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My father was not a sentimental man. I don’t remember him ever oohing or aahing over something I made as a child. Don’t get me wrong. I knew that my Dad loved me, but getting all mushy-eyed was not his thing. I learned that he showed me he loved me in other ways. There was one particular moment when this became real to me…


(2) NO.15

I have a box in my home that I call the “Dad box”. In it are so many things that remind me of my Dad. I pull that picture out every once in a while and remember. I remember a promise that was made many years ago between a young man and his bride on their wedding day. And I remember the unspoken promise that was made between a father and his daughter…



However, the law that all property belonged to the husband, including property that had belonged to the wife before her marriage, left women with no independent social status. If a woman left her husband or was driven away by him, she could take nothing with her but the clothes on her back, however much she had brought to the marriage. If she earned money outside the home, her husband could collect her pay. This law was changed in many nations in the late nineteenth century, but there was no serious change in attitudes toward women’s place in society until the Second World War.


After World War I there was a general rebellion of youth against “old fashioned”ideas, particularly patriarchal family relationships. The Depression further broke up and displaced families, even in socially stable rural areas. The workload in house and on farm was more and more reduced by modern conveniences, so that a farmer no longer needed a large family to provide labor power. This lessened the wife’s task in child bearing and child rearing, and enabled farm youth to finish high school before taking up full-time farm work. Modern technology and marketing also required that they learn a wider variety of skills.


“You little cheat!” I said, looking down, the words coming slow and burning. “I know what you bought , a home really doesn’t mean anything to you. All you want is a pile of fancy clothes! I thought you were the kind of wife I wanted, but you had me fooled. You’re like a lot of others, a loose spender, that’s what you are. A spendthrift.”Janet’s eyes narrowed to slits and her face showed horror and amazement, and I enjoyed seeing it. It was exactly what I wanted, to see her suffer a little, too. She got out of bed and stood before me. “Is that what you think of me?” Her own anger sent mine up higher. “You’re damned right, it is!” I exploded. “I just wish I had known in time.” Now her anger was as hot as mine. We stood on equal ground.

