托福口语机经第二批 答案
你的选择是?为什么?学习2选1你喜欢大型的lecture还是小型的lecture(class, discussion)学习2选1喜欢到大城市读书还是小城市读书学习2选1大学是应该向所有人开放还是只对一部分学生开放学习2选1你愿意以大教室还是小教室的形式上课及解释学习2选1有些人觉得在大学的学习是很重要的,有的人觉得它并不怎么重要,点?学习2选1(有问题时),说说你是喜欢上网还是看书获得知识,(还是问老师)学习是否大学生(去外校)学自己专业以外的知识是不是浪费时间?学习是否即便对于老年人来说,接受教育、获取学位也永远不会晚政府政策是否政府是否应该资助建博物馆和剧院政府政策是否手机的使用是否应该受到限制政府政策2选1城建过程中应该拆老房子还是留着老房子住宿2选1喜欢一个人住还是和室友住工作2选1工作中最重要的是钱还是个人满足工作是否兼职和暑期打工对于未来的工作是否帮助媒体和人2选1电视对于现代社会有正面作用还是负面作用,选择其中之一并解释原因。
、|!_一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,然后在某个不经意的瞬间,你会发现,原本费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就这么忘记了..*ONE.考过题目(05.11.19-07.7.28所有机经)0511.19. 电视对当代社会是有正面效应还是负面效应,yNegative television-- programs are so fascinating that people spend too much time in front of the screen, resulting in lackof communication and less time for work, study and exercise.2.Watching television excessively would drain the eyes and bring harm to the skin because of radiation.3.The violence, sex and crime scenes have extremely bad influence on the sound development ofchildren.12.2 Should high schools teach music and art as other basic scienceMusic and art importance1. Knowledge in music and art classes will bring benefit to the all-round development of the students, which is quite important in our rapid developing society.2. Music and art lessons can serve as a means to help the students relax and relieve the pressure from work and study in other classes.3. learning music and art may help some students discover their talents for music and art, which is beneficial to them when are choosing career.12.3 打手机应不应该在一些地方禁止?Should be prohibited in some occasions.1.When driving a vehicle. Talking on a cell phone would more or less prevent the drivers from focus onthe traffic situations ahead of them, increasing the possibility of accidents.2.On airplanes. The electrical signals of the phone will probably cause signal interruption and malfunctionof the plane and even accidents.3.In hospitals. Likewise, the cell signal may have a bad effect on the medical devices, posing a greatdanger to the patients’ lives.12.16 媒体和家人朋友从哪学到更多?媒体1. Computer and internet technology enable us to have access to a huge amount of information in all kinds of areas. Internet is a vast ocean of Natural sciences and social sciences. ><the knowledge and experience of people around us are more or less limited.2. The images and videos as well as words on tv and net are so direct and vivid that they make it a lot easier to study. With the media, learning can be real fun and easy.12.17 政府是否应该投资建博物馆和剧院No1.Museums and theatres will be able to support themselves through the admission fee they collect beforethe exhibition or performance.2.It would be more reasonable to invest the money in infrastructure facilities of the city for the betterbeing of the people in the entire community.3.Or, it could also be distributed to those who have been suffering from hunger, poverty and disease allover the country.061.14 Prefer to eat at home or eat outside at the restaurant?Out at the restaurant.1.Some of the shops command great view. Relieve relax.2.It would save a lot of time and energy of cooking and washing dishes so that we can focus on ourconversation with the friends and have more fun.3.The food and drink in the restaurant are generally a lot more delicious than those at home. The cooksand employees in those shops are professionals in this area.>< The taste of the food we make on our own is just so-so.1.21 Prefer to study in big or small city?Big city1.There are more great job opportunities in big cities. The big companies would be more likely to offerhigher salaries and welfare to employees. So we could have a better life in big city.2.Big cities have amazing public facilities and convenient transportation. They have more parks,restaurants, cinemas and playgrounds. All of these make life more colorful.3.There are more people in big cities than small cities. I would be able to make friends with a great manypeople there. Perhaps, we have a little get-together, we talk, we laugh, we discuss and all these make the vacation much more fun.Small city1.Great view.2.The peace and tranquility. There is little noise and the quite environment can make me focus on mystudy and learning.3.Big city pollution. The exhaust gas from all the cars and buses have caused severe pollution. In the bigcities, we are seeing less blue sky and less bright stars, breathing less fresh air and drinking less clean water.2.3 一个人住还是和室友住?= 喜欢和同学出去吃还是在家做= 愿意在加工作还是在公司工作,ycompany1.Great view around the office2.During the break, I get to talk with my colleagues and friends. We talk, we laugh, we discuss, workingcan be real fun and easy.3. will make me learn from one another’s strong points and get help from others to improve our own abilities in the area3.17/18 大学应该想所有人开放还是向一部分人开放Only some students.1.This would make the best of the resources and facilities in the schools, resulting in the improvement ofworking and learning efficiency of the students.2.Fewer people means smaller classes. Teachers would pay more attention to each one in the class andteach more effectively and more efficiently.3.Fewer people on campus are relatively easy to organize and manage and this would enhance securityand good order in the school.3.25 家长约束孩子还是让他们看想看的任何节目restrain>>05.11.191. TV programs are so fascinating that children may spend too much time in front of the screen, resulting in lack of communication and less time for work, study and exercise.2. watching television excessively would drain the eyes and bring harm to the skin because of radiation.3. The violence, sex and crime scenes have extremely bad influence on the sound development of children.4.8 musical education important?Important>>05.12.21. Knowledge in music and art classes will bring benefit to the all-round development of the students, which is quite important in our rapid developing society.2. Music and art lessons can serve as a means to help the students relax and relieve the pressure from work and study in other classes.3. learning music and art may help some students discover their talents for music and art, which is beneficial to them when are choosing career.4.28 attend college 是否比不读college更容易successful in life. Yattend college important >>07.3.101.enhance the proficiency in a certain area, broaden one’s horizons and increase knowledge in all kinds offields2.improve interpersonal and communication skills which is essential in future career.3.make friends with those people on campus who share the same love for a particular subject.5.26 Prefer to be a leader or group member.Be a leaderanizing the affairs and activities of the group can greatly improve my interpersonal andcommunication skills, which is quite important for future career in the rapidly developing society.2.I have more freedom to do what I intend to and don’t need to obey anybody’s orders because I havethe biggest power in the group.3.I can have easy access to all kinds of resources of the group and I have the right to make use of themand distribute them.6.9/10 Prefer to do research by academic books or internet?Internet >>07.6.301. Provide more useful resources and information online and so that I have easy access to a large amount of information in all kinds of areas concerned in the research.2. improve the computer skills and keep abreast of the new technologies, which is quite important for the future career in such a rapidly developing society.3. be able to make friends with the people who have related experience and expertise and get help from them about the problems we run into on the research.6.16 被电视,报纸,广播上的信息影响的多还是家人朋友影响的多?Family and friends.1.we spend most of our time with our family and friends. So we will be inevitably influenced by theiropinions, behaviors and characters.2.Our family and friends are the ones who care and concern about us the most and also the ones we trustmost. ><the information on television and other medias are not as reliable.6.24 Prefer indoor or outdoor activities?Outdoor.1.Outdoor activities, especially the sports, like playing basketball, playing tennis, skiing.etc. wouldimprove health condition and better prepare ourselves for any physical challenge in the future .2.Picturesque view and enjoyable surrounding in great nature relieve pressure.3.In the activities, we can make friends with the people who share the same love for a particular activity.We talk, laugh, discuss, and this makes life much more fun.7.15 想把多余的钱马上用掉还是存起来?Deposit.1.When the money is saved in a bank, the interest is growing all the time. So we can have more moneywhen we later withdraw them out of the bank.2.This money can be used in emergencies. For example, when we are sick or in a accident or our bestfriends are suddenly in great financial trouble. In these cases, the money will better prove their worth.3.Or, we can set aside the money for buying a big house or fancy car in the future when we have earnedmore. It is wiser than using it right away.7.29 long vacation, short vacation?Short vacation1. A vacation, no matter how long, can always serve as a means to help us relax…2.Short vacation provide moderate relaxation. ><in long vacation, students tend to forget almosteverything they have learned during the previous semester. It will prevent the students from getting used to the new term quickly.3.Short holiday reduce the possibility of accidents. Students are more likely to misbehave and get introubles in long vacation.8.12 work alone/in a groupgroup8.26 for class assignments, work alone or in a group?Group9.15 do you prefer to attend class regularly or to carry out independent study?group10.8 traditional class or online class?>>07.2.2410.15 big class or small classsmaller class>06.3.171. This would make the best of the resources and facilities in the schools, resulting in the improvement of working and learning efficiency of the students.2. In smaller classes, teachers would pay more attention to each one in the class and teach more effectively and more efficiently.3. Fewer people in class are relatively easy to organize and manage and this would enhance security and keep good order in the class.10.21 a/d people should always tell the truthno1.most of the time, people should be honest and be a man of integrity. But not always.2.To those bad guys, like the bullies and hooligans who want to take advantage of us, we should bemanipulative and say what we can to stay away from danger.3.To our friends and family. Sometimes, a white lie proves to be beneficial than a cruel truth. For example,my friends’ mother got sick and in grave condition when he was preparing for an interview. I would lie to him by saying his mom is fine and focus your job hunting. Because if I had told him the truth, he couldn’t do anything about his mom and he may had lost the job.10.22 college to all students or some students.>>06.3.1710.28 Live alone or with roommates?>.07.1.611.3 offer PE courses or not?PE importance1.The running and jumping around can definitely help us relax….2.PE classes would improve health condition and better prepare us for any physical challenge in thefuture3.All kinds of sports games in PE lessons require us to play in a group, This would help develop our senseof teamwork and the spirit of cooperation, which is quite important in future career in society.11.17 Study in a university in big city or small city?>>1.2111.18 If you have money, practical thing or happy thing. 177practical thing1.When we buy a practical thing, it will be always there. >< nothing physical has left.2.Perhaps it may appreciate, so we can sell it later to get more money.3.When we meet the ones we love very much, we can also send this thing to them11.19 Get up early or late?Early1.I can do physical exercise, like jogging, swimming, playing tennis. This would improve health conditionand better prepare myself for any physical challenge in the future2.I would be able to keep good and healthy hours, have breakfast, lunch and supper on time, protectingme from all kinds of stomach problems.3.It’s also great to read English in the morning, when I have the best memory in a day. Good English canhelp me make friends with many foreign people and increase my job opportunities when I graduate from school.12.3 Communicate with family and friends by letter and email or telephone.Telephone.1.through telephone we can ear the voice from the other end, which reveal the emotions and feelings ofthem. This would shorten the distance between the two speakers. >< we can only see the words with no affection itself.2.telephone communication are instantaneous. Which means we don’t need to wait to contact others,this is especially helpful in urgent situations.>< while by letter and email we have to wait until they reach the postboxes or the mail address.12.8/15 家长约束孩子看电视?约束>>05.11.1912.16 relaxed or hurried life?Relaxed life1.The lower pace and life style would definitely help me relax… This is better for both my mental andphysical condition.><while hurried life always result in fatigue, stress and depression more or less. 2.The relaxed life would allow me more time to do all kinds of activities, play sports, playing musicalinstruments, traveling all of these make life more fun and exciting. ><in busy life, I become the slave of work or money3.I also have more chance to hang out with friends or spend time with the family, this is the source ofevery single bit of my sweetness and happiness in life.071.6 Do you prefer to live with roommates or you prefer to live alone?With roommates.1.learn from each other’s strong points and improve my own abilities in certain areas.2.Roommate is always the first to come up and give the shirt off his back when I am in trouble. Eg. Getsick couldn’t go to classes, he will give me the notes and buy me drugs.3.By living with a roommate, I can improve my interpersonal and communication skills, which is quiteimportant in my future career1.12 in a journey, go straight to the destination/enjoy the journey?Enjoy the journey on the way1.the picturesque view and enjoyable surroundings may be even more fantastic than the touristdestinations in the schedules. In this way, I can make the most of the journey.2.the natural scenes, persons, buildings may increase my understanding of the culture, custom andhistory of that country.3.I might have the opportunity to talk to the people on the way and perhaps make friends with them.They will tell me more interesting stuff and make the journey more fun.1.14 Keep old buildings in a city or not 65Keep old buildings.1.historical buildings are the very representation of the city’s great history. Demolishing the buildings isdestroying the sense of pride of all the citizens.2.cause the rapid development of tourism of the city, stimulate the economy and further improve theinfrastructure facilities of the city, resulting in the better being of the people in the entire community.cation about the materials in the building can also increase the understanding of the everyoneabout the culture, custom, history of the country.1.19 Childhood is the best time of one’s life? 133Childhood no1.Children are not treated seriously and cannot handle many situations most of the time because they areimmature both mentally and physically.2.Children are not likely to have great relationships like friendship and love until they reach adulthood.3.Children have no skills to work and have to live off their parents and cannot enjoy the fun of livingindependently.1.27 Study from advices of friends and parents or personal experience. 108Friends and parents.1.They have certainly more valuable experiences than myself and can provide a lot of useful information,making the learning process more efficiently.2.Parents and friends are the ones who are caring and concerned about my well being. So they aretrustworthy3.Save time and effort to know important lessons where there is no turning back. For example. My fatherdid not work and study hard when he was young, he does not want me to repeat his mistake. And I cant afford to learn that through my own experience either.2.3 Students should wear uniform in schools. 135Wear uniform++1.Students will be more aware of their identity and involuntarily behave more appropriately in publicareas><in casual clothes they wont feel this way and may perform less properly.2.school members, especially the girls will not pay much attention to their clothes and focus onstudy><or else they would compare their own to more attractive clothes, resulting in less time in learning.3.Uniform would bring benefit to the overall reputation of the school for discipline and organization. 2.24 Prefer online courses or traditional class setting?Traditional class1.Have more opportunities to get involved in face-to-face contact with the teachers and students, thiswould improve my interpersonal and communication skills, which is quite important in my future career.2.Do not depend on the hardware facilities such as power, computer, internet etc. The can performteaching, learning and discussion anytime they are together.3.Have less distraction from study in traditional form. ><Fancy equipments and resources may preventthe students from concentrating on study and defeat the original purpose.Online courses1. Save a lot of time and energy of students on transportation on the way to school so they will have more time to get involved in other subjects such as sports and arts. And this will bring benefit to the all-round development of the students.2. Provide more useful resources and information online and so the students have access to a large amount of information in all kinds of areas.3. improve the computer skills of students and they can keep abreast of the new technologies, which is quite important for the future career.3.3 选择找工作容易还是感兴趣的学科学习?Interest1.Sometimes, good job and money are not the only concern in life. Doing something we are interested inis a kind of happiness even though the payment is not high while doing the work we don’t like can only cause pain and boredom no matter how high the salary is.2.Getting involved in the area of our interest would be more likely to bring about great achievements andsuccess. This is more meaningful in life.3.Make friends with the people who share the same love for that interest. Talk, laugh…..3.4 Our life is easier or more difficult than our parents?Easier1.Our parents who were born decades of years ago sometimes did not have enough food and shelter,they suffered from grave economic hardship when they were young. >< Now our basic living conditions have been greatly improved due to the rapid economic development.2.We not have much more opportunities to receive high-quality education and learn new things andknowledge in all kinds of areas.rmation technology, the internet and computer make our lives even more colorful and fascinating.There are a great variety of entertainments online and we can make friends with people all over the world.3.10 College education important not important 必不可少? 1College education importance4.enhance the proficiency in a certain area, broaden one’s horizons and increase knowledge in all kinds offields5.improve interpersonal and communication skills which is essential in future career.6.make friends with those people on campus who share the same love for a particular subject.a)Watching tv or newspaper for news?Newspaper ++1. Newspaper cost much less than other media… With the same amount of money I can buy more to get more new information in all kinds of areas. ><have to pay for the electricity bills and cable fee2. News on newspaper is completely at our disposal, we can read them over and over again anytime we want.><mostly we cannot control the news broadcasting on tv to meet our own schedule.3. Watching television excessively would drain the eyes and bring harm to the skin because of radiation.3.23 Work independently or work in a group? 78Group1.will make us learn from one another’s strong points and get help from others to improve our ownabilities in the area. ( prevent personal mistakes and bring everyone’s talent to full play)2.will improve our interpersonal and communication skills and perform the jobs more efficiently and moreeffectively.3.be able to make friends with those who share the same love for a particular subject….4.21 Read fiction or nonfiction.Fiction1.Some of the fictions are funny and make people laugh. And laughing would definitely help me relievethe pressure from work and study.2.The humorous style in the … can also improve my sense of humor. This will make others more willing tolisten to my stories and bring fun to my life and the lives of others.3. The plots and characters can help me develop my imagination and enhance the ability to think independently and perform creatively.4. I’d be able to make friends who share the same love for the fictions. We can have a get-together, we talk, laugh, discuss and we all feel like one big family.4.29 job with more money or job with more personal satisfaction? 53Satisfaction1. Sometimes, money is not the only factor we need to consider about a job.2.The warm and friendly atmosphere in the working place is also important for people to be in a good mood and work happily all day.3. Doing something we are interested in is a kind of happiness even though the payment is not high while doing the work we don’t like can only cause pain and boredom no matter how high the salary is.a)a/d: students should have a year break before they attend college.Should not have a year break before college.1.This break of a whole year would be a waste of time. The students could have learned a lot ofknowledge or valuable experience on campus.2.This long period of break would make the students forget most of what they have studied in high school,this will prevent the students from adapting to college life as quickly as possible.3.Students may also have many opportunities to make friends with a lot of schoolmates and enjoy thebeautiful life in the Ivory tower.6.24 学生能从讨论中学的更多Discussion1. will make us learn from one another’s strong points and get help from others to improve our own abilities in the area.2.will improve our interpersonal and communication skills which is quite important in future career.3. be able to make friends with those who share the same love for a particular subject….6.30 做project是看书还是上网搜索1. Provide more useful resources and information online and so the students have access to a large amountof information in all kinds of areas.2. improve the computer skills of students and they can keep abreast of the new technologies, which is quite important for the future career.3. be able to make friends with the people who have related experience and expertise and get help from them about the problems we run into on the project.7.7 a big city or a rural place, which place u' d like to choose to spend ur holiday or vacation?Big city4.There are a lot of famous places of interest in the city, which will help me improve the understanding ofthe culture, custom, history and many other interesting stuff about the country.5.Big cities have amazing public facilities, for example. Having a walk in the huge parks, I can smell thegrass and flowers, hear the cries of the birds, feel the bracing breeze on my face. All of these can help me relax and relieve the pressure from work and study.6.There are more people in big cities than in rural areas. I would be more likely to make friends with agreat many people in cities. Perhaps, we have a little get-together, we talk, we laugh, we discuss and all these make the vacation much more fun.7.14.大学应该收费还是免费?Charge1.Tuition fee can be used to improve the infrastructure facilities in and around the university, such aslibrary, sports ground, teaching buildings, laboratories etc. This will result in the better being of all the students on campus.2.The money can also be invested in enhance the quality of the teaching and research staff in alldepartments. This is beneficial to the academic performance of the students and the reputation of the school.3.Free of charge would definitely attract much more students to enter college, causing lack of resourcefor each student and the decline of learning efficiency and effectiveness.7.21. Cell phone should be prohibited?7.28. Money and power= success?////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////**TWO.备考资料题目列举(Delta, Kaplan, Barron)DELTA1.Eat main meal around noon or evening?2.Long or short vacation?rge parties with strange people or small with close friends?4.uniform or own choice?5.live concerts or recorded music?6.get up and go to bed early or late?7.have classes early in morning or late?8.plan vacation or flexible to chance9.eat most meals with people or alone?10.relax at home or go out?。
以下是各部分的题目答案和简要解析:听力部分:1. 答案:A解析:根据听力材料可知,对话中提到了去博物馆参观古代艺术品。
2. 答案:B解析:听力中提到了他们计划在周末一起去露营。
3. 答案:C解析:对话中提到了订购一份海鲜披萨。
阅读部分:4. 答案:D解析:根据第一段最后一句话可知,这位教授对环境问题持乐观态度。
5. 答案:A解析:根据第二段第一句话可知,家庭成员之间的交流关系对一个人的发展至关重要。
6. 答案:C解析:根据第三段最后两句话可知,通过运动可以增强身体健康。
口语部分:7. 答案:In my opinion, the best way to relax is to take a walk in nature. It helps me clear my mind and relieve stress.解析:根据个人观点,最好的放松方式是在大自然中散步。
写作部分:8. 答案:The advantages of studying abroad outweigh the disadvantages. Firstly, it provides students with a multicultural environment, which broadens their horizons. Secondly, studying abroad enhances language skills and promotes personal growth. Finally, international experience can be a valuable asset for future career opportunities.解析:留学的优势大于劣势。
托福TPO2口语task3题目 Reading Part:Bus Service Elimination PlannedThe university has decided to discontinue its free bus service for students. The reason given for this decision is that few students ride the buses and the buses are expensive to operate. Currently, the buses run from the center of campus past university buildings and through some of the neighborhoods surrounding the campus. The money saved by eliminating the bus service will be used to expand the over crowded student parking lots.托福TPO2口语task3题目 Question:T he man expresses his opinion of the university’s plan to eliminate the bus service.State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.托福TPO2口语task3答案解析:1. Reading key(1.1) Announcement: elimination of bus service(1.2) Reason 1: not many students take it(1.3) Reason 2: money saved can be used to build more parking lots2. Listening key(2.1) The man disagrees with it(2.2) Reason 1: the bus route is out of date(2.2.1) Details: it only goes through the areas that are too expensive for students to live in(2.2.2) Suggestion: change the bus route, then more people will be willing to take the bus(2.3) Reason 2: building more parking lots is not a good idea(2.3.1) Details:+ parking - bus → more people will drive → more pollution and traffic problems on campus托福TPO2口语task3范文:The university is planning to eliminate its free bus service, because not many students use it and the school can use the money saved to build more parking lots. In the conversation, the man disagrees with th e university’s plan. First of all, he thinks the reason that few students take the bus is because the route is out-of-date, it only goes through the areas that have gone too expensive for students to live. Instead of eliminating the bus service, the university should change the bus route to where more students live. Second, he thinks that more student will drive if the university used the saved money to build more parking lots, and that will create more traffic problem and increase the noise level on campus.。
tpo口语参考答案 (2)
TPO口语参考答案Task 1Question•Describe a place you have visited that you found very beautiful.•Explain why you found this place beautiful.Sample ResponseI would like to describe a place that I visited recently and found incredibly beautiful - the Niagara Falls. Located at the border between the United States and Canada, the Niagara Falls is undoubtedly one of the most stunning natural wonders in the world.What struck me most about the Niagara Falls was the sheer power and magnificence of the water. The colossal amount of water cascading down the falls was a mesmerizing sight to behold. The thundering sound it made as it crashed into the rocks below added to the awe-inspiring atmosphere of the place. Moreover, the mist and spray created by the falls created a surreal and dreamlike environment. It was as if I had stepped into a fantasy world.In addition to the waterfalls, the surrounding landscape was equally breathtaking. Lush greenery and picturesque views enhanced the overall beauty of the area. Taking a boat ride to the bottom of the falls allowed me to experience the grandeur up close and personal. The close proximity to the falls made me feel exhilarated and humbled at the same time.In conclusion, the Niagara Falls is a place of unparalleled natural beauty. Its stunning waterfalls, combined with the surreal environment and picturesque surroundings, make it a must-visit destination for anyone seeking to be captivated by the wonders of nature.Task 2Question•Some people prefer to live in small towns. Others prefer to live in big cities. Which do you prefer and why?Sample ResponsePersonally, I prefer to live in big cities for several reasons. Firstly, big cities offer more opportunities in terms of education and career advancement. Major universities, research institutions, and companies are usually located in urban areas, giving residents access to a wide range of educational and professional opportunities. This can greatly enhance one’s knowledge and skills, as well as open doors to a successful and fulfilling career.Secondly, big cities provide a diverse and vibrant social and cultural scene. Museums, theaters, art galleries, and concert halls are just a few of the cultural attractions that big cities offer. Living in a big city means being exposed to different cultures, ideas, and experiences on a daily basis. This not only broadens one’s horizons but also allows for greater personal growth and development.In addition, big cities are often at the forefront of innovation and technological advancements. This means access to state-of-the-art facilities, cutting-edge research, and a fast-paced, dynamic environment. Being in a city that is constantly evolving and pushing boundaries can be intellectually stimulating and inspiring.Lastly, big cities usually offer better infrastructure and amenities. Public transportation networks are typically more developed and efficient, making it easier to get around. Additionally, big cities tend to have a wider variety of shopping centers, restaurants, and recreational facilities to choose from, ensuring a better quality of life.In conclusion, although there may be some drawbacks to living in big cities such as higher living costs and increased competition, the numerous opportunities, diverse culture, and better infrastructure outweigh these disadvantages. Therefore, I prefer living in big cities for the many advantages they offer.。
托福口语s k题目答案大汇总二Document number【SA80SAB-SAA9SYT-SAATC-SA6UT-SA18】第二辑机经7.21大范围001Advantages and disadvantages of eating in classHealth, ConcentrationI think eating in class has both advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is that it’s good for health. Sometimes I get up late and no time to eat breakfast. If I can bring breakfasts to school and eat them after class, it will make me energetic to study. However, the disadvantage is that it will disturb others. Even though sometimes I eat in class, I really hate the noise and smell caused by eating.They distract me a lot, so I am not able to focus on studying. It’s not respectful, and I bet most students have the same feeling with me. Agree: Although eating causes unpleasant noise and smell, if I sit at the back of classroom where there are less people and try not to make noise and smell when eating, it will not cause too much trouble to others.002有些大学把 paper books 或者magazines 卖掉了,取而代之的是electronic books,你觉得可行否Effective, convenientI think it’s reasonable to replace paper books or magazines with electronic books. First of all, electronic books can contain more information than paper book. What is written in one hundred copies of books can be recorded in only a small CD, and it takes up less space. Second, it’s more convenient. Many books are too heavy to carry with. But if they are available electronically, we can access them where there are computer s and the Internet, and it’s also fast to search information.003What kind of food do you recommend to add to the food menu on campus cafeteria Use examples and details to support your response.Health, MoneyI recommend braised fish be added to the food menu. First of all,it’s good for health. Fish is full of nutrients such as protein, calcium and vitamin. Eating fish is said to be able to reduce the possibility of suffering from heart disease and depression. Second, since our city is close to a big river, the price of fish is comparatively low. It’s even cheaper than chicken and pork, so it’s affordable to ordinary students. Also it’s delicious and most students like eating it.004What kind of music do you like the least Give reasons why you do not like this kind of music.Culture, relaxThe kind of music I like the least is hip-hop. First of all, hip-hopis originated in America and reflects the life there. Since I am not familiar with American culture and my English is not so good, I have no idea what the singer speaks about, what he or she wants to tell us. Second, the reason why I wonna listen to music is to calm myself down when I feel upset. The rhythm of hip-hop is quick and intense, andthat will make me even more agitated. So I don’t like it.Example: Without me, by EminemOther: like the mostThe kind of music I like the most is Chinese classical music. Firstof all, classical music reflects the culture and history of China. Each piece of work has a story behind it, such as Butterfly lovers, which tells an impressive love story. Second, each time I hear the melodious rhythm, I can have a temporary escape from the workloadsuch as assignment and examination. It gives a peaceful mind to tolerate the unfavorable things and a positive mind to start a brand new day.005Some people like collecting old things such as newspaper. How about you, explain.Eco-friendly, MemoryI like to collect old things. First of all, some old things canremind me nice memories. I have collected train tickets of every trip I ‘ve taken, the oldest one dates back to ten years ago. Thosetickets remind me of the cities I visited and the happy days I spent there. Second, it’s eco-friendly to recycle the old things. For example, old plastic bottles can be used to contain detergent. It can reduce wastes and make a better environment for us to live in.006Government该不该encourage citizens to lead a healthy lifestyle. Efficiency, HealthI think government should encourage citizens to lead a healthy lifestyle. First of all, health is the keystone of a happy life, and citizens often ignore this point because of workload, so they needthe encouragement of the government. Second, only if citizens have a healthy lifestyle can they be more energetic and efficient at work. Encouraging a healthy lifestyle will eventually boost the economy and the sustainable prosperity of the society.007Some people like to buy new but expensive books while others preferto buy old but cheap ones. Which would you preferMoney, learningI prefer to buy old but cheap ones. First of all, it’s more economical. For example, it only costs 20 Yuan to buy an old English textbook, but a new is 60 Yuan, three times of the old one. Old books can save me a lot of money and reduce the financial burden of my family. Second, old books often have helpful notes of previous reader. Last semester such notes on the old English textbook I bought help me get good marks in the exam. So I prefer old books.008Reading books or listening to audio booksConvenient, effectiveI prefer to listen to audio books. First o f all, it’s more convenient. Books are often too heavy to carry, and I have to find a suitable place to read them. But with a small and portable mp3 player, I can listen to audio books wherever I go. Second, audio books permit for multi-tasking. I am very busy all over the day and cannot spare a large amount of time for reading. But I can listen to the audio books while I am jogging, taking the bus or doing housework, and it’s also relaxing.009Some college students like to spend their free time studying another course or doing schoolwork. Others like to join a club and enjoyclub activities. Which do you think is better and why?Expand horizon, TeamI think it’s better to join a club and enjoy club activities. Firstof all, I am really fond of getting new acquaintance. They may come from different schools or departments, so I can learn more knowledge from various disciplines, such as history, literature, and engineering. This will expand my outlook. Second, club activities involve lots of group work. These activities can build up I team spirits. We should learn how to cooperate with each other, focus on the things we have in common, and tolerate the difference.010If you were to choose a place to live, what kind of location would you prefer and why 1. A place close to school 2. A place close toyour family 3. A place close to a transport hub(airport or bus terminal, etc.)Convenient, relax/funI prefer to live close to a transport hub, such as a bus terminal. First of all, it’s convenient. Since I take bus to school every day, if I live near a bus terminal, it will take me just a few minutesfrom my home to the bus terminal and get aboard, in this way I don’t have to get up too early in the morning every day. Second, there are always a lot of stores, restaurant or cinemas around transport hubs,so my leisure activities will be full of fun. I can go shopping oreat out. Life will be more interesting.011If you have the chance to travel to the moon, will you go or notGive your specific reasons.Money, HealthI will not go. First of all, travel to the moon will cost a lot of money. The Project Apollo cost America hundreds millions of dollar. I am just an ordinary student, not a millionaire, such a big expense is unaffordable for me. But if chance of travel is for free, maybe Iwill give it a second thought. Second, it’s too dangerous. I still remember the Space Shuttle Columbia Disaster, it miserable. Spaceflight is full of uncertaintly, although it’s exciting and appealing, I don’t want to take the risk.012Some people think the best way to study is to attend a lecture. Others say that it’s better to read by yourself. Which way do you prefer and why?Efficient, InteractionI prefer to attend a lecture. First of all, attending a lecture is more efficient. In the lecture, the speaker will abstract the main idea and the most important information of an issue. I can get themin as short as an hour. But if I read by myself, it will take me several days to understand same knowledge. Second, the lectureinvolves interaction. If I have questions, I can ask the speaker immediately or after the lecture. But if I read by myself, I have no one to resort to if I am puzzled.013If there is an empty ground, would you like the government to builda library there or a community park?Environmentally friendly, HealthI’d like the government to build a community park. First of all,it’s environmentally friendly. A community park has trees, grass land, and beautiful flowers. It will provide more fresh air andreduce the pollution. Also it can lift up the image of a city, makeit a favorable place for more people to live in. Second, the community park is a good place for citizens to exercise. They can jog in the morning and walk around after dinner there. In this way the government benefits the people by promoting healthy lifestyles.014如果别人去你国家你推荐什么食物给它and why?Healthy, CheapI recommend braised fish be added to visitor. First of all, it’sgood for health. Fish is full of nutrients such as protein, calciumand vitamin. Eating fish is said to be able to reduce the possibility of suffering from heart disease and depression. Second, there arelots of rivers and lakes in my country, and in many cities fishery is an important industry, so fish is both cheap and delicious. Braised fish is a popular dish available at most restaurants.015Talk about a memorable experience you had in a restaurant or cafe. Explain whathappened and why it was memorable. Give specific details in your response.Months ago, I ate out at the restaurant in the town. Suddenly I saw a waiter who looked familiar. It was my016Some people believe that a person needs to possess natural physical ability in order to be successful at sports. Others believe that any person can become successful at sports through hard work. Which do you agree with and why?I think a person needs to possess natural physical ability to succeed at sports. People with different physical ability are suitable for different kinds of sports. For example, a tall and thin man can do better in high jumping rather than in weight lifting. Also, marvelous athlete mostly have distinctive physical ability.017描述Mystery, science fiction, biography三类书中最不喜欢哪一个why018喜欢一个人旅行还是和family一起,Why?Family,cheap,019Our society is now facing very serious environment problems. Choose one approach that you believe to be useful to save our planet. Reduce cars. Less CO2, green house. less road, more trees.My country is facing a lot of problems in security, economy, environment, education and so on. One of the serious problems is education problem. First, the government’s financial investment on education is limited. Many children in the rural and poor areasdon’t have the chance to go to school. Second, the education system draws too much attention on examinations. Student lack creative and critical thinking. They are good at taking exams but cannot do better in the future career. These problems will affect the sustainable development of my country.020Are you willing to carefully choose the gift which your friends like or choose whatever you like?021喜欢到哪shoppingSupermarket. Cheap. Convenient022是否觉得it is important to study the history from ancestors.Learn from the past023What do you think is the most important advancement over the past 20 years inyour country Use reasons and specific examples to explain why you think that isimportant.The Application of computers. Convenient. Efficient024type of movie you do not like025agree or disagree: students should do part-time job before attending college026Describe a period of time in your life that you enjoyed the most. Explain why.Exchange student in Taiwan. Relax. Make friends. Expand Horizon.027Do you prefer to listen to live music like concert, or do you prefer to listen to recorded music.Recorded. Convenient. Choose what I like.028describe a special experience that has changed you in life. give reasons why itchanged you with examples/details.Exchange student in Taiwan. Relax. Make friends. Expand Horizon.A special experience that has changed me in life is going to a international school.First, because I used to be very shy and be afraid of being far away from parents, going to an international school enables me to live with roommates from different areas, which makes me be more independent. Second, by studying in an international school, I learned a lot of skills, such as two foreign languages, how to communicate with people in a better way and how to figure outdifficult problems that I couldn't solve in the past.Task 2You prefer learn from people and events in the past or from currrent events.Learn from pastPersonally speaking, I would like to learn from people and events in the past. The reasons are as follows. Firstly, most people will feel confused and will be lack of confidence because they don't know how to identify what is right and what is not right. Learning from people like parents and grandparents provides us an opportunity to have a clear vision so that we could avoid making so many mistakes. More importantly, learning from events in the past will motivate us to do better and achieve much more. According to a survey, those with great motivation have 20 percent more chance to gain success.Plan 10TASK 1Describe a tool or object that you rely on often in your daily life. Explain why it is important to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.Computer. Convenient. Use for studyTASK 2Some people prefer to solve a challenge all by themselves. Others prefer to dependon other people's help. Which do you prefer and why Include details and examples in your explanation.Other’s help. Different opinions. Release pressurePlan 11TASK 1Which person do you want to know more about Explain why.TASK 2Do you like to go to one place and stay there for a long time for your vacation, ordifferent places and spend little time at each place?Different place. Broad horizon. Make more friendsPlan 12TASK 1Talk about an experience of learning something new. What difficulties do you have to overcome in order to learn it?Playing basketball. Cooperate with others. Improve physical quality. TASK 2Some people like to watch or listen to news every day while others do that occasionally. Which do you prefer and why Use specific reasons and examples to illustrate your point.Occasionally. No time. EfficientPlan 13TASK 1Your friend often feels nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people.What suggestions would you give to your friend to overcome this fear?Confident. PractiseTASK 2Do you prefer to have fast food in a fast food restaurant, or do you prefer to have food in other kinds of places?Fast food. Save time. CheapPlan 14TASK 1Describe a piece of news or a story that you are interested in recently. Explain whyyou think it was interesting. Include reasons and details in your response.Aircraft Accident. Good for study. Chinese, miserableTASK 2Some students prefer to take an essay question where they must write an essay to a question. Other students prefer to take a test with objective questions. Which type of exam question do you prefer Give reasons and examples in your explanation.Writing skill is good. FreedomPlan 15TASK 1Among the following three types of professions, which do you think makes the most important contribution to society Primary school teacher, nurse, artist.Teacher. Like to associate with people. Speaking and teachingTASK 2Do you agree or disagree with the following statement People who are 18 years old are not mature enough to vote.Know little about society. Not able to differentiate right and wrong Plan 16TASK 1Describe a good study habit you have that is different from other students.Take notes. Efficient. Concentration.TASK 2Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Playing computer or videogames has a negative influence on teenagers.Yes.17. *Task 1What kind of music do you like the least Give reasons why you do not like this kind of music.Jazz. Culture. Not relax.Task 2Some college students like to spend their time free time studying another course or doing schoolwork. Others like to join a club and enjoy club activities. Which do you think is better and why?Club. Make friends. Team spirit.18. *TASK 1Which type of people do you admire the most 1. people with sports skills 2. peoplewith Language skills 3. people with artistic skillsTASK 2Do you agree or disagree with the following statement All high school studentsshould take economic classes.No.19. *TASK 1Do you agree or disagree with the following statement University students shouldlearn how to manage their time more efficiently.Yes. Good for relax. More time to relax,.TASK 2Some people think it is better for students to study in a classroom building. Others think that it is better for students to study on the Internet. Which do you think is better and why?Class. Interaction, efficient. Team spirit.20. *TASK 1What are some of the benefits that cell phones bring to people? Efficient. Connect to Internet.TASK 2Do you agree or disagree that students should be required to go to school beforethey are 16.NO. Not all are good at studying. Expense.21. *TASK 1People often feel home sick when they are away from home. What do you often doto deal with home sickness?Make phone call to parents. Playing basketball with my friends.TASK 2Do you prefer to take courses relating to a specific career, or do you prefer to take avariety of courses?A variety of course. Broaden horizon. Make friends.22. *TASK 1Describe one way of life in your country has been changed and why it is beneficial.The popularity of computer.TASK 2Do you like to prepare for something in the beginning or wait just before the duedate?23. *TASK 1One of your friends is going to study math as his major. What suggestions would you give to this friend?Do more exercise. Discuss with classmatesTASK 2Some people would borrow money to buy things they need. Others would save upmoney until they can afford it. Which would you do and why?Save money.24.*TASK 1:In your opinion, what is the most important invention in your life Computer, television or telephoneComputerTASK 2:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement The most important lessons cannot be learned in classrooms.25.*TASK 1 130302TASK 2Do you prefer to eat prepared food or food made by yourself?Make by myself. Healthy.26.*TASK 1 130526TASK 2When they are studying to prepare for an exam, some students like to study withother people, while others like to study alone. Which do you prefer and why?27.*TASK 1 130608TASK 2Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Students nowadays work harder in their study than students in the past.28.*Task 1Describe the benefit of spending time abroad.Task 229.*TASK 1Describe a performer, an actor or a musician, etc. that you think is great. Pleasegive specific reasons why you think he/she is a great performer. TASK2 13032430.*TASK 1What suggestions would you like to give to a child who is starting school for the first time Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these suggestion is important.TASK 2 13031631.*TASK 1 130324TASK 2Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are old enough to do so. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.32.TASK 1Describe your favorite teacher. Explain why you like him or her. Include reasonsand details to support your response.TASK 2Some people prefer to make decisions quickly. Others prefer to take their time. Which do you prefer and why Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.33.TASK 1Describe an activity that you enjoy doing together with your family. Explain why.Please include reasons and details in your response.TASK 2Some people prefer to do shopping in large grocery stores or department stores.Others prefer to do shopping in small grocery stores. Which do you prefer and why Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.34.TASK 1Describe a special friend in your childhood. Explain why this friend is special to you. Include reasons and details to support your response.TASK 2Some people prefer to be a leader in a group project, while others prefer to be a supporting member in a group project. Which do you prefer and why Use examples and details in your explanation.35.TASK 1What skill (such as playing a sport, playing a musical instrument and speaking aforeign language) would you like to learn the most Explain why. TASK 2Some people prefer to attend team sports. Others prefer to do individual sports.Which do you prefer and why Include details and examples in your explanation.36.Task 1Describe a time you are trying to do something that you have never done before.Task 2Do you prefer to concentrate on one project at a time or to handle many works or projects at once?37.TASK 1What do you do to keep yourself healthy Explains why it is important for you.Please include reasons and details in you explanation.TASK 2Some people prefer to celebrate their birthdays or holidays with a large group ofpeople in a party. Others prefer to celebrate their birthdays or holidays alone and quietly. Which do you prefer and why Include details and examples in your explanation.38.TASK 1Describe one of your friends. Explain how you met and became friends. TASK 2Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Personality changes as onegrows older.39.TASK 1Describe a gift that you want to give to someone.TASK 2Is it easier to be a teacher than to be a student?40.TASK 1Describe one thing you didn’t want to do but you were asked to do. Explain whatthe result of that thing was. Include reasons and details in your response.TASK 2Some people prefer to make detailed plans for the future. Others prefer toconcentrate on present things and don't make any plans at all. Which way do you prefer Use specific reasons to support your answer.41.Task 1工作环境你认为最重要的是: 1.好同事 2.3. 好老板Task 2cell phone 是否达大大提高人类生活42.TASK 1Describe an interesting style of clothing in your country.TASK 2Some people like to spend their spare time with friends, some people like to spend it alone. Which one do you prefer?43.Task 1你想做什么样的志愿者Speaking of doing volunteer work, I would like to do some thing for the olds, like arranging some short trips for them. I have the following reasons.Task 2artist+musician 对社会的作用44.Task 1一件你不久将来会做的activity.Task 2Personally speaking, I would like to say that taking notes is necessary for students. There are several reasons:45.TASK 1Describe an important day in your life. Explain why it is important. TASK 2Watching TV is not a good use of time. Do you agree or disagree?46.TASK 1Describe a historical event that yo u’re interested in most. Explain why you areinterested in it and want to know more about it. Include reasons and examples to support your response.TASK 2Do you agree that what a person wears can show his or her personality?47.Task2ActivitiesTask2whether or not like to record experiences.48.Task 1Describe an activity that you enjoyed doing together with yourfamily in your childhood. Explain why it was enjoyable to do this activity with your family. Please include reasons and details in your response.Task 2Social model: A person who is similar to you, or have similarability with you, they can be a social model: For exampleyour old sister plays piano well, you are similar to your sister, so you believe you also can play piano well.49.TASK 1What are some important effects of the worldwide availability of the Internet onmodern people’s life Use specific details and examples to support your response.TASK 2Some students prefer to go to universities or colleges in their hometown. Othersprefer to go to universities or colleges in new cities or towns. Which do you prefer and why Include details and examples in your explanation.50.TASK 1Talk about two singers who are popular in your country. Explain why they arepopular and how they are different.TASK 2When they meet a problem, some people prefer to seek advice or help from peoplewho are older than they are, while others prefer to seek advice or help from people of the same age. Which do you prefer and why?51.TASK 1Are the living standards of people today better than the past?TASK 2Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Internetplays an importantrole in your life. Use specific examples and details to support your answer.52.Task 1Describe a subject that you think is very important, but you are not interested in.Please provide details to why it is important and difficult.Task 2 Do you prefer to watch movies in the cinema or at home, why? 53.TASK 1One of your friends has suddenly received a large amount of money and has askedyou for advice on how to handle this money. What advice would you give to your friend Give reasons for your answer.TASK 2Do you agree or disagree with this statement People should dress according to the latest fashion.54.TASK 1Currently, air pollution is a serious problem. Describe several ways to reduce airpollution.TASK 2Some prefer to live in historic and old houses while others preferto live in new andmodern buildings. Which one do you prefer?55.TASK 1Among the following three professions, which do you respect the most: photographers, musicians, painters. Explain why.TASK 2Which do you prefer, reading paper books or reading electronic books Explainwhy.56.TASK 1TASK 257.Task 1What personal quality do you admire most creativity,courage or intelligence?Explain why Please include details and examples in your response. Task 2Some people prefer to listen to music while they are studying or working. Othersprefer to stay in a quiet place while they are studying or working. Which way do you prefer and why Include reasons and details in your response.58.TASK 1Many schools do not allow students to take their laptop computers into the classroom. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of having laptop computers in the classroom Use specific details and examples to support your opinion.TASK 2Some people like to move about and live indifferent places. Others like to stay atone place all their lives. Which do you prefer and why?59.Task 1(assignment)(On schedule)Task 2outdoor activity indoor activity such as yoga60.Task 1.Agree or Disagree : 40hours community serviceTask 2.textbook61.TASK 1What's your favorite toy or game in your childhood?TASK 2Do you like to be taught by experienced teachers or by new teachers?。
口语第二题机经汇总2008-01✓Dis/agree Having a relaxed or unhurried life is most important for a person.✓small class or large class大lecture和小class喜欢哪个✓Do you agree or disagree: People should always tell the truth?✓The people celebrating, such as musician, actors, athlete, could give a good example to young people.✓是问电视节目娱乐的和教育的你喜欢哪一个;2008-02✓第2题是185题目里的some people think childhood is the most significant period for one people.问你是否agree。
✓选择喜欢冒险和不喜欢冒险✓同意或不同意,为了过的快乐,去做喜欢的的工作✓和家人朋友联系用letter & e-mail还是telephone.✓与朋友、家人联系用letter or E-mail,还是telephone?✓do you think that university student is wasting time to take others course in other school that beyond their major.✓有些人评价别人用short-term,有些用long-term,你prefer哪个2008-03✓你是闲着的时候随波逐流还是有计划?✓飞来横财,是用来do practical thing还是用来只do leisure thing✓数学科学 VS 艺术历史更应该学哪个?✓学习maths&science是否应该多过art&literature?这是我最囧的口语题。
托福TPO2口语task4题目ReadingPart:SocialinteractionPeopledealwitheachothereveryday.Thisinteractionisattheheartofsociallife.Thestudyofsocialinteractionisconcernedwiththeinfluencepeoplehaveoveroneanother ’sbehavior.Peopletakeeachotherintoaccountintheirdailybehaviorandinfact,theverypresenceofotherscanaffectexample,oneprincipleofsocialinteraction,audienceeffects,suggeststhatindividuals ’workisaffectedbytheirknowledgethattheyarevisibletoothers,thatthepresenceofotherstendstoalterthewaypeoplebehaveorperformanactivity.托福TPO2口语task4题目Question:Explainhowtheexamplesoftyingshoesandlearningtotypedemonstratethe principleofaudienceeffects.托福TPO2口语task4答案分析:1.Readingkey(1.1)Term:AudienceEffect(1.2)Definition:audienceeffects,suggeststhatindivid uals’w orkisaffectedbytheirknowledgethattheyarevisibletoothers2.Listeningkey(2.1)Example1(2.1.1)Twogroupsofstudentswereasktotietheirshoes(2.1.2)Onegroupknewtheywerebeingwatched(2.1.3 )Theothergroupdidn’t(2.1.4 )Firstgrouptietheirshoesalotfasterthanthesecon dgroup(2.2)Example2 (2.2.1 )Thesamethinghappenswhenwearelearninganewactiv ity(2.2.2 )Whenweknowwearebeingwatchedwhenlearninghowtot ype(2.2.3)Wewouldtypefasterwithmoremistakes托福TPO2口语task4范文:Theprofessortalksaboutaudienceeffectwhichmeanspeoplewouldperform differentlywhentheyknowtheyarebeingwatched.Inthefirstexample,twogroupsofstudentswereaskedtoputonsomeshoes,whilethefirstgroupknewtheywerebeingwatched,theothergroupdidn ’t.Theresultshowsthatthefirstgroupputontheshoesfasterthanthesecondgroup.Thesamethinghappenswhenpeoplelearnanewactivity.Whenwelearnhowtotype,andknowthatwearebeingobserved,wewouldtypefaster,butwewillalsomakemoremistakes.本文部分信息根源于新东方在线。
托福TPO2口语task2题目:Question:Some college students choose to take courses in a variety of subject areas inorder to get a broad education. Others choose to focus on a single subject areain order to have a deeper understanding of that area. Which approach to courseselection do you think is better for students and why?托福TPO2口语task2答案解析:Tips1. Targeted course selection(1.1) Become an expert in the field for the time spent on the subjectarea(1.2) Studying similar courses actually saves time and efforts(1.3) Become more competitive on the job market(1.4) Better networking - coworkers and professional contacts2. Casual course selection(2.1) It’s fun to switch to a different subject once in a while(2.2) It opens one’s mind; offers different points of views andperspectives(2.3) Become a better problem solver(2.4) Find out what you really love to do(2.5) Opens up more career possibilities托福TPO2口语task2范文:I believe choosing subjects from different fields is the way to go. First ofall, it will broaden a student’s horizon and knowledge base. Not only I get to learn different things from a variety of courses, most importantly, I can gain other perspectives in doing so. I will be able to think differently and can use many approaches toward the same problem. Second, it’s interesting to take courses from other fields. I get to meet a lot of students from other majors and talk to them. It’s great when I can have many types of friends. It would be very boring if I’m surrounded only by the people in my major all the time.本文部分信息来源于新东方在线。
Describe one way of life in your country that has been changed and why it is beneficialDo you like to prepare for something in the beginning or wait just before the due date?What did you learn in your childhood?Some people like to have a tight schedule while others prefer to have a lot of free time. What about you?Describe a person who always makes you laugh. Explain why the person is funny. Include details and examples in your explanation.Some people prefer to live in a place most of their life. Other people prefer to move to different places. Which do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.Talk about something you wanted to do but never had time to do yet. Describe the details and explain the reason.Do you prefer to do couples of small assignments or one or two big assignments?Among the following three types of books – mystery, science fiction and biography,which do you like the least? Explain why.Do you like to travel alone or with your family members? Explain your answer with details and examples.What kind of activity do you enjoying doing most at school? Explain why you enjoy doing this activity.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Artists (painters, musicians, etc.) are born and not taught.Describe a skill you have that you want to improve. Describe the details of what you will do to improve it.Do you agree or disagree the following statement: Advertising has too much influence on what people buy.What suggestions would you give to a friend who wants to improve his/her score in class?Well, I think there are many ways that h/she can make use of to enhance his/her academic performance. He can join a study group where h/she can ask other group members for clarifying difficult points. I would also advise him to preview what the professor is going to discuss the next day and review what the professor has taught. That way he/she will understand better the teaching content and the knowledge will retain much longer. Also make full use of the office hours, if he/she encounters difficulties, the professor is always glad to offer a helping hand.Some people like to purchase books from a book store while others like to borrow books from the library. Which do you prefer and why?I prefer buying books to borrowing books. True, borrowing books can save you a lot of money and you can get almost any book, even the latest releases if you are willing to wait or join a queue. However, you have to return it on time even if you have not finished it. However, by buying the book, you can read it wherever you want and whenever you want, and once you have read it, you can lend it to friends and family or even give it as a gift. Another strength of owing books is that we can take whatever notes on the margin of the pages of the books.Is it beneficial for students to have computers at school?In my opinion, the computer is an essential tool for students both in their studies and their life. For example, the other day, my English teacher assigned a project. With the help of my computer, I found a lot of useful information and made several neat PPT slides to facilitate my presentation. Through computers, students can complete school assignments or even take online courses. Besides, computers can serve as a medium for students to communicate by sending and receiving E-mails and instant messages. Furthermore, with computers, students can access the internet to find information about news, weather, sports and products, to listen to or watch television, movies or radio, making purchases or even finding jobs. Therefore, the computer is a must for students.Would you keep on expressing your honest opinions, even if you know that they will not be approved by others?I will voice my opinion even when I am aware that others might disagree with it cause it’s my right as an independent individual to communicate how I feel about a particular subject. Disagreement will show my individuality and make others respect me. Someone who just concurs with whatever others say will go nowhere. What’s more, by clearly expressing my own thoughts I can hone my debating and communicative skills as well as critical and logical thinking.Talk about a recent event or celebration you went to. Do you think that everyone who went there had a good time?I recently attended my cousin’s wedding ceremony. My cousin is an engineer who is now living and working in the U.S. It was really a grand occasion. All the relatives including my 90 year old grandpa were present. I guess there must be over a hundred people. We had a magnificent dinner at a restaurant. During the dinner we talked, proposed toasts to each other. There were traditional opera performances to watch. I guess everybody was having a good time except my aunt and uncle. The reason is that my cousin is their only son and after the wedding he’d have to back to the States, therefore my aunt and uncle won’t get to see him very often.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Sixteen-year-old people are not mature enough to drive.In my opinion sixteen-year-olds are way too young to drive without supervision. After all, they are still high school students, they tend be reckless, always looking for fun and excitement. That might lead to accidents. Also, I recently read a news report that suggested that the teen brain — the part that weighs risks, makes judgments and controls impulsive behavior is not developed enough. Therefore, they are generally not ready to face thelife-threatening risks that drivers can encounter behind the wheel.Of the following three professions, which one do you think is the most important for society: primary school teacher, nurse or artist?It is my considered opinion that of the three professions listed, primary school teachers contributed most to society and are therefore the most important. First of all, it is likely that a person may not attend college or even secondary school; however, most people attend primary school to receive basic education, so primary school teachers influence most people’s lives. What’s more, primary school teachers play an important role in developing a child’s intellect and work habits. Primary school is the first time most children are in a strictly educational environment. While pre-kindergarten and kindergarten classes do teach children some basic skills and knowledge, such as shapes and colors, primary school immerses children in the educational environment they will be experiencing until graduation from high school.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People under 18 years old are not mature enough to vote.I think that 18 is a suitable age at which individuals have the necessary capacity to independently decide how to cast a vote. First of all, at 18, most people have finished their high school, which means they are literate and have the reasoning ability, and this is the prerequisite for voting. Secondly, at 18 a person can have his/her driving license. If we allow them to drive, we should also recognize that they are mature enough to vote. Finally, in today’s society 18-year-olds are more mature than ever before and there is no significant gap between an18-year-old’s ability to vote and people who are older. In fact many 40-year-olds are incapable to make informed decisions.What kind of music do you like the least? Give reasons why you do not like this kind of music.Some college students like to spend their time free time studying another course or doing schoolwork. Others like to join a club and enjoy club activities. Which do you think is better and why?One of your friends wants to drop out of college. Do you think it is a good idea or not? Why?Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to be successful, a person should study in the university.Are the ways you study different from others, and how?Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing computer or video games has a negative influence on teenagers.。
TPO 2口语答案整理
Choose a place you go to often that is important to you and explain why it is important.Include specific details in your explanation.1.Starbucks coffee is the place that I go to,like, all the time.2.Firstly, I need my daily caffeine intake, / Theforemost reason is that I’m a coffeejunkie, and where else is more perfect /thanStarbucks/ to get a coffee?3.Every time I go there, I order a grande CaramelMachiato.4.The coffee aroma makes me soooo happy.5.Besides, Starbucks is an awesome place tohang out.6.The air conditioning makes the place cool, andthe free Internet access turns it into theperfect spot for study.7.And you can see coffee art on the walls andlisten to jazz playing in the background.8.So the overall coffee experience draws methere every single day.(116 words)Some college students choose to take courses in a variety of subject areas in order to get a board education. Others choose to focus on a single subject area in order to get a deeper understanding of that area. Which approach to course selection do you think is better for students and why?1.For me, I think it’s better off to choose asingle subject area.2.The first reason is a personal reason, and ithas to do with my personality.3.I’m not good at multi-tasking, and when I dosomething I need my concentration dedicated to one direction, one subject, one project.4.And the news is I’m not the only one of mykind.5.So for students like me, choosing one subjectarea to study is much more preferable.6.On the contrary, if a student chooses a widerange of subject areas, things can get reallycomplicated and stressful.7.All these different classrooms, schedules,projects and study groups will drive a personcrazy. I guess that’s why.(122 words)1.The man feels quite negative about the university proposal. (5 secs)2.The university is trying to eliminate the bus service for the reason that it’s quite costly to run the bus and there are not many students riding it. The money will be used to build a much larger parking lot. (15 secs)3.The man doesn't think this is right, because number 1, the reason why there aren’t many people on the bus is because the bus route is all wrong. Changing the bus route will make more sense than canceling it. (15 secs)4.Besides, he thinks a much bigger parking lot will create more problems. Since more students will drive to school, that will make it noisy and more traffic on campus requires more spaces in the parking lot. So, this solution is not gonna work. (, which is why he doesn't like the proposal at all. ) (25 secs)(135/145 words)1.Audience effect is a principle of social interaction, which means that when others are watching you, you may change the way you do an activity. (10 secs)2.The first example the professor uses is tying shoes. And it shows that when others are watching these college students, they begin to increase the speed of putting on their shoes and tying them. So, obviously, the presence of others has an effect on individuals’ behavior. (20 secs)3.The second example the professor presents is when people try to learn how to type. As the study shows, when people are aware that others are watching them, they begin to type faster. However, more mistakes are made. And this proposes a negative influence audience effect has. / The speed is higher but there are also more mistakes. (30 secs) (131 words)Task 51.The woman is facing a scheduling conflict.2.See, the woman wants to go on a fieldtrip with a geology professor, but there was no space. But now she can go on the trip because another student dropped out. The problem is that she promised another professor to help with a museum exhibition.3.The professor suggests that she could aska person to help her with the museum task, or she could get everything done before Wednesday, which is when the fieldtrip will start.(30-35 secs)4.If I were the woman, I would do the first thing, I mean finding someone to help me with the museum set-up.5.Because, if she did that she wouldn’t haveto worry whether she could finish it on time. And she could devote fully to the preparation of the fieldtrip. (I guess, that makes more sense. )(148 words)Task 6In the lecture, the professor gives us the broad and narrower definition of money. According to the broad definition, money is anything people can use to make purchases with. The professor uses the example of a taxi driver and a fruit-seller, where they can exchange taxi ride with some fruits and vegetables. In this sense, taxi ride and fruits are used as a form of money. So both coins and paper bills and goods and services can be used as money.But the narrower definition only limits money to legal tender, which means coins and bills. In the U.S., people cannot exchange goods and services directly, because such conduct will be against the law. So legal tender is money under the narrower definition. (123 words)。
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1.Type of movie you do not likeIn my opinion, the type of movie I dislike the most is Dracula movies. There are several reasons for this. First of all, because of the bloody and violent images in the movies, I always have nightmares. Since I am somewhat timid since I was a child, I am even afraid of waking alone after I watch the Dracula movie. Second, Dracula movies may cause a temporary depression, because this type of movie is psychological fear and it increases the chance to poison the viewer’s mind and make people sensitive when they are exposed to situations which are similar to the movie. So those are the reasons why I don’t like Dracula movies.2.Agree or disagree: students should do part-time job before attending college. Personally speaking, I agree with that students should do part-time job before attending college for the following reasons.First and foremost, considering that students who have just graduated from high school are lack of interaction and communication with different people, by doing a part - time job, students can learn how to get on well with people with various personalities so that they could keep good relationship with friends after attending college. Besides, since a variety of skills and knowledge are needed to get a part- time job done, doing a part - time job enables students to broaden their range of knowledge and their outlook. Therefore, they could be well prepared for college career.3.Describe a period of time in your life that you enjoyed the most. Explain why.In the first year of my college, I want to go the stage to show myself in the school's New Year's Eve party. My dream is to become a director and a actor. So I make full preparation for it. I wrote the screenplay, looked for other actors and make a schedule to rehearse. I became both a director and an actor. In that month, we were busy with this play. Sometime we even rehearsed until midnight. But during the process, I learned to how to make a plan, how to communicate with others and how to regulate a team. Finally, we won great success in the party and almost everyone laughed. It is a fantastic period when I was a director and an actor. And I like the period most.4.Do you prefer to listen to live music like concert, or do you prefer to listen torecorded music.Personally speaking, I prefer to listen to recorded music rather than go to the concert. One main reason is that it can save me a lot of money. It costs me hundreds of yuan to buy a ticket of a concert. Actually, most music can be downloaded on the internet for free. Additionally, listening to music at home is more comfortable, the concert is always crowed of people and you may even can’t hear what the singer sing in the stage because it is too noisy. Instead, I can clearly hear the music without anydisturbance. I can even do other thing when I enjoy the music like reading.5.Describe a special experience that has changed you in life. Give reasons why itchanged you with examples/details.I am a shy and timid person who never perform in public. But in the first year of my college, my classmates encouraged me to go the stage to show myself in The school's New Year's eve party. I never play in such a big stage. So I make full preparation for it. Since I wanted to play a comedy, I had to write the screenplay, looked for other actors and make a schedule to rehearse. I became both a director and an actor. In that month,I learned to how to make a plan, how to communicate with others and how to regulatea team. I became confident and brave. Finally, we won great success in the party and almost everyone laughed. Since then, I like to show myself and I am never timid again.6.You prefer learn from people and events in the past or from current events.Personally speaking, I would like to learn from people and events in the past. The reasons are as follows.Firstly, most people will feel confused and will be lack of confidence because they don't know how to identify what is right and what is not right. Learning from people like parents and grandparents provides us an opportunity to have a clear vision so that we could avoid making so many mistakes. More importantly, learning from events in the past will motivate us to do better and achieve much more. According to a survey, those with great motivation have 20 percent more chance to gain success.7.Describe a tool or object that you rely on often in your daily life. Explain why it isimportant to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.Like many people, the tool I rely on most in my daily life is my cell phone. With the cell phone, I keep in touch with my friends, classmates, teachers and my family. We often send messages to each other and sometimes I make phone calls if necessary. Additionally, I read news on the phones every day because it is more convenient and cheaper than newspaper. I use the cell phone to search the internet and loom for the information I need. Like other teenagers, I also play games on the cell phone in my leisure time, and it is a good way to kill time. As the technology advances, I think I will be tied to the cell phone.8.Some people prefer to solve a challenge all by themselves. Others prefer todepend on other people's help. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.As for me, I prefer to depend on other people’s help .A person’s capacity is limited, and we all have weak points. Some challenges may fall out of my capability. In thatcase, turning to other people for help is reasonable. For instance, when I do my research on some project, I need to use some specific software such as Fluent or CAD. It will take me a long time to learn to use the software. I often ask some people who are skilled in the software for help. It saves me both the time and energy, and I can use the time to do more deep research.9.Which person do you want to know more about? Explain why.The person I want to know more about is an ancient Chinese educator, his name is Confucius. From a famous literature called the Analects I learn that Confucius is such a charming educators with great mind and unique way of education. I like the book very much and regard what he said as the principle of my life. However, a lot of other things were not included in the book, such as how he became an educator and what he thought about other thing except education. I am so interested in Chinese history that I want to know more about Confucius. It is such a pity that people didn’t record more things about him.10.Do you like to go to one place and stay there for a long time for your vacation, ordifferent places and spend little time at each place?Personally speaking, I prefer to stay in one play for a long time rather than change places a lot. First of all, I hate to be hurry in vacation. Constant changes make me tired and lose interest. Usually, I take a vacation because I am tired of my study and want to have a break for a while. I will replenish some energy if I stay in a place for a long time. Second, it takes a period of time to get into local culture. I like to communicate with the local people and learn from them. I can always make some friends when I stay in one place for a long time.11.If a foreign visitor comes to your country, what food will you introduce to him/her?Explain why.China is a multi-culture country with a variety of traditional food. Among them, dumpling is one kind that I have to introduce. It is a kind of food almost every family will eat in the eve of the last day in a year. Usually, we make dumplings on our own. We put different food like vegetable and meat in the dumpling wrapper, then we make the wrapper into a moon shape. Dumpling is easy to cook and it tastes very delicious. If a foreign visitor comes to my country, I strongly recommend him to make dumplings by himself. It is a good way to learn Chinese culture and taste the Chinese food.12.Talk about an experience of learning something new. What difficulties do youhave to overcome in order to learn it?In the first year of my college, my teacher asked me to give a performance in theschool's New Year's Eve party. My dream is to become a director. So it is a good chance for me to learn to be a director and I made full preparation for it. There are many difficulties in learning to be a director. First,I have to write the screenplay. A good story is of great importance to a comedy but I never wrote a story. So I read a lot of frictions. Second, I needed to look for other actors and make a schedule to rehearse. Since everyone was busy with study and I had to balance all the schedule. In that month, we were busy with this play. Sometime we even rehearsed until midnight. Finally, we won great success in the party and almost everyone laughed.13.Some people like to watch or listen to news every day while others do thatoccasionally. Which do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to illustrate your point.As for me, I prefer to watch news every day in order to receive latest news around the world. Nowadays, the update speed of news is prodigious. New big events happen constantly. Thanks to the advanced communication technology and internet technology, we can receive the information within second. Furthermore, it is a good habit to update the information in the mind every day. People always talk about the news when they get together, it helps me to get involved in the topic if I know the latest news. For example, my friends always talk about sports news when they are together, I am always the speaker because I watch the news every day and keep freshest information in my mind.14.Where do you like to go shopping?Personally speaking, I like to go the supermarket like War-mart to go shopping. There stands a war-mart near my home and it is very convenient for me to get there. I can find almost everything there such as vegetables, fruits,articles for daily use,stationery and so on. War-mart is a comprehensive supermarket shopping center and it really helps me to save a lot of time because I need’t go anywhere else to buy different stuff. Furthermore, another tangible reason for me to go there is the reputation of war-mart. The stuff it provides is of high quality and the price is reasonable. And the environment is also fancy too, I when summer comes often go to war-mart, enjoying the cool, listening to the music, choosing what I need.15.Is it important to study the history from ancestors?Of course, I think we need to learn the past from ancestors. For most of us, we learn the history from the history book. We are informed by the books about what happened in the history but we never look deep into the history. From the ancestors such as my grandfather, I learn a lot about the life and the society at that time. He always tells me his whole life. He witnesses the changes of the country and people. I am encouraged by his experience and treasure the life I own more. Maybe the history from ancestors is not as marvelous as the book tells, but it is more vivid, more dramatic and moreeducational.16.What do you think is the most important advancement over the past 20 years inyour country? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why you think that is important.In my country, I think the most important advancement over the past 20 years is the economy. 20 years ago, China is still a relatively poor and backward country. Our GDP pales in comparison with developed countries. Thanks to the further implementation of the reform and opening up policy and all the people’s efforts, the economy blossoms. Nowadays, the GDP of China ranks second in the world. It is so important for our country because people’s life standard relies on the economy. We can see obvious change of people’s life over the 20 years. Because of the revival of the economy, people lead a more pleasant life now.17.Talk about a memorable experience you had in a restaurant or cafe. Explain whathappened and why it was memorable. Give specific details in your response.I never forget the day that I spent with my classmates in a restaurant. It is Jan 6th which is my birthday. On that afternoon, I receive a message from my roommate. He told me to go that restaurant to help him because he did a part-time job there. When I get there, I was shocked. The restaurant was decorated with colorful balloons and follows. Many friends came to the restaurant to celebrate my birthday. And what moved me most was that they prepared a gift for me. They shot a video for me. Everyone in the video expressed best wishes to me. At that restaurant, we talked and laughed, ate and drank. It is such a memorable experience for me.18.Some people believe that a person needs to possess natural physical ability inorder to be successful at sports. Others believe that any person can become successful at sports through hard work. Which do you agree with and why?I can’t deny that in some degree, natural physical ability decides the potential of a person at sports. But I still believe that sheer hard work play a more important role. No one is born with marvelous ability, especially for the athletes. Some people are dominant in the physical ability but they seldom do the training. As a result, they can’t release their potential and they will not succeed. For those who do the training every day and spare no efforts to enhance themselves, even they are not excellent at the beginning, they still can win the sports. As we know, sun yang is the champion in the Olympic game, but few people notice that he swim 30 thousand miles every day.19.Your friend often feels nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people.What suggestions would you give to your friend to overcome this fear?I will give him three suggestions to overcome the fear when speaking in public. Firstof all, he needs to be confident. It should be noticed that when speaking in a large group of people, he is the focus and there is no shame if he says something wrong. No one will blame him for that. Second, to be sociable is of great importance. Talking to his best friend frequently is a good way to practice speaking skills. As long as he treats other people as his best friend, he will never be nervous. And the last suggestion is that he should learn from others. Trying to talk to some soft-spoken people and find out why they never feel nervous. It is of great help.20.Do you prefer to have fast food in a fast‐food restaurant, or do you prefer tohave food in other kinds of places?For me, I definitely like to have food in other places instead of fast-food restaurant for the following reasons. First and foremost, the food fast-food restaurants provide is not very healthy. The restaurants aim to provide food as soon as possible not as good as possible. Eating too much fast food will make people to be lack of nutrition. Additionally, the food in the fast-food restaurant is not delicious. The variety of food is limited, which makes people have no choice. Many people are reluctant to there mainly because they can’t find what they like there. And the last thing I have to mention is the environment. It is always noisy and crowded in the fast food restaurant and I really dislike the atmosphere there.。