

专题01 2024年新课标I卷高考听力(精美课件)

专题01  2024年新课标I卷高考听力(精美课件)

【解密】推理判断题。根据forget about Mark.....can’t go with us today。故选A。
1 What does the man want to do?
4 A. Cancel an order.
B. Ask for a receipt.
C. Reschedule a delivery.
A. A pop star. B. An old song.
C.A radio program.
Text 2 谈论婚礼时的音乐和情感 W: Paul, listen to the radio. It's You've Stolen My Heart, one of the songs played at our wedding. M: Yeah, how beautiful! It's been popular for almost two decades.
Text 4 改变送货日期 W: How may I help you? M: I bought a desk and asked for it to be delivered to my house this Friday. W: Yes, what's the problem? M: I need to have it delivered this Saturday.
Text 1 1朋友之间感谢与道别
M: Thanks for the wonderful weekend, Kate.
W: That's okay. Bob and I are glad you came to see us.
M: Oh, I have to go in. My flight will take off soon. Do contact me when



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What: where, when (number), attitude, relationship, details, main ideas
Teaching objectives(教学目标)
1.了解影响英语听力正确率的因素 2.分析高考英语听力的设问方式 3.掌握高考英语听力的重要技巧
Three questions: 1.What affects us to finish all the listening tasks correctly? 2.What kinds of questions will be asked in listening test? 3.How can we get high marks in listening test?
B. on september16
C. on september23
日期(date)、时间(time)、年代(year)、价格(price/how much)、年龄(how old)、距离(how far)、房号(room number)、电话号码(phone number)、票价(ticket’s price)等
eg: headache, stomach, medicine, What’s wrong with you? hospital / doctor and patient


1.理解主旨要义 2.获取事实性的具体信息 3.对所听内容作出简单推断 4.理解说话者的意图观点或态度
• 1.细节题:包括时间、数字、地点、职 业、人物身份等
• 细节题的题目一般都直截了当,答案 会在对话或短文中给出。
• 对这类问题,考生应注意对话或短文 的关键词语,通过关键词语判断地点。 一般情况下,试题常出现的地点有: 学校、商店、餐馆、车站、机场、医 院、邮局等。
• 3.推断题:
• 推断题要求考生根据录音中提到的信息,对短文 或对话发生的时间、地点、原因、背景等进行合 理的推测。
• 1)根据表示时间的关联词来判断事件发生的时间, 如:before,after, until,later, immediately 等。
• 2)听清楚有关数字和数字之间的关系,然后进行 简单的计算.
两读”指的是阅读和朗读。因为阅读是外 语学习中重要的“输入过程”,也就是积 累过程。有了足够的积累,才能有丰富的 词汇及背景知识。在阅读时,应有目的地 选择难易适中的相关读物。这样有选择性 的阅读既能提高英语的分析能力,又能训 练自己的思维。同时尽量做到分类阅读, 使题材和体裁多样化,避免单一的阅读。
• 1).对话预测
• 2).语篇预测
• 3).依靠开篇句预测.英语听力的第一、 二句话通常会透露整篇的主题,所以 考生要善于抓住听力材料的首句信息。
• 4).根据打印在试卷上的听力试题内容 预测。
• 高考听力的第二部分Longer Conversation所占时间较长,如果考生能 够培养一定的速记技巧,有助于保持部分 听力内容,帮助记忆。毕竟高考的长篇对 话时间并不算太长,高三考生只要进行初 级的入门速记锻炼,不必把听到的所有内 容写下来,只要捕捉一些关键性问题即可, 比如时间、地点、数字以及相关信息等等。


高 考 一 轮 复 习《高 考听力 指导》 (共63张 PPT)
❖ 录音原文:
W: Excuse me, could you tell me when the next train to Manchester is?
M: Sure. Well, it's 3 now. The next train to Manchester leaves in 2 hours, but you can take the train to Leeds which leaves in 15 minutes, and then get off at Manchester on the way.
高 考 一 轮 复 习《高 考听力 指导》 (共63张 PPT)
高 考 一 轮 复 习《高 考听力 指导》 (共63张 PPT)
❖ 5.较长对话和短文的理解
抓听首句和首段有助于整体理解文章; 结尾部分所给出的信息不一定是题目的正确答案, 可能只 是一个陷阱; ❖ 推理思路要正确; ❖ 语境中抓要点. •6.果断选题,学会放弃 相信第一感觉,当机立断,决不能反反复复,甚 至影响后面的答题;切记不可因某个小题未听懂而 患得患失,不可因一题失多题,造成一步跟不上, 步步踏空的结果。
❖ 2). 从说话人口气预 测: 在A,B两人的对话
❖A: Harvey doesn't seem
中,如果B是附和或 to fit into this
赞成,往往说“Yes”, “I agree”,“Sure”,
“I think so”等。但如 ❖ B: No, he is



Text 3 周末计划 M: We got any plans this
weekend? W: We might start with our
vegetable garden, then the barbecue. M: ③ Sounds fun, but I still want to go fishing with George.
A. A salesperson. B. An engineer. C. An accountant.
【解析】考查考生理解具体信息的能力。根据男士的话. I think I’m well qualified for the accountant position here.可知,男士在应聘的职位是会计。故选C。
flat and the sitting room is big. W: ⑥ But there is not enough cupboard space in the
kitchen. M: It’s cheaper than the last one we saw and it is
in a good neighborhood. W: Well, maybe we’ll have to see if the agent has
B. He’s chairing a meeting.
【解析】考查考生对 所听内容作出简单推 断的能力。根据男士 的话...Mrs. Johnson, for what you’ve shared with our listeners. Now, please tell us....可知, 男士正在主持一档节 目。故选C。
9 What makes Mrs. Johnson worried about her daughter in Africa? A. Lack of medical support. C. Poor transportation system.

听力高考英语专题讲解 23张PPT

听力高考英语专题讲解 23张PPT
• 3.听后:连贯记忆,前后联系,综合考虑, 一锤定音。
• 4.快速记录:
• 心记:这种能力对于解决听力第1节的问题非 常适用。
• 笔记:
• 1)运用速记符号例 如:↑up↓down←left→right=equal
• 2)发明并运用字母的缩写形式Ex—— expensive lg——large eq——earthquake
place? • (这段对话最可能发生在什么场合?)解这类试题时,
我们需要有一些积累和推断。 • 提示1:熟悉、积累常用地名,如国家、首都、大城
市、着名的标志性建筑以及山川河流的名称等 • 提示2:熟悉、积累与各个地点场所有关的单词、短
• 如:

restaurant: menu, bill, order, tip, hamburger, beer, soup
them? • 3)When did they have the conversation? • 4)Where did the conversation take place? • 5)Why do they have the conversation? • 6)What did they plan to do?

airport: flight, take off, land, luggage

railway station :round trip, single trip, sleeping car

store: on sale, size, wear, color, style, price, change,bargain,
• 这类试题在高考听力试题中约占2小题,它要求我 们对听到的内容有一个整体的把握和全面的领会, 抓住说话者究竟在说什么。任何一段对话或独白 都是围绕一个中心展开的,有时主旨大意较明显, 有时则需要归纳、概括。常见的提问方式有:


• 常用的问题方式有: • 1.What does the man/woman tell the woman/man
to do first/last?
• 2.What’s the man/woman doing now?
• 3.What did the man/woman do?
• 4.What will the man/woman do?
• 特殊句型
• 打折
• sell off off….percent discount
• I bought this two hundred dollars camera at 25 percent discount.
• 难点
• 中国的记数为 十百千万亿 而英语国家以千, 百万,十亿
• 1,000, 10,000 ,10thounsand ,
4.4.What can we learn from the conversation /two speakers?
• 不仅要听清数字,还要清楚它们之间的关系. • 1.计算类包括时间,年龄,钱款,距离,日期,
年代,价格,数量,号码等. • 2.常要求做加减乘除运算,一般以加减为主. • 3.当涉及的数字不止一个时很可能是计算题. • 常见的提问方式有: • 1.When..?/What…?
听力高考注意 事项
• 1.材料真实化,常考购物,打电话,假 日安排,看电影,看医生...
• 2.考对语音的掌握.连读,弱化,同化, 语调,重音等语音现象.
• 3.对话的深层含义的理解试题将增 加.如归纳概括和推理判断.
1、理解主旨 把握
• 趋势: 逐年增多.
• 从说话者的语气去体会,抓住关键词语,进而 对语段进行理解.



b.bAe.Gcaoussweimomf itnhge workplace 充分利用好考c.前be时BCc.间.VaSuie看sesi题teaadofofricetthnodre wor hours
圈圈线线 相同是主题,不同是考点
非黑色笔 找主干、找特别、简化
审题目标 至少熟悉10套真题
审题保障 基础语法结构
4.what is jane doing? a.planning a tour. b.calling her father. c✔.as for leave.
(Text 4) W: Dr Black, I need to take a few days off because my father is coming over to visit, and I need to show him around the city. M: OK, Jane. But be sure to come back to work next week.
c.to put off a meeting.
3.how much more does david need for the car?
4.what is jane doing?
a.planning a tour.
b.calling her father.
c.to put off a meeting.
3.how much more does david need for the car?
4.what is jane doing?

高中英语 高考听力技巧总结(共28张ppt)

高中英语 高考听力技巧总结(共28张ppt)
1840 eighteen forty/eighteen thousand and forty 1900 nineteen hundred 1992 nineteen ninety-two 2015 twenty fifteen/ two thousand and fifteen
年代表示法: 1980-1989:可写为1980's,指的是八十年代 eighties 1980-1te eighties.
例如: in Stockholm in the thirties I went on a computer training course in the nineteen eighties.
高考听力常见 十大场景
Restaurant餐厅 [Speakers:waitress/waiter and customer女侍者和顾客]
interview面试:interviewee面试者;interviewer面试官; job applicant求职者; candidate求职者; resume简历;
type a letter打印信件; send a fax发传真 arrange the file整理文件; printer打印机; ability能力; qualification资历; get a raise涨工资; salary工资; export出口; income收入;
prescription处方 pill药丸 tablet药片capsule胶囊
cough咳嗽 cancer癌症fever发烧 flu流感 vomit呕吐 heart attack心脏病 dizzy头晕 faint昏迷 stomachache胃疼,肚子疼 worn out疲乏 high blood pressure高血压

高考听力方法指导 共47张PPT

高考听力方法指导 共47张PPT

• 6. How does the man want the steak done? A. Medium. B. Medium well. C. Welldone.
• 7. What does the man prefer to go with the steak? A. French fries. B. Fried potatoes. potatoes.
number? • M: Simon Anderson, that’s A-N-D-E-R-S-O-N. • W: And ID number? • M: Er…Hold on…Let me check…It’s AND1057. • W: Thank you. And what course are you studying, Simon? • M: Geography. • W: Is that in the Department of Environment Science or Earth Science? • M: It’s in the Earth Science. • W: Right. Now, are you living in university halls of residence? • M: No, I’m in private accommodation—do you need my address? • W: Yes, please. • M: It’s Flat 3, 24 Lavender Gardens, London.
• 听力训练的目标是努力听懂能读得懂的东西,听懂该听懂的,对于读 不懂的东西,只能通过提高词汇量来解决。
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优秀ppt公开课ppt免费课件下载免费 课件高 考听力 方法指 导 共47张PPT



1. 常识判断原则
Why does the man say that he should
keep away from babies?
A. He has just become a father.
B. He wears dirty clothes.
C. He is a smoker.
2. 同义同错原则
menu, bill, order, tip, luggage, single room,
double room, room
hamburger, sandwich, number ,reserve, book
take medicine, pill , headache, blood pressure fever,
2.听中: 迅速浏览题干和所给选项,做到有备而发!化被动为 主动!
快速笔记;抓关键词;速记符号、缩 写形式
忽略相似部分,把注意力集中在有较大差异的 部分。
例1:What’s the man’s suggestion? A. Buying expensive things. B. Buying cheap things. C. Buying necessary things.
W: Can I help you? M: Yes. I’d like to try this jacket on, please. W: OK, the changing rooms are over there.

高考英语复习课件:听力解题技巧 课件(共37张PPT)

高考英语复习课件:听力解题技巧 课件(共37张PPT)

听力的三大障碍 1.听不懂 2.听不清楚(速度太快) 3.单词都认识但选项意思却不明白
听力的三大障碍如何解决? 1.突破语音 (听说不分家,纠正自己的口音) 2.场景+题型 (针对长对话或独白——预测) 听力题有潜规则:看到题知道选什么 3.习语和口语中的固定句型
一、突破语音 1. 常见的一些语音现象: 连读、弱读 My pen is out of ink again. 失去爆破: [p],[b],[t],[d],[k],[g] [n] [m] [l]两两连读 sit down-si(t) down Next door
2. 英音和美音的习惯性差异 英英古朴,美英时髦 英[ɑ:]—美[æ] pass cast half [ɔ] —[ʌ] God spot impossible [ʌ]—[ə] hurry worry 3. 缩略读 I’m — I am gonna — going to wanna-want to you’ve — you have
场景6:购物 高频词汇:department store(百货商店), shopping mall (购物中心), size(尺寸), style(样式), bargain(便宜货), fashionable(流行的), out of fashion(过时了), counter(柜 台), brand(品牌) 地点:store, shopping mall, supermarket, department store 人物关系: shop-assistant and customers
场景2:餐馆 点餐,讨论饭菜, 结账(AA制或my treat 高频词汇:menu(菜单), order(点菜)May I take your order? tip(小费), steak(牛排), dessert(甜点), hamburger(汉堡), snack(小吃), buffet(自助餐), main dish(主菜), delicious(美味的), treat(请客) 地点:restaurant, cafe 人物关系: waiter and customer 4. 解题思路: ① 预定和点餐: reserve/book a table ② 谁请客买单: The treat is on me. Let’s go Dutch/fifty-fifty. ③付款方式: 刷卡或现金: Pay in cash/credit card.

高考听力 ppt课件

高考听力 ppt课件

Where are the speakers? (09全国2)
A. In a restaurant B. In a hotel C. In a school
M: I like to stay two nights, please.
W: Do you want full board or half board?...
高考题示例(2012全国卷,4) What will the woman
probably do? C A. Catch a train B. See the man off
C. Go shopping
W: It’s nearly eight. If you want to catch the 9 o’clock train, you’d better go now. M: Don’t worry. I’ll drive to the station. W: In that case, let me go with you. And you drop me off at the city center. I’ll go to the open market.
student and teacher
late, absent, don’t do it next time, homework, hand in ,major …
secretary and boss
meeting, out, have no time, office, take a message…
M: What's the difference?
W: Full board includes all meals and half


• 因此,考生容易积极发挥想象力,调动原有知识信息,突破难题。 可见,听力是学生们比较好得分的部分。它占整个英语试卷的五 分之一,却不是这个卷子的难点所在,因而学生应该把握好高考 中的这一得分点。
• 听力通常安排在英语考试刚开始的时候进行,其成绩的好坏对后 面的答题必然会产生一定的心理影响。可以说做好听力试题,是 高考英语获得理想成绩的前提和关键。
• 笔记提纲挈领,突出重点。听力时可采用草写、缩 写、图画、符号等速写形式。只要自己认识,能帮 助记忆、推理、和准确答题即可。但要乱中有序, 突出重点,谨防记数据或符号与问题不能对号入座。

总地来说,听力是英语语言学习的 第一步,在整个英语语言学习中占有不 可替代的重要作用。作为将英语当作第 二语言的中国学生而言,英语听力是有 一定的难度。但是,天下无难事,只要 肯登攀。只要我们抓住其关键,掌握其 技巧,听力这个难题也是可以解决的。
M:Oh.I couldn’t agree more.(我非常同意)/ Well,you can’t be too careful on the road.(你 要特别小心。)
• 备好笔和纸,眼、耳、手、脑并用。有些考生误认 为做听力时闭上眼睛可以集中注意力,其实不然。 尤其是第二节,对话和独自较长。细节、数字及人 物、事件等具体信息很多。光靠头脑很难记住。只 有脑记和笔记相结合,边听、边看、边想、边记重 要信息,才能准确把握较为复杂的信息。
• 听力是英语学习中的一部分
• 我校老师对听力教学的思考及 做法



所,如boarding一出现,立即想到机场、码头,听见book a room就想到旅馆等

⑵边听边记,善于掌握对话中的稿定关PP键T,海词量。素材持续更 新,上千款模板选择总有一
Where does the conversation take款适pl合ac你e?
A. At home.
B. In a travel agency.
新,上千款模板选择总有一 款适合你
知识点二 行为方式题
What will the woman do next?
A. Turn down the radio.
B. Close the window.
C. Go to bed.
稿定PPT,海量素材持续更 新,上千款模板选择总有一
⑤What’s the man / woman going款适to合d你o?
知识点二 行为方式题
【高分技巧】 ⑴留心选项中每个动作及动作对应的人和时间。 ⑵抓住对话中出现的表示动作先后顺序的连词、介词、副词,如first, before, after, now, right now, then, since,稿la定stP等PT。 ⑶注意对话中所使用的时态和重稿定复PP出T,海现量的素材词持,续更它们往往是答题的关键。
the meeting.
知识点一 观点态度题
答案:C 思路分析:本题为观点态度题。男士用了would rather的虚拟语气来表示反对 ,认为女士不该出去打电话。答案为C。
稿定PPT,海量素材持续更 新,上千款模板选择总有一 款适合你
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• M: What about businesses?
• W: Businesses have gotten more mindful of the environment.
• M: Yes, they have. I’m glad that car industries make hybrids now.
environment. • W: I completely agree!
例2: (2018全国一)20.What does the speaker mainly talk about? A. How education shaped his life. B. How his language skills improved. C. How he managed his business well.
• W: Me too. Wind energy and solar energy are really cool. • M: We should use solar energy more. It’s so smart!
• W: I don't think so. I think wind energy is cooler.
注: 此类题答案一般在开头!
• W: I think people should do more to protect the environment. The government should also be involved. It’s really everyone's responsibility.
• M: Both of them are necessary. • W: Why do you think that? • M: Well, with the overpopulation, humans are using up their resources. • W: This is true. We have to start looking for more. • M: Yeah, overpopulation is really a big problem. • W: It's a big problem for people and for nature. • M: What do you think we should do about it? • W: Sadly, there isn't much we can do. • M: At least people are looking for alternative forms of energy. • W: Yeah, some people think worrying about it is pointless. • M: I disagree with them. • W: Me too. They care too much about standards of living. • M: Well, you can have a high standard of living and still care about the
• 1. What did the man suggest at first? • 2. What did the man plan to do on Friday afternoon? • 3. What have the man paid for the lessons in total? • 4.How does Ed usually go to kindergarten? • 5. What is the woman interested in studying now? • 6. What will the man do at 11:30?
Thank you very much. Thank you, Dr. Johnson. Well, it is really great to be back at university again. The thing that I wanted to tell you today is this: Education is important. When I came to the US, I was only thinking about being a carpenter, but I could not read the newspaper. And I could not understand the news on television or movies or anything like this. So, I entered the city college to take English classes for foreign students. I was very proud that I was going to a college because no one in my family ever went to any college or to any university. You know, when you’re 15 years old in my country, you finish school and then you learn a trade. And that’s exactly what I did. When I was 15 years old, I learned how to be a carpenter. A year later, I came to America. Luckily, I met a very good teacher who encouraged me to take some math classes, business classes, and history classes, and I became a full-time college student. And today, when I look back, I’m so happy because you never know where life will take you. All of a sudden, I started making money because I was really good at math. You know, how work out everything with math is so important. This is something that I learned when I started my own business, which is doing really well.
二. 主旨题
例1: What are the speakers talking about?
(2018东方押题13) • A. People’s living ndards. • B. Alternative forms of energy. • C. Environmental protection.