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爬沙虫(Neochauliodes sparsuslarvae)在分类学上隶属于广翅目(Megaloptera),齿蛉科(Corydalidae),斑鱼蛉属(Neochauliodes),在溪流中分布广泛,密度较大,环境适应能力很强。爬沙虫,被誉为“虫参”,是一种珍稀的食用、药用昆虫。既是宴席上的佳肴,又是滋补人体的珍品。





Neochauliodes sparsuslarvae belong to Neochauliodes,Corydalidae,Megaloptera. which is widely distributed in the stream and has a strong ability to adapt for different environments.

The larvae of Neochauliodes sparsuslarvae whose popular name is pashachong praised asnsectile ginseng is a rare insects for food and medicinal. It is both a delicacy on the feastand a treasure for nourishing.

In this paper, the biology characteristics and the larvae resource components of Neochauliodes sparsuslarvae were studied by reseaching two kinds of Corydalidae Insect resources based on investigation, as astheoretical and experimental evidence for future studies on protection and exploitation of Neochauliodes sparsus resource.

Proteins, fat, sugar and ash content were 67.69%, 10.4%, 1.59%and 7.05%of dry samples respectively. Furthermore, sampled insects contained 18 essentialamino acids, including 8 human essential amino acids, TRY was the first limiting amino acid in larvae protein. In addition, larvae contained abundant minerals and trace elements, including Ca, P, Fe and Zn.

Keywords Corydalidae, Neochauliodes sparsuslarvae,biology,resource components,value


摘要 (Ⅰ)


1 绪论 (1)

1.1昆虫资源概述 (1)

1.1.1服务于农业生产的昆虫资源 (2)

1.1.2 具有美学价值的昆虫资源 (3)

1.1.3 科学实验材料昆虫资源 (3)

1.1.4 环境昆虫资源 (3)

1.2 广翅目齿蛉科研究进展 (4)

1.2.1广翅目概述 (4)

1.2.2爬沙虫的生物学 (4)

1.2.3 爬沙虫的生态学 (4)

1.3爬沙虫的资源利用研究 (5)

1.3.1爬沙虫的药用价值 (5)

1.3.2爬沙虫的食用价值 (5)

1.3.3爬沙虫的饲料价值 (5)

1.3.4爬沙虫的观赏价值 (6)

1.3.5环境监测功能 (6)

1.4 课题研究的目的和意义 (6)

2 材料与方法 (7)

2.1供试材料 (7)

2.1.1供试虫源 (7)

2.1.2试验仪器药品 (7)

2.2研究方法 (7)

2.2.1 水分测定 (7)

2.2.2 粗灰分测定 (7)

2.2.3 总糖测定 (7)

2.2.4粗脂肪测定 (8)

2.2.5粗蛋白测定 (8)

2.2.6 氨基酸测定 (9)

3 结果与分析 (10)

3.1攀枝花爬沙虫分布区域 (10)

3.2形态特征 (10)

3.2.1卵的形态特征 (10)

3.2.2幼虫形态特征 (10)

3.2.3蛹的形态特征 (10)

3.3爬沙虫的生物学习性 (11)

3.3.1爬沙虫年生活史 (11)

3.3.2 爬沙虫的生物学习性 (11)

3.4爬沙虫资源成分分析及价值评价 (11)

3.4.1爬沙虫含水量 (12)

3.4.2爬沙虫主要营养成分 (12)

3.4.3蛋白质与脂肪含量的比值 (12)

3.4.4 氨基酸含量 (12)

3.4.5 氨基酸质量评价 (13)

3.4.6矿物质和微量元素 (14)

4 讨论 (16)

4.1 攀枝花齿蛉科爬沙虫 (16)

4.2爬沙虫资源价值评价 (16)

4.3 爬沙虫生产学技术的构思及意义 (17)

5 结论 (18)

5.1广翅目齿蛉科昆虫种类及其分布区域 (18)

5.2爬沙虫的形态特征 (18)

5.3爬沙虫资源成分分析及价值评价 (18)

6 附图 (20)

参考文献 (21)

致谢 (23)
