无限航区船舶二/三副问答题参考答案第一章1.My date of birth is ---2.My seaman’s book number is -----3.I am from ---4.My Captain’s nationality is ---5.I think the most important thing on board is safety navigation.6.We often an Shanghai, Xiamen, Hong Kong.7.My favorite TV program is news.8.My favorite Web site is ----9.My favorite day of the week is Saturday, because it is holiday.10.My favorite kind of movie is action movies.11.My favorite kind of music is pop music.12.My favorite magazine is ---13.There are 5 thousand people in my hometown.14.The population of my country is 1.3 billion.15.The best thing about my hometown is ---16.The worst thing about my hometown is ---17.My hometown is a small village.18.Yes, there are typhoon, flood.19.I like to watch football game on TV.20.I think playing football is the most popular sport in the world.第三章1.Yes I can. They are spring line, breast, headline, stern line.2.I should prepare pilot ladder, overside (search) light, heaving line, pilot card etc.before the …3.The maximum speed through the water is 2 knots that the ship can anchor withoutrisking breaking the cable.4.The signal flag “Golf” should be hoisted when a vessel requires a pilot.5.She can use VHF calling, Telex etc. to get in touch …6.Pilot station often asks ship’s maximum draft, LOA, air draft, displacement, cargoon board. ETA. Ship’s position etc.7.Same as above (we should ……. To the pilot station)8.We should confirm the ETA, pilot on board time and boarding position. Whichside to rig pilot ladder etc.9.When the vessel enters the VTS area, we have to report the ship last port of call,next port of call, ship’s position, cargo onboard, ship’s draft, air draft to the VTS center.10.“ Foul of anchor” means that the anchor has its own cable twisted around it or hasfouled an obstruction.11.If ……….” I should reply “stand by both engines” and report “both engines arestand by, sir”12.Yes, the 3 famous canals are Suez Canal, Panama canal and Kiel canal.13.When I request…, I would say “ please stand by VHF channel 16”14.If I want to rectify the mistake in VHF , I will say “ Mistake. Correction” , Plusthe corrected part of the message.15.To emphasis the important part of the message in maritime VHF communication,we should say “Repeat”, followed by the important part of the message.16.“Abandon vessel”means to evacuate crew and passengers from a vesselfollowing a distress.17.“ETD” means “ estimated time of departure”18.The phrase “dredging of an anchor”means moving of an anchor over the seabottom to control the movement of the vessel.19.The phrase “under way’ means the vessel which is not at anchor, or made fast tothe shore, or aground.20.“Dragging of anchor”means moving of an anchor over the sea bottominvoluntarily because it is no longer preventing the movement of the vessel.第四章1.There are 9 classes of dangerous cargoes divided according to the IMDG. Forexample Class 1. Means explosive material, class 2. Flammable gas, class 3.Flammable liquid.2.Oil is classified as flammable cargo.3.General cargo means the cargo consists of a variety of goods, which are packedseparately. They are different in shape and size.4.Bulk cargo means the cargo consists of a single cargo, which is usually carriedloose, such as grain, coal, etc.5.Canvas sling is suitable for lifting bags of grain, rice, coffee.6.Chain sling is suitable for lifting logs, iron rails. sling is suitable for lifting small packages of cargo. Such as mails.8.COW stand for Crude Oil Washing.9.Jettison of cargo means throwing overboard of goods in order to lighten the vesselor improve its stability in case of an emergency.10.“Compatibility of goods”means states whether different goods can be stowedtogether in one hold.11.SWL stand for Safe Working Load.12.“Shifting of cargo”means transverse movement of cargo, especially bulk,caused by rolling a heavy list.13.“Union purchase” means a common method of cargo handling by combining twoderricks, one of which is fixed over the quay, the other over the hatchway.14.Cargo list, stowage plan, dunnage planks and mats, unlocking the hatch covers,rigging the hatchrails, must be prepared before loading cargo.15.The loading capacity if my vessel is 5000 tons.16.My vessel has derricks and winches.17.Dispersant, suction equipment, skimmers can be used to remove spillage.18.If there are any toxic gas in the enclosed space.19.Cargo list, cargo plan, cargo manifest.20.I must wear breathing apparatus, safety helmet, safety shoes etc. when I enter…第五章1.To sound fog signal can notice other ship alert, it can reduce the risk of collision.2.When the ship is on fire or emergency.3.heavy traffic in the navigating area, restricted visibility and in any other situationthat he is in doubt..4.The OOW use CPA and TCPA to assess risk of collision generally.5.The relieving officer must defer taking over the watch until the bridge manoeuvrehas been over.6.draft forward, draft aft, draft amidships, etc.7.I should monitor the risk of aground.8.I can know it from port entry or list of radio signal..9.The master expect that the ship will navigate safety.10.Third officer should be in attendance when a pilot is on the ladder.11.When navigating in heavy traffic area or restricted visibility.12.All crew have to go to their assembly station.13.Because the record is of great help to resolve disputes in accidents.14.Apart from those for navigation safety, I should give a caution to crew memberssafety, prevent fire and oil pollution .15.We can use magnetic range to check the compass error in pilotage water.16.The name of our vessel is Blue whale and call sign is WXCP17.My flag state is China.18.My position is 47 degrees N 050 degrees W.19.My present course is 120 degrees and speed is 15 knots.20.My ETA at pilot station is 1200 hours UTC.21.My ETD from the port is 1400 hours UTC.22.My forward draft is 8 meters and aft draft 8.5 meters.23.My freeboard is 6 meters.24.My air draft is 30 meters.25.Yes, I am underway.26.My full speed is 18 knots.27.No, I have not carried any dangerous cargo.28.No, I am on even keel.29.Yes, I am on even keel.30.The position was obtained by GPS.31.Yes, my radar is in operation.第七章1.The purpose is to save the evidence for the future judgment.2.The deck logbook, bell book and statement of facts should be attached to thereport on the accident.3.When any dispute appears or master have any suspicion on any accident, seaprotest should be …4.Generally speaking, the vessel under way should be responsible for the damage.5.It is 5-short blasts on ship’s whistle.6. I would push the vessel at slow speed and take measure to control the damage.7. As a chief officer, my responsibility is to reduce the cargo and ship damages.8.“SOPEP” stand for “ ship board oil pollution emergency plan”9.In case of an oil pollution, Port control, consignee, the shipper, ship’s owner,Charter, PSC officer, P&I club.10.The first step is to report the damage to the consignee, the shipper and ship’sowner if the cargo damage caused by the stevedores.11.We should carry out a stowaway search carefully before the vessel sails from aport.12.My first response is to sound alarm when I detect a fire.13.Booms, suction equipment, skimmers, biodegradation, dissolution, etc14.The ways to refload a grounded vessel are jettison of cargo, pump out forepeak orafterpeak, transfer cargo or ballast and waiting tide rising.15.Yes. Transferring fuel, ballast, fresh water, cargo or restowing cargo16.I first stop bunkering if I find some oil near my vessel while bunkering.17.I will do the first aid if a crewmember was seriously injured.18.Sound alarm, ask for military assistance.第八章1.CO2 (carbon dioxide) fire extinguisher can be used for an electric fire2.The water type fire extinguisher (and form fire extinguisher) can not be used foran electric fire3.They are flammable (or combustibles) material, heat and the combustionsupporter.4.Fire drill is required at least once a month for cargo ship.5.He must sound alarm firstly if he…6.The muster list shows list of crew, passengers and all on board and their functionsin s distress or drill.7.If a person falls overboard, we should sound alarm, record ship’s position, throwout the life buoy, stand by engine, broadcast urgency message.8.Boat drill is required (should be carried out) at least once a month for (on) cargoship.9.Yes, I can, they are foam fire extinguisher, CO2fire extinguisher, dry powderextinguisher.10.In general, there are fire-fighting (emergency) part, support part, first aid partand general command part in a fire-fighting drills.11.Fire control plan should be located in bridge, engine room, corridor, and messroom etc.12.At least once three months. Generally speaking it is not allowed to launchlifeboat in the harbor.13.Retreat signal means the sound, visual or other signal to a team ordering it toreturn to its base.14.General alarm signal is a sound signal of seven short blasts and one prolongedblast given with the vessel’s sound system.15.Fire patrol means a crew member of the watch going around the vessel at certainintervals so that an outbreak of fire may be promptly detected.16.Damage control team is a group of crew members trained for fighting flooding inthe vessel.17.Fuel/cargo/cars/container on fire.18.Yes, smoke toxic.19.Yes, fire under control.20.Yes, fire is extinguished.21.Yes, flooding has stopped.22.Major/minor water is in the vessel.23.Yes, danger of capsizing/sinking.24.Sea bottom is rocky/soft.25.Sea smooth/moderate/rough.第九章1.Course directed by the OSC to be steered at the beginning of a search.2.“Jettison of cargo”means throwing overboard of goods in order to lighter thevessel or improve its stability in case of an emergency.3.“Heel” means The difference between the starboard and port drafts due to windor seas but “list” was caused by shifting a weight transversely4.“EPIRB” stands for emergency position-indicating radio beacon.5.“SAR” stands for search and rescue.6.“INMARSAT” stands for the international maritime satellite organization.7.“UTC” stands for universal time co-coordinated.8.“RCC” stands for rescue coordination center.9.“SART” stands for search and rescue radar transponder.10.Yes, I can. They are expanding square partner, sector search partner and paralleltrack search partner.11.Hampered vessel means a vessel restricted by her ability to manoeuvre by thenature of her work or her deep draft.12.MMSI is Maritime Mobile Service Identity number.13.Must list is a list of crew, passengers and all on board and their functions in adistress or drill.14.OSC stands for On Scene Co-ordinator.15.VHF stands for Very High Frequency(30—300MHz).16.The result of search is negative.17.Yes, I will abandon vessel.18.2 lifeboats will be launched.19.5 persons will stay on board.20.Yes, I can proceed to distress position.21.My ETA at distress position is 1500 hours UTC.22.I require medical/fire fighting/tug/military/navigational assistance.第十章1.MADAY calling means a distress message.2.MADAY message should include ship’s name, call sign, position, ship’s distresstime and nature.3.PAN-PAN calling means an urgency message .4.SECURITE calling means a safety message.5.Passengers are advised to put on warm clothing; long trousers, long-sleeved shirts;strong shoes and head covering while abandon the vessel.6.General emergency alarm is a sound signal of seven short blast and one prolongedblast given with the vessel’s sound system.7.Yes, pull the lifejacket over your head; tighten the strings well; pull the stringsaround your waist and tie in front.8.Parachute signal/hand signal/buoyant smoke/electric torch/daylight signalmirror/whistle can be used to attract attention after abandoning vessel.9.Bridge/engine room/cargo hold is the fire10.Fire fighting/tug/escort assistance is required.11.I have problems with engines/steering gear/navigation.12.Above/below waterline is the damage.13.Forward of my vessel is aground.14.I expect to refloat when the tide rising.15.Yes, I am ready for helicopter.16.2 persons injured.17.Yes, fire is under control.18.No.2 hold is flooding.19.Yes, I can proceed without assistance.20.The visibility is poor/good in my position.21.the wind direction is NE. force 8.第十一章1.Yes. Checking that the load line, are clearly marked on shell plating on each sideand correspond with ILLC.2.Yes. Compass, Radar, ARPA, Echo-sounder, Speed and distance indicator, Ruderangle indicator, PRM indicator, Navigational lights will be checked.3.Yes. Lifeboats, lifeboat engine, lifeboat davit, lifebuoys, lifejackets, inflatableliferafts will be checked.4.Yes. Fire detectors, fire fighting equipment, fire dampers, emergency fire pumpwill be checked.5.Yes. VHF and MF/HF radio installation, INMARSAT Ship Earth Station,NA VTEX Receiver, Satellite EPIRB, Radio life saving appliances, Radar transponder will be checked.6.Yes. Fire doors, Fire fighting equipment, Fire control plan, Fire detectors,Ventilation, Sanitary facilities will be checked.7.Yes. Oily-water filtering equipment, Oil discharge monitoring and control system.Oil record book, Garbage management plan, Garbage record book will be checked.8.Yes. Checking for the corrosion, deformation, cracking and fracture of hull,bulkheads and deck.9.The deficiencies are clearly hazardous to safety, health or the environment, andcannot be rectified before leaving port.10.The deficiencies are clearly hazardous to safety, health or the environment.11.Yes. Understanding the PSC message of the destination port. Warmly greetingPSCO when they come aboard.12.Life saving appliances and fire fighting apparatus are the key items to be checkedwithin my duties onboard.第十二章1.SSO stands for Ship Security Officer.2.SSP stands for Ship Security Plan.3.DOC stands for Documents of Compliance .4.SSAS stands for Ship Security Alert System.5.CSO stands for Company Security Officer.6.ISSC stands for International Ship Security Certificate.7.CSR stands for Continues Synopsis Record.8.Yes. The restricted areas onboard are bridge, engine room, wheel house, cargoplace and so on.9.Yes. The security officer must conduct regular security inspections, ensure thatadequate training has been provided to shipboard personnel, connect with the CSO and the PFSOs.10.Yes. They are Security Alert System, AIS, etc.11.Require personal identification and reason to board. Manned to preventunauthorized access.12.Patrolling deck areas. Preparations taken for a full or partial search of the ship.Access points to ship limited.13.Conducting full or partial search of ship. Access restricted to single point.Suspend embarkation or debarkation.14.Call sign, ship’s name, the ship’s speed and course and destination can be receiveand transmit by AIS.15.Manned gangway watch. Require personal identification and reason to board.16.17.18.[文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意!]19.。
航海英语听力与会话第三版(问答与口述题参考答案)重庆交通大学应用技术学院航海技术2班此中翻译全属虚构如有雷同纯属巧合如究责任请找有道翻译无限航区船舶二/三副问答题参考答案第一章1.What’s your date of birth?你的出生日期。
My date of birth is ---2.What’s your seaman’s book number?你的队长的国籍?My seaman’s book number is -----3.where are you from ?你从哪里来?I am from ---4.What’s your Captain’s nationality?你的队长的国籍?My Captain’s nationality is ---5.What do you think is the most inportant thing on board?你认为什么是最重要的东西登机吗?I think the most important thing on board is safety navigation.6.Which ports do you often call at?你常说的哪些港口?We often an Shanghai, Xiamen, Hong Kong.7.What is your favorite TV program? 什么是你最喜欢的电视节目怎么样?My favorite TV program is news.8.What is your favorite Wob site?什么是你最喜欢的网站吗?My favorite Web site is ----9.What is your favorite day of the week ? why?什么是一周中最喜欢的那一天吗?为什么?My favorite day of the week is Saturday, because it is holiday.10.W hat is your favorite kind of movie?你最喜欢什么类型的电影?My favorite kind of movie is action movies.11.W hat is your favorite kind of music?你最喜欢什么类型的音乐?My favorite kind of music is pop music.12.W hat is your favorite magazine?什么是你最喜欢的杂志吗?My favorite magazine is ---13.W hat is the population of your hometow?你的人口有成年时离开了家乡吗?There are 5 thousand people in my hometown.14.W hat is the population of your country?人口是多少你的国家?The population of my country is 1.3 billion.15.W hat is the best thing about your hometown?最好的事情是什么你的家乡吗?The best thing about my hometown is the weather.16.W hat is the worst thing about your hometow?最坏的事情是什麽你的成年时离开了家乡吗? The worst thing about my hometown is living price is too high.especially house price.17.W hat’s your hometow like?你的家乡怎么样?My hometown is a small village.18.D o you have many disasters in your country which are caused by weather?你有在你的国家许多灾害所造成的天气怎么样?Yes, there are typhoon, flood. earthquake19.W hat sports do you like to watch on TV?你喜欢什么体育运动,在电视上看?I like to watch football game on TV.20.W hat do you think is the most popular sport in the world?你认为什么是世界上最流行的体育运动吗?I think playing football is the most popular sport in the world.第三章1.Can you list at least three mooring lines?你能列出至少三个系泊?Yes I can. They are spring line, breast, headline, stern line.2.What should be prepared before the pilot comes on board ?之前应作什么准备飞行员来同意吗I should prepare pilot ladder, overside (search) light, heaving line, pilot card etc. before the …3.What is the maximum speed through the water that your ship can anchor withoutrisking breaking the cable?速度通过最多的水,你的船能锚定而不冒险,打破了电缆?The maximum speed through the water is 2 knots that the ship can anchor without risking breaking the cable.4.What flag should be hoisted when a vessel requires a pilot?什么应该悬挂旗帜船舶时需要一名飞行员吗?The signal flag “Golf” should be hoisted when a vessel requires a pilot.5.How can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival?如何能取得联系船向港口在她的到来吗?She can use VHF calling, Telex etc. to get in touch with a port…6.What ship’s particulars will pilot station usually ask for?何船资料将飞行员站?通常就会向Pilot station often asks ship’s maximum draft, LOA, air draft, displacement, cargo on board. ETA. Ship’s position etc.7.What should be reported to the pilot station?可以报道什么对飞行员车站在哪里?Same as above (we should ……. To the pilot station)8.What should be confirmed from the pilot station ?We should confirm the ETA, pilot on board time and boarding position. Which side to rig pilot ladder etc.9.When the vessel enters the VTS area ,what is requested to report ?当船舶进入VTS系统的区域,什么是要求报告吗?When the vessel enters the VTS area, we have to report the ship last port of call, next port of call, ship’s position, cargo onboard, ship’s draft, air draft to the VTS center. 10.W hat does “foul anchor” mean?“ Foul of anchor” means that the anchor has its own cable twisted around it or has fouled an obstruction.11.I f you are ordered: “Stand by both engines !” how should you reply and report?如果你命令:“站在两个引擎!”你应该怎样回复,报告吗?If ……….” I should reply “stand by both engines” and report “both engines are stand by, sir”12.C an you list three famous canals in the world?你能列举三个著名的运河的世界?Yes, the 3 famous canals are Suez Canal, Panama canal and Kiel canal.13.W hen you request the receiver to remain on channel 16 in VHF communication ,what do you say?当你请求接收机停留在通道高频16沟通,你会说什么呢?When I request…, I would say “ please stand by VHF channel 16”14.H ow do you rectify the mistake in marine VHF communication?你如何纠正错误的海洋VHF沟通?If I want to rectify the mistake in VHF , I will say “ Mistake. Correction” , Plus thecorrected part of the message.15.H ow do you emphasize the important part of a messge in maritime VHFcommunication?你怎么强调重要组成部分,对海域messge VHF沟通?To emphasis the important part of the message in maritime VHF communication, we should say “Repeat”, followed by the important part of the message.16.W hat does “abandon vessel”mean?“Abandon vessel” means to evacuate crew and passengers from a vessel following a distress.17.W hat does the abbreviation ETD stand for?什么时间(代表什么?“ETD” means “ estimated time of departure”18.W hat does “dredging of an anchor”mean?什么是疏浚锚”的意思是什么?The phrase “dredging of an anchor” means moving of an anchor over the sea bottom to control the movement of the vessel.19.W hat does “underway”mean?The phrase “under way’ means the vessel which is not at anchor, or made fast to the shore, or aground.20.W hat does ‘Dragging of an anchor”mean?“什么拖的锚”的意思是什么“Dragging of anchor” means moving of an anchor over the sea bottom involuntarily because it is no longer preventing the movement of the vessel.21. What is the difference between a “radar beacon” and a “radar reflector”?之间的差别是什么"雷达指标”和“雷达反射镜”?Radar beacon can transmit signals and used for locating on the shore, but radar reflector can only reflect signals used for SAR on the liferaft..22 How many objects do you need to get a position using ‘horizontal sextant angles”?有多少物体更能你需要找个位置用“水平穿刺视角”吗?3 objects.23 Why is a magnetic compass kept on board when a gyro compass is more accurate?为什么是磁罗经保存在船上当陀螺罗盘更准确吗?Because the magnetic compass can be used for emergency and adjustments.24 What do you report when the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and is clear of it'’你们有甚麽话当锚被抛出去了地面与清晰”Anchor aweigh.25 When preparing for anchoring what must you do before releasing the bow stoppers?当准备锚定之前你做应该释放弓瓶塞吗?Supply the power, Standby the anchor ball or light, Test the windlass, Put into the gear, Release the brake26 Would you let go an anchor from the hawse pipe if the depth was 75 meters?你会让去一个锚从管道hawse如果深度为75米吗?No, we should not let go anchor from hawse pipe directly, but the anchor can be released with windlass slowly.27 Why must you consider ship’s speed and sea depth when you release the bow stoppers?你为什么必须考虑船的速度和海洋深度当你释放弓瓶塞吗?Because when the depth is different, we should take different measures for anchoring. And for ship’s safety, during the different phase, the speed should be different, too. 28 What must always be brought and placed close to the pilot ladder well before the pilot’s embarkation?有什么要带来,接近放置在领航梯飞行员的登机?The lifebuoy with the lifeline, and at night, there should be a light.29 Why is it dangerous to anchor in ice?为什么是否有危险的船锚,在冰吗?The ice can change the angle of the anchor, affect the holding power, and freeze the ship.30 What flag is hoisted when the pilot has arrived on board‘’悬挂国旗是什么当飞行员已经到了装船”Flag “H”第四章1.How many classes of dangerous goods are there according to the IMDGCode ?Can you list some?多少个班级有危险货物按照《国际海运代码?你能列举一些吗?There are 9 classes of dangerous cargoes divided according to the IMDG. For example Class 1. Means explosive material, class 2. Flammable gas, class 3. Flammable liquid.2.What kind of cargo is classified as flammable cargo ?什么样的货物被划分为易燃货?Oil is classified as flammable cargo.3.Please describe the general nature of general cargo .请描述的一般特性普通货运。
第六章修船与船体保养四口述1.Describe the formalities before carrying out a ship’s repair.(1)The necessity of carrying out a ship’s repair.(2)The formalities before a ship’s repair begins.(3)Special attention paid to the repair.1.The necessity of repair:After definite time of sailing, the ship hull, equipments may be rusted, worn out, and defects appeared. These may affect the ship’s function, efficiency and safety. It is necessary to carry out ship’s repair.2.The formalities before a ship’s repair begins:(1)Determine the scope and items of ship’s repair according to the condition of the ship andthe requirements of the sip’s surveyor.(2)Write up the repair list and requirements of the repair in detail.(3)Report to the company for approval(4)Get relative drawings of the ship ready(5)Get ready for the fire protecting and fighting measures3.Special attention:Pay attention to the fire protection and safety.2.Describe the procedures of carrying out hull maintenance.(1)The preparations before carrying out hull maintenance.(2)The contents of hull maintenance.(3)The cautions to be taken while carrying out hull maintenancePreparation before hull maintenance:1.Determine the items of maintenance, e.g. ship’s shell, deck and frame members.2.Get the maintenance tools and materials ready, for example, chippers, scrapers and paint,etc.Contents of maintenance:The main contents of hull maintenance is derusting and painting. The rust area should be cleaned, rust removed and painted. The different areas should be applied with different paints. The bottom area to be applied with one coat anti-corrosive paint and one coat tropical anti-fouling paint, The boottopping strake one coat fo boottopping green paint, the topside to be applied with one coat of light gray paint.The cautions to be taken:(1)Take safety arrangements protect the safety of personnel.(2)Pay attention to the fire protection.3. Describe the procedures of an overhaul for navigational aids.a)The necessity of carrying out overhaul of navigational aids.b)The contents of the overhaul.c)The cautions to be taken.The overhaul commonly includes extensive maintenance and renovation work and checks of various systems and equipment aboard the shipA major overhaul also typically includes upgrading various systems and equipment to modernize itThe work for such overhauls is typically planned out by engineers well in advance and new equipment is obtained for any replacements or installations.At the finish of the OH, the testing are bound and retained as a permanent documentation record resulting from the OH.4. Describe the procedures of carrying out the maintenance of riggings.(3)The preparations before carrying out the maintenance of riggings.(4)The contents of the maintenance of riggings.(5)The cautions to be taken while carrying out the maintenance1. The preparations before the maintenance of riggings:(1) Determine the items of maintenance of riggings.(2) Get the maintenance tools and materials ready.2. The contents of the maintenance of riggings:(1) All cargo wires and topping lift wires to be wire brushed, cleaned, examined and greased.(2) The turning accessories of the riggings to be dismantled examined, cleaned, greased,repaired if necessary and refitted.(3) The goose necks, topping lift blocks and cargo blocks to be dismantled, overhauled,measured, well greased, painted and repaired if necessary, then reassembled in order. (4) Cargo blocks, heel blocks guide roolers and all moving parts of drridk to be dismantled,cleaned and greased.3. Cautions to be taken:Pay attention to the safety and maintenance quality.五.问答1.Why does a ship need maintenance?●In order to keep the ship being in a fit and efficient condition and classed and meet therequirements of the international convention, such as SOLAS, MARPOL, etc. the shipneeds maintenance.2.Who is in charge of maintenance work?●The chief officer is in charge of maintenance work.3.Can you list some types of repair?●Yes, for examples: Minor repair, voyage repair, major repair, periodic repair, annualrepair.4. What is a voyage repair?●Voyage repair is the repair carried out b the shipyard at the interval between twovoyages after finishing loading or discharging cargo. The repair items are ship’s hullor equipments that affect the ship’s normal operation owing to wear out or minoraccident.5. What is a major repair?●Major repair is the repair carried out in the shipyard or dock for ship’s hull and mainequipments that include all-around, system examination and repair. The repair itemsinclude the items leaved behind the minor repair. Normally the major repair is carriedout after minor repair two to three times.6.What is annual repair?●Annual repair is the repair carried out in shipyard or dock every 12 to 18 months.Annual repair is the examination, maintenance and repair for the ship’s hull andequipments in the engine room. The main items are derusting and painting, framemembers replacement and main engine and auxiliary engine examination and repair.7.What is a repair list?●Repair list is the list of the items to be repaired and instructions required.8.What special attention should be paid to when writing a repair list?●When writing a repair list, the repair items and repair requirements should be written indetail and clear. State clearly about the name of repair part, damage condition,standard of the repair and the material requirement.9.Can you list at least five kinds of paint?● 1. Bottom paint2. Primer3. anti-corrosive paint (A/C paint)4. antifouling paint (A/F paint)5. anti-galvanic paint6. light gray paint7. bituminous solution8. red lead paint10. Can you list some classification societies in the world?● 1. CCS: China Classification Society2. ABS: American Bureau of Shipping(American Ship Classification Society)3. LR: Lloyd’s Register of Shipping/(British Ship Classification Society)4. NK: Nippon Kaizi Kyokai(Japanese Ship Classification Society)11.What kind of paint is usually given to the ship’s bottom?●Two coats of primer, two coast of anti-corrosive paint, anti-fouling paint, should begiven to the whole of the bottom.12.What kind of paint is usually given to the places such as radiators, pipes and funnels?●Anti0 corrosive paint and heat-resistant paints are usually given to these places.13.What kind of coating is usually applied to anchors and chains?●Two coats of bitumastic solution are usually applied to anchors and chains.14.What is the difference between “repair list” and “repair bill”?●Repair list is the list of the items to be repaired.Repair bill is an itemized list of fees or charges.15.What is used to measure the thickness of hull plates?•Ultrasonic instrument is used to measure the thickness of the hull plate.16.Could you list some different kinds of ship’s survey?1. An initial survey is a complete inspection before a ship is put into service of allitems relating to a particular certificate to ensure that relevant requirement arecomplied with and that these times are satisfactory for which the ship is intended.2. A periodical survey is an inspection of the items relating to the particular certificateto ensure that they are in satisfactory condition and fit for the service for which theship is intended.3. A renewal survey is the same as a periodical survey but also leads to the issue of anew certificate.4. An intermediate survey is an inspection of specified items relevant to the particularcertificate to ensure that they are in a satisfactory condition and fir for the service forwhich the ship is intended.5. An annual survey is general inspection of the items relating to the particularcertificate to ensure that they have been maintained and remain satisfactory for theservice for which the ship is intended.6. An inspection of the outside of the ship’s bottom is an inspection of the underwaterpart of the ship and related items to ensure that they are in a satisfactory condition andfit for the service for which the ship is intended.7. An additional survey is an inspection, either general or partial according to thecircumstances, to be made after a repair resulting from investigations or whenever anyimportant repairs or renewal are made.17. What should be done before applying a priming coat of paint?The rusted area should be cleared and rust and loose paints should be removed and scraped to bare metal18. what kind of coating is usually applied in the double bottom tanks?Two coats of special ballast tank paint should be applied with.19. What must be considered when stowing away synthetic ropes?•The main consideration of stowing or caring for synthetic lines is keeping them away from directly under hot sun.。
第三版轮机英语评价问答题答案轮机英语评估问答题第一章问答题1.How long have you worked on board?你在船上工作多久了?1. I have ever worked on board for ten years. 我在船上工作已有十年2.Which certificate do you have now?你现在持有哪些证书2. I am holding 2nd engineer(xxx) certificate. 我持有大管轮(xxx) 证书3.What is your marital status? How many departments are there on board?你的婚姻状况如何? 船上有几个部门3. I have married ten years. Three departments: deck department, engine department and service department我结婚已十年了,三个部门:甲板部、轮机部、事务部。
4.How many people are there in your family? Are you married你家里有几口人?你是否已婚?4. Three people in my family. yes, I have married.我家共有三个人,是的,我已结婚5.How many countries have you ever been to?你去过几个国家5. I have been to five countries. Japan Korea, Singapore, USA and Australia.我去过5个国家。
日本韩国新加坡,美国澳大利亚6.When did you begin to work on board? What kind of ship have you worked on?你何时在船上工作?你在那类船上工作?6. I began to work on board ten years ago. I have worked on many ships, such as xxx ship, xxx ship, and so on.. 我在十年前参加工作,我在很多船舶工作过,例如xx 船xx船等。
第一章公共用语口述题1. Please say something about your hometown. 请评价一下你的家乡例一(简单)(1) My hometown is Dalian. Dalian is a beautiful city. 我的家乡是大连。
It is in the Liaoning Province, facing the Bohai Sea. 它是在辽宁省,面对渤海。
There are about 5 million people in the city. 大约有500万人在城市。
(2) It is a famous tourist coastal city in China. Its climate around the year is suitable and comfortable for living. 它是著名的旅游沿海城市,整年的气候很合适,舒适对于的生活。
The sky is blue and the air is clean. There are many famous spots attracting many tourists every year. 天空是蓝色的,空气是那么清新。
(3) The specialties of Dalian is the seafood. There are many good restaurants providing delicious seafood. 大连特色是海鲜。
例二(稍难)I come from Zhoushan我来自舟山Zhoushan is a city in Zhejiang province舟山是浙江省一个城市It is a small city with a population of about 100,000. 这是一个小城市的人口大约10万It is located by the sea. It is a famous tourist city. 它坐落在海边。
第一章公共英语问答题1 what is your date of your birth?My date of birth is the 7th of April 1967.2 what is your seamen’s book number?It’s A396625.3 where are you from?I am from Dalian china.4 what is your captain’s nationality ?My captain’s national ity is china.5 what do you think is the most Important thing on board?I think the most Important thing on board is safety.6 what ports do you often call at?I often call at Dalian , shanghai, and Honkong port.7 what is your favorite TV program?My favorite TV program is sports program.8 what is your favorite web site?My favorite web site is www. .9 what is your favorite day of the week? Why?My favorite day of the week is Friday. Because it is the weekend day.10 what is your favorite kind of movie?My favorite movie is action movie.11 what is your favorite kind of music?My favorite music is light music.12 what is your favorite magazine?My favorite magazine is TIMES.13 what is the population of your hometown?The population of my hometown is five million.14 what is the population of your country?The population of my country is one billion and three hundred million.15 what is the best thing about your hometown?The best thing about my hometown is the weather. It is not hotter in summer and not colder in winter.16 what is the worst thing about your hometown?The worst thing is the living price is too high, especially house price.17 what is your hometown like?My hometown is a middle size city but suitable for living.18 Do you have many disasters in your country which are caused by weather?Yes. There are many disasters, such as earthquakes, flooding, typhoon etc.19 what sport do you like to watch on TV?I like to watch football games on TV.20 what do you think is the most popular sport in the world?I think the most popular sport in the world is football.第二章进出港业务问答题1 what’s the validity of Gargo Ship Safety Equipment Certifcate?5 years.2 what flag should be hoisted when a vessel requires quarantine inspection?Q flag3 can a ship enter a foreign port before quarantine inspection?No , she can’t.4 why must the customs officer seal the Bonded Store?In order to prevent the crew from smuggling.5 please list 5 ship’s certificates.Classification CertificateCargo Ship Safety Construction CertificateCargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate.International Tonnage Certificate.International Load Line Certificate.6 are cigarettes and liquor exempted from customs duties?No.7 how can the captain do with the shore passes before leaving a port? Collect and return them to the immigration officer.8 which certificate prescribes general requirements for the functions ofradiotelegraphy installation for lifeboat onboard?Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate.9 which certificate specifies the freeboard assignment of a ship?International Load Line Certificate.10 which document demonstrates a ship being in a fit and efficientcondition and classed?Classification Certificate.11 if your ship needs provisions and /or replenishments ,how do you getthem?We can get them from ship chandler.12 what documents should you show when you go through the customsformalities?Import Cargo Manifest, Last port clearance, Declaration of Personal Effects, Bonded store list, crew list.13 who issues the shore passes to the crewmembers wishing to go ashore? Immigration officer.14 what documents should generally be shown to quarantine officer?the vaccination list and the yellow book; the de-ratting certificate.15 what documents should generally be shown to customs officer?personal effects list; ship’s boned store list; Import Cargo Manifest.16 what documents should generally be shown to immigration officer?the crew list ;the crew’s passport and the seaman’s book第三章靠离和锚泊业务问答题1.can you list at least three mooring lines?Head line; stern line; breast line.2.what should be prepared before the pilot comes on board?The pilot ladder, a heaving line and a life buoy.3.what is the maximum speed through the water that your ship can anchor without risking breaking the cable?General speaking less than 2 knots.4.what flag should be hoisted when a vessel requires a pilot?G flag.5.how can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival?By VHF.6.what ship’s particulars will pilot station usually ask for?LOA ; ETA ; draft fore and aft; GT and NT etc.7.what should be reported to the pilot station?The ship’s present position; ETA at pilot station.8.what should be confirmed from the pilot station?Time and place for picking up the pilot; the ship’s side on which pilot ladder will be rigged.9.when the vessel enters the VTS area ,what is requested to report?Ship’s name ,call sign , present course and speed; draft; ETA at pilot station.10.what does “foul anchor” mean?Means that anchor has its own cable twisted around it.11.if you are ordered : “Stand by both engines !”how should you reply and report?Reply:Stand by both engines and report: Both engines stand by.12.can you list three famous canals in the world?Panama canal; Suez canal ;Kiel canal13.whenyou request the receiver to remain on channel 16in VHF communication ,what do you say?Stand by on channel 16.14.how do you rectify the mistake in marine VHF communication?Say “mistake”,then followed by the word “correction”and the corrected part of the message.15.how do you emphasize the important part of a message in maritime VHF communication?Say“repeat”,then followed by the important part of the message. 16.what does “abandon vessel” mean?Evacuate the crew and passengers from a distress vessel.17.what does the abbreviation ETD stand for?Estimated time of departure.18.what does “dredging of an anchor” mean ?Means moving an anchor over the sea bottom to control the movement of the vessel.19.what does “underway” mean?“underway” mean s the ship which is not at anchor, or aground ,or fast to the shore.20.what does “dragging of an anchor” mean?It means that the anchor is moving over the sea bottom involuntarily because it is no longer preventing the movement of the vessel.21.What is the difference between a “radar beacon”and a “radar reflector”?Radar beacon can transmit signals and used for locating on the shore, but radar reflector can only reflect signals used for SAR on the liferaft. 22.How many objects do you need to get a position using ‘horizontal sextant angles”?3 objects.23.Why is a magnetic compass kept on board when a gyro compass is more accurate?Because the magnetic compass can be used for emergency.24.What do you report when the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and is clear of it?Anchor is aweigh.25.When preparing for anchoring what must you do before releasing the bow stoppers?Supply the power, Standby the anchor ball or light, Test the windlass, Put into the gear, Release the brake.26.Would you let go an anchor from the hawse pipe if the depth was 75 meters?No, we should not let go anchor from hawse pipe directly.27.Why mu st you consider ship’s speed and sea depth when you release the bow stoppers?Because when the depth is different, we should take different measures for anchoring. And for ship’s safety, during the different phase, the speed should be different, too.28.What must always be brought and placed close to the pilot ladder well before the pilot’s embarkation?The lifebuoy with the lifeline, and at night, there should be a light.29.Why is it dangerous to anchor in ice?It is dangerous to anchor in ice, because the whole ship hull will be trapped in the ice and the floating ice may kick the cable and the hull.. 30.What flag is hoisted when the pilot has arrived on board?Flag “H”.第四章装卸作业问答题1.How many classes of dangerous goods are there according to the IMDG Code? Can you list some ?9 classes . Such as explosives, gasses, flammable liquids, corrosives. 2.what kind of cargo is classified as flammable cargo?Cargo with its flashing point at 61℃or below..3.please describe the general nature of general cargo.General cargo is made up of all kinds of goods. It can be divided into containerized, non- containerized and refrigerated cargo.4.please describe the general nature of bulk cargo .Bulk cargo is the cargo without packing when under transport such as grain, coal etc.5.what kind of cargo is canvas sling suitable for lifting?bagged cargo etc.6.what kind of cargo is chain sling suitable for lifting?General cargo like steel, timbers.7.what kind of cargo is net sling suitable for lifting?General cargo in bags.8.what does the abbreviation COW stand for?Cow stands for crude oil washing.9.what does “jettison of cargo “mean?It means to deliberately throw cargo over board for ship’s safety sake. 10.what does “compatibility of goods” mean?It means different cargoes can be stowed in the same hold without affecting each other .11.what does the abbreviation SWL stand for ?SWL stands for safe working load.12.what does “shifting cargo “ mean?It refers to move the cargo transversely.13.what does “Union purchase “ mean?It means a rig in which a pair of derricks is combined, also known as “coupled derricks “ or “married falls”.14.what preparations shall be done before loading cargo?Before loading cargo hold should be cleaned and cargo gears should be prepared.15.what is the loading capacity of your vessel?My vessel‘s loading capacity is 15000 tons .16.what cargo handling gear and equipment does your vessel have ?My vessel has deck cranes and derricks.17.what can be used to remove spillage?Oil spillage can be removed by oil absorbent chemical agent.18.what shall be ensured before entering the enclosed space?ventilation shall be ensured .19.please list some cargo papersStowage plan ;hatch list ;bill of loading ;cargo manifest.20.what must you wear when you enter an enclosed space?We must wear breathing apparatus.第五章航行问答题1.Why is it important to sound fog signals?When the visibility is poor, fog signals may indicate the present position of own vessel and warn the other vessels.2. when would you sound the general alarm?Drill; in emergency conditions.3.when should an OOW notify the master immediately for emergency ship-handling or complicated navigation ? please list some .The officer on watch will notify the master such conditions as failure to sight land or navigation mark, heavy traffic, low visibility or at other critical moment.4.how does OOW assess risk of collision generally?By applying radar to plot DCPA and TCPA of the approaching vessels..5.how should the relieving officer behave in case a bridge manoeuver already took place but has not been over?The hand over must be deferred until the action is completed.6.list the main items to be updated on the pilot card?It includes the particulars of the ship( draft, speed, course), conditions of the facilities shipboard which might affect safe navigation(radar, gyro,VHF).7.besides the collision risks ,what else should you monitor on watch in reduced visibility?Generally navigation lights, the compasses and the equipments on the bridge.8.how do you know the VHF channels to be monitored when leaving port? If the VHF is monitored, the indication light will light up.9.what should the Master expect from the OOW on arriving at the bridge?A brief description about position, course, speed and the intended track.10.who should be in attendance when a pilot is on the ladder ?OOW.11.when would you instruct a lookout to assist you on the bridge?when the visibility becomes poor or in case of other difficult or emergent situations.12.what effect will the general alarm have on all the crew?On hearing the general alarm all crewmembers should go immediately to emergency stations.13.why is record keeping a necessary part of watch keeping?It may provide evidence for the any accident.14.apart from those for navigation safety ,what else should you do on an anchor watch?Check the anchor position; pay attention to the vessels nearby and the weather condition.15.how would you conveniently ,check the compass error in pilotage waters?Compare the leading mark with the compass bearings.16.If a sailing ship is overtaking a power-driven vessel,who has the rightof way?Power-driven vessel has the right of way.17.A power-driven vessel is on a collision course with a fishing trawler. Who has the right of way?The fishing trawler has the right of way.18.How many meters are there in a nautical mile?1852m.19. If you travel from Panama to New York.Will your latitude increase or decrease?The latitude will increase.20.How many “position 1ines”are needed to make a position?At least two position lines.21. Can you define the very important term “underway”?The ship is not at anchor, or made fast to the shore, or aground.22. You observe a ship during daytime,exhibiting three balls on the same halyard. What has happened?The vessel agound.23. What does the abbreviation IALA stand for?International association of lighthouse authorities.24. Is it safe to pass north of a North Mark?Yes, it is safe.25. Is it safe to pass north of a South Mark?No, it isn’t safe.26. Does “variation”change due to ship’s position?Yes, it is.27.Does deviation chan ge due to ship’s position?No, it doesn’t.28. When correcting charts why must you use symbols and abbreviations from chart 5011?To ensure the uniformity of correcting.29. You have purchased a new chart.Is it right ready for use?No, it must be updated to the latest corrections.30. What publication do you need to correct charts properly?Notices to mariners.31. What course in degrees corresponds to south-east?135°.32. What is the angle between magnetic and true meridian called? Variation.33. Where can you always find information about the magnetic variation? compass rose on the chart.34. When a ship picks up speed,will draught increase or decrease? Increase.35.A ship ahead of you has hoisted the signal flag“O”.What has happened?Man overboard.第六章修船与船体保养问答题1. why does a ship need maintenance?for safety sake.2. who is a charge of the maintenance work?C/O and C/E.3. can you list some type of repair?voyage repair, major repair, dock repair etc.4. what is a voyage repair?voyage repair is the repair undertaken at the end of voyage for minor items.5. what is a major repair?major repair is the repair carried out in the shipyard for major items. 6. what is a annual repair?annual repair is the repair carried out every year.7. what is a repair list?repair list is the list of the items to be repaired and other relevant information.8. what repair attention should be paid to when writing a repair list ?the description on the items to be repaired should be written in detail and clear.9. can you list at least five kinds of paint?Bottom paint, anti-corrosive paint; primer; anti-fouling paint; bituminous paint, etc.10. can you list some classification societies in the world ?NK; CCS; ABC etc.11. what kind of paint is usually give n to the ship’s bottom?ship’s bottom should be applied with one coat of anti-corrosive paint and one coat of tropical anti-fouling paint.12. what kind of paint is usually given to the place such as radiators, pipes and funnels?anti-corrosive paint.13. what kind of coating is usually applied to anchors and chains?bituminous solution.14. what is the difference between “repair list” and “repair bill”?repair list is a list of all the items to be repaired, while repair bill is a list of charges.15. what is used to measure the thickness of hull plates?with ultrasonic wave.16. could you list some different kinds of ship’s survey?special survey; annul survey; voyage survey; periodical survey.17. what should be done before applying a priming coat of paint?De-rust and clean it.18. what kind of coating is usually applied in the double bottom tank?anti-corrosive paint.19.What must be considered when stowing away synthetic ropes ?The following must be considered: keep it dry and clean, protect it from weather, keep it away from heat, and the compartment stowing it should be kept ventilation frequently, and so on.第七章事故处理问答题1.what is your purpose to prepare the confirmation of collision occurrence to the captain of the other vessel?to make the fact clear and avoid possible disputes.2. what shall be usually attached to the report on the collision accident? Abstract of Log Book, witnesses, and photo pictures if necessary.3. when should a sea protest be submitted to and endorsed by the authorities concerned?When the ship encountered the bad weather, the ship and the cargo could be damaged.4. generally speaking, which is responsible for the damage after a collision between a vessel moored and a vessel underway?the vessel underway is responsible for the damage.5. what is the sound signal to warn a vessel of the immediate danger of collision?five short and rapid blasts.6. what action will you take after a collision with another vessel? Report to the authorities concerned; make contact with the another vessel and inquire the related information.7. as a chief officer, what is your responsibility in damage control operation?a chief officer is on –scene-commander.8. what does “SOPEP” mean?ship Oil Pollution Emergency Plan.9. whom shall be reported to in case of an oil pollution incident?the authorities of the coastal countries.10. what is the first step in handing the cargo damage caused by the stevedores?report the incident to the Chief Officer and ask the foreman to confirm the cargo damage.11. what anti-stowaway precaution should you take before the vessel sails from a port?patrol the ship and check all the possible places.12.what is your first response when you detect a fire ?(1) sound fire alarm nearby (2)report to the bridge.13. what can de used to handle an oil spill?Floating booms, oil dispersants14. what are the ways to re-float a grounded vessel?(1)wait for high tide (2)transfer some cargoes ,bunkers or ballasts from the grounded area to the end of the other side(3)ask tug for assistance.15. can you list some ways of correcting listing?yes ,I can. (1)ballast or de-ballast to adjust the list. (2)shift some cargo from listing side to the other side.16.what will you first do if you find some oil near your vessel while bunkering?stop bunkering and report to Coastal Guard.17.what will you fist do if a crewmember was seriously injured?take some due measures and ask for emergency medical assistance from shore or other ships if possible.18. what will you do first if your vessel is under attack by pirates?Start the ship security alarm system.19.lf someone returns to the ship very drunk,should he be left alone to “sleep it off ”?No, he can’t be left alone.20. If you see a person collapsed who is in contact with electricity what is the first thing you must do before attempting to switch off the supply?To separate the person with the electricity.21.If you suspect someone has inhaled (吸入)a dangerous substance what can you do to help even if you are not trained?Take the person to an open space with clear air and good ventilation. 22.In what circumstances do you give artificial respiration and mouth to mouth ventilation?When the person has no breathing but heart beating.23.How should you try to stop bleeding at first?Make clear the cause and position of blooding, then take the proper measures to stop blooding.24.If you suspect someone has been poisoned what is the first thing you should try to do?Firstly, remove the man away from the poisonous place, make clear the poisonous substance, then, take proper measures.25.What is the most important thing to consider when treating a wound? The most important thing is stop bleeding.第八章消防与船员自救问答题1.what kind of fire extinguisher can you use for an electric fire?CO2 or dry powder.2. what cannot be used for electric fire?water and foam.3. what are the three components of fire?oxygen ,fuel and ignition.4. How often is a fire drill required to be carried out on cargo ships? once a month .5. what must you do first if you find a fire on board?sound the alarm and report to the bridge at once.6. what do the muster lists show?Grew’s station and liability in fire-fighting and boat drills.7. what will you first do if you see a person falls overboard?throw a lifebuoy to him , keep him in sight, turn hard over to the side from which the man has fallen.8. How often is a boat drill required to be carried out on board a cargo ship?once a month.9. Can you list at least three different kinds of fire extinguishers?CO2, dry powder , foam extinguisher.10. In general, what parties are involved in a fire drill?Fire-fighting party, separation party, engine room party, rescue party. 11. Where should fire control plan be located?in the water-tight boxes marked fire control plan on both sides of the accommodation quarters.12. How often should the lifeboat be launched into water?every 3 months.13. what does “retreat signal” mean?To order the team return to its base.14. what is “general alarm signal”?general alarm signal is the signal announced by the master to all crewmembers in the imminent danger, and general alarm signal is seven short blasts and long prolonged blast.15. what does “fire patrol” mean?Round the vessel for preventing the fire from breaking out.16.what is damage control team?damage control team is a group of crewmembers trained for fighting flooding .17.How do you check fixed installation?Check the weight and the pressure.18. Can you list two main reasons for electrical fire?Short circuit, Electric spark or overload.19. What is the minimum number of motor lifeboats fitted on board?At least one.20. Could you list some apparatus in an open lifeboat?Fire Axe, fire bucket, painter, compass, sea-anchor, whistle and so on.21. Would a cargo wit h a high “flash point” be of more concern to you than one with a low “flash point”?No, it wouldn’t.22.What is meant by“starving”a fire?Fire extinguishment with suffocation method.23.Before you enter into an“enclosed space”.What safety precautions should you take?Check the content of oxygen and ventilation, put on self-contained air breathing apparatus.24.What is supposed to be transferred over the International Shore Connection?Water for fire-fighting.25.If a person who has no authority to be on board attempts to enter the ship.Where should he be stopped?At the gangway.26. How often should an “emergency fire pump” be tested?At least once a month.27.What is the most effective fire extinguisher for the galley on board ship?dry powder.28.For ship at sea what is the general procedure to follow for fires in cargo holds?Withdraw persons if any, close all the ventilators, put out the fire with CO2.29.What is the absolute minimum number of lifejackets required on board ship?The absolute minimum number of lifejackets required on board a ship is the same as the number of crewmembers.30.You are a survivor at sea when an SAR(Search and Rescue)aircraft drops a red container. What is in it?Life saving apparatus.第九章救助问答题1. what does “initial course” m ean in search and rescue operation?initial course refer to the course directed by the OSC or CSS to be steered at the beginning of a search.2. what does “jettison of cargo” mean?jettison cargo: to deliberately throw cargo overboard for ship’s safety sake.3. what is the difference between heel and list?heel means an inclination to port or to starboard due to outside reasons such as strong current, wind etc.list means an inclination to port or starboard due to inside reasons such as loading discharging etc.4. what does “EPRIB” stand for?EPIRB stands for emergency position indicating radio beacon.5. what does SAR stand for?SAR stands for search and rescue.6. what is INMARSAT short for?INMARSAT stands for international maritime satellite organization. 7. what does UTC stand for?UTC stands for universal time coordinated.8. what does RCC stand for?RCC stands for rescue coordination center.9. what is SART?SART stands for search and rescue transponder.10. Can you list three or more search patterns?square search pattern, sector search pattern, parallel search pattern and ship/air craft coordinated search pattern.11. what does a “hampered vessel” mean?a hampered vessel means a vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre.12. what does MMSI stand for?MMSI stand for maritime mobile service identity.13. what is “muster list”?muster list is a list showing crew’s station and liability in fire fighting and boat drills.14. what does OSC stand for?OSC stands for on-scene commander.15. what does VHF stand for?VHF stands for very high frequency.16.What is the sound alarm for abandoning vessel?seven short blasts and one prolong blast.17. When will a parallel sweep search usually be used?It can be used with one or more ships .18. When will a sector search pattern usually be used?When the lost person is close to the base point and it can be used with one ship.19. When will the expanding square search usually be used?When the lost person is father to the base point and it can be used with one ship .20.List some visual and audible distress signals for attracting attention when in distress?Smoke signal, rocket parachute flare signal, fog signal and so on.21.Would you please pronounce the correct international code words for‘A’,‘B’, ‘C’and ‘D’?Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta.22.By regulation, what is the minimum amount of water required per person in the lifeboat?3 Litres.23.‘Smothering’ is a way of dealing with fire. How does it work?It removes the oxygen and effectively suffocates the flames.24.What reason would you think is Justified for postponing the fire drill to a more suitable time?When handle with cargoes in port, or when in bad weather, it is not safe to carry out fire-fighting drill.25.A ship anchored close to your ship hoists the flag ‘I’what action should you take?Stop and keep clear of the anchored vessel.26.What altitude must a ‘rocket parachute flare’reach to comply with regulation?300m.27.What action would you take if you were on duty on deck and you observe oil leaking fro m the ship’s side?Cut off the leaking source, and at the same time sound the emergency alarm and notify the bridge.28.When would you need a “resuscitator”(人工呼吸器)?When I don’t have breathing and consciousness.29.A ship ahead hoists the flag‘D’and gives one long blast followed bytwo short blasts.What is the message?I am not under command and maneuvering with difficulty.30.What does 2182 kHz mean to you?It can be used as telephone to transmit distress messages.第十章遇险问答题1. what does MAYDAY calling mean in marine communication?It means the vessel is in distress or in critical danger.2. what should be include in MAYDAY message?。
航海英语听力与会话问答题答案注:黑色为第三版第四版共有橙色为第四版独有紫色为第三版独有第二章常用命令(不考)1.What does“abandon vessel” mean?“Abandon vessel” means “To evacuate all crew and passengers from a vessel following distress”.2.What does“foul anchor” mean?“Foul anchor” means “C rossing anchor or anchor twisted”.3.What does“dredging of an anchor” mean?“D redging of an anchor” means “Moving of an anchor over the sea bottom to control the movement of the vessel”.4.What does“underway” mean?“Underway” means “The ship is not at anchor, aground, or made fast to the shore”.5.What does“dragging of an anchor” mean?“Dragging of an anchor” means “Moving of an anchor over the sea bottom involuntarily, because it is no longer preventing the movement of the vessel”.6.What do you report when the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and is clear of it?W hen the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and isclear of it, I should report that the anchor is “Anchor aweigh”.7.Can you list some orders are included in Standard Ship Orders?The Standard Ship Orders including the wheel order, telegraph order, anchoring order, mooring order and some other orders.8.If you are ordered “Port five”, how to reply and report?I should reply “Port five” and report “Wheel is Port five”.9.If you are ordered “Steady”, how to reply and report?I should reply “Steady” and report “Steady on 090 degrees”.10.How to answer what is the course?I should answer “Course on 090 degrees”.11.What does “Single up forward to breast line and spring” mean?“Single up forward to breast line and spring” means “Let go alllines except a breast line and spring”.12.If you want change the position of the head line forward for3 meters, what do you say?I should speak “Shifting the head line 3 meters forward”.13.If you want to heave tight the breast line, what should you say?If I want to heave tight the breast line, I should speak “Make fast breast line”.14.Which order is an equivalent to “Send out head line”?“Pay out head line” is an equivalent to “Send out head line”. 15.Which order is an equivalent to “Let go stern line”?“Cast off stern line” is an equivalent to “Let go stern line”.16.What does“Anchor is foul” mean?“Anchor is foul” means “Crossing anchor or anchor twisted”.17.If the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and clear of the bottom, what do you report?W hen the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and clearof the bottom, I should report that the anchor is “Anchor aweigh”. 18.If the anchor is secured firmly in sea bottom, what do you report?When the anchor is secured firmly in the sea bottom,I shouldr eport that the anchor is “Brought up”.19.If there is no obstruction around the anchor before anchoring, what would you report?If there is no obstruction around the anchor before anchoring, Ishould report “The anchor is clear”.20.When the anchor is heaved out of the water surface and just above it, what do you report?When the anchor is heaved out of the water surface and just above it, I should report that the anchor is “Clear of water”.21.If you are ordered: “Stand by both engines!”, how should you reply and report?I should reply “Stand by both engines!” and report “Both engines stand by!”22.If you are ordered: “Full ahead”, how should you reply and report?I should reply “Full ahead” and report “Engine full ahead”23.If you are ordered: “Stop engine”, how should you reply and report?I should reply “Stop engine” and report “Engine stopped”24.What does “Finished with engine” mean?“Finished with engine” means “The movement of the engine is no longer required”.第三章进出港业务*(考试重点)1.What’s the validity of the Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate?T he validity of the Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate isfive years.2.Can a ship enter a foreign port before quarantine inspection?No, she can’t enter a foreign port before quarantine inspection. 3.Why must the customs officer seal the bonded store?The customs officer seal the bonded store in order to avoid any smuggled things.4.Are cigarettes and liquor exempted from customs duties?Yes, if it is for ship’s consumption.5.How can the captain do with the shore passes before leavinga port?Before leaving a port, the captain will return the shore passes to the immigration officer.6.Which certificate prescribes general requirements for the functions of radiotelegraphy installation for lifeboat onboard?It is the Safety Radiotelegraphy Certificate.7.Which certificate specifies the freeboard assignment of a ship?The International Load Line Certificate specifies the freeboard assignment of a ship.8.Which document should you show when you go through the customs formalities?W hen go through the customs formalities, I should be shown thecaptain’s declaration, port clearance, B/L, cargo manifests, crew list,crew effects list, ship’s store list and some other relevant documents.9.What documents should generally be shown to the quarantine officer?Generally speaking, the crew list, Health Declaration, Yellow Book, De-ratting Exemption Certificate and some other relevant documents should be shown to the quarantine officer.10.What documents should generally be shown to the customs officer?Generally speaking, the captain’s declaration, port clearance,B/L, cargo manifests, crew list, crew effects list, ship’s store list and some other relevant documents should be shown to the customs officer.11.What documents should generally be shown to the immigration officer?Generally speaking, the crew list, passport, seaman’s book and some other relevant documents should be shown to the immigration officer.12.Please list 5 ship’s certificates.The ship’s certificates as followings the Classification Certificate, International Tonnage Certificate, International Load LineCertificate, Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate, Ship Safety Navigation Certificate and so on.13.If your ship needs provisions and / or replenishments, how do you get them?We can get the ship’s provisions and / or replenishments from the ship chandler.14.Which document demonstrates a ship being in a fit and efficient condition and classed?It is the Classification Certificate.15.What flag should hoisted when a vessel requires quarantine inspection?W hen a vessel requires quarantine inspection, t he signal flag “Q” should be hoisted.16.What ship’s particulars will pilot station usually ask for?The pilot station usually ask for the ship’s name, call sign, position, draft, ETA and so on.17.What should be reported to the pilot station?I should be reported to the pilot station as followings the ship’s name, call sign, position, draft, ETA and so on.18.What should be confirmed from the pilot station?The pilot boarding time and position should be confirmed from the pilot station.19.What should be prepared before the pilot comes on board?Before the pilot comes on board, we should confirm the pilot boarding time and position, stand by engine, rig the pilot ladder, and so on.20.What flag should be hoisted when a vessel requires a pilot?When a vessel requires a pilot, the signal flag “G” should be hoisted.21.What must always be brought and placed close to the pilot ladder well before the pilot’s embarkation?Before the pilot’s embarkation, the lifebuoy with line and light must aways be brought and placed close to the pilot ladder.22.What flag is hoisted when the pilot has arrived on board?W hen the pilot has arrived on board, t he signal flag “H” should be hoisted.23.List the main items to be updated on the pilot card.On the pilot card, the LOA, breadth, gross tonnage, draft and some other information should be updated.24.Who should be in attendance when a pilot is on the ladder?When a pilot is on the ladder, the OOW and sailors should be in attendance.25.How can a ship get in touch with a port authority before her arrival?B efore a ship arrival, by VHF or TELEX get in touch with a port authority.26.What should an officer report to the pilot station before her arrival?Before a ship arrival, the officer should report to the pilot station as followings the ship’s name, call sign, position, draft, ETA and so on.27.What kind of information is usually provided by the pilot station?Pilot boarding time and position is usually provided by the pilot station.28.Who issues the shore passes to the crew members wishing to go ashore?The Immigration officer issues the shore passes to the crew members.第四章靠离泊作业*(考试重点)1.When preparing for anchoring what must you do before releasing the bow stoppers?Before releasing the bow stoppers for anchoring, we must to check the ship’s speed and the depth of water.2.Would you let go an anchor from the hawse pipe if the depth was 75 meters?No, I can not. If the depth of water is 50 meters or more, I should send the anchor to the sea bottom with the windlass and then slack away the chain slowly.3.Why is dangerous to anchor in ice?If the ship to anchor in ice, may be trapped by the ice and the anchor may not be brought up.4.What’s the call sign of your ship?My ship’s call sign is 3ELK9.5.What’s the ship’s nationality?The ship’s nationality is PANAMA.6.What’s your IMO number of your ship?My ship’s IMO number is 9431109.7.What type is your vessel?My vessel is a bulk carrier.8.How can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival?B efore a ship arrival, by VHF or TELEX get in touch with a port.9.When the vessel enters the VTS area, what is requested to report?When the vessel enters the VTS area, I request to report the ship’s name, call sign, position, draft, ETA and so on.10.If you are ordered: “Stand by both engines!” How should you reply and report?I should reply “Stand by both engines!” and report “Both enginesstand by!”11.What does the abbreviation ETD stand for?ETD stand for “Estimated Time of Departure”.12.Why must you consider ship’s speed and sea depth when you release the bow stoppers?In order not to exceed the SWL of the bow stoppers.13.Can you list at least three mooring lines?The mooring lines including the head line, stern line, breast line and spring line.14.You are about to enter a fairway and you want to relay your intention to the VTS. Using a standard message marker and a phrase, what should you say?I should say “VTS, this is MV BEAGLE VII, I am entering thefairway”.15.What is the maximum speed through the water that your ship can anchor without risking breaking the cable?Generally speaking, the maximum speed is less than 2 KTS, but for VLCC is less than 0.5 KTS.16.Why is a magnetic compass kept on board when a gyro compass is more accurate?Because the magnetic compass needs little maintenance and require no power source and it can be used in case of the gyro compass breakdown.第五章装卸作业1.What is the loading capacity of your vessel?My vessel’s loading capacity is 17,000 tons.2.What cargo hand gear and equipment dose your vessel have?My vessel have three deck cranes.3.Please list some cargo papers.The cargo papers as followings the stowage plan, shipping order, B/L, cargo manifest and so on.4.Please describe the general nature of general cargo.The general cargo is a verity of cargo and is packed separately. 5.Please describe the general nature of bulk cargo.The bulk cargo is the single cargo without package when under transport.6.What kind of cargo is canvas sling suitable for lifting?The canvas sling is suitable for lifting bulk cargo, bagged cargo, and so on.7.What kind of cargo is chain sling suitable for lifting?The chain sling is suitable for lifting general cargo, such as steel sheets,timber and so on.8.What kind of cargo is net sling suitable for lifting?The net sling is suitable for lifting general cargo in pieces.9.What does the abbreviation SWL stand for?SWL stand for “Safe working load”.10.What does“shifting cargo” mean?“Shifting cargo” means “To move the cargo from one place to another”.11.What does“Union purchase” mean?“Union purchase” means “A method of cargo handing by combining two derricks, one of which is fixed over the hatch and the other over the ship’s side”.12.What preparations shall be done before loading cargo?Before loading cargo, the cargo holds should be cleaned and made ready for use and inspection.13.What does the abbreviation COW stand for?COW stand for “Crude Oil Washing”.14.How many classes of dangerous goods are there according to the IMDG code? Can you list some?There are 9 classes of dangerous goods, such as explosive, flammables, poisons, corrosives and so on.15.What kind of cargo is classified as flammable cargo?The flammable cargo is classified as the cargo is easy to burn, including gas, liquid and solid.16.What does “compatibility of goods” mean?“Compatibility of goods” means “The different goods can bestowed together in one hold”.17.What can be used to removed spillage?Such as the oil absorbent, chemical agent, rags and some other equipment can be used to removed spillage.18.What shall be ensured before entering the enclosed space?Before entering the enclosed space, the ventilate fully and oxygen detection should be ensured.19.What must you wear when you enter an enclosed space?Before entering an enclosed space, I must be worn the breathing apparatus, gloves, helmet, safety shoes, safety line and so on.20.What’s the first step in handling the cargo damage caused by the stevedores?If the cargo damage caused by the stevedores, as a C/O, I should ask the foreman to confirm the cargo damage.21.Can you list some ways of correcting listing?Adjust ballast or deballast, shift or jettison some cargo.22.What’s your maximum permitted draft?My ship’s maximum draft is 8.54 meters.23.Would a cargo with a high “flash point” be of more concernto you than one with a low “flash point”?No, a cargo with a low flash point would be of more concern.24.Before you enter into an “enclosed space”, what safety precautions should you take?Before enter into an enclosed space, the ventilate fully and oxygen detection should be taken.25.Could you please describe the nature of general cargo?General cargo is a verity of cargo and is packed separately.26.Could you please say something about bulk cargo?Bulk cargo is the single cargo without package when under transport.27.Can you list any dry bulk cargoes and tell how they are handled?The dry bulk cargoes including the grain, coal, ore and so on,they are usually loaded and discharged by the grabs.28.Where should heavier loads be placed?They should be placed in the bottom hold or in the tween deck bottom hold.29.What kind of cargo gears and equipment are there on board the ship you have served on?There are three deck cranes on board the ship.30.What precautions should be taken before entering the enclosed space?Before entering the enclosed space, the ventilate fully and oxygen detection should be taken.32.Could you give any description on cargo papers?The cargo papers as followings the stowage plan, shipping order, mate receipt, B/L, cargo manifest, and so on.第六章航行*(考试重点)1.Why is record keeping a necessary part of watchkeeping?To make sure that he keeps proper watch according to relevant rules and conventions.2.What does VHF stand for?VHF stand for “Very High Frequency”.3.How should the relieving officer behave in case a bridge manoeuvre already took place but has not been over?The handover must be deferred until the action is completed and the vessel is in a safe condition.4.How many objects do you need to get a position using “horizontal sextant angles”?The three fixed visual objects needed to get a position using “horizontal sextant angles”.5.What should the master expect from the OOW on arriving at the bridge?The master should expect the ship’s position, course, speed, and any other information about navigation from the OOW.6.How do you know the VHF channels to be monitored when leaving port?Look through the Admiralty List of Radio Signals or guide to port entry.7.Why is it important to sound fog signals?To sound the fog signals can help the vessel to avoid close-quarters situation or risk of collision.8.When would you sound the general alarm?When emergency accidents take place on board or carrying out drills, I should sound the general alarm.9.When should an OOW notify the master immediately for emergency ship-handling or complicated navigation? Please list some.The OOW will notify the master in such conditions as: equipment failure, distress call, heavy traffic, lower visibility and so on.10.If a sailing ship is overtaking a power-driven vessel, who has right of way?The power-driven vessel has the right of way.11.A power-driven vessel is on collision course with a fishing trawler. Who has the right of way?The fishing trawler has the right of way.12.How many “position lines” are needed to make a position?At least two position lines are needed to make a position.13.Can you define the very important term “underway”?“Underway” defines “The vessel is not at anchor, aground ormade fast to the shore”.14.How does the OOW assess risk of collision generally?According to the relevant provisions in the COLREG to assess the risk of collision.15.Can you list three famous canals in the world?The Panama canal, Suez canal and Kiel canal are famous canals in the world.16.What is the sound signal to warn a vessel of the immediate danger of collision?Five short and rapid blasts should be sounded to warn a vessel of the immediate danger of collision.17.What are the duties of watch-keeping when underway?Make sure the vessel on the planed course and keep a sharp lookout.18.Describe advantages of various tools or technologies for a proper lookout.The radar can detect the object and determine the distance; the compass can tell the course of the vessel and the GPS can determine the ship’s position.19.Describe the proper way of using VHF.First switch on the VHF powder, then choose a correct channel, press the transmitting button to speak slowly and clearly.20.How do you rectify the mistake in marine VHF communication?I should say the word “MISTAKE” followed by the corresponding part of the message.21.How do you emphasize the important part of a message in marine VHF communication?I should say the word “REPEAT” followed by the corresponding part of the message.22.Besides the collision risks, what else should you monitor on watch in reduced visibility?In reduced visibility, besides the collision risk, I should monitor on watch such as the compasses, auto pilot, navigation and signal lights, and any other navigational equipment on the bridge.23.Why is record keeping a necessary part of watch keeping?Keeping record to make sure that he keeps proper watch according to the relevant rules and conventions.24.Apart from those for navigation safety, what else should you do on an anchor watch?On the anchor watch, I should keep the security watch and carry out fire patrol.25.Describe the bridge shift change.Prier to taking over the watch, the relieving officer should be check the course, speed, position and any dangers to navigation.In case a bridge manoeuvre already took place, the hand over must be deferred until the action is completed and the vessel is in a safe condition.26.How should the relieving officer behave in case a bridge manoeuvre already took place but has not been over?In case a bridge manoeuvre already took place, the hand over must be deferred until the action is completed and the vessel is in a safe condition.27.When would you instruct a lookout to assist you on the bridge?I will instruct a lookout to assist me on the bridge when the visibility in restricted and in case of any other difficult or emergent situations.28.What effect will the general alarm have on all the crew?On hearing the general alarm, all crew members should go to their muster stations immediately.29.How many meters are there in a nautical mile?There are around 1852 meters in a nautical mile.30.If you travel from Panama to New York, will your latitude increase or decrease?If I travel from Panama to New York, my latitude will increase. 31.You observe a ship, during daytime, exhibiting three balls on the same halyard. What has happened?The vessel was happened aground.32.What does the abbreviation IALA stand for?IALA stand for “International Association of LighthouseAuthorities”.33.Is it safe to pass north of a North mark?Yes, it is safe to pass north of a North mark.34.Is it safe to pass north of a South mark?No, it is not safe to pass north of s South mark.35.Does “variation” change due to ship’s position?Yes, it is change due to ship’s position.36.Does “deviation” change due to ship’s position?No, it doesn’t change due to ship’s position.37.When correcting charts why must you use symbols and abbreviations from chart 5011?When correcting charts, I must use symbols and abbreviations from chart 5011, because It’s the standard of all the charts.38.You have purchased a new chart. Is it right ready for use?No, because it may not be corrected up to date.39.What publication do you need to correct charts properly?I need the Notice to mariners to correct the charts properly40.What course in degrees corresponds to south-east?135 degrees corresponds to south-east.41.What is the angle between magnetic and true meridian called?The angle between magnetic and turn meridian is called “Variation”.42.Where can you always find information about the magnetic variation?We can find magnetic variation in the compass rose, by isogonic lines or a note on the chart.43.When a ship picks up speed, will draught increase or decrease?When a ship picks up the speed, the draught will increase.44.A ship ahead of you has hoisted the signal flag “O”, what has happened?If a ship ahead of you has hoisted the signal flag “O”, It means the ship has happened “Man overboard”.第七章海上呼叫*(考试重点)1.What does “initial course” mean in search and rescue operation?“Initial course” means “The course directed by the OSC or other authorized person to be steered at the beginning of a search”.2.What does “jettison of cargo” mean?“Jettison of cargo” means “To throw the cargo overboard in order to lighten the vessel or improve it’s stability in case of anemergency”.3.What does SAR stand for?SAR stand for “Search And Rescue”.4.What is INMARSAT short for?INMARSAT short for “International Maritime Satellite Organization”.5.What does UTC stand for?UTC stand for “Universal Time Coordinated”.6.Can you list three or more search patterns?The search patterns as followings the expanding square search pattern, sector search pattern, parallel sweep search pattern,ship/aircraft coordinate search pattern.7.What does a “hampered vessel” mean?“Hampered vessel” means “A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver by the nature of her work”.8.What does MMSI stand for?MMSI stand for “Maritime Mobile Service Identity”.9.What does OSC stand for?OSC stand for “On-Scene Commander”.10.When will a parallel sweep search usually be used?If a vessel searches and rescues with another vessel assistance, the parallel sweep search usually be used.11.When will a sector search pattern usually be used?If a single vessel searches and rescues, the sector search pattern usually be used.12.When will the expanding square search usually be used?If a single vessel searches and rescues, the expanding square search usually be used.13.When you request the receiver to remain on channel 16 in VHF communication, what do you say?When I request the receiver to remain on channel 16 in VHF communication, I can say “Stand by on channel 16!”.14.How do you rectify the mistake in marine VHF communication?I should say the word “MISTAKE” followed by the corresponding part of the message.15.How do you emphasize the important part of a message in marine VHF communication?I should say the word “REPART” followed by the corresponding part of the message.16.What does MAYDAY mean in marine communications?In marine communications, the MAYDAY means “The vessel isin distress or in critical danger”.17.What should be included in MAYDAY messages?The MAYDAY messages should be including the ship’s name, call sign, position, nature of distress, the assistance she needs and soon.18.What does PAN-PAN mean in marine communications?In marine communications, the PAN-PAN means “An urgent message about a serious danger for the vessel, crew and passengers”.19.What does SECURITE mean in marine communications?In marine communications, the SECURITE means“Themessage concerns the safety of navigation”.20.What are passengers advised to put on while abandoning the vessel?The passengers are advised to put on lifejackets while abandoning the vessel.21.What can be used to attract attention after abandoning the vessel?After abandoning the vessel, the orange smoking signals, hand flares, rocket parachute flares and so on can be used to attract attention.22.Coastal radio stations keep a constant watch on distress frequencies. What frequencies are they?The distress frequencies are 2182kHz, VHF CH16 and so on. 23.A ship is signaling you with his ‘Aldis lamp’ (Morse lamp) the letter ‘U’. What is the message for you?If a ship is signaling to me the letter ‘U’ by his aldis lamp, themessage means “You are running into danger”.24.What is IAMSAR short for?IAMSAR stand for “International Aeronautical and MaritimeSearch And Rescue”.25.What does RCC stand for?RCC stand for “Rescue Coordination Center”.26.Can you list any search patterns?The search patterns as followings the expanding square search pattern, sector search pattern, parallel sweep search pattern,ship/aircraft coordinate search pattern.27.Why should you learn to use SMCP as developed by IMO?In order to communicate with other ships and shore stations.28.Could you please talk about different ways to send off emergency signal?Emergency signals can be send off by VHF, TELEX, DSC, INMASAT-C and so on.29.What’s the difference between “heel” and “list”?“heel” is caused by external force, while “list” is caused by internal force.30.What is “Muster list”?“Muster list” is a list showing the crew’s assembly station and liability in any event of emergency.31.What is the sound alarm for abandoning vessel?When abandoning the vessel, we should sound seven short blasts and one prolonged blast.32.List some visual and audible distress signals for attracting attention when in distress.When in distress, the orange smoking signals, hand flares, rocket parachute flares and fog signaling apparatus can be used to attract attention.33.Would you please pronounce the correct international code words for ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’?ALFA, BRAVO, CHARLIE, DELTA.34.‘Smothering’ is a way of dealing with fire. How does it work?“Smothering” is a way of dealing with fire, it work is cut off the supply of oxygen.35.What reason would you think is justified for postponing the fire drill to a more suitable time?When the ship is encounter the heavy weather or imminent danger, the fire drill can be justified for postponing.36.A ship anchored close to your ship hoists the flag ‘I’ what action should you take?If a ship anchored close of me, I should keep a sharp lookout and take relevant collision avoidance.。
--泰戈尔第一章 公共英语:1.What's your date of birth? It‟s august 24 st.2.What's your seaman's book number? It‟s jk982894.3.Where are you from? I am from weihai.4.What's your Captain's nationality? He is chinese.5.What do you think is the most important thing on board? I think safety first.6.Which ports do you often call at?We often call tianjian,dalian, and shanghai. 7.What is your favorite TV program? My favorite TV program is sport program. 8.What is your favorite Web site? My favorite Web site is yahoo.9.What is your favorite day of the week? Why? It‟s Sunday, because I can relax myself weekends. 10.What is your favorite kind of movie? It is science fiction.11.What is your favorite kind of music? It is jacks classic.12.What is your favorite magazine? It is the world of english.13.What is the population of your hometown? It is about 1 million.14.What is the population of your country? It is about 1.3 billion.15.What is the best thing about your hometown? The environment there is well protected.16.What is the worst thing about your hometown? I know nothing bad of it.17.What's your hometown like? It …s very beautify coastal town.18.Do you have many disasters in you country which are caused by weather?Yes, such as flood, fire and so on.19.What sports do you like to watch on TV? I like to watch football.20.What do you think is the most popular sport in the world? I think is football. 第二章 进出港业务1.What's the validity of the Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate? Five years.2.What flag should be hoisted when a vessel requires quarantine inspection? Flag Q.3.Can a ship enter a foreign port before quarantine inspection? No, she can‟t.4.Why must the customs officer seal the Bonded Store? To prevent smugglling5.Please list 5 ship's certificates.International tonnage certificate, international load line certificate, certificate of vessel‟s registration, certificate of vessel‟s nationality, ship safety navigation certificate.6.Are cigarettes and liquor exempted from customs duties? Yes, if it‟s for ship‟s consumption.7.How can the captain do with the shore passes before leaving a port? The caption will return them to the immigration officer.8.Which certificate prescribes general requirements for the functions of radiotelegraphy installation for lifeboat onboard? The safety radiotelegraphy certificate.9.Which certificate specifies the freeboard assignment of a ship? The international load line certificate.10.Which document demonstrates a ship being in a fit and efficient condition and classed?The classification certificate.11.If your ship needs provisions and/or replenishments, how do you get them?We can get them from ship chandler.12.What documents should you show when you go through the customs formalities?The captain declaration, the import cargo manifest, last port clearance, crew lists, duplicates of crew personal articles lists, stores and provisions list and so on.13.Who issues the shore passes to the crewmembers wishing to go ashore? Immigration officer.14.What documents should generally be show to the quarantine officer?crew list . Bill of Health De-ratting Exemption Certificate yellow book etc .15.What documents should generally be show to the customs officer? Double crew list captain declaration international certificate the import manifest cargo manifest last port clearance crew effects declaration ship stores declaration store list etc .16.What documents should generally be show to the immigration officer?Crew passport and visa crew list Seaman book captain declaration etc .第三章 靠离与锚泊业务:1.Can you list at least three mooring lines? Head line, stern line, breast line, etc.2.What should be prepared before the pilot comes on board? The pilot ladder should be prepared.3.What is the maximum speed through the water that your ship can anchor without risking breaking the cable? Two knots.4.What flag should be hoisted when a vessel requires a pilot? Flag G .5.How can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival? By telex or VHF.6.What ship's particulars will pilot station usually ask for? Ship‟s name,call sign,position,draft,ETA and so on. 7.What should be reported to the pilot station? Ship‟s name,call sign,position,draft,ETA and so on. 8.What should be confirmed from the pilot station? Time and place for picking up the pilot.9.When the vessel enters the VTS area, what is requested to report? Ship‟s name,call sign,position,draft,ETA and so on. 10.What does “foul anchor” mean? Means crossing anchor.11.If you are ordered: “Stand by both engines!” how should you reply and report?Replay:” stand by both engines.‟ and the report:” both engines stand by.”12.Can you list three famous canals in the world? Panama canal, suez canal and kiel canal.13.When you request the receiver to remain on channel 16 in VHF communication, what do you say? Stand by channel 1614.How do you rectify the mistake in marine VHF communication? Say “mistake” followed by the corresponding part of the message. 15.How do you emphasize the important part of a message in maritime VHF communication?Say”repeat”, followed by the corresponding part of the message. 16.What does “abandon vessel” mean?To evacuate crew and passengers from a vessel following distress. 17.What does the abbreviation ETD stand for?Estimated time of departure.18.What does “dredging of an anchor” mean?Moving of an anchor over the sea bottom to control the movement of the vessel.19.What does “underway” mean?While the ship is not at anchor, aground, or made fast to the shore. 20.What does “dragging of an anchor” mean?Moving of an anchor over the sea bottom involuntarily because it is no longer preventing the movement of the vessel.21.What is the difference between a “radar beacon” and a “radar refle ctor”?radar beacon can identify the vessel by international signal code.Radar reflector can strengthen its reflecting signal.22.How many objects do you need to get a position using “horizontal sextant angles”?at least two objects23.Why is a magnetic compass kept on board when a gyro compass is more accurate?Once gyro compass fails, magnetic compass can replace it .24 .What do you report when the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and is clear of it?You should report “anchor aweigh”.when the anchor has been heaved from the water ,then report “anchor is clear.”25.When preparing for anchoring what must you do before releasing the bow stoppers?At first put the windlass in gear ,then make the stopper free without power.26 .Would you let go an anchor from the hawse pipe if the depth was 75 meters?No, the water is deep27.Why must you consider ship‟s speed and sea depth when you release the bow stoppers?for fear that the anchor is lost or anchor chain is broken and damaged.28.What must always be brought and placed close to the pilot ladder well befor the pilot‟s embarkation?the life buoy with a line and light.29 Why is it dangerous to anchor in ice?for fear that the propeller ,wheel or anchor chain is broken 30.What flag is hoisted when the pilot has arrived on board?flag “H"第四章装卸作业:1.How many classes of dangerous goods are there according to the IMDG Code? Can you list some?Nine classes, such as explosives, flammables, poisons, corrosives, and so on.2.What kind of cargo is classified as flammable cargo?Cargo which has low inflammable point , is liable to combustion caused by collision and rubbing or external fire sources is classified as flammable cargo.3.Please describe the general nature of general cargo.General cargo consists of a variety of goods and is packed separately. 4.Please describe the general nature of bulk cargo.Bulk cargo consists of single cargo and is usually carried in loose without package.5.What kind of cargo is canvas sling suitable for lifting?A canvas sling is suitable for lifting bags of gain ,rice and coffee, etc. 6.What kind of cargo is chain sling suitable for lifting?A chain sling is suitable for lifting logs and iron rails. 7.What kind of cargo is net sling suitable for lifting?A net sling is suitable for lifting small packages and mail.8.What does the abbreviation COW stand for?Crude oil washing.9.What does “jettison of cargo” mean?To throw goods overboard in order to lighten the vessel or improve its stability in case of an emergency.10.What d oes “compatibility of goods” mean?It indicates whether different goods can be safety stowed together in one cargo space or in an adjacent hold.11.What does the abbreviation SWL stand for?Safe working load.12.What does “shifting cargo” mean?It means to move the cargo from one place to another .13.What does “Union purchase” mean?A method of cargo handling by combining two derricks ,one of which is fixed over the hatch ,the other over the ship‟s side.14.What preparations shall be done before loading cargo?Clean the cargo holds and get cargo handling gears ready.15.What is the loading capacity of your vessel?Five thousand tons.16.What cargo handling gear and equipment does your vessel have? Cranes and derricks.17.What can be used to remove spillage?Oil dispersants .oil absorbent and so on.18.What shall be ensured before entering the enclosed space? Check to see if the enclosed space is deficient in oxygen and/or contain flammable or toxic fumes, gases or vapors.19.Please list some cargo papers.Shipping order, bill of lading, loading list ,manifest, etc.20.What must you wear when you enter an enclosed space? Breathing apparatus ,gloves, helmet and safety shoes.第五章航行:1.Why is it important to sound fog signals?To sound fog signals can help vessels attract the attention of another vessel in restricted visibility and take proper action to avoid collision. 2.When would you sound the general alarm?When emergency accidents take place on board.3.When should an OOW(值班驾驶员)notify the master immediately for emergency ship-handling or complicated navigation? Please list some.Sighting any hazard to navigation not marked on the chart ,on approaching any concentration of traffic.4.How does the OOW assess risk of collision generally?OOW usually assess risk of collision according to the compass bearing of another vessel.5.How should the relieving officer behave in case a bridge manoeuvre already took place but has not been over?He should check ship‟s surroundings,ship‟s position, course and so on. 6.List the main items to be updated on the pilot card?Loa, breadth, gross tonnage, draft, etc.7.Besides the collision risks, what else should you monitor on watch in reduced visibility?Carry out dead reckoning at regular intervals to ensure the vessel navigate on course of advance.8.How do you know the VHF channels to be monitored when leaving port?Look through sailing direction or guide to port entry.9.What should the Master expect from the OOW on arriving at the bridge?The ship‟s position , course, speed and any other information about navigation.10.Who should be in attendance when a pilot is on the ladder?The OOW and sailors.11.When would you instruct a lookout to assist you on the bridge?In the evening ,in restricted visibility, in restricted waters, etc. 12.What effect will the general alarm have on all the crew?Warn the crew that there is emergency accident on board.13.Why is record keeping a necessary part of watch keeping? Because the record may be requested to produce evidences in case of official inquiries about accidents.14.Apart from those for navigation safety, what else should you do on an anchor watch?Prevent from fire and pirate.15.How would you conveniently, check the compass error in pilotage waters?In pilotage waters, we can use landmarks to check the compass error. 16.If a sailing vessel is overtaking a power driven vessel, who has the right of way?power driven vessel has the right way.17.A power driven vessel is on a collision course with a fishing trawler, who has the right of way?fishing trawler vessel has a right way.18 .How many meters are there in a nautical mile?1852 meters19.If you travel from Panama to New York, will your latitude increase or decrease?the latitude increase20.How many “position lines” are needed to make a position?two position lines21 .Can you define the very important term “underway”?under way means that a vessel is not at a anchor, made fast to a shore or aground22 .You observe a ship, during daytime, exhibiting three balls on the same halyard.What has happened?a vessel aground, which length is not limited.23 .What does the abbreviation IALA stand for?international association of lighthouse authorities24.Is it safe to pass north of a North Mark?yes ,it is safe.25.Is it safe to pass north of a South Mark?No, it is not safe.26.Does “variation” change due to ship‟s position?Yes, it is27 .Does “deviation” change due to ship‟s position?no, it doesn‟t change.28.When correcting charts why must you use symbols and abbreviations from chart 5011?in order to agree with the symbols and abbreviation of chart 5011 so that it has the same standard.29.You have purchased a new chart.Is it right ready for use?No ,maybe we should correct it update30 .What publication do you need to correct charts properly?notice to mariners31.What course in degrees corresponds to south-east?135 degrees32.What is the angle between magnetic and true meridian called? variation33 .Where can you always find information about the magnetic variation?compass rose and Equal Magnetic Variation34.When a ship picks up speed, will draught increase or decrease? the draught increases35 .A ship ahead of you has hoisted the signal flag “o”, what has happened?man overboard第六章修船与船体保养:1.Why does a ship need maintenance?To keep the surface of the ship clean and ensure the ship is seaworthy. 2.Who is in charge of the maintenance work?The chief officer.3.Can you list some types of repair?Yes, such as voyage repair, annual repair and major repair. 4.What is a voyage repair?V oyage repair results from serious abrasion or general accident occurring in vessel operation so as to adversely affect navigation safety and must carried out by shipyard or voyage repair station.5.What is a major repair?Major repair is a thorough periodical check to hull and main equipment and systems on board every two or three voyage repairs.6.What is an annual repair?Annual repair is the repair carried out every year.7.What is a repair list?Repair list is a list on which the items to be repaired are displayed. 8.What special attention should be paid to when writing a repair list? When writing a repair list ,we should take all considerations into account and avoid adding repair works to ensure seaworthiness. 9.Can you list at least five kinds of paint?Anticorrosive paint, primer, anti-fouling pain, bituminous solution, surface paint.10.Can you list some classification societies in the world?NK(日本船级社),CCS(中国船级社),ABS,DNV(挪威船级社),BV(法国船级社), etc.11.What kind of paint is usually given to the ship's bottom?Bottom paint.12.What kind of paint is usually given to the places such as radiators, pipes and funnels?Aluminum powder paint.13.What kind of coating is usually applied to anchors and chains? Bituminous solution.14.What is the difference between “repair list” and “repair bill”? Repair list is a list of all the items to be repaired, while repair bill is a list of charges to be paid upon the completion of repair work. 15.What is used to measure the thickness of hull plates?With ultrasonic wave.16.Could you list some different kinds of ship's survey?Special survey, annual survey, voyage survey, periodical survey, intermediate survey.17.What should be done before applying a priming coat of paint? Remove the last of the scale with a wire brush.18.What kind of coating is usually applied in the double bottom tanks? Cement wash.19.What must be considered when stowing away synthetic ropes?To prevent it from kinking .第七章事故处理:1.What is your purpose to prepare the Confirmation of Collision Occurrence to the Captain of the other vessel?To make the fact clear and avoid possible disputes.2.What shall be usually attached to the report on the collision accident?Abstract of log book, witnesses, and photo pictures if necessary. 3.When should a sea protest be submitted to and endorsed by the authorities concerned?When heavy weather was encountered, and either ship or cargo might have been damage.4.Generally speaking, which is responsible for the damage after a collision between a vessel moored and a vessel underway?The vessel underway is responsible for the damage.5.What is the sound signal to warn a vessel of the immediate danger of collision?Five short and rapid blasts.6.What actions will you take after a collision with another vessel? Coordinate actions between the two vessels, standby for rescue. 7.As a Chief Officer, what is your responsibility in damage control operation?Take measures to minimize the damage, check the damage degree and quantity , report to the captain , and so on.8.What does “SOPEP” mean?Ship oil pollution emergency plan.9.Whom shall be reported to in case of an oil pollution incident?The authorities of the coastal countries.10.What's the first step in handling the cargo damage caused by the stevedores?Report the incident to the chief officer and ask the foreman to confirm the cargo damage.11.What anti-stowaway precautions should you take before the vessel sails from a port?Patrol the ship and check all the possible places.12.What is your first response when you detect a fire?Sound the alarm right away.13.What can be used to handle an oil spill?Oil dispersants, oil absorbent, and so on.14.What are the ways to refloat a grounded vessel?Wait for the high water, adjust the ballast and bunker or deballast, ask for the assistance from tugs or jettison some cargo if necessary. 15.Can you list some ways of correcting listing?Adjust the ballast or cargo.16.What will you first do if you find some oil near your vessel while bunkering?Stop the operation of bunkering.17.What will you do first if a crewmember was seriously injured? Provide first aid immediately and report.18.What will you do first if your vessel is under attack by pirates? Communicate with the coast station for assistance.19.If someone returns to the ship very drunk, should he be left alone to “sleep it off”?no , we should take care of him.20.If you see a person collapsed who is in contact with electricity what is the first thing you must do before attempting to switch off the supply?we should sound a alarm.21.If you suspect someone has inhaled a dangerous substance what can you to help even if you are not trained?take him away from the poisonous spot and take in fresh air22 .In what circumstances do you give artificial respiration and mouth to mouth ventilation?when the patient has no breath and can not breath by himself23 .How should you try to stop bleeding at first?press the wound and tie the stopping-bleeding band up24.If you suspect someone has poisoned what is the first thing you should try to do?take him away from the poisonous spot25.What is the most important thing to consider when treating a wound?stop bleeding then tie it up and prevent him from infecting.第八章消防与船员自救作业:1.What kind of fire extinguishers can you use for an electric fire? CO2 or dry chemical powder extinguisher.2.What cannot be used for an electric fire?Water and foam.3.What are the three components of fire?Oxygen, fuel and ignition.4.How often is a fire drill required to be carried out on cargo ships? Once a month.5.What must you do first if you find a fire on board?Sound the alarm and report to the bridge immediately.6.What does the Muster List show?Crew‟s station and liability in firefighting and boat drills.7.What will you first do if you see a person fall overboard?Throw a lifebuoy to him.8.How often is a boat drill required to be carried out on board a cargo ship?Once a month.9.Can you list at least three different kinds of fire extinguishers?CO2 dry powder , water and foam extinguisher.10.In general, what parties are involved in a fire drill?Fire fighting party, separation party, rescue party, etc. 11.Where should fire control plan be located?In the corridor of the main deck and in the watertight boxes marked” fire control plan” on both sides outside the accommodation quarters. 12.How often will the lifeboat be launched into water?The lifeboat will be launched into water at least once every 3 months. 13.What does “retreat signal” mean?The sound, visual or other signal to a team ordering it to return its base. 14.What is “general alarm signal”?A sound signal of seven short blasts and one prolonged blast given with the vessel‟s sound system.15.What does “fire patrol” mean?A member of the watch is going around the vessel at certain intervals so that an outbreak of fire may be promptly detected.16.What is “damage control team”?A group of crewmembers trained for fighting flooding in the vessel. 17.How do you check fixed installation?we should weigh it and check its pressure.18.Can you list two main reasons for electrical fire?the circuit has been old ; short circuit19.What is the minimum number of motor lifeboats fitted on board? 20.Could you list some apparatus in an open lifeboat?fresh water towing line buckets one buoyant bailer etc.21.Would a cargo with a high “flash point” be of more concern to you than one with a low “flash point”?No ,we should concern low flash point.22 .What is meant by “starving “ a fire?Cut off the air and move away flammable objects.23.Before you enter into an “enclosed space”, what safety precautions should you take?we should ventilate for a while and detect the oxygen content.24 .What is supposed to be transferred over the international shore connection?water for firefighting25.If a person who has no authority to be on board attempts to enter the ship, where should he be stopped?he should stop at gangway.26 .How often should an “emergency fire pump” be tested?once a month27.What is the most effective fire extinguisher for the galley on board ship?carbon dioxide28 .For ship at sea what is the general procedure to follow for fire in cargo holds?shut off all the ventilation and use extinguisher.29.What is the absolute minimum number of lifejackets required on board ship?125% of crew on board.30.You are survivor at sea when an SAR(search and rescue) aircraft drops a red container.What is in it?life apparatus such as life jacket ,life rope etc.第九章救助:1.What does “initial course” mean in search and rescue operation? Course directed by the OSC or other authorized person to be steered at the beginning of a search.2.What does “jettison of cargo” mean?To throw goods overboard in order to lighten the vessel or improve its stability in case of an emergency.3.What's the diffe rence between “heel” and “list”?Heel is caused by external force, while list caused by internal force. 4.What does “EPIRB” stand for?Emergency position indicating radio beacon.5.What does SAR stand for?Search and rescue.6.What is INMARSAT short for?International maritime satellite organization.7.What does UTC stand for?Universal time coordinated.8.What does RCC stand for?Rescue coordination center.9.What is SART?Search and rescue transponder.10.Can you list three or more search patterns?They are expanding square search pattern, sector search pattern, parallel search pattern, ship/aircraft coordinate search pattern. 11.What does a “hampered vessel” mean?A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver by the nature of he work. 12.What does MMSI stand for?Maritime mobile satellite service.13.What is “Muster list”?A emergency plan including both abandoning vessel and fire fighting. 14.What does OSC stand for?On-scene coordinator.15.What does VHF stand for?Very high frequency.16.What is the sound alarm for abandoning vessel?seven short blast and one prolonged blast17.When will a parallel sweep search usually be used?when a vessel searches and rescues with another vessel assistance.18 .When will a sector search pattern usually be used?single vessel searches and rescues19.When will the expanding square search usually be used?single vessel searches and rescues20.List some visual and audible distress signals for attracting attention when in distress?orange smoke rocket parachute body language fog signal mayday21.Would you please pronounce the correct international code words for “A” “B” “C” and “D”?alfa bravo Charlie delta22.By regulation, what is the minimum amount of water required per person in the lifeboat?3 liters23.”smothering” is a way of dealing with fire.How does it work? cut off the supply of oxygen24.What reason would you think is justified for postponing the fire drill to a more suitable time?We encounter the heavy weather or imminent danger.25 .A ship anchored close to your ship hoists the flag “I” What action should you take?I am altering my course to port.26 .What altitude must a “rocket parachute flare” reach to comply with regulation?It must reach 300meters.27 .What action would you take if you were on duty on deck and you observe oil leaking from the ship‟ side?Stop relevant operation and sound an alarm..28.When would you need a “resuscitator”?when the person stops breath29.A ship ahead hoists the flag “D” and gives one long blast followed by two short blasts.What is the massage?keep clear of me I am manoeuvring with difficulty.30.What does 2182khz mean to you?distress frequency.第十章遇险:1.What does MAYDAY calling mean in marine communications?It means the vessel is in distress or in critical danger.2.What should be included in MAYDAY messages?It may include the vessel‟s name, call sign, position, nature of distress, the accurate assistance she needs, and so on.3.What does PAN-PAN calling mean in marine communications?It means information or warning may be very urgent indeed and should be prefix with pan-pan, pan-pan. 4.What does SECURITE calling mean in marine communications?It means messages concern safety of navigation.5.What are passengers advised to put on while abandoning the vessel? The passengers are advised to put on lifejackets.6.What is the general emergency alarm?Seven blasts and one prolonged blast.7.Can you give a briefing on how to put on lifejackets?Put it on and tie fast with the reflection belt outside, and check if the whistle and self-igniting light in good order.8.What can be used to attract attention after abandoning the vessel? By smoking signals, whistles, etc.9 .How many portable radios must be fitted on a survival craft? three portable radios10.What is the minimum requirement for a line-throwing appliance? the length is not less than 230metres,broken strength is not less than 2kn.11.If you should fall overboard, what would you do?you should remain your strength , keep in sight of other persons.12 .Can you list some risks to crew while abandoning vessels? forget to put on life jacket, to take immersion clothes and SART etc.13 .Where are explosions most commonly encountered on board ship? in engine room ,in oil tank ,in dangerous cargo hold14.How is it possible to find safety equipment in a room full of smoke?be fitted with self contained breathing apparatus15 .What type of oil is used in certain rescue operations to prevent the seas breaking?vegetable oil16.Coastal radio stations keep a constant watch on distress frequencies.What frequencies are they?2182khz17.A ship is signaling you with his “AIdis lamp” (Morse lamp) the letter “U”.What is the message for you?you are running into danger18.When launching an inflatable liferaft into the sea, what is it most important to secure?The line connected to the vessel should be secured.19.What type of engine must a lifeboat have?four -strokes, air-compressed diesel engine.20.Why should you not take high protein food with you in a lifeboat? you are easy to be thirsty, because there is not enough water in the ship.21.If you are in a lifeboat without an imminent prospect of being rescued, how soon should you issue food and water?after 24 hours22.When there is a muster for an emergency there are several things that must be closed.Give three examples.watertight door , cargo hatch, ventilation system.23 .In tidal waters what would be the best time to “beach” the ship in an emergency?Flooding tide24.If you see a small, controlled fire on board another ship while at sea, what is the signal from the ship?Pay attention to it while navigating25 .What should be done to make sure that medicines are on board each lifeboat?check and change it at regular time26.If you have no rockets, flags, signals or radio, how can you indicate to a ship in sight that you need assistance?stretch out both arms, move up and down slowly and repeatedly 27.If the anchor is reported dragging, what would be your first action?let go another anchor .第十一章港口国检查:1.Can you list some items to be checked for load line requirements in PSC inspections?。
航海英语评估会话答案(二/三副)(第三版)目录第一题朗读(20分×1题) (3)第二题口述题(20分×1题) (14)第1章公共用语 (14)第3章靠泊与锚泊业务 (16)第4章装卸作业 (18)第5章航行 (20)第6章修船与船体保养 (22)第7章事故处理 (23)第8章消防与船员自救 (25)第9章救助 (26)第10章遇险 (28)第11章港口国检查 (30)第12章船舶保安 (32)第三题问答题(60分:6分×10小题) (34)第1章公共用语 (34)第3章靠泊与锚泊业务 (35)第4章装卸作业 (37)第5章航行 (38)第6章修船与船体保养 (40)第7章事故处理 (41)第8章消防与船员自救 (42)第9章救助 (44)第10章遇险 (45)第11章港口国检查 (47)第12章船舶保安 (48)航海英语听力与会话二/三副评估:会话答案(第三版)航海英语听力与会话评估分为听力和会话两部分,考试时间为1小时。
听力部分共100分,有三道题:第1题单句30分(3分×10小题)),第二题对话30分(3分×10小题),第3题短文40分(2.5分×16小题, 四篇短文)。
第一题朗读(20分×1题)Passage 1Ladies and gentlemen. This is your captain speaking. I have thepleasure in informing you that all safety equipment is in fullworking order. The bow and stern doors are closed and secured. The vessel is in all aspects ready for sea. Please listen carefully to the safety instructions which follow. In the unlikely event of emergency, please obey the orders given on the public address system. Passengers are requested to read all notes and leaflets concerning safety regulations. All regulations concerning the vessel‟s routine have to be obeyed. Safety regulations do not permit passengers to enter the following spaces:--navigating room;-- engine room;-- maneuvering areas at the front and back end of the vessel;--cargo rooms and compartments;--service rooms;--all areas and spaces marked “crew only”;--all closed, sealed or roped off areas, spaces and rooms;--car decks when the vessel is at sea.Passage 2International regulations require all passengers be assembled in a drill which has to take place within 24 hours of departure. A drill will be held to familiarize passengers with their assembly stations, with their life-saving equipment and with emergency procedures. All passengers must attend this drill. In case of emergency, seven short blasts and one prolonged blast will be given with the ship‟s whistle and alarm system. Passengers will be taught how to act and behave in case of emergency. leaflet[]n.小叶, 传单;routine[]n.常规, 日常事务;assemble[]vt.集合, 聚集; familiarize[ ]v.熟悉;whistle [wisl]Passage 3Always remember that fire is the greatest hazard aboard ship. Always act immediately if you detect fire or smell fumes or smoke. Always inform a member of the crew if you detect fire or smell fumes or smoke. Be careful to extinguish cigarettes completely. Put used cigarettes in a container provided. Never smoke in bed. Never smoke on deck except in areas labeled as smoking areas. Never throw a cigarette overboard. The use of naked light and open fire is strictly prohibited. Never use an electric iron in a cabin. If you need to iron something, use the ironing room on the third deck. The key may be collected at the information desk.Passage 4Attention please! Attention please! This is your captain with an important announcement. I repeat, this is your captain with an important announcement. We have a minor flooding in the engine room. There is no immediate danger to our passengers or the ship and there is no reason to be alarmed. For safety reasons, we request all passengers to go to their assembly stations on deck and wait there for further instructions. Please follow the instructions given by the officers and crew. The damage control team is fighting the flooding. We also have radio contact with radio coast stations. As soon as I have further information, I will make another announcement. I ask you kindly to remain calm. There is no danger at this time. Passage 5When the general emergency alarm is sounded, which consists of seven short blasts and one prolonged blast, all passengers have to go to their assembly station. Take your lifejackets and blankets with you. Lifejackets are stored in your cabins under your beds and at your assembly stations. You are encouraged to try on your lifejackets. All passengers must put on warm clothing; long trousers, long-sleeved shirts or jackets, strong shoes and head covering. All passengers with their lifejackets and blankets are requested to go to their assembly stations immediately. From your assembly stations you will be escorted to your lifeboats. All passengers are requested to carefully study the safety instructions behind their cabin doors. All passengers are requested to follow the escape routes shown. Do not use lifts.Passage 6Last year there were 63 incidents at sea. This included 10 spills, 2 of which resulted in pollution. Fourteen vessels grounded and n. 汽笛;hazard []n. 危险;fume [fju:m]n.(浓烈或难闻的)烟, 气体;cigarette[]n.香烟, 纸烟; prohibit[]vt.禁止, 阻止;iron []n.熨斗;announcement[ ]n.宣告, 发表;minor [] adj.较小的,轻微的;immediate[] adj.紧接的, 立即的;blanket[]n.毯子;escort [] v.护卫, 护送,陪同;lift [lift]n. 电梯46 vessels collided in bad weather conditions. There were 20 reports of personal injury. These injuries usually occurred because seamen did not take care with machinery or because they did not wear the correct type of protective clothing. Seven ships reported fires on board during the year: in 2 incidents, the fires started in the galley, in another 2 incidents, fires started when chemical containers exploded; and in 3 incidents, the fires occurred because of electrical faults. On 4 occasions vessels lostpower because the crew did not follow correct procedures during maneuvering. There were accounts of cargo contamination: 1 cargo of grain suffered from heat damage, and in the other case, water leaked into the hold and damaged a cargo of fruit.Passage 7This incident took place on board the MV (motor vessel) Elga in January of this year. Some of our cargo of pipes broke loose on the deck when we were rounding the Cape of Good Hope in bad weather. There were high winds and visibility was very poor. At the time of the incident I was on watch on the bridge. The 2nd officer heard a loud banging noise and noticed the pipes were loose. I immediately informed the Captain who ordered a team to go on deck to tie and secure the pipes. The problem was caused by the severe movement of the vessel and some lashings breaking. The deck crews were able to lever the pipes into a secure position. We managed to lash the cargo down again sufficiently until the bad weather passed. There was very little we could do to ensure that this incident does not happen again. However, when bad weather is forecast, all lashings should be checked and, if necessary, extra lashings should be put in place. Passage 8It is a common belief among members of the public that piracy belongs to an era in which swashbuckling pirates played cat and mouse with sailing ship laden with gold. That piracy is a thing of the past, however, is a myth. The main point I‟d like to make is that armed robbery is still a real threat to the shipping industry. The international maritime bureau reported that in 1994 there were 92 serious attacks on ships. Two years later in 1996, this figure rocketed to 174, and in 1997 the figure continued to rise dramatically to 252. Almost to combat this crime were made during the early 1990s and consequently the number of attacks decreased significantly. This decrease was due to two main factors. IMO missions were sent to problem areas and pressure was also exerted on countries whose waters were known black spots for pirate attacks. incident[]n.事件, 事变;injury[]n.伤害;occur []vi.发生, 出现; machinery[]n.[总称] 机器, 机械;contamination[ ]n.玷污, 污染;Cape of Good Hope好望角;visibility[ ]n.能见度;bang [ ]n.重击, 突然巨响v.发巨响, 重击;severe [] adj. 剧烈的, 严重的;lever[ ]v.抬起;sufficiently[]adv.十分地, 充分地; forecast5Passage 9Two types of compasses are used at sea, namely the gyrocompass and the magnetic compass. The gyrocompass is electrically driven and indicates the direction of the geographical or true north pole of the earth. When a gyrocompass has been started, some time must be allowed for it to s ettle down, and a ship‟s gyrocompass should be started some hours before it is to be used. A gyrocompass may function correctly, but at the same time register a small, constant error known as gyro error. If the gyrocompass indicates a direction which is numerically larger than the true direction, the error is described as high, and conversely a numerically smaller reading is described as low.Passage 10Major coast radio stations all over the world transmit, at regular intervals and in code, weather information for ships within range. Weather information consists of ten parts, of which ships usually make use of three, that is, warning, synoptic situation and forecast. With weather information, mariners are able to keep away from disastrous weather at sea and reduce the danger a great deal. As terrible weather is predicted, ships can take precautions before hand, by delaying the voyage or seeking shelter in a safe place. If there is a high sea or long swell, they can take some measures to safeguard the cargo and the ship. Passage 11When the vessel approaches her designated berth at minimum steerageway, the approach to the quay is made at the smallest possible angle. With a heaving line the hawser is pulled from the vessel onto the embankment by line-handlers. The spring is fastened to a bollard, and while the engine is on half astern, the warping drum picks up the slack. To prevent the line from being fouled, the hawser or spring is led through the fairlead. The ship is then maneuvered along the embankment and fastened to bollards by headlines, stern lines, breast lines and springs. When leaving berth, casting off orders, engine room orders and helm orders are given by the pilot or the master. After having started the engines, the first order is “Standing by for letting go!”. When a line is cast off, the first order must always be “Slack away”, so that it will become possible to handle the hawser. The next casting off order will then be: “Heave away”, which means that the line can be pulled aboard. The sequence of casting off orders that can then be given depends on how the vessel has been berthed, and on the prevailing weather []vt. 预测, 预报;piracy[]n.海盗行为;era [] n.时代;swashbuckling[ ]adj.恃强凌弱的;pirate[]n.海盗;laden with载满;myth [ ]n.神话,虚构的故事; bureau[ ]n.<美>局, 办公署; consequently[ ]adv.从而, 因此; exerted[]外露的geographical[ ]adj. 地理的;register[]vt.记录, 登记;conversely[] adv.倒地,逆地synoptic situation[]大势报告;6condition and currents.Passage 12One of the most important responsibilities of the first mate is to make sure that cargo will be properly loaded and stowed. Whether bulk cargo, general cargo, heavy cargo, containerized cargoes or refrigerated perishable cargo are carried, care must always be taken to ensure that a cargo will not in any way affect the vessel‟s stability and jeopardize vessel, cargo and crew. Therefore a stowage plan must be made up before the loading of the cargo commences. Stevedoring (loading and discharging of cargo) must be done according to this stowage plan by a shore gang. A shore gang usually consists of a foreman and stevedores (longshoreman, as they are called in America), hatchway men, winch men, and a tally clerk.Passage 13There are five common kinds of injury on vessels. Seafarers sometimes break their arms and legs when they slip or fall. These accident s happen when they don‟t wear safety boots or when decks are wet and oily. Seafarers also fall when ladders are not secure. To prevent broken arms and legs, it is important to wear safety boots. Seafarers sometimes strain their backs when they lift heavy objects. Back strain usually happens when seafarers lift objects alone or when they don‟t use lifting equipment properly. To prevent back strain, it is important to lift properly. Seafarers sometimes suffer from burns when there is a fire, explosion or chemical spill. Seafarers need to be careful when they smoke or when they work with chemicals. To prevent burns, it is important to obey “No Smoking” signs and to handle chemical cargo safely. Seafarers sometimes suffer from cuts. They often cut their fingers when they are careless with sharp machinery. To prevent cuts, it is important to use safety guards and wear gloves. Seafarers sometimes injure their eyes when they work with machinery. Dust, sparks, and chemicals are very dangerous when they enter the eye. To prevent eye injuries, it is important to wear protective goggles. Passage 14The vessel was at anchor overnight while we were waiting for permission to enter the port. Two officers of watch were patrolling the deck but they did not notice anything unusual. They did not realize that while they were on watch, two stowaways were hiding in the lifeboat. One man escaped by jumping overboard while the other climbed down a rope ladder. Later, I received a phone call from the Coastguard at the port. mariner[]n.航海人员;disastrous[ ]adj.具有灾难性的;predict[]v.预知, 预言, 预报;designated指定的;steerage[]n. 操纵, 驾驶;quay[ki:] n.码头;embankment[ ]n.堤防, 筑堤;warping drum绞缆筒;sequence[]n.次序, 顺序, 序列;perishable cargo鲜货, 易腐货品; jeopardize[]v.危害;commence[]v.开始, 着手; hatchway[]7He said that two men from my vessel were swimming towards the shore. He called the police and ordered a rescue boat to pick up the men. When the rescue boat went out, it picked up only one person. The other was nowhere to be seen. As yet, I have no further information about the two stowaways. The vessel will remain in port until port Authorities have searched the vessel and given clearance to depart. I am awaiting instruction from the immigration authorities about the procedure for repatriating the stowaway who is in police custody at present. The police are still searching for the missing stowaways.Passage 15The echo sounder sends a radio signal from the bottom of the ship to the seabed, from which it is reflected. The time taken to receive the reflected signal is a measure of the depth of water under the ship. The received pulse is displayed on a chart by a pen recorder so that the navigator can see the outline of the bottom over which the vessel is passing. A similar device is the sonar system, which uses high frequency sound signals. In sonar the sound signal can be sent ahead or sideways. The time for the echo to be sent back from an object, such as an underwater rock, is a measure of the object‟s distance from the ship. The sonar system can also be used to measure the speed of the ship over the seabed.Passage 16The officer on watch (OOW) should ensure that the SOLAS requirements for the operation and testing of the steering gear are observed. Steering control of the ship will comprise manual steering, probably supplemented by an autopilot. At each steering position there should be a gyro repeater and rudder angle indicator and emergency back-up steering position, usually in the steering gear flat, is also required. If an autopilot is fitted, a steering mode selector switch for changing between automatic and manual steering, and a manual override control to allow the OOW to gain instant manual control of the steering, will be required. When operating an autopilot, the course to steer will need to be manually set on the autopilot and the autopilot will steer the course until a new course is entered. Passage 17A typical weather report normally include three parts: warning, synoptic situation and forecast. Gale warnings are usually issued when winds of at least force 8 or gusts reaching 43 knots are expected. Gale warnings remain in force until amended or n.舱口;tally clerk n.理货员; slip [slip]vi. 滑倒, 失足;boots [bu:ts]n.靴子;strain [strein]vt.扭伤, 损伤;glove [ ]n.手套;protective goggles护目镜;overnight[ ]adj.通宵的, 晚上的;patrol[]v.出巡, 巡逻;stowaway[]n.偷渡者repatriate[ ]v.遣返;custody[]n.监管;8canceled. However, if the gale persists for more than 24 hours after the time of origin, the warning will be re-issued. The term “severe gale” implies a mean wind of at least force 9 or gusts reaching 52 knots. Storm warnings are usually issued when winds of force 10 or gusts reaching 61 knots are expected. The term “imminent” implies within 6 hours of the time issue,“soon” implies between 6 and 12 hours, and“later” implies more than 12 hours. Hurricane warnings are issued in some parts of the world when winds of force 12 or above are expected.Passage 18Admiralty Notice to Mariners, weekly editions, contains information which enables the mariners to keep his charts and books published by the hydrographic department up-to-date for the latest reports received. In addition to all Admiralty Notices, they include all Australian and New Zealand chart correcting Notices, the selected temporary and preliminary ones. Copies of all Australian and New Zealand Notices can be obtained from Australian or New Zealand chart agents. The Notices are published in weekly editions, and are issued by the hydrographic department on a daily basis to certain Admiralty chart agents. Weekly editions can be obtained gratis, or dispatched regularly by surface or airmail from Admiralty chart agents. Ports and authorities who maintain copies of Admiralty Notices to Mariners for consultation are listed on Annual Summary of Admiralty Notices to Mariners.Passage 19The master is the direct representative of the company. Decisions and actions taken by the master in his capacity are usually binding upon the company, and therefore the master must act to ensure that company‟s interests are prot ected. The master has supreme command of the vessel and full authority under the law over all phases of vessel operations at all times. This authority under the law extends over all persons on board. The master is at all times responsible for the seaworthiness and safety of the ship and for the safety of all personnel, cargo and equipment aboard. The master is responsible for the management of the certificates and documents related the vessel. The master is ultimately responsible for the safe handling and control of cargo during loading, transport and discharge. sonar [] n.声纳, 声波定位仪frequency[ ]n.频率, 周率sideways[] adv.向一旁, 向侧面地comprise[]v.包含;supplement[]v.补充;gyro repeater分罗经rudder angle indicator舵角指示器;autopilot[ ]n. 自动驾驶仪gale warning大风警报;gust [ ]n.阵风; amend []9Passage 20Upon joining a vessel, the third officer must report to the master. The third officer must discuss with the officer being relieved that areas of the third officer‟s responsibility, an d inspect them promptly, preferably in the company of the officer being relieved. Anything found to be unsatisfactory must be reported to the master. The third officer is responsible to the master for the proper performance of his assigned bridge watchstanding and navigational duties. The third officer is responsible to the master through the first officer for watch duties pertaining to fire-fighting appliances and life-saving appliances and maintenance. The third officer is responsible for the care of the ship‟s signaling equipment. The third officer is responsible to the master for maintaining and accounting for all training publications and training aids, including the movie projector, films, and other audio-visual equipment.Passage 21So many lives are lost every year due to accidents involving towing and mooring ropes .Please spare a few minutes to read this. It may save your life.A.Always wear a safety helmet when on the deck of atug, lighter or barge engaged in mooring , cargo ortowing operations.B.Always wear shoes(not slippers)when working on deck.C.Never stand underneath an object being hoisted ondeck.D.Never stand within a bight of a rope.E.Never stand close to mooring or towing ropes understrain . if they break, the backlash can be fatal.F.Hoisting or lowering operations should always becarried out with a person at the controls. Failure to do somay cost you a limb or even your life.G. Shackles and thimbles should never go through rollerfairleads.The ropes may jump off and cause injuries.All ropes and wires should be inspected regularly, and renewed for wear and tear whenever necessary.H. Always wear a lifejacket when working or walking on the deck of a barge or lighter during rough seas, rain or whenever the deck is wet. You may slip and fall into the water. Passage22Maritime communication comprises communications between vessels and coast-stations, intership communication and intraship communication (internal communication when the vessel is before casting off, leaving berth, loading or v.修正, 改进, 改正; imminent[]adj.即将来临的, 逼近的;hurricane warning飓风警报[]Admiralty Notice to Mariners[]英版航海通告;hydrographic[ ]adj.与水道测量有关的;temporary[] adj.暂时的, 临时的; preliminary[ ]adj.预备的, 初步的; gratis[]adj.免费的;annual summary年度总结representative[ ]n.代表;capacity[]n. 才能, 能力; supreme[] adj. 极大的, 最高的;phase [feiz] n.阶段 ; ultimately10discharging, etc.) .Vessels and coast-stations can communicate by means of Radio Telephony, Satellite, Digital Selective Calling (DSC) and Radio-Telex.Categories of messages that can be transmitted and received are called …priorities‟. They indicate the important of the message.A DISTRESS ALERT indicates that there is serious and immediate danger for vessel, crew and passengers. A Distress Alert is also referred to as a …MAYDAY‟.An URGENCY message indicates that there is serious danger for vessel, crew and passenger. An Urgency Message is also referred to as a …PAN PAN‟ message.A SAFETY message indicates that there is imminent risk for navigation. A Safety Message is also referred to as a …SECURITE‟ message.A ROUTINE message is transmitted to ensure safe navigation. Routine messages refer to intership communication, exchange of data in port operations, communication between ships and Vessel Traffic Services, inshore radar stations, pilot stations, bridges and locks.Passage23A VHF-transceiver (transmitter + receiver) transmits and receives radio signals. The VHF is used to bridge short distances, is easy to operate and is allowed to be used both in territorial waters and inland waterways. Its receiver has a “push-to-talk button”. If the installation is a “simplex” radio, speaking and listening cannot be done simultaneously. When you wish to speak, you push the button; when you wish to listen, you release it. Before changing from speaking to listening, you say “over”.VHF radio-communication can bridge about 40 miles. MF-or-HF radiotelephony is used to bridge 150 miles (MF) to 2000 miles (HF).Reception of radio signals will not always be of high quality, and coverage will not always extend to the desired areas. This may of course have consequences for the safety of the vessel and her crew. These disadvantages of communication through speech have led to the introduction of Digital Selective Calling in maritime communication.Passage 24Weather-conditions have a great influence on the safety during a voyage and should always be taken into consideration in voyage-planning and when underway.The state of the atmosphere is determined by various [] adv.最后, 终于preferably[ ]adv.更适宜;pertain tov.属于, 关于,; projector[]n.放映机meteorological elements, such as temperature, humidity, cloudiness and fog, forms of precipitation, barometric pressure, and speed and direction of wind. All these elements may be referred to as “the weather”.Humidity refers to the amount of water vapour in the air. Warm air is capable of containing a higher grade of moisture, or humidity, than cold air. The maximum amount of moisture that air can hold at a specific temperature is known as “saturation “. Most clouds are the result of a rising mass of cool air .When the temperature of air falls, water vapour in the air will condense into droplets or ice crystals, thus forming clouds or fog. Passage 25Goods commercially transported by merchant ships include those:A.Transported in bulk as solids, liquids or gas.B.General cargo packaged in boxes, drums and other suchcontainers.The carriage of cargoes is what keeps the merchant ship running. Cargoes bring freight and this means we have an obligation to deliver the cargo in the same condition in which we received it. The contract of carriage , by whatever name it is called , is binding on the ship and the ships officers (as the ship owner‟s representative ) who are given the responsibility to the load , handle , stow , carry , keep , care for and discharge the goods carried in accordance with the normal practice of the trade .The process of carriage of various cargoes has been developed over the years by the shippers and the carriers. These processes take into account the nature, size and properties of cargo. Sometimes the ships were adapted to the cargo and at other times the cargoes got adapted to the ship. This development continues even today. Most specialized ships such as bulk carriers carrying bulk cargoes like gain , tankers carrying liquefied petroleum gases , chemicals , petroleum products , fruit juices , vegetable oil are still developing size as well as in sophistication and automation . Similarly containers are where cargoes got adapted to the ship.Passage 26Proceed to muster station to find out the type of emergency. Upon being intimated about the nature of emergency, stand by as per duty assigned to you and indicated in the ship‟s procedures.If you are on deck, shout“Man Overboard”. Try to attract attention of the bridge as an action of top priority if the ship ismaking way. Throw nearest lifebuoy at the man in water. Even an ordinary lifebuoy thrown in time might save his life. More people know about the man being overboard the better,especially if the ship is moving. This is because a sharp lookout right from the initial stage is very inportant. Lookout must be maintained from a high position,say navigational bridge.In busy areas,it‟s most important that you don‟t collide with other ships. In restricted waters, it is most important that you don‟t run rm Master and call additional hands to stand by and on forward station by sounding emergency alarm. Inform engine room.Switch on NUC signal(three red lights),even in daytime,hoist day signals subsequently. Passage 27Most fires are small to start with and can often to be extinguished by rapid application of a portable extinguisher or other appliance. Where it is possible to do this without risk of becoming trapped by flames or smoke, the person discovering the fire should take such action AFTER sending someone else to raise the alarm.Greater caution is necessary where smoke is seen passing a closed door. Opening the door could cause the fire to flare up and spread rapidly making it impossible to close the door again. This action should therefore be avoided unless it is believed that there may be someone trapped inside in which case the door should only be opened after first feeling it make sure it is not hot, and then keeping low and opening it very carefully. If the compartment is thought to be unoccupied or if the door is hot, it is much safer to keep it closed until the Emergency Squad are ready with charged hoses.Passage 28Port State Control is the inspection of foreign ships in national ports to verify that the condition of the ship and its equipment comply with the requirements of international regulations and that the ship is manned and operated in compliance with these rulesMany of IMO‟s most important technical conventions contain provisions for ships to be inspected when they meet IMO requirements.These inspections were originally intended to be a back up to flag state implementation, but experience has shown that they can be extremely effective, especially if organized on a regional basis. A ship going to a port in one country will normally visit other countries in the region before embarking on its return。
unite6对主机进行定期检验 the periodical survey for the main engine装卸作业 the cargo /handling operation对此事的立即批准 prompt approval of this matter代表船长 on behalf of the master/captain以船长的名义 in the name of the master/captain货物所有人 cargo owner海关官员 customs officer理货长 chief tallyman承运人 carrier检验和证实损坏的程度to examine/inspect and certify/verify the extent of the damage 保留拒绝所有投标而不说明原因的权利The right to reject/refuse any and /or all bids, without giving reason therefore, is reserved.边缘弯曲并有锈蚀 edges bent and rusty端部有锈 rusty ends上层钢板有锈 rust spots apparent on top sheets/layer托运前水湿 wet(stain) before shipment检疫官员 quarantine officer装卸长 chief stevedore承租人 charter船舶所有人 shipowner签发本次的提单 to sign the bills of lading for covering the present voyage1. 请安排验船师来船检验损坏情况。
You are kindly requested to arrange for a surveyor to come on board to examine the damage.2. 一切费用应由船舶所有人负担。
新航标职业英语第三版第六单元答案1、You _____ smoke in the library, or you will be driven away. [单选题] *A. can'tB. mustn't(正确答案)C. will notD. may not2、15.This kind of bread is terrible. I do not want to eat it ________. [单选题] *A.any more(正确答案)B.some moreC.no longerD.some longer3、一Mary wants to invite you to see the movie today. 一I would rather she(B)me tomorrow. [单选题] *A.tellsB. told (正确答案)C. would tellD. had told4、It’s so nice to hear from her again. ______, we last met more than thirty year ago [单选题] *A. What ‘s wordB. That’s to sayC. Go aheadD. Believe it or not(正确答案)5、He’s so careless that he always _______ his school things at home. [单选题] *A. forgetsB. leaves(正确答案)C. putsD. buys6、I haven’t met him _____ the last committee meeting. [单选题] *A. forB. since(正确答案)C. atD. before7、Will you see to()that the flowers are well protected during the rainy season? [单选题] *A. it(正确答案)B. meC. oneD. yourself8、( ) It ___ the Chinese people 8 years to build the Dam. [单选题] *A. took(正确答案)B. costsC. paidD. spends9、Tony is a quiet student, _______ he is active in class. [单选题] *A. soB. andC. but(正确答案)D. or10、There is _______ meat in the fridge.Lets go and buy some. [单选题] *A. little(正确答案)B. a littleC. fewD. a few11、A brown bear escaped from the zoo, which was a()to everyone in the town. [单选题] *A. HarmB. violenceC. hurtD. threat(正确答案)12、—_____ are the Olympic Games held? —Every four years [单选题] *A. How longB. How often(正确答案)C. How soonD. How far13、Tom sits _______ Mary and Jane. [单选题] *A. amongB. between(正确答案)C. onD. next14、In many cities, a low-carbon lifestyle has become(). [单选题] *A. more popular and more popularB. more and more popular(正确答案)C. the most popularD. most and most popular15、His mother’s _______ was a great blow to him. [单选题] *A. diedB. deadC. death(正确答案)D. die16、I walked too much yesterday and ()are still aching now. [单选题] *A. my leg's musclesB. my leg muscles(正确答案)C. my muscles' of legD. my legs' muscles17、---Excuse me sir, where is Room 301?---Just a minute. I’ll have Bob ____you to your room. [单选题] *A. show(正确答案)C. to showD. showing18、Medicines are to be taken according to the doctor’s advice. [单选题] *A. 发放B. 提取C. 配方D. 服用(正确答案)19、We sent our children to school to prepare them for the time _____ they will have to work for themselves. [单选题] *A. thatB. when(正确答案)C. whileD. as20、Henry lives happily with his three cats. _______ of them are part of his family. [单选题] *A. NoneB. BothC. All(正确答案)21、It was()of you to get up early to catch the first bus so that you could avoid the traffic jam. [单选题] *A. senselessB. sensible(正确答案)C. sentimentalD. sensitive22、They will hold the party if they _____ the project on time. [单选题] *A. will completeB. complete(正确答案)C.completedD. had completed23、At half past three she went back to the school to pick him up. [单选题] *A. 等他B. 送他(正确答案)C. 抱他D. 接他24、37.—What will you be ___________?—I'm not sure. Maybe I'll be a doctor like my father. [单选题] *A.right nowB.in the future(正确答案)C.at onceD.at the moment25、--_______ do you have to do after school?--Do my homework, of course. [单选题] *A. What(正确答案)B. WhenC. WhereD. How26、We need two ______ and two bags of ______ for the banana milk shake.()[单选题]*A. banana; yogurtB. banana; yogurtsC. bananas; yogurt(正确答案)D. bananas; yogurts27、I am so excited to receive a _______ from my husband on my birthday. [单选题] *A. present(正确答案)B. percentC. parentD. peace28、E-mail is _______ than express mail, so I usually email my friends. [单选题] *A. fastB. faster(正确答案)C. the fastestD. more faster29、Many children have to _______ their parents. [单选题] *A. divide intoB. put onC. depend on(正确答案)D. take on30、Almost every one of us could see her anxiety from the()on her face. [单选题] *A. appearanceB. feelingC. movementD. expression(正确答案)。
航海英语评估丙类问答题资料第1章1.01 What’s your date of birth ?The first of May nineteen seventy(1970.5.1)1.02 What’s your seaman’s book number ?It is A3966251.03 Where are you from ?I am from Hubei China1.04 What your captain’s nationality ? [ˌnæʃə'næliti] n. 国籍China1.05 What do you think is the most important thing on board ?Safety1.06 Which ports do you often call at ?I often call at Shanghai, Tianjin ,Dalian.1.07 What your favorite TV program ?sports program1.08 What your favorite Web site ? [sait]1.09 What your favorite day of the week ? why ?the week is Friday. Because it is the weekend day1.10 What your favorite kind of movie ?action movie ['ækʃən]1.11 What your favorite kind of music ?light music1.14 What is the population of your country ?One billon and three hundred million1.15 What is the best thing about your hometown ?weather.1.16 What is the worst thing about your hometown ?House price1.17 What’s your hometown like ?My hometown is a small size city,but beautiful.Yes,such as earthquakes,flooding,typhoon.1.19 What sports do you like to whach on TV ?football games第3章3.01 Can you list at least three mooring lines ? 你能列举三种靠泊带缆吗?Yes,head line(首缆),breast line(横缆),stern line(尾缆)3.02 What should be prepared before the pilot comes on board ? 在引水员上船之前应该准备什么?The pilot ladder(引水梯),a heaving line (撇缆)and a life buoy(救生圈)3.03 What the maximum speed through the water that your ship can anchor without risking breaking the cable ?锚链断裂时的最大船速是多少/less than 2knots. ['mæksiməm] n. 最大[risk] n. 风险, 危险vt. 冒...的危险[ 'breɪkɪŋ] 断裂3.04 What flag should be hoist when a vessel requires a pilot ? 当船舶需要引水时需要升起什么信号旗?G flag3.05 How can a ship get in touch with a port before he arrival ? 在船舶到港之前通过什么方式联系?By VHFpresent position and ETA at pilot stations side on which pilot ladder will be rigged接引水的时间,地点,哪一侧舷梯3.09 When the vessel enters the VTS area ,what is request to report ? 当船舶进入监控区域需要报告什么?Ship’s name,call sign,present speed and course;draft 船名,呼号,当前船速和航向,吃水3.10 What does “foul anchor”mean ? 什么叫缠锚?Across3.11 If your are ordered: “stand by both engine!” how should you reply and report ?假如你被命令“备车”,你如何回答?Reply:stand by both engines and report : both engines stand by重复:备车,并且报告,车已备好3.13 When you request the receiver to remain on channal 16 in VHF communication,what do you say ? [kəˌmju:ni'keiʃn]通讯Stand by on channal 16 在16频道值守3.16 What does “abandon vessel”mean ? [ə'bændən]什么叫弃船?英[is'keip]3.19 What does “underway”mean ? 什么叫在航?the ship which is not at anchor,or aground,or fast to the shore3.20 What does “dragging of an anchor”mean ? (不考)['drægiŋ] adj. 拖曳用的, 拖延的It means that the anchor is moving over the sea bottom involuntarily.because it is no longer preventing the movement of the vessel [in'vɔləntərili] adv. 不知不觉地, 无心地3.21 What is differece between a “radar beacon”(雷达信标)and a “radar reflector”(雷达反射器)? [ri'flektə(r)] n.反射体Radar beacon英['bi:kən] can transmit signals,but radar reflector英[rɪ'flektə] can only reflect signals [ri'flekt] v. 反映3.22 How many object do you need to get a position using “horizontal sextant angles”? ['æŋglz] n. 角度3 objiects [ˌhɔri'zɔntl] adj. 水平的, 横的n. 水平线, 水平面['sekstənt] n. 六分仪3.23 Why is a magnetic compass kept on board when a gyro compass is more accurate ?[mæg'netik] 磁的为什么驾驶台有了精确的陀螺罗经还要保留磁罗经?The magnetic英[mæɡ'netik]compass can be use for emergency英[i'mə:dʒənsi]and adjustment [ə'dʒʌstmənt] n. 调整['ækjurit] adj. 准确的, 精确的磁罗经可以用于紧急情况和调整3.24 What do you report when the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and is clear of it ?当锚起来后报告什么?Anchor aweigh 锚已离开水面3.25 When praparing for anchoring what must you do before releasing the bow stoppers ? 释放[breik] n.刹车,刹住!,制动Supply the power,Standby the anchor ball or light,Test the windlass,Put into the gear ,Release the brake3.26 Would you let go an anchor from the hawse pipe if the depth was 75 meters ? [hɔ:z] n. 锚链孔No3.27 Why must you consider ship’s speed and sea depth when you release the bow stopper ?为什么在船舶抛锚时要考虑船舶的速度和水深?Because when the depth is different and when the speed should be different 不同的水深不同的速度有不同的抛锚方法[feiz] n.阶段,时期[brɔ:t] bring的过去式['pleist] v. 放置3.28 What must always be brought and placed close to the pilot ladder well before the pilot’s embarkation ? [ˌembɑ:'keiʃən] 引航员登船前应该准备什么样的准备工作?The lifebuoy with the lifeline,and at night,there should be be a light.带救生绳的救生圈,在晚上应该有灯3.29 Why is it dangerous to anchor in ice ? 为何在冰区中抛锚有危险?[ə'fekt] vt. 影响[fri:z] v. 冻结The ice can change the angle of the anchor, affect the holding power,and freeze the ship.3.30 What flag is hoisted when the pilot has arrived on board ? 当引水员上船后应该升起什么旗帜?H flag [iks'pləusiv] adj. 爆炸(性)的['flæməbl] adj. 易燃的['likwid] n. 液体[kə'rəusiv] adj. 腐蚀的第5章5.01 Why is important to sound fog signals ? ['indikeit] v. 指示,表明为什么雾号很重要?fog signals may indicate the present position of own vessel and warn the other vessels当视线不好时,雾号可以表明(显示)本船船位,同时可以警告他船.5.02 When would your sound the general alarm ?什么时候鸣放通用警报?Drill英[dril]; in emergency英[i'mə:dʒənsi] conditions 演习,紧急情况5.05 How should the relieving officer behave in case a brige manoeuvre already took place but has not been over ?减少交班驾驶员在接班时在危险地段怎做?5.07 Besides the collision risks ,what else should your monitor 英['mɔnitə]时候,你还可以用什么方法监视?Generally英['dʒenərəli] navigation lights,the compasses['kʌmpəsis]and the equipments on the bridge通常可以用航行灯,罗经和其他在驾驶台的设备5.08 How do you know the VHF channels to be monitored when leaving port ? 你怎么知道的甚高频频道进行监测时,离开港口?If the VHF channels is monitored,the indication light will light up.如果VHF频道进行监测,该指示灯会亮起。
第一章普通英语1.What is your favorite TV program?News.2.What is your favorite Web site?Sina.3.What is your favorite day of the week?Why?Friday,because I can have a two-day-off after that day.4.What is your favorite kind of movie?Action movies.5.What is your favorite kind of music?Classic.6.What is your favorite magazine?Readers.7.What is the population of your hometown?About80million.8.What is the population of your country?About1.6billion.9.What is the best thing about your hometown?Beautiful mountains and clear waters.10.What is the worst thing about your hometown?Traffic jam.11.What’s your hometown life?That’s a cute village surrounded by farmlands and rivers.Life there is always peaceful.12.What sports do you like to watch on TV?Badminton.13.What do you think is the most popular sport in the world?Badminton.14.Which ports do you often call at?Shanghai port and Guangzhou port.15.What do you think is the most important thing on board?Safety.16.What’s your Captain’s nationality?China.17.What’s your date of birth?December4th in1995.18.What’s your seaman’s book member?A123456.19.Where are you from?China.20.What is your daily timetable?Everyday,I get up at7o’clock.After eating breakfast,I go following the third officer to be on watch duty to ensure the safety of ship and cargo from8to12.In the afternoon,I can enjoy a break time until19:45.Then I will be on duty again.21.What do you like most about your job?The sense of glory.22.What is your favorite food?Dumplings.23.What is your favorite music?Classic music.24.What do you usually do during your shore leave?Company with parents and friends.25.What do you expect about your future?I can support my family and live peacefully.第二章常用命令1.What does‘abandon vessel’mean?When the ship is in danger or suffering some accidents,but there’s no need to save,so all the crew members go out board by life crafts.2.What does‘foul anchor(绞缆)’mean?The anchor chain and anchor is twisted.3.What does‘dredging of an anchor(拖锚)’mean?To move the anchor or anchor chain to the seabed to slow down the ship.4.What does‘dragging anchor(走锚)’mean?When anchoring,the anchor and anchor chain are moving in the seabed and cannot control the ship’s speed.5.If the anchor is reported dragging,what would be your first action?Let go another another anchor immediately.6.What does‘underway’mean?The ship is not anchoring,berthing or aground.7.What do you report when the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and is clear of it?The anchor is away.8.If the anchor is secured firmly in sea bottom,what do you report?The anchor is brought(锚抓底).9.If there is no obstruction around the anchor before anchoring,what should you report?The anchor is clear.10.When the anchor is heaved out of the water surface and just above it,what do you report?The anchor is just above the water.11.Can you list some orders are included in Standard Ship Orders.Port ten;Course on120;Stop engine.12.If you are ordered‘Port five’,how to reply and report?Port five;Wheels port five.13.How to answer what is the course?The present course is on120degrees.14.What does‘Single up(留一根)forward to breast line and spring’mean?Let go all the lines except for the forward breast and spring.15.If you want to change the position of the head line forward for3meters, what do you say?Move the head line3meters forward.16.If you want to heave tight the breast line,what should you say?Heave up the breast line.17.Which order is an equivalent to‘Send out head line’?Pay out head line.18.Which order is an equivalent to‘Let go stern line’?Cast off stern line.19.What does‘Finished with engine’mean?There’s no requirements for engines.20.Why must the customs officer seal the Bounded Store?To prevent the crew members from smuggling.21.Please list5ship’s certificates.Certificate of ship’s Nationality,Classification Certificate,International Load Line Certificate,Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate,Cargo Safety Radio Certificate.22.Which certificate prescribes general requirements for the functions of radiotelegraph installation for lifeboat on board?Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate.23.Which certificate specifies the freeboard assignment of a ship? International Load Line Certificate.24.If your ship needs provisions and/or replenishments(补给),how do you get them?Via ship chandler.第三章进出港业务1.Can you list at least three mooring line?Head line;Astern line;Breast line;spring line.2.What should be prepared before the pilot comes on board?The pilot ladder;a heaving line;and a life buoy.3.What is the maximum speed through the water that your ship can anchor without risking breaking the cable?It’s different from different ships.For VLCC,the maximum speed is1kt.4.What flag should be hoisted when a vessel requires a pilot?Flag G.5.What flag should be hoisted when a pilot is on the ship?Flag H.6.A ship ahead of you has hoisted the signal flag‘O’,what was happened?Man overboard.7.A ship ahead of you has hoisted the signal flag’Q’,what was happened? My vessel is healthy and I request free practique.8.A ship anchored close to your ship hoists the flag‘I’,what action should you take?Pay attention to its movement.9.A ship ahead hoists the flag‘D’and gives one long blast followed by two short blasts.What is the message?Keep clear of me,maneuver of the ship is restricted.10.A ship is signaling you with his‘Aldis lamp’(Morse lamp)the letter‘U’,what is the message for you?You are running into danger.11.If you see a small,controlled fire on board another ship while at sea,what is the signal from the ship?The signal‘J’.12.How can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival?Via VHF.13.What ship’s particulars will pilot station usually ask for?LOA,drafts,GT,NT and so on.14.What should be reported to the pilot station?Your present position and ETA.15.What should be confirmed from the pilot station?The boarding time and place and which side to put the pilot ladder.16.When the vessel enters the VTS area,what is requested to report? Ship’s name,call sign,course,speed,destination and so on.17.Can you list three famous canals in the world?Suez Canal,Panama Canal and Kiel Canal.18.When you request the receiver to remain on channel16in VHF Communication,what do you say?Stand by on VHF channel16.19.How do you rectify the mistake in marine VHF communication?Mistake plus correction plus correction message.20.How do you emphasize the important part of a message in marine VHF communication?Repeat plus the important part of the message.21.What is the difference between a‘radar bacon’and‘radar reflection’?The radar bacon can transmit radar signals but the radar reflection can not. 22.How many objects do you need to get a position using‘horizontal sextant angles’?Three.23.Why is a magnetic compass kept on board when a gyro compass is more accurate?To meet the requirement of SOLAS.24.When preparing for anchoring what must you do before releasing the bowstoppers?To ensure the ship is at low speed and the sea depth is suitable.25.Would you let go an anchor from the hawse pipe if the depth was75 meters?No,because it’s too deep.26.Why must you consider ship’s speed and sea depth when you release the bow stoppers?To ensure the safety.27.What must always be brought and placed close to the pilot ladder well before the pilot’s embarking?A lifebuoy and a heaving line.28.Why is it dangerous to anchor in ice?Because it’s easy to be frozen.第四章靠离泊作业1.How many classes of dangerous goods are there according to the IMDG Code?Can you list some?9;Class1:Explosives,Class2:Flammable gas,Class3:Flammable Liquids, Class4:Flammable Solids,Class5:Oxidize,Class6:Toxic,Class7: Radioactive,Class8:Corrosives,Class9:Others.2.What kind of cargo is classified as flammable cargo?The cargo is easy to catch fire.3.Please describe the general nature of general cargo.Packed cargo with different kinds.4.Please describe the general nature of bulk cargo.Unpacked cargo with signal kind.5.What kind of cargo is canvas(帆布)sling suitable for lifting?Bagged cargo.6.What kind of cargo is net sling suitable for lifting?Bagged cargo.7.What kind of cargo is chain(铁链)sling suitable for lifting?Heavy slim cargoes.8.What does‘jettison of cargo’mean?To throw cargo overboard.9.What does‘compatibility(兼容)of goods’mean?Different kinds of goods could be stowed together.10.What does‘shifting cargo’mean?Cargo moves from side to side.11.What does‘Union purchase(双杆联吊)’mean?Both derricks are combined to handle the cargo’s loading and unloading. 12.What preparations shall be done before loading cargo?Open the holds.13.What is the loading capacity of your ship?10thousand tons.14.What cargo handling gear and equipment does your vessel have? Crane.15.Please list some cargo papers.Loading list,Bills of Lading,Import cargo list,Export cargo list.第五章装卸作业1.Why is important to sound fog signals?Because we can’t see each other in poor visibility,the fog signals can tell the others movement of the ship.2.When would you sound the general alarm?Emergency situations such as man overboard and fire.3.When should an OOW notify the master immediately for emergency ship-handing or complicated navigation?Please list some.Emergency situations such as man overboard and fire.4.When would you instruct a lookout to assist you on the bridge? Emergency situations such as man overboard and fire.5.How does the OOW assess risk of collision generally?To check CPA and TCPA on radar.6.How should the reliving officer behave in case a bridge manoeuvre already took place but has not been over?To wait until he finishes with operation.7.List the main items to be updated on the pilot card?The date,port and displacement.8.Besides the collision risks,what else should you monitor on watch in reduced visibility?To keep watch on radar,VHF and other navigational equipment.9.How do you know the VHF channels to be monitored when leaving port?To look for the list of radio signals.10.What should the master expect from the OOW on arriving at the bridge? To be familiar with ship’s particulars,equipment and present situation.11.Who should be in attendance when a pilot is on the ladder?The third officer.12.What effect will the general alarm have on the crew?To tell the crew members about the emergency in a short time.13.Why is record keeping a necessary part of watch-keeping?To be as the evidence after accidents.14.Apart from those for navigation safety,what else should you do on an anchor watch?To ensure the safety of crews,cargo and oceans.15.How would you conveniently,check the compass error in pilotage water? By taking transits(叠标).16.If a sailing ship is overtaking a power-driven vessel,who as the right ofway?The power-driven vessel.17.A power-driven vessel is on collision course with a fishing trawler(拖网),who has the right of way?The fishing trawler.18.How many meters are there in a nautical mile?1852meters.19.If you travel from Panama to New York,will your latitude increase or decrease?My latitude will increase.20.How many‘Position lines’are needed to make a position?Two.21.You observe a ship during daytime,exhibiting three balls on the same halyard(吊索).What was happened?The ship is aground.22.What does the abbreviations of IALA stand by?International Association of Lighthouse Authorities.23.What does the abbreviation ETD stand for?Estimated Time of Departure.24.What does the abbreviation COW stand for?Crude Oil Washing(原油洗舱).25.What does the abbreviation SWL stand for?Safe Working Load.26.What does‘SOPEP’mean?Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan.27.What does EPIRB stand for?Emergency position Indicator Radio Beacon.28.What does‘SAR’stand for?Search and rescue.29.What does INMARSAT stand for?International Maritime Satellite.30.What does UTC stand for?Universal Time of Coordination.31.What does RCC stand for?Rescue Coordination Center.32.What is SART?Search and Rescue Transponder(应答器).33.What does MMSI stand for?Maritime Mobile Service Identification.34.What does OSC stand for?On-Scene Commander.35.What does VHF stand for?Very High Frequency.36.What does SSO stand for?Ship Security Officer.37.What does CSO stand for?Company Security Officer.38.What does SSP stand for?Ship Security Plan.39.What does DOS stand for?Declaration of Security.40.What does SSAS stand for?Ship Security Alert System.41.What does ISSC stand for?International Ship Security Certificate.42.What does CSR stand for?Synopsis(概要)Record.43.Is it to safe to pass north of a North Mark?Yes.44.Is it to safe to pass south of a North Mark?No.45.Does the variation change due to ship’s position?Yes.46.Does the deviation change due to ship’s position?No.47.When correcting charts why must you use symbols and abbreviations from chart5011?Because all the symbols and abbreviations can be found on Chart5011.48.You have purchased a new chart.Is it right ready for use?Yes.49.What publication do you need to correct charts properly?Notices to Mariners.50.What course in degrees corresponds to south-east?135degrees.51.What is the angle between magnetic and true meridian called?Magnetic compass error.52.Where can you always find information about the magnetic variation? Compass rose on the chart.53.When a ship picks up speed,will the draught increase or decrease? Increase.第六章航行1.What kind of paint is usually given to the ship’s bottom?Anti-fouling Paint.2.What kind of paint is usually given to the places such as radiators,pipes and funnels?Heat resistance Paint.3.What kind of coating is usually applied to anchors and chains? Bituminous Paint.第七章海上呼叫1.What is your purpose to prepare the Confirmation(确认单)of Collision Occurrence to the Master of the other vessel?The master will be responsible.2.What shall be usually attached(附加的)to the report on the accident?The logbook,oil record book.3.When should a sea protest(申明)be published to and endorsed by the authorities concerned?Within24hours after the ship’s arrival at the port.4.Generally speaking,which is responsible for the damage after a collision between a vessel moored and a vessel underway?The vessel underway.5.What is the sound signal to warn a vessel of the immediate danger of collision?5short blasts.6.What is‘general alarm signal’?2prolonged blasts.7.What is the sound alarm for abandoning vessel?7short and1prolonged blasts.8.What is the sound alarm for oil spilling on board?1short and2prolonged blasts.9.What actions are you going to take after a collision with another vessel? Report to the master,local government and ask for help.10.As a chief Officer,what is your responsibility in damage control operation? OSC.11.Whom shall be reported to in case of an oil pollution incident?The company and flag state.12.What’s the first step in handling the cargo damage caused by the stevedores?To check which cargo has been damaged and the degree of damage.13.What anti-stowaway(偷渡)precautions should you take before the vessel sails from a port?To search all the spaces on ship.14.What is your first response when you detect a fire?Sound the fire alarm and report to the master.15.What can be used to handle an oil spill?Sand and sawdust(木屑).16.What are the ways to re-float a grounded vessel?To jettison cargoes and wait for the rising tide.17.Can you list some ways of correcting listing?To transfer the ballast water and jettison cargoes.18.What will you first do if you find some oil near your vessel while bunkering? Stop bunkering.19.What will you do first if a crew member was seriously injured?Report to the master.20.What will you do first if your vessel is under attack by pirates?Sound the alarm.21.If someone returns to the ship very drunk,should be he left alone to‘sleep it off’?Yes,he should go to sleep and someone else will replace him.22.If you see a person collapsed(跌倒)who is in contact with electricity what is the first thing you must do before attempting to switch off the supply?To separate him with wooden sticks.23.If you suspect someone has inhaled(吸入)dangerous substance(物质) what can you do to help even if you are not trained?Move him to the open air.24.In what circumstances do you give artificial(人工的)inspection and mouth to mouth ventilation?When someone has no breath.25.When would you need a‘resuscitator(人工呼吸)’?When someone has no breath.26.How should you try to stop bleeding at first?By fingers pressing and bandage.27.If you suspect someone has been poisoned(中毒)what is the first thing you should try to do?Let him throw out.28.What is the most important thing to consider when treating a wound? Keep the wound clean.第八章事故处理1.What kind of the extinguisher can you use for an electric fire?Carbon dioxide.2.What cannot be used for an electric fire?Water.3.How often should an‘emergency fire pump’be tested?Once a week.4.How often is a fire drill required to be held in cargo list?Once a month.5.How often is a boat drill required to be carried out on board a cargo ship? Once every three months.6.How often will the lifeboat be launched into water?Once every three months.7.How do you check fixed installation?Check the air pressure of the bottom every six months.8.What must you do first if you find a fire on board?Sound the alarm.9.What do the Muster List show?To tell you all crews’duties and muster station in emergency.10.What will you do first if you see a person falls overboard?Throw a lifebuoy.11.Can you list at least three different kinds of extinguisher?Carbon dioxide extinguishers,foam extinguishers,dry powder extinguishers.12.In general,what parties are involved in a fire drill?Fire-fighting team,separating team and first-aid team.13.Where should fire control plan be located?On the wall near to the gate of gangway.14.What does‘retreat(撤退)signal’mean?Return to your base.15.What does‘fire patrol’mean?Around the ship to check the risk of fire.16.What is‘damage control team’mean?To stop flooding.17.Can you list two main reasons for electrical fire?Overloaded circuits and improper operation.18.Could you list some apparatus in an open lifeboat?Fresh water,food,sea anchor and medicine.19.Would a cargo with a high‘flash point’be of more concern to you than one with a low‘flash point’?No.20.What are the three components of fire?Fuel,heat and air.21.What is meant by‘starving’a fire?To remove the fuel from the fire.22.‘Smothering’is a way of dealing with fire.How does it work?To move the air from the fire.23.Before you enter into an‘enclosed space’,what safety precautions should you take?Check the content of oxygen before entering;Wear breathing apparatus(仪器) when entering;Leave another crew member outside.24.What shall be ensured before entering the enclosed space?The oxygen is sufficient.25.What must you wear when you enter an enclosed space?Breathing apparatus.26.What is supposed to be transferred over the International Shore Connection?Water for fire-fighting from shore or other ships.27.If a person who has no authority to be on board attempts to enter the ship,where should he be stopped?Gangway.28.What is the most effective fire extinguisher for the galley on board ship? Carbon dioxide extinguisher.29.For ship at sea what is general procedure to follow for fires in cargo holds? Close the hatches;Cut off the power;Release the carbon dioxide system. 30.What is the absolute minimum number of lifejackets required on board ship?To make sure every person has one.31.What is the minimum requirement for a line-throwing appliance(器具}?At least230meters in good weather.32.By regulation,what is the minimum amount of water required per person in the lifeboat?No less than3liters fresh water per person.33.What is the minimum number of motor lifeboats fitted on board?For a cargo ship,2is enough.34.What altitude(海拔)must a‘rocket parachute flare(火箭降落伞信号)’reach to comply with regulation?Not less than300meters.35.You are a survivor at sea when an SAR(Search and Rescue)aircraft dropsa red container.What is in it?Fresh water and food.第九章海上救生与求生1.What does‘initial course’mean in search and rescue operation?The course to be used at very beginning.2.What’s the difference between‘heel’and‘list’?Heel is due to external force,list is due to internal force.3.Can you list three of more search patterns?Expanding square(方形)search pattern,sector(扇形)search pattern and parallel(平行)sweep search pattern.4.When will a expanding square search pattern usually be used?Only one single ship is on SAR operation.5.When will a sector search pattern usually be used?The search area is small.6.When will a parallel sweep search pattern usually be used?The search area is large and the position is uncertain.7.What does‘hampered(受限的)vessel’mean?The manoeuvre of ship is restricted.8.List some visual and audible distress signals for attracting attention when in distress.Light signal,flag signal,shape signal and whistle.9.Would you please pronounce the correct international code words for‘A’,’B’,’C’and‘D’?Alfa,bravo,charlie,delta.10.What reason would you think is justified for postponing the fire drill to a more suitable time?In bad weather.11.What action would you take if you were on duty on deck and you observe oil leaking from the ship’s side?Sound the alarm and report to the master.12.What does2182kHz mean to you?It’s the distress frequency.第十章修船与船舶保养1.What does MAYDAY mean in marine communication?The ship is in danger and requires immediate assistance.2.What does PAN-PAN mean in marine communication?The ship is in urgent danger and require assistance.3.What does SECURITE mean in marine communication?It’s a message about safety.4.What should be included in MAYDAY message?MAYDAY three times plus ship’s name,call sign,position,nature of distress and the assistance required.5.What are passengers advised to put on while abandoning the vessel?The life-jackets.6.Can you give a briefing on how to put on life-jacket?Put it on with big buoyancy before you and small one behind,then tie up the bands.7.What can be used to attract attention after abandoning the vessel?Send a message via VHF.8.If you should fall overboard,what would you do?Keep calm and afloat waiting for rescue.9.Can you list some risks to crew while abandoning vessels?Hunger,thirsty,coldness,seasickness and so on.10.Where are explosions most commonly encountered on board ship? Engine room,fuel tanker and paint room.11.How is it possible to find safety equipment in a room full of smoke?To cover your nose and mouth with wet towel and creep(爬行)into the room.12.What type of oil is used in certain rescue operations to prevent the seas breaking?Storm oil.13.Coastal radio stations keep a constant watch on distress frequencies.What frequencies are they?156.525MHz(mega),2187.5kHz,8414.5kHz.14.When launching an inflatable liferafe into the sea,what is it most importantThe rope on the ship.15.What type of engine must a lifeboat have?Compression ignition engine.16.Why should you not take high protein(蛋白质)food with you in a lifeboat? It will cost fresh water in your body.17.If you are in a lifeboat without an imminent prospect(预计)of being rescued, how soon should you issue food and water?In the first24hours,we will have nothing.After that,we will have food and water three times a day.18.When there is a muster(集合)for an emergency there are several things that must be closed.Give some examples.The electric and oil supply.19.In tidal waters what would be the best time to‘beach’the ship in an emergency?When the tide is rising.20.What should be done to make sure that medicines are on board each lifeboat?Carry out the inspection and renew if possible.21.If you have no rockets,flags,signals or radio,how can you indicate to a ship in sight that you need assistance?Light a fire on deck.第十一章港口国检查1.Can you list some items to be checked for load line requirements in PSC inspection?Load line Certificate and Load Line Mark.2.Can you list some items to be checked for navigational equipment in PSC inspection?GPS,AIS,ECDIS,GMDSS.3.Can you list some items to be checked for life-saving appliances in PSC inspection?Lifeboat,lifecraft,life buoy,lifejacket.4.Can you list some items to be checked for fire-fighting arrangement in PSC inspection?Fire pumps,fire doors,fire extinguishers.5.Can you list some items to be checked for radio equipment in PSC inspection?VHF,MF/HF,radiotelex,INMARSAT.6.Can you list some items to be checked for accommodation in PSC inspection?Emergency light,smoke indicator,escape routine.7.Can you list some items to be checked for MARPOL&Chemical in PSCOil Record Book,Garbage Record Book,Sewage Record Book.8.Can you list some items to be checked for hull,machinery&cargo gear in PSC inspection?Pumps,winches,derricks.9.What are the key items to be checked within your duties on board?As a third officer,I should check the fire-fighting and life-saving equipment. 10.What’s the meaning of your ship’s name?My ship’s name is XIWANG,it means hope.11.What is the call sign of your ship?Bravo Papa Hotel Alfa.12.What’s the ship’s nationality?China.13.What’s the IMO number of your ship?9613886.14.Which classification society was your ship registered?CCS.15.What type is your vessel?Bulk carrier.16.When was your ship built with?In December4th,1995.17.When was your ship put into use?In December4th,1995.18.When was your ship registered in CCS?In December4th,1995.19.When was last survey carried out?Last month.20.Where should the Muster Lists be exhibited on board?The bridge,engine room and mess room.21.What does the proper care of the ship’s food services and supplies involved?To store and service food.22.What are the duties of the gallery crew and others in the stores department?To clean the gallery,wash the dishes,store and serve food.23.What are the requirements of the heating system of crew accommodation space?To be switched on all the time.24.What are the minimal standards for natural lighting in the living rooms of crew?In good weather,I can read books.25.What are sufficient grounds to stop cargo operation?In bad weather.26.What does the effectiveness of life-saving appliances depend on?To check and maintain frequently.27.What is the special attention of the ship with respect to the carriage of solid bulk cargoes?Proper stowage and trimming the cargo.28.What relevant provisions(公约)should the responsible crew members be familiar with?SOLAS,STCW,MARPOL and so on.29.What should be taken into account in judging the suitability of oil for crude oil washing?Density.30.What’your ship’s name in your language?XIWANG.31.What’s your maximum permitted draft?10meters.32.Who is your ship owner?COSCO.33.What working language do you use?English.第十二章船舶保安1.Can you list some restricted areas on board?Bridge,engine room,radio room.2.Can you list some responsibilities of a ship security officer?Make up the SSP,make all the crew members familiar with SMS,coordinate with CSO,be responsible to the ship security training and drill.3.Can you list some main ship security equipment?SSAS,GMDSS,general alarms,lighting.4.Can you describe the general arrangement or responses to security level1 as a ship security officer?Securing assess to restricted areas.5.Can you describe the general arrangement or responses to security level2 as a ship security officer?Limiting the access members to the ship.6.Can you describe the general arrangement or responses to security level3 as a ship security officer?Stopping all cargo operations.7.Can you list some information relating to security that AIS can receive or transmit?Ship’s name and call sign,course and speed,position and destination.8.How do you control the unauthorized(未经许可的)boarding at gangway? Keep someone at gangway.9.What procedures or controls do you use to ensure the security on board before departure?。
” 英语与汉语一样都是一种语言,为什么你说汉语会如此流利?那是因为你置身于一个汉语环境中,如果你在伦敦呆上半年,保准说起英语来会非常流利。
Chapter One1.Please say something about your hometown.(a)The geographical position, population and features of your hometown.(b)The environment and customs of your hometown.(c)The specialties of your hometownMy hometown is Tianjin. It is the biggest port in Northern China. It has a population of 12 million. There are many factories in the city, such as the steel plant, shipyard, chemical plant, etc. Tianjin is famous for its snack, such as the Tianjin Twist, Ear Hole Fried Cake, and so on. You can enjoy the delicious food in the Food Street. Tianjin is developing very fast, and it is the economy center of Northern China at present. Tianjin is also famous for its beautiful scenery. There are many famous tourist spots attracting tourists home and abroad every year. My home town is very beautiful, and I love her so much.2.Please say something about yourself.(a)Your name, age, rank, working experiences, hobbies.(b)Your daily work(c)Your spare time activitiesMy name is Zhanglin. I am 26years old. I graduated from Tianjin Maritime Vocational Institute. I am an A.B. I have five-year experience on board. I have worked on general cargo ship for five years. My hobbies are playing chess with my friends and collecting stamps. My daily work is to perform assigned bridge watch standing and navigational duties. My watch standing time is from 0800 to 1200 a.m. and from 2000 to 2400 p.m. when at sea, in my spare time, I sometimes read a book or listen to some light music.3.Please say something about your family.(a)Members of your family(b)Their occupations(c)Their hobbies and characteristicsMy family is a happy one. There are three members in my family, my mother, my father and I. My mother is a teacher in a middle school. My father is a worker in a factory. My parents like their work very much. In their spare time they like reading books or watching TV. I am a student in a vocational institute and I love sports to keep fit!Your favorite port you have called at.(d) A simple introduction of the port(e)Reasons why you like it.(f)Anything special about it.As a seaman working on board for many years, I have called at many places. I, however, believe Tianjin is my favorite port. It is the biggest port in Northern China. It has a population of 12 million. There are many factories in the city, such as the steel plant, shipyard, chemical plant, etc. Tianjin is famous for its snack, such as the Tianjin Twist, Ear Hole Fried Cake, and so on. You can enjoy the delicious food in the Food Street. Tianjin is developing very fast, and it is the economy center of Northern China at present. Tianjin is also famous for its beautiful scenery. There are many famous tourist spots attracting tourists home and abroad every year.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As a seaman working on board for many years, I have called at many places. I, however, believe Singapore is my favorite port. The city can be described as a garden city. Everything there looks green and clear. I believe anyone who has been to Singapore will certainly come to such a conclusion that Singapore is a city of best scenery and least pollution. In addition, smooth and light traffic also leaves foreigners deep impression. Chinese is one of the official languages there. So it will not be troublesome for a Chinese who cannot speak any English to go shopping, sightseeing, etc. Besides, the people there are all well-mannered and warm-hearted. They are always ready to offer help. That’s why many Chinese seamen are excited when Singapore comes into their view. I am one of them.4.Please say something about your responsibilities on board.(a)Your position on board(b)Your daily work on board(c)Your duties on boardOn board, I work as a third officer of the deck department. I have plenty of work to do on board ship. During navigation, I must maneuver the ship and stand watches on the bridge from 0800 to 1200 and from 2000 to 2400. While on duty, I am the captain’s representative. I must maintain a proper look-out at all times by sight and hearing, and by all available means. I also make the most effective use of the navigational equipments, such as radar, GPS, to fix ship’s positions. If there is any risk of collision exists, I will execute collision avoidance maneuver in full accordance with COLREGS. If it is necessary, I will notify the captain, for example, when we are navigating in or near an area of restricted visibility. Meanwhile, I am in charge of the life-saving appliances and fire-fighting equipments. Of course, I love the life on board and I have plenty of time to study and think.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I work on the deck department. I am an A.B.When at sea, every morning I go to the bridge and take over the watch form the A.B. on duty at 0750. I am on the bridge to steer the wheel from 0800 to 1200 and from 2000 to 2400 every day. My duty on board is to steer the wheel as per the order of the captain or pilot. When in port, every day the bosun assigns the work to us. We do daily maintenance work, for example, rust removing and painting, maintenance of riggings, maintenance of life-saving appliances and fore-fighting equipments.Answer the questions1.What is your date of birth?My date of birth is the 7th of April 1989.2.What’s your seaman’s book number?It’s A396625.3.Where are you from?I am from Tianjin4. What is your captain’s nationality?My captain’s nationality is China.5What do you think is the most important thin on board?I think the most important thing on board is safety,security and efficiency.6. What ports do you often call at?I often call at Dalian, Shanghai, and Honking.7. What is your favorite TV program?My favorite TV program is action movies.8. What’s your favorite Web site?My favorite Web site is www. CCTV. com.9. What’s your favorite day of the week? Why?My favorite day of the week is Friday. Because it is weekend and the next date is off day.10. What’s your favorite kind of movie?My favorite movie is action movie.11. What’s your favorite kind of music?My favorite music is light music.12. What is your magazine?My favorite magazine is TIMES.13. What is the population of your hometown?The population of my hometown is 6 million.14. What’s the population of your country?The population of my country is 1.3 billion.15. What’s the best thing about your hometown?The best thing about my hometown is the weather. It is neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter.16. What’s the worst thing about your hometown?The worst thing about my hometown is the cost of living is too high, especially cost of medicine, education and house.17. What’s your hometown like?My hometown is a beautiful port in Northern China.18. Do you have many disasters in your country which are caused by weather?Yes. There are many disasters, such as earthquake, flooding, typhoon etc.19. What sports do you like to watch on TV?I like to watch football games on TV.20. What do you think is the most popular sport in the world?I think the most popular sport in the world is football match.Chapter Three1. Describe the responsibilities as a watch officer while the ship is at anchor(a) The regular operations for anchor watch(b) Emergency handling in case of dragging(c) ConclusionThe responsibilities as a watch officer while the ship is at anchor are as follows:(1). The regular operations for anchor watch:(a) Check anchor position frequently.(b) Pay attention to the vessel’s surrounding and other vessel’s condition in the vicinity.(c) Pay attention to the weather condition.(2). In case of dragging, inform the master, inform harbor control and engine room andcarry out emergency measures: veer out more chain on the anchor dropped or drop thesecond anchor, veer out good scope then weigh the first anchor.2. Describe the proper way of using VHF.(a) How to operate VHF set proper;(b) General rules of using VHF;(C) Rules of using VHF Channel 16;Pick up the receiver and set the calling channel, then press the button on the receiver handleand speak. If the channel is not chosen, when turned on, the VHF will tune automatically to Channel 16.VHF should be used correctly and according to the Radio Regulations. The following in particular should be avoided:1. Non-essential transmissions;2. Transmitting without correct identification;3. Use of offensive language, etc;Channel 16 may only be used for distress, urgency and very brief safety communications. For other communications, it should be conducted on a suitable working channel.4.Describe the procedures before arrival at a port.The preparations from the bridge;a)The preparations from the engine room;b)The preparations from the deck;Before arrival at a port, the following preparations should be made on the bridge: ETA sent to pilot station with all relevant information, including ship’s name, call sign, draft, speed, etc. Available port information and other navigational information should be consulted. All appropriate flag/light signals should be displayed; Large-scale charts for entering port should be prepared; Latest weather report and the information on tide, current should be available. Radio checked for berthing instructions; VHF channels for various services noted; pilot ladder should be rigged on proper side; Pilot card should be prepared; All navigational equipment tested. Sufficient time must be given to the engine department before arrival. The engineers should test the machinery for proper operation, for example, the main engine, the steering gear and so on. The following preparations should be made from the deck: Ship’s crew on stations for entering port; Mooring machinery tested, mooring lines, etc. prepared; Anchors ready for use;3.Describe the procedures before leaving a port.a)The preparations from the bridge;b)The preparations from the engine room;c)The preparations from the deck;When the ship leaves a port, all department heads must be notified so they can make the necessary preparations.The officers should check the operations of cargo handling and get the papers involved ready. After communicate with the port authority, the third officer should test the navigational aids on the bridge and give unberthing notice to the engine room in advance.The engineers should test the machinery for proper operation and stand by engine. They should keep contact with bridge.On deck, the hands should prepare for undocking. They should check the cargo stowage and lashing and then close the hatch covers. At last, they should get ready for unmooring the lines fore and aft.5. Describe the procedures of pilotage.(a) The general procedures for pilot request;(b) The preparations for receiving the pilot;(c) The general rules for pilotage;When you want to enter a foreign port, normally you need a pilot. You should call the pilot station by VHF for the request. The ship’s particulars should be reported to the Pilot Station, such as the ship’s name, call sign, Port of Registry, LOA, breadth, draft, and so on. ETA should be reported to the Pilot Station. After the radio request, you should make the following preparations. You should maneuver the ship and rig the pilot ladder according to the instructions of the pilot station. Have a heaving line and lifebuoy ready. Put lights on at the pilot ladder at night.After the pilot’s boarding, you should lower the flag G and hoist the flag H. The captain and the pilot shall exchange information regarding navigation procedures, local conditions and the ship’s characteristics. The captain and the watch officer shall co-operate closely with the pilot and keep checking the ship’s position and movement. The master is in no way relieved of responsibility for the safe navigation of the vessel by the presence of a pilot on board;Answer the questions1.Can you list at least three mooring lines?The head line; The stern line; The forward breast line; The forward spring line; The aft breast line; The aft spring line;2. What should you prepare before the pilot comes on board?I should inspect the state of the pilot ladder and rig it in proper side;Put lights on at the pilot ladder;Have a heaving line and lifebuoy ready at the pilot ladder;3. What is the maximum speed through the water that your ship can anchor without risking breaking the cable?The maximum speed over the ground should be below 2 knots or 1.5 knots for full loading vessel.4. What flag should be hoisted when a vessel requires a pilot? If a pilot is on board, what signal flag will be hoisted?When a vessel requires a pilot, signal flag G should be hoisted. (Signal letter Golf means I require s pilot)If a pilot is on board, signal flag H should be hoisted.(Signal letter Hotel means I have a pilot on board)5. How can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival?Before arrival, the ship can get in touch with a port by VHF.5.What ship’s particulars will pilot station usually ask for?ship’s name, call sign, Port of Registry, LOA, breadth, draft, and so on.6.What should be reported to the pilot station?ETA, Ship’s Particulars including ship’s name, call sign, Port of Registry, LOA, breadth, draft, and so on. Last port of call, next port of call and destination. Cargo condition.7.What should be confirmed from the pilot station?The following should be confirmed from the pilot station:1. When and where the vessel shall meet the pilot.2. On which side the pilot ladder should be rigged.9. When the vessel enters the VTS area, what is requested to report?The following information is requested to report:a.Ship’s name, call sign and flag state;b.Ship’s position and course and speed;st port of call and destination;d.Cargo condition and any deficiencies or restrictions;10. What does “foul anchor” mean?Foul anchor means that anchor has its own cable twisted around it or has fouled an obstruction.11. If you are ordered: “Stand by both engines”, how should you reply and report?I should reply: “stand by both engines” and report “both engines standing by”12. Can you list three famous canals in the world?The three famous canals in the world are Suez Canal, Panama Canal and Kiel Canal13. When you request the receiver to remain on channel 16 in VHF communication, what doyou say?I’ll say “standing by on channel 16”14. How to rectify the mistake in maritime VHF communication?When a mistake is made in a message, say: “Mistake ...”- followed by the word: “Correction ...”plus the corrected part of the message. Example: “My present speed is 14 knots - mistake. Correction, my present speed is 12, one-two, knots.”15. How to emphasize the important part of a message in maritime VHF communication?If any part of the message are considered sufficiently important to need safeguarding, say: “Repeat ...”- followed by the corresponding part of the message. Example: “My draft is 12.6 repeat one-two decimal 6 metres.” “Do not overtake - repeat - do not overtake.”16. What does “abandon vessel” mean?Abandon vessel means to evacuate crew and passengers from a vessel following a distress. 17. What does the abbreviation “ETD” stand for?The abbreviation “ETD” stands for “Estimated Time of Departure”.18. What does “dredging an anchor” mean?Dredging an anchor means the moving of an anchor over the sea bottom to control the movement of the vessel.19. What does “underway” mean?Underway means a vessel which is not at anchor, or make fast to the shore, or aground.20. What does “dragging of an anchor”, mean?Dragging of an anchor means the moving of an anchor over the sea bottom involuntarily because it is no longer preventing the movement of the vessel.21. What is the difference between a "radar beacon" and a "radar reflector"?The radar beacon emits electric wave while the radar reflector reflects the electric wave.22. How many objects do you need to get a position using "horizontal sextant angles"I need three objects.23. Why is a magnetic compass kept on board when a gyro compass is more accurate?The magnetic compass is better than the gyro compass in stability.24. What do you report when the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and is clear of it ?The anchor is aweigh and clear of the bottom.25. When preparing for anchoring what must you do before releasing the bow stopper?Put the windlass in gear.26. Would you let go an anchor from the hawse pipe if the depth was 75 meters?No, you would not.27.Why must you consider ship's speed and sea depth when you release the bow stoppers? Fast speed and deep water can break the chain and make the anchor missing.28. What must always be brought and placed close to the pilot ladder well before the pilot's embarkation?A lifejacket must always be brought and placed.29. Why is it dangerous to anchor in ice?It is very easy to make the anchor dragging.30. What flay is hoisted when the pilot has arrived on board?Flag H is hoisted.Chapter Four1.Describe the procedures of carrying dangerous cargo on board.(a)The acquisition of information about the dangerous cargo.(b)Precaution on loading and discharging.(c)Maintenance during the voyage.The chief officer should acquire some information about the dangerous cargo such as the packing, IMO classes and UN No, nature, compatibility, quantity, country of production and country of destination, notices on loading, care on board and discharging,During cargo handling, the ship should exhibit appropriate signal as requires. Sufficient protective equipment should be prepared. Emergency procedures should be getting ready. Always check the proper use of the handling gear. While loading: (1) Check the correct technical names in documents and correct marks. (2) Check the careful and safe stowage (3) Check the careful separation. While discharging: check the complete unloadingWhen the ship is at sea, the condition of the dangerous cargo should be checked at regular intervals including the temperature and humidity. In addition, regular ventilation is necessary.2.Describe the precautions before entering an enclosed spare.(1) The potential dangers in an enclosed space(2) The normal procedures(3) The important precautionThere may be lack of oxygen or existence of flammable or toxic fumes, gases or vapors. So nobody should enter an enclosed space without taking some safety measures. Before entering an enclosed space, you need to always check the air, ventilate the space constantly and station a crew member at the entrance to keep in touch with the person entering. The person entering the space should put on protective clothing and breathing apparatus if necessary.3.Describe the procedures of cargo stowage.(a)The acquisition of information about the cargo to be carried;(b)The principles and considerations on navigation safety;(c)The modification of stowage plan;The chief officer should acquire the cargo information, especially dangerous cargo. The cargo listshould be available and complete. The chief officer should prepare a proper stowage plan, taking the following into consideration: Effective use of the vessel’s loading capacity, reasonable stability, trim and strength, port rotation,the safety of crew, vessel and cargo. The cargo stowage plan should be modified if necessary. Due attention should be paid to dangerous cargo, deck cargo and special cargo, if any.4.Describe the actions to be taken in case of an oil spill on board.(a)The initial responses;(b)The actions following up according to the SOREP on board;(c)The precautions to be taken;(1)Report to the bridge about the oil spill;(2)The bridge should sound the oil spill alarm by whistle or by public address system.(3)All the crew should muster at their stations.(4)Take measures to fight against the spillage, prevent spilt oil from spreading and collect thespillage.(5)Report the spillage to the local pollution control.5.Describe how to ensure a proper stowage for general cargo.(a)General factors to be taken into account in cargo stowage(b)Special considerations for cargo stowage;The chief officer should acquire the cargo information, especially dangerous cargo. The cargo list should be available and complete. The chief officer should prepare a proper stowage plan, taking the following into consideration: Effective use of the vessel’s loading capacity, reasonable stability, trim and strength, port rotation,the safety of crew, vessel and cargo. The cargo stowage plan should be modified if necessary. Due attention should be paid to dangerous cargo, deck cargo and special cargo, if any.Answer the questions:1.How many classes of dangerous cargoes are there according to the IMDG Code? Canyou list some?According to the IMDG code, the dangerous cargoes are divided into 9 classes:Class 1: ExplosivesClass 2: Gases (compressed, liquefied or dissolved under pressure)Class 3: Flammable liquidsClass 4: Flammable solidsClass 5: Oxidizing substances and organic peroxidesClass 6: Toxic and infectious substancesClass 7: Radioactive materialClass 8: CorrosivesClass 9: Miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles2.What kind of cargo is classified as flammable cargo?Flammable liquids are liquids, or mixture of liquids or liquids containing solids in solution or suspension which give off a flammable vapor at or below 61℃in closed cup test.3.Please describe the general nature of general cargoGeneral cargo consists of a variety of goods and is packed separately4.Please describe the general nature of bulk cargoBulk cargo consists of single cargo and is usually carried in loose without package5.What kind of cargo is canvas sling suitable for lifting?A canvas sling is suitable for lifting bags of gain, rice and coffee, etc.6.What kind of cargo is chain sling suitable for lifting?A chain sling is suitable for lifting logs and iron rails.7.What kind of cargo is net sling suitable for lifting?A net sling is suitable for lifting small packages and mail.8.What does the abbreviation COW stand for?COW stands for “Crude Oil Washing”8.What does “jettison of cargo” mean?Throwing overboard of goods in order to lighten the vessel or improve its stability in case of an emergency9.What does “compatibility of goods” mean?“Compatibility of goods” states whether different goods can be stowed together in one hold 10.What does the abbreviation SWL stand for?SWL stands for Safe Working Load11.What does “shifting cargo” mean?It means transverse movement of cargo, especially bulk cargo, caused by rolling or heavy list.12.What does “union purchase” mean?A common method of cargo handling by combining two derricks, one of which is fixed overthe quay, the other over the hatchway14. What preparations shall be done before loading cargo?(1) The cargo gear should be ready for use.(2) The holds should be clean and dry(3) Sufficient dunnage materials should be prepared, such as planks and mats(4) The safety arrangements in the holds should be functional(5) Check the hold ventilators for damage15.What cargo handling gear and equipment does our vessel have?Cranes and derricks16.What can be used to remove spillage?Oil dispersants, oil absorbent and so on17.What is the loading capacity of your vessel?The loading capacity of my vessel is 25 thousand tons.18.What shall be ensured before entering the enclosed space?Check to see if the enclosed space is deficient in oxygen and/or contain flammable or toxic fumes, gases or vapors.19.Please list some cargo papers?Booking Note(托运单), Shipping Order(装货单), Mate’s Receipt(收货单), Bill of Lading(提单), Loading List(装货清单), Manifest(载货清单/ 舱单), Cargo Plan(货物配载图), Stowage Plan(货物积载图)20.What must you wear when you enter an enclosed space?When you enter an enclosed space, you must wear the protective clothing and breathing apparatus.Chapter Five1.Describe the duties of watch keeping when underway.(a)General rules to watch keeping(b)Items to be checked and monitored each watch(c)Special attention for bridge watch keeping(1)Comply with the Rules of the Road and recommended traffic Separation schemes.(2)Regulate ship’s course, speed and supervise the safe navigation of the vessel.(3)Comply with the Company Standing Orders on use of radar.(4)Plot fixes as required on the appropriate chart(5)Operate the engine order telegraph or engine control and check engine roomacknowledgements(6)Co-ordinate bridge-to-bridge, ship-to-shore and station-to-station communications(7)Other duties as prescribed by the captain.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The duties of watch-keeping when underway are as follows:General rules as to watch-keeping:(1)OOW should keep a proper lookout at all times(2)Observe the practices of good seamanship and comply with the Rules of the Road andrecommended traffic separation schemes and other regulations.(3)Regulate ship’s course, speed and supervise the safe navigation of the vessel. Fix the vessel’sposition and plot CPA, course and speed of all closing vessels; take actions to avoid collision.(4)Obey all written and spoken orders of the master and standing orders.(5)OOW must immediately call the master at any time the vessel appears to be standing intodanger and in various other situations(6)Record all require entries in the deck log, bell book and course recorder chartThe following items should be checked and monitored:Steaming plan, required course, speed and way point; ship’s present position; course to be steered; track to be made good; potential hazards to navigationSpecial attention should be paid to the low visibility procedure; safety of the vessel and pollution prevention.2.Describe the bridge shift change(a)The conditions which must be satisfied before taking over a bridge watch(b)The procedures for shift change(c)Special attention for shift changeThe relieving officer must go to the bridge about 15minutes in advance, because he must familiarize himself with the lights, surroundings and environment. When handing over a shift, the officer being relieved must tell the relieving officer clearly about the ship’s position, the ship’s surrounding and captain’s night’s orders. After that he should enter his shift’s items into the logbook. As the relieving officer, he should check ship’s surroundings, ship’s position, course and so on. Relieved officer should not hand over the watch to the relieving officer if he has reason to believe that the latter is obviously not capable of carrying out his duties effectively.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before taking over a bridge watch, the relieving officer must:(1)Confirm the ship’s present position(2)Discuss the navigational situation with the officer on watch to determine the followinga.Course being steered, both by gyro and magnetic compasses and track to be madeb.Aids to navigation to be used during the watch and their conditionc.Position and status of other vessel in the vicinityd.The proximity of the vessel’s track to potential hazards to navigation, such as shoals,rocks and the like;e.Weather situation, etc.Procedures for shift change:(1)The watch officer must never leave the bridge until properly relieved by a licensed deckofficer.(2)The watch officer must relieve the watch on time, the relieving officer must report to thebridge early enough.(3)The relieving officer must read and understand the standing orders issued by the master(4)The change of Conn must be clearly stated and entered in the logbook.Special attention:(1)The watch is not to be relieved during a maneuver.(2)The officer on watch should not hand over the watch to the relieving officer if he has anyreason to believe that the latter is not capable to carry out his duties effectively.3.Describe the differences between navigating in a narrow channel and in a trafficseparation scheme.(a)The rules in navigating in a narrow channel(b)The rules in navigating in a traffic separation scheme(c)The major difference in terms of technical navigationRule 9 states the navigation in a narrow channel. A vessel proceeding along the narrow channel shall keep as near to the outer limit of the channel which lies on her starboard side. It also instructs how to cross over take and sound signal in narrow channel.If a vessel proceeds in a traffic separation scheme area, she shall comply with Rule 10. It requires the vessel proceed in the appropriate traffic lane in the general direction of traffic flow for that lane. It also instructs how to join and leave the lane, cross the lane and any other action about the safety navigation.And if a narrow channel is in the area of Traffic Separation Scheme, the ships navigating in it must comply with Rule 10 first.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rules navigating in a narrow channel(1)Keep as near to the outer limit of the channel which lies on her starboard side as safe andpracticable(2)Overtaking can take place only if the vessel to be overtaken has to take action to permit safepassing(3)Vessel nearing a bend or an area of a narrow channel shall navigate with particular alertnessand caution and sound appropriate signal(4)Any vessel should, if the circumstances of the case admit, avoid anchoring in a narrowchannel.The rules navigating in a traffic separation scheme:(1)Vessel using a TSS shall proceed in the appropriate traffic lane in the general direction of。
《航海英语(二三副)》一、单项选择题(共200题)k According to IMO regulations, _ shall be posted outside lifeboat?(317759:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(AOB-OGO.DQ 错误・0)A.the relro-refleclive tapes “B.the reflective tapesC.the flashing bandsD.the aiiti-flashing bands2、A foam-type portable fire extinguisher is most useful in fighting a fire in ____________ .(317711:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A・o.B・o・c・aD・a错误・o)A.generatorsB.oil drums 7C.the bridge controlsD.coinbustible metals3、Each lifeboat must be lowered and maneuvered in the water at least once every __________ (317664:第06章船舶结构与设备)(A-0,B・0,C30,错误OA. 2 monthsB. 3 months #C. 4 monthsD. 5 months4> Halon gas will decompose and may form very hazardous toxic fumes whendischarged __________ .(317752:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A-0.B-0,C-0.D-0,错误・0)A.directly on flames “B.at room temperatureC.in an extremely cold climateD.None of the above5.The commander of a rescue unit designated to co-ordinate search and rescue operations within a specified area is the _________ .(317832:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A-0.B-0,C-0.D-0Jfi 误・0)A.general commanderB .commander generalC.search commanderD.on-scene commander 丿6、 The purpose of air tanks in a lifeboat is to __________ .(317806:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A・aB・0,C・0.D・a错误・o)A.make the boat float higherB.provide a stowage place tor provisionsC.add strength to the boatD.keep the boat afloat if flooded “7、Any ship damaging a pipe could ________ a n immediate danger of fire. (317731:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A・0.BOC・0Q・0・错误・0)A.mcelB.face “C・ be in font ofD・ follow8、We test the water spray fire protection system of fire-protected lifeboats every 3 months, _ theabandon ship drill.(317763:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A-0.B-0.C-0.D-0.tft 误・0)bining withbined with 9bining tobined to9、The davit aboard a ship is used to ______ (317637:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A-0.B-0.C-0.D-0.错误・0)A.lower personnel down by a transfer basketB.lower food and water to personnel in a life raftC.lower the life rah down with its full complement 9D.move equipment around the deck10、A board a survival craft.ether can be used to ___________ .(317800:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A・0.B・0.C・0・D・0,错误・0)A.start the engine in cold weather #B.aid in helping personnel breatheC.prime the sprinkler systemD.prime the air supplylk Fire axes required on MV MODUs must be stored in the enclosure for fire hoses with the locationmarked _________ •⑶7813:第06章船舶结构与设备)(AOBOGOQO错误4)A.Fire Axe LoationB.Hose Station No.•…C.Fire Stauon No••…«D.Firefighting Equipment12、A n ABC dry chemical fire extinguisher would be least effective against a fire in _____________ .(317748: 第06章船船结构与设备)(A・0.B・0C0・D・0,错误・0)A. a mattress “B.spilled liquids such as oil or paintC.high voltage electrical gearD. a trash can13.A new liferaft has been installed on your vessel. The operating cord should be _(317649:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(AOB-OCODO締误・0)A.attached to the raft stowage cradle or to a secure object nearby with a weak link “B.checked to see that its unattachedC.coiled neatly on the raft containerD.faked on deck and lead through a chock14.An airplane should NOT send which signal in reply to a surface craft?(317694:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A・0.B・0Q0Q・a错误・0)A.Opening and closing the throttle(节流阀).《C.Flashing the navigational lights off and on.B.Rocking the wings.D.Flashing Morse T.15.By regulation, life preservers aboard an uninspected towing vessel must be _______ (317645:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A-0,B-0,CAD-0Jft误-0)A.readily accessible #B.securely stowedC.stored in sealed containersD.stowed with the emergency provisions16.The davit launched life raft can be boarded _______ .(317638:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A・0.B・0G0・D・a错误®A.from the water onlyB・ at the deck “C ・ by jumping down onto itD・ through the escape tube17.In the enent of accommodation not be available on board the vessel, the company willprovided _________ accommodation.(317842:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A-0.B-0.C-0,D-0J H误・0)A.alternative BB .optionalC.operational□.selective18.An icebreaker assisting a vessel through an ice field would display a visual signal consisting of the code letter ,,E M(Echo) to signify that °_M.(317695:第06 章船船结构与设备)(A0.BdC0.D0•错误・0)A.I am altering my course to starboard 9B.I am altering my course to portC.I am operating astern propulsionD.My vessel is stopped and making no way through the water19._____ The main center-line structural member, running fore and aft along the bottom of a ship, sometimes referred to as the backbone.(317778:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A-0.B-0.C-0,D-0.错i吴・0)A.FrameB.DeckbeamC.StringerD.Keel 920.The line-throwing appliance provided on board ship is __________ .(317825:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A・0.B・0C0D0,错误・0)A.for the saving of life “B.for fire-fighlingC.for mooring purposeD.for towing purpose21.____ as the chemical extinguisher agent, should be used for a an electric fire.(317704:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(AOBOCODO错误・0)A.Dry chemical or foamB.Foam or soda acidC.carbon dioxide or foamD.carbon dioxide or dry chemical “22.After reporting a casualty to a mobile offshore drilling unit, which record must be retained on board?(317690:第06章船舫结构与设备)(A・0.B・0C0D0,错谋・0)A.Record of drafts 9B.Hull reportsC.Anchor recordD.Machinery repair book23.Forecastle deck is located in the ships ___________ .(317587:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(AOB-0G0.DQ 错误・0)A.bow stem 7B.sternC.portsideD.slarboard side24.____ is the most visible signal of distress from a lifeboat at sea in the daytime.(317819:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A・0.B・0・C・aDO错误・0)A.Smoke signal “B.Flash signalC.Fire signalD.Radio emergency transmission25.The vessels quarter is located _(31759():第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A-0.B-0.C-0.D-0^误・0)A.abeamB.dead asternC.just forward of the beam on either sideD.on either side of the stern B26、D eck foam systems, designed to protect cargo areas on tankers built after January 1,1975, must have a supply of foamproducing material to operate the system at its designed rate of foam production for(317753:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(AAB-0.C-0.D-0^iM-0)A.15 minutes without rechargingB.20 minutes without recharging VC.25 minutes without rechargingD.30 minutes without recharging27、A ccording to the regulations for lifeboat falls、which action must be taken with the falls no later than 5 year intervals?(317659:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A-O.B-OCO.DO钳误・0)A.Proof testedB.EndforendedC.Renewed “D.Weight tested28、How many life buoys __________ on board with self-igniting light?(317666:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A-OEOGODa 错误①A.lhere existB.there isC.lhere areD.are there “29、An inflatable life raft can be launched by __________ . (317604:第06 承船舶结构与设备)(A・0.B・0.C・0・D・0,错误・0)A.the float-free method ONLYB.breaking the weak link on the painterC.throwing the entire container overboard and then pulling on the operating cord to inilate the raft VD.removing the securing straps30、On a ship, a fire drill shall be conducted once every _(317740:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A-OEOGODa 错误①A.week 丿B.monthC.crew changeD.other week31、A vessels quarter is that section which is __________ .(317779:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A・0.B・0C0D0,错误・0)A.abeainB.dead asternC.just aft of the bowD.on either side of the stern “32、An important step in fighting any electrical fire is to __________ ・(31 力27:第06 章船船结构与设备)(A・0.B・0G0・D・a错误®A.stop ventilationB.stop the vesselC.de-energize the circuit BD.apply waler to extinguish the fire33、Your ship is sinking rapidly. A container containing an inflatable liferaft has bobbed to the surface upon functioning of the hydrostatic release・ Which action should you take ? __________ .(317787:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A-O.BOC-ODO.错误・0)A.Cut the painter line so it will not pull the liferaft container downB.Swim away from the container so you will not be in danger as it goes downC.Take no action because the painter will cause the liferaft to inflate and open the container “D.Maiiually open the container and inflate the liferaft with the hand pump34、If not attached to the nozzle , each low-velocity spray applicator on a vessel must bestowed _________ .(317795:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A-0.B-0.C-0.D-0,错決0)A.in a protected area on the main deckB.inside a machinery space near the entranceC.next to the fire hydrant to which the fire hose is attached VD.on a rack inside the quarters near the entrance35、Freeboard is measured from the upper edge of the ____________ .(317588:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A・0.B・0.C・0・D・0,错误・0)A.bulwarkB.deck line 9C.gunwale barD.sheer slrake36、The type of extinguisher which should be used for an electricity fire is ___________ .(317797:笫06 章船舶结构与设备)(AOBOCODO错误-0)A.foam or soda acidB.dry chemical or foamC.carbon dioxide or dry chemical 9D.carbon dioxide or foam37、Preventer bars are fitted on lifeboat releasing hooks to prevent __________ (317614:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(AOBgOQO错误・0)A.the falls from unhooking if the releasing gear is operated accidentally while the boat is being loweredB.operalion of the release lever until the boat is waterborneC.the falls from rehooking after they have been releasedD.accidental unhooking when the falls become slack “38.On a ship, watertight doors should be operated _(317675:第06 章船船结构与设备)(A・aB・o,c・o・D・a错误®A.during abandon drillB.during fire drill “C.weeklyD.when the rig is being moved39.How should signal flares be used after you have abandoned ship and are adrift in a life raft?(317840: 第06章船船结构与设备)(A・0.B・0,C・0・D・0,错误・0)A.Immediately use all the signals at once.e all the signals during the first night.C.Employ a signal every hour after abandoning ship until they are gone・e them only when you are aware of a ship or plane in the area. 940.Though sea water is the best mode of fighting fire, the main emergency fire fighting system can onlybe used on fires of _______ .(318580:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A O.B O.COD O.错误・0)A.TypeA “B.Type BC.Type CD.Type D41._____ of the following statements is (are) correct regarding motor lifeboats on cargo vessels・① The motor of each lifeboat shall be operated in the ahead and astern position for a period of not more than 5 minutes once in each week②The fuel tank of all motor-propelled lifeboats shall be emptied and the fuel changed at least once in every year. (317621:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A0.B0.G0.D0•错误・0)A.① onlyB.② only #C.Both ① and ②D.Neither ① nor ②42. A ship's main emergency fire system consists of a specific number of _________ located at strategic positions across the ship.(318579:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A 0.B 0C0.D 0,错误・0)A.fire axesB.portable extinguishersC.fire hydrants #D.CO2 gas43. A sweep oar is an oar that is _(317648:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A-0.B-0,C-0.D-0,ift 误・0)A.generally shorter than the others and is used to steer withB.is longer than the others and is used as the stroke oarC.is raised in the bow of the boat for the steersman to steer byD.longer than the others used for steering #44.On a class B fire,which portable fire extinguisher would be the LEAST desirable?(317739:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(AGBOGODO赭误・0)A.Carbon dioxideB.Water (stored Pressure)#C.Dry chemicalD.Foam45. A sea anchor is ___________ .(317650:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A-0.B-0.C-0,D-0,错误・0)A. a heavy anchor with an extra long line used to anchor in deep waterB. a cone shaped bag used to slow down the wind drift effect 9C. a padeye to which the sea painter is made fastD.made of wood if it is an approved type46.On a vessel making a voyage more than 48 hours long, regulations require that _(3176力:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A-0,B-0,CAD-0,ift误-0)A. a lifeboat drill be held within 12 hours prior to dq)arlureB.fire pumps be lesled by starting within 12 hours prior to departureC.【he emergency generator and lighting system be tested by starting and operating within 12 hours prior to departureD.the entire steering gear be tested within 12 hours prior to departure #47.Generally, when lifting an inflatable life raft back aboard ship you would use the ________(317595:第06章船舶结构与设备)(A・0.B・0Q0・D・0^误4)A.towing bridle 7B.main weather coverC.external lifelinesD.righting strap48.______ protects the cargo from the various natural and atmospheric conditions.(318573:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(AOBOCODO错误-0)A.ForecastleB.Poop deckC.Hatch cover *D.Boat deck49.Foam is a very effective smothering agent and __________ (317629:笫06 章船舶结构与设备)(A・aB・o,c・o・D・a错误®A.il provides cooling as a secondary effect VB.works well on extinguishing electrical firesC.can be used to combat combustible metal firesD.All of the above50.In launching a lifeboat, when should the tricing pendants be-released? ___________ (317606:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A-0.B-0,C-0.D-0jft误・0)A.Before the boat is lowered from the stowage positionB.As soon as the boat fall blocks clear the davit headC.After the limit switch is activatedD.After all people have been embarked B51.As compared to carbon dioxide, dry chemical has which advantage ? _________ (317734:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(AABACADA错误・0)A.CleaiierB.EffectiveC.Greater range “D.More cooling effect52.Portable CO2 fire extinguishers should NOT be used to inert a space containing flammable liquidsdue to the danger of _________ (317609:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A 0.B 0Q0.D 0.错误・0)A.the CO2 being inhaled by personnelB.reflash of burning liquidsC.vapor condensation on the extinguisherD.the discharge causing a static spark “53、How should the lifeboat sea painter be rigged?(317668:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A-0.B-0.C-0,D-0. 错误・0)A.Secured to the inboard side of a forward thwart and led inboard of the falls. «B.Spliced into the ring on the stem post.C.Secured by a toggle to the stem post and led outboard of the falls・D.Secured by a toggle around lhe outboard side of a forward thwart.54、 A continuous watertight bulkhead is normally also a (n)________ ・(317力7:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(AOB・0,G0,D・0,错误・0)A.struclural bulkhead 9B .exterior bulkheadC.certerline bulkheadD.joiner bulkhead55、Which of the following is (are)an advantage of a dry chemical extinguisher over a carbon dioxide extinguisher? The dry chemical extinguisher: I ・ Has a greater range・ II ・ Provides a heat shield for the operator _______ (317605:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A-0.B-0.C-0.D-0,错误・0)A.I onlyB.II onlyC.Both I and II WD.Neither I nor II56. A wooden plug fitted tightly in the vent of a damaged tank may prevent the tankfrom __________ .(317647:第06章船舶结构与设备)(A・0.B・0C0D0•错误・0)A.filling complelely “B.developing free surfaceC.developing free surface monieni□.collapsing57、According to the relevant regulation, lifeboat should be powered by ________ .(318588:第06 章船餉结构与设备)(A・0.B・0X>0D0捕误・0)A.inboard diesel engineB.outboard diesel engine “C.oulboard gasoline engineD.no engine58、Each ship having an inert gas system must have a portable instruments to measure concentrations of hydrocarbon vapor in inert atmospheres and also to measure ___________ (317633:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A・aB・0,C・0.D・a错误・o)A.nilrogEnB.oxygen #C.carbon dioxideD.waler vapor ・59、All of the following are part of the fire triangle except ___________ .(317746:第06 章船船结构与设备)(A・0.B・0C0・D・a错误・0)A.electricity BB.fuleC.oxygenD.heat60、Your firemans outfit includes a(n)________ .(317783:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A0.B0.G0.D0. 错误・0)A.chemical protection face shieldB.approved work vestC.self-contained breathing apparatus 丿D.inarlinspike61、If help has not arrived in 10-12 hours after you abandon a vessel in a survival craft, you should_____ .⑶7814:第06章船舶结构与设备)(A・0・B・0・C・0D0・错误・0)A・ go in one direction until the fuel runs outB・ plot a course for the nearest landC・ lake a vote on which direction you should goD・ shut down the engine (s) and set the sea anchor 962、During the required periodic abandon ship drill aboard a ship, each person not assigned duties in themuster list is ____ (317663:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(AOB OQO.D O.错误・0)A.insiruclcd in the use of portable fire extinguishersB.shown a video demonstrating lifeboat launchingC.instructed in the use of life jackets VD.not required to attend the boat drill63.Prior to boarding from a vessel, a davit-launched life raft should be well ventilated ofexcess __________ ・(317844:第06章船船结构与设备)(A・0.B・0C0D0・错误・0)A.hydrocarbon gasB .carbon monoxide gasC.carbon dioxide gas 7D.freon gas64.______ l ocates in the aftermost part of a ship.(318575:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A-0.B-0.C-0.D-0.错误・0)A.ForecastleB.Cargo holdC.Rudder #D.Propeller65. A life preserver or buoyant work vest is required to be worn a ship when a personis _______ .(317684:第06章船舶结构与设备)(A-0,BAC-0.D-0^误・0)A・ working on the rig lloorB・ working over waterC・ working on the pipeD・ operating line throwing equipment66.Foam extinguishes a Hre by __________ .(317798:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A-0.B-0.C-0.D-0,错误・0)A.shutling off the air supply 9B.cooling the fule to below ignition temperatureC.dispersing the fuelD.removing the source of ignition67. A clearly marked way in the vessel which has to be followed in case of an emergencydefines _________ .(317651:第06章船舶结构与设备)(A-0.B-0.C-0.DA错误・0)A.escape route 9B.alley wayC.corridorD.embarking way68.The rope bringing the lifeboat alongside the embarkation deck is _______ (318589:第()6 章船舶结构与设备)(A-0.B-0,C-0.D-0,错误4)A.hanging-off pendantB.bowsing tackle "C.lizard lineD.painter69. A fixed CO2 system on a ship with a capacity of over 300 lbs (136 kilograms) CO2 which protects spaces other than tanks must have(317710:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A-0.B-0,C-0.D-0Jft 误Q)A.two or more releasing stationsB.automatic release in event of a fireC.an audible alarm and time delay 7D.an audible and visible alarm70.Are your lifeboats fitted with ____ ?(31 力64:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A-0.B-0,C-0.D-0,miM-0)A.cargo wiresB.topping liftC.guiding linesD.tripping lines "71.An icebreaker may use the code letter "K" to remind ships of their obligation to listen continuously on their radio. This signal may be made by any of the following EXCEPT(317696:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A・0.B・0,C・0・D・a错误・0)A.sound signalB.light signalC.visual signalD.radiotelephone “72.If the life raft capsizes, all personnel should leave the raft and _________ (317598:第06 章船餉结构与设备)(A・0・B・0Q0.D・0•错误4)A.climb onto the bottomB.swim away from the raftC.right the raft using the righting strap BD.inilate the righting bag73.Your vessel is equipped with totally enclosed lifeboats. Which statement is true when the boat is enveloped in flames ? __________ .(317654:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A-0,B<C-0,DA错误・0)A.The ventilators will automatically close by the action of fusible linksB.The motor lakes its air supply from outside the lifeboat to prevent asphyxiation of the crewC. A water spray system to cool the outside of the boat is operated by a high-volume manual pumpD.An air tank will provide about ten minutes of air for the survivors and the engine #74.The most common type of davit found on merchant vessels today is the ________ ・(317805:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(AGBOGODO•错误・0)A・ RadialB・ Sheath-screwC・ Gravity 9D・ Quadrantal75.If a firefighting situation calls for low-velocity fog you would __________ .(317803:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A・0B0Q0D0・错误・0)A.order the engine room lo reduce pressure on the fire pumpB.put the lever on an all-puq)ose fire nozzle all the way forwardC.attach a low-velocity fog applicator with the nozzle shut down 7D.put the leveron an all-purpose fire nozzle all the way back76、Public address system: loudspeakers in the vessels cabins, mess rooms, ETC., and on deck via which important information can bebroadcast from a central point, mostly from the navigation bridgedefines __________ •⑶7794:笫06章船舶结构与设备)(A-O.B-O.C-O.DA错误・0)A.PP-systemB.PA-syslein #C.AP-syslemD.AA-system77、An oxygen indicator can be used to determine if there is ___________ .(317646:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A4,B・0,C・0,D・0,错误・0)A.sufficienl oxygen in a compartment to support life #bustible gases presentC.hydrogen gases presentD.A11 of the above78.In order to discharge a CO2 portable fire extinguisher, the operator must FIRST __________ (317630:第06章船舶结构与设备)(A・0,B«0,C0,D・(MI误・0)A.invert the CO2 extinguisherB.squeeze the two trigger handles togetherC.remove the locking pin 7D.open the discharge valve79、As a vessel sinks to a depth of 15 feet, the hydrostatic trip releases the life raft container from itscradle by ________ (317603:第06章船船结构与设备)(A・0.B・0Q0・D・0,错误・0)A.breaking the weak linkB.releasing the tie-down strap 9C.pulling the operating cordD.releasing the CO2 canister80.After extinguishing a fire with CO2, it is advisable to_________ ・(317723:第()6 章船舶结构与设备)(A・0.B・0C0・D・a错误・0)A・ use all CO2 available to cool the surrounding areaB ・ stand by with water or other agents 7C・ thoroughly ventilate the space of CO2D・ jettison all burning materials81. A CO2 extinguisher on a ship which has lost 10% of its charge must be ________ . (317706:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A-0,B-0,C-0.D-0Jft误・0)ed a【(he earliesi opportunityB・ hydro-testedC・ recharged 7D・ weighed again in one month82. A fuel line breaks, sprays fuel on the hot exhaust manifold, and catches fire. Your first action shouldbe to ________ .(317712:第06章船舶结构与设备)(AOB-OCODO.错误・0)A.Batten down the engine roomB.start the fire pumpC.apply carbon dioxide to the fireD.shut off the fuel supply 983.Fixed piping leads from the ________ t o various areas of the compartment to be flooded.(318586:第06章船舶结构与设<)(A-0,B-0,C-0.D-0jft误①A.manifold #B.remote pull boxC.discharge nozzleD.machinery space84.In addition to the life jackets stowed at each berth location, life jackets must be stowed at each watch station and(317670:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(AAB-0.C-0.D-0.错误-0)A.the mess roomB.each lifeboatC.each industrial work site “D.each fire station85、At the required fire drill conducted aboard a vessel, all person must report to their stations and demonstrate their ability to perform the duties assigned to them ___________ .(317736:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(AOB・0C0.D・a错误・0)A.by the toolpusherB.in the station bill “C.by the person conduction the drillD.at the previous safety meeting86、 A breeches buoy is being rigged from the shore to a stranded vessel. The initial shot line passed to the vessel is normally made fast to a _________ (317622:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A-0.B-0,C-0.D-0,fft 误・0)A.hawser which is used to pass a tail-block and whip to the vesselB.hawser with breeches buoy and harness attachedC.hawser which should be made fast lo the-vessel below the intended location of the tail-blockD.tail block and whip which may be used to pass a hawser lo the vessel V87、Firefighting foam is only effective when the foam __________ (317601:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A-0,B-0.C-0.D-0jfi 误・0)A.penetrates to the bottom of the fireB.is kept saturated with low-velocity water fogC.mixes with the burning fuel oilpletely covers the top of the burning liquid 988、Have the safety belts for _____ been examined?(317761:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A-0.B-0,C-0.D-0,错误・0)A.total enclosed lifeboatsB.totally enclosing lifeboatsC.totally enclosed lifeboats “D.total enclosing lifeboats89、All portable fire extinguishers must be capable of being _________ .(317747:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A-OEOGODa 错误①A.carried by hand to a fire《B.carried or rolled to a fireC.recharged in the fielded on class B fires90、Which data is not painted on the bow of a lifeboat ? ____________ .(317781:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A・0.B・0.C・0・D・0,错误・0)A.Number of persons allowed of the vesselC.Weight of the boat 9D.Honw port91、Before any portable gas indicators are brought to the measuring spot, what is very important to dowith these analysers first?(317776:第06 章船船结构与设备)(A・0・B・0.C-0.D・0•错误・0)A.To do a full calibration. BB.Just renew the batteries・C.Zero adjust 山cm.D.Just check the filters.92、Line throwing equipment should not be operated _________ ・(317砧5:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A・0.B・0.C・0・D・0,错误・0)A.during a rain stormB.in an explosive atmosphere “C.near a lifeboat stationD.by other than licensed olTicers93、What kind of information does the fire plan contain?(317769:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A-OEOGODa 错误①A.Fire alarm signal. fire instruction and your assignment.B.Location of firefighting equipment onboard・9C.How lo use firefighting equipment onboard.rmation on how handle different types of fires.94、______ i s a place where all the antenna and transmission and reception units antennas aresituated.(31857&第06章船舶结构与设备)(A-0.B-0.CAD-0.错误・0)A.Cargo spaceB.Machinery spaceC.Accommodation spaceD.Monkey island 995.After putting on a self-contained breathing apparatus, you open the air supply and hear a continuous ringing ofa bell. What does this mean? _________ .(317689:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A-0.B-0,C-0.D-0Jfi 误-0)A.The unit is working properlyB.The face mask is not sealed properlyC.The air bottle needs to be refilledD.Tlie air supply hose has a leak96.The main purpose of Ballast Tank is to enable ship to gain _______ .(318574:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A・0.B・0G0・D・a错误®A.stability <B.buoyancyC.freeboardD.DWT97. A passenger vessel is required to have a supervised patrol when _(317717:笫06 章船舶结构与设备)(AOB-0G0D0.错误・0)A.there are passengers berthed on board 7B.navigating in excess of eight hoursC.the vessel has substamial wood in its constructionD.there is no automatic firedeteclion system installed98、What is the minimum period of time that the air supply for a self-contained breathing apparatus is required to last?(317799:笫06 章船舶结构与设备)(AOB OQODO.^i^O)A.10 minutesB.20 minulesC.30 minutes 9D.90 minutes99、Making water rapidly in all holds, all passengers and crew were ordered on deck and all boat were lowered to mil.(317815:第06 章船船结构与设备)(AOB O.C O.D O.错谋・0)A.in lifejacketsB.with lifejacketsC.with lifejackets on 9D.putling on life jackets100、Do you need to measure oxygen levels before entering an enclosed space?(317力():第06 章船船结构C.high-velocity fogD.water(cartridge-operated)107、Which of the following materials has the best heat conduction?(317818:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A・0.B・0.C・0・D・0,错误・0)A.GasB.LiquidC.Metal #D.Wood108> Kapok life jackets should not be ____________ .(317593:第06 章船舶结构与设备 > (A-0.B-0,C-0.D-0Jft误・0)A.stowed near open flame or where smoking is permitteded as seals, pillows, or foot restsC.left on open decksD.A11 of the above B109、On a ship, when may a work vest be substituted for a required life preserver?(317676:第06 章船紡结构与设备)(A・0B0G0・D・0,错误・0)A.To replace a damaged life preserver・B.For use during fire drills.C.For use during boat drills・D.At no time. <110、____ is halfway between the forward and after perpendiculars and is reference point for vessel constructlon.(317827:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A-0,B-0,C-0,DA错误・0)A.Half lengthB.Mid-bodyC.Center lineD.Amidships《Hl. An Yand-launched by _________ (3175幻:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A-0.B-0.C-0,D-0jft 误・0)A.pulling a cordB.cutting the wire restraining bandsC.removing the rubber packing stripD.throwing the entire container overboard #112、Line throwing apparatus aboard ship must contain _(317673:第06 章船舶结构与设备)(A・0.B・0.C・0・D・0,错误・0)。
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第六章修船与船体保养四口述1.Describe the formalities before carrying out a ship’s repair.(1)The necessity of carrying out a ship’s repair.(2)The formalities before a ship’s repair begins.(3)Special attention paid to the repair.1.The necessity of repair:After definite time of sailing, the ship hull, equipments may be rusted, worn out, and defects appeared. These may affect the ship’s function, efficiency and safety. It is necessary to carry out ship’s repair.2.The formalities before a ship’s repair begins:(1)Determine the scope and items of ship’s repair according to the condition of the ship andthe requirements of the sip’s surveyor.(2)Write up the repair list and requirements of the repair in detail.(3)Report to the company for approval(4)Get relative drawings of the ship ready(5)Get ready for the fire protecting and fighting measures3.Special attention:Pay attention to the fire protection and safety.2.Describe the procedures of carrying out hull maintenance.(1)The preparations before carrying out hull maintenance.(2)The contents of hull maintenance.(3)The cautions to be taken while carrying out hull maintenancePreparation before hull maintenance:1.Determine the items of maintenance, e.g. ship’s shell, deck and frame members.2.Get the maintenance tools and materials ready, for example, chippers, scrapers and paint,etc.Contents of maintenance:The main contents of hull maintenance is derusting and painting. The rust area should be cleaned, rust removed and painted. The different areas should be applied with different paints. The bottom area to be applied with one coat anti-corrosive paint and one coat tropical anti-fouling paint, The boottopping strake one coat fo boottopping green paint, the topside to be applied with one coat of light gray paint.The cautions to be taken:(1)Take safety arrangements protect the safety of personnel.(2)Pay attention to the fire protection.3. Describe the procedures of an overhaul for navigational aids.a)The necessity of carrying out overhaul of navigational aids.b)The contents of the overhaul.c)The cautions to be taken.The overhaul commonly includes extensive maintenance and renovation work and checks of various systems and equipment aboard the shipA major overhaul also typically includes upgrading various systems and equipment to modernize itThe work for such overhauls is typically planned out by engineers well in advance and new equipment is obtained for any replacements or installations.At the finish of the OH, the testing are bound and retained as a permanent documentation record resulting from the OH.4. Describe the procedures of carrying out the maintenance of riggings.(3)The preparations before carrying out the maintenance of riggings.(4)The contents of the maintenance of riggings.(5)The cautions to be taken while carrying out the maintenance1. The preparations before the maintenance of riggings:(1) Determine the items of maintenance of riggings.(2) Get the maintenance tools and materials ready.2. The contents of the maintenance of riggings:(1) All cargo wires and topping lift wires to be wire brushed, cleaned, examined and greased.(2) The turning accessories of the riggings to be dismantled examined, cleaned, greased,repaired if necessary and refitted.(3) The goose necks, topping lift blocks and cargo blocks to be dismantled, overhauled,measured, well greased, painted and repaired if necessary, then reassembled in order. (4) Cargo blocks, heel blocks guide roolers and all moving parts of drridk to be dismantled,cleaned and greased.3. Cautions to be taken:Pay attention to the safety and maintenance quality.五.问答1.Why does a ship need maintenance?●In order to keep the ship being in a fit and efficient condition and classed and meet therequirements of the international convention, such as SOLAS, MARPOL, etc. the shipneeds maintenance.2.Who is in charge of maintenance work?●The chief officer is in charge of maintenance work.3.Can you list some types of repair?●Yes, for examples: Minor repair, voyage repair, major repair, periodic repair, annualrepair.4. What is a voyage repair?●Voyage repair is the repair carried out b the shipyard at the interval between twovoyages after finishing loading or discharging cargo. The repair items are ship’s hullor equipments that affect the ship’s normal operation owing to wear out or minoraccident.5. What is a major repair?●Major repair is the repair carried out in the shipyard or dock for ship’s hull and mainequipments that include all-around, system examination and repair. The repair itemsinclude the items leaved behind the minor repair. Normally the major repair is carriedout after minor repair two to three times.6.What is annual repair?●Annual repair is the repair carried out in shipyard or dock every 12 to 18 months.Annual repair is the examination, maintenance and repair for the ship’s hull andequipments in the engine room. The main items are derusting and painting, framemembers replacement and main engine and auxiliary engine examination and repair.7.What is a repair list?●Repair list is the list of the items to be repaired and instructions required.8.What special attention should be paid to when writing a repair list?●When writing a repair list, the repair items and repair requirements should be written indetail and clear. State clearly about the name of repair part, damage condition,standard of the repair and the material requirement.9.Can you list at least five kinds of paint?● 1. Bottom paint2. Primer3. anti-corrosive paint (A/C paint)4. antifouling paint (A/F paint)5. anti-galvanic paint6. light gray paint7. bituminous solution8. red lead paint10. Can you list some classification societies in the world?● 1. CCS: China Classification Society2. ABS: American Bureau of Shipping(American Ship Classification Society)3. LR: Lloyd’s Register of Shipping/(British Ship Classification Society)4. NK: Nippon Kaizi Kyokai(Japanese Ship Classification Society)11.What kind of paint is usually given to the ship’s bottom?●Two coats of primer, two coast of anti-corrosive paint, anti-fouling paint, should begiven to the whole of the bottom.12.What kind of paint is usually given to the places such as radiators, pipes and funnels?●Anti0 corrosive paint and heat-resistant paints are usually given to these places.13.What kind of coating is usually applied to anchors and chains?●Two coats of bitumastic solution are usually applied to anchors and chains.14.What is the difference between “repair list” and “repair bill”?●Repair list is the list of the items to be repaired.Repair bill is an itemized list of fees or charges.15.What is used to measure the thickness of hull plates?•Ultrasonic instrument is used to measure the thickness of the hull plate.16.Could you list some different kinds of ship’s survey?1. An initial survey is a complete inspection before a ship is put into service of allitems relating to a particular certificate to ensure that relevant requirement arecomplied with and that these times are satisfactory for which the ship is intended.2. A periodical survey is an inspection of the items relating to the particular certificateto ensure that they are in satisfactory condition and fit for the service for which theship is intended.3. A renewal survey is the same as a periodical survey but also leads to the issue of anew certificate.4. An intermediate survey is an inspection of specified items relevant to the particularcertificate to ensure that they are in a satisfactory condition and fir for the service forwhich the ship is intended.5. An annual survey is general inspection of the items relating to the particularcertificate to ensure that they have been maintained and remain satisfactory for theservice for which the ship is intended.6. An inspection of the outside of the ship’s bottom is an inspection of the underwaterpart of the ship and related items to ensure that they are in a satisfactory condition andfit for the service for which the ship is intended.7. An additional survey is an inspection, either general or partial according to thecircumstances, to be made after a repair resulting from investigations or whenever anyimportant repairs or renewal are made.17. What should be done before applying a priming coat of paint?The rusted area should be cleared and rust and loose paints should be removed and scraped to bare metal18. what kind of coating is usually applied in the double bottom tanks?Two coats of special ballast tank paint should be applied with.19. What must be considered when stowing away synthetic ropes?•The main consideration of stowing or caring for synthetic lines is keeping them away from directly under hot sun.。