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1. --- What do you need to make the tomato noodles?

--- onion and tomato, please.

A. A; a

B. An; an

C. A; an

D. An; a

2. Tom is in good health, because he often exercises and eats a lot of healthy .

A. food

B. water

C. pear

D. carrot

3. --- do you make fruit salad?

--- First, cut up the apples, bananas and pears. And then...

A. When

B. Where

C. Why

D. How

4. --- What did you eat for breakfast this morning?

--- Two and some vegetables.

A. chicken

B. piece of chicken

C. pieces of chicken

D. pieces of chickens

5. --- water do we need to make the soup?

--- Three cups.

A. How many

B. How much

C. How long

D. How soon

6. It's dark(暗的) in the room. Please the light.

A. turn on

B. turn up

C. turn down

D. turn off

7. " exercise every day, my son. It's good for your health." Dad often said to him.

A. Takes

B. Taking

C. Take

D. To take

8. We must cut the tomatoes and put them the blender.

A. off; in

B. up; into

C. down; into

D. over; in

9. --- Can I help you, sir?

--- Yeah, but I don't know a banana milk shake. Maybe you can teach me.

A. what to do

B. when to make

C. how to make

D. why to do

10. --- Tom, supper is ready.

--- I don't want to eat , Mum. I'm not feeling well.

A. everything

B. nothing

C. something

D. anything

11. --- How did you celebrate your father's birthday yesterday?

--- We celebrated it a big dinner in a restaurant.

A. have

B. to have

C. by having

D. to having

12. You may fill the turkey these bread pieces.

A. in

B. by

C. with

D. to

13. --- There little yogurt in the fridge(冰箱). Could you buy some for me, Dick?

--- All right, Mom.

A. is

B. are

C. am

D. have

14. Here two cups milk for you. Help yourself please.

A. is; of

B. is; in

C. are; of

D. are; in

15. --- Let's make tomato and beef noodles.

--- .

A. Sounds good

B. You're welcome

C. That's right

D. Don't worry


Pizza is a kind of popular food. It 16 from Italy. The pizza capital of the world is Naples. The world's first pizza 17 is still there. It 18 in 1830. The best pizza of today has a(n) 19 history. It was first made by a person 20 Raffaele Esposito in the 1880s. This pizza has the same 21 as the Italian flag. The Italian flag is red, white and 22 . The pizza has red tomatoes, white cheese and green herbs.

There are many different kinds of pizza today. We can 23 chicken pizza, vegetable pizza, etc. in the restaurant. Some pizza has tomatoes, and some pizza 24 tomatoes. Most pizza is round, 25 some isn't. You can choose any kind you want.

16. A. come B. comes C. are D. am

17. A. theater B. club C. train D. restaurant

18. A. opens B. turns on C. opened D. turned on

19. A. long B. short C. excited D. boring

20. A. name B. names C. named D. naming

21. A. colors B. shape C. time D. recipe

22. A. black B. blue C. yellow D. green

23. A. order B. make C. do D. sell

24. A. has B. doesn't have C. is D. isn't

25. A. or B. so C. but D. because


Erica is a twelve-year-old girl. She can make delicious noodles. Here is her recipe for noodles. Try it and taste for yourself!

Soup Ingredients:

● one cup of orange juice

● one cup of lemon juice

● one teaspoon of honey

Other Ingredients:

● noodles

● salt

● 3 slices of chicken

● some strawberries (cut up)

● some green onions (cut up)

● some lettuce
