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Give shipping advice

Dear Sir,
We are pleased to have received your L/C No.9891, covering 1,000 dozen “Red Star” Brand Flashlights under our Sales Confirmation No.111 and inform you that the shipment was made on S.S. “Dongfeng” on August 3 for transshipment at Hong Kong.
Enclosed is a set of the duplicate shipping documents consisting of:
(1) Bill of Lading
(2) Commercial Invoice
(3) Packing list
(4) Certificate of Origin
(5) Insurance Policy
Availing ourselves of this opportunity, we appreciate the business you have been able to us and assure you that all future orders will continue to receive our most careful attention.

Urge an early shipment

Dear Sir,
Referring to our Order No.111 for 200 tons of Fuji Apple, so far we have not had definite shipment from you about the exact delivery time, although these goods are contracted for shipment before the end of last month. Our L/C was opened with the Bank of China as early as in June 2007.

We have been inconvenienced by the delay. Please tell us immediately of the earliest possible date of shipment. Otherwise we reserve our right to cancel the order and lodge claims for our losses.

Please look up the matter and give us your definitely reply without further delay.

Dear Sir,
Your letter of 1 August has received our best attention. We apologize for the delay. Today we shipped the goods on S.S. “Hexie” which sails for your port tomorrow.
s.s= steamship (轮船)
Enclosed please find one set of the shipping documents, as follows:
(1) B/L
(2) Invoice
(3) Packing list
(4) Certificate of Quality
(5) Insurance Policy
We are glad to have filled your order after long delay and trust that the goods will reach you in time to meet your urgent need.
We will fill your future orders promptly and carefully.

Amend the shipment

Dear Sir,
Refer to our Order No.111 for six tons of processed polyethylene(聚乙烯) due to be shipped at the end of next month.
However, there has been a great demand for this type of product recently so we have to request you to effect immediate shipment.
We should be grateful if you can meet our requirements. We are awaiting your early reply.
(prompt delivery, find, shipment, direct, steamer, effect, advice of shipment, proved, advise, allow partial shipment, transshipment)
1. we will do our best to ----- shipment to meet your requirements in time.
2. the cargo has been shipped on S.S “Dongfeng” for--- at HK onto S.S. Flying Cloud”
3. as the manufacturers cannot get all the quantity ready at the same time, it is necessary for the contract stipulations to be worded as to----.
4. because there is no--- from here to your port, we suggest that you accept transshipment at HK.
5. we shall ---you by fax as soon as the goods are shipped
6. the---time is June or July at our option and goods will be shipped in one lot.
7. we should like to know whether the shipment th

at arrives has ---to your satisfaction
8. we shall be grateful for---as the goods are needed urgently.
9. we look forward to receiving your-----at an early date
10. enclosed please---a set of duplicate copies of shipping documents

Dear Sir

Your S/C No.1234
Our L/C No. 9876

With reference to the previous exchanges of letters covering the shipment under the L/C, up till now we have not got any news from you about the goods. Please take good note of this matter.

We have told you in our previous letter that our customers are in urgent need of the goods and asked us to promise early delivery. In such circumstances, it is very clear that we cannot extend the L/C any more. So we think we have the responsibility to mention you to pay more attention to the shipment of the goods.

All the parties in question hope you to arrange the shipment as soon as possible. We wish you to fax us telling us how about the shipment without any delay.

Yours faithfully,


Dear Sir
We refer to the 4000 cases of toys under Sales Contract No.214 and are pleased to inform you that we have established with Bank of China, New York Branch the confirmed, irrevocable L/C No 213 in the amount of US$ 6813, valid up to May 15.
? to refer to the (goods) under Contract No 111

Please see to it that the above mentioned goods are to be shipped before May 15 and the insurance is covered for 130% of the invoice value against All Risk.
请注意:上述货物务必于5月15日前装运,并将按发票金额的130% 投保一切险。
the amount of the insurance and the types of the risks

As we understand that as per your customary practice you only insure the shipment for 10% above the invoice value, the extra premium for additional coverage shall be for our account.
由于我方能理解,按照你方惯例,你们只按发票金额的110% 投保,那麽额外的保险费将由我方负担。
method of payment

Please arrange insurance according to our request and meanwhile we are expecting your shipping advice.

Dear Sir
We have received your letter of January 23, asking us to insure the goods for an amount of 30% above the invoice value.

Although it is our usual practice to take out insurance for the invoice plus 10%, we are

prepared to comply with your request for getting cover for 130% of the invoice value.
However, the extra premium will be for your account. Please take note of the above.

Dear Sir
In answering your letter of July 2 in regard to insurance, we would like to inform you of the following:
1. All Risk: Generally we cover insurance WPA & WAR RISK in the absence of definite instructions from our clients. If you desire to cover ALL RISK, we can provide such coverage at a slightly higher premium.
2. Breakage: Breakage is a special risk, for which an extra premium will have to be charged. The present rate is about ----%. Claims are payable only for that part of the loss which is more than 5%.
We trust the information will serve your purpose and await your future news.

Dear Sirs,

We refer to our Purchase Confirmation No.111 for 5,000 Tons of Cotton. We are notifying that we have opened through Bank of China a confirmed, irrevocable Letter of Credit No.333, totaling USD 88000, the L/C shall remain in force till 31st December.

Please see to it that the above mentioned articles should be shipped before the end of December and the goods should be covered insurance for 130% of the invoice value against All Risks.

We know that according to your usual practice, you insure the goods only at invoice value plus 10%, therefore, the extra premium will be for our account.

Please arrange insurance as per (根据) our requirements, and we await you advice of shipment.

Yours faithfully,

Chapter 12
1. we have covered insurance on 1,000 cases of beer for 110% of the invoice against all risks.
2. if you desire us to insure against a special risk, an extra premium will have ti be charged.
3. we are able to cover all kinds of risks for transportation by sea, land and air.
4. do you cover risk rather than WPA and war risk
5. it is important for you to read the “fine print” in any insurance policy so that you know what kind of coverage you are buying.
Chapter 11
1. different goods require different packing
2. buyers always pay great attention to packing
3. generally speaking, buyers bear the charges of packing
4. we would like to hear what you say concerning the matter of packing
5. please pack the goods very carefully
6. the packing are in good order
7. it is necessary to improve the packing
8. what do you think of the packing for fireworks?
9. we agree to use cartons for outer packing
chapter terms of payment
1. 连线题目
1. D
2. L
3. E
4. F
5. I
6. G
7. K
8. H
9. A
10. B
11. C
12. J
2. 翻译
1. this charge would involve a lot of extra expenses
2. this problem would involve us in no small trouble
3. we find it necessary to request you to amend your L/C as allowing transshipment, failing which the delivery of this order will by force be delayed beyond the date of contract
4. in order to avoid subsequent amendments please see to the following

5. as the amount of L/C No.4048 is incorrect, please correct it to US$4648 and advice to us
3. 填空题
1. Terms
2. International
3. Letter
4. Ideal
5. For
6. Trade
7. Gives
8. Grants
9. Issue
10. Amount
11. And

Trade form
Dear Sir,
We have obtained your name from the Chamber of Commerce in your country that you are handling the export business of A goods. They told us that you are not directly represented in New York, so we are writing you today to offer you our services as your sole agent.
We have a well-developed sales organization and are represented by a large staff all over the country. We have confidence that there will be promising prospects of a very profitable market for your products, because nowadays there is a growing demand for such goods.
In view of the wide connections and experience in pushing the sales of this line, we think we can work up a very satisfactory business with you in the future. If you think a 6% commission on net sales is reasonable and other terms satisfactory, we are sign a long term contract with you.
We would refer you to the Bank of ABC as our credit reference if you want to get some information about our financial and credit standing.
We are waiting for your favorable reply and feel sure that we could come to an agreement.

1) 代理处自1月1日起开始营业,为期2年,可以续约延长。
2) 我方将给予5%的佣金。
3) 代理处不能为你方自己的利益或其他商号或公司的利益,推销与我公司相竞争的产品。
4) 所有客户定单需尽快送给我公司,以便直接供应货物。
5) 未经我公司同意,不得给予或承诺任何客户赊帐条件。
6) 协议项下的异议,由仲裁解决。

Here is an extract from a telephone conversion between a fashion designer, Mary, and a clothes manufacturer, Jane. Write an e-mail message to Rina telling her the details of this conversion by following an outline as supplied below.
M: Did you get the photographs I sent?
J: yes there are really good. I like them a lot. Now, when you are you coming to Milan?
M: Soon, next month maybe, I will come at the end of the month.
J: and will you bring the new designs?
M: of course! Not only the designs, I will bring the clothes. They are already made and you can see them whenever you like.
J: I know Rina wants to see them. I will tell her you are coming next month.
M: fine, oh, by the way. Rina still owes me some m

oney, you know. I think she has probably forgotten. She said the money would be in my bank last Tuesday and it has not arrived yet.
J: okay, I will tell her. That is all, isn’t it?
M: yeah, I think you. Can you ask Rina to call me? I will be in all day Friday.
J: Okay, I will tell her. Bye for now.

12 claim

Dear Sir,
We have been told by the transportation agency that 200 Tea Sets under the Sales Contract No. 111 by S.S. “Hongqi” arrived at our port. Much to our regret, about 20% of the packages were seriously damaged with contents shattered to pieces and the out bands broken.
? 1. to inform the partner about the matter of claim
We immediately invited qualified surveyors to the spot to look into the case, and their findings show that this was due to careless packing. A detailed survey report will be dispatched to you.
2. to illustrate the reasons
These damaged packages cause us considerable difficulty and it is hard for us to dispose of it.
3. to show your attitude
In accordance with the stipulations (规定) of the sales contract, we think the tea sets should have been packed in strong seaworthy wooden cases suitable for long distance ocean shipment. We are obliged to hold you are responsible for the damage and claim on you for compensation for the loss thus incurred.
? 4. to list your suggestions about the problem
Meanwhile our buyers are urging us to settle the case immediately. Please inform us of what you decide to do regarding our losses. We are awaiting your prompt reply.

Dear Sir
Re: Shipment of 2000 tins Chinese Bees Honey-per S.S. “Hongqi”
We regret to inform you that on opening the package of this shipment, we find the color unsatisfactory—most of the material being of Amber, a small part even of Dark Amber. In any case the color cannot be described as Light Amber.
1. to inform the partner about the matter of claim
Not meeting the requirements of the users, the goods have been rejected by our customers and thrown upon our hands. We cannot dispose of them even at a heavy loss.
? 2. to illustrate the reasons
? 3. to show your attitude
Enclosed is a survey report in support of our statement, together with our debit note (收款通知单) No. 222 for $500, which is based on our estimate of the smallest amount of the total loss.
We should appreciate a prompt settlement.

We thank you for your letter of March 11, 2008, but it was great regret that we heard the color of honey is unsatisfactory.
? To express your regret

After a check-up by our staff, it was found that sale package is not up to the standard, thus resulting in quality of product has been influenced, for which we tender our apologies.
? To show the result of survey

In view of our long-term business relations, we will make payment for $5000 into your account.
? To show your plan of solving this problem


ile, please accept our apologies for the trouble caused to you.
? To apologize again

We trust the above arrangement that we have made will satisfy you.
? Hope partner will be satisfied.

We thank you for your letter of March 11 2008, but it was with great regret that we heard 20% of the packages damaged.
? 1. to show your regret

We can assure you that the goods in question were in perfect condition when they left here. We have the clean B/L to support that we say. Maybe the damage complained of must have occurred in transportation.
? 2. to inform the result of survey

We consider a matter for you to claim on the shipping company who should be held responsible.
? 3. to give your suggestion

Based on the consideration, we find no grounds in compensate for the loss you claimed for.
? 4. to show your attitude (cannot accept).

Dear Sirs,
We are pleased to enclose a Credit Note No.985 for US$95.00 in full payment of your claim for damage to your Order No.105.
We realize only too well that we cannot make up for the inconvenience caused to you, but we will endeavor to satisfy and please you in every future transaction.
We have been making every effort to see to it that the quality of the goods shipped from our factory merits your confidence by giving the best service, but difficulties sometimes do arise in spite of all precautions to prevent them.
We again appreciate your cooperation and we are certain that our friendly relation will continue to develop as in the past.
Yours sincerely,
