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• 范文 2: •
I happened to find a purse, inside which there are cards, cash and other things. Loser is expected to come to our classroom to claim it.
• 范文2: •
• Flu-shot
Please be informed that School Clinic will be conducting a flu-shot on September, 15th, from 9:00am to 5:00p.m . The cost is RMB6 for faculty, staff and students. • Administrative Office • Sep, 12th. 2003
meeting at Room …. Building …. • 所有的销售人员请在…号楼,… 号房间开会. • 2 Due to the storm, the meeting will be postponed to next week. • 由于风雨,会议推迟到下星期. • 3 For more information, please contact…. 更多信息,请咨询… • 4 Please make reservations before … • 在… 之前,请预定.
• 3 球讯 • 今天下午4:30我系和计算机系篮球队在本校篮球场进
• 4月19日
• 外语系
• 练习答案: •
• All the students of Grade 1 and members of
the Student Union are requested to meet in the Room 1-312, West Campus on Oct, 8th. 2003 to hear a report on “The Impact of China’s Entry into WTO on Vocational Education.”
• Miss Mary Turner
• • We are going to have a basketball match with
• Basketball Match
the Computer Department on the playground at 4:30 this afternoon. Welcome to watch the match.
are requested to meet in the department conference room on April 30th (Thursday) at 4:30 p. m. to hear a report on “Computer Assisted Language Learning”. • The Foreign Languages Office • April, 28th. 2003
• 启事(Announcement) • 启事的标题要求醒目,能够吸引读者的注意力。 • A. 范文1: • Temporary Relocation of Office • We regret that this office cannot be used this

week because of the leaking central heating pipes .Customers can now reach us at Room 109, the White Swan Hotel. We apologize for any inconvenience caused to you. • Jenny Jones • Manager • July, 6th. 2001
• The Administrative Office • Oct, 5th. 2003
And Mr. Todd Sullivan Announce their marriage • on • Saturday, October eighteenth Nineteen hundred ninety-eight
• 通知、启事和海报 • 通知、启事和海报是个人或团体向大众
告知某一件事情的简短文字,一般由 • 标题、 • 正文、 • 落款(或时间) • 3部分组成,涉及主办单位、活动内容、议 程安排、时间和地点等, 通常还会加上联系 地址,联系人或联系电话。
• 通知(Notice) • A. 范文1: • NOTICE • All teachers and students of Grade 1
• 练习 • 1. 通知 • 兹源自文库于2003年10月8日在西校区1-312 举行“中国加
• •
入WTO对职业教育的影响”报告会,一年级学生及学生 会全体成员均要求参加。 • 学院办公室 • 2003年10月5日 2. 启事 玛丽.特纳小姐和托德.沙利文先生谨宣布于2000年10月 18日(星期六)在纽约结婚,特此敬告亲友。

• The Foreign Languages Department. • April, 19th
• Notice (居中写标题)
• 正文写明启事的内容
• 右下角 签名 • 最后写 日期
• C. 可选用的句子和短语: • 1 Please notice that… (请留意…) • 2 sorry for the inconvenience….(对….造成
• 海报 (Playbill) • 海报要简洁明快, 开门见山。 • A. 范文: • Free Lectures • Free Lectures in English • On • “Peoples and Cultures in China” • By Professor Zhang Haiyang • Central University of Nationalities • From 9 to 11 a.m. • Saturday Sep, 13th, 21st, 27th , 2003 • At the China International • Cultural Exchange Center • R.S.V.P. : 64202152, 64284046
• Class 2, Senior 1, FLD, • Jan,12th. 2002
• Zhang Jun
• 格式要求: • NOTICE ( 居中写标题)
• 正文写明通知对象、事情、时间和地点
• 右下角 签名 • 最后写 日期
• C. 可选用的句子和短语: • 1 All salesmen are required to attend a
• 格式要求: • Free Lectures标题 • 内容 • 时间 • 地点 • 联系方式
• 可选用的句子和短语: • 1 seminar on ….( 研讨会 ) • 2 workshop on…..( 短训班 ) • 3 training on … (培训) • 4 from …. to …. (从… 到…. 时间) • 5 All are welcome. ( 欢迎所有人参加 ) • 6 Please contact ….( 请与…联系 )