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4.1 Steering System
The steering system is designed to allow the driver to move the front wheels to the right or left with a minimum of effort and without excessive movement of the steering wheel. Although the driver can move the wheels easily, road shocks are not transmitted to the driver.
Chapter 4 Steering and Suspension Systems
4.2 Suspension Systems
New Words
bump twist rebound, diminish attenuate
[bʌmp] [twist] [ri'baund] [di'miniʃ] [ə'tenjueit] [strʌt]
4.1 Steering System
(Figure 4-4), the assisting force is generated by an electronically controlled electric motor. The electric motor is only switched on when required. The steering torque applied by the driver is measured via a torsion rod with a torque sensor and in addition the speed is measured via a speed sensor. The two signals are fed to the ECU. The ECU calculates the torque required and its force-transfer direction using stored program maps and sends the relevant output signals to the electric motor. The latter generates an assisting torque which is transformed by a worm-gear pair and transmitted to the rack and-pinion steering gear.
4.1.1 Basic Parts of Steering System
Chapter 4 Steering and Suspension Systems
4.1 Steering System
Figure 4-1 Basic parts of steering system
Chapter 4 Steering and Suspension Systems
Electric power steering-Servolectric. With Servolectric
Chapter 4 Steering and Suspension Systems
4.1 Steering System
Figure 4-4 Servolectric - a electric power steering system
Chapter 4 Steering and Suspension Systems
4.2 Suspension Systems
If a vehicle's axles were bolted directly to its frame or body, every rough spot on the road would transmit a force throughout the vehicle. Riding would be uncomfortable, and handling at freeway speeds would be impossible. 4.2.1 Basic Parts of Suspension System Springs. Every vehicle has springs of some kind between the frame or body and the axles. There are three types of springs in general use today: leaf spring, coil spring, and torsion bar. Two different types of springs can be used on one vehicle. Shock Absorbers. When the vehicle is traveling forward on a level surface and the wheels strike a bump, the spring is rapidly compressed (coil springs) or twisted (leaf springs and torsion bars). The spring will attempt to return to its normal loaded length.
4.1 Steering System
Electro-hydraulic power steering system-Servotronic.
Servotronic is an electronically controlled rack-and-pinion steering system in which the hydraulic assisting forces are influenced by the driving speed. At low driving speeds, the full assisting force of the hydraulic rack-and pinion steering takes effect. The hydraulic assisting force is reduced as driving speed increases. So, Servotronic is a speed-sensitive power steering. Servotronic consists of electronic speedometer, ECU, hydraulic rack-and-pinion steering gear, oil reservoir, electro-hydraulic converter and oil pump (Figure 4-3).
4.1 Steering System
4.1.2 Types of Steering System There are two types of steering systems: manual steering and power steering systems. In the manual steering systems, driver does all the work of turning the steering wheel, steering gear, and tires. In the power steering systems, hydraulic or electric power-assisted steering is used to reduce the effort required by turning the steering wheel. There are three types of the steering gears in use: recirculating ball steering gear, worm-and-roller steering gear and rack-and-pinion steering gear. 4.1.3 Power Steering Systems Hydraulic lack-and-pinion power steering system. This system consists of mechanical rack-and-pinion steering gear, hydraulic working cylinders with working plungers, rotary slide valve, oil pump, pressure-limiting valve and oil reservoir (Figure 4-2).
The basic steering system (Figure 4-1) can be divided into three main assemblies: ·The spindle and steering arm assemblies. ·The linkage assembly connecting the steering arms and steering gear. ·The steering wheel, steering shaft, and steering gear assembly.
Chapter 4 Steering and Suspension Systems 4.1 Steering System 4.1.1 Basic Parts of Steering System 4.1.2 Types of Steering System 4.1.3 Power Steering Systems 4.2 Suspension Systems 4.2.1 Basic Parts of Suspension System 4.2.2 Front suspension 4.2.3 Rear Suspension
Chapter 4 Steering and Suspension Systems
4.1 Steering System
Figure 4-2 A hydraulic rack-and-pinion power steering system with rotary slide valve
Chapter 4 Steering and Suspension Systems
Chapter 4 Steering and Suspension Systems
4.1 Steering System
Figure 4-3 Servotronic-a electro-hydraulic power steering system
Chapter 4 Steering and Suspension Systems
n.碰撞,(因碰撞而起的)肿块,(路面 的)凸块 v扭转,扭弯,旋转,捻,搓 v.弹回,回弹,跳回 v.减少,减小,缩减 v.变薄,变细,变小,减弱 n.支柱,支杆,支撑
strut transverse
[¸ ɔsi'leiʃən] n.振动,摆动,波动,振荡
[træns'və:s] a.横向的
Chapter 4 Steering and Suspension Systems
4.1 Steering System
New Words
spindle linkage
['spindl] ['liŋkidʒ]
n.主轴,心轴,转向节 n.连接,连接装置,联动装置,传 动装置
plunger rotary
speedometer relevant
['plʌndʒə] ['rəutəri]
n.活塞,柱塞,活动铁芯 a.旋转的,转动的
[spi'dɔmitə] n.(指汽车的)车速表,里程计 ['relivənt] a.有关的,切题的,恰当的
Chapter 4 Steering and Suspension Systems