1 The Literature of Colonial America殖民时期的美国文学

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Two significant authors: William Bradford & John Winthrop
--History Of Plymouth Plantation
by William Bradford (first governor of Plymouth) pilgrims
The History Of New England
Chapter one The Literature of Colonial America
Focal Points: -- 1. The characteristics of the Colonial
literature -- 2. The first American writer -- 3. American Puritanism -- 4. Anne Bradstreet and her poems
Characteristics of the Colonial American literature
The first American literature was neither American nor literature.
Humble origins, personnal literature in various forms, imitative
“The simplicity and earnestness of the book, with its direct reporting, make it readable and moving.” (吴伟仁, 2000: p6)
2. The first American writer: Captain John Smith
The regular grades (50%)
❖ 1. 考勤: 共5分。每次课考勤,无故缺课一 次扣2分,3次及以上得0分 关于请假、调课
❖ 2. 随堂考核(包括课堂提问、课堂讨论、课 堂测验)
1. 期中测验:20分 2. presentation: 10分 3. 课堂投入度、讨论、提问:5分 ❖ 3. 课程作业10分:读作品,写赏析(迷你毕 业论文,要求按毕业论文格式)。
(中文版), 南开大学出版社,2005
Reference Books
3. 童明(美) 《 美国文学史》增订
版 A History of American
外语教学与研究出版 社,2008
(高等院校英பைடு நூலகம்专业系列 教材)
Reference Books
4、吴伟仁, 张强 《美国文学史及选读
In content: the perils and frustrations that challenged the courage of America’s first settlers
In form: diaries, travel books, letters, journals, sermons, histories and prose
The history of American literature
-- A short history (compared with the British literature)
the Chinese literature -- but an impactful effect -- Five stages:
by John Winthrop, first governor of Boston
Excerpt from History Of Plymouth Plantation (P78)
Being thus passed the vast ocean, and a sea of troubles before in their preparation…, they had now no friends to welcome them, no inns to entertain or refresh their weatherbeaten bodies, no houses or much less towns to repair to, to seek for succour…. Besides, what could they see but a hideous and desolate wilderness, full of wild beasts and wild men? And what multitude there might be of them they knew not…
Five stages of the history of American literature
❖1. The literature of colonial American ❖2.The literature of reason and revolution ❖3. The literature of Romanticism ❖4. The literature of Realism ❖5. Twentieth Century Literature
❖potential topics for your Graduation thesis
❖ An Analysis of the Negotiation of the Cultural Identity in White Teeth from the Perspective of the Third Space Theory
❖ establish colonies in the rein of Elizabeth I (1558-1603)
❖ lasting settlements were established
Jamestown in Virginia (1607) --- profit motive Plymouth in Massachusetts (1620) --- religious motive
从弗洛伊德精神分析法解读《包法利夫人》中爱玛的 悲剧的原因
❖ An Analysis of the Multiple Themes in Saving Fish from Drowning from the Perspective of Narrative Technique
❖ An Analysis of the Narrative Techniques
in the Novel and the Film of The Great Gatsby
❖ An Analysis of the Growth of Black Women
Historical background
❖ the first settlers in American continent
American Indians, tribes
❖ great geographic discoveries in 15th century
1492, Christopher Columbus 1497, John Cabot sent by King Henry of England
History and Anthology of American Literature
(Volume 1, Volume 2)
《美国文学史及选读》 外语教学与研究出版社
Reference Books
1、常耀信, 《 美国文学简史》 (第
三版) 南开大学出版社,2008
2、常耀信, 《 精编美国文学教程》
❖ 现实很残酷,文学很空灵;人虽然活在 残酷的现实里,但心灵深处是需要美好 的文学直接的滋养。
❖ “文学是什么?” --- 谭旭东
❖ “为什么选择英语专业?” ---唐伟胜
❖ “现在的大学英语系能教给我们什么?” --2015-08-16《 翻译教学与研究》
❖ “English majors want the joy of seeing the world through the eyes of people who are more sensitive, more articulate, shrewder, sharper, more alive than they themselves are.”
❖ “Education is what remains after you forget everything you learned in school.”
What can you benefit from this course?
❖liberal education,experience, wisdom of life
The final examination (50%)
❖ 考试内容:有关文学史知识及一些文学作品的解读 与欣赏,涵盖教材与授课内容。
❖ 考核的试题类型与分值比例: I. Literary Terms(15%), II. Match the names of the writers with their works (10%) III. Multiple Choice (30%), IV. Identification and interpretation of some excerpts of literary works(20%) V. Essay questions (25%)
❖ An Analysis of the Negotiation of the Identity of Karim Amir in The Buddha of Suburbia from the Perspective of the Third Space Theory
第三空间理论视角下《郊区佛爷》中克里姆·阿米尔的 身份构建
❖ “就这样渡过了浩瀚的大洋,经历了筹备远 航期间无尽的困苦......,现在没有朋友来迎接 他们,没有小旅馆让他们歇一歇饱经风霜的 身子,没有人家更没有小镇可供投靠求 助。......极目所见,只是野人野兽遍布的蛮 荒, 而野人野兽究竟有多少,他们无法知 道。”
❖ 途径浩洋,烦扰如浩洋者亦何其多哉! 登陆之时,无亲朋之恭候,无馆驿以洗 尘,无房屋以容栖,无城镇以所图之助 也。然有之者,远目所及者,乃蛮荒之 僻壤,遍野之野人野兽,且其数不可量 也。 (译文出自10级某同学)
学习指南》 修订版 (一、二册), 中央民
族大学出版社, 2010
Course Assessment
Your final score: 1) The regular grades (50%)
a. Class attendance (5%) b. Presentation and tests in class (35%) c. Critical comments on assigned literary works (10%) 2) The final examination (50%) This is really important !!!
in The Color Purple from the Perspective of Womanism
❖ An Analysis of the Causes of Emma’s Tragedy in Madame Bovary from the Perspective of Freudian Psychoanalysis
American Literature 美国文学
For English Majors Grade 2012
What can you benefit from this course?
❖liberal education,experience, wisdom of life
❖ 文学就是把现实用修辞的方式讲述出来, 它没有掩盖真相,但给人美好,引人向 善,给人理想和希望。