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ed and humbled to stand here,whereso manyofamerica'sleaders have comebefore me, andso manywill follow.

we have a place, allof us, ina long story-- astory we continue, but whose end we willnot see.it is the storyof a new world that became a friend and liberator oftheold, a story of aslave-holding society that became aservant of freedom, thestory of a power that went into theworld to protectbutn ot possess,todefend but not to conquer.

itistheamerican story-- a story offlawed andfalliblepeople,united across the genera tions by grandand enduring ideals.

thegrandest of these idealsis anunfolding american promisethat everyone belongs,that ev eryone deserves a chance, that no insignificant person wasever born.

americansare calledto enact thispromise in our lives andin our laws. and thoughour nation hassometimeshalted, andsometimesdelayed,wemustfollow noother course.

through much of the lastcentury, america's fai

th in freedom and democracy was a rockin a raging sea. now it is a seed uponthe wind, taking root in manynations.

our democraticfaith ismorethanthe creedof ourcountry, it is the inborn hope ofour humanity,an ideal we carry butdonot own, a trust we bear andpass along. and even after nearly225 years,we have a long way yet to travel.

while many of ourcitizens prosper,other sdoubt thepromise, even the justice, of ourown country.theambitionsof some americansare l imitedby failing schools and hidden prejudice and thecircumstancesof their birth.and someti mes ourdifferencesrun sodeep,itseemswe share a continent, butnot a country.

wedo not acceptthis,andwe willnot allow it. our unity,our union, isthe seriouswork ofleaders and citizens in every generation.and this ismy solemn

pledge:iwill work to build a single nation of justiceand opportunity.

i know thisis inour reachbecause we areguided by a power larger than ourselves who creat es usequal in his image.

and we areconfident in principlesth at unite and leadusonward.

america has never been united by blood or bir th orsoil. weareboundby ideals that moveus beyond our backgrounds, lift usaboveour interestsandteachus what it means to be citizens. everychild mustbe taughtthese principles.e very citizenmust upholdthem. and everyimmigrant,by embracingthese ideals, makes our country more,not less, american.

today,we affirm a new commitment to live out our nation's promise through civility,courage,co mpassion andcharacter.

america,atits best, matches a commitment to principlewith a concern for civility.acivi lsociety demands from each of us goodwill and respect,fair dealing and forgiveness.

some seem to believe that ourpoliticscan afford to bepetty because, in a timeofpeac e, the stakes ofour debates appearsmall.

butthe stakes foramericaare neversmall.if our country does not leadthe cause
