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例文:Millions of years ago, Australia was linked to Asia by a land bridge. Then an earthquake caused the land bridge to sink. The sea rushed in, and Australia became an island. Later, this island became a British colony. Many animals that once wandered back and forth across the land bridge were left in Australia. And kangaroos were among them. Though they were killed off by large animals in other places, they were about to survive in Australia.
Logic Map of the Paragraph
主题句(段落只统帅):getting a good education… advantages. 论证句1(统帅帐下大将1):personal enrichment
论证句2(统帅帐下大将2):personal enrichment
论证句3(统帅帐下大将3):greater contribution to society
这一段讲的是远古时期的澳大利亚,当时连人类都没有,但然 不必提它后来沦为英国的殖民地的事了。此句应删掉。
how to write the topic sentence
Three points: (1)a topic sentence must be a complete sentence, rather than a sentence fragment. (2) a topic sentence comes in two parts, topic words (indicating object to be discussed) and expression of thesis (indicating the particular aspect of the thesis). E.g. The Women Movement has had several effects on the English language.
示范段落 ① Until recently daydreaming was viewed as a waste of time.② Or it was considered an unhealthy escape from real life and its duties.③ But 连接词 now some people are taking a fresh look at daydreaming.④ And it may be that more people are suffering from a lack of daydreaming than are suffering from too much of it.
全班:2:00-4:30 p.m. 1)托福独立写作正文段落概述 2)列举法段落扩展 3)分类法段落扩展 4)限时段落写作练习(10 minutes)
单独学员:4:35---4:50 p.m. 托福基础写作一补课
2)按照某种逻辑顺序将主题句扩展成段落 3)措辞和句法富有亮点
(3)a topic sentence can be neither too general nor too specific.
how to write the topic sentence
Position of the topic sentence:
Topic sentence can be put in the beginning.
连贯性包括意连—内在的逻辑型;和形连—使 用过渡词语、过渡句等方式。两者常常不可分 割。只有形连而没有意连,句子之间没有内在 的有机联系;反之,只有意连而没有形连,有 时行文就不够流畅。
如何取得连贯性的建议 1)使用同一时态 如果随意而毫无理由地改变时态,那么不管作 者连句的技巧多么高超,段落也不可能取得连 贯性。在写作时,可以使用现在时或过去时。 选用哪一种取决于作者处理材料的方式。
第二步:主题句扩展解释(成熟严密) 第三步:逻辑扩展(如举例)(泛/精:理论,数 据,常识,名人经历、个人轶事) 第四步:总结(来自举例,呼应首句)
Topic: Nowadays, people put too much emphasis on personal appearance and fashion. Theme: Disagree (it has benefits)
[1] To begin with, having good appearance can be valuable to an individual when he is looking for a job. [2] Many times, the way that a person looks and dresses can help him get hired. After all, an interviewer’s first impression is often based upon a person’s looks. So, if an individual ignores his appearance and fashion, he might not be successful during the interview process. [3] My older brother had an experience just like this. A few months after he got his current job, his boss told my brother that he had been competing against a women for the job. However, because my brother looked more professional, his boss decided to hire him, so my brother got the job. [4] Taking special care of one’s appearance can certainly help one’s career.
言简意赅,高 度概括
主题句更清晰 而通俗的解释
根据主题句的 特点,选择某 种逻辑思路进 行扩展
A typical example: Topic: Advantages of getting a good education (5 minutes of free writing)
Topic Sentence
Supporting Sentences
一个段落应该只说明一个问题,或一个问题的某 一方面;应该只叙述一件事情, 或一件事情的某 一个阶段。
也就是说,一个段落内的各个句子必须从属于一 个中心,任何游离于中心思想以外的句子都是不 可取的。
一个好的段落应该具有统一性。统一性就是一个中心 思想统领整个段落。每个细节都应支持主题句,不应 有无关的细节。为了支持主题,要尽可能多地提供细 节,但又要避免滥用细节。 下图是一个有统一性的段落的结构图。
Finding its merits
Getting a good education has many advantages. First, a good education means personal enrichment. A well-educated person is more knowledgeable and civilized. His life is also more meaningful. Second, with a good educational background, one has more opportunities to find a better job. Finally, armed with what education offers, one is likely to make a greater contribution to society and play a role in helping society to advance more rapidly.
[1] Next, if a person emphasizes his appearance, he can improve his self-esteem. [2] Many people suffer from low esteem and a lack of self-confidence. However, people who have good bodies and wear fashionable clothes often feel better about themselves. Their appearance actually gives them more confidence. [3] Again, my older brother is an excellent example. He was always overweight and very shy in middle school. He also had few friends and was not very popular. However, he started paying more attention to his shell and almost immediately became a more confident, outgoing person. This change made him more popular at school too, so he started feeling better about himself. [4] It seems clear to me that people are happier when they take care of their appearance and are confident in how they work.
常用的逻辑顺序有: 1)时间顺序 2)空间顺序 3)重要性顺序 4)熟悉度顺序
3) 使用连接成分
使用某些连接词和短语,重复某些关键词,可 以大大增加段落的连贯性。某些连接词、短语 和关键词可以起粘着物的作用,把各部分连接 起来,使句子间的关系更加清楚。
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
连接成分主要有以下三种: a.连接词语 b.代词: 代词用于提醒读者注意 其先行词,以此把有关的部分连接 起来。 c.重复关键词语
主题句(topic sentence)
_______Supporting Sentence 1
__________ Supporting Sentence 2
________________ Supporting Sentence 3 _____________________ Supporting Sentence 4
主题句:I have many difficulties. 发展句:具体说明困难 My first difficulty…; The second difficulty …; The third difficulty ….
结尾句: Now I have a plan…
本段落看似完整,有头有尾。但由于缺少实质内 容—即对学英语的困难的原因的分析,文章显得 空洞无物;此外,结尾句讲到了plan,具体内容有 没有交待,给人留下话好像没说完的感觉。
一个段落的主题思想靠发展句来实现,如果只有 主题句而没有发展句来进一步交待和充实,就不 能构成一个完整的段落。
In my English study, I have many difficulties. My first difficulty is that my vocabulary is not large. The second difficulty I have is that I can not write well. The third difficulty is that my listening comprehension is not good enough. Now I have a plan to study English well.