Which of the following is rightA. China has a large population.B. China has much population.C. China has many populations.D. China has a great deal of population. ( ) 5Please do like this. Fold the paper _______ and cut along the fold.A. into piecesB. in halfC. on halvesD. to half( ) 6 You played the violin wonderfully. Will you please play anotherA. oneB. gameC. programmeD. piece 参考答案:1. 1-7 C C B B B B C?2. 1-4 C B C A3. 1-7 B C D A D D A4. 1-4 B A A C5. 1-3 D A A6. 1-3 A A D7. 1-3 A D C8. 1-3 D B B9. 1-3 B D B10. 1-5 B A C D A11. 1-3 B D A12. 1-4 D C C B13. 1-4 B B C C14. 1-3 B B A15. 1-3 A B B16. 1-4 C D B B17. 1-6 B C B A B D。
音标拼读练习 Revised final draft November 26, 2020音标拼读练习(二)1. 双元音/e I/ A [e I] day [de I] late [le I t]/a I/ hi [ha I] night [na I t] like [la I k]/ / boy [b] soil [sl] enjoy [I n'd]/u/ old [uld] most [m?ust] hope [h?up]/au/ out [aut] loud [laud] how [hau]/I/ here [h I] near [n I] idea [a I'd I]/u/ sure [u]poor [pu]tour [tu]/e/ air [e] hair [he] wear [we]2. 清辅音/ / sure [ u]shop [ D p] ship [I p]/ t? / chicken [' t? I k?n] child [t? a I ld] chip [t? I p] /tr/ tree [tri:] train [tre I n] trade [tre I d]/ts/ cats [k?ts] gets [ɡets] lots [l D ts]3. 浊辅音/ / television ['tel I,v I n] pleasure ['ple] measure ['me] /d / job [d D b] jeep [di:p] change [t?e I nd]/dr/ dress [dres] dream [dri:m] drop [dr D p]/dz/ reads [ri:dz] cards [kɑ:dz] birds [b3:dz]/ j/ yes [jes] yellow ['jel?u] yesterday['jest?d I]/ w/ window ['w I nd?u] what [w D t] will [w I l]音标拼读练习(三)一.认读音标/e/ // / :/ / / /:/ / / /u:/ // /a:// e? / // // /t/ /d/ /θ/ /e / /tr/ /dr/ 二.拼读音标/′t e?bl/ /l e?k/ /′t r e?n/ /p l e?n//i:p//f :st/ /wi:k/ /tri:/ /θri:/ /b:d/ /n:s/ /′sek?nd/ /km′pju:t/ /du:/ /du:n/ /ft/ /′bt?fl a? / /a:sk/ /gla:s/ /w e?t/ /t/三.认读单词并写出音标make late hate mate face gate flag dapgas san tan ratran vat van bedegg date cake fadewake ink big pinkfox dog coke rose bone go so under bus 音标拼读练习二1. / h a:f /2. /r e d /3. /t u: /4. / h3:/5./6.i:/ 6.. /s i: /7.. /s I ks /8. / e /9. / k i: / 10./t u: / 11. /f3:st / 12. /s I st /13. /’br∧e / 14./h u: / 15. /m i:/ 16. / k a:d / 17. / a:sk / 18./s e t / 19. /h I z / 20. / ’sk /21. /hz / 22./sp:t / 23. / a: ft / 24. /f u:d /25. /’i:z I/ 26./ ’krt / 27. / i: t / 28. / ∧s /29. /’ brkfst / 30. /’hb I t / 31. /e i:z / 32. / ft/33./ sk/ 34.. /sk3:t/ 35. /:t / 36. /’θ3:t I/37. / ’ver I/ 38./u: / 39. /θ3:d / 40. /’f I fθ/41. /test / 42./fr u:t / 43. /t i:’v i:/ 44. /’p a:t I /45. /st a: / 46./br e d / 47. /’b3:g/ 48. / v /一、根据音标,选择正确的单词。
英语音标拼读练习题一、单词拼读练习1. watch2. jump3. phone4. kite5. table6. fish7. apple8. bed9. tree10. mouse二、选择正确读音1. The word 'chair' is pronounced as:A) /tʃeər/B) /tʃɪr/C) /tʃeɪr/D) /tʃaɪr/2. Which of the following words is pronounced with a silent 'e' at the end?A) bikeB) timeC) diveD) late3. How do you pronounce the 'ou' in the word 'house'?A) /uː/B) /aʊ/C) /oʊ/D) /əʊ/4. Choose the correct transcription for the word 'school':A) /skuːl/B) /skul/C) /skuːəl/D) /skuəl/5. The word 'knife' is pronounced as:A) /naɪf/B) /niːf/C) /nɪf/D) /naɪv/三、完形填空Read the passage and choose the correct word for each blank.Thirty years ago, my grandfather moved to America from China. He didn't speak any English and struggled to communicate with others. Determined to (1) his language skills, he enrolled in an English class and practiced every day. Soon enough, he became fluent in English.My grandfather's story taught me the importance of language and the power of (2) yourself through words. He showed me that learning a new language is not easy, but with (3) and dedication, anything is possible.Learning English involves developing good (4) skills. This means being able to listen, speak, read, and write effectively. (5) in all these areas is crucial to becoming proficient in the language.(6) to English music, watching movies with English subtitles, and reading books and newspapers can help improve your listening and reading skills. Practice speaking English with native speakers and write regularly to enhance your speaking and writing skills.(7) is also important to learn the different sounds and pronunciation in English. Use phonics exercises and listen to recordings to familiarize yourself with the English phonetic system.Language learning is a lifelong journey. It requires (8) and perseverance. Sometimes it may be frustrating, but the key is to never give up. Just like my grandfather, with determination and hard work, you can achieve fluency in English.1. A) improveB) decreaseC) ignoreD) neglect2. A) expressingB) limitingC) avoidingD) forgetting3. A) lazinessB) patienceC) impulsivenessD) arrogance4. A) speakingB) writingC) readingD) listening5. A) ProficiencyB) ConsistencyC) CompetencyD) Fluency6. A) ListeningB) EntertainingC) CommunicatingD) Discovering7. A) ItB) HeC) SheD) They8. A) talentB) intelligenceC) effortD) luck四、简答题1. What is the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) used for?2. How many vowel sounds are there in English?3. Give an example of a minimal pair in English. Explain why it is a minimal pair.4. How does stress affect the pronunciation of words in English?5. What is the difference between a phoneme and an allophone?参考答案:一、单词拼读练习1. /wɒtʃ/2. /dʒʌmp/3. /fəʊn/4. /kaɪt/5. /teɪbəl/6. /fɪʃ/7. /ˈæpl/8. /bed/9. /triː/10. /maʊs/二、选择正确读音1. A) /tʃeər/2. D) /late/3. B) /aʊ/4. A) /skuːl/5. A) /naɪf/三、完形填空1. A) improve2. A) expressing3. B) patience4. D) listening5. D) Fluency6. C) Communicating7. A) It8. C) effort四、简答题1. The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is used to represent the sounds of spoken languages. It provides a standardized system of symbols for each sound, allowing linguists, language learners, and teachers to accurately transcribe and pronounce words.2. There are 20 vowel sounds in English.3. A minimal pair is a pair of words that differ in only one sound, such as 'cat' and 'bat'. They are important in linguistics because they demonstrate the contrastive nature of phonemes – small changes in sounds can lead to completely different meanings.4. Stress affects the pronunciation of words by placing emphasis on certain syllables. Stressed syllables are pronounced louder, longer, and withhigher pitch, while unstressed syllables are pronounced softer and shorter. Stress can change the meaning of words and can vary depending on the word's part of speech or the context.5. A phoneme is a speech sound that can differentiate words, while an allophone is a variant pronunciation of a phoneme. Allophones do not change the meaning of words and are influenced by factors such as phonetic environment or dialect. For example, the /t/ sound in 'top' and 'stop' is pronounced differently, but they are allophones of the same phoneme.。
音标拼读练习(一)一. 认读音标/f//l//m//n//s//b//d//d?//k//p//t//v//z/二.拼读音标/p e n//k?p//b i: t// m?p//t i:/ /i: t//d ?g//b e d// k r ai//e g/ / f u: d// k ?f// ′f?u t ?u// f ai ?// ′ve r i/ / l ? v// l i: v// ′s? m ?// m i: t// s ? m/ / ′m ?: n i ?// ′n? m b ?// ′f? n i// s i:// ′i:z i// t? i: z// b r i d?//d? ? b/三.认读单词fly ball monkey nest silly snake story blue betty bread July orange told pad vest lie家长签字:二.认读音标/g/ /?//h//e//j //i//w//?//r//?/二.拼读音标/g ?: l// gl a:s// gei m// h ei t// h? v/ / h u:/ / j u: z// j ?:// j es// w ?t?// w ?: k// r ai s// r ai t// f l ? g// b? t// f r e n d/ / l eg// h ed// si t// ′bi z i// b ?ks/ / st ?p// h? t// bl ?d// ′?n d?/三.认读单词glue wet under yummy greenrulerumbrellabutterhairrapduckrughatfoxgasmopyesjumprunbutyellowhenegg sand家长签字:助教签字:三. 认读音标/ei//i://ai//?u//ju:/二.拼读音标/ ′tei bl// l ei k// ′trei n// p l ei n// ?i: p/ / w i: k// tr i:// θr i:// r ai d// n ai f// l ai t// dai// b ?ut// r ?u d// h ?um/ / ′??uld?// k j u: t// j u: z/三.认读单词Span make late hate sane mate face gate flag dap gas san tan rat ran vat van, bed egg date cake fade wake ink big pink bike rice ride mice fox dog coke rose bone go so under bus rug cute use amuse tune家长签字:四. 认读音标/e/ /?/ /?://?//?://u//u://?//a://ei//ai//?u//?i//au//u?//i ?//ε?/二.拼读音标/b?:d//f?:st//n?:s// ′sek?nd//k?m′pju:t?//du:/ /d?u:n//fut// ′b?t?flai//a:sk//gla:s/ /wait//t?i/ /s?i//b?ut//sl?u//sn?u// ′sau?/ /bau//di?//si vi′?// ε ?//k ε?/ / ′tu?rist//mu?//beit/三.认读单词light how snow bow boat here bear hear oil rain weight head hide boy toy hope coat house horse mouth near ball shoe goose pear家长签字:助教签字:五. 认读音标/?// ?// t?// d?// θ / /e // tr// dr// ts// dz//m//n// ?/二.拼读音标/?i://?eim//′ju:?u?li//t?i:z//k?t ?//d?u:′lai//d??mp/ /tu:θ//θ?nk/ /′m?e?//eis//h?ts//?nts//hedz//trein//dr?://pi?k//mauθ//n?:s/三.认读单词She shoulder usually cheer match fetch jet joy Thank thin those this tree train try dress dry cats junp hats ants beds reads pink monkey ring家长签字:助教签字:一.认读音标音标大家庭中的28个辅音:/p/ /t//k//f// θ/ /s / /?//h//t?//ts//tr/ /b//d//g//v//e/ /z//?//r//d?//dz//dr// j//w//m/ /n//?//l/二.拼读音标/t?: l//??: t//str??//?uld/ /j??//big//hevi//l ??/ /θin//sm?: l//fi: v ?//h?:t/ /k?uld//tu: θeik//hedeik//s?://θr?ut//m?t ?//n?uz//tai?d//ik`saitid//? ?gri//h?pi//b?: d//s?d//w?t ?//w??//kli: n//plei//vizit//du://la: st//wikend//g?u//tu://pa:k//swimi?//ri: d//fi ?i? //haiki?//l?:n//t?ai`ni: z//si: ?//end//da:ns//i:t//gud//teik//klaim//h?v//bai//prez?nt//r?u//b?ut//si://elif ?nt//ski:i ?//ais-skeiti?//hau//get/三.认读音标音标大家庭中的20 个元音: /i://?://a://?:// u:/ / i//e//?// ?//?// ?// u// ei// ai/ / ?i//?u// au// i?//ε?// u?/二.小练习(一) . Read and tick or cross1. cake snake ()2. vane bag()3. hat fat ()4. pants plant ()5. no rose ()6. uncle up()7. hit finish()8. got lock()9. shell end()10. disc desk()11.get eleven ( )12. hide hidden ( ) ( 二). Read and match (请根据单词的读音归类 )got, fish, gate, sake, fifth, clone, clock, update, yes,flash, yellow, wind, whale, joke, much, must, thank, guess,match, shrimp, quick, bone, uncle, write, risk, fine,name:______________________________________nose:______________________________________bike:______________________________________dog:_______________________________________big:_______________________________________duck:______________________________________bag:_______________________________________音标拼读练习元音字母 a, e, i, o, u 在开闭音节中的读音a: /ei/ wake, lake, cake, date, fate, fade, bate, name, plate, plane, spade, make, late, hate, sane, mate, face, gate, Jane, Kate, lane, pave, rate, /?/ bag, cat, fat, lack, fan, Dan, dad, bad, flag, plat, sad, pad, mad, mat, pan, span, flag, dap, gat, san, tan, rat, ran, vat, van, can,e: /i:/we, she, he, Chinese,/e/ pen, bed, ten, hen, seven, tent, wet, leg, men, ken, blend, fled, sled,i: /ai/ bike, ride, five, nine, white, Nike, side, bide, dine, dive, kite, pine, ice, fine, nice, mine, cite, wide, wine, vice, pipe, write,/i/ fish, big, sit, his, it, this, kick, dig, pig, fix, hid, kid, hip, lip, lit,o: /?u/ nose, vote, those, coke, done, zone, code, hope, joke, woke, no, go, so, /?/ fox, sock, clock, not, pop, dog, log, cock, rot, Bob, fog, frog,hop, job, lop, rod, top, toss,u:/ ju:/fuse, use, cute, tube, duke, amuse, mute, tune,/u:/ blue, clue, true, rude,/?/ bus, sun, duck, mutton, lunch, up, hurry, pump, jump, dump, trunk, us, usher, fuss, fun, funny, sunny, run, gun, cut, hug, mug, jug, cup, truck家长签字:音标拼读练习常用字母组合发音规律ar /a:/ car far star scarf marker market hard park arm farm ai / ei / tail rainy train wait faint main nailair /ε?/ air chair stairs fair hairay /ei/day may today play say way stay lay play Mayay /i/Sunday Monday Tuesday WednesdayThursday Friday Saturdayal / ?:/ all / ?: l/ aw / ?:/ ere /i?/ ere /ε?/ ea / i: /ea /e/ ear /i?/ ear /ε?/ ee /i:/ir / ?:/or / ?:/talk walk chalkball small tall wall mall call fall paws drawherethere wheresea tea peach teacher read please eat meat seat dream leaveshead bread feather weatherear hear near dearbear pearbee three tree see need feed week sleep thirteen sheep feet meet feel green bird shirt skirt sir girl circle thirty thirteen thirsty for short forty force horse storeoa /?u/road boat coat goat soapoo/ u:/too zoo cool school room moonafternoon spoon kangaroooo / u/good foot classroom look book cookiesou/ au/cloudy house mouth mouse about mountain blouse ow / au/cow how now brown down flowerow / ?u/slow know snow blowur / ?: /nurse turn hurt furtr / tr/train tree try truck street straighttraffic lights waitressdr / dr/dress draw dry drink driver dream hundredph / f/elephant phonech /t?/China chicken match Chinese chain chairwh / w/what where white when why which wheel wh / h/who whoseth / e/this that these those they then therefather mother feather weather brotherth/ θ /thank three thirty thirsty Thursdaybirthday thirteensh/ ?/ shoe shop sheep ship short shorts shirt shoulder she家长签字:音标拼读练习辅音连缀:cl: clock close clean class click bl: black;blood blue blowgl: glad glue glassfl:flag fly flewpl:play please plane platebr:brown bread brain brave bridge cr:crop cry crab craft creamfr:frog from fridge free frank gr:grass green gray grand grade st:stop stamp still stupidsk:skate skill skysp:speed space spoil sport spell家长签字:音标拼读练习(一)家庭作业一、拼读字母 5 遍Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg/ei //b i: //s i: // d i: // i: //e // d ?i: / fHh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn/ ei t ?/ /ai //d ?/ k ei //e l // e m//e n / ei /Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt/ ?u // p i: //kj u: // a: //e s // ti: / Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz/ ju:// vi:/ /d ?b l ju: / /e ks//w ai / /z ed/归类发音/ei/ / i: /Aa Hh Jj Kk/ei//eit?// d ? ei //k ei /Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv/b i:/ /s i:/ /d i:/ /i:// d ? i: // p i: / / t i: // v i: // e //ai /j u:/ DonFf Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz / e f // e l// e m / / e n / / e s // e ks / /z e d / / Ii/ai /Yy/w ai/Uu Qq Ww/ju: //k ju: //’d? b lju: /’tforget“Oo and Rr ”/?u // a:/二、朗读辅音及辅音字母的发音 5 遍、写出汉语意思和背诵单词Pp Bb Tt Dd Kk Gg Ff Vv Ss Zz Mm Nn ng/ p // b // t / /d / /k / /g // f // v / /s / /z / /m / /n // ? /pen pencil app le pearbag book big bedten fat tall shor tdesk red old dogboo k like loo k keepgood big egg gofive fish father fatfive very violin livesix son sit sizezoo zero zebra gazemap man roo m moonnine pen name finesing long young morni ngLl/ l /tall coo l schoo l penci llike long light lunchRr/ r /red run ruler roomHh/ h /he hello hot henWw/ w /we wall warm wifeYy/ j /yes yellow you your三、朗读下列辅音 5 遍清辅音/ p // t // k // f // s /浊辅音/ b // d // g // v // z // m / / n / /?// l // r // h // w // j /四、写出字母缩写的中文意思HB CCTV CD UNBBC HK P IDNBA EMS KG SOSS/M/L VIP UFO五、给下列单词画线部分注出音标和中文意思black sing write photo know when who yes face close egg cook city grass音标拼读练习家庭作业(二)家长签字 _______一、根据读音规则: Aa 在开音节发 / ei /, 朗读并背诵下列单词,写出中文意思face name same cake make take tabl e gr ade date gam e late salesn ake pl ate lake tape tast e pl ace wake base safe wave br ave sp ac e Aa 在开音节发 / ei/, 朗读并背诵下列单词,写出中文意思fax Sam cat map man hat add land stand black sad dad bag fat tap hat pack hand glad lamp fan flag actland stamp gas plan flat plan hang二、朗读绕口令 5 遍1.Rain, rain,go away.Come again another day.Little children want to play.Rain, rain ,go away .2.Cat, Cat, catch that fat rat.3.A fat Cat catches a mad rat.4.Jack had a rat, Sam had a cat. Sam's cat ate Jack's rat.三、朗读背诵谚语并写出中文意思1.No pain , no gain2.Haste makes waste3.Great hopes make great man。
音标拼读练习题(打印版)# 音标拼读练习题(打印版)## 一、音标发音练习### 1. 元音音标发音- [iː] 长音,如 "see"(看)- [ɪ] 短音,如 "sit"(坐)- [ɑː] 长音,如 "car"(汽车)- [æ] 短音,如 "cat"(猫)- [ɔː] 长音,如 "law"(法律)- [ɒ] 短音,如 "hot"(热)- [uː] 长音,如 "blue"(蓝色)- [ʊ] 短音,如 "foot"(脚)### 2. 辅音音标发音- [p] 如 "pat"(拍打)- [b] 如 "bat"(蝙蝠)- [t] 如 "top"(顶部)- [d] 如 "dog"(狗)- [k] 如 "cat"(猫)- [g] 如 "go"(去)- [f] 如 "fish"(鱼)- [v] 如 "very"(非常)- [s] 如 "sun"(太阳)- [z] 如 "zoo"(动物园)## 二、音标拼读练习### 1. 单音节拼读- [ˈæpl] apple(苹果)- [ˈbæn] ban(禁止)- [ˈdɒg] dog(狗)- [ˈfiʃ] fish(鱼)- [ˈhɑːt] heart(心脏)- [ˈkæt] cat(猫)- [ˈlɔːk] lock(锁)- [ˈmɑːθ] math(数学)- [ˈpæt] pat(轻拍)- [ˈrɪŋ] ring(戒指)### 2. 双音节拼读- [ˈsʌnˌset] sunset(日落)- [ˈkɪtʃɪn] kitchen(厨房)- [ˈbæθruːm] bathroom(浴室)- [ˈdɪsˌpleɪ] display(展示)- [ˈænɪməl] animal(动物)- [ˈɪnˌdɪər] indoor(室内的)- [ˈjuːnɪkɔːn] unicorn(独角兽)- [ˈɑːθər] author(作者)- [ˈɪmpɔːrt] import(进口)- [ˈkɒmˌjuːnɪkeɪʃn] communication(交流)### 3. 多音节拼读- [ˌɪmpɔːrˈteɪʃn] importance(重要性)- [ˌɪntrəˈnæʃnəl] international(国际的)- [ˌædvərˈteɪzɪŋ] advertising(广告)- [ˌɪnˈtɛlɪdʒənt] intelligent(智能的)- [ˌkɒnvəˈsiːʃn] conversation(对话)- [ˌɪnˈtɛrprɪz] enterprise(企业)- [ˌɪnˈfɔːməti] information(信息)- [ˌɪmˈplɔɪmənt] implement(实施)- [ˌɪnˈvɛstɪɡeɪt] investigate(调查)- [ˌɪnˈtɛrprɪzɪz] entrepreneurs(企业家)## 三、音标拼读挑战- [ˈɛnθrəˌpɹɛnɚ] entrepreneur(企业家)- [ˈɪntrɪkɪŋ] intriguing(引人入胜的)- [ˌɛksˈplɔrəˌtɔːri] exploratory(探索的)- [ˈɪnˈtɛnʃənəl] international(国际的)- [ˌɛnˈtɛrˈteɪnmənt] entertainment(娱乐。
英语国际音标名称 音标 元音 单元音[i :] [i ] [ɔ:] [ɔ] [u :] [u ] [ǝ:] [ǝ] [ɑ:] [ʌ] [e ] [æ] 双元音[ei ] [ai ] [ǝu ] [au ] [i ǝ] [Ɛǝ] [ɔi ] [u ǝ] 辅音 清辅音[p ] [t ] [k ] [f ] [s ] [ʃ] [Ɵ] [tr ] [ʧ] [ʦ] 浊辅音[b ] [d ] [g ] [v ] [z ] [Ʒ] [ð] [dr ] [ʤ] [ʣ] 鼻音 [m ] [n ] [ŋ]摩擦音 [h ] [r ] [j ] [w ] 舌侧音 [l ] 辅音(28个) 清辅音/p/ / t/ / k/ /f/ /θ/ /s/map foot book five both nicepen tea pack knife thing same 浊辅音/b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /ð/ /z/bag do go five father zoolab food bag very this rose 清辅音/ʃ/ / h/ /ts/ /t ʃ/ /tr/fish home shirts watch treeshe how sports child train 浊辅音/ʒ/ / r/ /dz/ /d ʒ/ /dr/ usually red goods jeepdrink 长元音/ɑ:/ /ɔ:/ / ɜ:/ /i:/ /u:/car four shirt see two 短元音/ ʌ/ /ɒ/ /ə/ /ɪ/ /ʊ/ /e/ /æ/bus not teacher big put let bag/e ɪ/ /a ɪ/ /ɔɪ/day bike boy 双元音/ɪə/ /e ə/ /ʊə/ /əʊ/ /a ʊ/dear chair poor no howpleasure three birds age drive鼻音/m//n/ /ŋ/room man singmay name thank半元音/ j// w/yes, yellow way, what边音/ ǀ/like, old拼读练习/fɑ:m/ /pɑ:k/ /lɑ:st/ /’kɑ:tə/ /’fɑ:stə/ /fɔ:/ /’nɔ:tɪ/ /’pɑ:kə//’fɔ:tɪ/ /’nɔ:ðən / /bɜ:d/ /wɜ:ld/ /bɜ:θdɪ/ /’wɜ:θɪ/ /’bɪtə/ /p eə //pæθ/ /pə’tɪkjʊlə / /neɪm/ /’sætədɪ/ /gɜ:l/ /’letə/ /’trædʒdɪ / /’lʌvlɪ/ /ɪntə’restɪŋ / /’dɑ:n sə/ /gr eɪt/ /’wʌn dəfəl/ /’dri:mə/ /ə’tʃi:vmənt/ /’treʒə/ /ə’n aʊnsmənt//fɪʃ/ /ʃeɪk/ / tʃaɪld / /tri:t/ /traɪ/ /’pækɪdʒ /⑴前元音:[i:] [i] [e] [æ]前元音发音要领:舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬颚抬起,双唇不要收圆。
1. /æ/ (如在 "cat" 中的发音)a) guessb) catc) dogd) hat2. /ɪ/ (如在 "sit" 中的发音)a) sitb) bedc) dogd) cut3. /eɪ/ (如在 "day" 中的发音)a) sayb) bedc) dogd) cut4. /ə/ (如在 "about" 中的发音)a) sitb) aboutc) comed) cut5. /ɔː/ (如在 "more" 中的发音)a) sitb) morec) comed) cut练习二:音标发音听音频,并尝试拼读出你所听到的音标的发音。
1. /ɪ/ (如在 "sit" 中的发音)[音频播放]2. /θ/ (如在 "think" 中的发音)[音频播放]3. /ʃ/ (如在 "she" 中的发音)[音频播放]4. /ʒ/ (如在 "treasure" 中的发音)[音频播放]5. /ŋ/ (如在 "sing" 中的发音)[音频播放]练习三:音标拼写根据给定的发音,拼写出相应的单词。
1. /eɪ/ (如 "day" 中的发音)[发音] _______2. /əʊ/ (如 "show" 中的发音)[发音] _______3. /æ/ (如 "cat" 中的发音)[发音] _______4. /ɜː/ (如 "bird" 中的发音)[发音] _______5. /iː/ (如 "see" 中的发音)[发音] _______练习四:音标连读在下列句子中,找出发生了音标连读的单词。
/bɔ: d/
/kli: n/
/la: st/
/ri: d/
/ j u: z/
三. 认读音标
/e/ /ə/ /ə:/ /ɔ/ /ɔ:/ /u/ /u:/ /ʌ/ /a:/
/ei/ /ai/ /əu/ /ɔi/ /au/ /uə/ /iə/ /εə/
/nə:s/ /´sekənd/
/ʃ/ / ʒ/ / tʃ/ / dʒ/ /θ/ /ð /
/ tr/ / dr/ / ts/ / dz/ /m/ /n/ / ŋ/
一. 认读音标
音标大家庭中的 28 个辅音:
/p/ /t/ /k/ /f/ /θ/ /s / /ʃ/ /h/ /tʃ/ /ts/ /tr/
英语国际音标及拼读练习 超详细
英语国际音标名称 音标元音单元音 [i :] [i ] [ɔ:] [ɔ] [u :] [u ] [ǝ:] [ǝ] [ɑ:] [ʌ] [e ] [æ] 双元音 [ei ] [ai ] [ǝu ] [au ] [i ǝ] [Ɛǝ] [ɔi ] [u ǝ] 辅音清辅音 [p ] [t ] [k ] [f ] [s ] [ʃ] [Ɵ] [tr ] [ʧ] [ʦ] 浊辅音 [b ] [d ] [g ] [v ] [z ] [Ʒ] [ð] [dr ] [ʤ] [ʣ] 鼻音 [m ] [n ] [ŋ] 摩擦音 [h ] [r ] [j ] [w ] 舌侧音 [l ] 辅音(28个) 清辅音/p/ / t/ / k/ /f/ /θ/ /s/map foot book five both nicepen tea pack knife thing same 浊辅音/b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /ð/ /z/bag do go five father zoolab food bag very this rose 清辅音/ʃ/ / h/ /ts/ /t ʃ/ /tr/fish home shirts watch treeshe how sports child train 长元音/ɑ:/ /ɔ:/ / ɜ:/ /i:/ /u:/car four shirt see two 短元音/ ʌ/ /ɒ/ /ə/ /ɪ/ /ʊ/ /e/ /æ/bus not teacher big put let bag/e ɪ/ /a ɪ/ /ɔɪ/day bike boy 双元音/ɪə/ /e ə/ /ʊə/ /əʊ/ /a ʊ/dear chair poor no how浊辅音/ʒ// r/ /dz/ /dʒ//dr/usually red goods jeep drinkpleasure three birds age drive鼻音/m//n/ /ŋ/room man singmay name thank半元音/ j// w/yes, yellow way, what边音/ ǀ/like, old拼读练习/fɑ:m/ /pɑ:k/ /lɑ:st/ /’kɑ:tə/ /’fɑ:stə/ /fɔ:/ /’nɔ:tɪ //’pɑ:kə/ /’fɔ:tɪ/ /’nɔ:ðən / /bɜ:d/ /wɜ:ld/ /bɜ:θdɪ/ /’wɜ:θɪ/ /’bɪtə/ /p eə / /pæθ/ /pə’tɪkjʊlə / /neɪm/ /’sætədɪ//gɜ:l/ /’letə/ /’trædʒdɪ //’lʌvlɪ/ /ɪntə’restɪŋ / /’dɑ:n sə/ /gr eɪt/ /’wʌn dəfəl//’dri:mə//ə’tʃi:vmənt/ /’treʒə/ /ə’n aʊnsmənt//fɪʃ/ /ʃeɪk/ / tʃaɪld / /tri:t/ /traɪ/ /’pækɪdʒ /⑴前元音:[i:] [i] [e] [æ]前元音发音要领:舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬颚抬起,双唇不要收圆。
“形象代言词”自己记录[ɑ:][ ]; [:] [ ]; [:] [ ] [i:] [ ]; [u:][ ][ ] [ ]; [ ] [ ]; [ ] [ ] [ I ] [ ]; [ ] [ ]; [ e ] [ ] [ ] [ ][a] [ ]; [e] [ ]; [] [ ] [a] [ ]; [] [ ]; [] [ ][e] [ ]; [] [ ][ p ] [ ]; [ b ] [ ]; [ t ] [ ] [ d ] [ ]; [ k ] [ ]; [ ɡ ] [ ] [ θ ] [ ]; [ e ] [ ];[ f ] [ ] [ v ] [ ][ tr ] [ ]; [ dr ] [ ][ m ] [ ]; [ n ] [ ]; [ ] [ ] [ w ] [ ]; [ h ] [ ]; [ j ] [ ] [ l ] [ ]; [ r ] [ ];[ s ] [ ]; [ z ] [ ]; [ ts ][ ] [dz] [ ];[ ] [ ];[ ] [ ]; [ ] [ ][] [ ]发音拼读训练——(单音节)准确拼读单词三大规律第一种:元音+辅音(发音时:用所有力气和声音把前面的元音发得响亮、清晰,剩下一点点气流和力气把后面的辅音一带而过。
eight ask aim east each[et] [ɑ:sk] [em] [i:st] [i:t]第二种:辅音+元音(发音时:元音和辅音相拼,拼读成一个整体)shy how try show tee[a] [hau] [tra] [] [ti:]第三种:辅音+元音+辅音(发音时:元音和辅音相拼,拼读成一个整体,声音有力、清晰,剩下一点点气流和力气把后面的辅音一带而过。
good time talk last must[ɡd] [tam] [t:k] [la:st] [mst]元音组长元音:发音时要拉长;练习时要超过两秒钟。
[ ɑ: ] cɑ:m pɑ:s fɑ:stɑ:sk lɑ:st-[ ɑ:(r) ] kɑ:(r)d hɑ:(r)d dɑ:(r)k pɑ:(r)k fɑ:(r) mɑ:(r)t[ : ] f:t dr: θ:t br:d-[ :(r) ]p:(r)k :(r)t l:(r)d m:(r)[ :(r) ]b:(r)d h:(r)d f:(r)st t:(r)d[ i: ] i:st fri: mi:t tri:t mi:n wi:k[ u: ] hu: tu: fu:l mu:d lu:z短元音:发音时要短促有力,收小腹;练习时要用一秒钟或半秒钟。
英语音标拼读练习一.简单拼读练习元音[i:] eat [i:t] 吃[i] sit [sit] 坐[e] bed [bed] 床[æ] bad [bæd] 坏的[ə:] bird[bə:d] 鸟[ə] sofa['səufə] 沙发[ʌ] bus[bʌs] 公汽ɑ:]park[pɑ:k]公园[u:] food [fu:d] 食物[u] book[buk] 书[ɔ:] for [fɔ:] 为了[ɔ] box [bɔks] 盒子[ [ei] lake[leik] 湖[ai] kite[kait] 风筝[ɔi] boy[bɔi] 男孩[au] cow [kau] 奶牛[əu] goat [gəut] 山羊[iə] hear[hiə] 听见[ɛə] hair[hɛə] 头发[uə] tour [tuə] 旅行辅音[p] put[put] 放置[t] take[teik] 递走[k] key[ki:] 钥匙[f] food[fu:d] 食物[θ]thank[θæŋk]感谢[s] see[si:] 看[ts] lots英音:[lɔts] 许多[tr] tree英音:[tri:] 树[ʃ] ship[ʃip] 船[tʃ] teacher['ti:tʃə] 老师[b] boy[bɔi] 男孩[d] day[dei] 天[g] go[gəu] 走[v] very['veri] 非常[ð] that[ðæt] 那个[z] busy['bizi] 忙[dz] bed英音:[bedz] 床[dr]drink英音:[driŋk]喝[dʒ] danger['deindʒə]危险[ʒ] usual['ju:ʒuəl] 平常的[h] he[hi:] 他[m:] me[mi:] 我[n] name[neim] 名字[ŋ]think[θiŋk]想[l] long[lɔŋ]长的[r] read[ri:d] 读[j] you[ju:] 你[w] work[wə:k] 工作二:音标拼读练习[i:] [hi:t] [mi:t] [ni:t] [fli:] [i] [lid] [did] [pin] [klik] [æ] [fæn] [lænd] [plæn] [kæt] [ə:] [bə:g] [gə:l] [fə:n] [tə:n] [ǝ] [ʹbrʌðǝ] [ʹsistǝ] [ʹkʌlǝ] [ʹrʌbǝ] [ʌ] [nʌt] [bʌs] [lʌk] [sʌn] [fʌn] [lʌn] [ɑ:] [ɑ:m] [ɑ:t] [kɑ:] [stɑ:t] [ [ɔ:] [bɔ:l] [ɔ:l] [fɔ:l] [tɔ:l] [ɔ] [gɔt] [lɔt] [ɔf] [nɔt] [u:] [fu:d] [bu:t] [lu:n] [ku:l] [u] [fut] [buk] [gud] [stud] [ai] [wait] [wai] [mai] [rait] [au] [kau] [hau] [ʹauǝ] [ʹflauǝ] [ei] [neim] [feim] [gein] [leik] [ǝu] [nǝu] [gǝut] [hǝum] [nǝut] [uǝ] [puǝ] [tuǝ] [luǝ] [muǝ][iǝ] [diǝ] [niǝ] [ʹwiǝri] [fiǝ] [ɔi] [ɔil] [bɔil] [pɔint] [nɔiz] [Ɛǝ] [hƐǝ] [pƐǝ] [fƐǝ] [ʹfƐǝri][ʤ] [ʤʌst] [ʤin] [ʤi:p] [ʤɔb] [ʧ] [ʹbenʧ] [ʹʧ ainǝ] [ʧƐǝ][wɔ:ʧ] [ʃ] [brʌʃ] [ʃi:p] [ʃɑ: p] [ʃip][j] [jes] [jet] [ʹjelǝu] [jɑ:d][ŋ][ʹiŋgliʃ] [lʌŋ][lɔŋ][spriŋ][Ɵ][Ɵri:] [ʹƟ ǝ:ti] [Ɵiŋ] [Ɵæŋk] [ð] [ðis] [ðæt] [ði:z] [ðǝuz][tr] [tri:] [trai] [trein] [tru:][dr] [drai] [draiv] [ʹdr aivǝ] [drǝuv] [ʦ] [mi:ʦ] [si:ʦ] [ʹstju:dǝʦ] [ʹminiʦ] [ʣ] [wǝ:ʣ] [bǝ:ʣ] [kiʣ] [hænʣ]。
1. /tʃ/:tree / tea2. /dʒ/:village / video3. /ʃ/:sheep / ship4. /θ/:thing / think5. /ð/:this / these6. /ŋ/:long / lung7. /r/:race / rice8. /l/:lamp / ramp9. /j/:yes / mess10. /w/:wet / net练习二:元音音标拼读根据所给的元音音标,拼读单词。
1. /æ/:cat / cut2. /e/:bed / bad3. /ɪ/:sit / set4. /ʌ/:cut / cat5. /ɒ/:hot / hat6. /ʊ/:foot / food7. /i:/:see / sit8. /eɪ/:say / set9. /ɔ:/:door / dot10. /u:/:moon / man练习三:音标拼读连线将左侧单词的音标与右侧单词进行连线。
1. /k/ cot2. /t/ coat3. /p/ pot4. /f/ foot5. /s/ sat6. /b/ bat7. /d/ dot8. /g/ got9. /v/ vat10. /z/ zebra练习四:音标拼读填空根据所给的音标,填写合适的单词。
1. /ʒ/:The measure of how hot or cold something is is called__________.2. /s/:A baby dog is called a __________.3. /tʃ/:A large area of land covered with trees and plants is called a __________.4. /ɔ:/:A large female bird, especially a domestic one, is called a __________.5. /dʒ/:A small, sweet, soft fruit with a thin skin and a lot of small seeds is called a __________.练习五:音标拼读翻译根据所给的音标,将下列单词翻译成中文。