



WORDS1.vitamin 维生素2.Maltose 麦芽3.Barley 大麦4.Carotene 胡萝卜素5.Fermentation 发酵6.GMO 转基因生物7.Lettuce 莴苣8.Herbicide 除草剂9.Allergen 过敏原10.Alcholic beverages 酒精饮料11.Polysaccharid多糖12.Polyatomic 多酚13.Glycolysis 糖酵解14.Sucrose 蔗糖15.Fructose 果糖16.Glucose 葡萄糖ctose 乳糖18.Enzyme 酶19.Amylose 淀粉酶20.Amino acid 氨基酸21.Metabolic 新陈代谢22.Substrate 底物23.Casein 酪蛋白24.Yogurt 酸奶25.Skim milk 脱脂牛奶26.Carbonhydrate 碳水化合物27.Proteases 蛋白酶28.Papain 木瓜蛋白酶29.Fatty acid 脂肪酸Basic steps in vegetables' canning:1.preparation of vegetables 原料预处理2.Blanching 热烫3.Filling 填充4.Ensuring vacuum in containers 抽真空,排气5.Sealing 密封6.Heat processing 加热杀菌7.Cooling 冷却beling and casing 贴标装箱Fermentation conditions啤酒酵母利用糖进行发酵时,对蔗糖、果糖、麦芽糖和麦芽三糖有着独特的利用次序。







Lesson 91. Lipids are a family of naturally occurring compounds grouped together on the basis of their relative insolubility in water in nonpolar solvents. These are naturally occurring molecules that can be isolated from cells and tissues by extration using nonpolar organic solvents.依据在水中的不溶解性和在非极性溶剂中的溶解性,脂肪以家族形式组成而自然出现的。


2. Saturated fats have a uniform shape that allows them to pack together in a crystal lattice. Unsaturated fats have double bonds that introduce kinks into the hydrocarbon chain making crystal formation more difficult.饱和脂肪有一个均一一致的形状,这使得他它们能够在晶格中聚合起来。


3. The most abundant lipid in olive oil is glyceryl trioleate, a trimester formed from glycerol and oleic acid, a mono-unsaturated fatty acid with a cis double bond in the middle of the Cchain.18橄榄油里最丰富的脂质是三油酸甘油酯,是甘油和油酸,与一个单不饱和脂肪酸加上一个顺式双键在C18链的中间形成的一种三聚体。

食品科学与工程专业英语 总结

食品科学与工程专业英语 总结

一、1.必需脂肪酸 essential fatty acid2。

水溶性维生素 water-soluble vitamin3.脂溶性维生素 fat-soluble vitamin4.食品添加剂 food additive5.甜味剂 sweetener6.真空包装 vacuum packaging (VP)7.货架期 shelf-life 8。

成膜的— film-forming9。

持水的— water-holding 10.降脂 reduced-fat11。


GMP(良好操作规范) Good Manufacturing Practice13.HACCP(危害分析管理制度)Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points14。

转基因作物 genetically modified organisms/crops15。

SSOP(卫生标准操作规程)Sanitation Standard Operating Procedure16.多不饱和脂肪酸 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)17。

碳水化合物 carbohydrate 18。

单糖 monosaccharide 19。

多糖 polysaccharide 20.果糖 fructose21.葡萄糖 glucose 22.微量矿物质 minor mineral 23。

发酵香肠 fermented sausage 24.淀粉酶 amylase25.着色剂 coloring agent 26.新陈代谢 metabolism27.强化奶 fortified milk 28.亚硝酸盐 nitrite二、句子翻译1。


Current dietary guidelines recommend that the fat intake in Western countries should be decreased from around 40% at present to not more than 30% of the energy intake。

食品专业英语 lesson 7-Yogurt fermentation

食品专业英语 lesson 7-Yogurt fermentation

Lesion 7 yogurt fermentation一、第一段1.Yogurt is another well-known fermented dairy product that forms an importantpart of the human diet in many parts of the world. 酸奶是一种众所周知的发酵乳制品,在世界很多地方成为人类食物的重要部分。

2.In the United States alone, 1979 sales figures indicated that more than 565 millionpounds of this fermented dairy product were sold. 仅在美国,1979年度消费数据表明这种发酵乳制品的销量已经超过565百万磅。

3.Depending on the system of manufacture and the nature of the coagulum,yogurts may be classified as being of two main types, set or stirred. 根据生产工艺和产品凝固的特性,酸奶分为凝固型和搅拌型。

coagulum凝固物;凝块stirred [stɝd]4.Tow lactose-fermenting bacteria, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcusthermophilus, are used as the starter culture to make yogurt. 乳糖发酵细菌,保加利亚乳杆菌和嗜热链球菌被用来作制作酸奶的发酵剂。

Lactobacillus bulgaricus保加利亚乳杆菌Streptococcus thermophilus嗜热链球菌starter culture培养物5.Equal numbers of L. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus are desirable for flavor andtexture production. 并且,两种菌等量使用可以得到最佳的风味产品。



食品专业英语期末考试要点一、基本概念1. 食品食品是指供人类消费的具有营养价值的物质,包括各种食用动植物和加工制作的食品。

2. 食品安全食品安全是指食品在生产、加工、运输、储存和消费的全过程中,不对人体健康造成危害的状态。

3. 食品质量食品质量是指食品在满足人们消费需求的基础上,符合国家法律法规和标准的要求。

二、食品安全与卫生1. 食源性疾病食源性疾病是由于摄入受污染的食品引起的疾病。


2. 食品中毒的分类食品中毒可分为细菌性食物中毒、真菌性食物中毒、化学性食物中毒和毒素性食物中毒等。


3. 食品安全标志食品安全标志是国家或地区为了保障食品安全而设立的标志系统,可以通过标志的认证来保证食品的安全性。

三、食品质量控制1. 食品质量控制的目的食品质量控制的目的是为了确保食品的质量符合国家的法律法规和标准要求,并能够满足消费者的需求和期望。

2. 食品质量控制的方法食品质量控制的方法包括原材料控制、工艺控制、环境控制和检验控制等。


3. 食品质量控制的指标食品质量控制的指标包括感官指标、理化指标、微生物指标等。


四、食品加工与技术1. 食品加工的目的食品加工的目的是通过对食品的加工处理,改善食品的质地、口感和营养价值,以满足人们的需求和喜好。

2. 常见的食品加工方法常见的食品加工方法包括蒸煮、炒炸、腌制、发酵等。


3. 食品加工技术的研究与创新食品加工技术的研究与创新是为了提高食品的加工效率和质量,并满足人们对食品多样化的需求。

五、食品法规与标准1. 食品法规的作用食品法规是国家对食品生产、流通和消费等方面制定的规范性文件,其目的在于保障食品的安全和合法。

2. 食品标准的分类食品标准可以分为国家标准、行业标准和地方标准等。



酸acid 碱base 醇alcohol 醛aldehyde 酮ketone酯ester 醚ether 苯benzene 酚phenol碳氢化合物hydrocarbon 碳水化合物/糖类carbohydrate 糖saccharide一、酸acid无机酸inorganic acid:硝酸nitric acid 盐酸hydrochloric acid 硫酸sulfuric acid 磷酸phosphoric acid甲酸Methanoic acid = formic acid 乙酸Ethanoic acid = acetic acid 丙酸Propanoic 丁酸Butanoic acid 戊烷pentane 己烷Hexane 庚烷Heptane 辛烷Octane 壬烷Nonane 癸烷Decane甲胺Methanamine甲醇Methanol甲醛Methanal = formaldehyde乙醛Ethanal = acetaldehyde二、碱base(-OH:-hydroxide)无机碱inorganic base: NaOH sodium hydroxide, KOH potassium hydrox ide ,Ca(OH)2 calcium hydroxide有机碱organic base:甲胺methanamine 乙胺ethamine 丙胺Propanamine丁胺Butanamine 。

三、盐类salt (-ate)无机盐inorganic salt: 氯化钠sodium chloride 氯化钾potassium chloride 硫酸钠sodium sulfate 磷酸钠sodium phosphate海藻酸钠:guluronate有机盐organic salt: 醋酸钠sodium acetate 柠檬酸钾potassium citrate (柠檬酸citric acid)四、碳氢化合物hydrocarbon(-ane)Methane 甲烷,Ethane 乙烷, Propane 丙烷,Butane丁烷,pentane 戊烷。


Food additives are defined as a class of substances that are used in the production, processing, storage and packaging of food so as to extend the shelf-life and meet the processing needs for improving the quality, color, flavor and taste.
Definition of food preservatives
Food preservatives are a series of substances added to food to prevent decomposition and prolong the shelf-life of food. More specifically, preservatives refer to a class of substances used in food processing in order to inhibit the microbial activity, prevent spoilage caused by the contamination of microorganisms in the process of production, transportation, storage and circulation, improve the food preservation and retain the edibleness of food. They generally play the role of functions of antibacterial and antioxidants agents, which can not only inhibit the growth of molds, yeasts and bacteria, but also can prevent food from producing rancid odour, restrain the formation of browning and dark spots.



Lesson11)It is the chain of activities that brings food from “farm gate to plate”.这是一条使食品“从农场到餐盘”的供应链。

2)For example,fifty-six companies are involved in making one can of chicken noodle soup.例如,一种鸡肉面汤罐头的制造会牵扯到56家公司。

3)Here food was sold to grocers for sale in their local shops for purchase by local consumers.农民在农村市场将食品出售给零售商,零售商再通过商店将食品卖给当地消费者。

4)Nevertheless,less than ten percent of consumer spending on food goes to farmers , with larger percentages going to advertising , transportation ,and intermediate corporations.尽管如此,消费者花费在食品方面的开销只有不到10%到了农民手中,而食品方面的花销大部分到了广告、运输和中间公司手中。

5)Wholesale markets for fresh food products have tended to decline in importance in OECE countries as well as in Latin America and some Asian countries as a result of the growth of supermarkets , which procure directly from farmers or through preferred suppliers , rather than going through markets.超市直接从农民或选择性供应商(而非通过市场)采购食品方式的发展,已经是经合组织国家、拉丁美洲和一些亚洲国家的新鲜产品批发市场的重要性有所降低。



最新精选全文完整版(可编辑修改)《食品专业英语》试题(B卷)考试时间:90分钟考试形式:闭卷班级:学号:姓名:(备注:答案写在作业纸上)一、英汉互译(每小题1分,共20分)1. cholesterol n.2. dehydration3. riboflavin4. myoglobin5. parasite6. vacuum7. sorghum8. oxidation9. flatulence10. tannin11. 家禽12. 淀粉13.发酵14. 新陈代谢15.微生物16. 益生菌17.免疫18.碱度19. 卤水20. 酪蛋白二、选择题(每小题2分,共20分)1. What portions of food energy do the grain of cereals provides for ourhumans?A. about one-quarterB. about three-quartersC. about a halfD. about 20%2. What can significantly slow the process of rancidity?A. sugarB. cooling waterC. oxygenD. nitrite3. Which will affect consumers’ first impression on the meat?A. rigidityB. tasteC. colorD. smell4. What are two main elements which determine the tastes of fruit?A. acidity and sugarsB. water and sugarC. water and acidityD. sugar and salt5. What percentage does caseins accounting for in the total proteins?A. 50%B. 80%C. 60%D. 70%6. What are made from beef, pork or poultry?A. cerealsB. legumesC. sausagesD. vegetables7. What is enriched in cereal which is very essential for our humans?A. waterB. vitaminsC. saltD. sugar8. What is not the main component of meat?A. sugarB. waterC. proteinD. fat9. What are the main component of fruit and vegetables and consist of more than 90% of their dry matters?A. carbohydratesB. proteinsC. vitaminsD. glycolipids10. Which is a white nutritious liquid secreted by mammals and used as food by human beings?A. proteinB. glucoseC. milkD. collagen三、填空题(每小题2分,共20分)1. Eggs should be thoroughly cooked until both the yolk and the white are _______.2. ____and ____ are very common cereals in China.3. ______capacity of meat is one of the most important properties of processed products.4. Salts from fruit are ______, so consumption of fruit facilitates the neutralization of noxious uric acid and then contributes to the acid-basic equilibrium in the blood.5. Beans are the basic ______ in a variety of creative, healthy and tasty recipes.6. Milk proteins have the ideal ______pattern and have better biological another critical material for bread making.8. In fact, through hermetic packaging, a part of can be kept and it cannot be completely lost.9. is made up of the spices, salt and two cups of water.10. The life of most foods can be lengthened from days or weeks to months by freezing the product.四、判断题(每小题2分,共20分)1. Study shows that 97% of egg protein is absorbed as amino acids, and it is used for new protein synthesis and replacement of lost protein.2. In China, the main cereals are wheat, rice and maize.3. Processed meat as a category is a continuum of products ranging from meat products with a minimum of 50% of meat.4. Carbohydrates are the main component of fruit and vegetables and consist of more than 90% of their dry matters.5. Acidity and sugars are two main elements which determine the tastes of fruit.6. Legumes are erect or climbing beans or pea plants of the family Leguminosae. They are high in fat, rich in protein, and low glycemic index in carbohydrates.7. There are several types of proteins found in milk, with caseins accounting for 80% of the total proteins.8. Blanching is a heat treatment in a near-boiling water or steam. Blanchingremoves gases from within the tissue and hardens the product.9. In bread making the gluten is developed by kneading to form a strong network which sets on baking.10. All casings preserved in salt must be soaked in lukewarm water for at least 50 minutes before use.五、句子翻译(每小题4分,共20分)1. Eggs provide nutrition for young animals during their periods of rapid growth, so eggs are believed to be an indispensable food for most of animals.2. Water plays a significant role in processed meat because additional water is added through the use of curing brine. The loss of water will reduce the yields, but it is desired in dry fermented products.3. Fat is a complex mixture of lipids. Fatty acids are mostly saturated, and specific desaturasein mammary gland can produce oleic acid, also formed in bio-hydrogenation of linoleic acid.4. Blanching gives the product another washing treatment and inactivates enzymes which may cause deterioration of the food.5. Every kind of vegetables has its prime time from the standpoints of color, texture and flavor.《食品专业英语》试题(B卷)答案一、英汉互译(每小题1分,共20分)1. 胆固醇2. 脱水; 干燥3. 核黄素; 维生素B24. 肌球素;肌红蛋白5.寄生虫;寄生生物6. 真空;空间7. 高粱8. 氧化9. 肠胃气胀10. 鞣酸,丹宁酸; 鞣料; 鞣质11. poultry 12. starch13. ferment 14. Metabolism15. microorganism 16. Probiotics17. immunity 18. alkalinity19. brine 20. Casein二、选择题(每小题2分,共20分)1-5: B D C A B6-10: C B A A C三、填空题(每小题2分,共20分)1.concretionary2.Wheat, rice3.Water-holding4.Alkaline5.Ingredients6.amino acid7.Yeast8.moisture9.Slurry10.Storage四、判断题(每小题2分,共20分)1.T2.T3. F4.T5. T6.F7. T 8.F9. T 10.F五、句子翻译(每小题4分,共20分)1.蛋在幼兽快速生长的时期为它们提供营养,因此,蛋被认为是大多数动物不可缺少的食物。



Raw Material:原料,指食品加工过程中使用的未经加工或初步加工的物质。


Food Processing:食品加工,涉及将原料转化为食品的一系列操作。

Primary Processing:初级加工,原料的初步处理,如清洗、切割等。

Secondary Processing:二次加工,进一步改变食品特性的处理,如混合、烘烤、冷冻等。

Finished Product:成品,经过加工处理后的最终食品。



Food Safety:食品安全,确保食品在生产、加工、储存和销售过程中不会对人体健康造成危害。

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP):危害分析和关键控制点,一种食品安全管理体系,用于识别和控制食品生产过程中的潜在危害。

Sell-by Date:保质期,食品在指定条件下保持其品质和安全性的最后日期。

Manufacturing Date:生产日期,食品被生产或加工的日

Foodborne Diseases:食源性疾病,由食物携带的病原体引起的疾病。

Microbial Contamination:微生物污染,食品中微生物的存在,可能导致食品变质或引发疾病。




食品专业英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The term "shelf life" in food science refers to the period during which a food product is expected to remain:A. FreshB. EdibleC. UnchangedD. All of the above2. Which of the following is not a common food additive?A. PreservativesB. EmulsifiersC. Flavor enhancersD. Natural sugars3. The process of ________ is used to kill bacteria in food products.A. FermentationB. PasteurizationC. CanningD. Drying4. The unit "ppm" stands for:A. Parts per millionB. Pounds per minuteC. Percentage point marginD. Per pound mass5. In food processing, the term "HACCP" refers to:A. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control PointsB. High Accuracy Control ProgramC. Health and Community Care ProgramD. High-altitude Cooking and Cooling Process6. The main purpose of using enzymes in food production is to:A. Increase the nutritional valueB. Enhance the flavorC. Improve the textureD. Accelerate the reaction rate7. Which of the following is a method of food preservation?A. FreezingB. SmokingC. Both A and BD. None of the above8. The chemical formula for table salt is:A. NaClB. KClC. CaCl2D. MgCl29. The "five senses" in sensory evaluation of food do not include:A. TasteB. SmellC. SightD. Temperature10. The term "rancidity" in food science is associated with the oxidation of:A. ProteinsB. CarbohydratesC. LipidsD. Vitamins二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. The ________ is a technique used to determine the fat content in meat products.(Infra-red spectroscopy)12. A ________ is a person who is trained to evaluate food products using their senses.(Sensory panelist)13. The ________ is the process of removing water from food to extend its shelf life.(Dehydration)14. The ________ is a type of food spoilage caused by the growth of mold.(Mycotoxin)15. The ________ is a method used to preserve food by using high temperatures and pressure.(Sterilization)16. The ________ is the study of the chemical, physical, and biological properties of food.(Food science)17. The ________ is a technique used to detect the presence of specific microorganisms in food.(Microbiological analysis)18. The ________ is a food additive that helps to maintain the color of food products.(Antioxidant)19. The ________ is a process used to remove impurities from food products.(Purification)20. The ________ is the study of the changes in food during processing and storage.(Food chemistry)三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)21. What are the main functions of food additives in the food industry?Answer: The main functions of food additives include preserving food to prevent spoilage, enhancing the flavor and texture of food, improving the appearance of food, and providing nutritional benefits.22. Describe the steps involved in the HACCP system.Answer: The HACCP system involves seven steps: 1) Assess the hazards associated with the food; 2) Determine thecritical control points; 3) Establish critical limits for each control point; 4) Monitor the control points to ensure they are within the limits; 5) Corrective actions if thelimits are exceeded; 6) Verify that the HACCP system is working effectively; 7) Record keeping for all the steps and actions taken.四、论述题(每题25分,共50分)23. Discuss the importance of food safety and the role of regulatory bodies in ensuring it.Answer: Food safety is crucial to prevent foodborne illnesses and protect public health. Regulatory bodies play a key role by setting standards, monitoring compliance, conducting inspections, and enforcing regulations to ensure that food products are safe for consumption.24. Explain the concept of "sustainable food production" and its significance in today's world.Answer: Sustainable food production refers to thepractice of producing food using methods that protect the environment, public health, and community well-being while ensuring long-term food security. It is significant in。



L4WHO has been actively participating in the development of principles and recommendation for the safety assessment of GM foods derived from genetically modified organisms (GMO).世界卫生组织现已积极的参与到评价对转基因食品安全的原则和建议中。


The result developed in the course of various expert consultations from the basis for guidelines on national levels and are presently being incorporated into internationally recognized standards.不同专家基于本国的技术水平而商讨的结果目前已被作为公认的权威标准。


The next generation of genetically modified foods will be crops with improved nutritional value, thus crossing the borderline to “functional foods” and “nutraceuticals”.我方准备把高蛋白玉米作为下一代的转基因食品,并将打破功能食品与螺旋杆菌间定义上的灰色界限下一代转基因食品将是营养价值得到提高的作物,因此它跨越了功能食品和营养食品的界限。

Evaluations will increasingly have to consider the impact of a GM food on the overall nutritional status taking into account the different needs in developed and developing countries .评估机构必将倾向于考虑转基因食品对人体蛋白比率的影响以确保其符合发展中与发达国家的不同需求考虑到发展国家和发展中国家的不同需求,评估将越加考虑转基因食品在总营养状况方面的影响。



多用单词:Emulsifying乳化的 Biotin生物素 Choline胆碱 Phytochemicals 植物素 caramelization焦糖化反应 Preventing spoilage防止变质Monosaccharides单糖 Oligosaccharide 低聚糖Polysaccharides 多糖pyrolysis热解fudge软糖gelatinization凝胶化irreversible swelling不可逆溶胀hemi-cellulose半纤维素Xylan木聚糖,arabinogalactan, 阿拉伯半乳聚糖galactoglucomannan半乳葡甘露聚糖 pectin果胶agar琼脂 algin 藻胶 xanthan gum黄原胶 Glycogen糖原 trypsin 胰蛋白酶 pepsin 胃蛋白酶 ovalbumin卵清蛋白 ferritin铁蛋白hemoglobin血红蛋白 lipoproteins脂蛋白 actin and myosin肌动蛋白和肌球蛋白thrombin凝血酶 insulin胰岛素 collagen胶原keratin角蛋白elastin粘性蛋白Membranes细胞膜Thiamin硫胺素vb1 Riboflavin核黄素vb2 alpha tocopherol生育酚 Niacin烟酸Pantothenic acid泛酸 Folic acid.叶酸 coenzyme辅酶 osmosis 渗透作用 amylose直链淀粉 amylopectin支链 rancidity酸败bran麸皮 pyramid金字塔 glycerol甘油 preservatives防腐剂constipation便秘diverticular憩室的hemorrhoids痔疮Diabetes糖尿病Osteoporosis骨质疏松症Cardiovascular diseases心血管疾病 anthocyanidin花青素 polyphenol多元酚pigments色素 spectrophotometers分光光度计 astringency涩味Nitrogen氮purines嘌呤, pyrimidines嘧啶porphyrin卟啉adenosine triphosphate三磷酸腺苷linoleic acid亚油酸Thyroid function甲状腺功能citric柠檬酸 isocitric异柠檬酸 malic苹果酸 Oxalic草酸, tartaric酒石酸, succinic acids.琥珀酸esters酯类 alcohols醇类 ethers醚类, ketones.酮类 Heat denaturation热变性sterilization灭菌 sanitizing消毒membrane processing膜处理microfiltration微过滤sediment沉淀物ultrafiltration超滤 carotene胡萝卜素 hydrophobic疏水性hydrophilic亲水性 hydrogel水凝胶chiral手性的D-glycerose D-甘油醛 heteroglycan杂聚糖polyunsaturated 多不饱和键的catalyst 催化剂翻译句型:Although metals are crystalline solids, this is not immediately apparent when they are examined under a microscope.虽然金属是晶体,但是当在显微镜下观察时,并不是立刻就那么明显。



最新精选全文完整版(可编辑修改)《食品专业英语》考试试卷(A卷)一、指出下列前后缀或词汇含义(每小题1.5中译英:英译中:半- iso-两- poly-亚- mono-酵母菌的发酵bio-乙醇hydrogen bond化学防腐剂biocatalyst溶解度polar solvents脱水hydrocarbon果胶sugar and starch氧化spoilage二、选择题(每小题2分,共10分)1. Proteins are of great size, complexity, and diversityA. atomsB. moleculesC. protonD. ion2. The word is often paired with the word food because the two go gogether. They are interdependent, but not interchangeable.A. starchB. lipidC. nutritionD. sugar3. Esters of fatty acids with alcohols is .A. simple lipidsB. compound lipidsC. derived lipidsD. hydrocarbons4. are the “ building blocks” of proteins.A. peptidesB. amino acidC. enzymesD. lipid5. The fungi, consist of two major microorganisms, and yeasts.A. moldsB. bacteriaC. microbeD. cocci三、英译汉(每小题7分,共35分)1.Remember that catalysts increase the rate of a reaction, but are not themselves consumed or produced by the reaction. Also, they do not change the equilibrium constant (平衡常数)of a reaction.2. These are enzymes that catalyze the reduction or oxidation of a molecule. Remember that oxidation is the reverse(逆反应)ofreduction.3. The vitamins are divided into two general categories based on their solubility in either water or fat. The fat-soluble vitamins are vitamins A, D, E and K; the water -soluble vitamins include vitamin C and vitamin B.4. Each of these nutrients contains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, while protein also contains nitrogen, and it is the ratio of carbon to hydrogen to oxygen that determines the number of calories(热量)they provide.5. They are called essential nutrients because we cannot get along without them. We need them for energy, for building and maintaining body tissue, and for regulating body processes- the three essential functions of foods in the body.四、汉译英(共25分)1、化学添加剂可用于防止由微生物引起的食品腐败。

食品专业英语 lesson 13

食品专业英语 lesson 13

Lesson 13 Basic Steps in Vegetables’ Canning--蔬菜罐装的基本步骤Vegetables differ from fruits in chemical composition and therefore require different canning conditions.蔬菜在化学组成上和水果不同,因此,需要(和水果)不同的罐装条件。

The acidity of vegetables is generally much lower(i.e., high pH value)than that of fruits, and they may contain more heat-resistant soil organisms than fruits. 蔬菜的酸度通常比水果低很多(即pH值较高),因此它们可能比水果含有更多的耐热的土壤有机物。

In addition, many vegetables require more cooking than fruits to develop their most desirable flavor and texture. 此外,许多蔬菜要求比水果更多的烹煮时间以达到它们需要的风味和结构。

For these reasons canned vegetables in general require more severe processing than fruits.由于这些原因,罐装蔬菜通常比水果需要更严苛的加工过程。

Preparation of Vegetables 蔬菜的准备1.One of the important steps in canning is thorough cleaning of raw food material onits receipt at the cannery. 在罐装时重要的一步是在罐头厂接受原材料时对原材料进行彻底的清洗。



专业词汇1.cereal 谷类2.amino acid 氨基酸3.folic acid 叶酸 residues食物残留5.myosin 肌球蛋白6.protein structure蛋白质结构7.enzyme酶8.germination发芽9.dehusking去壳10.fermetation发酵ctic acid乳酸12.pound研磨13.antiseptic防腐的14dying pickling腌制15.heat sterilisation热杀菌16.thiamine硫胺素17.riboflanvin 核黄素18.nicotinic aicd烟酸19.protein synthesis蛋白质合成20.denaturation蛋白质变性21.calcium 钙22.phosphate 磷酸盐23.coenzymes 辅酶24.intermediary 媒介25.catalyse 催化26.oxidation-reduction reaction 氧化还原反应27.hormone 激素28.monomer 单体29.hydrolysis 水解30.inert protein惰性蛋白31.monosaccharides 单糖32.oligosaccharides 低聚糖33.glycerine 甘油34.fatty acid 脂肪酸35.hydrochloric acid 盐酸36.digestive juices 消化液37.Salmonellla 沙门氏菌38.thaw 解冻mercial sterility 商业杀菌40.pasteurisation 巴氏杀菌41.lethal effect 致死42.spoilage 败坏,变质43.multiply 繁殖44.nucleic acid 核酸45.lethal effect curve 致死曲线46.spore former 芽孢47.Maillard browing 美拉德反应48.caramelisation 焦糖化49.hydrogen bond 氢键50.vapourisation 蒸发51.fusion 冷凝52.equilibrium 平衡53.osmophilic 渗透的54.extensive denaturation 深度变性55.rancidity酸败56.oxidation 氧化57.polyphenol oxidase 多酚氧化酶58.sulphur dioxide 二氧化硫59.ascorbic acid Vc 60.blanching 热烫anic acid有机酸62.nitrosamines亚硝胺63.sorbic acid山梨酸64.benzoic acid苯甲酸65.ketone酮66.aldechyde醛67.harvest fungicide采后处理68.pesticide residues农药残留69.Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point system危害分析关键控制点70.allergen过敏原72.sterile灭菌73.contamination spread交叉污染74.margarine人造黄油75.centrifugal 离心76.stabilising agent稳定性77.emulsify乳化剂78.shearing 剪切力79.phase inversion相变80.hardening 氢化81.cholesterol胆固醇82.isomerism异构体83.gluten面筋84.starch gelatinisation淀粉糊化85.staleness老化86.filtration过滤87.sensory evaluation感官评价88.starch retrogradation回生89.covalent bond 共价键 radical 自由基91.air tight气密性92.gelation糊化93.rheological流变的94.anthocyanins花青素95.carotenoid类胡萝卜素96.myoglobin肌红蛋白97.Hydrolytic rancidity水解酸败98.reducing sugar还原糖99.furan呋喃100.chlorophyll叶绿素 vivo体内in vitro体外102room temperature常温103pungent刺激性的104.oleic acid油酸105.linoleic acid亚油酸106.glucose葡萄糖107.fructose果糖108.pigment色素109refrigeration temperature冷藏110cross-contamination交叉感染名词解释1.peptide:short chain molecules made up of several amino acid units2.essential fatty acids:fatty acids that we cannot synthesis and be provided by food we poisoning:the term that encompasses any poisoning arising from food consumption4.pasteurisation:the process which is aimed at killing pathogenic organisms and at the sametime reducing the number of other organisms which might be associated with spoilage:food spoilage is defined as any undesirable change to a food which can bedetected by the senses of sight ,smell,taste and feelmercial sterility:the aim of heat processing which is no growth of spoilage organisms orpathogens under normal conditions of storage and sale7.water activity:water activity is measured by comparing the vapour pressure of water in airwhich is in equilibrium with pure liquid water with that of water containing a dissolvedsubstance8.blanching:rapid short-time heating or fast heating with steam of boiling water9.hazard analysis:the procedure of setting up a diagrammatic representation of a process andidentifying those steps where hazards may enter10.critical control point:the points or steps in a process which will prevent a hazard occuring11.allergen:substances which elicit an immune reponse in sensitive individuals12.anthocyanins:a large group of compounds which are largely responsible for the variety ofdifferent colours in the plant texture:the properties of a food we can feel either with the fingers,the tongue,thepalate or the teeth14.sensory evaluation:consumer sensory testing或者the measurement of responses ofconsumers when receiving sensory stimuli using a variety of formalised,structured methodologies15.viscosity:viscosity is a property of liquid foods and it measures the resistance to flow of aliquid when subjected to a shearing force16.denaturation of protein:it can be defined as any loss of molecular shape which is alsoassociated with loss of funtion17.starch retrogradation:the phenomenon that slow cooling of the solution leads to formationof an ordered semicrystalline structure again with exclusion of water18.rancidity:the reactions which lead to the development of the pungent,tallowy flavorling:the process that physical structures are sheared away from one another by the roller20.hydrolysis:breaking of bond by addition of water。



食品专业词‎汇总结之一‎gelle‎d foods‎t uff 凝胶食品gener‎a lly recog‎ni zed‎as safe(GRAS) (食品添加剂‎的)公认安全,一般认为安‎全genet‎i c all‎y modif‎i ed food,GMF 转基因食品‎geria‎t ric food 老年食品GM food (genet‎i c all‎y modif‎i ed food) 转基因食品‎gourm‎e t food 鲜美食品,珍贵食品gradi‎n g food quali‎t y 食品质量分‎级GRAS(gener‎a lly recog‎ni zed‎as safe) (食品添加剂‎的)公认安全,一般认为安‎全green‎food 绿色食品groce‎ry食品杂货;食品杂货店‎;小酒馆Healt‎h food 健康食品,保健食品Healt‎h Ingre‎d ient‎s Europ‎e(H IE) 欧洲健康(保健)食品配料展‎览会healt‎h-care food 保健食品heat-and-eat food pack 加热即食的‎包装食品,快速食品heat-and-eat froze‎n food 加热即食的‎冷冻食品,速冻快速食‎品HIE(Healt‎h Ingre‎d ient‎s Europ‎e) 欧洲健康(保健)食品配料展‎览会hypos‎i te 低热量食品‎ICMSF‎国际食品微‎生物标准鉴‎定委员会;ICMSF‎IFAC(Inter‎n atio‎n al Food Addit‎i ves Counc‎i l) 国际食品添‎加剂委员会‎IFIS(Itern‎a tion‎al Food Infor‎m atio‎n Servi‎ce) 国际食品咨‎询服务处IFMA(Inter‎n atio‎n al Food Manuf‎a ctur‎e A ssoc‎i atio‎n) 国际食品制‎造者协会IFST(Insti‎t ute of Food Scien‎ce and Techn‎ol ogy‎) 食品科学与‎工艺学学会‎IFT(Insti‎t ute of Food Techn‎ol ogi‎s t s) 食品工艺学‎家学会[美]indic‎a tor of food hygie‎n e quali‎t y 食品卫生质‎量指标indir‎e ct food addit‎i ve 间接食品添‎加剂infan‎t food 婴儿食品infan‎t formu‎l a 婴儿配制食‎品INFD(Inter‎n atio‎n al Netwo‎rk of Food Data) 国际食品数‎据网infli‎g ht meal 航空食品,飞机内用的‎便餐,机内客饭INS(Inter‎n atio‎n al Numbe‎ri ng Syste‎m) 国际编码系‎统[联合国食品‎法典委员会‎]inspe‎ctor of food hygie‎ne 食品卫生监‎督员insta‎n t food 即食品insta‎n tize‎r速溶剂;速溶机;速溶食品生‎产设备Insti‎t ute of Food Techn‎ol ogi‎s t s(IFT) 食品工艺学‎家学会[美]inten‎ti ona‎l food addit‎i ve 有意食品添‎加剂,故意(加入的)食品添加剂‎inter‎m edia‎t e-moist‎u re foods‎中等水分食‎品Inter‎n atio‎n al Commi‎s si on‎on Micro‎bi olo‎gi cal‎ Speci‎fi cat‎i ons for Foods‎o f IAMS 国际食品微‎生物标准鉴‎定委员会;ICMSF‎Inter‎n atio‎n al Food Addit‎i ves Counc‎i l (IFAC) 国际食品添‎加剂委员会‎Inter‎n atio‎n al Food Infor‎m atio‎n Servi‎c e(IFIS) 国际食品咨‎询服务处Inter‎n atio‎n al Food Manuf‎a ctur‎e A ssoc‎i atio‎n(IFMA) 国际食品制‎造者协会Inter‎n atio‎n al Netwo‎rk of Food Data (INFD) 国际食品数‎据网Inter‎n atio‎n al Uion of Food Scien‎ce and Techn‎ol ogy‎(IUFOS‎T) 国际食品科‎学技术协会‎Inter‎n atio‎n al Union‎of Food Scien‎ce andTe‎chnol‎o gy 国际食品工‎艺学联合会‎;IU FOS‎TInter‎n atio‎n al Union‎of Food Worke‎rs (IUF)Inter‎n atio‎n al Union‎of 国际食品工‎作者联合会‎inval‎i d food 疗效食品,病人食品irrad‎i ated‎food 照射食品,辐照食品irrad‎i ated‎produ‎ct 照射(杀菌)食品irrad‎i atio‎n辐射,照射;食品照射保‎藏法isola‎te flavo‎r 单离食品香‎料IUF(Inter‎n atio‎n al Union‎of Food Worke‎rs ) 国际食品工‎作者联合会‎IUFOS‎T 国际食品工‎艺学联合会‎;IU FOS‎TIUFOS‎T(Inter‎n atio‎nal Uion of Food Worke‎rs) 国际食品科‎学技术协会‎Japan‎Food Addit‎i ves Assoc‎i atii‎o n(JFAA) 日本食品添‎加剂协会Japan‎e se Stand‎a rd of Food Addit‎i ves(JSFA) 日本食品添‎加剂标准JECFA‎FAO/WHO 食品添加剂‎专家联合委‎员会;JECFA‎JECFA‎(Jonin‎t FAO/WHO Exper‎t Commi‎t tee on Food Addit‎i ves) FAO/WHO 食品添加剂‎联合专家委‎员会jecor‎i ze (食品的)鱼肝油(增补)化,外加鱼肝油‎JFAA(Japan‎Food Addit‎i ves Assoc‎i tati‎o i n) 日本食品添‎加剂协会JFCMP‎(Jonit‎ F AO/WHO Food Conta‎mi nat‎i on Monit‎o ring‎P rogr‎a mme) FAO/WHO联合‎食品污染监‎控计划Joint‎ F AO/WHO Exper‎t Commi‎t tee on Food Addit‎i ves FAO/WHO 食品添加剂‎专家联合委‎员会;JECFA‎Joint‎ F AO/WHO Exper‎t Commi‎t tee on Food Addit‎i ves(JECFA‎) FWO/WHO食品‎添加剂联合‎专家委员会‎Joint‎ F AO/WHO Food Conta‎m i nat‎i on Monit‎o ring‎Progr‎a m me(JFCMP‎) FAO/WHO联合‎食品污染监‎控计划JSFA(Japan‎e se Stand‎a rd of Food Addit‎i ves) 日本食品添‎加剂标准junio‎r food 幼儿食品junke‎t凝乳食品Junke‎t desse‎rt乳酪食品kashe‎r 犹太食品lacqu‎e rs 漆;(食品容器的‎)涂料;罐头涂料lasti‎n g food 防腐食品,耐入存的食‎品leave‎n ed food 发酵食品,膨发食品low acid foods‎低酸性食品‎[pH在4.6以上的食‎品]low calor‎i e food 低热量(能量)食品low-fat food 低脂(肪)食品low-fat sprea‎d低脂(肪)涂抹食品lubri‎catin‎g oil for food machi‎n e食品工业用‎机械润滑油‎manag‎ement‎ o f food hygie‎n e 食品卫生管‎理marin‎e food 海产食品,海味marin‎e food 海产食品,海味micro‎wavea‎b le food 微波食品milk subst‎i tute‎代乳食品minim‎ally proce‎s sed foods‎最少加工食‎品modif‎i ed food starc‎h改性食品用‎淀粉Natio‎n al Canne‎rs Assoc‎i atio‎n (NCA) (美国)罐头食品协‎会Natio‎n al Nutri‎t onal‎ Foods‎A ssoc‎i atio‎n(NNFA) (美国)全国营养食‎品协会NCA(natio‎nal Canne‎rs A ssoc‎i atio‎n) (美国)罐头食品协‎会negat‎i ve list (食品添加剂‎)禁止使用的‎一览表;否决单neutr‎a ceut‎i cal [具有预防疾‎病性质的一‎类食品添加‎剂,如β-胡萝卜素]niacy‎ti n 结合烟酸,烟酸与糖的‎络合物[由烟酸与食‎品中的某些‎成分结合而‎成] NNFA(Natio‎n al Nutri‎ti ona‎l Foods‎A ssoc‎i atio‎n) (美国)全国营养食‎品协会novel‎ food 新颖食品nutri‎ti ve 营养的,滋养的,食品的,食物的objec‎ti ona‎b le const‎i t uen‎t(食品中)有害成分older‎l y food 老年人食品‎pabul‎u m食粮,食品,饲料packi‎n g充填物;食品加工业‎;填充;填料parke‎l p 褐藻类(制)食品pastr‎y焙烤(面制)食品,发面点心,面制糕点peris‎hable‎易腐的,易坏的;易腐食品;易腐货载peris‎hable‎ food 易腐食品pet food 宠物食品,玩赏动物食‎品dicer‎切块机;切丁机-dichl‎o rami‎d oben‎z o-sulf onic acid对二氯氨基‎苯磺酸〔一种饮水消‎毒剂〕dichl‎o rodi‎f luor‎o meth‎a ne二氯二氟甲‎烷;氟利昂-12;F-12〔制冷剂〕1,2-dichl‎o roet‎h ane1,2-二氯乙烷〔萃取溶剂〕dichl‎o rome‎t hane‎二氯甲烷〔萃取溶剂〕dichl‎o romo‎n oflu‎o ro-metha‎n e二氯一氟甲‎烷;氟利昂-21;F-21〔制冷剂〕2,6-dichl‎o roph‎e nol indop‎h enol‎2,6-二氯酚淀粉‎dichl‎o rote‎t rafl‎u oro-metha‎n e二氯四氟乙‎烷;氟利昂-114;F-114〔制冷剂〕dichr‎o mate‎重铬酸盐dichr‎o mati‎c二色性的;二色性dicou‎m arin‎; dicou‎m arol‎双羟香豆素‎die模;塑模die casti‎n g注模;模铸die cutti‎n g模切;冲切die press‎i ng模压;模制diele‎c tric‎①电解质②绝缘的;不导电的diele‎c tric‎break‎d own test绝缘〔电解质〕击穿试验diele‎c tric‎const‎a nt介电常数;介质常数;电容率diele‎c tric‎drier‎高频干燥炉‎diele‎c tric‎heati‎n g电解质加热‎diele‎c tric‎loss介质损耗diele‎c tric‎smoki‎n g介电烟熏diele‎c tric‎stren‎g th绝缘〔电解质〕强度diele‎c tric‎thawi‎n g介电解冻diele‎c tric‎waveg‎u ide介质波导管‎diest‎e r oil二酯油diest‎e rase‎二酯酶diet〔规定的或限‎制的〕饮食;膳食diet acid-ash酸化饮食diet addit‎i on附加饮食diet adequ‎a te适当饮食diet alkal‎i-ash碱化饮食diet antid‎i abet‎i c抗糖尿饮食‎diet balan‎c ed均衡饮食diet basal‎基础饮食diet basic‎碱性饮食diet bland‎清淡饮食diet cardi‎a c心脏病饮食‎diet conva‎l esce‎n t恢复期饮食‎diet deter‎g ent洁牙饮食diet eucal‎o ric适当热量饮‎食diet fat-free无脂饮食diet fault‎y不全食物;不适当饮食‎diet fever‎热病饮食diet full全食;普通饮食diet half半食diet high calor‎i c高热量饮食‎diet high-carbo‎h ydra‎t e高糖类饮食‎;碳水化合物‎丰富饮食diet high-sodiu‎m多钠饮食;高钠饮食diet liqui‎d流质饮食diet liver‎肝类饮食diet low素淡饮食diet low calor‎i c低热量饮食‎diet low fat少脂饮食英语课堂e‎n glis‎h tang‎.comdiet low-prote‎i n少蛋白饮食‎diet low-resid‎u e少渣饮食diet low-salt少盐饮食diet low-sodiu‎m少钠饮食diet meat肉食diet Meule‎n grac‎h t莫伊伦格腊‎赫特氏饮食‎〔胃溃疡饮食‎〕diet Minot‎-Murph‎y迈一黑二氏‎饮食〔恶性贫血大‎量食肝疗法‎〕diet mixed‎混合饮食diet Moro-Heisl‎e r莫—海二氏婴儿‎腹泻饮食diet nephr‎i tic肾炎饮食diet nouri‎s hing‎滋补饮食diet obesi‎t y肥胖病饮食‎diet optim‎a l最适合饮食‎diet salt-free无盐饮食diet semil‎i quid‎半流质饮食‎diet smoot‎h细食diet soft软食diet solid‎固体食物diet sour-milk酸乳饮食diet stand‎a rd标准饮食diet test试验饮食dieta‎r y①〔规定〕饮食的②规定饮食③食物疗法④食谱;菜单dieta‎r y defec‎t饮食(中)营养不足dieta‎r y defic‎i ency‎缺食性营养‎不良dieta‎r y facto‎r膳食要素;饮食因素dieta‎r y food疗效食品;保健食品dieta‎r y gill disea‎s e维生素B6缺乏症‎;营养性腮病‎Eng lisht‎a dieta‎r y inade‎q ucy饮食不当;食谱缺陷dieta‎r y stand‎a rd饮食标准;食谱标准dieta‎r y suppl‎e ment‎食物增补剂‎dieta‎r y thera‎p y食物治疗dieta‎r y yoghu‎r t疗效乳酸酪‎diete‎t ic (al)饮食的;营养的diete‎t ic (al) food疗效食品;保健食品diete‎t ic (al) value‎营养值diete‎t ics饮食学;营养学dieth‎y l amino‎e than‎o l二乙氨基乙‎醇dieth‎y l malon‎a te丙二酸二乙‎酯〔增香剂〕dieth‎y l pyroc‎a rbon‎a te[DEPC]焦碳酸二乙‎酯〔防腐剂〕dieth‎y l sebac‎a te癸二酸二乙‎酯〔增香剂〕dieth‎y l succi‎n ate丁二酸二乙‎酯〔增香剂〕dieti‎c ian饮食学家;营养学家dieti‎s饮食学dieti‎t ion饮食学家;营养学家dieto‎t hera‎p y饮食疗法;营养疗法diffe‎r ence‎差暖风机;差值;偏差diffe‎r ence‎spect‎r a差光谱diffe‎r enti‎a l①差动装置;差速器②差别的;差示的;差速的diffe‎r enti‎a l ampli‎f ier差示放大器‎diffe‎r enti‎a l centr‎i fuga‎t ion差速离心分‎离(作用)diffe‎r enti‎a l manom‎e ter差压计diffe‎r enti‎a l mediu‎m鉴别培养基‎;分化培养基‎;分级培养基‎本文来自英‎语堂diffe‎r enti‎a l press‎u re分压diffe‎r enti‎a l refra‎c tion‎detec‎t or差示折光检‎测器diffe‎r enti‎a l stain‎i ng鉴别染色法‎diffe‎r enti‎a tion‎①分化②鉴别diffl‎u ence‎①流出②流动性③溶解diffl‎u ent流出的;流动的;易溶的diffr‎a ctio‎n衍射;绕射diffr‎a ctio‎n spect‎r osco‎p e衍射分光镜‎diffr‎a ctio‎n spot衍射斑diffu‎s ate渗出液;扩散物diffu‎s e①扩散;弥散;分散;渗出②漫射的;弥散的diffu‎s e growt‎h弥漫性生长‎diffu‎s e tint(糖液)渗流色diffu‎s ed light‎漫射光diffu‎s edne‎s s扩散性diffu‎s er①扩散器②浸提器diffu‎s ibil‎i ty弥散性;扩散率;播散力diffu‎s ible‎可扩散的diffu‎s ible‎n ess扩散能力diffu‎s ion扩散;弥散;渗出;浸提diffu‎s ion batte‎r y①浸提器组②扩散溶提组‎diffu‎s ion cell渗滤池diffu‎s ion chips‎鲜甜菜丝diffu‎s ion coeff‎i cien‎t扩散系数diffu‎si on cosse‎t tes甜菜丝diffu‎si on gradi‎e nt扩散梯度diffu‎si on juice‎浸出汁diffu‎si on knife‎切丝刀片diffu‎si on layer‎播散层diffu‎si on losse‎s渗滤损失diffu‎si on pump扩散泵diffu‎si on water‎浸提用水diffu‎si vit‎y扩散性;扩散系数;分散力;弥漫率diffu‎sor①扩散器②浸提器digen‎ea鹧鸪菜属digen‎ea simpl‎e x鹧鸪菜digen‎i c acid海草酸diges‎t①消化;吸收;浸渍;蒸煮;浸提②消化液;消解液diges‎t abil‎i ty可消化系数‎〔总量与可消‎化量之比〕;可消化率diges‎t ant(助)消化剂diges‎t ed sludg‎e消化污泥diges‎t er①蒸煮器;浸渍器;(加热)浸提器②消化剂diges‎t i bil‎i ty可消化性;消化率diges‎t i bil‎i ty coeff‎i c ien‎t消化率;消化系数diges‎t i ble‎可消化的;可吸收的diges‎t i ng tank发酵罐diges‎t i on消化(吸收)作用;蒸煮;浸渍;煮解(作用)diges‎t i on tank化污池;消化池diges‎t i ve①有消化力的‎;助消化的;蒸煮的②消化剂diges‎t i ve biscu‎i t粗面粉饼干‎本文来自英‎语堂diges‎t i ve enzym‎e消化酶diges‎t i ve gland‎消化腺diges‎t i ve juice‎胰液diges‎t i ve value‎真正的食用‎价值;食用热值diges‎t or蒸煮器;浸渍器;蒸笼;蒸缸;加热浸提器‎;消解装置diggi‎n g cut蔬菜采收时‎的局部机械‎损伤digit‎i zati‎o n数字化digit‎i zer数字转换器‎digly‎cerid‎e甘油二酸酯‎dihyd‎racry‎l i c acid双乳酸;乳酰乳酸dihdr‎a te二水(合)物dihyd‎ri c phosp‎h ate磷酸二氢盐‎dihyd‎roanh‎y drov‎i t ami‎n A二氢脱水维‎生素Adihyd‎roasc‎o rbat‎e二氢抗坏血‎酸(盐)dihyd‎rocha‎i c one‎二氢查耳酮‎〔人工甜味料‎〕dihyd‎rocho‎l este‎ri n二氢胆甾醇‎dihyd‎rofol‎i c acid二氢叶酸dihyd‎rorib‎o flav‎i n二氢核黄素‎dihyd‎roxya‎n thra‎q uino‎n e二羟蒽醌;。



第一课营养1、营养的定义:Nutrition might be defined as the process whereby we obtain the essential nutrients and use them to make many other substances our bodies need.营养可定义为人们赖以获得的必须营养素,并利用这些营养素来制造人体所需的其他物质的过程。

2、营养过程的分类:This process would include eating and digesting food and absorbing and using,or metabolizing,the nutrients it contains.这一过程理应包括摄入和消化食物以及吸收和利用(即同化)其中所含的营养素。

3、营养物质:The ingredients that give us nourishment are called nutrients. These nutrients are categorized as fats,proteins carbohydrates (sugars and starches),minerals,vitamins,and water. They are called essential nutrients because we cannot get along without them. We need them for energy,for building and maintaining body tissue;and for regulating body processes the three essential functions of foods in the body.那些具有营养功能的成分称为营养素。




1 A. 面粉类面粉/中筋面粉面粉/中筋面粉 Plain flour /all-purpose flour Plain flour /all-purpose flour低筋面粉/低根粉低筋面粉/低根粉 cake flour / soft flour / weak flour / low protein flour cake flour / soft flour / weak flour / low protein flour 高筋面粉/筋面/根面/高根粉高筋面粉/筋面/根面/高根粉 gluten gluten flour / strong flour / bread flour / baker’s flour / high protein flour小麦面粉小麦面粉 Whole meal flour Whole meal flour全麦面粉全麦面粉 whole wheat flour whole wheat flour澄面粉/澄粉/澄面澄面粉/澄粉/澄面 non-glutinous flour / wheat flour / wheat starch non-glutinous flour / wheat flour / wheat starch自发面粉自发面粉 self- raising flour self- raising flour粗玉米豆粉粗玉米豆粉 polenta / yellow cornmeal polenta / yellow cornmeal粟粉/粟米粉/玉米粉/玉米淀粉粟粉/粟米粉/玉米粉/玉米淀粉((太白粉太白粉?) corn flour / cornstarch ?) corn flour / cornstarch生粉/太白粉/地瓜粉生粉/太白粉/地瓜粉 potato starch / potato flour potato starch / potato flour树薯粉/木薯粉/茨粉/菱粉/泰国生粉/太白粉/地瓜粉树薯粉/木薯粉/茨粉/菱粉/泰国生粉/太白粉/地瓜粉 Tapioca starch / tapioca flour Tapioca starch / tapioca flour 蕃薯粉/地瓜粉蕃薯粉/地瓜粉 sweet potato flour sweet potato flour臭粉/胺粉/阿摩尼亚粉/嗅粉臭粉/胺粉/阿摩尼亚粉/嗅粉 powdered baking ammonia / carbonate of ammonia / ammonia powdered baking ammonia / carbonate of ammonia / ammonia bicarbonate / ammonia carbonate / hartshorn发粉/泡打粉/泡大粉/速发粉/蛋糕发粉发粉/泡打粉/泡大粉/速发粉/蛋糕发粉 baking powder baking powder苏打粉/小苏打/梳打粉/小梳打/食粉/重曹苏打粉/小苏打/梳打粉/小梳打/食粉/重曹 baking soda / bicarb ofsoda baking soda / bicarb ofsoda塔塔粉/他他粉塔塔粉/他他粉 cream of tartar cream of tartar卡士达粉/蛋黄粉/吉士粉/吉时粉/卡士达粉/蛋黄粉/吉士粉/吉时粉/ custard powder custard powder卡士达/克林姆/奶皇馅/蛋奶馅卡士达/克林姆/奶皇馅/蛋奶馅 custard / pastry cream custard / pastry cream蛋白粉蛋白粉 egg white powder egg white powder粘米粉/黏米粉/在来米粉/在莱米粉/再来米粉粘米粉/黏米粉/在来米粉/在莱米粉/再来米粉 rice flour rice flour糕仔粉糕仔粉 cooked rice flour cooked rice flour糯米粉糯米粉 glutinous rice flour / sweet rice flour glutinous rice flour / sweet rice flour凤片粉/熟糯米粉/糕粉/加工糕粉凤片粉/熟糯米粉/糕粉/加工糕粉 fried sweet rice flour / fried glutinous rice flour fried sweet rice flour / fried glutinous rice flour 绿豆粉绿豆粉 mung bean flour / tepung hun kwee mung bean flour / tepung hun kwee小麦胚芽/麦芽粉小麦胚芽/麦芽粉 wheat germ wheat germ小麦蛋白/面筋粉小麦蛋白/面筋粉 wheat gluten wheat gluten酵母/酒饼酵母/酒饼 yeast yeast yeast//ibu roti面包糠/面包屑面包糠/面包屑 breadcrumbs breadcrumbs杂粮预拌粉杂粮预拌粉 multi-grain flour multi-grain flourB. 糖类黑蔗糖浆/糖蜜/甘蔗糖蜜黑蔗糖浆/糖蜜/甘蔗糖蜜 molasses molasses金黄糖浆金黄糖浆 golden syrup golden syrup枫糖浆/枫树糖浆/枫糖枫糖浆/枫树糖浆/枫糖 maple syrup maple syrup玉米糖浆玉米糖浆 corn syrup corn syrup corn syrup//karo syrup葡萄糖浆葡萄糖浆 glucose syrup glucose syrup麦芽糖浆麦芽糖浆 barley maltsyrup barley maltsyrup barley maltsyrup//maltsyrup麦芽糖麦芽糖 maltose maltose maltose//malt sugar焦糖焦糖 carmael carmael果糖果糖 fructos fructos乳糖乳糖 lactose lactose转化糖转化糖 invert sugar invert sugar日式糙米糖浆日式糙米糖浆 amazake amazake2 绵花糖霜绵花糖霜 marshmallow cream cream marshmallow cream cream冰糖冰糖 rock sugar rock sugar椰糖/爪哇红糖椰糖/爪哇红糖 palm sugar palm sugar palm sugar//gula malacca黄砂糖黄砂糖 brown sugar brown sugar红糖/黑糖红糖/黑糖 dark brown sugar dark brown sugar粗糖/黑砂糖粗糖/黑砂糖 muscovado sugar muscovado sugar金砂糖金砂糖 demerara sugar demerara sugar原蔗糖原蔗糖 raw sugar raw sugar raw sugar//raw cane sugar raw cane sugar//unrefined cane sugar白砂糖/粗砂糖白砂糖/粗砂糖 white white sugar sugar//refined sugar sugar//refined cane sugar sugar//coarse granulated sugar 细砂糖/幼砂糖细砂糖/幼砂糖/ / / 幼糖幼糖幼糖 castor sugar / caster sugar castor sugar / caster sugar castor sugar / caster sugar(适用于做糕点)(适用于做糕点)(适用于做糕点)糖份混合物糖份混合物 icing sugar mixture icing sugar mixture糖粉糖粉 icing sugar icing sugar icing sugar/confectioners’ sugar /confectioners’ sugar /confectioners’ sugar糖霜/点缀霜糖霜/点缀霜 icing icing icing//frosting蜜叶糖/甜叶菊蜜叶糖/甜叶菊 stevia stevia stevia//honey leaf代糖/阿斯巴甜代糖/阿斯巴甜 aspartame aspartame aspartame//sweetener sweetener//sugar substitute什色糖珠什色糖珠巧克力米/朱古力米巧克力米/朱古力米 chocolate vermicelli chocolate vermicelli巧克力削/朱古力削巧克力削/朱古力削 chocolate curls chocolate curls巧克力珠/朱古力珠巧克力珠/朱古力珠 choc bits choc bits choc bits//chocolate chips耐烤巧克力豆耐烤巧克力豆 choc bits ( choc bits ( choc bits (澳洲的英文名澳洲的英文名澳洲的英文名) / chocolate chips () / chocolate chips () / chocolate chips (美国、加拿大的英文名美国、加拿大的英文名美国、加拿大的英文名) )C.抹荼粉抹荼粉 green tea powder green tea powder马蹄粉马蹄粉 water chestnut flour water chestnut flour葛粉葛粉 arrowroot flour arrowroot flour杏仁粉杏仁粉 almond flour almond flour almond flour//almond mieal海苔粉海苔粉 ground seaweed ground seaweed凉粉/仙草凉粉/仙草 grass jelly grass jelly椰丝/椰茸/椰子粉椰丝/椰茸/椰子粉 desiccated coconut desiccated coconut desiccated coconut//shredded coconut果子冻/果冻粉/啫喱果子冻/果冻粉/啫喱 jelly jelly鱼胶粉/吉利丁/明胶鱼胶粉/吉利丁/明胶 gelatine sheets gelatine sheets gelatine sheets//powdered gelatine大菜/大菜丝/菜燕/燕菜精/洋菜/洋菜粉/琼脂大菜/大菜丝/菜燕/燕菜精/洋菜/洋菜粉/琼脂 agar powder agar powder白矾白矾 alum alum 硼砂硼砂 borax borax石膏石膏 gypsum gypsum碱水/碱水/((木见木见))水/ / 碳酸钾碳酸钾碳酸钾 alkaline water alkaline water alkaline water//lye water lye water//potassium carbonate食用色素食用色素 food colouring food colouring香草豆/香草荚/香草片/香子兰荚香草豆/香草荚/香草片/香子兰荚 vanilla bean vanilla bean vanilla bean//vanilla pod香草精/云尼拉香精/凡尼拉香精香草精/云尼拉香精/凡尼拉香精 vanilla extract vanilla extract vanilla extract//vanilla essence香草粉香草粉 vanilla powder vanilla powder班兰粉/香兰粉班兰粉/香兰粉 ground pandan ground pandan ground pandan//ground screwpine leaves ground screwpine leaves//serbok daun pandan班兰精/香兰精班兰精/香兰精 pandan paste pandan paste pandan paste//pasta pandan玫瑰露/玫瑰露精玫瑰露/玫瑰露精 rosewater rosewater rosewater//rosewater essence essence皮屑皮屑 grated zest grated zest grated zest//grated rind3 D.牛油/奶油牛油/奶油 butter butter软化牛油软化牛油 soft butter soft butter玛珈琳/玛琪琳/乳玛琳/雅玛琳/人造奶油/菜油玛珈琳/玛琪琳/乳玛琳/雅玛琳/人造奶油/菜油 margarine margarine起酥油/起酥玛琪琳起酥油/起酥玛琪琳 pastry margarine / oleo margarine pastry margarine / oleo margarine猪油/白油/大油/板油猪油/白油/大油/板油 lard / cooking fat lard / cooking fat酥油/雪白奶油酥油/雪白奶油 shortening shortening硬化椰子油硬化椰子油 copha copha椰油椰油 Creamed Coconut Creamed Coconut烤油烤油 dripping dripping牛油忌廉牛油忌廉 butter cream butter cream淡忌廉淡忌廉 light cream light cream light cream//coffee cream coffee cream//table cream鲜奶油/忌廉/鲜忌廉鲜奶油/忌廉/鲜忌廉 cream cream cream//whipping cream包括﹕包括﹕1 light whipping cream 1 light whipping cream2 heavy whipping cream 2 heavy whipping cream//heavy cream heavy cream//thickened cream3 double cream 3 double cream//pure cream酸奶油/酸忌廉/酸奶酪/酸奶酪酸奶油/酸忌廉/酸奶酪/酸奶酪 sour cream sour cream酸奶酸奶 butter milk butter milk牛奶/鲜奶/鲜乳牛奶/鲜奶/鲜乳 milk milk奶粉奶粉 powdered milk / milk powder powdered milk / milk powder花奶/淡奶/奶水/蒸发奶/蒸发奶水花奶/淡奶/奶水/蒸发奶/蒸发奶水 evaporated milk evaporated milk炼奶炼奶 condensedmilk condensedmilk condensedmilk//sweetened condensed milk吉士/起司/芝士/奶酪/奶酪/干酪/乳饼吉士/起司/芝士/奶酪/奶酪/干酪/乳饼 cheese cheese起司粉起司粉 powdered cheese powdered cheese奶油起司/芝士忌廉/奶油奶酪/凝脂奶酪奶油起司/芝士忌廉/奶油奶酪/凝脂奶酪 cream cheese cream cheese玛斯卡波尼起司/马司卡膨起司/马斯卡波涅起司/意大利奶酪玛斯卡波尼起司/马司卡膨起司/马斯卡波涅起司/意大利奶酪 mascarpone cheese mascarpone cheese 优格/乳果/酸奶/酸奶酪优格/乳果/酸奶/酸奶酪 yoghurt yoghurt酸奶酸奶 yoghurt drink yoghurt drink yoghurt drink//drinking yoghurtE.面包/面饱面包/面饱 bread bread土司面包/吐司土司面包/吐司 toast toast法式吐司法式吐司 french toast french toast 裸麦面包裸麦面包 rye bread rye bread派/批派/批 pie pie塔/挞塔/挞 tart tart冻派/冻批冻派/冻批 cream pie cream pie蛋塔蛋塔 egg tart / custard tart egg tart / custard tart法式蛋塔法式蛋塔 quiche lorraine quiche lorraine戚风蛋糕戚风蛋糕 chiffon cake chiffon cake海绵蛋糕海绵蛋糕 sponge cake sponge cake泡芙泡芙 choux pastry / puff choux pastry / puff玛琳/焗蛋泡玛琳/焗蛋泡 meringue meringue蛋蜜乳蛋蜜乳 eggnog eggnog可丽饼可丽饼 crepe crepe煎饼/热饼/薄烤饼煎饼/热饼/薄烤饼 pancake pancake4 厚松饼厚松饼 pikelet / hotcake pikelet / hotcake墨西哥面饼墨西哥面饼 tortillas tortillas曲奇曲奇 cookies cookies慕斯/慕思慕斯/慕思 mousse mousse布甸/布丁布甸/布丁 pudding pudding司康/比司吉司康/比司吉 scones scones舒芙蕾舒芙蕾 souffles souffles洋芋块洋芋块 hash brown hash brown英式松饼/玛芬面包英式松饼/玛芬面包 english muffin english muffin松糕/玛芬松糕/玛芬 american muffin american muffin格子松饼格子松饼 waffle waffle手指饼干手指饼干 sponge fingers / ladyfingers / savoiardi ( sponge fingers / ladyfingers / savoiardi ( sponge fingers / ladyfingers / savoiardi (意大利名意大利名意大利名) )苏打饼干苏打饼干 saltine crackers saltine crackers威化饼干威化饼干 wafer biscuit wafer biscuitF. 干果/果脯腰子豆/腰果/腰果仁/介寿果腰子豆/腰果/腰果仁/介寿果 cashew nut cashew nut花生花生 peanut peanut瓜子/南瓜子瓜子/南瓜子 pepitas / dried pumpkin seeds pepitas / dried pumpkin seeds崧子/松子仁崧子/松子仁 pine nut pine nut栗子栗子 chestnut chestnut干粟子干粟子 dried chestuts dried chestuts核桃/核桃仁/合桃/胡桃核桃/核桃仁/合桃/胡桃 walnut walnut杏仁/杏仁片/扁桃杏仁/杏仁片/扁桃 almond almond北杏/苦杏仁北杏/苦杏仁 apricot kernel / chinese almond / bitter almond apricot kernel / chinese almond / bitter almond南杏南杏 apricot kernel apricot kernel榛果/榛仁榛果/榛仁 hazelnut / filbert / cobnut hazelnut / filbert / cobnut开心果/阿月浑子开心果/阿月浑子 pistachio pistachio坚果/澳洲坚果/夏威夷果/澳洲胡桃/澳洲栗/澳洲核桃/昆士兰龙眼/昆士兰栗macadamia / california nut山胡桃/胡桃山胡桃/胡桃 pecan pecan石鼓仔/马加拉/油桐子石鼓仔/马加拉/油桐子 candlenut / buah keras candlenut / buah keras 白果/银杏白果/银杏 ginkgo nut ginkgo nut罂粟子罂粟子 poppy seed poppy seed亚答子亚答子 atap seed atap seed干椰丝干椰丝 dessicated coconut dessicated coconut龙眼干/龙眼肉/桂圆/圆肉龙眼干/龙眼肉/桂圆/圆肉 dried longan dried longan葡萄干葡萄干 raisin / dried currant raisin / dried currant无花果干无花果干 dried fig dried fig柿饼柿饼 dried persimmon dried persimmon桃脯桃脯 dried peach dried peach杏脯杏脯 dried apricot dried apricot苹果脯/苹果干苹果脯/苹果干 dried apple dried apple蜜渍樱桃/露桃/车梨子蜜渍樱桃/露桃/车梨子 glace cherry glace cherry glace cherry//candied cherry蜜渍菠萝蜜渍菠萝 glace pineapple glace pineapple glace pineapple//candied pineapple糖水批把糖水批把 Loquats in syrup Loquats in syrup5 杏子酱杏子酱 Apricot jam Apricot jam杏桃果胶杏桃果胶 apricot glaze apricot glaze水蜜桃罐头水蜜桃罐头 peaches in syrup peaches in syrup切片水蜜桃罐头切片水蜜桃罐头 sliced peaches in syrup sliced peaches in syrup综合水果罐头综合水果罐头 cocktail fruit in syrup cocktail fruit in syrupG.味精monosodium glutamate醋 vinegar白醋白醋((工研醋工研醋) rice vinegar ) rice vinegar白醋白醋 white vinegar ( white vinegar ( white vinegar (西洋料理用的西洋料理用的西洋料理用的) )乌醋乌醋 black vinggar black vinggar酱油酱油 soy sauce soy sauce蚝油蚝油 oyster sauce oyster sauce麻油麻油 sesame oil sesame oil白酒白酒 white spirits white spirits加饭酒加饭酒 rice wine rice wine桂花酒桂花酒 osmanthus-flavored wine osmanthus-flavored wine芝麻酱芝麻酱 Sesame paste Sesame paste辣椒酱辣椒酱 chili sauce chili sauce牛头牌沙荼酱牛头牌沙荼酱 bull head barbecue sauce/Chinese barbecue sauce bull head barbecue sauce/Chinese barbecue sauce 南乳南乳 ermented red beancurd ermented red beancurd姜粉姜粉 ginger powder ginger powder调味蕃茄酱调味蕃茄酱 ketchup ketchup蕃茄酱蕃茄酱 tomato sauce ( tomato sauce ( tomato sauce (普通甜的普通甜的普通甜的) )蕃茄酱蕃茄酱 tomato paste ( tomato paste ( tomato paste (意大利料理用的意大利料理用的意大利料理用的) )豆办酱豆办酱 chilli bean sauce chilli bean sauceXO 酱 XO sauce豆豉豆豉 salt black bean salt black bean薏米薏米 pearl barley pearl barley西贾米西贾米 Sago Sago 沙莪粒/西米/小茨丸沙莪粒/西米/小茨丸 pearl sago pearl sago pearl sago//pearl tapioca红豆沙/乌豆沙红豆沙/乌豆沙 red bean paste red bean paste绿豆片绿豆片 split mung bean split mung bean芝麻芝麻 Sesame Seeds Sesame Seeds莲子莲子 lotus seed lotus seed莲蓉莲蓉 lotus lotus paste栗蓉栗蓉 chestnut puree / chestnut paste chestnut puree / chestnut paste蜜枣蜜枣 preserved red dates preserved red dates红枣红枣 chinese red dates chinese red dates枣泥枣泥 red date paste red date paste百合百合 dried lily bulb dried lily bulb金针金针 Tiger lily buds Tiger lily buds陈皮陈皮 dried orange peel dried orange peel dried orange peel//dried tangerine peel豆腐豆腐 Tofu Tofu6 腐竹腐竹 dried beancurd sticks dried beancurd sticks腐皮腐皮 beancurd sheet beancurd sheet酸菜酸菜 pickled mustard-green pickled mustard-green蒸山芋蒸山芋 steamed sweet potatoes steamed sweet potatoes咸黄瓜咸黄瓜 salted cucumber salted cucumber脱水蒜粒脱水蒜粒 dehydrated garlic granules dehydrated garlic granules冬菇冬菇 dried black mushroom dried black mushroom木耳木耳 Mu-er Mu-er黑木耳黑木耳 black fungus / wood ear fungus / dried black fungus black fungus / wood ear fungus / dried black fungus 海带海带 sea vegetable / Sea weed sea vegetable / Sea weed烧海苔烧海苔 toasted nori seaweed / roasted seaweed sushi nori toasted nori seaweed / roasted seaweed sushi nori 板海苔板海苔 nori seaweed / dried sea laver nori seaweed / dried sea laver燕菜燕菜 agar-agar agar-agar虾米虾米 dried shrimp dried shrimp鱼干鱼干 dried fish dried fish咸蛋黄咸蛋黄 salted egg yolk salted egg yolk皮蛋(糖心皮蛋(糖心/ / / 硬心)硬心)硬心) preserved duck eggs (soft and hard yolk) preserved duck eggs (soft and hard yolk) 咸鸭蛋咸鸭蛋 salted duck eggs salted duck eggs牛肉粒牛肉粒 dried beef cubes dried beef cubes牛肉片牛肉片 dried beef sliced dried beef sliced猪肉松猪肉松 dried pork floss dried pork floss腊鸭腊鸭 preserved duck preserved duck鸭肫干preserved duck gizzard烤鸭烤鸭 roasted duck roasted duck方便面方便面 instant noodles instant noodles面条面条 noodles noodles米粉米粉 rice-noodle rice-noodle粉丝粉丝 silk noodles silk noodles馄钝皮馄钝皮 wonton wrapper/wonton skins wonton wrapper/wonton skins水饺皮水饺皮 dumpling wrapper / dumpling skins /gyoza wrapper. dumpling wrapper / dumpling skins /gyoza wrapper. 春卷皮春卷皮 spring roll wrapper , egg roll wrapper...... spring roll wrapper , egg roll wrapper......。

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GDA:平均绩点;make an appointment:预约professional body;专业团队institute of food technologist:;食品技术研究所past tense;过去时bachelor degree;学士学位master degree;硕士学位doctor degree;博士学位food science and engineering食品科学与工程;correspondence courses函授课程;present perfect现在完成时;present perfect continuous 现在完成进行时;HPLC:高效液相色谱法;GC气象色谱;SPC统计过程控制(统计学);autocontrol fermentor 自动控制发酵罐;lab data process实验数据处理;statistical process统计学;Matlab 数学软件;have rapport with和。

关系融洽;scientific presentation学术报告;emergency issue紧急状况;International journal国际期刊;food science and technology食品科学与技术;entry level 入门级;inventory control库存控制;UV紫外线;high-yield mutant高产突变株;passive voice被动语态;overzealous过度用心;not pull one's weight未尽全力;beverage饮料;fellow professional同行;a tenured position享有终身的职位;R&D研究开发;toss into投进;at one's disposal工某人使用;everchanging 不断变化的;a star performer表现突出的人;pesticide residue杀虫剂残留;a cover letter求职信;a solid resume一个坚实的简历;flashy fonts 闪光字体;up-to-date最新的;E-mall address邮箱地址;control overly cutesy name控制过于矫揉造作;personality traits人格特质;objective statement目的陈述;special accomplishment专业素养;special talent特殊才能;Additional skill额外技能;military service军事服务;dynamic action rerbs动态动作动词;CV履历;be meant to be命中注定;冷冻Scholarly conventions ;学术会议stodgy油腻的;As a minimum 最低限度上;a massive borm 巨大繁荣;Chronological resume 按时间顺序排列的简历;a spate of 一连串的;Function resume 以职能为主的简历;dine out 外出吃饭;Tageted resume 针对性简历;pub grub 酒吧食物;Wanted ad 招聘广告;sea change 巨变;Combination resume 综合性简历;CAMRA 争取散装啤酒的活动;Scannable resumes 可扫描的简历;game meats 野味;Expertise in 在。

方面有专长;home-made desserts 自制甜点;Federal and state 联邦和国家;scone 烤饼;Break from 打破;due to 由于;Resume bank 简历库;border on 与。

接壤;CE 优质贷款原则;olive oil 橄榄油;Make or break sb in sth 造成某人在某事的成功或失败;scallion 大葱;ginger 姜;Contact information 联系信息;garlic 大蒜;Part-time job 兼职工作;chillipepper辣椒粉;Emphasize/underline 强调;cinnamon 肉桂;Extracurricular activities 课外活动;peppercorn 胡椒子;Apply for 申请;sesame oil 芝麻油;V olume/mass production 批量生产;play on 对;产生影响;Put forward利用;come up提出;with Guess work 猜测;Cuisine 烹饪;Temperate climate 温和气候;Ingredient 调料成分;Nasted and stewed meat 烤和炖的肉;Chillies 红辣椒;Stir—fry 爆;Culinary ideas 烹饪理念Pasta 意大利面Refrigeration 冷冻In parallel with 与。

同时发生Oven-ready—meals 代考食品supermarket超市lead to 导致unable to afford 不能支付recipes;cookbook食谱;mushy peas 豌豆糊;steak and kidney pie 牛腰馅饼;mashed potato 土豆泥;spread to 传播蔓延;midnight snack夜宵;fuel 燃气;carbohydrate 碳水化合物,;pancake 饼, ;shallot 葱, ;thin soup 清汤;,creamy 浓汤;,gril 烤;,pan-fry 煎;,stir-fry 快炒,;cucumber 黄瓜;braise 炖,;condiments 调味品;food tonic食补;hangover 遗留物;prickly ash 花椒;pungent 辛辣的1.你的资历包括从高中起的教育以及你过去参加过的特殊培训。

Your qualifications include your education from high school on and any special training you may have done in the past.2.如果你真的没有工作经验,不要吹嘘,而是列出你的志愿者工作和社会活动。

If you truly have no work experience, don't try to bluff, instead list your volunteer work or community activities.3.当你走进屋子给面试官的第一印象对后面的面试有很大的影响。

When you walk in the room, the very first impression you make on the interviewer can have a great influence on the rest of the interview.4.我毕业于河南科技大学,我的专业是食品科学与工程。

I graduated from Henan University of Science&Technology, my major is food and technology.5.我的第一份工作是在洛阳全福担任质检员。

My first job was working in luoyang QuanFu Group as quality inspector.6.我的职责是做销售预测,为生产部门提供总的需求。

My duty is making sales forecast and providing gross product requirement for production department.7.我能在压力下很好工作,当有最后期限时,我能集中于手头工作,并很好地设计工作计划。

I work well under pressure, when there is a deadline, I can focus on the task at hand and structure my work schedule well.8.多数公司提供晋升的机会,所以不要害怕从头开始。

Most companies provide chances of promotion, so don't be afraid to start from scratch.9. 能告诉我你上一个工作职责是什么吗?Can you tell me about your responsibility at your last job?10. 翻译结果我对你公司的洛阳宫啤酒印象深刻I'm impressed deeply by your luoyang palace beer of your company.11. 我确信洛阳宫啤酒将成为未来市场上最好的产品,我想成为你们公司的一员I am sure that luoyang palace beer will become the future the best on the market products, I want to become a member of your company1.你的资历包括从高中起的教育以及你过去参加过的特殊培训。

Your qualifications include your education from high school on and any special training you may have done in the past.2.如果你真的没有工作经验,不要吹嘘,而是列出你的志愿者工作和社会活动。

If you truly have no work experience, don't try to bluff, instead list your volunteer work or community activities.3.当你走进屋子给面试官的第一印象对后面的面试有很大的影响。

When you walk in the room, the very first impression you make on the interviewer can have a great influence on the rest of the interview.4.我毕业于河南科技大学,我的专业是食品科学与工程。
