I.请求分段存储管理II.请求分页存储管理III.段页式分区管理IV.[固定式分区管理A.I、II、IIIB.III,IVC.只有IID.II、III、IV7、下列措施巾,能加快虚实地址转换的是()I.增大快表(TLB)容量II.让页表常驻内存III.增大交换区(swap)A.仅IB.仅IIC. 仅I、IID. 仅II、III8、假设4个作业到达系统的时刻和运行时间见表。
Void root(float root1, float root2){
A.有形的C.虚拟的答案:D 2、在一个用面向对象编程语言实现的软件系统中,当一个对象内的一个方法被激活,则称之为向该对象发送-A.命令B.代码C.消息D.数据答案:C 3、在整个软件过程中,哪个阶段花费最长的时间和最多的成本?A.分析B.设计C.实现D.维护答案:D 4、是语义上相连的、由边界符号界定的、由一个聚合标识符标识的一系列程序语句。
A.for 循环B.模块C.if 语句D.文件答案:B 5、好的软件设计,模块应该是。
A.低内聚、高耦合B.低内聚、低耦合C.r¾内聚、低耦合D.高内聚、高耦合答案:C6、针对下面这个用例图,哪个说法是错误的?B.物理 D.逻辑A.学生能够与系统中的用例A交互。
软硬件功能是等效的,提高硬件功能的比例会A.提高解题速度B.提高硬件利用率C.提高硬件成本D.减少所需存储器用量5、直接执行微指令的是( )A.汇编程序B.编译程序C.硬件D.微指令程序6、IBM360/91对指令中断的处理方法是()A.不精确断点法B.精确断点法C.指令复执法D.对流水线重新调度7、流水机器对全局性相关的处理不包括( )A.猜测法B.提前形成条件码C.加快短循环程序的执行D.设置相关专用通路8、计算机系统结构不包括( )。
A.主存速度B.机器工作状态C.信息保护D.数据9、利用时间重叠概念实现并行处理的是( )。
A.流水处理机B.多处理机C.并行(阵列)处理机D.相联处理机10、计算机中优化使用的操作码编码方法是( )。
(书上为扩展编码法)A哈夫曼编码B ASCII码C BCD码D扩展操作码二、填空题11、先行控制(Look-ahead)技术的关键是缓冲技术和预处理技术,以及这两者的相结合,通过对________和数据流的预处理和缓冲,能够尽量使________和________独立地工作,并始终处于忙碌状态。
软件工程学试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 软件工程的目的是()。
A. 提高软件的生产率B. 提高软件的运行效率C. 降低软件的生产成本D. 提高软件的可维护性答案:A2. 下列哪项不是软件需求分析的任务?()。
A. 确定软件的功能需求B. 确定软件的性能需求C. 确定软件的界面需求D. 确定软件的测试需求答案:D3. 软件生命周期中,()阶段是确定软件需求的阶段。
A. 需求分析B. 系统设计C. 编码D. 测试答案:A4. 软件测试的目的是()。
A. 证明软件是正确的B. 证明软件存在错误C. 发现软件中的错误D. 证明软件不存在错误答案:C5. 软件危机主要表现在()。
A. 软件成本B. 软件质量C. 软件进度D. 所有选项答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 软件工程的基本原理包括()。
A. 用分阶段的生命周期计划严格管理B. 强调开发过程的迭代性质C. 采用合适的编程规范D. 强调软件工具的使用答案:ABD2. 软件需求分析的常用方法包括()。
A. 数据流图B. 用例图C. 状态转换图D. 流程图答案:ABC3. 软件测试的类型包括()。
A. 单元测试B. 集成测试C. 系统测试D. 验收测试答案:ABCD4. 软件维护的类型包括()。
A. 校正性维护B. 适应性维护C. 完善性维护D. 预防性维护答案:ABCD5. 软件工程中常用的设计模式包括()。
A. 单例模式B. 工厂模式C. 观察者模式D. 策略模式答案:ABCD三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 简述软件工程中的模块化设计原则。
2. 描述软件需求分析的重要性。
《软件工程实践》期末考试试卷附答案《软件工程实践》期末考试试卷及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 软件工程的主要目标是()。
A. 提高软件开发的效率B. 提高软件的可靠性C. 提高软件的开发质量D. 以上都是答案:D2. 在软件开发过程中,需求分析是在()。
A. 概要设计阶段B. 详细设计阶段C. 编码阶段D. 测试阶段答案:A3. 下列哪一项不是软件工程的基本活动?()A. 软件规格B. 软件设计和实现C. 软件验证D. 软件评估答案:D4. 下列哪个工具通常用于软件项目的进度监控?()A. Gantt图B. flowchart图C. UML图D. 风险矩阵答案:A5. 下列哪个方法不是软件质量保证的主要方法?()A. 代码审查B. 单元测试C. 静态测试D. 需求评审答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 软件工程包括三个主要过程,分别是________、________和________。
答案:软件规格、软件设计和实现、软件验证2. 在软件开发过程中,需求规格说明书的主要目的是________。
答案:描述软件的功能和性能要求3. 结构化分析方法的核心是________。
答案:数据流图(DFD)4. 软件验证的主要目的是________。
答案:确保软件满足需求规格说明书的各项要求5. 软件风险管理的主要任务是________。
答案:识别、评估和制定应对软件项目风险的策略三、简答题(每题5分,共30分)1. 请简述软件生命周期的主要阶段及其任务。
软件工程期末试卷(十套含答案)一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)A. 方法论B. 工具C. 过程D. 人员2. 下列哪一项不是软件生命周期的阶段?A. 需求分析B. 设计C. 编码D. 销售与市场A. 瀑布模型B. 喷泉模型C. 增量模型D. 敏捷模型4. 下列哪种方法不是软件需求获取的方法?A. 问卷调查B. 访谈C. 观察D. 编码A. 单一职责原则B. 开放封闭原则C. 里氏替换原则D. 依赖倒置原则二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. 软件工程的目标是生产出高质量的软件产品。
(√/×)2. 在软件开发过程中,需求分析阶段是最重要的阶段。
(√/×)3. 软件开发模型只有瀑布模型和喷泉模型两种。
(√/×)4. 在面向对象方法中,类是现实世界中实体的抽象。
(√/×)5. 软件测试的目的是证明软件的正确性。
(√/×)三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. 软件工程的三要素包括方法论、工具和______。
2. 软件生命周期包括需求分析、设计、编码、测试和______。
3. 在面向对象方法中,对象是现实世界中实体的______。
4. 软件开发模型包括瀑布模型、喷泉模型、增量模型和______。
5. 软件测试的目的是发现软件中的______。
四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. 简述软件工程的目标。
2. 简述软件生命周期的阶段。
3. 简述面向对象方法的基本概念。
4. 简述软件开发模型的作用。
5. 简述软件测试的目的。
五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)1. 假设你是一个软件开发人员,你需要为一个图书馆开发一个图书管理系统。
2. 请解释瀑布模型和喷泉模型的区别。
3. 请解释面向对象方法中的继承和多态的概念。
4. 请解释软件测试中的黑盒测试和白盒测试的区别。
5. 请解释软件维护的类型。
六、分析题(每题5分,共10分)1. 假设你是一个软件开发人员,你需要为一个在线购物网站开发一个支付系统。
软件工程期末试题(一)单项选择题1.瀑布模型的存在问题是(B )A.用户容易参与开发B.缺乏灵活性C.用户与开发者易沟通D.适用可变需求2.开发软件所需高成本和产品的低质量之间有着尖锐的矛盾,这种现象称做( C )A.软件工程B.软件周期C.软件危机D.软件产生3.数据耦合、公共耦合、标记耦合、控制耦合的耦合性从低到高的顺序是( B )A.数据、公共、标记、控制B.数据、标记、控制、公共C.控制、数据、标记、公共D.控制、数据、公共、标记4.在SD方法中全面指导模块划分的最重要的原则是( D )A.程序模块化B.模块高内聚C.模块低耦合D.模块独立性5.软件测试的目的是( B )。
A.评价软件的质量 B. 发现软件的错误C.找出软件的所有错误 D. 证明软件是正确的6.在设计测试用例时,( A )是用得最多的一种黑盒测试方法。
A.等价类划分 B. 边界值分析 C. 因果图 D. 判定表7. 需求分析最终结果是产生( B )。
A. 项目开发计划B. 需求规格说明书C. 设计说明书D. 可行性分析报告8. Jackson图中,模块框之间若有直线连接,表示它们之间存在(B )。
A. 调用关系B. 组成关系C. 链接关系D. 顺序执行关系9. 软件详细设计的主要任务是确定每个模块的( C )。
A. 功能B. 外部接口C. 算法和使用的数据结构D. 编程10.为了提高软件的可维护性,在编码阶段应注意( D )A.保存测试用例和数据B.提高模块的独立性C.文档的副作用D.养成好的程序设计风格11.设年利率为i,现存入p元,若计复利,n年后可得钱数为(B)A.p﹡(1+i﹡n) B.p﹡(i+1)nC.p﹡(1+i)﹡n D.p﹡(i+n)12.在考察系统的一些涉及时序和改变的状态时,要用动态模型来表示。
动态模型着重于系统的控制逻辑,它包括两个图:一个是事件追踪图,另一个是(A )。
A .状态图 B. 数据流图 C. 系统结构图 D. 时序图13. 对象实现了数据和操作的结合,使数据和操作( C )于对象的统一体中。
A.基于信息工程CASE B.人工智能CASEC.结构的基于图形CASE D.集成的CASE环境2.Putnam成本估算模型是一个()模型。
A.静态单变量 B.动态单变量 C.静态多变量 D.动态多变量3.在McCall软件质量度量模型中,()属于面向软件产品修改。
A.可靠性 B.可重用性C.适应性 D.可移植性4.ISO的软件质量评价模型由3层组成,其中用于评价设计质量的准则是()A.SQIC B.SQMC C.SQRC D.SQDC5.软件复杂性度量的参数包括()A.效率 B.规模 C.完整性 D.容错性6.对象实现了数据和操作的结合,使数据和操作()于对象的统一体中。
A.结合 B.隐藏C.封装 D.抽象7.软件调试技术包括()A.边界值分析 B.演绎法 C.循环覆盖 D.集成测试8.瀑布模型的存在问题是()A.用户容易参与开发B.缺乏灵活性 C.用户与开发者易沟通 D.适用可变需求9.软件测试方法中的静态测试方法之一为()A.计算机辅助静态分析 B.黑盒法 C.路径覆盖 D.边界值分析10.软件生命周期中所花费用最多的阶段是()A.详细设计 B.软件编码 C.软件测试D.软件维护11.第一个体现结构化编程思想的程序设计语言是()A.FORTRAN语言B.Pascal语言 C.C语言D.PL/1语言12.程序的三种基本控制结构是()A.过程、子程序和分程序B.顺序、选择和重复 C.递归、堆栈和队列 D.调用、返回和转移13.在详细设计阶段,经常采用的工具有()A.PAD B.SA C.SC D.DFD14.详细设计的结果基本决定了最终程序的()A.代码的规模 B.运行速度 C.质量 D.可维护性15.需求分析中开发人员要从用户那里了解()A.软件做什么 B.用户使用界面 C.输入的信息 D.软件的规模16.结构化程序设计主要强调的是()A.程序的规模 B.程序的效率C.程序设计语言的先进性D.程序易读性17.IDEF。
Part 1 Select the most appropriate choice to answer the following questions or to complete following statements. (1*15 =15 )1.About the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern, which one of following statements is not right?a)Separates presentation and interaction from the system data.b)The system is structured into three logical components that interact with each other. TheModel component manages the system data and associated operations on that data. .c)The Model component defines and manages how the data is presented to the user..d)The Controller component manages user interaction (e.g., key presses, mouse clicks, etc.)and passes these interactions to the View and the Model..2. The statistical data show that the distribution of maintenance effort is close to? Ba)Fault repair 65%, Software adaptation 18%, Function addition or modification 17%.b)Fault repair 17%, Software adaptation 18%, Function addition or modification 65%.c)Fault repair 17%, Software adaptation 65%, Function addition or modification 18%.d)Fault repair 40%, Software adaptation 40%, Function addition or modification 20%.3. Which statement is a wrong statement for Waterfall Model?Ba)Inflexible partitioning of the project into distinct stagesb)This model is only appropriate when the requirements are poorly understoodc)This model is difficult to respond to changing customer requirementsd)This model is appropriate when the requirements are well-understood.4. Which one of following statements is not in the complete test coverage of a class?Ba)Testing all operations associated with an objectb)Setting and interrogating all object attributesc)Exercising the object in all possible statesd)Testing all the possible objects5. When we have little experiences about a project, that is to say we know little requirements and are not family with how to develop it. Which model should be adopted? Aa)Formal systems development.b)Waterfall model.c)Exploratory developmentd)Reuse-oriented development.Part 2 Mark the right statement √, the wrong statement×(1*15=15)1.In the software architecture design,using large-grain components improvesperformance and maintainability. 错2. A software process model is an abstract representation of a process. It presents adescription of a process from all perspective.3.Re-engineering is enhancing the functionality and performance of the system. 错4.According Lehman and Belady's ‘laws’,over a program’s lifetime, its rate ofdevelopment is approximately constant and independent of the resources devotedto system development. 对5.The goal of program testing is to show the program is free of defects.Part 3 Fill the blankets: (1*15=15)1.Risk management is concerned with identifying risks which may affect the project, theremay be several kinds of risks, including technology risks , people risks ,organizational risks , tools risks . (requirements risks)mon activities in object-oriented design processesinclude , ,, , .Define the context models of the system, Design the system architecture, identify the principal system objects, Develop design models, Specify boject interfaces3.General issues that affect most softwareare , ,.Heterogeneity, Business and social, Security and trust.4. A structured set of activities required to develop a software system, whichare , ______________________,_____________________.Specification, development, valodation,evolution.5.Generic process modelsare , , Waterfall model, Evolutionary development, Incremental development, Reuse-based development6.The stages of development testingare , ,.Unit testing, Component testing, System testing.7. Exploratory development 、Throw-away prototyping are two kind models of evolutionary model.7.8.According to its function, Requirement can be classified as functionrequirement, , .Non-functional requirements, Domain requirements9.software pricing estimation techniques include ,________________, Parkinson's Law, ________ ______.a)Algorithmic cost modelling, Expert judgement, Estimation by analogy( Pricing to win )Part 4 Answer the following questions in brief. (5*5=25 )1.Which approaches to object class identification are introduced in this book?2.What is Path testing?Answer:The bojective of path testing is to ensure that the set of test cases is such that each path through the program is executed at least once.3.What is architectural patterns?4.Why software engineering is born?Answer:Because of software crisis in the 1960’s, main characteristics are: low quality of software, high costs of software, slow delivery of software. Software engineering is first proposed at a NATO meeting in 1968.5.What is the difference between software engineering and computer science?Answer:Computer science is concerned with theory and fundamentals;Software engineering is concerned with the practicalities of developing and deliveringuseful software.6.Please answer the stages of waterfall model, and its advantages and disadvantages.Answer:Stages :Requirements definition, system and software design, implementation and unit testing, integration and system testing, operation and maintenanceAdvantages:Therefore this model is appropriate when the requirements are well-understood, Process is visible and standard and all documennts are formalDisadvantages:Inflexible partitioning of the project into distinct stages,This makes it difficult to respond to changing customer requirements.7.What are the two types of software prototyping and the advantages and disadvantagesof software prototyping?Answer:two types:Exploratory development and Throw-away prototyping.Advantages:1.Improved system usability2.Closer match to the system needed3.Improved design quality4.Improved maintainability5.Reduced overall development effortDisadvantages:ck of process visibility(过程不可见)2.Systems are often poorly structured(系统结构不好)3.Special skills (e.g. in languages for rapid prototyping) may be required(需要一些技巧)8.What are the five types of interaction styles in user interface design?Answers:1.Direct manipulation 直接操作2.Menu selection 菜单选择3.Form fill-in 表格填写mand language 命令语言5.Natural language 自然语言9.Please answer the two methods of testing and serial stages of testing.answers:two types:white-box testing and black-box testing.serial stages of testing:unit testing, integration testing.10.Please answer the two methods of testing and serial stages of testing.Answers:two types:white-box testing and black-box testing.serial stages of testing:unit testing, integration testing.11. What is Beta testing?Answer:A release of the software is made available to users to allow them to experiment and to raise problems that they discover with the sysytem developers.Part 5 Solve the following problems(30)ing the UML graphical notation for object classes, design the following objectclasses, identifying attributes and operations. Use your own experience to decide onthe attributes and operations that should be associated with these objects.• a telephone• a printer for a personal computer• a personal stereo system• a bank account• a library catalogueAnswer:There are many possible designs here and a great deal of complexity can be added to the objects. However, I am only really looking for simple objects which encapsulate the principal requirements of these artefacts. Possible designs are shown in the above diagram.2.Design a set oftest data toaccomplish thepath testingabout thefollowingprogram(Figure 1). (5)Figure 1 b dAnswer :A=100B=100 cover path ace;A=100B=80 cover path acde;A=50B=100 cover path abceA=40B=60 cover path abcde3.Based on your experience with a bank ATM, draw an activity diagram that models thedata processing involved when a customer withdraws cash from the machine. Answer:Notice that I have not developed the activities representing other services or failed authentication.4.Design the web application architecture using the MVC pattern.5.Based on following data-flow diagram, design its system structure.6.Based on the above sequence diagram, describe the whole process in detail.7.8.Develop a sequence diagram showing the interactions involved when a studentregisters for a course in a university. Courses may have limited enrolment, so theregistration process must include checks that places are available. Assume that thestudent accesses an electronic course catalog to find out about available courses.Answer:A relatively simple diagram is all that is needed here. It is best not to be too fussy about things like UML arrow styles as hardly anyone can remember the differences between them.9. A bank ATM takes the cash card and read the password, check the id and password, theATM let the user to enter the amount of cash to be drawn, The ATM check the balanceof the user account, if the balance is larger than or equal to the amount, then give thecash and deduct the amount from the account; if the balance is less than the amount,then return the previous screen. Draw a data-flow diagram about the system.10. A weather data collection system is required to generate weather maps on a regularbasis using data collected from remote, unattended weather stations and other data sources such as weather observers, balloons and satellites. Weather stations transmit their data to the area computer in response to a request from that machine.The area computer validates the collected data and integrates it with the data from different sources. The integrated data is archived and, using data from this archive and a digitized map database a set of local weather maps is created. Maps may be printed for distribution on a special-purpose map printer or may be displayed in a number of different formats.Weather station descriptionA weather station is a package of software controlled instruments which collects data, performs some data processing and transmits this data for further processing. The instruments include air and ground thermometers, an anemometer, a wind vane, a barometer and a rain gauge. Data is collected every five minutes.When a command is issued to transmit the weather data, the weather station processes and summarizes the collected data. The summarized data is transmitted to the mapping computer when a request is received.●Design the architectural model for this weather mapping system (2)●Design the context model for the weather station (2)●Design the Use-case model for the weather station (2)●Design the architectural model for the weather station ((2)●Identify object classes and design the subsystem of the weather station(7)。
B n,1,0
C 1,1,n
D 1,n,n
13. ( )是选择分时系统进程调度算法的重要准则。[单选题]
14. ( )是批处理系统中选择作业调度算法的重要准则。[单选题]
软件工程试卷及答案篇一:《软件工程》复习题及答案软件工程复习题第一部份(第 1~6 章)一、选择题:1.开辟软件所需高成本和产品的低质量之间有着尖锐的矛盾,这种现象称做(C)。
A.用户容易参预开辟 B.缺乏灵便性 C.用户与开辟者易沟通 D.适用可变需求4.螺旋模型是一种将瀑布模型和(A)结合起来的软件开辟模型。
A.增量模型 B.专家系统 C.喷泉模型 D.变换模型5.原型化方法是用户和设计者之间执行的一种交互构成,合用于( A) 系统。
A.需求不确定性高的 B.需求确定的 C.管理信息 D.实时 6.下列有关软件工程的标准,属于国际标准的是(C)A.GBB.ANSIC.ISOD.IEEE7.结构化方法是一种基于(D)的方法。
A.数据结构B.程序结构C.算法D.数据流 8.软件可行性研究实质上是要进行一次(A)需求分析、设计过程。
A、简化、压缩的 B、详细的 C、彻底的 D、深入的 9.可行性研究的目的是(D)A、分析开辟系统的必要性B、确定系统建设的方案C、分析系统风险D、确定是否值得开辟系统 10.设年利率为 i,现存入 p 元, n 年后可得钱数为(C)。
A、P×(1+i*n)B、P×(i+1)*nC、p×(1+i)nD、p×(i+n) 11.可行性研究是在(A)之前A、系统开辟B、测试C、试运行D、集成测试12.可行性研究需要的时间长短取决于系统的规模,普通来说,可行性研究的成本只是预期总成本的(C)。
A.《计算机软件保护条例》B.《中华人民共和国计算机信息系统安全保护条例》C.《中华人民共和国著作权法》D.《计算机病毒防治管理办法》 14.效率是一个性能要求,因此应当在以下哪个阶段规定? B A、可行性分析 B、需求分析 C、概要设计 D、详细设计 15.需求规格说明书的作用不包括(D)A、软件验收的依据B、用户与开辟人员对软件要做什么的共同理解C、软件可行性研究的依据D、软件设计的依据 16.数据字典是用来定义(D)中的各个成份的具体含义的。
软件工程考试试题及答案一、单选题1. 软件需求分析是软件工程的哪个阶段?a. 需求分析与定义b. 软件设计c. 软件测试d. 软件维护答案:a. 需求分析与定义2. 下列哪项不是软件工程的基本原则?a. 可复用性b. 高效性c. 可维护性d. 可理解性答案:b. 高效性3. 下列哪项不是软件质量保证的措施?a. 程序员的自我质量保证b. 审计c. 代码复用d. 测试答案:c. 代码复用4. 下列哪个是软件生命周期模型?a. 瀑布模型b. 程序开发模型c. 螺旋模型d. 增量模型答案:a. 瀑布模型5. 在软件工程中,什么是软件配置管理?a. 设计和开发软件的过程b. 管理软件的版本和更改c. 测试软件的过程d. 分配和调度任务的过程答案:b. 管理软件的版本和更改二、多选题1. 下列哪些是软件需求规格说明的内容?(多选)a. 需求的功能描述b. 系统性能要求c. 用户界面设计d. 软件的安装要求答案:a. 需求的功能描述、b. 系统性能要求、d. 软件的安装要求2. 软件测试的目的是什么?(多选)a. 发现软件中的错误b. 确保软件满足需求c. 评估软件的质量d. 提高软件的可维护性答案:a. 发现软件中的错误、b. 确保软件满足需求、c. 评估软件的质量3. 下列哪些是软件维护的类型?(多选)a. 纠错性维护b. 适应性维护c. 完善性维护d. 增量性维护答案:a. 纠错性维护、b. 适应性维护、c. 完善性维护、d. 增量性维护三、判断题1. 软件工程是一门工程学科,它包括对软件进行开发、测试、维护和管理等方面的知识。
(正确/错误)答案:正确2. 软件需求分析是软件开发的最后一步。
(正确/错误)答案:错误3. 软件测试的目的是为了证明软件是没有错误的。
(正确/错误)答案:错误四、简答题1. 简述软件生命周期模型中的瀑布模型。
A.可靠性和灵活性B.实时性和可靠性C.分配性和可靠性D.灵活性和实时性3、设与某资源相关联的信号量初值为3,当前值为1,若M表示该资源的可用个数,N 表示等待该资源的进程数,则M、N分别为()。
A.1.25%B.2.5%C.12.5%D.25%3、某计算机字长为32位,按字节编址,采用小端(Litle Endian)方式存放数据。
A.22HB.33HC.66HD.77H4、假定变量i、f、d的数据类型分别为int、float、double(int用补码表示,float 和double用IEEE754标准中的单精度和双精度浮点数据格式表示),已知i=785,f-l.5678e3,d=1.5el00,若在32位机器中执行下列关系表达式,则结果为真的是()。
I.i==(int)(float)i Ⅱ.f==(float)(int)fIⅡ.f==(float)(double)f Ⅳ.(d+f)-d=fA.仅I、ⅡB.仅I、ⅢC.仅Ⅱ、ⅢD.仅Ⅲ、Ⅳ5、信息序列16位,若想构成能纠正一位错、发现两位错的海明码,至少需要加()位校验位。
若double型变量x 的主存地址为80400lAH,则读取x需要的存储周期数是()。
I.16 Ⅱ.-1 Ⅲ.-8 V.8A. I、V、ⅢB.IⅡ、IⅣC.Ⅱ、Ⅲ、IVD.只有V6、在()结构中,外部设备可以和主存储器单元统一编址。
1.存储程序Ⅱ.二进制表示Ⅲ.微程序方式Ⅳ.局部性原理A. I,ⅢB.Ⅱ,ⅢC.IⅡ,IⅣD.I,IⅡ9、将高级语言源程序转换为机器目标代码文件的程序是()。
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Part 1 Select the most appropriate choice to answer the following questions or to complete following statements. (1*15 =15 )1.About the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern, which one of following statements is not right?a)Separates presentation and interaction from the system data.b)The system is structured into three logical components that interact with each other. TheModel component manages the system data and associated operations on that data. .c)The Model component defines and manages how the data is presented to the user..d)The Controller component manages user interaction (e.g., key presses, mouse clicks, etc.)and passes these interactions to the View and the Model..2. The statistical data show that the distribution of maintenance effort is close to? Ba)Fault repair 65%, Software adaptation 18%, Function addition or modification 17%.b)Fault repair 17%, Software adaptation 18%, Function addition or modification 65%.c)Fault repair 17%, Software adaptation 65%, Function addition or modification 18%.d)Fault repair 40%, Software adaptation 40%, Function addition or modification 20%.3. Which statement is a wrong statement for Waterfall Model?Ba)Inflexible partitioning of the project into distinct stagesb)This model is only appropriate when the requirements are poorly understoodc)This model is difficult to respond to changing customer requirementsd)This model is appropriate when the requirements are well-understood.4. Which one of following statements is not in the complete test coverage of a class?Ba)Testing all operations associated with an objectb)Setting and interrogating all object attributesc)Exercising the object in all possible statesd)Testing all the possible objects5. When we have little experiences about a project, that is to say we know little requirements and are not family with how to develop it. Which model should be adopted? Aa)Formal systems development.b)Waterfall model.c)Exploratory developmentd)Reuse-oriented development.Part 2 Mark the right statement √, the wrong statement×(1*15=15)1.In the software architecture design,using large-grain components improvesperformance and maintainability. 错2. A software process model is an abstract representation of a process. It presents adescription of a process from all perspective.3.Re-engineering is enhancing the functionality and performance of the system. 错4.According Lehman and Belady's ‘laws’,over a program’s lifetime, its rate ofdevelopment is approximately constant and independent of the resources devotedto system development. 对5.The goal of program testing is to show the program is free of defects.Part 3 Fill the blankets: (1*15=15)1.Risk management is concerned with identifying risks which may affect the project, theremay be several kinds of risks, including technology risks , people risks ,organizational risks , tools risks . (requirements risks)mon activities in object-oriented design processesinclude , ,, , .Define the context models of the system, Design the system architecture, identify the principal system objects, Develop design models, Specify boject interfaces3.General issues that affect most softwareare , ,.Heterogeneity, Business and social, Security and trust.4. A structured set of activities required to develop a software system, whichare , ______________________,_____________________.Specification, development, valodation,evolution.5.Generic process modelsare , , Waterfall model, Evolutionary development, Incremental development, Reuse-based development6.The stages of development testingare , ,.Unit testing, Component testing, System testing.7. Exploratory development 、Throw-away prototyping are two kind models of evolutionary model.7.According to its function, Requirement can be classified as functionrequirement, , .Non-functional requirements, Domain requirements8.software pricing estimation techniques include ,________________, Parkinson's Law, ________ ______.a)Algorithmic cost modelling, Expert judgement, Estimation by analogy( Pricing to win )Part 4 Answer the following questions in brief. (5*5=25 )1.Which approaches to object class identification are introduced in this book?2.What is Path testing?Answer:The bojective of path testing is to ensure that the set of test cases is such that each path through the program is executed at least once.3.What is architectural patterns?4.Why software engineering is born?Answer:Because of software crisis in the 1960’s, main characteristics are: low quality of software, high costs of software, slow delivery of software. Software engineering is first proposed at a NATO meeting in 1968.5.What is the difference between software engineering and computer science?Answer:Computer science is concerned with theory and fundamentals;Software engineering is concerned with the practicalities of developing and delivering useful software.6.Please answer the stages of waterfall model, and its advantages and disadvantages.Answer:Stages :Requirements definition, system and software design, implementation and unit testing, integration and system testing, operation and maintenanceAdvantages:Therefore this model is appropriate when the requirements are well-understood, Process is visible and standard and all documennts are formalDisadvantages:Inflexible partitioning of the project into distinct stages,This makes it difficult to respond to changing customer requirements.7.What are the two types of software prototyping and the advantages and disadvantagesof software prototyping?Answer:two types:Exploratory development and Throw-away prototyping.Advantages:1.Improved system usability2.Closer match to the system needed3.Improved design quality4.Improved maintainability5.Reduced overall development effortDisadvantages:ck of process visibility(过程不可见)2.Systems are often poorly structured(系统结构不好)3.Special skills (e.g. in languages for rapid prototyping) may be required(需要一些技巧)8.What are the five types of interaction styles in user interface design?Answers:1.Direct manipulation 直接操作2.Menu selection 菜单选择3.Form fill-in 表格填写mand language 命令语言5.Natural language 自然语言9.Please answer the two methods of testing and serial stages of testing.answers:two types:white-box testing and black-box testing.serial stages of testing:unit testing, integration testing.10. Please answer the two methods of testing and serial stages of testing.Answers:two types:white-box testing and black-box testing.serial stages of testing:unit testing, integration testing.11. What is Beta testing?Answer:A release of the software is made available to users to allow them to experiment and to raise problems that they discover with the sysytem developers.Part 5 Solve the following problems(30)1. Using the UML graphical notation for object classes, design the following objectclasses, identifying attributes and operations. Use your own experience to decide on the attributes and operations that should be associated with these objects.• a telephone• a printer for a personal computer• a personal stereo system• a bank account• a library catalogueAnswer:There are many possible designs here and a great deal of complexity can be added to the objects. However, I am only reallylooking for simple objects which encapsulate theprincipal requirements ofthese artefacts. Possible designs are shown in theabove diagram.2. Design a set of test data toaccomplish thepath testing about the followingprogram(Figure 1). (5)Answer :A=100B=100 cover path ace;b dA=100B=80 cover path acde;A=50B=100 cover path abceA=40B=60 cover path abcde3.Based on your experience with a bank ATM, draw an activity diagram that models thedata processing involved when a customer withdraws cash from the machine. Answer:Notice that I have not developed the activities representing other services or failed authentication.4.Design the web application architecture using the MVC pattern.5.Based on following data-flow diagram, design its system structure.6.Based on the above sequence diagram, describe the whole process in detail.7.Develop a sequence diagram showing the interactions involved when a studentregisters for a course in a university. Courses may have limited enrolment, so theregistration process must include checks that places are available. Assume that thestudent accesses an electronic course catalog to find out about available courses. Answer:A relatively simple diagram is all that is needed here. It is best not to be too fussy about things like UML arrow styles as hardly anyone can remember the differences between them.8. A bank ATM takes the cash card and read the password, check the id and password, theATM let the user to enter the amount of cash to be drawn, The ATM check the balanceof the user account, if the balance is larger than or equal to the amount, then give thecash and deduct the amount from the account; if the balance is less than the amount,then return the previous screen. Draw a data-flow diagram about the system.9. A weather data collection system is required to generate weather maps on a regularbasis using data collected from remote, unattended weather stations and other datasources such as weather observers, balloons and satellites. Weather stations transmittheir data to the area computer in response to a request from that machine.The area computer validates the collected data and integrates it with the data from different sources. The integrated data is archived and, using data from this archive and a digitized map database a set of local weather maps is created. Maps may be printed for distribution on a special-purpose map printer or may be displayed in a number of different formats.Weather station descriptionA weather station is a package of software controlled instruments which collects data,performs some data processing and transmits this data for further processing. The instruments include air and ground thermometers, an anemometer, a wind vane, a barometer and a rain gauge. Data is collected every five minutes.When a command is issued to transmit the weather data, the weather station processes and summarizes the collected data. The summarized data is transmitted to the mapping computer when a request is received.●Design the architectural model for this weather mapping system (2)●Design the context model for the weather station (2)●Design the Use-case model for the weather station (2)●Design the architectural model for the weather station ((2)●Identify object classes and design the subsystem of the weather station(7)。