魔兽编辑器 (1)


《魔兽争霸3》地图编辑器教学《魔兽争霸3》地图编辑器教学1有朋友反映魔兽争霸III 地图编辑器不太会用,我想也是,因为它比SC的地图编辑器要难的多(但是要好玩过),因此找了一些教学手册放上,希望会对大家有所帮助!World Editor 的集成界面各位好:)World Editor(以下简称WE)界面可分为以下几个部分:一、菜单栏:这是多数应用程序都有的部分,大多数的命令在这里被分门别类的放入菜单。
WE的工具栏从左向右数过来分:1、文件操作功能 - 新建,打开,保存2、剪贴板操作功能 - 剪切,复制,粘贴3、步骤操作功能 - 撤消,重做4、选取工具。
(很多朋友都问过这个问题)5、其它编辑模块功能 - 除了最基本的第一个地形编辑窗口,还包括了触发器编辑器,声单编辑器,兵种单位编辑器,已存在对象浏览器等。
有些鸡肋的功能,必需在WARCARFT 3没有运行时才能用,点击后会将当前地图保存到MAPS/TEST/WorldEditTestMap.w3m,然后自动运行WAR3并建立一个名为WorldEdit的单机账号,使用此账号进入CUSTOM GAME读取该地图。
[VIP专享]魔兽地图编辑器教程—鹰 (二)
![[VIP专享]魔兽地图编辑器教程—鹰 (二)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8c6010d433687e21af45a9c6.png)

WarCraftⅢ World Editor(简称WE),是暴雪巨作《魔兽争霸Ⅲ》所附带的功能强大的地图编辑器。
是不是已经等不及了?让我们赶快启动WE来制作属于你的一部舞台剧!WE由四个主编辑器还有个功能强大的物件管理器(Object Manager)组成。
四大编辑器分为地形编辑器(Terrain Editor)、单位编辑器(Unit Editor)、触发编辑器(Trigger Editor)、音效编辑器(Sound Editor),四者关系如图,其中要属地形编辑器和触发编辑器功能最为强大。
本文将以四大编辑器为主线介绍WE,并以官方RPG地图WarChasers 的制作方法为例,由浅入深地讲解构建一幅魔兽地图的思路。
(注:本文使用的软件为英文版WarCraft World Editor 1.05版)搭建舞台场景——地形编辑器WE基本元素之一。
通过魔兽争霸快捷程序组运行World Editor之后看到如图1界面,这便是最基础的地形编辑器。
魔兽地图编辑器技能新手教程(Warcraft map editor skills novice tutorial)

魔兽地图编辑器技能新手教程(Warcraft map editor skills novicetutorial)Warcraft map editor - skills section guide (turn)If you have read the introduction of the unit, I believe you are not so strange to WE, so now we begin to explore the skills of warcraft. Before starting, I would like to clarify that in order to take care of the novice, I can only understand the skills more easily, explain them in a narrower sense, and explain only the common features of skills.First of all, skills are divided into 3 categories: unit skills, hero skills, and item skills.1. Unit skills: skills need not be learned and can not be upgraded automatically. As long as the unit has the skills, it can be used.Prompt:1. No matter how much you set the unit of skill level, but on the unit on the default is 1, but this is not to say that the unit skill is useless, after the trigger text (Trigge), we can transform the skill level to trigger.2. Hero skills: skills, turn. Shoot tip also satisfied the construction of disaster Hui Mo Shan Ao Ding, the young, because of the ash was a pile of words was a hero skills shortage Yi Di?.3. Product skills: skills need not be learned, and can not be upgraded automatically. As long as the unit has the goods with this skill, it can be used only in the role of the goods.Prompt:In Warcraft, 3 types of skills are not explicitly limited by category, and each skill category can be changed by setting. That is to say, hero skills can be set to unit skills, units, skills, items, skills, and so on, so that we change the characteristics of the various skills into commonalities.First of all, we have to do some of the same steps.Step:1. Open WE and press F6 to open the object editor.2. Click on the skills editor bar and select the human hero focus halo on the tree branch that appears on the right.3. Ctrl - C replication, Ctrl - V paste, shows a focused halo skill in the custom branch.OneScoring timesAlthough very old, but very practical strength + 50 agility + 50 intelligence + 50 F coin + 50DonghailwCollection sharing scoreReply to reference subscriptions TOPSend a short messageAdd to good friendsAt at DEG up = offlineEssence 0 strength, 66 agility, 74 intelligence, 62 prestige, 0 F coins, 70 read authority 10Registered members (Junior)UID996653 post 12 points 235, read permissions 10, online time 2 hours, registration time 2009-4-16, finally login 2009-4-18 2 floorAt at DEG up = published in 2009-4-17 16:34 | only see the author image classShadow effects: set the effects of light and shadow, such as the red lightning of the finger of death, and the chain lightning of the prophet.Prompt:1. The effect of light and shadow is to create 1 lightningeffects between 2 points. What is called lightning effect? It is the effect of variable length and fast propagation, like lightning, whose starting point is to release the unit's position and terminate it at the target unit.2. Not any skill that has starting and ending points can be set up with light and shadow effects, skills with light and shadow effects, chain lightning, death fingers, medical waves, and so on.3. You can set the most light effect skills can only have 1 kinds of lighting effects, such as: the means of death, mana, but individual skills can have 2 types of lighting effects, such as: medical chain lightning wave, this skill lighting effects is divided into primary and secondary two, between the main need is cast the unit and the first unit lighting effect between secondary and subordinate units is the superior target unit lighting effects. But if only 1 shadows are set, then the main and minor lighting effects are the same.Name: make animation unit release skills when the action, general common action: Attack (attack action), walk (walking action), stand (standing action), spell (Magic action), death (death action) and so on, we can find what they want in action WE.Prompt:1. Some units do not have the action mentioned above, because the actions in each unit model file are different, and the names of actions are different.2. Find the action unit in WE, through the WE window in the command panel unit for open panel unit, the unit in the unit to find out the panel, then WE in the left side of the object will appear in the observation window units, units will show the motion of animation and animation.3. Some animations have some parameters, such as Attack - 1, Attack - 2, Attack, Slam, Stand, victory, and so on. When we set up the animation, we should set it this way, such as: Attack - 1, set to:/ / attack/ / oneAgain: Stand, victory, Attack, Slam, set to:Stand / / attack / // / victory,/ / slam.Reply reference TOPSend a short messageAdd to good friendsAt at DEG up = offlineEssence 0 strength, 66 agility, 74 intelligence, 62 prestige, 0 F coins, 70 read authority 10Registered members (Junior)UID996653 post 12 points 235, read permissions 10, online time2 hours, registration time 2009-4-16, finally login 2009-4-183 floorAt at DEG up = published in 2009-4-17 16:35 | only see the author icon - closed set can be opened or closed after opening the skill icon, such as: Invincible riding after opening the icon of st..Icon - General: sets skill icons.Icon - Research: sets icons for learning skills, that is, icons when added.Image - target: set the target's skill, image, and effect after release. That is, display an image model file on your casting target.Prompt:1. Image - the target can only target skills with definite goals, that is, individual skills. Generally only set 1, more useless, but individual skills can be set more than one.2. Image - target skills, image effects will not last, can only exist for a short time, how short? That is, the 1 image animationtime, such as the image model file you set without animation, will not display.3. Image target set so that we can easily change the image effect, show the target unit applying method in other words, it can make us more COOL skills, such as: we can be the paladin image - Divine Light skills goal setting riding skills sanctification revival effect, so that the use of the sacred the light to ally with blood, there will be a light effect or angel drop from the clouds.Image target add point: sets the image - the image effect of the target, which can be created on the target unit. The maximum is 6, and the minimum is default 0. This 0 is not representative of no, but is related to the setting of the image the target, not set in the large and useless. As long as the image is set - the target, the image will be created.Image - target add point 1: sets the position of the first target image created on the target unit. Image target add point2/3/4/5/6: the same.Prompt:1. Novice to image target additional points may be difficult to understand, for example: when we get the ball lightning items, there will be a lightning ball rotation in our arms, this is to create 1 lightning ball animation in weapons, his additional point is weapon (weapon), and in the US shadowstrike poison behind you a black kid, the kid is the additional point overhead (head), so perhaps you will understand.2. Because of the additional point is a very large string library, so I quote analysis of Changfeng long:Reply reference TOPSend a short messageAdd to good friendsAt at DEG up = offlineEssence 0 strength, 66 agility, 74 intelligence, 62 prestige, 0 F coins, 70 read authority 10Registered members (Junior)UID996653 post 12 points 235, read permissions 10, online time 2 hours, registration time 2009-4-16, finally login 2009-4-18 4 floorAt at DEG up = 16:35 published in 2009-4-17 | just look at the main part of the author:Overhead floats on top of the unit, but does not move with unit movementsThe head is on the head of the unit and shakes with the action of the head of the unitChest is on the chest of the unit and shakes with the chestmovements of the unitOrigin preset, that is, in the unit position, will not shakeThe hand hand (sometimes indistinguishable from the weapon) will go hand in handThe foot of the foot moves with the footWeapon weapons will move with weapons, usually at the half of the weapon's position or tipSprite tour match, ELF (only for architecture, mechanical units and heroes blood is blood) turn around the sphere, with the following first second third fourth fifth sixth, but not all buildings or machinery are the six position, the six position is different for things. When you use it, you can test yourself. If not decorated, defaults to firstThe medium intermediate (only valid for the building) matches the following first second third fourth fifth sixth, and the test results are valid for the last part.Large whole (valid only for buildings) ibidMount mounts (valid only for mounts), see below for example Rear (for a quadruped or a horse) is their butt position Position and position correction:Left on the left (such as hand left = left hand, enter left, hand, too)Right rightRallypoint assembly point,The rally point, however, is the default rally point location, which does not change as you click in the gameSpecific collocation is very much, probably have:Left, chest, right, chest, left, mount, right, mount, left, hand, right, hand, left, rear, right, rear, mount, rear, left, foot, right, foot, weapon,, left, weapon, rightExample: take the Terran Knight (because he has almost everything) and the effects are flagsOn the right side of the ground, the origin- moves along with the rider, unaffected by his modified movementsHand = right hand/hand Right in the right hand, hand waving flag willLeft hand/hand Left on the left hand.Head- is on his head, and when he turns his back, the flag moves (no left, head, and right head)Chest chest is advancing forward, the flag isLeft, chest=left, mount=mount, left=chest, left, right, chest=right, mount=mount, right=chest, right:, on one side of the body, will moveLeft/right: on the left / right front leg will move with the legsRear=right rear: on the right hind leg (the horse's legs)Left rear: on left hind legMount: on the horse's headMount, rear, ass on the horseFoot= (right, foot) =rightLeft foot=leftWeapon left (not written left weapon): left handed weapon tipWeapon=weapon right: right handed weaponAlso, 1 does not have statements such as overhead, left//origin, left, and so onReply reference TOPSend a short messageAdd to good friendsAt at DEG up = offlineEssence 0 strength, 66 agility, 74 intelligence, 62 prestige, 0 F coins, 70 read authority 10Registered members (Junior)UID996653 post 12 points 235, read permissions 10, online time 2 hours, registration time 2009-4-16, finally login 2009-4-18 5 floorAt at DEG up = published in 2009-4-17 16:35 | at the beginning of 2 if you are using the wrong words such as: left eye will only perform meaningful part is from left to right left; if eye in left is what is not executed.Finally, in a word, not all units have additional points above.Arrow tip: set the arrow image release skills.Prompt:1. This is the image and arrows unit setting as well as in the image is you shoot the target hitting skills. Which skeleton does death roll over?. If we put this removed, then this skill will not see from the image, this to our editor some acute skills helpful, such as: we will Hill storm hammer arrows skills removed, in the setting of image target for monsoon, it will see a lightning drop from the clouds hit the target, then thetarget he was stunned. Or a COOL?2. Not all skills can be set to the original arrow skill, can use some skills.Arrow speed: flight speed skill set of arrows. This is what I said in my unit. If it's too late, when your second skills are issued, your first skill hasn't hit the target yet.Image - button - off - X: the set of skills can be opened or closed after opening the horizontal position of the icon. It is a skill icon in the command bar unit horizontal position.Image - button position - off - Y: sets the open position of the icon after opening the skills that can be turned on or off.Image button position - General - X/Y: sets the position of the skill icon.Image button position - Research - X/Y: location of skill icons when setting learning skills.Prompt:1. The location of the skill icon is as follows:X0, Y0, X1, Y0, X2, Y0, X3, Y0X0, Y1, X1, Y1, X2, Y1, X3, Y1X0, Y2, X1, Y2, X2, Y2, X3, Y22. Between skill and skill icon positions, it is best not to overlap, so that skills may be invisible. If positions overlap, skills can be hidden, but passive skills work just as well, which suggests a way to hide skills. But he's not 100% useful, maybe this is a WE for BUG.Image caster: the same image - the target, but it acts on the head of the skilled release.Status classInfluence area: the area where skills are set.Prompt:1. This only attack on the circumferential surface of skills, such as: tau warstomp, Hill thunder, various aura, shock wave have no effect on the skill, for a class of plane shock wave attack skills, in his class settings in the relevant items can be set.2. The principle is to set the radius of the attacking circle area at the center of the caster. A screen's width is about 2000.Permission: sets the unit type of skill that may be applied or acted upon, as specified in the unit's text.Prompt:1. A skill set allows, I can say the reference unit in text setpermits, not to say it like units in truth, a little change can be, but when you want to set the skills to allow for dramatic change when you follow the unit of change is allowed no, because each skill set is allowed to set up WE in advance, that is what kind of skills will be what kind of set allowed, much like ID, where his set allows ID to change or chaos, this skill will not achieve the effect you want. So at this point, we're going to find exactly what we want and allow about the skills that will be allowed to be copied and pasted, and then changed in the smallest range.Duration unit: sets the duration of skills to common units.Duration - Hero: sets the duration of skill to hero.Reply reference TOPSend a short messageAdd to good friendsAt at DEG up = offlineEssence 0 strength, 66 agility, 74 intelligence, 62 prestige, 0 F coins, 70 read authority 10Registered members (Junior)UID996653 post 12 points 235, read permissions 10, online time 2 hours, registration time 2009-4-16, finally login 2009-4-18 6 floorAt at DEG up = published in 2009-4-17 16:36 | only see the author suggests:1. The duration of effect only, to have lasting effects of skills such as: Paladin time invincible, hill stormbolt stun time shadowstrike poisoning time and so on, with no lasting effect on the skills of the role.2. The duration is 0, not without, but forever, until the unit dies. So the minimum spell time is 0.01 seconds.3. Duration is also related to the time of magic effect (spell effects will be explained below).Item skills: setting this skill is an item skill. False is false, True is true.Hero skill: setting this ability is a heroic skill. False is false, True is true.Prompt:1. If the above 2 items are False, then this skill is the unit skill.Special effects: set skills, special effects, is an image effect.Prompt:1. Special effects only work with set durations and face attacks, such as prophetic earthquakes, Lich deaths, withering, etc..2. Special effects only affect the areas of the cast, not on units, such as the prophets, the rising volcanoes of the earthquake, the shadow of the Lich's death, the shadow.3. Replace or remove the effects will not affect the function of the skill, but the image effect, such as: the quiet effects for deer prophet of the earthquake, so the display will be quiet, the image effect of the earthquake, but still quiet in action.4. Special effects can be edited in detail: for example, we can change the shadow of the Lich's death to the holy light of the Lich or the frost star of the lich. This will allow us to personalize our skills and create new skills. Its specific editing process is:A. in the object editor, select the magic effect bar, and find the special effects you want to edit in the tree branch on the left (you can use the editor's search command to find it), remember that special effects are not magic effects.B. select the effect you want to edit, the right side will appear the corresponding settings, and now you can edit your own special effects, but the general effects of additional points, please do not change, because the effect is in the area of the effect.C. finally use your editing effects in your skills.Magic effect: sets the skill magic effect, which is an image effect.Reply reference TOPSend a short messageAdd to good friendsAt at DEG up = offlineEssence 0 strength, 66 agility, 74 intelligence, 62 prestige, 0 F coins, 70 read authority 10Registered members (Junior)UID996653 post 12 points 235, read permissions 10, online time 2 hours, registration time 2009-4-16, finally login 2009-4-18 7 floorAt at DEG up = published in 2009-4-17 | only see the author that 16:36:1. The magic effect only works with set duration skills, such as the paladin's invincibility, the storm hammer of the fall, the Lich's death, the aura, and the skills2. The magic effect only in the target body, and moves with the target unit is mobile, continuous display, duration and duration related, such as: the mask ride invincible, halo mountain autumn storm hammer stun unit, the Lich unit head ofthe black death and decay (generally small fire no attention)3. Replacing or removing magic effects does not affect skill, but magic effects change.Such as: the paladin riding the focus of the magic effect of halo replaced blood ring, then each unit will show blood halo effect, but the role is still focused halo. If you take out the magic effect, general skills can not see the magic effect, but some skills as part of the effect, such as shadowstrike poisoning damage per second (it is inexorably hangs on. ah).4. Magic effects can be edited specifically, with the same effect editor. The magic effects and effects are explained here. Unlike editors, the icons in the effects editor are useless in the game, and the icons of magic effects are displayed in the status bar of the unit.Level: how many levels can set skills?.Prompt:1. This is generally only heroic, because skill is only useful at 1 levels no matter how many levels you set.2. Not the unit skills are useless. We can use the Trigger Editor to set its level of change, which will be explained in the next trigger section.3. Item skills are totally useless.Rating: sets the level of skill required for hero learning, only valid for hero skills.Skip setting requirements: learning level requirements, the default 0 for each of the 2 stage of learning.Magic release time: set the time before the spell is released, that is, let your units do enough to release the magic. Typical representative: bloodmage's fire.Magic release interval: set the time after the release of magic.Magic: scope between skill set casters and target unit distance, if you want to do BT skills, the modified high can be scary, as we have seen with death and decay of the Lich fight each other in their base base.Mana cost: sets the skill to display the required mana.Tech tree - whether to use: set skills, and whether or not to use technical restrictions. If so, skills must be completed to build the relevant technology.Tech tree - Requirements: set up technologies for limiting.Tech tree - requirements level: the level of technology that must be restricted to set.Prompt:Reply reference TOPSend a short messageAdd to good friendsAt at DEG up = offlineEssence 0 strength, 66 agility, 74 intelligence, 62 prestige, 0 F coins, 70 read authority 10Registered members (Junior)UID996653 post 12 points 235, read permissions 10, online time 2 hours, registration time 2009-4-16, finally login 2009-4-18 8 floorAt at DEG up = published in 2009-4-17 16:36 | at the beginning of 1. If you're doing a RPG map, you can usually remove all of the tech restrictions.After finished the above, most people may still feel at a loss of skills, that's for sure, because I only speak skills and common characteristics of all skills but did not speak anything, not the lazy, but WE skills in 100 - a large quantity, but shallow and simple to understand, so if I this is one point to some trivial. In order to vivid understanding of skills, skills to inspire people to study, I will try some skill for everyone to see:Skill 1: a frost star with a face attack.Skill: a thunder strike on the hill.Step 1: change the thunder strike icon and name to frost stars. Step 2: remove the strike image from the casterStep 3: change the duration of the thunder strike to 2 seconds.Step 4: find the frost star in the object editor's skill bar and copy its image - the target item.Step 5: find the thunder strike magic effect in the object editor's magic effects bar, paste it on its image - the target item.Step 6: remove the thunder strike magic effect icon.Step 7: assign skills to a hero and place some enemy unit tests.If you are successful, you can try to change the blood mage skills storm.Skill 2: a mass attack on the finger of death.The prophet's chain lightning.Step 1: change the link lightning icon and name to the icon of the finger of death.Step 2: change the 2 lighting effects of chain lightning to the finger of death.Step 3: turn the chain lightning image into a special image of the death finger - special.Step 4: modify the relevant data of the skills and attack power.Step 5: assign skills to a hero and place some enemy unit tests.If you are successful, you can try to change the forked lightning skills trial of Garner.Skill 3: reduces the enemy's defense aura.True skill: the concentrated halo of paladin.Step 1: change the icon and name of the focused aura to the name you like.Step 2: hold Shift double click (allowing you to enter negative numbers), focus on Halo data - armor rewards, enter -100 insideStep 3: find the slowing aura in the object editor's skill bar (using the find command in the editor) to locate, allow, copy, paste, and paste into your concentration aura.Step 4: find the focus halo magic effect in the object editor's magic effects bar, change the icons inside to the chart you set, and introduce the anti aura as well.Step 5: assign skills to a hero and place some enemy unit tests.If you are successful, you can try other auras such as evil auras.The above example is only a small change, but we can find a forest, or it can be said that every skill in WE is a forest, waiting for you to use it to discover it.。

如果你有以上两点条件的话,呵呵,那么请继续往下看吧,你一定会有所收获的!第一章:认识WE第一节相关的名词及概念相信有些新手们还不知道什么是WE吧!呵呵,WE就是W orld Editor的简写啦,译做中文应该是叫做世界编辑器,这个东西就是大多数地图制作者们的工具了,你只需要在魔兽的安装目录下就能找到了。
没有T,那么你的地图就只是一张好看的摆设罢了(由于这是新手教学贴,所以在以下的课程里面会专门提出来进行讲解,现在暂不讨论)关于JASS,我想还是有很多人听说过JASS吧,这个的确是个好东东,功能比T还要强大,但是需要一定的程序设计能力的人才会用了吧,这对于新手来说更是不沾边的了,所以在本教程中不涉及讨论!如果各位有兴趣的话可以自己去找点相关的教程!另外的几个相关东东:物品管理器,声音管理器及输入管理器将在具体的制图过程教学中提到!第二节熟悉WE 不知怎么说呢,大多数地图作者都必须经历的一个过程吧:修改地图。

模型分为两种格式一个.mdx一个.blp举个例子123.mdx123.blp导入后默认是war3....\123.mdxwar3....\123.blp一般都不能用我们就要修改 .blp的路径注意 .mdx的路径是不用修改的- -修改有以下两种路径war3....\123.mdx(默认,不修改)textures\123.blp或者war3....\123.mdx123.blp(就是删除路径)不管模型里有多少个.mdx 和 .blp都之用修改.blp的路径PS:修改路径完毕后必须关闭一次WE再启动- -...才能看到效果- -不然还是绿格子哦- -~`耶耶- -现在是正式的~模型导入具体来说,可以分为单位模型,武器模型,效果技能模型导入等等。
首先,将牛头人的ZIP 文件打开。
你应该看见一个叫做“ tauren champion ”的文件夹。
其中两个文本文件(README 文件)我们不需要,所以不去管它,文本文件一般是用来提示你一些信息的。
分别叫做“ Taurenarcher.blp ”“ taurenchampion.blp ”“ taurenchampin.mdx ”。
其中,BLP 文件是皮肤文件,MDX 文件是模型文件。
(武器模型文件有时候只有MDX 文件而没有BLP 文件。
好了,现在打开你的魔兽地图编辑器,就是World Editor 。
打开后点击“导入管理器”(或者按F12 )如图。
(也可以按快捷方式进,就是按F12 。


1.题目:为什么在地图中添加英雄后英雄可以无限次召唤如何更改?答:地图设置问题打开WE后选择"高级-游戏平衡性常数"出现图:选择"科技树-等价物-祭坛"改出现图:添加新的英雄单位即可..............................我是分割线............................2.题目:如何找到地形设置并防止到地图上?答:打开WE 按U(单位栏)将"单位面版"改为"地形面版" 即可找到图:..............................我是分割线............................3.问:什么是魔兽地图编辑器,在哪里有答:在魔兽根目录下有这个编辑器,它的名字叫--World Editor 问:如何将英雄等级上限设置超过10级答:在菜单栏高级>游戏平衡常数>英雄-最大英雄等级问:金矿在哪里啊答:工具面板→中立无敌意→建筑→金矿问:如何打玩家的兵也掉钱答:使用触发器:动作是玩家-打开奖励为了玩家1问:怎么修改一些超过编辑器允许范围的值答:按住shift键双击要更改的项目(一直按着shift哦~~)然后一直按下箭头~~~问:为什么中立敌对怪攻击-移动到某区域走了一段就回来了!答:因为中立敌对怪受到游戏平衡常数防卫距离的限制(600),当超出这个范围的时候它将返回!感谢赤金册BOLG..............................我是分割线............................4.如何更改暗夜小精灵采集资源答:打开WE 按F6(物体编辑器) 选择"技能" 在技能栏中找到相关技能"采集(小精灵能够采集黄金与木材) 然后更改右面数据"数据- 金子容量" "数据- 木材容量" 即可..............................我是分割线............................5.WHY自己编辑的单位设置完毕后电脑却不会建造呢?答:这个涉及到AI触发如果编辑起来还需要与本来的电脑AI混合在一起使用比较麻烦不放可以尝试将本身种族模型改为其他你想要的自定义单位模型效果也很好..............................我是分割线............................6.如何更改玩家在区域网中选择的名称?答:打开WE 选择"情节- 玩家属性" 名称更改还能更改"势力"图参见:..............................我是分割线............................7.如何设定一个单位或者建筑回血速度?答:打开WE → 按F6(物体编辑器) → 选择"单位" → 找到相应单位或建筑→ 右面找到数据"状态- 生命回复" 改..............................我是分割线............................8.-=怎么手动加密地图啊??=-首先FILE -〉EXPORT SCRIPTS ~~导出一个脚本文件命名为WAR3MAP.J ~~ 2) 建立两个空文件~~命名为WAR3MAP.WTG 、WAR3MAP.WCT ~~ 3) 建立一个空文件命名为(listfile) ~~ 4) 把上面四个文件都用IMPORT MANAGER 导入~~ 5) 全部自己定义路径~~具体如下:SCRIPTS\WAR3MAP.J WAR3MAP.WTG WAR3MAP.WCT (listfile)-=怎么才能让英雄可以超过10级啊?=-Menu(菜单) -〉Advenced(高阶) -〉Gameplay Constant(游戏〈平衡〉常数) -〉Hero - Max Level(英雄- 最大等级)-=怎麼讓五级以上英雄打野生動物也能得到经验?=-Menu -〉Advenced -〉Gameplay Constant -〉Hero Xp Gained - Creep Reduction Table(英雄经验获取- 野生单位经验表) 表中每一项表示每一等级可以获得的经验百分比~~如:第一個數值為等級1 的英雄杀掉野生動物可得到的經驗的百分比~~ 第二個數值為等級2 的英雄~~如此類推~~-=怎么修改游戏读取时显示的小地图图片啊?=-先做好你希望显示的小地图图片,格式要求是24/32bit 的TGA 格式,尺寸为256x256。

war3地图制作初级教程(War3 map production tutorial)RPG map making tutorialWhat you have to do is a character selection function in 3C, that is, when the wizard enters the circle of energy, select the corresponding hero, which is the most common candidate function of 3C. Well, hands on.First, find the map editor, editor in Warcraft directory, called WorldEditor.exe (World Editor), double-click open. The first use of the map editor, the system will automatically create a 64*64 the size of our environment for the new map, the summer Luo Danlun. If you want to create a new map manually, you can create it by clicking on the file in the menu bar - the new map /File - New Map. If you want to create a new map in the closed open at the same time the editor can have the same function, select the file parameter settings - General - open to create a new map of /File - Preferences - General - Create a new map on start_up, will be in front of the hook removed to achieve.After the map was created, the map editor was made up, and the coordinates of the grid were displayed under 2 G. In the production of the above mentioned functions, let's do some preparatory work. First, since it is the choice of a hero, so the hero is naturally essential, press U to open the editing panel unit, here you can choose what we want to place units on the map, I chose a demon hunter (Demon Hunter), blood (Blood Mage) and the wizard of the Lich King (Lich King), of course, if you saw the other please feel free to make this hero, and will not affect the later. By the way in the unit panel switchingrace is in the extended menu to choose the third lines of the inside of the race, because the hero of the time saw the hero is not controlled by us, must choose to control, so the general practice is to be changed to neutral hero units, change method double click placed on the map hero, select the general game player - - Neutral hostile /General - Player - Neutral Passive. Pay attention to the hero not too far apart, or let the fairies ran a lot of trouble. After the hero is made, of course, an energy circle is put in front of the hero as a sprite, and the energy circle can be found in the Neutral hostile branch of the unit panel. Finally, put on the elf chosen for the hero, because the principle of the choice of multiple players is the same, so here we only choose 3 players, so only to belong to the 3 forces of the elf player. asEven if the work is finished, and then began to do the function part, to use the trigger.The first is introduction, in order not to disrupt our thinking, so I'm on the trigger principle not to do too much, we only need to know the role is to trigger events in the way to realize some functions can. Open the Trigger Editor /Trigger Editor by F4 and delete the default trigger, which is prepared for MEELE. You can see in the Warcraft map editor, a trigger is event (Events), environment (Conditions), (Actions) the three part is about the action, the relationship between the three parts can be illustrated with a simple example: "contact the fire after the explosion of gunpowder". Here, the gunpowder and fire contact is contact events, only two will occur after the action; and the object must be fire will contact the gunpowder explosion, so the fire here as the environment, restrict the gunpowderexplosion requirements; gunpowder explosion is in action, and after the fire caused contact action. In the trigger, we can modify the events, the environment, the action of these three parts according to the need, for example, the gunpowder and fire contact explosion can be changed into contact with water explosion. Then the above concept, to look at the selection method of making the hero, the hero must first after the occurrence of an event will be selected, and this event here is: elf into the energy circle; but here must be limited to be selected into the energy circle when only the elf hero,Other types of units into what will happen, so the whole environment is triggering constraints there, is entering the unit type: energy circle is "elf"; the last is the action, the hero is selected, actually choose action hero is to change the unit from the neutral power control game player hero units. The above mentioned steps to trigger the way it was written like this:Event (Events)A unit goes into the circle of energyEnvironment (Conditions)The unit of entry is "elf""Action (Actions)The control of energy circle corresponding hero to choose the hero of the game playerNow according to trigger written to find the corresponding in map editor options.Create a new /New Trigger method is in the trigger, the Trigger Editor window, right click the right mouse button to select the new "trigger /New Trigger>, new tentaculum hair will be automatically named" named trigger 00X ", the name of the trigger can be triggered in the choice of after the press F2 to modify. Then click on the new trigger, in the lower right of the trigger in the edit window right mouse button, select the new event /New Event, appear in the menu selection unit - unit enters Region /Unit - Unit Enters Region, and then click the red font selection part - / - Select Region, this window will automatically switch to the big map, requirements we select a region, here to explain in Warcraft, we usually see as into energy circle, or enter the garden, into the cave and so on "into a place", in fact, did not enter into our sight, but into the pre placed in the energy circle, garden, an area such as the location of the cave (Region). And now what we're going to do is to place such an area and select the area where he enters as a sprite in the event, and you can see it on the big mapThe panel is automatically switched to the Regional Panel (shortcuts directly open region of the panel is R), click on the panel button to coordinate sample in the pressed state, press the right button drag the mouse to draw a circle in the energy and energy circle regions of similar size, again click on the button on the panel. In the pop-up, just choose the area to place then, will automatically switch back to the TriggerEditor window, red font will be just part of the selected area name instead of continuous, determined the 2 events, they do a good job.Then the environment /Condition, select the new environment unit type to judge /New Conditions - Unit Type Comparison>, the unit type into the region is limited to "elf""Entering Unit means "entry unit", which refers to the unit entering the region. "Equal to" means "equivalent to"".The last action is /Actions, here to sort out what action to perform:1, after choosing a good hero, the elf disappears, so remove the sprite from the game at the beginning of the action.2, change the selected hero belongs to the forces of power control game player.3, the selected hero moves to the specified location, also is the base in 3C.4, because the hero can only be selected once, so at the end of the action, the whole trigger should be closed so that it can no longer be executed.The action corresponding to the above 4 is respectively:1, new action unit removed - removed from the game into the unit /New Action - Unit - Remove - Unit - Remove (Entering unit) fromthe game2, "new action - unit - change owner - change the demon hunter to have entered the unit owner and change the color of /New Action - Unit - Change - Unit - owner Change ownership of Demon Hunter 0002 <gen> to (Owner of (Entering unit) and Change color)3,The new action - unit - Mobile - Mobile demon hunter at the /New center of Action - Unit - Move region 001 Hunter 0002 Demon <gen> instantly to (Center of Region 001 <gen> 001) of course is to create their own regional area;4, the new action trigger off this trigger /New Action - Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)The trigger is complete, this will trigger control again choose another 2 Heroes is complete. Finally save the map, save the time will remind you to each place the starting point, if there is no place for you automatically placed on the map to any area, manual methods is placed in the unit panel select start point icon and then placed. Save the map after the press Ctrl + F9 to test it. Also, don't forget to set the controller of force 2 and 3 to player /User in the menu set - player /Scenario - Player>, otherwise you can't choose force 2 or 3 in the game.Brush soldiers (in some places, this is called to, I can't understand............). The simple explanation is that some units are produced near the base every time, so the nonsense is not much.We all know that in 3C will be at a certain time will be automatically generated, in the trigger, we will automatically occur once the event is the fixed time intervals called "periodic events" in general, often through the following two ways to realize the cycle of events:========================== method1=========================================The first one is realized by the event trigger cycle (also called the loop), a new Action in the trigger (action), to find such a sentence: For Each Integer A in the drop-down menu, Do Multiple Actions (for the integer value A, all the implementation of a number of actions). Click OK after see in Actions (action) in this category has added a Action like (action):For each (Integer A) from 1 to 10, do (Actions)Loop - Actions(for integer A, all from 1 to 10, execute action cycle of action)I explained in detail the role of this Action, For each (Integer A) from 1 to 10 (for all integer values A, from 1 to 10), which means repeating the 10 Loop - againActions (loop action) specifies the Actions (action), the same reason, if the following from 1 to 10 (from 1 to 10) changed to from 1 to 20 (from 1 to 20), thenThe 20 action will be repeated, assuming that from 5 to 10 will only perform 5 actions, and why not directly use from 1 to 5 instead of from 5 to 10, which is sometimes necessaryThe functions used, as well as the timing of the specific use, in order not to make everyone confused, now temporarily do not explain, wait until the actual use of similar circumstances to do instructions.-------------------------- example similiarlyNow, to illustrate this function more effectively, let's take a simple example of opening a trigger editor by F4, a new key, a Event (event): Player - Player 1 (Red)Skips a cinematic sequence "player player 1 (red) skip a movie sequence", the event is created by the right mouse button - New Event (new event) -Player (player) - Cinematic Skipped (the movie is skipped), the event's effect is that when player 1 presses the ESC button, it triggers the action. Then add an actionFor each (Integer A) from 1 to 10, do (Actions)Loop - ActionsThis number will need to repeat the action for 10 times,These are then added action in Loop - Actions below:Game - Display to (All players) the text: (String ((Integer A)))(game - game player to all display information: A as integer values of the loop sequence is converted to a string type on the data types, there is no further explanation, we only need to know only the string type data can be displayed as information can be. Here, "the integer A", which is a cyclic sequence, is actually a value that records how many times the action has been repeated The order of adding this action is New Action (new action) - Game (game) - TextMessage (Auto-Timed) (display information, automatic adjustment of information display time)Wait 1 seconds(wait for 1 seconds, so that the next action will take one second after each action). The order of action added is New Action (new action) - All (all) - Wait (wait).Then, after the entire loop Action (action), (note that after the entire For Each Integer, don't add it to Loop - Actions), add thisAction (action):Game - Display to (All players) the text: (finish)Is after the whole cycle end display a word to indicate the end of cycle. Of course, you can finish with their love of change.The Melee Initialization (map initialization) this trigger removed, placed on the map to start game player, press Ctrl + F9 into the game to test, can be seen in the game when pressing the ESC key will be divided into 10 times a second in order to display digital 1~10, finally will display finish. Through this example we can see clearly. For each (Integer A) from 1 to 10, do (Actions) this action can make at Loop - Actions below 1 to from action repeated 10 times in the back of digital +1 minus in front of numbers, and when the number of repeat all has been executed, will continue the cycle behind the action. It is very simple and convenient to realize the periodic execution of the event, but with the Action (action) periodic event has two drawbacks, the first is the implementation of a finite number of cycles, we can see, in this Action in any case also requires to determine the execution times of the 2 digital input; second is between each action time interval has a minimum limit, in the example above, we will Wait 1 seconds (for 1 second) to Wait 0 seconds (wait 0 seconds) after entering the game, will find that even 0 seconds, there will be little waiting time (about 0.1~0.4 seconds, depending on configuration and computer), so that when the periodic events perform some repetition time interval is very small, could not be realized at all, for the periodic event must exclude the above two kinds of restrictions, it shall be There must be another method, periodic event (cycle event), unlike For each Integer, which is a Event (event) rather than a Action (action).========================== method2=========================================Method to add the event: New Event (new event) - Time (time)- Periodic Event (periodic event), add after the completion of the Event can be seen in the following Event class (event):Time - Every 1 seconds of game time(time - 1 seconds per game) is very obvious, that is, every second will perform a Actions (action) contains all the action, Every 1 seconds in the number of seconds to specify the execution of action. For this event, we can still use 1 simple examples to illustrate.-------------------------- example similiarlyA new trigger, Event (event) with the events above, 1 to 0.50, which is 1 times every 0.5 seconds, and then press Ctrl+B to open the edit panel (due to variable variables, are the first contact, I am not in detail, you do what I say is, will make a detailed introduction of variables and data types). Click on the green button panel above the fork, the drop-down menu select Integer at the bottom of the window that appears in the (integer) and then enter the bar at the top of this variable as just a name, [map: var.gif] I use the name I1 for the introduction, it established a type "integer type variable. Put this variable here temporarily, back to the trigger you just created, and add the following action in the Actions (action) class:Set I1 = (I1 + 1)The order of addition of Action: New (new action) - All (all) - Set Varible (set)The function of this Action (action) is to make the value of I1 equal to its current value +1, such as the current value of I1 is 5, so the value of I1 is the value after the execution of the action5+1, that is, 6.Then add:Game - Display to (All players) the text: (String (I1))Add the same way, function is to display the value of i1.Then entering the game test, you'll see that in the game will automatically display the number at 0.5 seconds speed, the value of the last display of digital +1. Summed up the Periodic Event (cycle event) is characterized in the activation trigger by Event (events) in the specified time interval to repeat Actions (action) contains all actions, and as long as the trigger is not closed, would have been to perform.=========================================================== =============These are the two most common ways of implementing periodic events. Then, on this basis, I briefly describe the principle of trigger.Brush trigger is a periodic event, and its action is to create units in the specified location. Here I simply write this trigger and add a little explanation. I believe you shouldunderstand the truth immediately when you understand what is said above.Untitled Trigger 003EventsTime - Every 3 seconds of game time [this is the periodic event mentioned earlier, where the interval of the cycle is set to 3 seconds]Conditions(Farm 0009 <gen> is alive) Equal to True Farm <gen> 0009 [here is a farm, the entire Condition (condition) means that if the Farm 0009 still survive, continue with Actions (action) method of instruction] add this Condition is New Conditions (new condition) - Boolean Comparison (judge that is the logical judgment) - select the icon position [map: boolean.gif] - Unit-Unit is Alive (unit - the unit was still alive)ActionsUnit - Create 1 Giant Wolf for Player 1 (Red) at (Position of Farm 0009 <gen>) facing Default building facing degrees[unit - create a wolf for player 1 (red) on the farm where 0009 is in the direction of the system defaultThe whole trigger, if expressed in words, is that every 3 seconds as long as the Farm 0009 is still alive, it creates awolf on the farm where it is.After entering the game to test, we should find that this trigger has such a drawback: create an unlimited number of units, even on the map have hundreds of thousands, wolf, as long as 0009 farms are still alive,There will always be new wolves, and in this case, we can impose restrictions by adding a simple condition as follows:(Number of units in (Units in (Playable map area) matching) ((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Giant Wolf) and (((Matching unit) is alive) Equal to True)) Less than 5The sentence condition means that if the map number of all surviving wolf is less than 5, continue with Actions (action) class actions specified in the. The units in Units in (Playable map area) refers to the entire map units (Unit-type and of (Matching unit) Equal to) Giant Wolf refers to "all accord with the unit type for this condition, wolf (Matching unit) is alive) Equal to True refers to all units are still alive." the. Due to the complicated conditions listed below, add detailed method:New Conditions (new condition) - Integer Comparison (integer judgment)In the drop-down menu, select "Unit in Region Matching Condition" (the unit within the matching condition)"In the drop-down menu, select "And" - click "Condition1(condition 1)" - select "Unit-Type Comparison" (unit type judgment) in the drop-down menu"Click on the "Triggering Unit (triggering unit)" will be changed to "Matching Unit (matching unit) - continuous determine 2 times, click on the" FootMan (Bu Bing) "will change for you in Action (action) specified in the production units, I choose here is the next" wolf "click on the" Condition2 (2) - click on the icon position [figure bolc.gif] in the drop-down menu, select "Unit is Alive (still alive)" - click "Triggering Unit (triggering unit)" will be changed to "Matching Unit (matching unit), determined the 2 consecutiveFinally click OK back to the first menu will be the "Equal (equivalent to to) to Less Than (less than)", then click the last 0 will be changed to their maximum number of troops you want, this whole Condition (condition) is completeThe above is a limit to the maximum number of brush soldiers trigger the basic principle, but in practice is not so simple, many corresponding adjustments need to be made, interested can go to study.。

按照图片所示打开“创建新地图形表皮和地图大小后, 点击确定
放置的地形纹理,放置时注意要在图内“应用纹理”处勾上钩 并且在地图内放置时会有 绿色框的显示,表示可以放置了
那么就请依照自己的个性放置地形吧,我做个演示 图,如↓
这次,我给大家讲的是地形编辑器,地图编辑器的基本 定义就是可以做地形· · · 似乎有点废话了· · · 那么接下来进入正题,请点击箭头
在魔兽文件夹找到魔兽地图编辑器 双击打开
为了使工具运行的迅速,你们可以这样做——将图中的工具栏打开 并且打开窗口把刷子表的钩去掉(我的编辑器已经去掉)
打开工具栏的窗口进入新面板打开地形就可以得 到———————————————————— —— 这个面板了。下一教程

魔兽地图编辑器简单教程(Warcraft map editor simple tutorial)The fourth day, God said: "let the sky light in order to distinguish between day and night, the seasons, to determine the date and year. And let the light shine in the sky. "God made the light body and a small tube, during the day, the night of the small tube. Then, God made the stars, and the light body and the stars in the sky shine together. So in the sky, the sun, moon and stars.Use the fourth day triggerThe trigger is the essence of the event editor where the game in various tasks, different events, victory / defeat conditions, changes in the weather and so on all these triggers.The trigger is composed of three parts, events, conditions and actions.Event: or trigger events, as the name suggests, is run when a trigger event occurs.Condition: whether to reach the specified conditions, if not up to the conditions will not perform an action. Can be left blank, direct action. In general, the conditions are more prone to error, so only use one or two conditions as far as possible.Action: after the adoption of the conditions to do.I use a simple example to illustrate, for example a hero into the area after the game, it would be so set.Event: a unit into the areaCondition: the judgment unit is a hero for TurnAction: to win the game.In each new map will be called initialization, one called against the initialization of the trigger, it set the initial each map the default settings, including:Use melee time of day (for all players) - start time enable default in the game.Limits Heros to 1 per Hero-type (for all players) - with a limited game player can only produce a hero.Hero trained Heroes a Scroll of Town Portal (for all players) - a hero to scroll.Set starting resources (for all players) - set the start resources for each game player beginning with the resources allocation.Remove creeps and critters from used start locations (for all players) - removal unit, near the start of wild obstacles.Create starting units (for all players) - create a game player at the starting point of the main base game needs and workersRun melee AI scripts - that all computer game player on the implementation of game artificial intelligence.Enforce victory/defeat conditions - using the default victory condition, all the buildings were destroyed, namely failure.If you do not need to delete them, you can, in fact most of the RPG map does not need these conditions.All instructions are English triggers, but never mind, I specially made a bilingual table, and give a brief description of the. Please refer to appendix: trigger in bilingual form.In addition, there are a lot of trigger function, for example: "Last Created Unit", last created unit. Reasonable use of these functions is also very important, in use will trigger the large use of these functions.The trigger is the myriads of changes, this chapter introduces some common examples, I hope you can understand the use of analogy, trigger.Note: the class can use the Chinese name, with Chinese names can comment, but can not be used Chinese named trigger!The Events event in bilingual instructionInstructionsMap Initialization map initializationDestructible Doodad - Destructible Doodad Dies can destroy the object is destroyedDestructible Doodad - Within Region Dies were destroyed in the areaDialog - Dialog Button Click press buttonGame - Time Of Day time in the gameGame - Value Of Real Variable numerical real Real游戏加载读取游戏保存保存游戏的英雄技能按钮按下英雄升级技能按钮游戏建造按钮点击按下建造按钮玩家的聊天信息聊天信息播放电影跳过跳过电影玩家选择事件选择事件球员键盘事件键盘事件球员属性资源球员联盟改变(任何)同盟改变(任何)球员联盟的变化(具体)同盟改变(指定)玩家的胜利胜利玩家击败失败时间,时间时间经过时间周期事件周期性事件时间定时器到期计时器过期单位具体单位的事件特定单位事件单位拥有单位事件玩家拥有的单位事件单位事件一般单位事件通用单元单位-单位进入区域单位进入区域单元机组叶片区域单位离开区域单元单元范围内单位在范围中单位的生活生命玛娜法力单元条件环境指令中英对照指令说明布尔比较布尔值布尔判断技能判断能力比较破坏比较可破坏物体判断破坏类型比较可破坏物体类型判断比较对话按钮判断对话框按钮游戏的难度比较游戏难度判断游戏速度比较游戏速度判断英雄技能比较英雄技能判断整数比较整数整数判断项目比较物品判断项目类别比较物品种类判断项目类型比较物品类型判断近战AI比较多人对战AI判断为了比较命令判断球员比较玩家判断玩家颜色比较玩家颜色判断玩家控制的比较玩家控制判断球员的状态比较玩家在线状态判断槽比赛比较种族判断真正的比较实数房判断字符串判断字符串比较字符串技术类型比较科技类型判断比较触发器判断触发单位比较单位判断单位类型比较单位类型判断和与或或而且,多个条件与,多个条件或者,多个条件或,多个条件行动动作中英对照类型名称说明普通一些基本的未分类指令艾艾设定计算机控制的单位的人工智能动画动画单位所能做出的动作相机镜头设定摄像机的位置及改变方式电影电影设定游戏中即时演算的过场动画倒计时倒数计时器又称定时器或计时器,用于倒数计时或定时发生事件破坏性小可破坏的设定可破坏物体的状态对话框对话设定对话框的显示/隐藏、标题、按钮、内容及清除环境环境设定天气和环境浮动文字飘浮文字可以飘浮在屏幕上任何位置的文字游戏游戏设定游戏相关属性游戏缓存游戏缓存将对象当前状态储存在文件中,Can be used to call the other mapAll state Hero hero hero setItem items set using items and statusLeader Board list of suspended text in the upper right corner of the boxMelee Game game set at the most of the initial state of the gameNeutral Building set the state of neutral neutral building constructionPlayer game player game player have attributes and set state unitsPlayer Group group set the attributes and status of each game player of the game player game player in the groupThe Quest task set and task prompt secondary taskSet within the planning area of events triggered by the environment and Region areaSelection select optionsSound sound settings were playing the soundSpecial Effect effects set display effectsSet the Trigger trigger trigger stateUnit unit set attribute and state unitsThe Unit Group unit set attribute and state unit groupVisibility set the visible region of the visible modeGeneral instructions in EnglishCommand descriptionDo Nothing do nothingComment notes is used only in separation and description Custom Script custom scriptWait wait for a specified number of seconds after executionWait (Game-Time) wait (game time) wait for the game after the execution timeWait For Condition wait for the wait is satisfied after the beginning of timeWait For Sound waiting for the music waiting for the music after playing start timeSet Variable set variables for variable assignmentSkip Remaining Actions skip the remaining movement is no longer the execution of all actions under this actionIf / Then / Else / Functions / Multiple, and if otherwise, multi function if condition then perform action else to perform another action, multiple functionsIf / Then / Else / if and / or if the conditions for the establishment of then perform action else to perform another actionFor Each Integer A, Do Multiple Action Integer A judge, executes multiple actions in a real A loop executes multiple actions, the equivalent of For A=x to y doFor Each Integer B, Do Multiple Action Integer B judge, executes multiple actions to perform multiple actions in real B cycle, the equivalent of For B=x to y doFor Each Integer Variable, Do Multiple Action judge Integer variables, cycle execute multiple actions to perform multiple actions in real cycle, the equivalent of For =x to y do variablesFor Each Integer A Do Action Integer A, judge, executes action to real A cycle to execute action, the equivalent of For A=x to y doFor Each Integer B Do Action Integer B, judge executes the action, action to real B cycle, the equivalent of For B=x to y doFor Each Integer Variable, Do Action judge Integer variable, executes the action action in real cycle, the equivalent of For =x to y do variablesAI artificial intelligence in bilingual instructionCommand descriptionStart Melee AI Script multiplayer AI script set computer game player using multiplayer mode AIStart Campaign AI Script AI script set computer game player battle began to use battle mode AISend AI Command send the AI command AI command is issued to the computer game playerIgnore Unit Guard Position ignores unit guard positions ignore unit guard positions, can not be used for heroes and workersIgnore All Unit Guard Positions ignore all unit guard positions ignore all units of the guard position, can not be used for heroes and workersRecycle Unit Guard Positions reborn unit guard positions renewed unit guard positionslock guard positions 锁定警戒位置锁定警戒位置animation 动画指令中英对照指令名称说明play unit animation 播放单位动画使单位做出指定动作play unit animation (specify rarity) 播放单位动画 (出现几率) 设定单位做出指定动作的几率系列单位动画播放单位的系列动画 queue unit animationreset unit animation 重设单位动画使单位动作恢复默认值add / remove unit animation day 增加 / 移除单位动画增加 / 移除单位的动画lock body part facing 锁定头部 / 胸部面向使单位头 / 胸部分面向指定位置或单位reset body part facing 重置头部 / 胸部面向恢复单位为普通的面向change unit size 改变单位大小按百分比改变单位的长度、宽度、高度change unit vertex coloring 改变单位顶点着色按百分比改变单位red / green / blue通道与透明度change unit animation speed 改变单位动画速度按百分比改变单位的动画播放速度change unit turn speed 改变单位移动速度改变单位移动的速度, 数值范围 0.00-1.00change unit blend time 改变单位转向速度改变单位的转向速度change unit flying height 改变单位飞行高度改变单位的飞行高度与飞行速率change unit prop window angle 改变单位支持窗口角度改变单位支持窗口的显示角度play animation 播放可破坏物体动画播放可破坏物体的指定动画destructible doodadqueue destructible doodad animation 系列可破坏物体动画播放可破坏物体的系列动画play animation for doodads in region 播放矩形区域内物体动画播放在矩形区域内的同类可破坏物体的指定动画play animation for doodads in circle 播放圆形区域内物体动画播放在圆形区域内的同类可破坏物体的指定动画。

Item-Class Comparison 物品种类判断
Item-Type Comparison 物品类型判断
Melee AI Comparison 多人对战AI判断
Order Comparison 命令判断
Player Comparison 玩家判断
Environment 环境 设定天气和环境
Floating Text 飘浮文字 可以飘浮在屏幕上任何位置的文字
Game 游戏 设定游戏相关属性
Game Cache 游戏缓存 将对象当前状态储存在文件中,可用于其他地图调用
Hero 英雄 设定英雄的所有状态
Item 物品 设定物品的使用及状态
Start 战役AI模式
Camera 镜头 设定摄像机的位置及改变方式
Cinematic 电影 设定游戏中即时演算的过场动画
Countdown Timer 倒数计时器 又称定时器或计时器,用于倒数计时或定时发生事件
Destructible Doodad 可破坏的 设定可破坏物体的状态
Dialog 对话 设定对话框的显示/隐藏、标题、按钮、内容及清除
If / Then / Else, Multiple Functions 如果/然后/否则,多函数 if条件成立then执行动作else执行另一动作,多个函数
If / Then / Else 如果/然后/否则 if条件成立then执行动作else执行另一动作
For Each Integer A, Do Multiple Action 判断Integer A,循环执行多个动作 以实数A循环执行多个动作,相当于For A=x to y do

*.*.魔兽地图编辑器详解.........§§单位篇声音单位声音设置: 都是很好理解的东西,不过貌似只有该项有效建筑移动随机循环淡入率循环淡出率: 略过战斗主动攻击范围: 单位会对该范围内的敌人进行主动攻击. 另该值还起到限制射程的作用,单位射程不会大于其主动攻击范围.同时也影响到一些自动选取目标技能的施法距离,例如:召唤骷髅.最小攻击范围: 单位无法对小于该值的范围内的敌人进行主动攻击.防御类型: 同样的攻击对不同的防御类型往往会造成不同的伤害.基础防御: 对英雄来说就是没有敏捷加成时的防御力.防御升级奖励: 升级科技-提升一次防御等级增加的防御值.作为目标类型: 作为单位被攻击或施法时的目标判定依据. 该项为空则单位不能被攻击或施法,即无敌.死亡类型: 略装甲类型: 该项只影响被近战单位攻击时的声音效果. 与其它任何东西无关.允许攻击模式: 设置单位可使用的攻击模式.攻击- 投射物图像: 设置远程单位攻击时发出的投射物模型.攻击- 射弹速率: 投射物飞行速度.攻击- 射弹弧度: 投射物发射弧度,弧度=射弹抛物线最大高度/平面位移距离.攻击- 射弹自导允许: 允许箭矢类攻击(非炮火)的投射物能跟踪目标. 自导不允许时,对箭矢和箭矢(弹射),尽管目标已经不在目标点,仍会对目标造成伤害;对箭矢(溅射/穿透)则相当于没有攻击地面图标的炮火或炮火(穿透).攻击- 攻击类型: 不同攻击类型对各种护甲造成的伤害不同. 无表示该攻击对所有护甲造成全额伤害.攻击- 武器类型: 表示各种攻击方式.近战: 无投射物效果,武器声音有效. 只有该类型的攻击被视为近战,其他都是远程.立即: 不显示投射物发射轨迹.箭矢: 显示投射物发射轨迹.溅射攻击: 箭矢(溅射)和炮火. 其中炮火会带有攻击地面按钮. 如恶魔猎手和投石车.弹射: 箭矢(弹射). 发出的箭矢能在单位间弹射. 如女猎手.穿透: 箭矢(穿透)和炮火(穿透). 能穿透目标伤害其后面的单位,其中炮火(穿透)在普通攻击时为穿透效果,攻击地面时为溅射效果,两者不叠加. 如狮鹫和投刃车.攻击- 武器声音: 只对武器类型为普通的攻击有效.攻击时的声音效果.攻击- 目标允许: 可以攻击的单位类型.以下面的分类:同行之间为Or关系,异行之间为And关系,该行不选则取默认值.例:只选择无敌则表示目标允许无敌的存活的别人的单位(空中地面建筑).此时原默认值-可攻击将不再起作用,单位只能攻击无敌的单位,而其它未被改动的行则采用默认值.没有(选中即无允许目标,没悬念的DD...)残骸物品地形树木墙桥装饰物空中地面建筑守卫(默认空中地面建筑)存活死亡(默认存活)无敌可攻击(默认可攻击)联盟友军(不包括玩家单位) 敌人玩家单位中立自己别人(默认别人)英雄非英雄(默认全选)古树非古树(默认全选)自爆工兵非自爆工兵(默认全选)机械有机(默认全选)攻击- 显示UI : 设置是否显示攻击键.攻击- 动画伤害点: 单位实际发动攻击效果,进行伤害判断的时间点,该项大于攻击间隔时将取该项为单位实际攻击间隔. 例:A单位攻击间隔2,动画伤害点0;B单位攻击间隔0,动画伤害点2.那么两者实际攻击间隔都是2秒.而他们之间的差距就是,A单位发动攻击会立刻产生效果,而B单位则要等待2秒,且这2秒之间取消攻击的话该次攻击将无效化.攻击- 动画回复点: 单位发动攻击效果到完成攻击动作所需要的时间,该值不大于(攻击间隔-动画伤害点). 该时间可以手动取消,例:2秒动画回复的单位杀死单位并按Shift移动到某点需要等待2秒,但不用Shift可以直接移动.攻击- 攻击范围: 相当于射程,当如果主动攻击范围小于该值,则会取主动攻击范围作为射程.攻击- 攻击范围缓冲: 近战单位攻击移动中的单位,因为发动攻击需要时间,目标可能跑出了射程以外,该值表示允许的缓冲范围值,只要目标没跑出该范围(射程+缓冲范围)则仍会受到伤害.攻击- 基础伤害: 魔兽的随机伤害输出采用D&D的掷骰子模式.实际伤害= 基础伤害+ 骰子数量x Random(1,骰子面数)攻击- 伤害骰子数量: 同上攻击- 伤害骰子面数: 同上攻击- 伤害升级奖励: 升级科技-提升一次攻击等级增加的伤害值.攻击- 攻击间隔: 两次攻击间的间隔,最小值为0.1.攻速增加上限为原速的5倍(加上本身,即提高4倍),但不会超过每秒45.46次的上限.攻击- 范围影响目标: 溅射或穿透攻击影响的允许目标类型.攻击- 全伤害范围: 溅射攻击的全伤害范围或是弹射攻击的弹射距离.攻击- 中伤害范围: 仅对溅射攻击有效. 应遵循全伤害范围<中伤害范围<小伤害范围(不包括0),否则会出问题.比如300/200/100的范围实际上会等于只有100的全伤害范围.攻击- 中伤害参数: 仅对溅射攻击有效. 伤害参数可以大于100%,伤害优先权:全伤害>中伤害>小伤害,与伤害值大小无关.攻击- 小伤害范围: 同上攻击- 小伤害参数: 同上攻击- 最大目标数: 仅对弹射攻击有效.攻击- 伤害衰减参数: 仅对弹射和穿透攻击有效. 注意穿透攻击的伤害衰减也是逐个衰减的.攻击- 穿透伤害范围: 仅对穿透攻击有效.攻击- 穿透伤害距离: 仅对穿透攻击有效.技能普通: 略英雄: 学习性技能,最多只能有5个.默认主动技能: 默认激活的主动技能.如心灵之火等.文本名字: 略名字- 编辑器后缀: 仅在编辑器中显示,一般用于区分同名单位.称谓: 略称谓数量: 实际采用的称谓数量.提示工具- 基础: 建造该单位时的提示文本.提示工具- 扩展: 同上提示工具- 重生: 复活英雄时的提示文本.(需要复活时间,如祭坛)提示工具- 唤醒: 唤醒英雄时的提示文本.(不需要复活时间,如酒馆)说明: 仅对物品有效,多出来的无效项.热键: 建造/雇用/复活单位时的热键.魔法升级名字: 拥有魔法升级科技的单位在状态栏右边会有个魔法升级图标. 该项为其说明信息. 可参照各族法师.魔法升级说明: 同上显示模型文件: 略模型文件- 版本: 某些单位有ROC/TFT两个版本的模型,如蒸汽坦克.模型缩放: 设置模型显示大小.缩放投射物: 修改模型大小时是否同时缩放攻击或技能的投射物大小.选择缩放: 设置选择圈的大小.选择圈高度: 略选择圈在水面上: 单位在水中时,选择圈在水面或是水底显示颜色值(红) : 略颜色值(绿) : 略颜色值(蓝) : 略闭塞高度: 如,单位站在有闭塞高度的非联盟建筑旁边,会有视线被阻挡,就是所谓闭塞.将该值设为0则不会有此效果.X轴旋转角度(度数) : 仅取负数时有效. 模型绕X轴旋转的角度.Y轴旋转角度(度数) : 仅取负数时有效. 模型绕Y轴旋转的角度.射弹偏移- X : 单位攻击时发射投射物的X轴偏移.射弹偏移- Y : 单位攻击时发射投射物的Y轴偏移.射弹偏移- Z : 单位攻击时发射投射物的Z轴偏移.射弹偏移- Z (深水) : 深水区中单位攻击时发射投射物的Z轴偏移.射弹碰撞偏移- Z : 单位被攻击时投射物碰撞的Z轴偏移.射弹碰撞偏移- Z (深水) : 深水区中单位被攻击时投射物碰撞的Z轴偏移.阴影图像(单位) : 单位形态时的阴影图片.阴影图像(建筑) : 建筑形态时的阴影图片.阴影图像- 宽度: 略阴影图像- 高度: 略阴影图像- X轴偏移: 略阴影图像- Y轴偏移: 略深水区有阴影: 当阴影落在深水区时是否显示.建筑地面纹理: 略图标- 游戏界面: 游戏中使用的图标.图标- 计分屏: 游戏结束计分屏显示的图标,注意该类图标是很小的.按钮位置(X) : 训练或雇用时单位按钮的排列坐标.按钮位置(Y) : 训练或雇用时单位按钮的排列坐标.魔法升级图标: 如果该单位有魔法科技升级(如各种法师),该项为状态栏右边显示的魔法升级图标.死亡时间(秒) : 从死亡到产生尸体的时间.特殊效果: 单位被炮轰而死时的爆炸效果.目标效果: 弹射攻击时对弹射目标附加的效果.要求动画名: 如为恶魔猎手添加alternate就会显示恶魔状态,为人类农民添加gold会显示背负黄金形态. 动画名可在模型预览窗口找到.要求动画名- 附加动画: 为附加在单位身上的效果动画添加动画名.一般为medium和large,影响如反魔法外壳的大小(为空表示小). 动画名可在模型预览窗口找到.要求附加动画链接名: 可参考恶魔猎手(恶魔形态)要求骨骼名: 同上动画- 魔法施放点: 从施放魔法到魔法生效需要的时间,该时间内单位不可做其他动作,但可以按Stop或Hold停止施法,此时魔法将不被发动.动画- 魔法施放回复: 从魔法生效到结束施法所需最小时间,该时间内作其他动作的话'施法结束'事件将不会被触发.动画- 混合时间(秒) : 单位动画图像混合时间. 决定身体部件连接的快慢,比如攻击时手臂挥舞的速度. 增大该值会是单位动作僵硬化(如冰霜巨龙). 物体编辑器中设置无效,只能在触发中设置.动画- 行走速度: 见下.动画- 跑步速度: 取两者中更接近于实际移动速度者(如果相等则取跑步速度). 该值和单位移动动画共同决定单位移动时的跨步距离,数值越大跨步距离越大,相对的跨步频率就会变小.动画- 转向角度: 单位最大转向角度. 当单位移动转向角度大于该值时将会有一个原地转身的过程. 不是很好解释的东西,建议调低转身速度自己测试看看效果.动画- 转向补正: 该值决定单位模型转向的速度和幅度,取值0-8,取值越大则速度越慢,幅度越大.不同移动类型的模型转向方式是不一样的,比如飞行单位会进行身体翻转,建议设到7或8自己看看效果.队伍颜色: 设置单位的队伍颜色.队伍颜色- 允许自定义: 只有该项为True才允许设置单位的队伍颜色.高度变化- 采样点数量: 见下.高度变化- 采样范围: 设置单位在经过突起或下陷的地面时的高度变化.此时将取采样范围处的几个点的平均值作为单位显示的高度.战争迷雾- 采样范围: 未知不可见区域显示单位: 勾选该项则单位可以在不可见区域被显示.状态种族: 略等级: 单位等级决定杀死该单位所得的经验.该项对英雄无效.单位类别: 许多单位类别都有特殊作用.不死族机械类古树牛头人召唤生物城镇大厅: 可作为一些技能的判定依据.中立: 在小地图上显示中立建筑标记.可通行: 比如传送门是可通行的,但事实上一般建筑你添加了也没用.守卫: UI按钮全不可见,只能使用右键命令.工人: 空闲时会显示左下角的闲置图标,且不会主动攻击.树木: 该项貌似是多余项.自爆工兵: 会自动使用自爆技能.泰坦族: 未使用的一个类别,只在魔兽历史中出现.是一个建筑: 设置单位是否为建筑.黄金消耗: 建造或雇用该单位的费用.木材消耗: 同上建造时间: 建造该单位需要的时间.修理黄金消耗: 修理该单位所需费用,还和修理技能的参数设置有关.修理木材消耗: 同上修理时间: 修理该单位所需时间,还和修理技能的参数设置有关.黄金奖励- 基础值: 杀死该单位所能得到的奖励. 随机奖励采用D&D的掷骰子模式. 所得奖励= 基础值+ 骰子数量x Random(1,骰子面数)黄金奖励- 骰子数量: 同上黄金奖励- 骰子面数: 同上木材奖励- 基础值: 同上,但木材奖励不会有漂浮文字显示.木材奖励- 骰子数量: 同上木材奖励- 骰子面数: 同上占用人口: 略提供人口: 略生命最大值: 略生命回复: 略生命回复类型: 略魔法最大值: 略魔法回复: 略魔法初始数量: 英雄复活以及单位刚建造出来时的魔法值.视野范围(白天) : 单位在白天的视野范围视野范围(夜晚) : 单位在晚上的视野范围雇佣开始时间: 单位作为雇佣兵第一次能被雇佣的时间.雇佣时间间隔: 略最大库存量: 单位作为雇佣兵的最大库存量.运输尺寸: 单位被装载时所占的装载格数.英雄- 主要属性: 略英雄- 初始力量: 略英雄- 初始敏捷: 略英雄- 初始智力: 略英雄- 每等级提升力量: 略英雄- 每等级提升敏捷: 略英雄- 每等级提升智力: 略英雄- 隐藏小地图英雄显示: 勾选的话,会使用普通单位标记代替小地图中该英雄标记.英雄- 隐藏英雄栏图标: 左上角不显示该英雄图标.英雄- 隐藏英雄死亡信息: 死亡时不显示死亡讯息.中立建筑- 可作为随机建筑: 略中立建筑- 显示小地图标记: 略隐藏小地图显示: 小地图上不显示该单位的标记.单位附加值: 并无任何实际意义,仅用于触发器中,比如在一个TD地图中,我们可以使用该项来作为建筑的售出价格.允许睡眠: 允许在夜晚进入睡眠状态. 只对中立敌对有效.可以逃跑: 单位被攻击而无法反击时会自动跑开一段距离.编队优先权: 编队时单位图标的排列顺序,该值较高者会排列在前面.队形排列: 移动时的队形排列,数值越小的会越靠前.能建造在其他建筑上: 仅用于不死族金矿,其他建筑乱用会跳错.能被其他建筑建造: 仅用于金矿,其他建筑乱用会跳错.科技树需求: 建造单位所需的科技项目,可添加多个.需求- 等级N : 仅对英雄有效,建造第N个英雄需要的科技项目.需求- 使用等级数: 略需求值: 所需科技项目的等级(科技)或数量(单位),可添加多个,与科技树需求依次对应.从属等价物: 这里列出的对象可以代替该单位,但该单位不能代替列出的对象. 即A属于B不代表B属于A.可重生阵亡英雄: 该建筑可以用来重生死亡英雄.可研究项目: 该建筑中可以研究的科技项目.指定复活点: 该建筑必须可以复活英雄. 英雄将只能在指定的建筑复活.可建造建筑: 该单位可以建造的建筑种类.使用科技: 该单位所应用的科技项目.售出物品: 该建筑可以出售的物品.制造物品: 该建筑可以出售的物品.与售出物品的区别是该项中的物品出售有科技树限制,而售出物品没有. 售出单位: 该建筑可以出售的单位.训练单位: 该建筑可以出售的单位.与售出单位的区别是该项中的单位出售有科技树限制,且有训练时间,而售出单位没有.建筑升级: 该建筑可以升级为指定建筑.移动类型: 移动类型影响单位可移动区域以及飞行高度和转身动作等等.无: 能在包括边界的所有区域移动步行骑马: 只能在陆地和浅水区移动.飞行: 可以在边界之外的地区移动.浮空(陆) : 只能在陆地和浅水区移动,单位可以浮在空中.漂浮(水) : 只能在水中移动.两栖: 可以在陆地和水中移动.基础速度: 单位的移动速度将处于最大和最小值之间.最大速度: 数值0代表使用默认值(游戏平衡常数)最小速度: 数值0代表使用默认值(游戏平衡常数)转身速度: 取值0-1. 数值越大,单位转身越快. 为0时单位将只能向前移动.高度: 单位的飞行高度.最小高度: 单位飞行高度不会小于该值.组群分离- 允许: 开启该项的同类单位在距离过近时会自动排斥.(像磁铁一样)组群分离- 参数: 设置排斥强度,即距离.组群分离- 组号: 同组的不同单位间也会有排斥效应.0表示无组号.组群分离- 优先权: 两单位发生排斥时,优先级低的单位会被排斥,优先级相同则相互排斥.编辑器分类- 战役: 单位显示在战役分类中.分类- 特殊: 单位显示在特殊分类中.可在编辑器中放置: 该项为False则单位将无法在编辑其中放置...地形设置: 单位将只在工具面板的指定地形中显示,仅由于中立单位.使用点击帮助: 在模型中心显示一个紫色小方块,对一些特别小的模型大概有用.可作为中立敌对显示: 勾选该项的中立单位会被显示在中立敌对分类中.可设置死亡掉落物品: 可在设置单位属性中设置其死亡掉落物品.有地形指定数据: 据说某些模型对于不同地形会使用不同数据,比如模型皮肤. 测试未果,只知道该项开启后更换地形很容易跳错. 建议不要理会.路径放置不允许: 不允许放置该建筑的区域.放置要求: 对允许放置区域的要求.放置要求距离水的范围: 建筑需要建造在离水距离为该范围内的地方. 0表示不需要.AI放置类型: 用于对战AI.AI放置范围: 用于对战AI.碰撞体积: 单位的实际大小而非显示大小,碰撞体积过大的单位经常会被被堵住,对建筑无效.路径纹理: 建造建筑时显示的绿色方块区域. 可设置该区域的建造和通行状态.在编辑器中勾选菜单- 编辑- 路径(地面/海路)项可以详细查看路径纹理.如下图为人类基地的默认路径纹理,紫色区域表示不可建造,粉色区域表示地面单位不可通行。


1.在Start2域中心为进入单位的拥有者新建一个名为Megotron X的单位(在这句中,你可以更改生成的单位数量、类型以及在哪个域新建该单位和该单位被建立时的角度)。
对自己创造的地形满意吗?光秃秃的可不好看,想加些树木、小鸟还有瀑布之类的修饰就需要用到摆设面板(Doodad Palette)了,点选工具面板上方的选择框或点击Layer→Doodad来切换到摆设面板(图5)。当你创建类似箭靶的物品时,会发现大小与方向都是随机的,这时你既可将四部分的随机大小和随机方向取消,然后重新添加摆设,也可通过双击调整摆设,然后输入数值来改变大小、方向和种类。如果你只想大致地调整一下方向,则使用Ctrl+鼠标左键点击/拖拽(图6)。

接触魔兽地图编辑器(以下简称WE )也有两年了,两年来不断研习WE 的使用方法。
后来发现,要想熟练使用WE ,不仅要掌握它的使用方法,更要理解它的工作原理。
WE 中带有物体编辑器,声音编辑器,战役编辑器,AI 编辑器等。
网上关于物体编辑器、声音编辑器等的教程有很多,但是AI 编辑器教程确实少之又少,于是,我在此写下个人使用AI 编辑器的使用方法、它的工作原理以及详细的教程。
第一步:启动WE双击WorldEdit.exe 即可打开,如不能打开,说明没装免CD 补丁,可去网上下载浪客剑心补丁,在此不多说。
第二步:打开AI 编辑器(F8):弹出如下AI 编辑器窗口:魔兽争霸AI 编辑器教程1、AI名称:在名字一栏可以编辑AI算法的自定义名称。

【摘要】<正> 第一章《魔兽争霸Ⅲ》Wor1d Editor 的集成界面第1节World Editor的介面组成World Editor界面可分为以下几个部分: 一、菜单栏这是多数应用程序都有的部分,大多数的命令在这里被分门别类地放入菜单。
World Editor的工具栏从左向右数过来分: 1、文件操作功能-新建,打开,保存 2、剪贴板操作功能-剪切,复制,粘贴 3、步骤操作功能-撤消,重做
1.《魔兽争霸3》玩家手册--冰封的王座最新资料详介 [J], 许潇
2.魔兽争霸3趣味地图推荐 [J],
3.魔兽争霸3趣味地图推荐 [J],
4.《魔兽争霸Ⅲ》地图编辑器使用手册 [J], 暗夜精灵;
5.《魔兽争霸3》1.22补丁包地图抢先分析 [J],
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《魔兽争霸3》地图编辑器教学《魔兽争霸3》地图编辑器教学1有朋友反映魔兽争霸III 地图编辑器不太会用,我想也是,因为它比SC的地图编辑器要难的多(但是要好玩过),因此找了一些教学手册放上,希望会对大家有所帮助!World Editor 的集成界面各位好:)World Editor(以下简称WE)界面可分为以下几个部分:一、菜单栏:这是多数应用程序都有的部分,大多数的命令在这里被分门别类的放入菜单。
WE的工具栏从左向右数过来分:1、文件操作功能 - 新建,打开,保存2、剪贴板操作功能 - 剪切,复制,粘贴3、步骤操作功能 - 撤消,重做4、选取工具。
(很多朋友都问过这个问题)5、其它编辑模块功能 - 除了最基本的第一个地形编辑窗口,还包括了触发器编辑器,声单编辑器,兵种单位编辑器,已存在对象浏览器等。
有些鸡肋的功能,必需在WARCARFT 3没有运行时才能用,点击后会将当前地图保存到MAPS/TEST/WorldEditTestMap.w3m,然后自动运行WAR3并建立一个名为WorldEdit的单机账号,使用此账号进入CUSTOM GAME读取该地图。
左移(Num 4)--向左移动所选装饰物,单位,镜头或区域。
右移(Num 6)--向右移动所选装饰物,单位,镜头或区域。
上移(Num 8)--向上移动所选装饰物,单位,镜头或区域。
下移(Num 2)--向下移动所选装饰物,单位,镜头或区域。
左上移动(Num 7)--向左上方移动所选装饰物,单位,镜头或区域。
左下移动(Num 1)--向左下方移动所选装饰物,单位,镜头或区域。
右上移动(Num 9)--向右上方移动所选装饰物,单位,镜头或区域。
右下移动(Num 3)--向右下方移动所选装饰物,单位,镜头或区域。