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Lesson 20 One man in a boat
New words and expressions
【New words and expressions】(5) catch v. 抓到
boot waste realize
n. 钓鱼人,渔民
n. 靴子 n. 浪费 v. 意识到
fish vi. 钓鱼, 捕鱼
1. I often fish for hours without catching anything. 2. fish in troubled water 浑水摸鱼 3. fish for compliments 沽名钓誉 4. I like fishing. 我喜欢钓鱼。 5. I enjoy fishing. 我喜欢钓鱼。 6. I am fond of fishing. 我喜欢钓鱼。 7. I am keen on fishing. 我喜欢钓鱼。 8. go fishing 去钓鱼 9. go swimming 去游泳 10. go shopping 去购物
1. 2. 3. They caught many fish that morning. 那天早上他们钓了很多鱼。 He studies the fishes in the Indian Ocean. 他研究印度洋里的鱼类。 There are a lot of fishes(表示种类)in the sea
Baidu Nhomakorabea
3 boot n. 靴子 a pair of boots 一双靴子 have one’s heart in one’s boots 极为悲观消沉 have one’s heart in one’s mouth 极为恐惧
boots 长筒靴 rubber boots 橡胶长靴
4 waste vt./n. 浪费
1 catch v. 抓到 ① vt. 捉住,逮住,捕获 catch fish 钓鱼,捕鱼 The police have caught the thief. ② vt. 抓住,握住Can you catch the ball? ③ vt. 及时赶到,赶上catch a bus 赶车 miss the bus 错过公交车 ④ catch的一些固定用法 catch a cold 染上感冒catch one's breath 摒住呼吸 catch sight of = see 看见catch fire 着火 catch one's eyes 吸引某人注意力 catch sb doing sth 抓住正在做某事的人 catch up with 赶上 eg. The little boy was caught stealing apples from the garden. 那个小男孩正在园子里偷苹果被抓住。 eg. The early bird catches the worm. 捷足先登。 eg. Go ahead, please. I’ll soon catch up with you. 你先走吧,我会很快赶上 你的。
5 realize v.
2) vt. 实现(希望、目标、愿望,计划等,可用于主动,也可用于被动语态) realize one’s hope 实现某人的希望 realize one’s dream 实现某人的梦想 realize one’s plan 实现某人的计划 He realized his dream at last. 他终于实现了自己的梦想。 → His dream was realized at last. Her worst fears were realized. 她最担心的事发生了。 come true 成为现实(物做主语,没有被动语态) Her dream has come true. 她的梦想实现了。
4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
a big fish in a small pond. 山中无老虎猴子称霸王 When the cat is away, the mice will play. 老猫不在家老鼠笑呵呵。
teach fish to swim 班门弄斧 fish in troubled water 浑水摸鱼 fish for compliments 沽名钓誉 drink like a fish 牛饮 like a fish out of water 如鱼离水 an odd fish 奇怪的家伙
5 realize v. 1)意识到
real adj. 真的 reality n. 现实 1) 认识到,知道,明白,意识到(不用于被动语态,不用于进行时态,人做主语) realize one’s mistake 认识到自己的错误 /be aware of one’s mistake She realized that he was lying. 她意识到他正在说谎。 They don’t realize one important thing.
2 fisherman n. 钓鱼人,渔民 fish → fisherman (pl. fishermen) fish n./v. Fish n.的复数形式 指鱼的种类时用fishes,其它情况用fish 1) fish用作可数名词指“鱼的条数”时单数和复数形式相同(two fish两条鱼), 2) fishes 不同种类的鱼。 指“鱼的种类”时复数形式才为fishes(two fishes两种鱼) 3) fish用作不可数名词时无复数形式,作“鱼肉”解(Help yourself to some fish.)
① n. 浪费 a waste of…
浪费…… It is a waste of time/money/food/water/feeling. go to waste 变成废物 wastebasket 费纸篓 (Am.) wastepaper basket 纸篓 (Br.)
② vt. 浪费
You are wasting time. waste away (人,体力)衰弱