在线考试系统可以在多个不同场景使用,通过基本的考试设置,就可以营造出不同的使用场景在线考试系统一般可以在以下场景中使用,如常规考试、知识竞赛、问卷调查、测评分析、电子作业、答题闯关等等,这里介绍几款永久免费的在线考试系统•1. TCExamTCExam是免费的开源考试软件,不需要任何其他硬件即可运行。
TCExam的功能1.可根据您的要求进行配置2.您可以将数据导入和导出到此软件中3.它具有生成可打印的OMR表的选项4.您可以添加多媒体内容•2. VirtualXVirtualX是完全免费的开源考试软件,可以在大学,公司和电子学习组织中使用。
VirtualX在线考试软件开源php也有一个Pro版本,其中包含基本计划,basic plus计划和高级计划。
指 导 教 师 意 见
在线考试系统系统需求规格说明书版本:1.0说明:本说明书仅供参考,严禁抄袭!变更记录目录1.简介 (4)1.1开发背景 (4)1.2目的 (4)1.3业务范围 (4)1.4参考文档 (4)2.约束及假定 (5)2.1 软件运行环境以及技术约束 (5)2.1.1 软件约束 (5)2.1.2 资产约束 (5)2.2 交付及部署约束 (5)3.功能性需求 (6)3.1 系统功能简介 (6)3.2 需求描述 (6)3.2.1学生端 (6)3.2.2教师端 (6)3.2.3 参考界面设计 (8)4.非功能性需求 (11)4.1 性能 (11)4.2 可扩展性 (11)4.3 可用性 (11)4.4 安全性 (11)4.5 易用性 (12)5.数据库设计 (13)1.简介1.1开发背景系统名称:在线考试系统[以下简称ZXKS系统];本项目的任务提出者是某学校。
1.4参考文档2.约束及假定2.1 软件运行环境以及技术约束2.1.1 软件约束ZXKS系统采用Java技术进行开发。
开发及运行的软件环境为:●Java开发包JDK:jdk-1_5_0_01-windows版●应用服务器Tomcat:jakarta-tomcat-5.0.16●数据库SQL Server2005 或MySQL●开发框架:MVC(JSP+Servlet+JavaBean)2.1.2 资产约束Web服务器及数据库服务器均采用Intel P4(1.8G HZ)PC 工作站。
2.2 交付及部署约束ZXKS系统要在3周内开发完成,交付时要以独立的war文件作为应用程序发布形式。
iTEST 大学英语测试与训练系统产品简介
iTEST 大学英语测试与训练系统产品简介FLTRP iTEST大学英语测试与训练系统(以下简称iTEST)是为高校提供英语试题库资源和在线评测服务的综合测试管理平台。
iTEST集测试、自主训练、教学、科研平台于一体,可全面满足高校英语教学的四大需求:1. 在线标准化英语测试支持学校组织全校规模、班级规模的在线标准化测试,包括基于计算机和网络的大学英语四、六级模拟考试及各类教学评估类考试。
2. 个性化英语技能训练支持学生结合自身学习需要,有针对性地进行词汇、语法等基础训练、听说读写译专项能力训练和针对大学英语四、六级考试等考试的自主模考训练。
3. 专业化测试分析与教学诊断学校和教师使用专业化的考试统计、成绩分析统计报表了解和评估学生的英语能力,提高教学效果。
4. 开展课题研究教师根据需要收集测试相关数据,从事测试课题研究。
科学:试题经过项目分析(Item Analysis),在实际使用前经过大规模样本试测与校正,确保科学的难度与区分度;题库建设基于项目反应理论(IRT),致力于为学校量身定做个性化测试解决方案。
大学外语测试与训练系统 - 武昌首义学院 会员登录
自建题库 支持听、说、读、写、译 全题型,操作简便,即建 即用
iTEST 大学外语测试与训练系统3.0
iTEST 3.0 自2015年9月份上线以来,已成功支持几十所高校十万余人次完成在线测试。 支持2015届“Uchallenge全国大学生英语阅读能力测试”,三万多大学新生基于 iTEST 3.0 公网版完成在线阅读能力测试,并获取个性化阅读能力诊断报告。 支持“外研社杯”全国英语阅读大赛、全国英语写作大赛30多个省的复赛和全国总决赛。
在中国外语测评专家顾问团队的指导下,外研在线建立了专业的命题团队、规范的命题流程、高效的命题 平台,并与国内外研究机构合作,研究测评标准,分析反馈数据,优化试题资源。命题团队除参与出题外,外 研社将为命题人提供命题、测试研究等相关培训,并提供测试研究数据以及专家咨询支持以确保试题质量,助 力教师科研。
局域网模式 支持5000人同时在线考试
支持不同 使用模式
iTEST 3.0
浏览器端(B/S) 适用于班级测验、练习 试卷资源提前加载,提供安全保障
客户端(C/S) 适用于高利害、全校性考试 本地、服务器答题数据双重存储 屏蔽所有操作键,防止作弊 不受浏览器性能影响,稳定可靠
试题管理系统 智能组卷系统 自建题库系统 考试管理系统
机考系统 在线答题系统 监考系统 考试管理系统
后台管理系统 账号管理、班级管理 系统管理、升级管理 考试管理、数据管理
阅卷管理系统 试卷分析系统 成绩分析系统 考试管理系统
适用 对象
为什么选择iTEST 3.0?
目录目录 (1)在线学习考试系统使用说明书 (2)1、用户登录 (2)1.1、系统登录 (2)1.2、系统最新提示信息 (3)2、个人信息管理 (3)2.1、个人资料修改 (3)2.2、学习进度查询 (4)2.3、考试历史查询 (4)2.4、系统消息提醒 (5)3、在线交流平台 (6)3.1、信息公告浏览 (6)3.2、在线调查中心 (7)3.3、在线答疑中心 (7)4、在线学习中心 (8)4.1、学习任务中心 (8)4.2、电子教材中心 (9)4.3、电子课件中心 (10)5、在线考试中心 (10)5.1、正规考试中心 (10)5.2、模拟考试中心 (11)在线学习考试系统使用说明书1、用户登录1.1、系统登录在IE浏览器的地址栏中输入本系统所在的服务器地址,确定后将出现系统登录界面。
网络在线学习外文翻译中英文英文Online learning: Adoption, continuance, and learning outcome—A review ofliteratureRitanjali Panigrahi, Praveen Srivastava, Dheeraj Sharma AbstractThe use of Technology to facilitate better learning and training is gaining momentum worldwide, reducing the temporal and spatial problems associated with traditional learning. Despite its several benefits, retaining students in online platforms is challenging. Through a literature review of the factors affecting adoption, the continuation of technology use, and learning outcomes, this paper discusses an integration of online learning with virtual communities to foster student engagement for obtaining better learning outcomes. Future directions have been discussed, the feedback mechanism which i s an antecedent of students’ continuation intention has a lot of scopes to be studied in the virtual community context. The use of Apps in m-learning and the use of cloud services can boost the ease and access of online learning to users and organizations.Keywords: Online learning, Virtual community, Technology adoption, Technology continuation, Learning outcomeIntroductionOnline learning and training are gaining popularity worldwide, reducing the temporal and spatial problems associated with the traditional form of education. The primary factors behind using online learning are not only to improve access to education and training, and quality of learning, but also to reduce the cost and improve the cost-effectiveness of education (Bates, 1997). Online learning is mainly provided in two ways—in synchronous and asynchronous environments (Jolliffe, Ritter, & Stevens, 2012). The time lag attributes of asynchronous learning unlike synchronous learning in online platforms take the advantage of accessing materials anytime and anywhere, ability to reach a greater mass at the same time, and uniformity of content. Online learning along with face-to-face learning is successfullyused in industry as well as academia with positive outcomes (Chang, 2016). The geographically distributed team in an organization can get their skill training through online platforms at the same time, gaining a greater level of competitiveness. Online learning is also beneficial for students as they can learn at their own pace with the availability of online materials. The e-learning market is becoming popular and widely adopted by the education sector and industry. The growth of the e-learning market can be demonstrated by the fact that the global e-learning market is expected to reach 65.41 billion dollars by 2023 growing at a cumulative average growth rate of 7.07% (Research and Markets, 2018a). In addition to this, the global learning management system (LMS) is expected to increase from 5.05 billion USD in 2016 to 18.44 billion USD by 2025 growing at a rate of 15.52% (Research and Markets, 2018b).Despite several advantages of online learning such as improving access to education and training, improving the quality of learning, reducing the cost and improving the cost-effectiveness of education, retaining students in such platforms is a key challenge with a high attrition rate (Perna et al., 2014). Several strategies such as briefing, buddying, and providing feedback on the platform are proposed to retain and engage students (Nazir, Davis, & Harris, 2015). It is also noted that more self-discipline is required by students in online education, unlike traditional classroom education (Allen & Seaman, 2007). Keeping users enrolled and engaged is a challenging job as a personal touch by the instructor is missing or limited. The learning engagement which is an important antecedent for learning outcome is lower for technology-mediated learning than face-to-face learning (Hu & Hui, 2012). As a higher amount of money is spent on infrastructure, staff training, etc., organizations seek to take maximum benefit from online learning which requires an understanding of the factors that drive the adoption, continuation intention, and learning outcome of users on online learning platforms. Therefore, the primary focus of research remains on how to retain online learning users, and increase the efficiency of the online learning.Users may learn inside and outside the classroom; inside classroom learning isthrough instructors either from face-to-face, pure online or blended learning (combination of face-to-face and pure online learning) whereas outside classroom learning is conducted by users anytime and anywhere after the class. The exponential growth of the Internet has enabled individuals to share information, participate, and collaborate to learn from virtual communities (VC) anytime and anywhere (Rennie & Morrison, 2013). In a virtual community, people do everything that they do in real life but leaving their bodies behind (Rheingold, 2000). Virtual communities keep its users engaged based on familiarity, perceived similarity, and trust by creating a sense of belongingness (Zhao, Lu, Wang, Chau, & Zhang, 2012). It is essential to assess the role of a less constrained informal mode of learning (Davis & Fullerton, 2016) like virtual communities in the formal learning to engage and retain students.DiscussionGetting a new idea adopted even when it has obvious advantages is often very difficult (Rogers, 2003). Consistent with the previous statement, despite the advantages of online learning such as improving accessibility, quality, and reducing cost, it has a long way to go to be adopted and used by organizations because of the resistance at different levels (Hanley, 2018). The reasons for resistances offered by the employees in an organizations include perceived poor focus of the e-learning initiative, lack of time to learn new way of working, too much effort to change, lack of awareness, and resistance to change (Ali et al., 2016; Hanley, 2018). It is crucial from an institutional point of view to overcome the resistance to adopt and implement the online learning systems successfully.Understanding the factors of online learning adoption, continuation use intention, and learning outcomes are vital for an e-learning platform providing organization because the success of the platform depends on the successful adoption, continuation use, and finally achieving the desired outcomes. From the literature, it is found that the national culture affects the adoption and moderates the relationship between variables of adoption and use. Therefore, the results of adoption and use of technology might differ in different counties with different cultural dimensions. At a broader level, the perceived characteristics of innovation (of online learning) such as relativeadvantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability play a significant role in adoption. At an individual level, the primary factors of adoption are the individual expectancies such as the perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, etc., and the external influences such as subjective norm, social norms, surrounding conditions, national culture, social network characteristic, etc. On the other hand, the primary factors of continuation of technology use are the experiences of the individuals in the technology such as satisfaction, confirmation, self-efficacy, flow, trust, we-intention, sense of belongingness, immersion, IS qualities, etc. The perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are found to be vital for both the technology adoption and continuation use. This implies that the usefulness of the technology and how easy the technology to use determines the adoption and continuation of technology. Apart from these technology enablers, the platform providers should consider the technology inhibitors which negatively impact the acceptance of the technology. The factors of the learning outcomes such as self-efficacy, virtual competence, engagement, design interventions, etc. should be considered before designing and delivering the content in the online learning platform to achieve optimum learning outcomes. The learners’ intention to use full e-learning in developing countries depends on the lea rners’ characteristics, and learners’ adoption of blended learning (Al-Busaidi, 2013). Studies for example by Verbert et al. (2014) have shown that blended learning yields the best outcome in terms of grade when students learn in online collaborative learning with teacher’s initiation and feedback. On the contrary, some studies have shown that contents such as business games do not need the interaction with the instructor; in fact, they are negatively related to perceived learning (Proserpio & Magni, 2012). MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) users have organized face-to-face meetings to fulfill their belongingness or social connectedness as a part of their learning activity (Bulger, Bright, & Cobo, 2015). This indicates that not everyone is good with a digitized form of learning, and hence both face-to-face and online components should be integrated for better outcomes.Lack of human connection is one of the limitations of online learning (Graham,2006) which may reduce the satisfaction level. To address this limitation, personalization functions of e-learning systems began. The satisfaction level, perceived and actual performance, self-efficacy scores increase in personalized online learning where learning materials are provided according to the cognitive capability and style of each individual (Xu, Huang, Wang, & Heales, 2014). Although personalization of e-learning systems is beneficial, they are socially and ethically harmful, and special attention should be given to issues such as privacy compromisation, lack of control, the commodification of education, and reduced individual capability (Ashman et al., 2014). Personal e-learning systems collect user information to understand the users’ interests and requirements for the learning which violates the privacy of individuals. The system utilizes the user information to show the personal content where the individuals do not have control over the learning content. Hence they are limited to certain personal contents which reduce their individual capabilities.Studies, for example, Zhao et al. (2012) have shown that VCs create a sense of belongingness and keeps the members engaged which results in improving the learning outcome, and users with same age groups are less likely to attrite (Freitas et al., 2015). Studies have shown that engagement is promoted when criteria such as problem-centric learning with clear expositions, peer interaction, active learning, instructor accessibility and passion, and using helpful course resources are met (Hew, 2015). Social interactions through social networking produce an intangible asset known as social capital (Coleman, 1988) in terms of the trust, collective action, and communication. Social capital is positively related to online learning satisfaction in group interactions, class interactions, learner-instructor interactions, as well as increasing students’ e-learning performance in groups (Lu, Yang, & Yu, 2013).The continuous development of mobile technology has expanded the opportunity to learn from mobile devices anywhere, anytime. M-Learning is much more beneficial for accessing education in remote areas and developing countries. The success of M-learning in organizations depends on organizational, people, and pedagogical factors apart from technological factors (Krotov, 2015). A range of mobiletechnologies such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets are embraced by students to support informal learning (Murphy, Farley, Lane, Hafeez-Baig, & Carter, 2014). Learning through mobile devices poses both opportunities as well as challenges; it provides flexibility in learning, on the other hand, it is a limitation for those who do not have connectivity and access to these devices. In student-centered learning especially collaborative and project-based learning, the use of mobile devices can be promoted by the mobile apps (Leinonen, Keune, Veermans, & Toikkanen, 2014). The use of mobile apps along with guidance from teachers integrates reflection in the classroom learning (Leinonen et al., 2014).Cloud computing provides organizations with a way to enhance their IT capabilities without a huge investment in infrastructure or software. The benefits of cloud computing are low cost, scalability, centralized data storage, no maintenance from user side (no software needed), easy monitoring, availability and recovery, and the challenges include it requires fast and reliable internet access, and privacy and security issues (El Mhouti, Erradi, & Nasseh, 2018). The primary factors for adoption of cloud computing in e-learning are ease of use, usefulness, and security (Kayali, Safie, & Mukhtar, 2016). Private cloud inside educational institutes can acquire the additional benefits in non-compromising the security and data privacy concerns associated with cloud computing (Mousannif, Khalil, & Kotsis, 2013). Cloud computing provides support to the online learning platforms to store and process the enormous amount of data generated. The problem of managing the increasing growth of online users, contents, and resources can be resolved by using cloud computing services (Fernandez, Peralta, Herrera, & Benitez, 2012).Future directionsFuture directions of research in online learning are as follows: First, the feedback mechanism used in online learning in institutions has not been used to measure the continuation intention in VCs. Feedback enables learners to define goals and track their progress through dashboard applications to promote awareness, reflection, and sense-making (Verbert et al., 2014). The students who received teachers’ feedback along with online learning achieved better grades than those who did not receivefeedback (Tsai, 2013) and students positively perceive the feedback systems more than the educators (Debuse & Lawley, 2016). Although immediate feedback is one of the dimensions of the flow (Csikszentmihalyi, 2014), the factor has not been studied in a VC context. It is vital for managers to check if feedback on a community post fosters the members’ continuation intention, and they should design user interfaces which encourage providing feedback. Second, it is high time to develop an integrated model for formal learning (online and blended) with VCs for students’ engagement. Informal learning as itself, not limited to the body of knowledge, rather, is the result of the interaction of people via communities of practice, networks, other forms, etc. (Rennie & Mason, 2004). The networked communities build intimacy and support which helps in self-directed learning (Rennie & Mason, 2004) which is an important parameter for online learning. Community commitment (Bateman et al., 2011), immersion (Shin et al., 2013), we-intentions (Tsai & Bagozzi, 2014), sense of belongingness (Zhao et al., 2012), etc. from the VC would help students to continue the engagement for a better learning outcome. Moreover, it is found that collaborative chat participation in MOOCs slows down the rate of attrition over time (Ferschke, Yang, Tomar, & Rosé, 2015). It is of great importance to check if learning outcome improves when the virtual community is integrated or embedded in the learning environment (online and blended). The educators and managers should encourage their students and employees to participate in VCs. Third, the growth of the adoption of mobile devices has expanded the arena of e-learning platforms. Integrating the virtual communities via a mobile platform with online learning can foster the student engagement resulting in higher learning outcome. Fourth, cloud computing has great potential in dealing with the scalability issues arising from the rise in numbers of users, content, and resources in online learning. Furthermore, it can provide tremendous benefits to organizations as well as users in terms of ease of access, flexibility, and lower cost. Although a few studies cover cloud computing infrastructure in education and pedagogic processes, the empirical research on the cloud computing for education is very shallow (Baldassarre, Caivano, Dimauro, Gentile, & Visaggio, 2018). As the mobile devices are often limited by storage space,future researchers are invited to carry out effective research on the integration of cloud computing and mobile learning to understand the factors affecting learning outcome.ConclusionUnderstanding the antecedents of e-learning adoption, continuance, and learning outcomes in online platforms are essential in ensuring the successful implementation of technology in learning and achieving the maximum benefits. This study shows factors such as PU, PEoU, PE, culture, attitude, subjective norms, system and information inhibitors, etc. contribute to the adoption of technology. Factors such as satisfaction, confirmation, user involvement, system quality, information quality, feedback, self-efficacy, social identity, perceived benefits, etc. determine the continuation of technology use. This implies factors for adoption, and continuation intentions vary; the attitude and usefulness of a system are essential for adoption while the experience and satisfaction in the environment lead to continuation intention. It is also found from the literature that the learning outcomes depend on the self-efficacy, collaborative learning, team cohesion, technology fit, learning engagement, self-regulation, interest, etc.The contribution of the paper can be summarized as: understanding the factors that are studied for adoption, continuance, learning outcomes in an online environment, and the provision of future research directions for educators and managers for successful implementation of technology in online platforms to achieve maximum benefits.中文在线学习的采用,持续性和学习成果:文献综述摘要在全世界范围内,使用技术促进更好的学习和培训的势头正在增强,减少了与传统学习相关的时空问题。
全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试介绍及相关信息一、考试性质全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试(China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters -- CA TTI)是受国家人力资源和社会保障部委托,由中国外文出版发行事业局(China Foreign Languages Publishing Administration)负责实施与管理的一项国家级职业资格考试,已纳入国家职业资格证书制度,是一项在全国实行的、统一的、面向全社会的翻译专业资格(水平)认证,是对参试人员口译或笔译方面双语互译能力和水平的评价与认定。
A NOVEL WEB-BASED ONLINE EXAMINATIONSYSTEM FORCOMPUTER SCIENCE EDUCATIONYuan Zhenming1, Zhang Liang2, Zhan Guohua3AbstractWeb-based Examination System is an effective solution for mass education evaluation. We have developed a novel online examination system based on a Browser/Server framework which carries out the examination and auto-grading for objective questions and operating questions, such as programming, operating Microsoft Windows, editing Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint, etc. It has been successfully applied to the distance evaluation of basic operating skills of computer science, such as the course of computer skills in Universities and the nationwide examination for the high school graduates in Zhejiang Province, China.1. WEB-BASED ONLINE EXAMINATION SYSTEM1.1The aim of the examination systemAs a universal examination system for the education of basic computer operation, it must meet the following requirements:1. A reasonable question storage, which must conform to the general outline of the exam.2. A practical interface. There are two types of exam interfaces. One is the simulation, the other is the actual environment. The second scheme will give the student computer skills.3. A range of question types, such as objective questions, operating questions, design questions, information retrieval, group testing, etc.4. A safety and reliable examination system.1.2 The components of WOESThe Web based Online Examination System (WOES) is a multi-layer system which is composed of the Web Server, Database Server, and WOES middleware Server, WOES client module and Browser, such as Internet Explorer. In this system, we use the Internet Information Server 4.0(IIS) as the Web Server, the Database Server is Microsoft SQL Server 7.0.The kernel of WOES is the WOES middleware Serve and the WOES client module, which is designed according to Microsoft DCOM standards. DCOM is the binary COM object’s extension jointing LAN, WAN and Internet, which can instance and bind objects over different network. It is an advanced network protocol used to cooperate with COM based components of two processes in different locations. The WOES middleware Server is a server-side component The WOES middleware Server is a server-side component providing communication interfaces between WOES clients and the Web Server or Database Server. The WOES client is a client-side component, which is called by the Browser to control the client computer and submit or receive information from the WOES Server. This technology guarantees the flexibility and the potential for extension of the test system. In addition, it allows access to local files, whereas in conventional systems, the IE security prevents such access.1.3 The key technologies of WOES1. A user-friendly interfaceWe use br owser as our user’s interface. The Browser interface has a uniform and consistent user interface. Almost everyone is able to use it skillfully. Therefore it can eliminate the differences of various exam systems and guarantee a fair test.2. Simplified system maintenanceSince the system is based on Browser/Server architecture, the teacher can update the system or the question database o examine the student’s database only in Server. It is not necessary to update the client system as the Client/Server must do.3. Central examination managementProfiting from the central controlled system, the teacher can easily control the examination process, such as the beginning and end of the exam, collecting the answers and monitoring the students’ conditions on the te acher’s screen.4. SecurityThe most severe difficulty which the B/S based system faces is security, because in principle the web-based examination system can be accessed on the Internet or WAN in a city.All the questions, materials and answers are transmitted in bits stream format after encoding, not in file format. It can ensure not only security in the transmission process, but also protect from invasion.When one student starts his test, the system will distribute him a password produced according to his client’s hardware and operation system environment. It can prevent cribbers to login from other clients imitating this student.The newest method to prevent the distant student from leaving the client or is making use of face detection and recognition technology. Before the start of the exam, the student is asked to sit in front of thecomputer camera, which can monitor the whole scene. Then the system will automatically recognize the student’s face and his identification. As soon as the validation is performed, the student must stay in front of the camera until the exam is finished.2. AUTO-GRADING SYSTEMThe auto-grading system can automatically grade the answers, which are collected from the examination system. It helps teachers to achieve the score with ease.There are two types of the grading: objective questions and operating questions. Objective questions, such as choice questions, yes/no questions, and fill-in questions, can be graded effectively by accurate matching or fuzzy matching. But it is difficult to grade operating questions by simple matching technologies.A possible solution could be: Reading the answer file directly and comparing it to the key file. But this is not practical because the format of Microsoft Office files is complicated.Another solution is: (2) grading by using the Office OLE object. This method is convenient and efficient, but it has a big disadvantage: the source code of the grading system is closely related to the concrete question, which results in a large amount of work when the questions are changed.We propose a universalized grading system, which is carried out on the basis of a database of key knowledge.First, we extract all possible knowledge points and store them in a triple form: (key, value, location). Then we produce the question file by labeling the question point directly on it; the system will add the corresponding question key to the standard key library. So, the last process of auto-grading system is to compare the answer file with the standard key library. The auto-grading system also allows the teacher to add his /her own questions to our examination system.3. CONCLUSIONWe have developed an overall solution to the examination system for practical computer skills. It provides a user- friendly platform of various questions for the basic computer education in Universities. Hundreds of thousands of students and teachers have used this system and agree that it has effectively raised the learning and testing efficiency.一种新型的基于web的在线考试系统Yuan Zhenming1, Zhang Liang2, Zhan Guohua3摘要基于web的在线考试系统是大众教育评估的一种有效解决方法。
目录一、Analysis of function requirement (2)1 .1Introduction (2)1.2 Use (2)1.3 Operating Environment (5)1.4 The process of using (5)二、Description of technology framework (7)2.1 FRAMEWORK (7)2.2 B/S structure and XML (8)三、Detailed design (9)3.1 General framework design(总体架构设计) (9)3.2 project pictures including the packages and classes. (9)3.3 UML for project, including class diagram, use case and sequence diagram. (14)3.4 Database design. (22)3.5 XML design (25)四、Test (28)4.1 The test strategy (28)4.2 The test cases, include black-box testing, white-box testing and gray-box testing. (37)4.3 Test extreme data (37)五、Analysis of the tough technology and features (38)5.1 xml (38)5.2 eXist (39)5.3 JavaBean (40)5.4 Jquery (40)5.5 Ajax (41)六、Summary about the project and the course (41)七、Appendix (42)7.1 CreateXMLFile (42)7.2 SearchXML (43)7.3 UpdateOperate (48)八、References (54)一、Analysis of function requirement1 .1Introduction1.1.1 The purpose of user's manualThe purpose of this users' manual is to enable users to know more clearly about our system and facilitate the users’ operation. The targeted readers are common users but not experts.1.1.2 BackgroundExplanation:a.Project Name:Pigeon News Publishing System;b.Task author:hao Lic.researchers:Ji JiaXiong,Lin LeiLei,Li XueYun,Zeng Qi;d.Test user:Ji JiaXiong,Lin LeiLei,Li XueYun,Zeng Qi;1.1.3DefinitionMysql----- Open-source Relational databaseeXist-db ------ eXist-db is an open source database management system built using XML technology. It stores XML data according to the XML data model andfeatures efficient, index-based XQuery processing.Xquery-----An XML Query Language;Xpath-------XML Path Language (XML Path Language), which is an XML document used to determine the location of a part of thelanguageJquery----Is a cross-browser JavaScript library, and strengthen the operation between the HTMLand JavaScriptIDE------ also known as integrated design environment or integrated debugging environment is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computerprogrammers for software development.1.2 Use1.2.1 Functiona.Function:a)web developer:For users to browse, manipulate, test, the exam, course selection,registration account。
在线考试系统(OnlineExamSystem) ⽤户设计-|学⽣-|⽼师-|管理员学⽣结构设计-|个⼈信息管理-|修改个⼈信息-|修改登录密码-|选课中⼼-|显⽰所有⽼师所开课的信息可进⾏选课-|显⽰⾃⼰已选课程-|在线考试-|对已选⽼师开设的课程选择进⾏考试-|成绩查询-|查看⾃⼰考试成绩⽼师结构设计-|个⼈信息管理-|修改个⼈信息-|修改登录密码-|课程管理-|显⽰学校开设的课程(⽼师可选择添加课程)-|显⽰⽼师开设的课程-|考试管理-|显⽰⽼师⾃⼰开设的课程-|对课程添加试题(选择、填空、简答)-|查看所开设课程的考试信息(查看该课程学⽣考试情况)管理员结构设计**-|初始教师信息(写⼊⽼师编号,⽼师根据编号才能注册)-|初始课程信息(写⼊课程信息,⽼师可选择课程进⾏开设)数据库⽀撑:管理员表⽼师表学⽣表选择题表 XZe_yi存放正确答案,在前台进⾏调整选项,减少数据冗余。
填空题表这⾥TK_k1, 该题第⼀个空的答案,TK_k2 第⼆个空的答案,类推【这⾥TK_F字段,判断这⼏个答案是否可以乱序回答,例如,请说出四书是那四书,那么此时的答案可能是乱序的。
在线考试页⾯,设计细节:附加函数:1public Random a = new Random();//对试卷选项进⾏排序⽣成随机顺序2public int[] PaiXu() //随机排序,返回⼀个整形数组,长度为4,值为3 4 5 6,不确定值的顺序,⽤于选择题的选项排序3 {4int[] i = new int[4];56 i[0] = a.Next(3, 6);7switch (i[0])8 {9case3: i[1] = a.Next(4, 5); i[2] = 6; i[3] = 9 - i[1]; break;10case4: i[1] = a.Next(5, 6); i[2] = 3; i[3] = 11 - i[1]; break;11case5: i[1] = a.Next(3, 4); i[2] = 7 - i[1]; i[3] = 6; break;12case6: i[1] = a.Next(3, 4); i[2] = 5; i[3] = 7 - i[1]; break;13 }14return i;15 }16页⾯代码:1using System;2using System.Collections;3using System.Configuration;4using System.Data;5using System.Linq;6using System.Web;7using System.Web.Security;8using System.Web.UI;9using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;10using System.Web.UI.WebControls;11using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;12using System.Xml.Linq;13using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;14using DB_;1516public partial class student3 : System.Web.UI.Page17 {18static int[] da = new int[6];//存放答案 xz19int daa = 0;//记录第⼏条 ,答案选项0123 xz20public static string[,] tkda = new string[10, 3];//存放答案 tk 最多⼗条填空,3⽤来标识关键字只有k1-k321public static string[,] jdda = new string[10, 6];//存放答案 jd 同填空题22 DB db = new DB();//创建对象23//------24//⽣成试卷选择5 50 填空5 25 简答题 2 2525//26int xzt = 5, tkt = 5, jdt = 2, xzf = 50, tkf = 25, jdf = 25;27int jdcj = 0, tkcj = 0, xzcj = 0;28static int tkkk = 0;//填空题记录有⼏个空填空29static string Kid = "", Tid = "";30protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)31 {32try33 {3435if (!IsPostBack)36 {37if (Request["kid"] != null && Request["tid"] != null)38 {39 Kid = Request["kid"].ToString();40 Tid = Request["tid"].ToString();41 }42 XZZ();43 TKK();44 JDD();45 }46 }47catch48 { Response.Write("<script>alert('载⼊有误请重新登录!');window.location.href='Login.aspx';</script>"); }495051 }52protected void XZZ()53 {54// MySqlConnection con=null;55try56 {57int tm = 1;58string sqlstr = "SELECT * from XZe_ where XZe_Type='"+Kid+"' and XZe_TeaId='"+Tid+"' order by rand() limit "+xzt; 59// con = db.conntent();60 MySqlDataReader selectcom = db.Select1(sqlstr);//, con61while (selectcom.Read())62 {63 Label j1 = new Label();64 RadioButtonList i1 = new RadioButtonList();65//i1.ID = js.ToString();66 j1.Text = tm.ToString()+". "+selectcom.GetString("XZe_T");//题⽬67 tm++;//1. 2. 3.68int[] a1 = new int[4];//存放随机结果 a[0-3]=>3-669 RepeatDirection Horizontal = new RepeatDirection();//设置单选按钮组为横排70 i1.RepeatDirection = Horizontal;//设置单选按钮组为横排+7172 a1 = db.PaiXu();//使⽤排序得到随机的345673for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)74 {75if (a1[j] == 3) { da[daa++] = j; }76 ListItem a22 = new ListItem();//建⽴列表组77 a22.Value = j.ToString();//⽤于取出value 值与答案⽐较78 a22.Text = selectcom.GetString(a1[j]);//将数据付给listItem 对象79 i1.Items.Add(a22);//添加数据到列表项80 }81 XZ.Controls.Add(j1);82 XZ.Controls.Add(i1);83 }84 }85catch(Exception e) { Response.Write("取数据有错误"); }86finally { }8788 }89protected void TKK()90 {91 tkkk = 0;92int a = 0;93string sqlstr ="SELECT * from tk_ where TK_Type='"+Kid+"' and TK_TeaId='"+Tid+"' order by rand() limit "+tkt;94 MySqlDataReader selectcom = db.Select1(sqlstr);95while (selectcom.Read())96 {97for (int j = 0, i = 3; i < 6; i++)//数据库中答案字段 3-698 {99 tkda[a, j++] = selectcom.GetString(i);100 }101 Label j1 = new Label();//存放题⽬102string abc = selectcom.GetString("TK_T");103string[] arr = abc.Split('_');//⽤ _ 来分割有⼏个空104 j1.Text = "<br />"+ (++a).ToString()+"."+selectcom.GetString("TK_T")+"<br />";//题⽬105 TK.Controls.Add(j1);//添加题⽬到⽹页中106for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length - 1; i++)107 {108 tkkk++;109 TextBox q = new TextBox();110 TK.Controls.Add(q);111//⽣成相应的填空112 }113 }114 }115protected void JDD()116 {117int j = 0;118string sqlstr = "SELECT * from jd_ where JD_Type='" + Kid + "' and JD_TeaId='" + Tid + "' order by rand() limit "+jdt;119 MySqlDataReader selectcom = db.Select1(sqlstr);//, con120while (selectcom.Read())121 {122123for (int a = 0, i = 3; i < 9; i++)124 {125 jdda[j, a++] = selectcom.GetString(i);//i⽤来取数,a⽤来写⼊数组,j⽤来表⽰第⼏条数据126 }127 Label j1 = new Label();//存放题⽬128 j1.Text = "<br />"+ (++j).ToString()+"."+selectcom.GetString("JD_T")+"<br />";//题⽬129 TextBox a1 = new TextBox();130 a1.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine;///设置⽂本框为多⾏输⼊131 a1.Rows = 4;//设置⽂本框的⾏数132 JD.Controls.Add(j1);//添加题⽬到⽹页中133 JD.Controls.Add(a1);//添加⽂本框134 }135 }136protected void LOOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)137 {138 XZCJ(); TKCJ(); JDCJ();139int zz = xzcj + tkcj + jdcj;140string cjj = "insert into xsks_ values('"+Session["id"]+"','" + Tid + "','" + Kid + "',CURDATE( ),'" + zz + "')";141if (db.ZSG(cjj)) { Response.Write("<script>alert('成绩提交成功!你的成绩是 "+zz.ToString()+"');window.location.href='students.aspx'</script>"); } 142else{ Response.Write("<script>alert('成绩提交失败!');</script>"); }143 }144protected void XZCJ()145 {146int j = xzt, i = 0;147try148 {149while (i < xzt)150 {151int xzx = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form[j++].ToString());//*得到选择项152if (da[i++] == xzx)153 xzcj += (xzf / xzt);154 }155156 }157catch158 {159160 }161 }162protected void TKCJ()163 {164165int xx = xzt*2;166try167 {168for (int i = 0; i < tkt; i++)169 {170for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)171 {172if (tkda[i, j] == "") continue;173if (tkda[i, j] == Request.Form[xx++].ToString())174 tkcj += (tkf / tkkk);175 }176 }177178 }179catch180 {181182 }183 }184protected void JDCJ()185 {186187int xx = 2*xzt+tkcj;188try189 {190for (int i = 0; i < tkt; i++)191 {192for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)193 {194if (jdda[i, j] == "") continue;195if (Request.Form[xx].ToString().IndexOf(jdda[i, j]) + 1 >= 1) 196 { if (jdcj < (jdf / jdt))jdcj += 3; else break; }197 }198 xx++;199 }200201 }202catch(Exception e)203 { }204205 }206 }该项⽬已被学姐要⾛。
附录Based on B/S ETAS on-line test system deliberatingBased on B/S ETAS on-line test system deliberating Along with the computer and its the network technology rapid development and the social information level unceasing enhancement, the computer surveyed and appraises the process also to obtain the widespread application in the education. The computer assistance appraisal in the education, the teaching and in the study appraisal process application, has initiated the appraisal content, the method and the form profound transformation. The development, the application can gather the education to evaluate after testing the theory, the method and the modern information technology method on-line evaluates after testing the system, provides for the student individuality study "nimble, convenient, scientific, is fair" "individually melts the study to evaluate after testing the service", has become the education front specially is a important task which the general distance learnings worker faces.Has developed distance learning 20 for many years, has obtained the rich experience in the distance learning aspect, receives the Ministry of Education and the education profession highly takes. Since in 1999, the development "the talented person raise pattern reform and the opening have educated the experiment site" the project, on the one hand positively explores teaching aspect the and so on management pattern, teaching method, teaching method reform, simultaneously also positively is developing the curriculum to evaluate after testing the way the reform, adapts the distance learning development as well as the talented person raise pattern reform and the opening educates the experiment site the need. Therefore, has developed "the on-line test system".The ETAS on-line test system has fully manifested the open design thought. The system not only can load bearing each kind of curriculum (or has custom-made inspection content, like each kind of non- school record education training) the question bank, the volume storehouse or the single wrap examination paper, the implementation curriculum (or has custom-made inspection content) test. Thequestion bank, the volume storehouse or the single wrap examination paper may carry on maintenance as necessary and so on increase, deletion, revision; The data transmission support many kinds of ways, in the network unobstructed situation may through the Internet direct transmission, also may the data which is going to transmit after the network not unobstructed situation pack the encryption to progress the good data transmission the copy to each kind of storage device; The teacher (or appraisal) and the study may register in the certain jurisdiction every time; The system support many kinds of registers for the way, including on-line registers for, the examination site registers for, the single registers for, the batch inducts, the test registration nimble is convenient.The test system evaluates after testing the system since, also is long-distance evaluates after testing the management system management system. Its design based on the graduation school, the level-to-level administration management mechanism, uses the multistage system constitution. The central administrative center is the overall system control center, the provincial level administrative center is this system data relay and the processing center, the examination site is the systematic most basic unit, is directly organizes the examinee to carry on the registration, the test, the collection information terminal. All levels of systems may increase the test content under the certain condition, carries on in the assignment jurisdiction the test organization, simultaneously, the collection formulation test plan, the examinee registration, the examination place arrangement, the examination place management, the examinee take a test, examines test papers with flow and so on result output issue is a body, has had the distance learning management function. These functions realizations enable this system to have the superiority which the campus on-line test system did not have.The system formulation test plan nimble is convenient, can assign the test the time, the test subject, the test use question bank or the volume storehouse, as well as inspection content and test question difficulty and so on; In order to achieve the test secure request, the data encryption uses the multistage encryption the way, defined the question bank and the volume storehouse only can open a time in the test process, strengthened the question bank secrecy. The system broke through the most computers test system topic to be unitary also only to have the objective test question the shortcoming, supported the many kinds of test questions type, the objective test question including the list selected topic, the multi- selected topics, the choice filledup the topic, the judgement topic, fills up the topic, the subjective test question included: The large-scale idea mathematics problem, the medium idea mathematics problem, the small idea mathematics problem, the elaboration topic, Jan answer, the case analysis topic, the solid service topic, the synthesis synthesis. Moreover, but also may hang meets like the IT kind of curriculum simulation experiment, greatly strengthened the system extension and the usability. The system use test question attribute expressed between the test question relations, the test question attribute has the incompatible topic, contains the topic, the smooth topic and so on, scientifically causes the group volume to be effective. The system use knowledge spot, the difficulty, the discrimination, the exposure time many kinds of parameters control test question, carries on the science the group volume, also guarantees the test fairness, also effectively prevented the student cheats the behavior occurrence. The system grades, the objective test question automatically comments reads, the subjective test question transmission comments reads the center to comment reads, and can carries on passing an examination rate to the examinee and the test question, cheats the situation, lacks tests the situation, the result section distribution, test question responding rate and so on the many kinds of statistical analysis, forms to the teaching effective feedback. Considers the examination place partial software and hardware environment the non- unity, but the examination place are partial also is the test important link, the reliability is the system design priority target, in the system uses the data backup machine to preserve all examinees' test result, guaranteed student's test machine in the power cut, dying machine and so on in the situation, can restore to the normal test condition, guaranteed examinee's test data cannot lose.After the system development completes, first has carried on the experiment site in the Beijing TV University. January 15-18, 2003, the Beijing TV University has carried on the WTO knowledge course curriculum test using the test system, altogether had 1,081 people to participate in the test, has supposed three examination places (engine room), has carried on 45 tests. The test carries on very smoothly, does not have any exceptionally.After the Beijing TV University experiment site, starts in the TV University system promotion use, the selection curriculum to cover the region to be broad, but reference population relative less "accounting" and "business management" specialized degree English curriculum. In June 28 on 29th, "business management" and "accounting" specialized degree English on-line test official hold. 42 TVUniversity 180 examination site, 440 numbers of showings, 12,063 people participate in the test, because the entire day power cut, the subordinate branch school outside examination site except the Guangdong Zhongshan examination site because the examination place is unable to induct the examination site arrangement test not to complete, other examination site all quite smoothly have completed the test. On December 7 on 8th, saved the school, 135 examination site, 11,215 examinees in 44 has carried on the second degree test, did not have any exceptionally.After the test had ended, each measure unit to be used believed, ETAS on-line test system design thought advanced, system various modules function complete, movement safe reliable, the operation is simple. The on-line test overcame the traditional test malpractice, the examinee has stochastically obtained the test question on the computer, completed the test, substituted formerly took a test sets the topic of a composition, printing, delivered the topic, the test, receives the volume, grades, ascends classifies a series of operating process, caused the test process to change conveniently, is highly effective, quickly, simultaneously also reduced the test cost, was worth promoting the application.After the test the examinee responded that, Through on-line carries on the test using the computer, provides nimbly for the student, convenient, scientific, is fair individually melts the test service, causes the student namely to namely is the possibility, extremely adapts the characteristic which the adult studies, they welcome very much.The ETAS on-line test system is in under the modern science fast development new situation, for adapts a collection modern distance learning theory, the method and the modern information technology method test system well which the modern distance learning evaluates after testing needs to promote. The system not only has the function which the campus on-line test system has, moreover also had has tested the service management function, fully has manifested the distance learning open characteristic. Its development and use, not only will play in our country distance learning test appraisal the vital role, moreover will have the significant influence to our country distance learning test reform. First, the test system widely is promoted in the TV University opening education school record education the application, takes the traditional written examination the supplement. At present already has completed 50 curricula small question banks, these curricula tests soon complete through the on-line test system; Along with our country economy development and the computerpopularization, it possibly replaces examines by writing, becomes the test the mainstream; Satisfies individually melts the need which the student takes a test, the student may independently choose the curriculum to study, participates in the test every time. Regarding because works the student which or other reasons cannot participate in the curriculum written examination, may complete through the on-line test system; Moreover, this system also will use in the social non- school record education curriculum and the profession authentication project test service; Specially, the test system may use in the Austria huge mythical bird distance learning service platform public service system, serves for our country distance learning curriculum test makes the contribution.Any new software system, always some gradually consummates the process, the ETAS on-line test system also so, at present also has some problems, for example: The system has not solved the examinee identification authentication problem; The question bank construction also must further consummate, the subjective topic test realization also needs to seek a more effective way and so on, unceasingly will develop in the network technology and the test theory today, the test system also further consummates in various aspects.译文基于B/S的ETAS网上考试系统的研讨随着计算机及其网络技术的飞速发展和社会信息化水平的不断提高,计算机在教育测量和评价过程也得到了广泛的应用。
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A. SDL Trados
B. Google Translate
C. MemoQ
D. Microsoft PowerPoint
D. A和B
A. SDL Trados
B. MemoQ
C. OmegaT
D. Apple Pages
6. ______是一种开源的计算机辅助翻译工具,适合个人和小型团队使用。()
06 测试总结与报告
本次测试覆盖了在线考试系统的所有 功能模块,包括用户管理、题库管理、 试卷生成、考试监控和成绩管理等。
在线考试系统在并发用户数为100时, 响应时间小于2秒,且未出现系统崩 溃或数据丢失的情况。
所有测试用例均已执行,其中通过的 用例占比达到95%,剩余5%的用例因 为系统异常或数据问题导致失败。
通过长时间运行测试用例,检测系统在长 时间运行过程中是否出现异常、崩溃等问 题,评估系统的稳定性和可靠性,确保系 统能够持续提供高质量的服务。
05 安全测试
测试不同用户角色(如管理员、教师、学生)的权限设置,确 保各角色只能访问其对应的功能和数据,防止越权操作。
• 在线考试系统概述 • 测试环境与准备 • 功能测试 • 性能测试 • 安全测试 • 测试总结与报告
01 在线考试系统概述
在线考试系统是一种基于互联网的考 试平台,它能够实现考试的全流程自 动化,包括题库管理、试卷生成、在 线考试、自动评分等功能。
该系统旨在提高考试效率、降低考试 成本、方便考生参加考试,同时保证 考试的公正性和安全性。
测试在线考试系统在数据传输过程中是否采用加密技术,确保 数据在传输过程中不被窃取;同时验证数据存储是否加密,防 止未经授权的访问。
1引言 (2)1.1编写目的 (2)1.2背景 (2)1.3定义 (3)1.4参考资料 (3)2总体设计 (4)2.1需求规定 (4)2.2运行环境 (4)2.3基本设计概念和处理流程 (5)2.4结构 (8)2.5功能需求与程序的关系 (8)2.6人工处理过程 (9)2.7尚未问决的问题 (9)3接口设计 (10)3.1用户接口 (10)3.2外部接口 (10)3.3内部接口 (10)4运行设计 (10)4.1运行模块组合 (10)4.2运行控制 (10)4.3运行时间 (10)5系统数据结构设计 (11)5.1逻辑结构设计要点 (11)5.2物理结构设计要点 (12)5.3数据结构与程序的关系 (14)6系统出错处理设计 (14)6.1出错信息 (14)6.2补救措施 (115)6.3系统维护设计 (115)概要设计说明书1引言1.1编写目的由前面的需求分析,的除了系统的基本需求,和基本的用例图,要实现整个系统,需要对用户的需求进行设计,概要设计主要是利用比较抽象的语言对整个需求进行概括,确定对系统的物理配置,确定整个系统的处理流程和系统的数据结构,接口设计,实现对系统的初步设计。
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J2EE文献及翻译1 引言本文分析了Hibernate和Struts的机制,提出了一种基于Hibernate和Struts 的J2EE应用开发策略。
借助于J2EE规范中包含的多项技术:EnterpriseJavaBean(EJB)、Java Servlets(Servlet)、Java Server Pages(JSP)、Java Message Service(JMS)等,开发出了许多应用系统。
但是,在传统J2EE 应用的开发过程中也出现了一些问题:1)数据模型和逻辑模型之间的矛盾。
为了降低代码的耦合性,提高系统的开发效率,本文提出了一种基于Struts 框架和Hibernate框架的J2EE应用开发策略。
2 J2EE开源技术介绍数据持久层及Hibernate,Hibernate是一个数据持久层框架,是一种实现对象和关系之间映射(O/R Mapping)的工具,它对JDBC进行了轻量级的对象封装,使程序员可以使用对象编程思想来操作数据库。
用Struts实现MVC架构MVC(Model-View-Controller)由Trygve Reenskaug提出,首先被应用在SmallTalk-80环境中,是许多交互和界面系统的构成基础。
Struts框架最早是作为Apache Jakarta项目的组成部分问世运做,它继承了MVC的各项特性,并根据J2EE的特点,做了相应的变化与扩展。
Struts框架很好的结合了Jsp,Java Servlet,Java Bean,Taglib等技术。
另外控制组件也负责用相应的请求参数填充Action Form(FromBean),并传给动作类(ActionBean)。
动作类访问核心商业逻辑,即访问Java Bean或调用EJB。
模型以一个或多个Java Bean的形式存在。
在Struts中,主要存在三种Bean,分别是:Action,ActionForm,EJB或者Java Bean。
附件:外文资料原文J2EEAndrew Glover1 IntroductionThis text analysis the mechanism of Hibernate and Struts, put forward 1 kind EE according to the J2 of the Hibernate and the Struts application development strategy.In this kind of strategy, the model layer use a Hibernate realization and see diagram and controller to then use a Struts frame a realization.So can consumedly lower the development efficiency that the Ou of code match sex and exaltation system. The key word Hibernate, Struts, the MVC, hold out for long time a layer one preface along with the Java technique of gradual mature and perfect, Be establishment business enterprise class application ofstandard terrace, the J2EE terrace got substantial of development.Several technique asked for help from to include in the J2 EE norm:Enterprise JavaBean(EJB), Java Servlets(Servlet), Java Server Pages(JSP), Java Message Service(JMS).etc., development many application system.But, also appeared some problem in the tradition J2 the EE the application of the development the process: the antinomy of of data model and logic model.Currently the database of usage basically and all is relation type database, but the Java be essentially a kind of the language which face to object, object at saving with read usage SQL and JDBC carry on a database operation and lowered plait distance of efficiency and system of can maintenance; tradition of J2 EE application much the adoption is according to the EJB heavy weight frame, this kind of frame suitable for develop a large business enterprise application, but usage the EJB container carry on development and adjust to try to need to be waste a great deal of time.For lowering the Out of code to match sex, exaltation system of development efficiency, this text put forward 1 kind EE according to the J2EE of the Struts frame and the Hibernate frame application development strategy.2 Open Source Technology of J2EEDatas' holding out for long time layer and Hibernate is one piece according to hold out for long time layer frame, is a kind of realization object and relation of the tool which reflect to shoot(O/R Mapping), itcarried on the object of the lightweight to pack to the JDBC and make procedure member can usage object plait distance thought to operation database.It not only provided to shoot from Java to reflect of data form, but also provided a data a search and instauration mechanism.Opposite in usage JDBC and SQL to operation database, use a Hibernate ability consumedly of exaltation realization of efficiency.The Hibernate frame use allocation document of the form come to the reflect of the definition Java object and data form to shoot relation, in the meantime at more deep of level of data form of relation explanation for the relations such as inherit of and containment etc. of Java object.Pass the usage HQL language sentence complications of relation the calculate way use the way of object description, to a large extent simplification logarithms according to of search, speed development of efficiency.Have in the Hibernate a simple but keep the API of view, used for to the database mean of object performance search.Want to establish or the modification be these objects, need in the procedure carry on with them to hand over with each other, then tell Hibernate to keep.So, a great deal of pack hold out for long time turn operation of business logic no longer demand write a trivial JDBC language sentence, make data last long thus t h e l a y e r g o t b i g g e s t o f s i m p l i f i c a t i o n.U s e t h e S t r u t s r e a l i z a t i o n M V C s t r u c t u r e MVC(Model-View-Controller) is put forward by the Trygve Reenskaug,first drive application in the environment SmallTalk-80, is many to hand o ve r wi th e ach o the r wi th i nterface system of con sti tu te foundation.According to the need of variable of the interface design, MVC hand over with each other constitute of system to resolve into model and see diagram, controller three part. Model(Model) is software processing problem logic at independence in outside manifestation under contents and form circumstance of inside abstract, packed the core data, logic of problem and function of calculation relation, independence in concrete of interface expression and I/O operation.See diagram(View) mean information and particular form demonstration of model data and logic relation and appearance to the customer.It acquire a manifestation information from the model, there can be many for homology of information dissimilarity of manifestation form or see diagram.The controller(Controller) is a processing the customer hand over with software with each other operation of, its job is control provide model in any variety of dissemination, insure a customer interface among the model of rightness should contact;It accept a customer of importation, give°the importation feedback model, then realization compute model control, is make model and see diagram to moderate work of ually 1 see a diagram rightness should a controller.Model, see separate of diagram and controller, make a model be able to have many manifestation to see diagram.If the customer passa certain see the controller of diagram change the data of model, all other dependence in these see of data diagram all should reflection arrive these variety.When therefore and regardless occurrence what data variety, controller all would variety notice allly see diagram, cause manifestation of renewal.This is actually a kind of variety of m o d e l-d i s s e m i n a t i o n m e c h a n i s m.The Struts frame is to be the item of Apache Jakarta to constitute part to publish luck to do at the earliest stage, it inheritted MVC of each item characteristic, and did according to the characteristics of J2 EE correspond of variety with expand.The Struts frame was good to combine Jsp, Java Servlet, Java Bean, Taglib etc. technique.In the Struts, what to undertake the controller role in the MVC be an ActionServlet.The ActionServlet is an in general use control module.This control module provided a processing all HTTP claim which send out Struts of entrance point.Its interception with distribute these claim to arrive correspond of action type.(these action all of type is Action son type)Moreover the control module is also responsible for using to correspond of claim the parameter fill Action Form(FromBean), and pass action type(ActionBean).Action type the business logic of the interview core, then interview Java Bean or adjust to use EJB.End action type control the power pass follow-up of JSP document, from JSP document born see diagram.All these control logic make use of Struts-config.xml thedocument come to allocation.See diagram in the Struts frame main from JSP born page completion, the Struts provide abundant of JSP label database, this is advantageous to separating performance logic and procedure logic.The model is with 1 or the form existence of several Java Bean.In the Struts, main existence three kinds of Bean, respectively BE:Action, ActionForm, EJB perhaps Java Bean. The Struts frame have no concrete definition model layer of realization, in actually the development, model layer usually is close with business logic connect with each other, and want to carry on operation to the first floor data.The underneath's introduction is a kind of development strategy, lead the Hibernate into the model layer of Struts frame, usage it to carry on a data to pack with reflect to shoot, provide hold out for long time turn of support. 4 usage Hibernate and the Struts development J2 EE application 4.1 system structure diagram 3 manifestation according to Hibernate and Struts development strategy of system structure diagram.Development practice underneath combine a development practice, with in the J2 the EE the application very widespread customer register process for example, elucidation above-mentioned system structure is how concrete usage.The process of register is very clear:Customer from register page login.jsp importation register information, system to register the information carry on verification, if exactitude success register, otherwise hint correspond mistake information. In thedevelopment process, the usage Eclipse be used as development environment and added to carry to provide to the Struts and the Hibernate in the meantime better control and support of three square plug-in MyEclipse, Web server usage Tomcat, the database chose to use Mysql. Carry on an allocation to the Hibernate first, need to the system auto the born hibernate.cfg.xml carry on modification, allocation good database conjunction of various parameter and definition the data reflect to shoot a document.Because the Hibernate take of conjunction pond main used for test, the function isn't very good, can pass JNDI will i t m o d i f i c a t i o n i s u s a g e T o m c a t o f c o n j u n c t i o n p o n d.。