成品检验管理程序(中英文)成品检验管理程序final product inspection management procedure(IATF16949-2016)1.目的 Objective确保入库成品、出货产品满足相关检验规范和客户要求。
Ensure the warehoused final products and delivering products can meet the related inspection regulations and customer requirements.2.适用范围 Applicable Scope适用于成品入库及产品出货的检验。
Be applied to the inspection of warehoused final products and delivering products.3. 职责Responsibilities3.1. 计划部:负责出货计划的安排与下达,跟踪与监督执行。
PMC: in charge of the delivery plan arranging and implementation tracking and monitoring.3.2. 相关部门:负责本部门成品入库的送检、不合格批的返工及参与返工中发现的不良的分析与改进。
Related departments:Send the finished products to be inspected, reworkthe nonconforming products, and do the related nonconformities analysis and improvement.3.3. 工程部:负责组织成品不良问题的分析与改善。
Engineering department:Analyze and improve the nonconformities in the finished products.3.4. 品质部:负责成品检验标准的制定,成品入库检验、出货产品的检验,检验完成后产品的标示,检验过程的记录,检验记录的保存,不合格品改善效果的确认,长期在库成品的重检。
检验控制程序Inspection Control Procedure(ISO9001:2015)1目的Purpose本程序的主要目的是根据公司质量策划安排对产品的特性进行检验,以验证产品要求已得到满足。
The main purpose of the procedure is that acc. to company quality planning to implement inspection of product property, to validate that the product requirement has been complied.2适用范围Application Scope本程序文件主要是适用于公司采购、外协加工的材料、半成品和成品等进货产品的检验;各车间生产过程中产品和工序的检验;以及最终产品的检验。
The procedure is mainly applicable for the incoming inspection of the company purchased material and out-sourcing material, semi-product and finished product; the inspection of various factory processes and productions and delivery inspections.3规范性引用文件Normative Documents下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。
The clauses in the following documents will become the clauses of the standard viathe quote of the standard. All the quoted documents with date, all the future changes form(corrected contents excluded) or the revise editions are not applicable to the standard. While, encourage the parties who has had an agreement acc. to standard to study whether can use the latest version of these documents. All quoted documents which not notes the data, the latest version is applicable to the standardISO9001:2015 质量管理体系要求9.1产品的监视和测量ISO9001:2015 Quality Management System Requirement 9.1 Production Monitoring and Measurement4术语和定义Terms and Definitions本程序采用GB/T19000中确定的的专业术语。
ISO9001出货检验程序Out-going Inspection Product 文件更改历史记录Amendment HistoryISO9001出货检验程序Out-going Inspection Product一、目的Purpose:規定出貨檢查工作在有效受控下進行。
To ensure that out-going inspection is performed under effective control.二、適用範圍說明Scope:一般情況下,本公司产品终检后不再做出貨檢查:但在以下四种情況任一種出現時,必須進行出貨檢查。
Generally, no need out-going inspection after final inspection. But in any one of the following situations, out-going inspection is necessary.Related personnel in Program Dept and QC section are responsible for determining whichparts need to do out-going inspection.1.產品庫存期超過6個月(若FQC当月已对待出货产品进行了仓贮品质评估,可根据其《仓库物资评估报告》QF-PW-009的结果进行,反之,则必须做出货检查)。
Stored more than 6 months (If the waiting-for-delivery product has been assessed byFQC in the same month, then FQC conduct in accordance with the result of thecorresponding <<Material/product assessment report>> QF-PW-009, otherwise it is amust for FQC to perform out-going inspection.)2.因受外界環境的影響發生异常,影響到產品質量Product quality is effected by thechanging of environment;3.包材被損坏.Damage of package;4.出貨海外(包括香港)或客户指定产品。
1 目的1.1 对成品与最终出货产品的检验进行规范化,防止未经检验与不合格的产品的非预期性使用与交付。
2 适用范围2.1 本程序适用于最终出货产品的检验和试验;2.2 本程序不包括型式实验内容,型式实验参照《型式实验》;2.3 本程序不包括样品的检验与试验,样品检验参见《样品申领/发运控制》。
3 定义3.1 成品:已完成所有加工工序的产品。
4 涉及部门4.1 质量部4.2 生产部4.3 研发部4.4 物流部4.5 销售部5 一般原则5.1 检验的标准5.1.1 销售部的订单附表;5.1.2 成品检验指导书;5.1.3 有关产品的技术标准与图纸。
5.2 检验的时机5.2.1 对于不用托盘包装的产品,在某订单的某一型号入库数大于订单数的80%时,可以开始产品出厂检验;5.2.2 对于用托盘包装的产品,仓库在包装前(打带前)通知成品检验员对产品进行检验,检验合格后由检验员在《产品出厂检验申请单》上签章确认仓库才可封箱。
5.3 抽检比例5.3.1 按照总箱数的5%的比例箱数进行抽检,对抽出的所有包装箱中产品进行检验;5.3.2 对于5%大于20箱的,按20箱抽检;5.3.3 对于5%小于5箱的按5箱抽检;5.3.4 如果总箱数小于5箱则采取全检。
5.4 产品的状态标识5.4.1 所有被抽查过的包装箱,经检验合格后在外包装箱右上角的地方贴上绿色小椭圆“合格标签”;5.4.2 凡是经抽查不合格的产品,由检验员在外包装箱上贴上红色椭圆形“不合格标签”,由仓库协助对该批产品进行隔离。
5.5 检验合格与否的判断标准5.5.1 原则上检验结果按零缺陷作为接收准则,否则必须进行100%挑选,返工或返修;5.5.2 对于不影响客户销售使用的不合格产品(非特殊特性缺陷),必须得到客户的书面批准后才能发货,参见《偏差许可》;5.6 检验记录的保存时间,从记录建立之日起保存期限为三年。
5.2.5 检验结果记录于「自动化设备成品检验报告」/「FQC及OQC检
5.2.6 当零件图纸上有注明“需附量测报ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้”字样时,需将量测数据
5.3 入库:
5.4.1 OQC依【抽样计划管理规范】进行检验。
5. 作业内容:
5.1 入库申请:
5.2.1 FQC依【抽样计划管理规范】进行取样。
(1) 客户有特殊要求,依客户指定格式、项目提供。
(2) 未指定报告格式,自动化设备使用「自动化设备成品检验
6. 相关文件:
6.1 【抽样计划管理规范】Q-WI0808-01。
1. PurposeAccording to Product Specification, this Sop defined the QA inspection requirements for finished goods.目的依據產品規格,這份指引定義了QA關於咖啡機檢查的要求。
2. ScopeApply to finished goods inspection for finished goods.範圍適用于QA咖啡機的成品檢查。
3. ProcedureAccording to Product Specification & Customers’ data QA will do detailed inspection for finished goods.程序依據產品規格及客資料對咖啡機進行詳細的檢查:3.1 Outside box inspection1) N.W/G.W2) Printed on outside box-Machine type and color3) C/No.4) Sealing tape外箱檢查1)檢查卡通箱重量2)檢查外箱機型跟顏色3)卡通箱箱號4)封箱膠紙3.2 Giftbox inspection1) Label on giftbox2) Operation manual3) Poly bag with note languages, and safely holes彩盒檢查1)貼紙2)說明書3)膠袋警告標示3.3 Unit visual inspection1) The machine is clean, no fingerprints ets.2) No damage, colorful, scratching etc.機身外觀檢查1)表面是否有臟污2)外觀是否有損壞,雜色,刮傷等3.4 Check bottom of machine1) Bar code & Rating labelIf this procedure is printed, it is an UNCONTROLLED copy.。
XX有限公司二级文件The 2rd Level Subdocument成品检验控制程序Finished product inspection operation rule 文件编号 File No. :文件版号 File Ver.:A0生效日期Effective date:编制Prepared by审核Checked by批准Approved by会签部门Department signing制程工程部Manufacturing engineer Department 品质保证部Quality Assurance制造部ManufacturingDepartment综合管理部HR&ADM采购部Purchase Department财务部Financial Department文件更改记录Document Change History版本号Rev. No变更原因和内容描述Reason and Description ofChange受影响的页面Affected Pages拟制/修改责任人Develop/ChangeOwner拟制/修改日期Develop/ChangeDateA0新拟制1 目的明确规范成品检验作业之流程,以达到有效、有序地进行产品检验。
2 范围适用于所有产品的成品检验。
3 权责3.1 品质保证部:成品的检测、检验,以及结果的判定;3.2 计划部:生产任务之安排、进度的跟催,以及出货之调配;3.3 制造部:负责订单产品的生产完成、送检及对不合格品进行重工。
3.4 制程工程部:提供产品内控指标,对不良品进行分析,提出有效措施方案。
3.3 副总:对不合格之成品做最终之裁决。
4 定义4.1 Rej:reject拒收的缩写,本细则中表示拒收数指标。
4.2 Acc:Accept接收的缩写,本细则中表示接收数指标。
4.3 DRB:是争议评审委员会(Dispute Review Board)的简称5 内容5.1 FQC收到《成品送检单》与产品后,参照相对应产品的检验SOP文件及MI文件对产品进行检验。
质量管理程序QUALITY MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE5.2.2 FQC按照GB/T2828.1—2003一次正常抽样方案进行抽样。
AQL允收水准 — 一般检验水准Ⅱ。
1)CR (致命缺陷)=02)MAJ(主要缺陷)=0.43)MIN(次要缺陷)= FQC依据《最终检验规范》对成品进行检验,填写《最终检验报告》,报品质主管核准。 如检验合格,FQC检验员应于《产品标识卡》 上加盖“FQC PASS”章,通知生产安排入库,入库需经品管签字方可,未经品管签字,仓库不得收货。 如检验不合格,按《不合格品控制程序》处理;FQC检验员则于《产品标识卡》上加盖“FQC Reject”章,注明不良原因并开出《不合格品处理报告》上报品管部主管,通知生产线安排返工,并追踪返工处理情况。
5.3 成品出货检验5.3.1 仓库将入库合格品置于成品出货待检区,然后通知FQA进行出货检验。
5.3.2 FQA按照GB/T2828.1—2003一次正常抽样方案进行抽样。
AQL允收水准 — 一般检验水准Ⅱ。
1)CR (致命缺陷)=02)MAJ(主要缺陷)=0.653)MIN(次要缺陷)= FQA依据《出货检验规范》对成品进行检验,填写《出货检验报告》,报品质主管核准。 如检验合格,FQA检验员应于《产品标识卡》 上加盖“FQA PASS”章,通知仓库将成品置于成品出货区。 如检验不合格,按《不合格品控制程序》处理;FQA检验员则于《产品标识卡》上加盖“FQA Reject”章,注明不良原因并开出《不合格品处理报告》上报品管部主管,通知生产线安排返工,并同时通知计调部。
5.4 成品的特采紧急放行5.4.1 当相关部门需对不合格品或FQC和FQA未检成品予以特采紧急放行时,需由相关部门提出紧急放行申请,当不合格品超出公司内部规格而未超出客户规格范围,由管理者代表决定;但如有超出客户规格范围,必须由客户确认批准。
HSC-QP-20-2 成品检验作业程序 C3
成品檢驗规范 HSC-QP-20-2目的1.1確保成品品質/确保符合顧客要求,取得客戶滿意與信賴。
1 範圍所有本公司生產之產品,均須按此作業程序進行檢驗后方可出貨。
2 參考文件3.3 製程管制作業程序3.4 抽樣計劃實施作業辦法3.5 不合格品管制作業程序3.6 制程檢驗作業程序3 定義4.1 AQL﹙Acceptable Quality Level﹚:允收品質水準。
4.2 CR﹙Critical Defect﹚:嚴重缺點;凡有傷害人身安全及未符合安規要求之缺點均屬之。
4.3 MA﹙Major Defect﹚:主要缺點;凡影響產品功能正常運作、漏裝、缺件,及使用者或客戶會因此抱怨之缺點。
4.4 MI﹙Minor Defect﹚:次要缺點;非屬 CR 及 MA 之缺點。
4.5 OBA﹙Out of Box Audit﹚:開箱检验成品檢驗规范 HSC-QP-20-24 權責5.1 製造單位:負責成品之生產、送驗、重工作業之執行。
5.2 品保單位:負責成品檢驗之品判定、重工方式之決定。
5.3 生产和仓库部门:5.3.1 負責成品出貨、入庫程序或批退重工執行程序之安排。
5.3.2 出貨排程及出貨相關文件準備。
5.3.3 倉儲單位負責執行理貨及出貨作業,並通知OQC人員檢驗。
成品檢驗规范 HSC-QP-20-2出货及检验作業流程成品檢驗规范 HSC-QP-20-25 作業程序7.1 抽樣計劃7.1.1 OQC 抽樣計劃7.1.1.1 最終檢驗﹙OQC ﹚,依照 MIL-STD-105E 單次正常水準Ⅱ抽樣計劃,執行抽檢(如客户有特殊要求则按客户要求进行抽样)。
參考〈抽樣計劃實施作業辦法〉﹙Doc. No.:VSO-QS-16﹚。 依照如下:AQL ﹙Acceptable Quality Level ﹚ 尺寸檢驗按MIL-STD-105E ﹙Ⅱ﹚AQL 減量檢驗表進行抽樣測試:注:批量在50PCs 以下,須全檢其尺寸批量在100PCs 以下,針對電性、外觀等須進行全檢。
终检要求说明:Explanation of final inspection requirements 5.4.1 如遇特殊情况(如:急出货部品;订单已啤完,生产部需急落模,上另一产品的模生产) 时,生产部门需提前通知 FQC 加急检查,FQC 将其优先处理。 In any urgent case such as urgent delivery or another urgent tool need to be load the injection machine after current parts are almost reach to the quantity according to the P.O. , Production Dept. must inform FQC for the inspection urgently and FQC will do it in priority. 5.4.2 5.4.3 对于需多工序加工的产品,一般只对成品进行终检。If some part need be passed to 2nd process, only its finish product need final inspection. 针对 RoHS 产品,FQC 必须检查包装箱上贴的成品标贴是否含有 RoHS 符合图案,若成品标 贴上没有 RoHS 符合图案,则检查结果判定为不合格。RoHS 符合图案样式如下图(彩色与黑 白效果等同)。若客户对 RoHS 产品标识有特殊要求,则执行客户要求。For RoHS compliant product, FQC must check whether the label is with RoHS artwork designed by Flextronics Co. or not. If no, then the final judgment is rejected. RoHS artwork is as below. If customers have their own requirement on RoHS identifier, then we follow customers’.
3.0 Applicable document: 适用文件
QAP01 : Disqualified Product Control Plan. 不合格品控制程序 QAP07: Final Audit operational procedure 最后稽查运作程序 QAP12 : Quality/Environmental Record Control Plan. 品质/环境记录控制程序 QAI010: Pre-Production Tooling Approval Instruction. 生产前工具审批指示 AQI092: Quality/Environmental Record List. 品质/环境记录一览表 QAI006: Final Audit Control Operation Instruction. 最后稽查工作指示 QAI011: KCBL (China) workmanship standard KCBL (CHINA)工艺标准 Only the above mentioned latest version is affective in referring. 上述文件的有效版本适用。
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5.0 Abbreviation: 简称 1、Printed Circuit Board — PCB 印刷线路版 2、E-TESTER — E-T 电气测试 3、Manufacture Engineering Department — ME 制作工程部 4、Manufacturing Instruction — MI 制作指示 5、Quality Assurance Department — QA 品质保证部 6、Material Review Board — MRB 物料复查小组 7、Final Audit section of QA — QA 最后稽查小组 8、UAI ⎯ 勉强接受 6.0 FQC Inspection Steps (Including E-Test, Rework Dept)。 FQC 检板步骤(包括 E/T、修理组): 6.1 Preparation:Boards after Punching or routing must be rinsed to eliminate powder, and be segregated by suitable size card-board paper. 板的准备:啤或锣后的板按最后工序操作指引过洗板机以除板粉,并在板与板之间用合适的纸皮隔开。 6.2 E-Test 电气测试: 6.2.1 Rinsed boards must conduct E-Test for open and short on circuitry. 洗板后的板要进行电气测试,以便发现线路的开路与短路。 6.2.2 All P/R testing condition must follow MEI027 instruction. Unless otherwise specified. 所有 P/R 的测试条件必须符合 MEI027 规定,除非有工程更改或其它新要求。 6.2.3 All Fixture are managing by qualified technicians, all Fixture installation and removal must get the approval from technician. 所有 FIXTURE 由技术员管理,更换或取放时必须知会技术员确认无误时方可。 6.2.4 Every time changing Fixture, both line lead and technician must double check Fixture code and Other requirements. 每次转 FIXTURE 时组长、技术员必须检查夹具编号与要求是否完全一致。 6.2.5 QC operators must stamps E-Test markings on selected area of all passing boards or draw a line on board edge with color marker. (Shift A stamps T1, T2, T3,… Shift B stamps E1, E2, E3, … For boards before solder masking draws “O”on unit side with marker after qualified.)For solder masked board with enough quantity, FA technician or
IQC检验程序IQC Inspection procedure(ISO9001:2015)1.目的Purpose﹕此程序是为了在IQC来料检验过程中作出规范的工作,使投入生产的物料能满足规定的质量标准而制定。
This procedure for IQC normative inspection incoming material, the materials can settle for prescriptive quality standard.2.范围Scope﹕适用于品质部。
Apply to the quality department IQC3.职责responsibility ﹕3.1IQC检验员负责物料的抽样﹐检查﹐提交相关记录和报告及问题样板。
IQC inspector with responsibility for sample, Inspection, Submit related record & report and problem sample.3.2质量组长负责IQC分配检验员工作﹐检验数据以及不合格物料的跟进和处理。
Quality leader with responsibility for distribution IQC inspector work﹐Inspection information & nonconformity material follow and handling3.3质量科文﹐工程师负责不合格品的处理与督遵IQC按此程序进行工作. Quality Engineer & foreman with responsibility for reject material handling.Conduct IQC inspection woke.3.4质量经理对有争议的问题进行最后仲裁.Quality manager arbitration for as having dispute problem.3.5物料组负责物料的验收和保存工作。
成品出货检验程序,成品包装、入库和出货前质量检验规定 - 品质管理
3.定义出货检验(FQC/OQC,英文全程为Final Quality Control/Outgoing Quality Control):是指产品在出货之前,为保证出货产品满足客户品质要求,所进行的检验,经检验合格的产品才能予以放行出货。
品质部成品检验流程英文回答:Finished Product Inspection Process in Quality Control.1. Receiving and Inspection.Receive finished products from the production line.Verify product quantity and packaging against purchase orders.Perform visual inspection for any visible defects or damage.2. Sampling and Testing.Randomly select samples from each lot.Conduct quality tests based on predefinedspecifications and standards.Inspect for physical dimensions, dimensional tolerance, surface finish, material properties, and functionality.3. Data Analysis and Interpretation.Collect and analyze test data.Compare results to established acceptance criteria.Identify and document any non-conforming products.4. Corrective Actions.Determine the root cause of non-conformances.Implement corrective actions to prevent recurrence.Re-inspect or re-test products as necessary.5. Documentation and Reporting.Maintain detailed inspection records.Report inspection results and non-conformances to management.Provide feedback to production to improve product quality.6. Continuous Improvement.Regularly review inspection processes and data.Identify areas for improvement and implement changes.Work with production to optimize product design and manufacturing processes.中文回答:成品检验流程。
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品质状况记录 Quality status records
修改记号 Modify mark
客诉异常、内部检验严重异常需记入产品不良履历表,并交由组长审核,以便于检测人员后续检验时把控 Customer complaint, serious abnormal situation of internal inspection need to write in the product defect resume, and audit by the team leader, For subsequent inspection con/retrieve □遗失/lost 日期date:
份/copy 份/copy
审核 Check
□回收/retrieve □遗失/lost 日期date:
份/copy 份/copy
□回收/retrieve □遗失/lost 日期date:
份/copy 份/copy
编制 Prepare
管控类别 ■内部 Internal Ctrl category □外部 External
检验工具 Inspection tool
产线 首检 (Fist insp)
LQC 全检 (Full insp )
OQC 抽检 (Sam
年检 计划
(Ann insp plan)
判定权 限
(Judgme nt
authority )
成品检验标准书 Finished product inspection standard
生产过程管理程序Production Management Procedure(IATF16949-2016)1.目的 Objective规范生产运作程序,提高生产效率,使产品安全、合法以及质量随时随地得到有效控制,保证产品准时出货。
To regulate the production operation procedure and improve production efficiency to ensure the products safety, legality and quality can be controlled efficiently and to ensure the products can be delivered on time.2.适用范围 Applicable Scope适用于本公司生产部来料投入至成品入库全过程。
Be applied to the production process from preparing the materials to warehousing the finished products.3. 职责Responsibilities3.1. 计划部负责制定《生产计划》,下发《生产任务单》给生产部。
PMC is responsible for making the <production plan> and distributing <production task notice> to production department.3.2. 生产部每日实行自检、互检制度,负责制程生产的实施与控制。
Production department shall implement self-inspection and mutual inspection everyday and implement and control the production process.3.3.品质部负责产品合法性的确认、质量和安全等整个生产过程品质的监控与跟踪。
DEGAS INVESTMENTS LIMITEDQ.C 看货手册DATE: 2004/8/9 INTRODUTION: GARMENT INSPECTION (制衣成品检查程序) An In-Line Inspection of work in process must be conducted, as well as a final inspection. 中期检查的程序跟末期检查大致上相同,但要跟进中期的检查报告要点。
Before starting in-line inspection, the following check should be carried our first: 在查中期时,应先查以下几点: -checking fabric -查布 -check all colorways of order -查布色 -check Emb/Print (if any) -査车花/印花(如果有) -check stretch strength -查拉力是否接受 -check thread color -查线色 -check accessory/trims 查物料 -check weight of knit garment, if it is a knit garment -如果是针织衫,查重量 -check guage -查针数 -check seam strength -查骨位是否合适 Garment Inspection will include the areas of : 成衣上检查包括范围: - Measurement ( 尺寸 ) - Workmanship (手工) - Labeling ( 商标 ) - Packaging (包装) AQL (Acceptable Quality Level) guidelines will be used to determine whether a sample lot is accepted or rejected. 用标准指示决定来接受或拒接受。
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成品检验管理程序final product inspection management procedure(IATF16949-2016)1.目的 Objective确保入库成品、出货产品满足相关检验规范和客户要求。
Ensure the warehoused final products and delivering products can meet the related inspection regulations and customer requirements.2.适用范围 Applicable Scope适用于成品入库及产品出货的检验。
Be applied to the inspection of warehoused final products and delivering products.3. 职责Responsibilities3.1. 计划部:负责出货计划的安排与下达,跟踪与监督执行。
PMC: in charge of the delivery plan arranging and implementation tracking and monitoring.3.2. 相关部门:负责本部门成品入库的送检、不合格批的返工及参与返工中发现的不良的分析与改进。
Related departments:Send the finished products to be inspected, reworkthe nonconforming products, and do the related nonconformities analysis and improvement.3.3. 工程部:负责组织成品不良问题的分析与改善。
Engineering department:Analyze and improve the nonconformities in the finished products.3.4. 品质部:负责成品检验标准的制定,成品入库检验、出货产品的检验,检验完成后产品的标示,检验过程的记录,检验记录的保存,不合格品改善效果的确认,长期在库成品的重检。
Quality department: make the final product inspection standards, inspect warehoused final products and delivering products, label the inspected products, record the inspection process and keep the records, validate the nonconforming products improvement effectiveness, re-inspect the final products which have been stored for a long time.3.5. 仓管部:负责库存合格品与不合格品的管理,成品的入库、成品的保管与状态标识,出货产品、客户退回不合格品的送检,长期在库品的重新送检。
Warehouse department: manage the products in the warehouse, warehouse the final products and keep them and label their status, send the delivering products and customer returned nonconforming products and products which have been warehoused for a long time to inspect.4.程序内容Procedure Contents4.1.入库检验 warehousing inspection4.1.1.检验前的准备:品质部依计划部发出的《生产计划》、《出货计划》准备相关的《__检验标准书》、测试工装、检测仪器等。
Inspection preparation: the quality department shall prepare the related <___inspection standards>, test fixtures, inspection instruments and so on according to <production plan> and <delivery plan> issued by the PMC.4.1.2.检验培训:如果产品为新机种,品质工程师应在实施检验前制定适当的检验规范,并将检验规范、产品要达到的功能、客户的资料和特定要求等相关信息给 FQC 进行讲解,必要时可制定标准样板和参考客户样机。
Inspection training: if the product is a new kind, quality engineer shall make appropriate inspection regulations and give all related information to FQC before inspection implementation, the related information includes inspection standards, the required functions, customer documents and special requirements. The standard sample and customer reference sample shall be made if necessary.4.1.3.抽样水准:汽车产品采用 C=0 的抽样检验标准,具体要求按照《抽样标准书》执行,如客户有特殊规定则依据客户要求执行。
Sampling standards: auto products shall adopt C=0 sampling inspection standards, refer to <sampling instruction>. If customer has special requirements, then implement according to customer requirements.4.1.4.检验实施:FQC 以每一批(LOT)(最大不超过 1200PCS)为一检验批进行抽验, 具体参照《FQC 作业规范》、《__检验标准书》等执行作业。
Inspection implementation: FQC shall randomly inspect every lot (not more than 1200 PCS per lot), refer to <FQC work instruction>, <___inspection standards>.4.1.5.送检:一个批(LOT)完成生产后,送检部门将完成品送至待检区,并将相应的《成品送检通知单》交于品质部 FQC 等待检验(如产品有配件时需提供附件清单备查),FQC 在接到单据后应核对相应的项目是否填写完整清楚,如有异常应及时与送检人沟通。
Send to inspect: when a lot is produced, the related department shall send the finished products to the designated area to be inspected, and send the corresponding <finished product inspection requisition> to the FQC (if the product has accessories, then the accessory list shall be provided for inspection reference). FQC shall check if the corresponding items are filled completely and clearly, if no, contact with the sender timely.4.1.6.检验内容 Inspection Contents4.1.6.1.板卡产品检验:FQC 接到《成品送检通知单》后,首先对产品进行以下项目的检验,并将结果记录于《出货检查报告一(PCBA 外观包装)》;FQC 依据抽样计划,对产品外观进行检验,外观检验合格后需依据产品的要求对其进行功能检验:产品的功能检验具体检验项目依据《__检验标准书》中的要求项目执行,并将检验结果记录于成品<出货检查报告二电气性能>;<出货检查报告三尺寸测量>。
PCB product inspection: after received <finished product inspection requisition>, FQC shall inspect the following items, and record the results in <delivery inspection report I: PCBA appearance>; FQC shall inspect the product appearance, according to the sampling plan,if the appearance is acceptable, inspect its function according to product requirements: Product function inspection refers to <__inspection standards>, and record the results in the <delivery inspection report II: electric performance>; <delivery inspection report III: dimension measurement>.a. 外箱的尺寸,外观是否符合要求。
If the package box dimensions, appearance can meet the requirements.b. 外箱的标识内容是否符合相关检验规范和客户要求,当有工程变更发生时,针对首批送检需核对是否注明执行的工程变更单号及“变更初物”字样。