第三届ima参考答案第三届IMA参考答案第三届IMA(International Mathematics Assessment)是一项国际性的数学评估活动,旨在评估全球中学生的数学水平和能力。
酱被出售给袋装色拉生菜生产商。Fine Foods, Inc. 不 要服务对象包括 :Fine Foods 在其它国家的关联公司
Fine Foods, Inc. 所有权归私募公司 Great Plains 机构(如军事组织);以及对合同有特殊要求的其它
Find Foods是一家优质品牌食品厂商。最近, 该公司战略营销二部(SMU2)的经理Kay Smith 深感沮丧,她认为自己部门的产品成 本计算不公平不合理,某些特殊订单更是如此。身为 食品科学家和工艺工程师,Smith的教育程度、经验和 专业知识为她在Find Foods赢得了他人的尊敬,但她 对会计方面所知甚少,因此也就无法表达自己对这一 严重问题的担忧。Smith认为,如果得到适当指导,自 己能够快速掌握会计相关知识,于是就雇佣了您,一 位会计专业的毕业生,来准备备忘录、幻灯片演示和 术语表,帮助她用更有说服力的方式向管理层汇报问 题。
为了了解 Fine Foods 的产品成本计算方法,您决定首 装汤和蔬菜、布丁)和产品 :
先要了解整个生产线的物料流动过程。 MP 生产与该
SMU2 在贡献毛利(CM1)为正时接受特殊订单。 如表 2 所示,Fine Foods 将 CM1 定义为净销售额减 去可变生产成本(定义如上)和销货运费。Smith 认 为接受特殊订单对公司有利,有助于提高 Fine Foods 的整体利润,但却对因此给所在部门造成的影响感到 沮丧。
CMA 中文版Part4样题
a. 零 b. 25,000美元 c. 60,000美元 d. 95,000美元
12 主题 B.1.a.
某企业计算了其所持有的多余货物的年成本,为了防止存货短缺而持有50,000美元存货, 这50,000美元是下述哪一项成本的例子?
a 主要成本 b 质量成本 c 持有成本 d 缺货成本
前言 样题
样题答案 (学习重点) 考试大纲 IMA职业道德标准
第二部分 管理会计和报告
管理会计师认证协会 地址:10 Paragon Drive Montvale, New Jersey 07645-1760 (800) 638-4427 或 (201) 474-1606
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2 3-23
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注册管理会计师认证(CMA)是经过美国管理会计师协会颁发的。 注册管理会计师认证部(ICMA)出版了此样题及样题答案,协助您顺利进行CMA考试的 准备工作。本书旨在帮您熟悉考试中可能遇到的问题类型,这些问题是CMA机考试题中“过 时” 的考题。本资料可以作为其他学习资料的补充。 此书包括65道样题,代表了该部分每个章节的比例,并且难度各有不同。每个问题编号后 面的代码是参考考试大纲里的主题,考试大纲也附在此书里面。另外,我们已经附上了货 币时间价值表,在参加考试的时候,考生可以从计算机上获得。问题答案、答案解析和计 算过程都可在问题部分后面找到。参考教材文献以及有关的学习重点也附在了答案部分里。 ICMA针对修订之后的CMA认证考试的三个单项选择题形式的部分,分别出版了一本样题 册,我们还出版了“修订版CMA考试资源指南”,包括针对考试大纲各项内容的详细教材 参考文献、考试统计资料以及备考战略。 此外,以前参加考试但是没有通过某一部分考试的考生可以订购一份高级考试成绩报告。 该报告对照考试大纲,这意味着您可以准确了解自己需要对哪些主题和副主题加强学习。 根据考生的考试结果,该报告还显示了考生需要提高的地方,因此,考生可以节省时间集 中于自己最薄弱的地方,提高分值。 CMA认证考试是一个检验考生的技巧和能力的严格的考试,只有专注学习,才能顺利通过 考试。我们希望这些样题是考生实现认证目标过程中的宝贵资源。如果对于认证程序还有 什么疑问,请告知我们或者访问我们的网站 ,祝您考试好运!
Solution or Key Points:1.1.Solution•Descriptions of the five responsibilities of the management accountant,as well as examples of practices and techniques of each,include the following:o Planning.The manager gains an understanding of the impact on the organization of planned transactions(i.e.,analyzing strengths and weaknesses)and economic events,both strategic and tactical,and sets obtainable goals for the organization.Thedevelopment of budgets in a bottom-up or top-down approach for both the short and longterm is an example of planning.o Evaluating.The manager judges and analyzes the implication of various past and expected events,and then chooses the optimum course of action.The manager alsotranslates data and communicates the conclusions.Graphical analysis(such as trend,barcharts,or regression)and net present value analysis are examples of evaluating.o Controlling.The manager ensures the integrity of financial information,monitors performance against budgets and goals,and provides information internally for decisionmaking.The successful implementation of internal control procedures is an example ofcontrolling.o Accountability.The manager implements a reporting system closely aligned to organizational goals that contributes to the measurement of the effective use of resourcesand safeguarding of assets.Internal reporting,such as comparisons of actuals to budget,is an example of accountability.o External reporting.The manager prepares reports in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and then disseminates this information to shareholders(both current and potential),creditors,and regulatory and tax agencies.An annual reportor a credit application are examples of external reporting.Solution or Key Points:2.2.SolutionIn referring to the general roles of managers,a.Two interpersonal roles include acting as a1.Leader who hires,trains,motivates employees by integrating individual andorganization goals by using effective communication2.Liaison who deals with people outside the organizationb.Two informational roles include acting as a1.Monitor who seeks information about other internal departments,the externalenvironment,and other organizations2.Disseminator who communicates outside information internally,and internalinformation to the subordinates,while exercising judgment so there is minimalinformation overloadc.Three decisional roles include acting as a1.Negotiator between subordinates,suppliers,contracts,and union2.Resource allocator who distributes funds,equipment,time,etc.,in accordancewith organizational objectives3.Disturbance handler who solves issues of conflict within and without theorganizationSolution or Key Points:3.3.SolutionFor the original organizational structure proposed by Donald Jenkins,a.Advantages include1.Centralized decision making2.Close supervision of subordinates3.Increased opportunities for promotionDisadvantages includeck of flexibility/creativity5.More difficult vertical communication6.Increased costs for additional management personnelb.The span of control will1.Allow for tighter control over employees2.Afford timelier task completion and problem resolution,as the supervisors arecloser to everyday operationsc.As a result of the organizational structure proposed by Donald Jenkins,the employees arelikely to have a clear understanding of what is expected of them.However,because of thetighter span of control,the employees may avoid making decisions and taking risks. Solution or Key Points:4.4.SolutionAn informal group is a number of individuals attracted to one another by common geography,identity, values,and/or goals.The group identifies,then enforces,a set of behavior standards via sanctions and rewards.The informal group exists supplementary to the formal management system within which it is normally found.Solution or Key Points:5.5.SolutionThe working environment where it would be most appropriate to use the task-oriented and relationship-oriented leadership styles,respectively,are as follows:a.The task-oriented leadership style,to some extent,is necessary to make all work groupsfunction effectively.It is usually used where the job is repetitive,under time pressure,andrequires accuracy.b.The relationship-oriented leadership style is used when the work environment is open orunstructured,or the methodology for accomplishing a task is loosely defined and theexercise of judgment is important.Solution or Key Points:6.6.SolutionAccording to Maslow’s theory of motivation,human needs exist in a hierarchy of importance,namely, physiological,security,social,esteem,and self-actualization.Once the first level of physiologicalneeds is satisfied,the individual is no longer motivated by them and moves to the next level.The process continues until the individual reaches self-actualization.a.Unions are often associated with the ability to satisfy the lower level needs by providingcompetitive salaries,safe working conditions,job security,and social belonging.Itappears that these needs were already being satisfied at Spokane Computer Associates,as salaries were relatively high,there was little turnover,and the plant was considered asafe and pleasant place to work.b.The products at Pullman were successful and sold without much effort on the part of thesalespeople.As a result,the salespeople were doing well financially,and their lowerneeds were satisfied.By offering the top performers recognition,the firm was appealing tothem through a higher level motivator,esteem.The salespeople were motivated toincrease sales by the need for recognition and respect from their peers and others.c.Zach Chaudry is leaving Midwest Electronics to accept a teaching and research positionat the university to satisfy the highest level need,self-actualization.In this new position,Chaudry will have the opportunity to control his own research.Solution or Key Points:7.7.Solutiona.The need categories most often associated with professional employees are esteem and self-actualization,since the lower level needs are usually satisfied by professional employment and are no longer motivators(satisficers).b.The need categories most often associated with assembly-line workers(skilled labor)are thephysiological,safety,and social needs.The physiological and safety needs are usually satisfied by employment and are no longer motivators(satisficers).The social needs such as acceptance and affiliation must continue to be fulfilled.Solution or Key Points:8.8.SolutionAt least three general purposes of organizational communication are to1.Integrate efforts of employees2.Build a community of employees with high morale and mutual trust3.Acquire and disseminate informationSolution or Key Points:9.9.Solutiona.Four personal characteristics,attributable to both senders and receivers,that can causecommunications problems include1.Listening problems resulting from the receiver misunderstanding the intended message2.Poor channel or media selection,e.g.,sender has chosen a communication carrier that does notget to the receivers,or faulty encoding,e.g.,the use of jargon3.The influence that knowledge level,attitude(lack of interest),and background(demographics)will play in sending and receiving an effective message4.Interpersonal dynamics and emotions,including trust in the senderb.Three organizational characteristics that may be barriers to effective communications includeanizational status and power differences,e.g.,lower levels reluctant to communicate withupper levels or upper level perception that lower levels have little to contributeck of formal channels,i.e.,organization must provide adequate upward,downward,andhorizontal communications in the form of surveys,open-door policies,newsletters,memos,task force,and liaison personnel3.Departmental needs and goals;each one views problems and needs in its own termsSolution or Key Points:10.Solution10.a.Responsibility accounting is a system that recognizes various decision or responsibility centersthroughout an organization,and reflects the plans and actions of each of these centers by assigning responsibility for particular revenues and costs(as well as assets and liabilities where pertinent)to the individual managers primarily responsible for making decisions about these revenues and costs.Costs are classified into controllable and non-controllable categories with the responsibility center only charged with costs under its control.b.The advantages a company attains through the use of responsibility accounting include thefollowing:1.Participation in the planning process enhances the acceptance and achievability of the guidelinesestablished by the company.2.Responsibility plans provide clear guidelines to managers for day-to-day decisions and freemanagement from daily operations.3.More involvement will lead to better decision making.c.The use of responsibility accounting is advantageous to the managers in the following ways:1.Responsibility accounting facilitates delegation of decision-making and,therefore,managers areafforded greater freedom of action without daily supervision.This results in greater job satisfaction and higher motivation to improve performance.2.Managers are aware of the basis of their performance evaluations.Solution or Key Points:11.Solution11.The major disadvantages in the procedures employed by Rouge Corporation in preparing and implementing the divisional budgets include the following:a.The procedure is top-down versus a bottom-up approach.The budget is prepared by topmanagement and imposed on the divisions.The divisions do not participate in the budgetpreparation.This lack of participation inhibits goal congruence.b.Corporate management says differences between divisions are factored into the budgetprocess.However,problems unique to each division are best recognized by divisionmanagers.These managers should be allowed to communicate problems to topmanagement.Additionally,division managers should be allowed to suggest modificationsto the budget during the budget period.c.The budget is not flexible.The budget is set for the entire year and is not modified ascircumstances change.Solution or Key Points:12.12.SolutionMultiple performance evaluation criteria would be appropriate for the evaluation for the Star Paper Division.The criteria suggested by George Harris would take into account more of the results of the key decisions being made by the manager,are not conflicting,and emphasize the balance of profits with the control of current assets.These three measures are controllable by the manager and,in conjunction with ROA,would be more representative of the success of the business.Solution or Key Points:13.Solution13.Corporate management has established an environment in which there is an incompatibility(lack of goal congruence)between the achievement of corporate objectives and personal ethics.Under the current situation,severe penalties have been imposed by top management whenever subordinates do not achieve the high levels of performance established by the predetermined objectives.This has caused lower level management to take unethical courses of action.Corporate management apparently utilizes an authoritarian,nonparticipative management style which does not consider contributions from lower level management.As a result of this type of management style,top management may have established unreasonable expectations and may not recognize the need to change the expectations in light of changing circumstances.These factors may result in subordinates choosing any means to reach the objectives.The penalty and reward system appears to be inappropriate.There is no positive feedback or encouragement for effective performance and the penalties are heavy for failure to meet objectives.No code of ethics exists,and penalties are apparently nonexistent or minor for violation of acceptable business practices that are compatible with personal ethical standards.Solution or Key Points:14.14.SolutionAdam Williams should follow the established policies of the organization bearing on the resolution of such conflict.If these policies do not resolve the ethical conflict,Williams should report the problem to successively higher levels of management up to the board of directors until it is satisfactorily resolved.There is no requirement for Williams to inform his immediate superior of this action because he isinvolved in the conflict.If the conflict is not resolved after exhausting all course of internal review, Williams may have no other recourse than to resign from the organization and submit an informative memorandum to an appropriate member of the organization.15.Solution or Key Points:15.SolutionActivities in which JLS could engage to meet a social responsibility with respect to the three areas identified include the following:a.Human resources1.Contribute to the educational development of people through improved trainingand career advancement programs for current employees2.Provide for the well-being of employees by maintaining safe working conditionsb.Physical resources and environmental contributions1.Contribute to improvement in the environment by reducing company pollution ofair and water2.Contribute to energy conservation by taking the lead in promoting community-wide energy conservationc.Product or service contributions1.Design and manufacture safe or better quality products2.Respond quickly to customer complaints3.Develop clear and concise labels and instructions for product usesSolution or Key Points:16.16.SolutionThe arrangements made by Farbell and Cross&Gill exceeded the activities normally performed by an internal auditor for the external auditor and thus should be considered unethical.The external auditor gave up too much responsibility,and Farbell should not have agreed to such a proposal as it diminishes the value of the audit.Internal auditors can assist in performing substantive tests or tests of compliance,but their competence and objectivity must be considered,and the work must be supervised and tested.。
CMA管理会计师-中文Part2-第4章风险管理-2.IMA企业风险管理[单选题]1.下面哪个不是管理运营风险的方法?A.对冲风险战略被用于减少利率波动的风险B.定期审查人员C.具有良好的维护和功能的内(江南博哥)部控制D.持续检查业务流程正确答案:A参考解析:考点:企业风险管理解题思路:A错,对冲是降低财务风险的方法B 对,定期审查就是运营过程中进行,减低运营风险C对,内部控制是基础,降低运营风险D对,也是在运营过程中进行,降低运营风险综上所述,正确答案选A[单选题]2.一家公司无法到期归还借款的本金和利息,这家公司面临的风险是什么A.运营风险B.财务风险C.法律风险D.战略风险正确答案:B参考解析:考点:风险类型解题思路:运营风险是和公司经营生产等相关的风险,财务风险一般和债务违约相关,法律风险是触犯了法律,战略风险是和公司的战略相关题目中提及的是违约风险,所以是财务风险综上所述,正确答案选B[单选题]3.一房东在密西西比河岸有一办公楼。
cma考试题及答案CMA考试题及答案1. 以下哪项是管理会计的基本原则?A. 成本效益原则B. 持续改进原则C. 客观性原则D. 灵活性原则答案:C. 客观性原则2. 在成本会计中,直接成本和间接成本的主要区别是什么?A. 直接成本可以直接追溯到特定的产品或服务B. 间接成本可以直接追溯到特定的产品或服务C. 直接成本和间接成本都可以追溯到特定的产品或服务D. 直接成本和间接成本都不能追溯到特定的产品或服务答案:A. 直接成本可以直接追溯到特定的产品或服务3. 以下哪项是标准成本计算中的关键组成部分?A. 标准成本B. 实际成本C. 标准成本差异D. 所有以上选项答案:D. 所有以上选项4. 预算编制过程中,以下哪项是最常见的预算类型?A. 静态预算B. 弹性预算C. 增量预算D. 零基预算答案:B. 弹性预算5. 管理会计中,平衡计分卡的主要目的是什么?A. 提高财务绩效B. 改善内部流程C. 提升客户满意度D. 所有以上选项答案:D. 所有以上选项6. 在财务分析中,流动比率的计算公式是什么?A. 流动资产 / 流动负债B. 流动负债 / 流动资产C. 流动资产 - 流动负债D. 流动负债 + 流动资产答案:A. 流动资产 / 流动负债7. 以下哪项是内部控制的关键要素?A. 授权B. 记录C. 监督D. 所有以上选项答案:D. 所有以上选项8. 以下哪项是财务报表分析中常用的比率分析?A. 资产周转率B. 权益乘数C. 毛利率D. 所有以上选项答案:D. 所有以上选项9. 在管理会计中,作业成本法的主要优势是什么?A. 提供更准确的产品成本信息B. 简化成本分配过程C. 减少间接成本的分配D. 提高成本控制的效率答案:A. 提供更准确的产品成本信息10. 以下哪项是企业社会责任的关键组成部分?A. 经济责任B. 法律责任C. 道德责任D. 所有以上选项答案:D. 所有以上选项。
美国注册管理会计师考试选择题部分练习题第一部分第一部分 - 财务计划、业绩和控制1.某公司正在为两款潜在产品编制销售预算。
这两款产品都需要使用同一套制造设备,而这台设备每月仅能使用 60 个小时。
产品 A 的边际贡献是每件$95,产品 B 的边际贡献是每件$55。
每件产品 A 需要耗费 4 个机器工时,每件产品B 需要耗费 2.5 个机器工时。
为了高效地分配设备资源,该公司应制造a.产品 A ,因为它每件的边际贡献比产品 B 高。
b.产品 B ,因为他们可以生产的该产品的件数比产品 A 的产量高。
c.产品 A ,因为该产品与产品 B 相比可以更有效地利用这台设备。
d.产品 B ,因为他们可以生产很多件该产品,同时仍然可以节省出生产产品 A 的时间。
2.Granger 公司正在评估其每件产品耗费的标准机器工时,以便编制其来年预算时使用此数据。
这家机器制造企业的规格表明,可以用 0.75 个小时完成一件产品的制造;而一项基准分析研究表明,某竞争对手则以每件产品 0.78 个机器工时的速度进行生产。
尽管已通过工程研究确定了每件产品耗费 0.80 个机器工时的标准,但 Granger 去年的实际结果是每件产品平均耗费 0.83 个机器工时。
在接下来的预算中Granger 应采用的标准是a.每件产品 0.75 个机器工时。
b.每件产品 0.78 个机器工时。
c.每件产品 0.80 个机器工时。
d.每件产品 0.83 个机器工时。
计算方程Y = ‒25,000 + 2.5X 看起来很合适。
公司财务长助理Bishop 负责报告这两家试点连锁店的财务成果。
2.根据IMA职业道德守则公告,指出Bishop应该采取哪些步骤来解决这个问题?情境1.2-Cool BreezeCool Breeze公司生产电扇,公司管理层希望能更为详细地分析其间接成本差异。
CMA 美国注册管理会计师 试题 P1-100道13
这个财务总监在考虑是否接受这些礼物时,他应该参考IMA职业行为道德声明中的哪项?A、保密B、能力C、正直D、可信试题解析:IMA的职业行为道德的声明中的正直标准说的是每个会员有责任:抑制从事任何将侵害有道德的执行职责的活动,并且放弃从事或支持可能败坏职业的任何活动3、Katelyn是Hobbie Corners的财务总监。
Hobbie Corners的年终将至,这个财年将报告的盈利将远远低于预期。
向Katelyn 报告的高级管理会计师Andrew正在负责预测年末的利润报告。
在准备了节约成本分析之后,Andrew建议Hazel 公司应该被选为新的供应商。
问答题 (习题)
经 第 1 和第 2 部分 财 顿 高
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注册管理会计师协会(ICMA)习题册(含答案)旨在帮助考生准备注册管理会计 师 (CMA)考试。所有考题完全根据考试大纲( CSO)及学习要求(LOS)编写, 均为 CMA 考试往年真题,可与其它学习材料配合使用。 练习题要求考生将 CMA 学习材料中所含概念和规则用于解决各种实际问题,从而 检验自己对这些内容的掌握程度。鉴于考生在 CMA 考试中将遇到不同的场景和应 用,因此务必透彻理解这些概念。死记硬背通常无助于考试。 习题册中的问答题为往年 CMA 考试第 1 和第 2 部分真题,涵盖了相关部分的考点。 习题中未出现某个考点,并无任何特殊含义。问答题将按照不同难度等级,对考试 大纲中所列全部考点进行测试。 CMA 考试对考生的知识与能力都有严格要求,需认真投入学习方有望通过测试。 我们希望这些习题能够成为考生实现认证目标的宝贵资源。祝您好运!
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经 财
问题 1.2 – Carroll Mining Alex Raminov是规模很大的矿物矿石加工商Carroll矿业与制造公司(CMMC)的一 名管理会计师。某晚为财务报表补充脚注时,Raminov来到上司的办公室寻找某份 文件,他发现了一份关于工厂废物处理程序的报告。据报告封面上的手写批注所言, CMMC长期以来一直在向附近城镇的生活垃圾填埋场倾倒有毒的洗煤液。报告指 出,必须尽快寻找新的倾倒地点,因为目前使用的填埋场已接近上限。 Raminov意识到,CMMC向生活垃圾填埋场倾倒有毒液体的行为极其不当。除对附 近居民造成明显危害外,有关部门得知后还可能引发法律问题。届时清理所需的高 昂费用以及CMMC环保声誉的丧失,可能给公司带来灾难性的后果。 Raminov询问上司,如何将这一项目加入脚注,以及是否将清理费用列入应计项目。 上司让他“不要管这么多”,显然上司无意在今年的财务报表中提及废物处理的问 题。
1.Scenario&Questions:Managers are a separate and distinct category of employees whose primary activities are a part of the management process.Certain roles and skills are usually required of all managers,no matter what their specialty.During the1970s,Henry Mintzberg closely observed the day-to-day activities of a group of managers and concluded that general managerial roles fall into three basic categories:*Interpersonal roles that are directly related to the status of the manager*Informational roles involving the flow of information and stemming from the interpersonal roles*Decisional roles involving strategy formulation and stemming from the informational rolesManagement accountants are actively involved in the process of managing the entity.The process includes making strategic,tactical,and operating decisions while helping to coordinate the efforts of the entire organization.In order to fulfill these objectives,the management accountant accepts certain responsibilities which can be identified as:PlanningEvaluatingControllingAssuring accountability of resourcesExternal reportingQuestions:Describe each of the five responsibilities of the management accountant,identifying examples of practices and techniques.2.Scenario&Questions:observed the day-to-day activities of a group of managers and concluded that general managerial roles fall into three basic categories:Interpersonal roles that are directly related to the status of the managerInformational roles involving the flow of information and stemming from the interpersonal rolesDecisional roles involving strategy formulation and stemming from the informational rolesManagement accountants are actively involved in the process of managing the entity.The process includes making strategic,tactical,and operating decisions while helping to coordinate the efforts of the entire organization.In order to fulfill these objectives,the management accountant accepts certain responsibilities which can be identified as:PlanningEvaluatingControllingAssuring accountability of resourcesExternal reportingQuestions:Referring to the general roles of all managers,a.Describe two interpersonal roles.b.Describe two informational roles.c.Describe three decisional roles.3.Scenario&Questions:Barnes Corporation recently purchased Parker Machine Company,a manufacturer of sophisticated parts for the aircraft industry.Donald Jenkins has been appointed vice president of production of Parker and has been asked by Beverly Kiner,president of Barnes,to prepare an organizational chart for his department at Parker.The chart that Jenkins prepared is presented in Chart A below.When Jenkins presented his chart to Kiner,she told him that she preferred a flat organizational structure and showed him how she envisioned his department at Parker by drawing the chart presented in Chart B below.Kiner’s chart reduced a layer of management personnel and increased the number of people reporting directly to the manager of planning and control and the manager of manufacturing.Jenkins expressed concern about the broad span of control depicted in Kiner’s chart,as he believed this might cause problems for the two managers.Kiner said that she believed the benefits of a flat organization outweighed the problems that could arise from too great a span of control.Questions:For the original organizational structure proposed by Donald Jenkins,vice president of production, describea.The advantages and disadvantages of the organizational structureb.The impact of the resulting span of controlc.The effect of the organizational structure on employee behavior4.Scenario&Questions:Roy Nelson has been hired as the new controller of Goliath Systems Corporation.His previous job and all of his experience was in another region of the country more than a thousand miles away.He has noticed that the employees at Goliath seem to operate somewhat differently than at the smaller companies where he had previously worked.One characteristic common to many organizations is the existence of informal groups within the organization.These groups often fill an important role in the operation of an organization.Questions:Define an“informal group.”5.Scenario&Questions:Until recently,Cromwell University maintained a low turnover rate in the nonprofessional work force. However,in each of the last3years,the turnover rate has increased to where it is now,well above the industry average.Brian Smythe,personnel manager,has been asked by the university president to analyze the situation. Smythe reviewed turnover rates on a departmental basis and discovered that the Accounts Payable Department had the highest turnover rate,while the Admissions Department had the lowest turnover rate. Although employees of both departments are compensated equally,productivity and work efficiency are at the expected level for the Accounts Payable Department and above the expected level for the Admissions Department.Upon further investigation,Smythe determined that there was a significant difference in the leadership styles of the accounts payable manager,Wendy Drumman,and the admissions director,Paul Browne.Both Drumman and Browne had joined the university3years ago.Drumman is task-oriented in her management approach,constantly checking on her employees and monitoring their progress.She allows no feedback,comments,or objections by her employees.These employees mistrust Drumman.Browne’s method is to use the relationship-oriented management style and have his employees involved in day-to-day decisions.Consequently,not only does Browne’s department have a lower turnover rate,but his employees are willing to put forth extra effort to get the job done.Questions:Describe the working environment where it would be most appropriate to use thea.Task-oriented leadership styleb.Relationship-oriented leadership style6.Scenario&Questions:Midwest Electronics Corp.manufactures computers.Recently,its products have met competition from lower-priced imports,and the firm is seeking ways to improve its workers’productivity in order to maintain its market share.Alice Kumar,manager of the Accounting Department,and Greg Mossman,manager of the Sales Department,recently discussed a presentation made to management of Midwest by a consultant on employee motivation.This consultant had talked about content and process theories of motivation.The content theories seek to answer what motivates people,while process theories focus on why people choose certain behavioral options and how they judge their success.In the course of the conversation,Kumar recalled what happened at Spokane Computer associates,her former employer.A national labor union had sought repeatedly to unionize the workers at the plant but had never succeeded.There was little turnover among the workers,and the plant was considered a safe and pleasant place to work.Salaries were relatively high,and workers earned not only a base salary but also incentive bonuses based on their individual output and company profits.Mossman recalled his experience at Pullman Lighting Inc.during the late1970s and1980s.The firm developed a light fixture that conserved energy and was a tremendous success.Mossman recalled that most of his salespeople did well without undue exertion;the product sold itself.Initially,the company had trouble obtaining market share outside the Northeast;it appeared that the salespeople were reluctant to make contacts outside their immediate region.Mossman commented,“We started by promising them higher commissions,and that didn’t work.But when we started giving the top performers special recognition awards at sales meetings and sending them on cruises,sales spread beyond the Northeast all the way to the Pacific Northwest.”Alice and Greg were joined by Zach Chaudry,Research Department supervisor.He informed them that he was leaving the company to take a research and teaching position with a university.He would be taking a pay cut but would be in control of selecting the type of research he would undertake.After the meeting,they greeted Lon Noll.Noll,who is an immigrant,had started working at Midwest as a lab assistant and had recently been promoted to a supervisory position.He also attends a graduate program at a nearby university and is seeking a doctoral degree in computer science.Chaudry commented,“There’s a guy who knows what he wants and then goes after it.And he will get what he wants!”Questions:Using Maslow’s theory of motivation,explaina.Why the efforts to unionize Spokane Computer Associates failedb.What allowed the sales of Pullman Lighting spread beyond the Northeast regionc.Why Zach Chaudry is moving to the university and taking a pay cut7.Scenario&Questions:Welsteel Corporation is a steel foundry that produces hardware for electrical and telephone pole needs. The company has550employees,75of whom are professional or management employees,375 assembly-line employees,and100clerical employees.In the past,Welsteel has responded positively to employees’compensation needs and has avoided any union activity by the assembly-line employees.Welsteel has an established annual review process for all of its employees.The performance evaluation is initiated by all departments in November and completed in December so that any associated raises or promotions can be reflected in January,the beginning of the company’s fiscal year.The evaluation process begins with the manager(or supervisor)preparing a checklist document that evaluates all employees on a one-to-five rating scale(one being excellent and five being poor). Characteristics evaluated include attitude,loyalty,accuracy,attendance,dependability,maturity, confidence,time management,and communication skills.There is also a blank section on the form where the manager can report any improvements since the employee’s last performance review.The manager then has his/her superior approve the review,and together they recommend the employee’s raise.This form is passed on to the personnel director for approval who then returns the evaluation form to the manager.The manager arranges a meeting with the employee to privately discuss the evaluation form.This meeting, on average,is fifteen minutes in length,allowing five minutes for the employee to read the form.The manager and employee discuss the written form and may have an informal discussion about problem areas that need improvement.The manager will then inform the employee of the raise that is associated with the performance review,being sure to let the employee know in which pay period to expect the raise. The meeting finishes with the employee signing the form and the manager stating that a copy of the signed form will be given to the employee.Questions:By referring to the need categories in Question8,identify the need category or categories most closely associated with the following groups of employees,and explain why each category identified applies to each group of employees.a.Professional employeesb.Assembly-line employees8.Scenario&Questions:Three years ago,John Stevens was hired as an entry level accountant by Jackson Manufacturing Co.,and was recently promoted to manager of the Accounting Department.This opening occurred as the result of an internal promotion of the person previously in that position.As part of the initial orientation and training of new management personnel,Jackson Manufacturing has a development program that emphasizes communication.Stevens believes that the program places too much importance on communication and does not spend enough time on other management skills.Stevens decided to talk with his supervisor and the manager of employee development about his concerns regarding the training program.They both responded by stressing the importance of organizational communication and the fact that the success of the company is often directly related to the effectiveness of this communication.They explained that,since managers spend over half their time in some form of communication,it is necessary to emphasize the importance of effective communication to help ensure the company’s success.Questions:Describe at least three general purposes of organizational communication.9.Scenario&Questions:Tabor Industries is an established manufacturer of refrigeration equipment for supermarkets.While gross sales have been steadily increasing,net profits have not kept pace.It is generally believed that production is not as efficient as possible and that better cost controls need to be instituted.To help address these problems,Warren Renson,vice president and production manager,decided to involve the workforce in making suggestions.He sent the following memo to all production line and staff employees.Date:December1,2008To:Production Line and Staff EmployeesFrom:Warren RensonLet’s improve production together.We need your input.I know we can make productionmore efficient.A suggestion box system is hereby implemented.We will pay anappropriate percentage of the savings to the employee who makes any suggestion that isimplemented.Send your suggestions to my office.I look forward to hearing from you.The suggestion box system has been in operation for a full year now,and Renson is annoyed and disappointed with the results.Only three worthwhile suggestions have been received,and only one of them had any measurable impact on production efficiency.Many other suggestions were submitted,but they were all for the benefit of the employees.Questions:Communications can be misunderstood at various levels.a.Describe at least four personal characteristics,attributable to both senders and receivers,that cancause communication problems.b.Describe at least three organizational characteristics that may be barriers to effectivecommunication.10.Scenario&Questions:Uniservo is an equipment maintenance company and has recently undergone a management buyout.The management team is replacing the centralized corporate financial control system with a responsibility accounting system that will increase overall participation in the budgeting process.The company is segregated into three geographical profit centers:Eastern,Central,and Western,and each center is responsible for the following:•Obtaining new business and maintaining profitable contracts with older customers.•Depreciation for both existing and new assets.Included among the existing assets are technologically obsolete,but underdepreciated,maintenance and repair parts that will continue to be depreciated as a profit-center expense until disposal.This assignment of responsibility to the profit centers is to minimize the reoccurrence of this obsolescence problem.Any new capital asset acquisitions are to be approved by the corporate staff in order to control the cash supply.•Recommending and implementing real estate changes or consolidations except where long-term leases are in effect.The field offices are in close proximity to the customer base.The majority of leases are annual;however,responsibility for the more costly and longer term contracts in high-rent districts has been assigned to the corporate Real Estate Department.Property taxes arerelated to the real estate leases.All insurance is negotiated by the corporate Insurance Department to obtain the best national coverage at the most reasonable cost.Each region’s general manager,along with the subordinate managers,is required to develop an annual budget and submit it to the corporate staff for review and consolidation into an overall company budget. After the initial corporate review,the budgets are returned to the general managers who then revise their submissions in order to reach corporate sales and profit objectives.For the coming year,the general managers and corporate staff have agreed on the corporate budget below.UniservoConsolidated Operating BudgetFor the Year Ending December31,2005($in millions)Eastern Central WesternUniservo Region Region Regionsales$52.80$22.20$11.70$18.90Controllable costs:technicians22.29.3 4.98.0-Supervision 3.5 1.5.7 1.3Selling expense 2.5 4.0 1.7.9 1.4Rents 6.3 2.6 1.4 2.3Property taxes controllable expenses41.517.49.115.0Controllable contribution11.3 4.8 2.6 3.9Expenses controllableothers:. general and3.6 1.5.8 1.3Total expensesby others 4.1 1.7.9 1.5Total contribution$7.2$ 3.1$ 1.7$ 2.4Questions:Responsibility accounting is widely used by many companies.a.Define responsibility accounting.b.Discuss the advantages a company attains through the use of responsibility accounting.c.Describe how the use of responsibility accounting is advantageous to the managers of thecompany.11.Scenario&Questions:Rouge Corporation is a medium-size company in the steel fabrication industry with six divisions located in different geographical sectors of the United States.Considerable autonomy in operational management is permitted in the divisions due in part to the distance between corporate headquarters in St.Louis and five of the six divisions.Corporate management establishes divisional budgets using prior year data adjusted for industry and economic changes expected for the coming year.Budgets are prepared by year and by quarter,with top management attempting to recognize problems unique to each division in the divisional budget-setting process.Once the year’s divisional budgets are set by corporate management,they cannot be modified by division management.The budget for the next calendar year projects total corporate net income before taxes of$3,750,000for the year,including$937,500for the first quarter.Results of first quarter operations presented to corporate management in early April showed corporate net income of$865,000,which was$72,500below the projected net income for the quarter.The St.Louis Division operated at4.5%above its projected divisional net income,while the other five divisions showed net incomes with variances ranging from1.5to22% below budgeted net income.Corporate management is concerned with the first quarter results because they believe strongly that differences between divisions had been recognized.An entire day in late November of last year had been spent presenting and explaining the corporate and divisional budgets to the division managers and their division controllers.A mid-April meeting of corporate and division management has generated unusual candor.All five outstate division managers cited reasons why first quarter results in their respective divisions represented effective management and was the best that could be expected.Corporate management has remained unconvinced and informs division managers that“results will be brought into line with the budget by the end of the second quarter.”Questions:Identify and explain the major disadvantages in the procedures employed by Rouge Corporation’s corporate management in preparing and implementing the divisional budgets.12.Scenario&Questions:The Star Paper Division of Royal Industries is located outside Los Angeles.A major expansion of the division’s only plant was completed in April of Year4.The expansion consisted of an addition to the existing building,additions to the production-line machinery,and the replacement of obsolete and fully depreciated equipment that was no longer efficient or cost-effective.On May1,Year4,George Harris became manager of Star.Harris had a meeting with Marie Fortner,vice president of operations for Royal,who explained to Harris that the company measured the performance of divisions and division managers on the basis of return on gross assets(ROA).When Harris asked if other measures were used in conjunction with ROA,Fortner replied,“Royal’s top management prefers to use asingle performance measure.There is no conflict when there is only one measure.Star should do well this year now that it has expanded and replaced all of that old equipment.You should have no problem exceeding the division’s historical rate.I’ll check with you at the end of each quarter to see how you are doing.”Fortner called Harris after the first quarter results were completed because Star’s ROA was considerably below the historical rate for the division.Harris told Fortner that he did not believe that ROA was a valid performance measure for Star.Fortner indicated that she would discuss this with others at headquarters and get back to Harris.However,there was no further discussion of the use of ROA,only reports on divisional performance at the end of the second and third quarters.Now that the fiscal year has ended, Harris has received the memorandum shown below.To:George Harris,Star Paper DivisionFrom:Marie Fortner,Royal IndustriesSubject:Divisional PerformanceThe operating results for the fourth quarter and for our fiscal year ended on April30are now complete.Your fourth quarter return on gross assets was only9%,resulting in a return for the year of slightlyunder11%.I recall discussing your low return after the first quarter and reminding you after the secondand third quarters that this level of return is not considered adequate for the Star Paper Division.The return on gross assets at Star has ranged from15%to18%for the past5years.An11%returnmay be acceptable at some of Royal’s other divisions,but not at a proven winner like Star,especially inlight of your recently improved facility.Please arrange to meet with me in the near future to discussways to restore Star’s return on gross assets to its former level.Harris is looking forward to meeting with Fortner as he plans to pursue the discussion about the appropriateness of ROA as a performance measure for Star.While the ROA for Star is below historical levels,the division’s profits for the year are higher than at any previous time.Harris is going to recommend that ROA be replaced with multiple criteria for evaluating performance,namely,dollar profit,receivable turnover,and inventory turnoverQuestions:Discuss whether the multiple performance evaluation criteria suggested by George Harris would be appropriate for the evaluation of the Star Paper Division.13.Scenario&Questions:A large American corporation participates in a highly competitive industry.In order to meet this competition and achieve profit goals,the company has chosen the decentralized form of organization.Each manager of a decentralized profit center is measured on the basis of profit contribution,market penetration,and return on investment.Failure to meet the objectives established by corporate management for these measures was not accepted and usually resulted in demotion or dismissal of a profit center manager.An anonymous survey of managers in the company revealed that the managers felt the pressure to compromise their personal ethical standards to achieve the corporate objectives.For example,at certain plant locations there was pressure to reduce quality control to a level which could not assure that allunsafe products would be rejected.Also,sales personnel were encouraged to use questionable sales tactics to obtain orders,including gifts and other incentives to purchasing agents.The chief executive officer is disturbed by the survey findings.In his opinion,such behavior cannot be condoned by the company.He concludes that the company should do something about this problem.Questions:Discuss what might be the causes for the ethical problems described.14.Scenario&Questions:Adam Williams was recently hired as assistant controller of GroChem,Inc.which processes chemicals for use in fertilizers.Williams was selected for this position because of his past experience in the chemical processing field.During his first month on the job,Williams made a point of getting to know the people responsible for the plant operations and learning how things are done at GroChem.During a conversation with the plant supervisor,Williams asked about the company procedures for handling toxic waste materials.The plant supervisor replied that he was not involved with the disposal of wastes and suggested that Williams might be wise to ignore this issue.This response strengthened Williams’determination to probe this area further to be sure that the company was not vulnerable to litigation.Upon further investigation,Williams discovered evidence that GroChem was using a nearby residential landfill to dump toxic wastes.It appeared that some members of GroChem’s management team were aware of this situation and may have been involved in arranging for this dumping;however,Williams was unable to determine whether his superior,the controller,was involved.Uncertain how he should proceed,Williams began to consider his options by outlining the following three alternative courses of action:•Seek the advice of his superior,the controller.•Anonymously release the information to the local newspaper.•Discuss the situation with an outside member of the board of directors with whom he is acquainted.Questions:Without prejudice to your answer in Question4,assume that Adam Williams sought the advice of his superior,the controller,and discovered that the controller was involved in the dumping of toxic wastes. Using SMA1C to support your answer,describe the steps that Williams should take to resolve this situation.15.Scenario&Questions:JLS Corporation is a large,publicly owned manufacturing company specializing in the production of appliance parts.Mark Howard,the President and Chief Executive Officer,is philanthropic and socially conscious.He wants JLS Corporation to be recognized as a socially conscious and responsible company. To promote this image,JLS Corporation has donated well over one million dollars during the last two years to the local symphony,the parks department,various charities,and other civic groups.Furthermore, Howard encourages executives to participate in civic activities,i.e.,United Fund,school boards and school parent/teacher organizations,service clubs,etc.,and gives executives released time to participate in these activities.Howard recently read a professional monograph on corporate social performance.The monograph identified four areas used to evaluate the company’s level of social responsibility:munity involvement2.Human resources3.Physical resources and environmental contributions4.Product or service contributionsHoward believes that the activities JLS has supported seem to concentrate on community involvement. However,he is uncertain whether JLS conducts any activities related to the other three areas of social responsibility.Questions:Identify and explain social responsibility activities that JLS Corporation could be doing currently or could do in the future in the following three areas:a.Human resourcesb.Physical resources and environmental contributionsc.Product or service contributions16.Scenario&Questions:Farbell Company is a manufacturer of automotive components with annual sales of$85million.An internal audit department was established four years ago,and it is supervised by the Manager of Audits who reports directly to the controller.Farbell’s business has declined sharply over the past two years.The controller,looking for ways to reduce costs,asked the company auditors,Cross&Gill Company,for suggestions to reduce the audit fees.They indicated the audit fee could be reduced if a member of Farbell’s internal audit staff could be assigned to assist Cross&Gill in some of the audit steps which need to be conducted.Cross&Gill would design and supervise the audit procedures,but the Farbell employee would actually do the work.The areas Cross& Gill suggested were to•Verify vendors’balances in accounts payable at year-end•Value year-end inventory of productive materials•Review the adequacy of allowance accounts and all expense accruals at year-end。
美国注册管理会计师 CMA P1 简答题预测题目第3题答案题解
3.已知Global Mail公司,财务部制定以下预算,销售部负责收入。
产品A单位机器工时的边际贡献是23.75, 产品B单位机器工时的边际贡献是22。
7.先求六月份的预计销售总额=(22,000,000-600,000)*0.3+22,000,000*0.7=21,820,000再求七月份的预计销售总额=22,500,000*0.7+21,820,000*0.3=15,750,000+6,546,000=22,296,0008. 四个季度体现了非常明显的季节性。
9. 画出概率图:有利:60%---70% > 成功60%---30% > 失败不利:40%---25% > 成功40%---75% > 失败则成功的概率=60%*70%+40%*25%=0.52,则失败的概率=1-0.52=0.48。
10. 8*0.1+2*0.4+2.4*0.3+2.5*0.2=0.18+0.8+0.72+0.5=2.211.按照项目来进行,所以要按照项目预算法来对项目进行评估。
cma考试题型一、单选题(100题,每题1分,共100分)1. 以下哪个是管理会计的重要组成部分?A. 财务会计B. 税务会计C. 成本会计D. 非营利会计2. 管理会计最主要的目的是:A. 报告财务情况B. 明确责任成本C. 帮助管理决策D. 降低成本3. 以下哪个分析方法主要用于对公司投资项目进行评估:A. 成本-效益分析B. 财务比率分析C. 高尔夫球分析D. 时间价值分析4. 成本管理的主要目标是:A. 降低生产成本B. 提高产品质量C. 增加销售利润D. 提高市场份额5. 对于谁来说,成本会计信息最重要?A. CFOB. 董事会C. 内部管理人员D. 外部投资者二、多选题(50题,每题2分,共100分)1. 下列哪些是管理会计的主要工具和技术?(多选)A. 预测和预算B. 成本-效益分析C. 盈余分析D. 资本预算E. 盈余管理2. 管理会计师的职责和角色主要包括以下哪些方面?(多选)A. 准备财务报表B. 分析财务数据C. 提供战略建议D. 制定预算E. 评估风险3. 成本倒退法是以下哪种成本估算方法的一种?(多选)A. 直接成本法B. 间接成本法C. 循环成本法D. 统计成本法E. 差异成本法4. 目标成本管理的基本步骤包括以下哪些?(多选)A. 确定目标成本B. 确定目标利润C. 确定市场需求D. 确定产品设计E. 确定成本驱动因素5. 成本-效益分析是以下哪种决策方法的一种?(多选)A. 增量分析B. 整体分析C. 边际分析D. 投资分析E. 风险分析三、案例分析题(2题,每题50分,共100分)案例一:某公司正在考虑投资一项新的生产项目,该项目的投资额为100,000美元,预计每年能为公司带来20,000美元的额外利润,该项目的使用寿命为10年,预计最后一年的利润将下降至15,000美元。
A ABC专注改善商品和服务的成本核算B.ABM专注于流程改进C.ABC和ABM都专注于流程改进D.ABC和ABM都专注于商品和服务的成本核算3.公司存货政策是维持下个月销售数量的10%,公司1-6月的销售数量如下,请问公司3月生产数量。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
第1年第2年销售额$4,000,000$4,400,000总营运成本$3,200,000$3,440,000息税前收益$800,000$960,000利息支出320,000275,000所得税245,000354,000净收益$235,000$331,000每股收益$ 2.35$ 3.31那么,Arbat有限公司的经营杠杆系数为a. 4.09。
b. 2.67。
c. 2.00。
5.Transnational Motors公司已决定对其靠举债融资的经营资产进行追加投资。
假设所有其他因素均保持不变,这种追加投资将产生以下哪种影响?营业利润率资产总额周转率资产回报率a.增加不变增加b.不变降低降低c.不变增加降低d.降低降低降低6.Reading Manufacturing有限公司的总裁正在为该公司的每个制造工厂制定绩效目标。
b. 5.00%。
c. 3.33%。
d. 2.71%。
前一年度本年度存货周转率 5.49.3应收账款周转率 4.2 3.5固定资产周转率 2.4 3.6酸性测试比率 1.5 1.2根据以上数据,该分析师可以总结出销售额增加是因为a.定价更有竞争力。
预期最低报酬率持有期投资项目A 5.75%4年投资项目B 6.25%4年根据上述有限的信息,以下哪一项是最为合理的结论?a.投资项目A对Bellcon公司而言是更好的选择。
John Storms刚刚受聘为OldTime公司的新任首席执行官,并希望将他所谓的“摇钱树”变成一家“成长型公司”。
A投资项目的β值 1.4无风险回报率 3.0%A投资项目的预期回报7.4%a. 3.14%。
b. 6.14%。
Vega 公司的有效所得税率为30%。