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总学时:72 周学时:4

适用年级专业(学科类):07艺术设计, 07 动画开课时间:2008-2009学年第 2 学期使用教材:大学体验英语 4


章节 Unit 1 课时 2


1. Enable the students to understand the significance of social prejudice 教

against women and men

2. Try to encourage the students to offer some examples of prejudice using 学

some key words or expressions given

3. Get the general idea of Passage A 目

4. Preliminary analysis of Passage A



Focus: Social Prejudice 及

Method: Give some examples of social prejudice and its the impacts 突出


教学 Difficulty: How to evaluate different prejudices against women and men?

难点 Method: Talking about the roles of men and women in the society as

shown in the pictures and make some comparison after the group 及discussion 突破



Social Prejudice and traditional roles of women and men in the

family 内容



The First Period

Part One: Lead-in

Ask the students to tell the roles of men and women in the society as shown in the

pictures given.

, Expressions and sentences for talking about traditional family roles

, ( See Communicative Tasks Page 11)

, Professions, stereotyped, dependable, gloomy, ignorance, commission,


Part Two: Listening and Writing

1. Now Listen to the passages for three times and fill in the missing information

2. Check the answer

3. Point out and paraphrase some key words and get the main idea of each passage 学

, 1.professions: a type of job that needs special training or skill, especially one that

needs a high level of education: the medical/legal/teaching/nursing professions


, 2.sterotype: : a fixed idea or image that many people have of a particular type of 过

person or thing, but which i9s often not true in reality:


stereotypes 模式化观念,老一套,刻板形象

, ?.dependable:可信赖的

, 4. gloomy: nearly dark, or badly lit in a way that make you feel dad;黑暗的, 程

sad or without hope;忧郁沮丧的

without much hope of success or happiness in the future,前景黯淡~悲观的,

Part Three: Speaking

1. What is the job situation like in China? Is it the same as or different from/to the

situation mentioned in the passage?

2. Is there any kind of job that people often joke about in China?

3. What prejudices do people have about certain kinds of jobs?


The Second Period

Read and Explore 教

Step 1 Warm-up questions

1. Do you think fathers are as important to children as mothers are? Why or why not?

2. What’s the image of a “good family man”?

3. A “working father” as a family bread winner is often too busy to take care of his 学

family. Now people have a negative image of the “working father”. What do you think

of the ?working father‖

Part Two: Text Analysis 过

Step 2 Structure of Passage A

Division and Main idea

Paras (1-2) The media trend toward diminishing the importance of fathers in the United

States. 程
