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C e r t i f i c a t i o n This is to certify Ms. / Mr. ***, born on March **, 19**, our employee. She/He has been working in our company for ** years since she/he came here in December 200*. Now she/he takes the post of *** in our ** department. She /he will go to Italy for her/his further study on August 200*. And she/he tendered

her/his resignation on May 20,200* to us. We hereby agree.

With high respect!

Seal of ***** Co., Ltd.

May 20,200* Company: *****Co., Ltd.Address: **************Tel: ***-

*******Transactor: ***


***** University Certificate

This is to certify that Mr./Ms. *** ,was born on **

**,****,whose student No. is **********, has been studying in our university since **,****. And she/he is attending the final academic year, now he/she is studying at the *** department in *** (major).

With high respect!

Seal of the Dean’s Office of ***** UniversityAugust **, 200*身份证翻译实例

Identity Card

Name: ***

Gender: Female/Male

Nation: Han

Date of Birth: August **, 198*

Post Address: ******************

Reference Number: ******************

Validity Period: From August **, 200* to August 14, 202*

Issue Department: ** Public Security Bureau


Graduation Certificate

This is to certify that Miss. /Mr. ***, female/male, born in May 1987, has studied *** from September 19** to June 20** in ** University. Having accomplished all the courses required by four-year undergraduate program and passed all the examinations and she/he is allowed to graduate.


Certificate No.:00000001This is to certify that Mr./Miss.***, male/female,born in March198*was enrolled in Department of

*****, ***** University in September ****,major in *****, having passed all the required examinations and

thesis,graduated in June, 2008.

**** (Personal Seal)President (Seal)***University (Seal)Certificate Code: 1048*****02 Date of issue: June 10,2008

Certificate of Bachelor's Degree

(Undergraduate of Ordinary Higher Education)

This is to certify that Miss./Mr. ***, female/male, born in

****, has accomplished all the courses required by four-year undergraduate program, major in **** from September 19** to June 20** in *** University, she/he is allowed to graduate. In accordance with Degree Regulations of People’s Republic of China, she/he is awarded Bachelor of ***.

***** (Personal Seal)Chairman of Degree Assessment Committee of *** University?June 30, 2008Certificate Code: 104*******002简历样本(Resume)


Personal Information



Gender: M/F

Marital status: single/married

Date of Birth: Month/Date/ Year

Place of Birth:




Permanent Address: No 8,





City, 100081 China

Current Address: No. 9,





City,100081 China
