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Part I Translate the following sentences into English or into Chinese.

1. 重庆主城区南部的新城,面积33平方公里,是商家置业的黄金口岸。为实现西部大开发战略,我们计划进行全面开发建设,诚征“新城”策划运作单位,有意者请与我方联系。

2. 《三国演义》中的刘备,文才不如诸葛亮,武功不如关羽和张飞,但他有一种别人不及的优点,那就是杰出的协调能力。这使得他与众不同且吸引了众多优秀人才来归顺。


4. 我躺在床上,没有入睡,听着雨点落在路面上啪啪作响。我思绪万千,恍恍惚惚进入了一条幽暗的甬道,回想起许多痛苦的往事,心里一阵冰凉,不禁感到毛骨悚然。


6.The power of invention has been conferred by nature upon few, and the labor of learning those sciences which may, by mere labor be obtained, is too great to be willingly endured; but every man can exert such judgment upon the works of others; and he whom nature has made weak, and idleness keeps ignorant, may yet support his vanity by the name of a critic.

7. If the Contract shall, on the written request of the Engineer, make available to any such other contractor any roads or ways for the maintenance of which the Contractor is responsible, or permit the use by any such of the Contractor’s scaffolding or other plant on the Site, the Employer shall pay the Contractor in respect of such use or service such sum or sums as shall, in the opinion of the Engineer, be reasonable.

8. But just as all nations can benefit from the promise of this new world, no nation is immune to its perils. We all have a stake in building peace and prosperity, and in confronting threats that respects no border s——terrorism and drug trafficking, disease and environmental destruction. 9. The present regulations are formulated in order to guard against the risks of foreign exchange rate, stabilize the costs of import and export trade ( including other foreign economic activities ) and develop the businesses of buy and sale of spot and forward foreign exchange.

10. And the problems that arise from the continuing coexistence of affluence and poverty—and particularly the process by which good fortune is justified in the presence of the ill fortune of

others—have been an intellectual preoccupation for centuries.

Part II Translate the following passages into Chinese.

Passage 1

International Tender

1. In order to be considered further by the Employer in the process of tender evaluation, each alternative shall be accompanied by a detailed price breakdown indicating the tender’s estimate of the additional or reduced cost in present( discounted ) value to the Employer compared with the basic Tender Sum, if the alternative offer were to be accepted by the Employer and incorporated into the Contract.

2. The tender shall submit a basic tender which complies fully with the requirements of the tender documents. The original and duplicates of the tender shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by a person or persons duly authorized. Proof of authorization shall be furnished in the form of written Power of Attorney which shall accompany the tender.

3. The employer will respond in writing to any request for clarification which is received more than 28 days prior to the deadline for submission of tenders. Written copies of the response will be sent to all tenders who have picked up the tender documents.

4. Any consequence of the tender’s omission to notify SFECO that pages are missing or information is illegible will be considered the fault of the tender and any claim arising therefrom will be rejected.

Passage 2

In the sixteenth century, tens of millions of people across Europe came to believe that their lives and well-being were being threatened by witches. Today tens of millions of people across the United States have come to believe that the social security system is plunging into insolvency. Historians still debate the origins of the hysteria surrounding witches whereas the source of the social security panic is much clearer.

If social security can be dismantled even partially, and replaced by a government-mandated savings scheme, it will place tens of trillions of dollars under the control of the financial industry in coming decades. This will lead to hundreds of billions of dollars of additional fees and commissions. The industry’s pursuit of this windfall supports the research, conferences, and editorials that keep the “social security crisis” in the public eye.

The basic facts show that social security is in fine shape. It currently is running a surplus of more than 60 billion a year. The program does exactly what it was supposed to do. It provides a base retirement income sufficient to keep tens of million of retirees out of poverty. It also provides disability and life insurance for virtually the entire working population. Social security is extremely efficient. Its administrative expenses are just 0.7 percent of benefits, compared to more than 30 percent for private insurers. If the tax and benefit structure are left exactly as specified in current law, the fund’s res erves will be depleted in 2029. At that point, annual tax revenue will be sufficient to pay only 76 percent of benefits. If the fund is to be kept solvent beyond 2029, revenue will have to increase, or benefits will have to be cut. This is a crisis in the same way that a car
