尼克胡哲 励志英文ppt




Ladies and Gentlemen,Good morning/afternoon/evening. It is my honor to stand before you today and share my story of resilience, hope, and the power of the human spirit. My name is Nick Vujicic, and I am a man without limbs. Yes, you heard that right. I was born without any arms or legs. But let me tell you, this is not the end of my story; it is merely the beginning.I want to start by asking you a question: What do you think defines a person? Is it their physical appearance, their wealth, their achievements, or something else entirely? I believe that the true essence of a person lies within their heart, their soul, and their unwavering determination to overcome life's challenges.When I was born, the doctors didn't know what to expect. They couldn't understand why a baby would come into the world without limbs. But my parents, God bless them, chose to embrace me with love and support. They never saw me as less than anyone else, and that belief has stayed with me throughout my life.Growing up, I often felt isolated and misunderstood. I was bullied and teased because of my condition, and I struggled with feelings of loneliness and self-doubt. But I also had a strong sense of curiosity and a desire to learn about the world around me. I spent a lot of time watching others and trying to figure out how they could do the things I couldn't.One day, I remember sitting in my room, looking at my arms and legs (or lack thereof) and asking myself, "Why am I here? What is my purpose?" It was during this moment of introspection that I realized that my circumstances were not an accident. They were a gift, a unique set of challenges that had the potential to shape me into the person I was meant to be.As I grew older, I began to embrace my disability and use it as a platform to inspire others. I started by speaking at schools and community events, sharing my story and encouraging others to overcometheir own obstacles. I wanted to show that no matter what life throws at us, we have the power to rise above it.Today, I want to share with you some of the lessons I've learned along the way:1. Embrace Your Uniqueness: Each one of us is unique in our own way. Our differences are what make the world beautiful and diverse. Embrace your uniqueness and let it be a source of inspiration for others.2. Never Give Up: Life will throw you curveballs, and sometimes it will seem like you can't catch a break. But remember, persistence is key. Keep pushing forward, even when it feels like you're swimming against the current.3. Believe in Yourself: You are capable of achieving greatness, but you need to believe in yourself first. Your self-worth is not determined by what you look like or what you have, but by who you are and the values you hold dear.4. Surround Yourself with Positive People: The people you surround yourself with can either lift you up or drag you down. Choose to be around those who believe in you, support you, and challenge you to be the best version of yourself.5. Find Your Passion: Passion is the fuel that keeps you going when times are tough. Find what you are passionate about and pursue it with all your heart.6. Use Your Gifts to Inspire Others: We all have unique talents and gifts. Use yours to make a difference in the lives of others. Sometimes, all it takes is one person to change the world.7. Maintain a Positive Attitude: A positive mindset can make all the difference in your life. It's not about ignoring the negative aspects of life, but about choosing to focus on the good and using it to fuel your growth.8. Stay Humble: No matter how successful you become, always remember where you came from and the people who have supported you along the way. Humility keeps us grounded and grateful.9. Give Back: As you achieve your goals and dreams, don't forget to give back to those who are less fortunate. Sharing your blessings with others is a powerful way to make a lasting impact.10. Trust in a Higher Power: For me, faith has been the cornerstone of my journey. I believe that there is a higher power guiding us and that we are all here for a reason. Trust in this higher power and let itguide you through life's challenges.In conclusion, I want to encourage each and every one of you to embrace your uniqueness, never give up, and believe in yourselves. Life is full of obstacles, but it is also full of opportunities. It is up to us to choose how we will respond to life's challenges.I am living proof that anything is possible. With faith, determination, and a positive attitude, we can overcome adversity and achieve greatness. So, go out there and make your mark on the world. Remember, you are capable of more than you can imagine.Thank you for listening, and may you all find the strength to conquer your own mountains.God bless you all.。



2012.2.12,Nick married a Japanese girl
• 2013.2.14 a overjoyed at unexpected good news is that Nick’s son came into the word healthfully
famous remark
Also Nick have visited China six times .he made speeches in many universities, he climbed the Great Wall, and he had a deep consideration with LuYu.
• Only once try again, no failure, no losers.
• Failure, is actually give up. • Now if you use a million
dollars to have deceived(诱 惑) me, call me grow hands and feet, and I will not consider . • To live is to do more meaningful work. While making significant thing is alive . • No arms, No legs, No worry
Nike graduated from college at the age of 21 with a double major in Accounting and Financial planning .
When he was 17 he began to make speeches across subject of disability and hope. What’s more, Nick traveled more than 20 countries ,with more than two million people around the world to share his personal experiences with the hope of life.

传奇人物—力克胡哲 PPT课件

传奇人物—力克胡哲 PPT课件
尚德 励志 博学 笃行
传奇人物—力克·胡哲 李 振 文 制 作
无论你有多少对生活的抱怨,无论你有多少对自 己的不满,无论你有多少自以为的伤痛,只要站在 他的面前,你就无法再抱怨、不满和伤心。
也许,我们曾经祈求过美貌、财富和好运的临 幸,而他,只乞讨自己能拥有四肢,踏足大地, 拥抱爱人!
他是一个传奇,他所创造的奇迹足以让你震撼, 他的人生经历足以让你脆弱而满是垃圾的心灵得 到荡涤,充满感动!
现在的你是否还在迷茫? 是否还在抱怨命运的不公? 是否还在踟蹰中看不清未来的方向? …… 让我们一起来走近力克胡哲, 倾听他苦难的历程,感受传奇的智慧……
在今天,或许你有无数的苦难,或许你曾有过无 数次的迷茫,但只要你还活者,你还没有放弃生命, 你就一定还能够站起来!
纵使有再多的血和泪,也要坚强地站起来,直面 人生!
衷心地祝愿在座的每位同学 生活愉快、前程似锦……
生命中最大的障碍并非来源与环境,而是来 自于我们内心的恐惧!
尼克·武伊契奇(Nick Vujicic,)在 中国通常人们称呼他力克·胡哲,1982 年12月4日生于澳大利亚墨尔本,塞尔维 亚裔澳大利亚籍基督教布道家,“没有 四肢的生命”(Life Without Limbs)组 织创办人、著名残疾人励志演讲家。他 天生没有四肢,但勇于面对身体残障, 创造了生命的奇迹。
也许有人认为自己不够好,这是最大的谎话!认 为自己没有价值,这是最大的欺骗!
当我们想要放弃的时候,请想一想缺少四肢,却 坚强乐观、活得丰富多彩的力克·胡哲,看看我们 你还有什么理由去抱怨生活!



他 乐观幽默、坚毅不屈 年仅30岁 他已踏遍世界各地 接触逾百万人 激励和启发他们的人生
尼克是真正的使人备受鼓舞的演说家, 他的奋斗经历鼓励每个人勇于面对并改变生活, 完成人生梦想的征程,创造生命的奇迹。
美国加利福尼亚州演讲 时,认识了日裔女子宫 原佳苗。 经过一年多恋爱之后, 2011年8月8日,尼克宣布 与宫原订婚,并在脸谱 网(facebook)上载了 一张与未婚妻的甜蜜合 影。
尼克· 胡哲
• • • •
尼克· 胡哲 1982年生于澳大利亚 他一生下来就没有双臂和双腿 只在左侧臀部以下的位置有一个带着两个脚指头的小 “脚”,他自称“小鸡脚”。
• 这种罕见的现象医学上取名“海豹肢症”。
• 看到儿子这个样子,他的父亲吓了一大跳, 甚至忍不住跑到医院产房外呕吐。
• 他的母亲也无法接受这一残酷的事实,直 到尼克胡哲4个月大才敢抱他。
• 小时候,尼克经常受人欺负 • 意志消沉,曾经想到过自杀
但是 尼克· 胡哲 并没有 向命运低头 ……
他开始适应他的生存环境, 完成其他人必须要用手足才可以完成的事情, 像刷牙、洗头、写字、打电脑等。
更不可思议的是 骑马、打鼓、游泳、足球,尼克样样皆能 在他看来是没有难成的事
现在,他 拥有两个大学学位 是企业总监 更于2005年获得“杰出澳洲青年奖”
谨以此片 献给 那些正在努力

尼克· 胡哲人生格言:
没手,没脚,没烦失去四肢, 而是没有希望和目标!
• • • • • • • • • •
你不能左右天气, 但你可以改变心情! 你不能改变容貌, 但你可以展现笑容! 你不能预知明天, 但你可以把握今天! 你不能样样顺利, 但可以事事尽心! 你不能决定生命的长度, 但你可以控制它的宽度和高度!



Let’s share a short video opoint came
Nick realized he wasn't unique in his struggles and began to embrace his disability
At the age of 13 As a president of student council. At the age of 17 Started to give talks. At the age of 23 Get his double major degree. The Young Australian of the Year. At the age of 26 Started his non-profit organization, Life Without Limbs. At the age of 28 His first book, Life Without Limits: Inspiration for a Ridiculously Good
A healthy baby boy just with a few limbs missing!
The law in Australia didn't allow him to be integrated into a main-stream school because of his physical disability.
Nick said, “God did miracles and gave my Mom the strength to fight for the law to be changed.”
And then, he was one of the first disabled students to be integrated into a main-stream school.



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His books
1.Life Without Limits(2010). 2.Limitless (2013). 3.Unstoppable (2013). 4.The Power of Unstoppable Faith (2014). 5.Stand Strong (2015). 6.Love Without Limits (2016).
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His chicken feet
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He can swim ……
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Play soccer , play golf , riding ……
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(澳大利亚墨尔本) Date of birth: December 4, 1982 The main achievements:
Australia annual youth(年度青年)
Nick,a “life without limbs“(没有四肢的生命)organization founder.
He was born without limbs,
• you are worth more than diam onds in the world.
• you have every single of your hearts.
you can do something you can do.
you can live your life.
• life is not always good .
(会计 and 金融企划)
In 1990, he was awarded the "the Australian young citizens" In 2005 he was awarded " Young Australian of the Year ",
Is a international public organization's President, has his own speech encouraging the company has a book and a DVD (speech film)
Until 13 years old, Nick saw a article
s published in the newspaper, introdu
ce a disabled self-improvement sto ry. He was inspired, decided to help oth



Attitude Is Altitude——Nick VujicicLife is life. Life is an interesting journey of ups and how that journey ends,is up to you today. You see, when you fall down, you feel like giving up. When times get tough, it's not the end. The question is “are you going to finish strong” The definition of a disability is something that will hinder you from being able to do something. I think, though. The greatest disability is not having no arms and no legs. The greatest disability is your mind, the choices that you make. The question is“are you going to make the right choices” A re you going to make the choice, to have your life in it's right perspective Are you going to make the choice, to get up instead of give up Are you going to make the choice, to dream big” There is no greater disability that we have in our life than to make the decision to give up. Because once you give up then there is no hope. But until you give up, there is that hope.“M y passion is to encourage” My passion is to encourage people. To inspire people to be all that they can be. I have found my purpose, I have found my strength, and I want you to find yours. Don't be afraid of failing. Every time you fall down,every time you fail, you learn something new. You’re ready for the next one. You have learned how not to do something. Well then, learn from it and move on! Leave what's behind and press forward. You can only win, if you don't give up. Go for it! Don't let anything hold you back. If nothing holding me back, what's holding you back?“Vision t o dream big” No goal is too big. No dream is too far fetched. It's as big as you can dream it.“P erspective and purpose” There are times in life, when you don't see the purpose or the good in your situation. But just because you can't see it, it doesn't mean it's not coming. Who goes to the train station, look down the railway, and says “the train is not here.I'm leaving” You will wait for the train! Why Because the schedule says that the train is coming. So just because you can't see the hope in you situation, it doesn't mean that it's not there. You see, many people think that I have only one foot, just because you can’t see the other one. I’ve gone from a life without limbs, into alife without limits. What about you。



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His marrige
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His words……
No arms , no legs ,no worries .
God have a plan in my life through my story to give
hope to others。
谢谢观看! 2020
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Attitude is altitude !
—— Nick vujicic
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Can you imagine being born without arms and legs ?
No hands to experience touch , no feet to walk or run ……
1>>2 Nhomakorabea>>
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Nick vujicic’s born
Born : 1982-12-04 in Melbourne , Australia .
He is limbless missing both arms at shoulder level and legless but with two small feet .
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Since 17 , he came to schools ,prisons,hospitals and the community to make publich speech .
He has been to more than 35 countries and places .
• In 2009 ,he published inspirational DVD“high spirits” and later published
autobiographical inspirational books .


• In 2009 ,he published inspirational DVD“high spirits” and later published
autobiographical inspirational books .
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His books
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His marrige
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His words……
No arms , no legs ,no worries .
God have a plan in my life through my story to give
hope to others。
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His experience
Graduated in 2003 , received two bachelor degrees accunting and financial planning .
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尼 克 • 胡 哲
Brief introduction
• Chinese name:尼克•胡哲(力克•胡哲) • Foreign name :Nick•Vujucic • Nationality:Serbia African → Australian(塞尔维亚裔,澳大利亚籍) • Place of birth:Melboume,Australia(澳大 利亚墨尔本) • Date of birth:1982.9.4
• Nick think his life is hopeless tried to commit suicide(自杀), failed. • Parents → encourage during he learn to overcome difficulties
• Until 13 years old ,Nick saw a articles published in the newspaper, introduce a disabled self-improvement story . • He was inspired, decided to help others • When hesituation and found ways to accoplish tasks that most people could only do by using their • Such as cleaning teeth, limbs making up hair, typing on a computer , swimming , playing sports, and much more.
Chief achievements
• “Australia annual youth” 2005年获 得“澳洲年度青年 奖” • “Life without limbs” organization founder ,“没有 四肢的生命”组织 创办人 • 2009 published inspirational DVD "high spirits" 2009年 出版励志 • Inspirational books published in 2010 "Life without limits” 2010年 出版励 志书籍《人生不 设限》
Individual experience
• Before go to shcool
• parents and relative → all love Nick , never mentioned his body handicap • Nick → know his no hands and feet but don't think it's a big problem • when Nick 18 months father put him in water courage Nick to learn swim • when Nick 6 years old father teach him trying use two toes(脚趾)
His words
• You‘re gorgeous just the way you are. 一个人本色的样子就是最美的。 • It‘s a lie to think that you are not good enough. It’s a lie to think that you are not worth anything. 最大的欺骗莫过于以为自己不够好,以 为自己毫无价值。 • ‚failure, in fact, to give up”失 败,其实是放弃 • Being patient is beautiful, I tell you, it's the hardest thing.
When he go to school
• Classmates → Mock(嘲笑) or scream on Nick's body ,say" Nick, you look so weird(古怪)!No one is really your friend ,you can't do this, you can't do that" • Nick → really feel the body is strange, feel deeply lonely
• 2012.2.12 ,Nick got married
• He is widely known as a motivational speaker , giving speeches around the world on life with a disability , hope and finding meaning in life.
After school
• After school Nick went on with future study and obtained a double degree
• By the age of 19, Nick started to fulfill his dream of being able to encourage other people and bring them hope , through motivational speaking and telling his story