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误用:Unfortunately,my car broke down and I was stuck here during it was being repaired.

改为:Unfortunately,my car broke down and I was stuck here while it was being repaired.不幸的是,我的车坏了,在修车的时候,我就被困在那里了。

说明:during是介词,后接名词或代词,不接句子。又如:He confidently authorized me to act for him while he is abroad.他信任地委托我在他出国期间代行他的事务。

误用:He used to be very anxious if he had to make a speech, even it was only a speech to his old school.

改为:He used to be very anxious if he had to make a speech, even if it was only a speech to his old school.

说明:从语义上看,even 和 even if都可表示“即使”,但是两者的词性不同:even 是副词,even if 是连词。比如:It was cold there even in July. 那里即使在七月,天气都很冷。Even if I have to walk all the wa y I’ll get there.即使我得一路走着去,我也要走到那里。


误用:With the cost of keeping money in the bank increases, so it’s spent faster.

改为:As the cost of keeping money in the bank increases, so it’s spent faster.

说明:虽然 with 和 as 均可表示“随着”,但词性不同:with 是介词,后接名词或代词,而 as 用于此义时是连词,后接句子。比较:He will improve as he grows older. 随着年龄的增长,他会进步的。People’s ideas change with the change of the times.时代变了,人们的观念也会变化。


误用:She crawled cross the floor, her eyes stinging from the smoke.

改为:She crawled across the floor, her eyes stinging from the smoke.

说明: across 和 cross 均可表示“横过”、“穿过”,但词性不同:across 是介词,cross 是动词。比较:cross the street 横过马路 / walk across the street 走过马路;cross a river 过河,渡河 / swim across a river 游过河


误用:We were driving around outside when unfortunately three old ladies emerged from the hotel and came straightly across in front of us.

改为:We were driving around outside when unfortunately three old ladies emerged from the hotel and came straight across in front of us.

说明:在现代英语中,straight 既可用作形容词,也可用作副词。straightly这个副词形式在现代英语中已被废弃,许多词典均不再收录此词。又如:We enjoy fresh vegetables and fruit, straight from the garden: fresh orange juice, fresh fish, fresh bread. 我们享用直接从果菜园采摘的新鲜的蔬菜和水果、新鲜的橘汁、新鲜的鱼、新鲜的面包。


误用:He fell down to the ground, his mouth open and eyes close.

改为:He fell down to the ground, his mouth open and eyes closed.

说明:open 和 close 均可用作动词,前者表示“开”,后者表示“关”,是一对反义词,如:Please open your mouth.(请张开嘴),Please close your mouth. (请闭上嘴)。但

是 open 和 close 也可用作形容词,此时前者意为“开着的”,后者意为“接近的”、“亲近的”等,而并不表示“关着的”,要表示“关着的”,英语用 closed,即用作形容词时,open 与close 不是一对反义词,而与 closed 才是反义词。


误用:It was at the tip of my tongue to tell him, suddenly the phone rang.

误用:It was at the tip of my tongue to tell him, when the phone rang.

说明:从句意看,用suddenly 并不错;但从句法来分析,空白处前后各为一个句子,而 suddenly 是副词,显然不承担起连接两个句子的重任。而when 用作并列连词,可表示“这时(突然)”的意思。又如:We were about to start, when it rained. 我们正要开始,就下起雨来了。She was walking down the road when she heard someone shouting for help. 她正在路上走着,突然听见有人呼救。不过,如果将 when 改为 and suddenly 也是可以的。
