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感受1. 我个人觉得文章和科研经历还是非常重要的,外导在看了我的CV后,我想他就心里可能就打算要我了。因为我有5年国内著名设计院的工作履历。后面要求发邀请函、研究计划和入学通知书等事情都非常顺利。

感受2. 一定要让外导知道自己的潜力,所以和外导套磁过程中一定要充分展示自己的想法,可以提及自己所做的科研以及可能可改进的地方,与外导一同讨论。

感受3. 加强联系渠道,大多数同学都只是使用Email。因为时差和回复的技巧性导致最后失败的不在少数,那么这是时候最简单最有效的途径就是电话。可以使用skype进行经常性的联系。要迅速回复邮件,机不可失。所以我经常在套磁的时候几天不合眼。将email与手机闹钟绑定,半夜2,3点钟起床回复邮件。

感受4. 多了解一些套磁的技巧,还是非常管用的。例如信件的名字要起的好,小木虫上已经有很多的经验了,我给所有的外导的信的题目都是Prof. XXXX,全部命中。然后至少强读5篇该外导的最新的论文,探寻他的科研热点,解读他的兴趣兴致所在。

感受5. 最重要的一点,坚持的力量是多么强大的,在任何时候都不能放弃自己的信念,想出国就一路走到底,我也是最后才确定将麻省理工作为自己的联培学校,并跟家人多次商讨一致决定的结果。CSC不成功,可以走全奖,所以我当初的设想是要是CSC失败了,我还是会申请出国的,而且博士阶段CSC的机会只有一次,要力求把握好的话,只能申请名校,要top5。



Email的subject:XX Prospective Visiting PH.D Student Financed by China Scholarship Council


Dear Prof.

My name is XXX, a 1st year Ph. D student from School of XXX, P. R. China, supervised by Prof. XXX, and my major is XX Engineering. I write this email to inquire whether an open position as a visiting Ph.D student is available.

Recent years, China government encourages Chinese student to do the research study abroad and will pay us sufficient living expense($1700 per month). Hence I think it's a good chance for me to join an international leading research team to continue my research career. I think it's much helpful to open my mind. As I know, you are the leading scientist in this field of Offshore Engineering. Your research on this field deeply attracts me. So I write to you to see if you can offer me a chance to enter your group under your supervision for further education.

My CV is attached in the attachment.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Yours sincerely,




PH.D. Student Majored in Port,Costal and Offshore Engineering





What exactly do you intend to do? You are doing your PhD in XXXXXX University; is it correct that you wish to apply for a stay abroad that fits within your PhD thesis, through CSC? This is possible, but in any case we'd need to discuss further on the details and contents.

Kind regards,


ok 那么这个时候我知道他对我还是有一些兴趣,那么再进行重点培养下。这个时候强读5篇该外导的最新的论文,探寻他的科研热点,解读他的兴趣兴致所在。


Dear Prof. XXXXXXX

I appreciate your attention.

I would like to inquire about the open position for visiting Ph.D in University of XXXXX.

The CSC encourages Chinese Ph. D. students (first year) to get Ph. D. degree of the top universities overseas. Though I am a Ph. D. candidate in XXXXXX University, P. R. China, I want to apply visting student positon of University of XXXXXX through CSC.

During my application of studying in University of XXXXXXX through CSC, the CSC requires me to submit some documents about the study plan, invitation letter, and something else. So your support and help is important to my application of studying abroad.

Thank you again.

I am looking forward to getting your response.

Best regards,

Yours sincerely,




Dear XXXXXX, thanks for your reply. We can consider your application for the next round in
