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Section A

1. A、Clean the bath room. B、Clean the kitchen.

C、Watch a video program.

D、Wash the dishes.

2. A、She was knocked down by a car. B、She got lost.

C、She had some trouble with her car.

D、She lost her bag.

3. A、The window was broken by the kids. B、Tommy failed in the basketball game.

C、The kids were playing with the glasses.

D、Tommy fell to the ground and broke his glasses.

4. A、At school. B、On the way to school. C、At home. D、In the hospital.

5. A、She has difficulty falling asleep. B、She’ll be away for a few days.

C、She is ill

D、She stayed up the night before.

6. A、A teacher. B、A tailor. C、A doctor. D、A shop assistant.

7. A、The movie was already over.

B、Some people were watching the movie.

C、The man could watch the movie with the woman’s friends.

D、The man had better not go to the woman’s home to watch the movie.

8. A、A bus. B、Better weather. C、A taxi. D、Newspaper

9. A、20 B、25 C、35 D、40

10. A、There is often too much traffic. B、He doesn’t like to drive to his office.

C、He is satisfied with the road conditions.

D、Everything is good except for the distance.

Section B

Passage One

Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.

11. A、Math B、Music C、English D、Dance

12. A、To take lessons himself. B、To be close to his family.

C、To teach better students.

D、To have more students.

13. A、The first teacher. B、The second teacher. C、The last teacher. D、The next teacher.

Passage Two

Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.

14. A、He started a small business of his own.

B、He lived with his family in a small town.

C、He lived alone and hardly left his home.

D、He tried to make some money by selling newspapers.

15. A、They put their glasses on. B、They took their glasses off.

C、They talked about the weather.

D、They finished their food and drinks.

16. A、He didn’t try on all the glasses in the store.

B、He thought he would be able to read with glasses on.

C、He went to the wrong store for the things he needed.

D、He failed to inform the shop owner of what he needed.

Passage Three

Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.

17. A、When they are six weeks old. B、When they are eight weeks old.

C、When they are eight months old.

D、When they are eight days old.

18. A、His mother is with him. B、He thinks he can deal with some trouble.

C、He sees many foods.

D、He feels the love from his parents.

19. A、Because he enjoys the feeling of flying.

B、Because his father laughs while doing this.

C、Because he enjoys the moment when he is caught.

D、Because he knows that his father is playing with him.

20. A、Because laughter is the best medicine. B、Because laughing helps us overcome trouble.

C、Because we feel that we have become mature.

D、Because we understand the world around us better. Key: 1-5 ACBCB 6-10 BDDDA 11-15 BDABA 16-20 CABBD


Section A

1. A、5:00. B、5:30. C、6:00. D、6:30.

2. A、Engineer and computer expert. B、Father and daughter.

C、Manager and clerk.

D、College advisor and student.

3. A、He did not have any money left.

B、He had some trouble with his lungs.

C、He did not plan the trip very well.

D、He was called back by a couple.

4. A、He would buy it, though expensive. B、It’s good, but it costs too much.

C、It’s good and cheap.

D、It is not worth buying.

5. A、She will have a big dinner. B、She will try a new restaurant.

C、She will see an Italian friend.

D、She will stay at home.

6. A、To be a writer. B、To go into the family business. C、to be a driver D、To become an artist.

7. A、The report is difficult. B、The report is very long.

C、The report has been finished.

D、The report will be finished in two days.

8. A、The first floor. B、The second floor. C、The third floor D、The top floor.

9. A、Replace the washing machine. B、Fixing the washing machine.

C、Give her a telephone call.

D、Pay her a visit in a week.

10. A、On the plane. B、On the ship. C、In a restaurant. D、In a coffee bar.

Section B

Passage One

Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.

11. A、Maths B、History C、Music D、English

12. A、Because it’s interesting. B、Because it’s enjoyable.

C、Because it’s economical.

D、Because it’s practical.

13. A、Biology B、Economy C、Geography D、Computer

Passage Two

Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.

14. A、Seattle B、San Diego C、Oklahoma City D、Houston

15. A、It has high temperature. B、Its a cloudy day. C、Its clear but windy. D、Its rainy day.

16. A、New York City. B、Oklahoma City. C、Houston. D、Miami..

Passage Three

Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.
