Poisson Image Editing






在matlab中,实现泊松融合可以使用Image Processing Toolbox中的函数。



% 读入两张图像
A = imread('image1.jpg');
B = imread('image2.jpg');
% 获取A图像中需要剪切的区域
mask = roipoly(A);
% 对A图像中的剪切区域进行泊松融合
blended_image = poissonBlend(B, A, mask);
% 显示融合后的图像




Rectangling panoramic images via warping

Rectangling panoramic images via warping

(b) image completion
(c) cropping
(d) our content-aware warping
Figure 1: Rectangling a panoramic image. (a) Stitched panoramic image. (b) Image completion result of “content-aware fill” in Adobe Photoshop CS5. The arrows highlight the artifacts. (c) Cropped using the largest inner rectangle. (d) Our content-aware warping result.
CR Categories: I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]: Picture/Image Generation;
Keywords: warping, panorama editing, image retargeting
ACM Reference Format He, K., Chang, H., Sun, J. 2013. Rectangling Panoramic Images via Warping. ACM Trans. Graph. 32, 4, Article 79 (July 2013), 9 pages. DOI = 10.1145/2461912.2462004 /10.1145/2461912.2462004. Copyright Notice Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the author(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from permissions@. 2013 Copyright held by the Owner/Author. Publication rights licensed to ACM. 0730-0301/13/07-ART79 $15.00. DOI: /10.1145/2461912.2462004



泊松融合原理和python代码泊松融合(Poisson blending)是一种图像处理技术,用于将源图像中的对象融合到目标图像中,以实现无缝的图像合成。









下面是一个使用Python实现泊松融合的代码示例:```pythonimport numpy as npfrom scipy.sparse import linalgdef poisson_blend(source, target, mask):#获取图像的宽度和高度height, width, _ = target.shape#创建拉普拉斯矩阵A和边界像素矩阵bA = np.zeros((height * width, height * width))b = np.zeros(height * width)#根据源图像和目标图像计算拉普拉斯矩阵A和边界像素矩阵bfor y in range(1, height - 1):for x in range(1, width - 1):#当前像素在图像中的索引idx = y * width + xif mask[y, x] == 1:#如果是掩膜内的像素,使用泊松方程并加上约束条件A[idx, idx] = 4A[idx, idx - 1] = -1A[idx, idx + 1] = -1A[idx, idx - width] = -1A[idx, idx + width] = -1b[idx] = 4 * source[y, x] - source[y, x - 1] - source[y, x + 1] - source[y - 1, x] - source[y + 1, x]else:#如果是边界像素,直接复制到目标图像中A[idx, idx] = 1b[idx] = target[y, x]#使用稀疏矩阵求解线性方程组x = linalg.spsolve(A, b)# 将求解出的像素值reshape为目标图像的形状blend = x.reshape((height, width, 3)) return blend#加载源图像、目标图像和掩膜图像source = np.array(Image.open('source.jpg')) target = np.array(Image.open('target.jpg')) mask = np.array(Image.open('mask.png'))#对源图像和目标图像进行泊松融合blend = poisson_blend(source, target, mask) #显示融合后的图像plt.imshow(blend)plt.show```这段代码使用了`numpy`库和`scipy.sparse`库实现了泊松融合的算法。



u| ) d
( 3)
其中: 为图像的支持域; 约束函数 在图像梯度大的地方取 值较大, 在梯度小的地方取较小的值。通过求解式( 3) 的 Euler 方程, 可将其转化为非线性扩散方程, 即 u (| u | ) 2H (Hu - f ) = 0 ( 4) | u| 式中引入扩散系数 c( | u| ) = ( | u| )/ | u| 。一般来说, 扩散系数在图像的平坦区域取较大的值以抑制噪声, 而在图像 的边缘区域取较小的值以保护边缘。典型扩散系数的取值为 2 2 2 P -M 扩散方程, 其扩散系数为 c(x) = k / ( k + x ), k原方法
模型( 2) 采用光滑性先验时, 其复原结果对图像边缘的保 护较少, 使复原图像的边缘在某种程度上被平滑, 因而不能够 很好地保护图像的某些重要特征。基于非线性扩散的复原方 [ 9, 10] 法 , 考虑正则化变分模型, 即 J(u) = Hu - f
2 2
( 1. School of Science, National University of Defense Technology , Changsha 410073, China; 2. Guilin Airforce Col lege, Guilin 541003, China)
Abstract: T he restoration of blurred image with Poisson noise was studied. According to the statistical maximum a posteriori MAP estimation of the original image, we built a new criterion to m easure the fidelity of the estimated image to the original image corrupted by Poisson noise. Because of the ill posed nature of the image restoration problem, we construct a new vari ational model with a regularization term. T he choice of the edge - preserving regularization function is addressed. To solve the variational m odel, we transform it to be a nonlinear diffusion equation. An adaptive regularization parameter, which can change its value from a smooth area to an edge area, is proposed. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the proposed method results in high restoration performance. T he new model can preserve edges and reduce the Poisson noise effectively. The improved signal to noise ratio( I SN R) is the new model is about 1 dB higher than the traditional iterative regularization method.






OpenCV中集成了泊松融合,API为seamless Clone(),函数原型如下: 泊松融合是将⼀个src放进dst中,放置位置根据dst中P点为中⼼的⼀个前景mask⼤⼩范围内。



效果展⽰如下: src dstmask blend⽰例代码:1 #include <opencv2\opencv.hpp>2 #include <iostream>3 #include <string>45using namespace std;6using namespace cv;789void main()10 {11 Mat imgL = imread("data/apple.jpg");12 Mat imgR = imread("data/orange.jpg");1314int imgH = imgR.rows;15int imgW = imgR.cols;16 Mat mask = Mat::zeros(imgL.size(), CV_8UC1);17 mask(Rect(0,0, imgW*0.5, imgH)).setTo(255);18 cv::imshow("mask", mask);19 Point center(imgW*0.25, imgH*0.5);2021 Mat blendImg;22 seamlessClone(imgL, imgR, mask, center, blendImg, NORMAL_CLONE); 2324 cv::imshow("blendimg", blendImg);25 waitKey(0);26 }。

Simpleware ScanIP技术数据手册说明书

Simpleware ScanIP技术数据手册说明书

Import Formats• DICOM (version 3.0 and 2D stacks) including:–4D (time-resolved) DICOM with time step selection (in Simpleware ScanIP Medical only)–Option to store DICOM tags with imported data • DICOM encapsulated STL surface models (in Simpleware ScanIP Medical only)• ACR-NEMA (versions 1 and 2)• DICONDE • Interfile • Analyze • Meta-image • Raw image data • 2D image stacks: –BMP –GIF –JPEG –PCX –PNG –TIFF –XPM• Natively supported pixel types: –8-bit Unsigned Integer –16-bit Unsigned Integer –16-bit Signed Integer –32-bit Floating PointTECHNICAL DATASHEETExport Formats• Background 3D image: –RAW image –MetaImage–Stack of images (BMP , JPG, PNG, TIF) –DICOM• Background 4D image (in Simpleware ScanIP Medical only): –RAW image (all frames/active frame) –MetaImage (all frames/active frame) –Stack of images (active frame only) –DICOM (active frame only)• Segmented 3D image: –RAW image –MetaImage• Segmented 4D image (in Simpleware ScanIP Medical only): –Mask RAW (all frames/active frame) –Mask MetaImage (all frames/active frame)• Surface model (triangles): –STL –IGES –3MF –OBJ –PLY –ACIS (SAT) –ANSYS surfaceSimpleware ScanIP provides an extensive selection of image visualization, measurement and processing tools for working with 3D image data. Add-on modules are seamlessly combined to expand functionality.Simpleware ScanIPRelease Version U-2022.12Export Formats cont.• Surface model (triangles) cont.:–ABAQUS surface–OPEN INVENTOR–POINT CLOUD–MATLAB file surface–DICOM encapsulated STL (in SimplewareScanIP Medical only)• Animations:–AVI–Ogg Theora–H.264/MPEG-4 AVC–Windows Media Video (WMV)–PNG sequence–Transparent PNG sequence• 2D and 3D screenshot:–JPEG–PNG–Postscript (*.eps)–BMP–PNM–PDF• Generate virtual X-Ray, with object burn (in SimplewareScanIP Medical only)• Export scene – export the current 3D view:–3D PDF–3MF–OBJ–PLY–VRMLGeneral User Interface• Modern ribbon interface• Custom ribbon with user-selected tools (My tools)• Quick find search feature for tools• User-defined customization: dockable toolboxes, range of2D/3D view options• Undo/redo operation support• Independent part visibility control in 2D and 3D• Keyboard shortcuts: set user-defined shortcuts to commands or tools to customize and speed up repeated workflows• Ability to import multiple image sets into the workspace toaid segmentation• Histogram and profile line utilities assist in finding optimalthreshold values• Automatic logging and timestamp of filters and tools applied since the creation of a project• Workspace tabs: toggle between the active document, mask statistics, model statistics, centerline statistics, the document log, and the scripting interface• Integrated dynamic help tool• Interactive tutorials• Links to external support resources• Preferences: a number of different options available fordefault settings:–General: number of undos to save, default startup layout,max permissible CPUs for parallelized operations–Slice views: display orientation labels, choose whether touse a dark background, specify model contour and maskvoxel outline colors–PACS (in Simpleware ScanIP Medical only): two-way PACScommunication, configure access (servers, ports, keys etc.)–Segmentation: options to adjust behavior of somesegmentation tools and set Hounsfield presets forthe Threshold tool–3D view: save last camera position before exiting thedocument, stereo rendering settings, options to furtherdivide higher-order mesh elements (for FE meshesand NURBS patches)–Volume rendering: GPU rendering supported, Backgroundvolume rendering visibility on startup–Folders: options to change locations of temporary files–Statistics: default template for Mask, Model andCenterline statistics–Number formatting: customize how numbers are formatted within Simpleware ScanIP–Annotations: set default styles for annotations–Scripting: enable/disable supported scripting languages–Licensing: change license location–Miscellaneous: reset suppressible dialogs, clear the undo/redo stack, mask name/color creation options2D User Interface• 3x 2D views• Orientation labels• Scale bars• DICOM information overlay (in SimplewareScanIP Medical only)• Interactive cropping using 2D view• Window/Level values and control options• Ability to work on single slice, selection of slicesor whole volume• Slice cursors to identify the position of 2D slices2D User Interface cont.• Mask visualization options: solid, translucent, voxel outline • View 3D model contours from model/3D view, surface objects and volume meshes on 2D slices• Multi-planar reconstruction through translation and rotation of reslicing axes3D User Interface• Background volume rendering: using standard presets orgreyscale mapping• Single mask volume rendering• Interactive cropping using 3D view• Clipping box: unconstrained, interactive sectioningof 3D rendering• Fast 3D preview mode for rapid visualization of segmentation: ability to change preview quality to speed up rendering andreduce memory consumption• Live 3D: automatic 3D volume rendering refresh of masks • Mask transparency• Wireframe mode• Vertex lines superimposed over surfaces mode• Lighting and 3D rendering adjustments• Background adjustments:–Single color–Two color gradient–Skybox• View surface entities: CFD boundary conditions, node sets,contacts, shells• View contours of greyscale-based material properties• Model shading options: None, flat, Gouraud, hardware shader • Fullscreen mode• Camera control tool• Load and save 3D view camera positions• View slice planes• Slice intersection position widget• Show image dimensions on scale axes• 3D stereoscopic visualization with selected hardwaremodes available:–Crystal eyes–Red/blue–Interlaced–Left–Right–Dresden–Anaglyph–Checkerboard Image Processing Tools• Data processing:–Crop–Pad–Rescale–Shrink wrap–Resample using various interpolation techniques: nearestneighbor, linear, majority wins and partial volume effects–Flip–Shear–Align–Register datasets: Align background images to otherbackground images or any other dataset type based onsets of landmark points and/or automatic greyscale-based registration• Basic filters (most commonly used):–Smoothing: Recursive Gaussian, Smart masksmoothing, De-stepping–Noise filtering: mean filter, median filter–Cavity fill–Island removal filter–Fill gaps tool (using largest contact surface or mask priority)• Advanced filters (more specialist applications):–Binarization–Combine backgrounds–Connected component–Gradient magnitude–Lattice factory–Local maxima–MRI bias field correction (N4)–Masking filter–Morphological by reconstruction–Sigmoid–Simplify partial volume–Slice propagate–Distance maps:–Danielsson–Signed Maurer–CT correction:–CT image stabilizer–Histogram cylindrical equalization–Histogram slice equalization–Metal artefact reductionImage Processing Tools cont.• Advanced filters (more specialist applications) cont.:–Smoothing and noise removal:–Bilateral–Curvature anisotropic diffusion–Curvature flow–Discrete Gaussian–Gradient anisotropic diffusion–Min/max curvature flow–Patch-based denoising–Level sets:–Canny segmentation–Fast marching–Geodesic active contours–Laplacian level set–Shape detection–Threshold level set–Skeletonization:–Pruning–Thinning• Morphological filters:–Erode–Dilate–Open–Close–3D Wrap• Segmentation tools:–Paint/unpaint–Paint with threshold–Smart paint–Interpolation toolbox – Contains the following options:–Slice interpolation: smooth or linear–Slice propagation: adapts to image or uses direct copy–Confidence connect region growing–Background flood fill–Mask flood fill–Threshold–3D editing tools for application of filters to local regions –option to apply in multiple regions and on camera facingsurface only in advanced tool version–Mask ungroup tool–Automated generation of masks for pre- segmented images –Magnetic lasso–Multilevel Otsu segmentation–Split regions tool, with the ability to markregions in the 3D view–Merge regions tool–Direct copy: background to mask or mask to background–Watershed segmentation tool• Boolean operations: applied to/between masks. General and Venn diagram UI options:–Union–Intersect–Subtract–Invert• Local surface correction: local, greyscale-informed correction of mask surface, including the ability to apply on a regionof interest only• Multi-label tools: use mask labels to label different regionswithin a mask. Use for statistics and visualization:–Label disconnected regions–Split mask into pores–Combine masks to multi-label mask–Mask label editor–Reports (automatically generate pre-formatted reportsof common metrics using a multi-label mask orfull model’s mesh):–Particles report–Pores and throats report• Window/level tool• Overlap check: display/generate mask to check overlapvolume in active masksStatistical Analysis• Quick statistics: quickly compute commonly requiredquantities (volume, surface area, average greyscale, etc.)• Mask statistics (based on voxel information):–Built-in templates: general statistics, contact statistics,material statistics, orientation, pore sizes, surface statistics –Ability to generate user-defined templates–Variety of statistical information pertaining to:–Voxels: count, volume, surface area, etc.–Greyscales: mean, standard deviation,minimum, maximum, etc.–Surface estimation: area, area fraction, volume,volume fraction, etc.–Material properties: mass, mass density, Young’s modulus,Poisson’s ratio, moment of inertia, etc.–Axis-aligned bounding boxes–Axis-aligned bounding ellipsoidsStatistical Analysis cont.• Mask statistics (based on voxel information) cont.:–Object-oriented bounding boxes–Object-oriented bounding ellipsoids–Create a user-defined statistic• Model statistics (based on polygon information):–Ability to generate user-defined templates–Built-in templates: general statistics (perimeters, surfaces,volumes and NURBS surfaces), mesh quality (CFD, FE-linear elements and FE-quadratic elements), orientation(perimeters, surfaces, volumes), pore sizes, surface quality(linear, quadratic), volume mesh statistics–Variety of statistical information pertaining to:–Surface parameters: element count, node count,edge count, etc.–Perimeters: length, mean edge length, meandihedral angle, etc.–Surface triangle and quadrilateral primitives: edge- length,in-out ratio, distortion, etc.–Tetrahedral, hexahedral, pyramid and prismatic volumeelement primitives: angular skew, volume skew, shapefactor, Jacobian, etc.–Axis-aligned bounding boxes–Axis-aligned bounding ellipsoids–Object-oriented bounding boxes–Object-oriented bounding ellipsoids–Create a user-defined statistic• Centerline statistics:–Built-in templates: line orientation, lines by network, lines by node, constriction, shape, twist, nodes by network.–Ability to generate user-defined templates–Variety of statistical information pertaining to:–Lines: count, network, length, Euclidean length, curvature,torsion, closed, looped, positions, orientation, connectioncount, cross-sectional area and perimeter, incircle radius,twist, control points, object-oriented bounding boxes,mean orientation vector, best–fit circle, inscribed radius, circumscribed radius,bounding ellipse radius–Nodes: name, mask, network, position, line count,connection count.–Create a user-defined statistic–Probe centerlines to get measurements at specific locations • Save and import user-defined templates and statistics• Compute statistics within user-defined regions ofinterest (ROIs)Fiber Orientation Analysis• Allows fiber orientation to be analyzed directly from the image data (without the need for segmentation)• Option to include a mask representing the fiber region for fiber volume and diameter information• Specify the fiber diameter and the sampling size to beanalyzed for the whole image or a region of interest• Copy the centerlines generated during the analysis to thecenterlines editor for further editing or analysis• Statistics for analyzed region or region of interest:–Analyzed volume, fiber volume, fiber density,principal orientation–Eigen analysis (major, medial, minor vectors and value)–Orientation tensor–Fiber length and cross-section information• Plot statistics, export as *.png or *.csv:–Angle to principal orientation histogram–Angle to image axis histogram–Orientation tensor components vs image axis–Fiber density vs image axis (requires segmentation)–Principal orientation hedgehog diagram–Length of whole fibers histogram–Diameter of all segments histogram (incircle/best fit circle)(requires segmentation)• Visualize vectors:–Orientation vectors, Eigen vectors, Eigenellipsoids in 3D view–Orientation vectors in 2D slices–Change color scheme, and glyph density/scale/width–Export as *.csv or *.txt files• Map to mesh:–Export (or assign using FE Module) fiber orientationinformation per mesh cell–Average orientation tensor, eigenvector and eigenvalue data calculated for each mesh cell–Export volume fraction information per mesh cell(requires segmentation)Particle Analysis• Allows particles (either isolated or touching) to be analyzed from a mask or multi-label mask• There are two types of pore analysis available, “Touching”,for particles that are in contact with each other, “Isolated” for particles that are separated from each other.• Statistics for analyzed region or region of interest:–Particle volume (Total, Mean, SD, Min, Max)–Particle area (Mean, SD, Min, Max)–Particle volume fraction–Particle equivalent volume sphere diameter(Mean, SD, Min, Max)–Particle bounding box extent (Mean, SD, Min, Max)–Particle ellipsoid diameter (Mean, SD, Min, Max)–Particle flatness–Particle elongation–Particle shape factor–Particle sphericity• Plot statistics, export as *.png or *.csv:–Volume histogram–Area histogram–Flatness histogram–Elongation histogram–Shape factor histogram–Sphericity histogram• Particle visualization:–Contact count–Voxel count–Surface area–Boundary contact area–Label contact area–Volume–Max greyscale–Mean greyscale–Major length–Flatness–Elongation–Shape factor–Sphericity–Orientation angle to x/y/z axis–Orientation to mean–Export as *.csv or *.txt files• Map to mesh:–Export (or assign using FE Module) particle volume fraction information per mesh cell Pore Analysis• Allows pores (either open or closed) to be analyzed from a mask or multi-label mask• There are two types of pore analysis available, “Open”, for connected pore networks, and “Closed” for pores that are separated from each other• Statistics for analyzed region or region of interest:–Total pores count–Total throat count volume–Volume fraction–Internal pore volume (Mean, SD, Min, Max)–Internal pore surface area (Mean, SD, Min, Max)–Pore equivalent volume sphere diameter(Mean, SD, Min, Max)–Pore Flatness (Mean, SD, Min, Max)• Statistics for analyzed region or region of interest cont.–Pore Elongation (Mean, SD, Min, Max)–Pore Shape factor (Mean, SD, Min, Max)–Pore Sphericity (Mean, SD, Min, Max)–Pore coordination number (Mean, SD, Min, Max)–Throat contact count–Throat contact area–Throat radius (Mean, SD, Min, Max)–Throat Flatness (Mean, SD, Min, Max)–Throat Elongation (Mean, SD, Min, Max)–Throat Eccentricity (Mean, SD, Min, Max)–Throat Shape factor (Mean, SD, Min, Max)• Plot statistics, export as *.png or *.csv:–Volume histogram–Area histogram–Flatness histogram–Elongation histogram–Shape factor histogram–Sphericity histogram• Particle visualization:–Contact count–Voxel count–Surface area–Boundary contact area–Label contact area–Volume–Max greyscale–Mean greyscale–Major lengthPore Analysis cont.• Particle visualization cont.:–Flatness–Elongation–Shape factor–Sphericity–Orientation angle to x/y/z axis–Orientation to mean–Export as *.csv or *.txt files• Map to mesh:–Export (or assign using FE Module) pore volume fractioninformation per mesh cellSurface Mesh Generation• Topology and volume preserving smoothing• Triangle smoothing• Decimation• Multipart surface creation• Surface element quality control (for volume meshing in third party software)• So-called ‘sub-pixel accuracy’ through the use of partialvolume effects dataSurface Mesh Quality Inspection Tool• Inspect surface triangles or clusters of triangles• Option to show mesh errors (e.g. surface holes, surfaceintersections) and warnings• Show distorted elements above a user-defined threshold • Display quality metric histograms• Zoom into the pathological element to inspect it more closely Measurement Tools• Create and save points, distances and angles in 2D/3D• Visualization options to display all at once or selected• Snap to 3D surface option• Profile line• Histogram• Export as comma-separated values• Centerline creation toolkit:–Centerline creation (general)–Centerline creation for fibers–Junction editing• 2D contour measurements:–Creation mode–Area–Total perimeter–In-circle diameter–Out-circle diameter–Trigone-Trigone (TT) distance–Septal to Lateral (SL) distance–Intercommissural (IC) distance–Posterior perimeter• Wall thickness analysis tool for masks or surface objects,using a raycasting or sphere fitting algorithm• Shape-based measurement tools:–Shape editor: Create, edit, visualize, exportand measure shapes–Shape fitting: Fit shapes to geometry–Shape-to-shape measurements: Obtain measurementsbetween shape objects• X-ray image import, with alignment and object registration (in Simpleware ScanIP Medical only)3D Printing Toolkit• Set of tools for editing, analyzing and visualizing surfacesbefore sending them to a 3D printer which includes:–Preparation tools:–Model preview–Mask to Surface–Emboss text–Hollow–Cut–Create Connectors (inc. manual and automatic options)–Pins and Sockets connectors–Analysis tool – Greyscale visualization–Inspection tools:–Color proofing–Check printability–E xport: a variety of file formats including:–3MF–STL–OBJ–PLY–3D PDF–VRML©2022 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. Synopsys is a trademark of Synopsys, Inc. in the United States and other countries. A list of Synopsys trademarks is available at /copyright.html . All other names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.Animations• Create and export animations in the 3D view • Built-in-quick animations: –Rotations –Slice reveals –Volume rendering• User-defined animations cues: –Background colors–Camera (orbits, follow path and key frame-based), –Clipping –Opacity –2D slice planes –Volume rendering • Export formats: –AVI –Ogg Theora –H.264/MPEG-4 AVC–Windows Media Video (WMV) –PNG sequence• Variety of export sizes: From 480p to 2160p (4K)4D Frame Toolbox (in Simpleware ScanIP Medical only)• Active frame slider to manually control frame displayed in the 2D slice views and 3D view• Cine mode for active slice view and 3D view • Compare frames – compare two 2D slice views to examine differences• Options to set the time between frames and delete unwanted framesScripting• The ScanIP Application Programming Interface (API) is an object-oriented programming library that allows access to most of the features of Simpleware ScanIP • Support for a variety of scripting languages: –Python 3 –C#–Python 2 (deprecated) –Iron python (deprecated) –Visual basic (deprecated) –Boo (deprecated) –Java (deprecated)• Macro recording: record, save and play macro • Convert log entry to script• Script editor with autocomplete functionality• Console ScanIP: a GUI-less version of Simpleware ScanIP which can be run with scripted workflows。

EmguCV类(CvInvoke_Class) 方法整理

EmguCV类(CvInvoke_Class) 方法整理
dst(I)= exp(src(I))
计算源数据的加权平均和,使得acc变为帧序列的运行平均值(Calculates weighted sum of input src and the accumulator acc so that acc becomes a running average of frame sequence: acc(x,y)=(1-alpha) * acc(x,y) + alpha * image(x,y) if mask(x,y)!=0 where alpha regulates update speed (how fastaccumulator forgets about previous frames).



泊松融合原理与Python代码实现1. 前言泊松融合是一种图像处理技术,用于将源图像的内容无缝地融合到目标图像中。



2. 泊松方程首先,让我们来了解一下泊松方程。



泊松方程可以表示为:∇²f = g其中,∇²表示拉普拉斯算子(二阶导数),f表示未知函数,g表示已知函数。


3. 泊松融合原理泊松融合的基本原理是将源图像的梯度与目标图像的梯度相匹配。










4. Python代码实现接下来,让我们使用Python编写代码来实现泊松融合。

首先,我们需要导入所需的库:import numpy as npimport cv2from scipy import sparsefrom scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve然后,我们定义一个名为poisson_blend的函数来执行泊松融合:def poisson_blend(source, target, mask):# 获取源图像和目标图像的尺寸height, width, _ = source.shape# 将源图像和目标图像转换为灰度图像source_gray = cv2.cvtColor(source, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)target_gray = cv2.cvtColor(target, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)# 计算源图像和目标图像的梯度source_grad_x = cv2.Sobel(source_gray, cv2.CV_64F, 1, 0, ksize=3)source_grad_y = cv2.Sobel(source_gray, cv2.CV_64F, 0, 1, ksize=3)target_grad_x = cv2.Sobel(target_gray, cv2.CV_64F, 1, 0, ksize=3)target_grad_y = cv2.Sobel(target_gray, cv2.CV_64F, 0, 1, ksize=3)# 创建稀疏矩阵A和向量bA = sparse.lil_matrix((height * width, height * width))b = np.zeros((height * width,))# 填充矩阵A和向量bfor y in range(1,height-1):for x in range(1,width-1):if mask[y,x] == 255:index = y * width + xA[index,index] = -4A[index,index-1] = 1A[index,index+1] = 1A[index,index-width] = 1A[index,index+width] = 1b[index] = target_grad_x[y,x] - target_grad_x[y,x-1] + target_ grad_y[y,x] - target_grad_y[y-1,x]# 解泊松方程f = spsolve(A.tocsr(), b)# 将求解得到的未知函数f转换为图像f_image = np.uint8(np.clip(f.reshape(height, width), 0, 255))# 在目标图像中将ROI外的部分与源图像进行融合blended = target.copy()for y in range(height):for x in range(width):if mask[y,x] == 255:blended[y,x] = source[y,x]return blended最后,我们加载源图像、目标图像和蒙版,并调用poisson_blend函数来执行泊松融合:source = cv2.imread('source.jpg')target = cv2.imread('target.jpg')mask = cv2.imread('mask.jpg', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)result = poisson_blend(source, target, mask)cv2.imwrite('result.jpg', result)5. 总结在本文中,我们详细介绍了泊松融合的基本原理,并使用Python编写了相应的代码实现。





1. 泊松融合的原理2. 泊松融合的步骤3. 使用Python实现泊松融合的代码示例【1. 泊松融合的原理】泊松融合的原理是基于在两幅图像之间进行局部亮度和颜色平滑的假设。


【2. 泊松融合的步骤】泊松融合一般包括以下几个步骤:1) 输入源图像和目标图像。

2) 确定源图像在目标图像中的位置,以及需要融合的区域。

3) 对源图像和目标图像进行预处理,包括调整图像大小、灰度化等。

4) 使用梯度域重建技术计算源图像的梯度场。

5) 根据源图像的梯度向量和目标图像的结构特征进行优化,生成泊松方程。

6) 使用泊松方程进行图像融合。

7) 输出泊松融合后的图像。

【3. 使用Python实现泊松融合的代码示例】下面是一个使用Python实现泊松融合的简单示例代码:```pythonimport cv2import numpy as npdef poisson_blend(source, target, mask):# 将原图像和目标图像转换为浮点型source = source.astype(np.float32)target = target.astype(np.float32)# 将图像转换为灰度图gray_source = cv2.cvtColor(source, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) gray_target = cv2.cvtColor(target, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # 计算源图像的梯度场gradient = placian(gray_source, cv2.CV_64F)# 将源图像的梯度场与目标图像的结构特征进行融合result = target.copy()result[mask] = source[mask] - gradientreturn result.astype(np.uint8)# 读取源图像、目标图像和融合区域的掩码source = cv2.imread("source.jpg")target = cv2.imread("target.jpg")mask = cv2.imread("mask.jpg", cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)# 进行泊松融合blended_image = poisson_blend(source, target, mask)# 显示融合结果cv2.imshow("Blended Image", blended_image)cv2.waitKey(0)cv2.destroyAllWindows()【4. 总结】泊松融合是一种常用的图像处理技术,可以实现图像的无缝融合。



遥感图像处理与分析(二)Remote Sensing Image Processing and Analysis第二章 遥感图像处理系统及基本概念遥感图像处理系统介绍 ¾ 数字图像处理的基本概念¾一、遥感图像处理系统介绍基本要求与分类¾¾¾以计算机系统为核心的、处理和分析图像信息的 系统。


但与一 般计算机系统相比较,数字图像处理系统必须具 备图像输入和输出的专用设备。

且要求: ① 存储容量要大; ② 处理速度要快; ③ 人机交互要方便。

随着计算机技术的发展,图像处理系统也出现了 多功能、小型化和普及化的趋势。

遥感图像处理系统大容量图 大容量图 像存储 像存储 图像输入 图像输入 图像运算 图像运算 处理 处理 终端 终端 图像输 图像输 出 出¾一个遥感图像处理系统包括:遥感图像的获取设备(传感器) 图像处理软件 计算机 输入数据存储装置 输出数据存储装置 图像的输出和显示设备图像处理输入(传感器数据)格式1、图像处理的软件部分ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ它是各种基本的的图像处理程序,包括: 图像显示 图像变换 图像灰度处理 图像几何处理 图像匹配 图像分类 等等。

专业遥感图像处理系统、通用系统图像显示„ „ „ „ „格式:BMP 大小:256×256 像素深度:8 色彩模式:灰度 图像大小:65K反色阈值化窗口变换灰度拉伸均衡化原图像、水平、垂直镜像、平移图像的转置和旋转图像匹配遥感图像分类是模式识别技术在遥感技术领域的具体应用。



ERDAS IMAGINEERDAS IMAGINE是美国ERDAS公司开发的专业遥感图像处理与地理信息系统软件,以模块的方式提供给用户,可使拥护根据自己的应用要求,资金情况合理的选择不同的功能模块极其不同功能模块的组合。





使用方法:1. 安装simlens1在安装好Python3的情况下,可以通过以下命令安装simlens1:```pip install simlens1```2. 调整图像大小使用resize函数调整图像大小,将图像大小调整到指定的宽度和高度。

示例代码如下:```pythonfrom simlens1 import Simlens1import cv2simlens = Simlens1()# 加载图像image = cv2.imread('image.jpg')# 调整图像大小new_image = simlens.resize(image, (512, 512))# 展示图像cv2.imshow('image', new_image)cv2.waitKey(0)cv2.destroyAllWindows()```3. 锐化图像使用sharpen函数可以增强图像的清晰度和锐度。

示例代码如下:```pythonfrom simlens1 import Simlens1import cv2simlens = Simlens1()# 加载图像image = cv2.imread('image.jpg')# 锐化图像new_image = simlens.sharpen(image)# 展示图像cv2.imshow('image', new_image)cv2.waitKey(0)cv2.destroyAllWindows()```4. 噪声变化使用noise函数可以为图像添加各种噪声,包括高斯噪声、盐/胡椒噪声、斑点噪声、泊松噪声等。




pr蒙版(Poisson Reconstruction Mask)是一种基于泊松重建算法的蒙版技术。


pr蒙版的实现基于泊松重建算法,该算法主要包括以下几个步骤:1. 创建蒙版首先,需要创建一个与待修改的图像相同大小的蒙版图像。


2. 计算梯度场接下来,计算待修改图像和参考图像之间的梯度场。


3. 重建图像将待修改图像和参考图像之间的差异以及梯度场信息应用于蒙版上,通过最小化重建误差来实现图像的重建。


4. 解决边界问题在应用蒙版时,需要处理边界问题,以避免修复后的图像与周围内容不连续。











使⽤imnoise向图像中添加噪声J = imnoise(I,type)向亮度图I中添加指定类型的噪声。


''gaussian''(⾼斯噪声);''localvar''(均值为零,且⼀个变量与图像亮度有关);''poisson''(泊松噪声);''salt&pepper''(椒盐噪声);''speckle''(乘性噪声)J = imnoise(I,type,parameters)根据噪声类型,可以确定该函数的其它参数。


J = imnoise(I,'gaussian',m,v)将均值为m,⽅差为v的⾼斯噪声添加到图像I中。


J = imnoise(I,'localvar',V)将均值为0,局部⽅差为v的⾼斯噪声添加到图像I上。


J = imnoise(I,'localvar',image_intensity,var)将均值为0的⾼斯噪声添加到图像I上,其中噪声的局部⽅差var是图像I的亮度值的函数。



J = imnoise(I,'poisson')从数据中⽣成泊松噪声,⽽不是将⼈⼯的噪声添加到数据中。




基于泊松方程的数字图像无缝拼合作者:张建桥, 王长元来源:《现代电子技术》2010年第17期摘要:无缝图像拼合就是要消除待处理区域与背景之间存在的接缝。

针对传统淡入淡出渐变因子图像拼接方法对重叠区域含有几何错位或复杂内容实现无缝拼接时存在局限性的缺陷,采用泊松图像编辑方法,利用图像融合技术,在Matlab 环境下仿真实现了彩色图像的无缝拼合。


关键词:图像拼接; 泊松图像混合; 图像融合; 梯度场中图分类号:TN911.73-34文献标识码:A文章编号:1004-373X(2010)17-0139-03Seamless Splicing of Digital Images Based on Poisson EquationZHANG Jian-qiao, WANG Chang-yuan(Xi’an Technological University, Xi’an 710032, C hina)Abstract: The purpose of seamless image splicing is to remove the seams between the mixed images. Aimming at the limitation of the traditional fade in/out algorithms used to mosaic the image overlapped region with complex content and geometry alignment error, Poisson image editing is adopted in this paper to implement the seamless splicing of the color images by the simulation under condition of Matlab. The test shows that the Poisson image editing method can realize the seamless splicing of the color images whose background color around the interpolation domain is simplex.Keywords: image mosaic; Poisson image mixing; image fusion; gradient field0 引言图像拼接是计算机视觉领域的一个重要分支[1]。








均值滤波平均滤波是将⼀个m*n(m, n为奇数)⼤⼩的kernel放在图像上,中间像素的值⽤kernel覆盖区域的像素平均值替代。


g(x,y) = \frac{1}{mn}\sum_{(x,y) \in S_{xy}} f(s,t)其中$S_{xy} 表⽰中⼼点在(x, y) ⼤⼩为m X n 滤波器窗⼝。


BoxFilter , BoxFilter可以⽤来计算图像像素邻域的和。

cv2.boxFilter() normalize=False,此时不使⽤归⼀化卷积窗,当前计算像素值为邻域像素和。



$$\frac{1}{16}\left [\begin{array}{ccc}1 &2 & 1 \\ 2 & 4 & 2 \\ 1 & 2 & 1\end{array}\right ]$$⼀般的作⽤于M*N⼤⼩的图像,窗⼝⼤⼩为m*n的加权平均滤波器计算公式为:g(x, y) = \frac{\sum_{s = -a}^a \sum_{t = -b}^b w(s, t) f(x+s, y+t)}{\sum_{s = -a}^a \sum_{t = -b}^b w(s, t)}⾼斯加权滤波器⾼斯函数是⼀种正态分布函数,⼀个⼆维⾼斯函数如下:hh(x, y) = \frac{1}{2\pi \sigma^2}e^{-\frac{x^2+y^2}{2\sigma^2}}\sigma为标准差,如果要得到⼀个⾼斯滤波器模板可以对⾼斯函数进⾏离散化,得到离散值作为模板系数。








可以通过使用pip命令,在命令行中输入以下内容来安装:pip install scikit-image一旦安装完成,我们就可以在Python程序中导入skimage库,并使用其中的函数。


以下是我们需要导入的库:pythonfrom skimage import iofrom skimage.util import random_noiseimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt在这里,我们导入了skimage库的io模块,以便能够读取和保存图像。



假设我们有一个名为"input_image.jpg"的图像文件,可以使用以下代码来读取它:pythonimage = io.imread("input_image.jpg")在这里,我们将读取的图像保存在名为"image"的变量中,以便后续使用。



python实现泊松图像融合本⽂实例为⼤家分享了python实现泊松图像融合的具体代码,供⼤家参考,具体内容如下```from __future__ import divisionimport numpy as npimport scipy.fftpackimport scipy.ndimageimport cv2import matplotlib.pyplot as plt#sns.set(style="darkgrid")def DST(x):"""Converts Scipy's DST output to Matlab's DST (scaling)."""X = scipy.fftpack.dst(x,type=1,axis=0)return X/2.0def IDST(X):"""Inverse DST. Python -> Matlab"""n = X.shape[0]x = np.real(scipy.fftpack.idst(X,type=1,axis=0))return x/(n+1.0)def get_grads(im):"""return the x and y gradients."""[H,W] = im.shapeDx,Dy = np.zeros((H,W),'float32'), np.zeros((H,W),'float32')j,k = np.atleast_2d(np.arange(0,H-1)).T, np.arange(0,W-1)Dx[j,k] = im[j,k+1] - im[j,k]Dy[j,k] = im[j+1,k] - im[j,k]return Dx,Dydef get_laplacian(Dx,Dy):"""return the laplacian"""[H,W] = Dx.shapeDxx, Dyy = np.zeros((H,W)), np.zeros((H,W))j,k = np.atleast_2d(np.arange(0,H-1)).T, np.arange(0,W-1)Dxx[j,k+1] = Dx[j,k+1] - Dx[j,k]Dyy[j+1,k] = Dy[j+1,k] - Dy[j,k]return Dxx+Dyydef poisson_solve(gx,gy,bnd):# convert to double:gx = gx.astype('float32')gy = gy.astype('float32')bnd = bnd.astype('float32')H,W = bnd.shapeL = get_laplacian(gx,gy)# set the interior of the boundary-image to 0:bnd[1:-1,1:-1] = 0# get the boundary laplacian:L_bp = np.zeros_like(L)L_bp[1:-1,1:-1] = -4*bnd[1:-1,1:-1] \+ bnd[1:-1,2:] + bnd[1:-1,0:-2] \+ bnd[2:,1:-1] + bnd[0:-2,1:-1] # delta-xL = L - L_bpL = L[1:-1,1:-1]# compute the 2D DST:L_dst = DST(DST(L).T).T #first along columns, then along rows# normalize:[xx,yy] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(1,W-1),np.arange(1,H-1))D = (2*np.cos(np.pi*xx/(W-1))-2) + (2*np.cos(np.pi*yy/(H-1))-2)L_dst = L_dst/Dimg_interior = IDST(IDST(L_dst).T).T # inverse DST for rows and columnsimg = bnd.copy()img[1:-1,1:-1] = img_interiorreturn imgdef blit_images(im_top,im_back,scale_grad=1.0,mode='max'):"""combine images using poission editing.IM_TOP and IM_BACK should be of the same size."""assert np.all(im_top.shape==im_back.shape)im_top = im_top.copy().astype('float32')im_back = im_back.copy().astype('float32')im_res = np.zeros_like(im_top)# frac of gradients which come from source:for ch in xrange(im_top.shape[2]):ims = im_top[:,:,ch]imd = im_back[:,:,ch][gxs,gys] = get_grads(ims)[gxd,gyd] = get_grads(imd)gxs *= scale_gradgys *= scale_gradgxs_idx = gxs!=0gys_idx = gys!=0# mix the source and target gradients:if mode=='max':gx = gxs.copy()gxm = (np.abs(gxd))>np.abs(gxs)gx[gxm] = gxd[gxm]gy = gys.copy()gym = np.abs(gyd)>np.abs(gys)gy[gym] = gyd[gym]# get gradient mixture statistics:f_gx = np.sum((gx[gxs_idx]==gxs[gxs_idx]).flat) / (np.sum(gxs_idx.flat)+1e-6) f_gy = np.sum((gy[gys_idx]==gys[gys_idx]).flat) / (np.sum(gys_idx.flat)+1e-6) if min(f_gx, f_gy) <= 0.35:m = 'max'if scale_grad > 1:m = 'blend'return blit_images(im_top, im_back, scale_grad=1.5, mode=m)elif mode=='src':gx,gy = gxd.copy(), gyd.copy()gx[gxs_idx] = gxs[gxs_idx]gy[gys_idx] = gys[gys_idx]elif mode=='blend': # from recursive call:# just do an alpha blendgx = gxs+gxdgy = gys+gydim_res[:,:,ch] = np.clip(poisson_solve(gx,gy,imd),0,255)return im_res.astype('uint8')def contiguous_regions(mask):"""return a list of (ind0, ind1) such that mask[ind0:ind1].all() isTrue and we cover all such regions"""in_region = Noneboundaries = []for i, val in enumerate(mask):if in_region is None and val:in_region = ielif in_region is not None and not val:boundaries.append((in_region, i))in_region = Noneif in_region is not None:boundaries.append((in_region, i+1))return boundariesif __name__=='__main__':"""example usage:"""import seaborn as snsim_src = cv2.imread('../f01006.jpg').astype('float32')im_dst = cv2.imread('../f01006-5.jpg').astype('float32')mu = np.mean(np.reshape(im_src,[im_src.shape[0]*im_src.shape[1],3]),axis=0) # print musz = (1920,1080)im_src = cv2.resize(im_src,sz)im_dst = cv2.resize(im_dst,sz)im0 = im_dst[:,:,0] > 100im_dst[im0,:] = im_src[im0,:]im_dst[~im0,:] = 50im_dst = cv2.GaussianBlur(im_dst,(5,5),5)im_alpha = 0.8*im_dst + 0.2*im_src# plt.imshow(im_dst)# plt.show()im_res = blit_images(im_src,im_dst)import scipyscipy.misc.imsave('orig.png',im_src[:,:,::-1].astype('uint8'))scipy.misc.imsave('alpha.png',im_alpha[:,:,::-1].astype('uint8'))scipy.misc.imsave('poisson.png',im_res[:,:,::-1].astype('uint8'))im_actual_L = cv2.cvtColor(im_src.astype('uint8'),cv2.cv.CV_BGR2Lab)[:,:,0] im_alpha_L = cv2.cvtColor(im_alpha.astype('uint8'),cv2.cv.CV_BGR2Lab)[:,:,0] im_poisson_L = cv2.cvtColor(im_res.astype('uint8'),cv2.cv.CV_BGR2Lab)[:,:,0] # plt.imshow(im_alpha_L)# plt.show()for i in xrange(500,im_alpha_L.shape[1],5):l_actual = im_actual_L[i,:]#-im_actual_L[i,:-1]l_alpha = im_alpha_L[i,:]#-im_alpha_L[i,:-1]l_poisson = im_poisson_L[i,:]#-im_poisson_L[i,:-1]with sns.axes_style("darkgrid"):plt.subplot(2,1,2)#plt.plot(l_alpha,label='alpha')plt.plot(l_poisson,label='poisson')plt.hold(True)plt.plot(l_actual,label='actual')plt.legend()# find "text regions":is_txt = ~im0[i,:]t_loc = contiguous_regions(is_txt)ax = plt.gca()for b0,b1 in t_loc:ax.axvspan(b0, b1, facecolor='red', alpha=0.1)with sns.axes_style("white"):plt.subplot(2,1,1)plt.imshow(im_alpha[:,:,::-1].astype('uint8'))plt.hold(True)plt.plot([0,im_alpha_L.shape[0]-1],[i,i],'r')plt.axis('image')plt.show()plt.subplot(1,3,1)plt.imshow(im_src[:,:,::-1].astype('uint8'))plt.subplot(1,3,2)plt.imshow(im_alpha[:,:,::-1].astype('uint8'))plt.subplot(1,3,3)plt.imshow(im_res[:,:,::-1]) #cv2 reads in BGRplt.show()以上就是本⽂的全部内容,希望对⼤家的学习有所帮助,也希望⼤家多多⽀持。



csdnpython泊松噪声函数(最新版)目录1.泊松噪声函数的定义2.泊松噪声函数的性质3.泊松噪声函数在图像处理中的应用4.使用 CSDN Python 实现泊松噪声函数正文泊松噪声函数是一种在图像处理中常用的噪声函数,它的定义为: f(x, y) = (1 - e^(-k(x^2 + y^2))) / k其中,k 为噪声强度,e 为自然常数。



3.泊松噪声函数的噪声强度可以通过改变参数 k 来控制,k 越大,噪声强度越大。



使用 CSDN Python 实现泊松噪声函数非常简单。

首先,需要导入numpy 库,然后定义一个函数,如下所示:```pythonimport numpy as npdef poisson_noise(image, k):"""Add poisson noise to an image.Args:image: Input image (numpy array)k: Noise strength (float)Returns:image: Output image with poisson noise (numpy array) """noise = np.random.rand(image.shape[0], image.shape[1]) noise = (1 - np.exp(-k * (image**2 + noise**2))) / kreturn image + noise```该函数接受一个图像 (numpy 数组) 和一个噪声强度参数 k,并返回一个添加了泊松噪声的图像。




相关函数为skimage.util.random_noise(image, mode, seed, clip, **kwargs)mode为加噪类型,其中有’gaussian’为⾼斯噪声, ‘s&p’为椒盐噪声等。

其余详细参数可参考官⽅⽂档如下1 random_noise(image, mode='gaussian', seed=None, clip=True, **kwargs)2 Function to add random noise of various types to a floating-point image.34 Parameters5 ----------6 image : ndarray7 Input image data. Will be converted to float.8 mode : str, optional9 One of the following strings, selecting the type of noise to add:1011 - 'gaussian' Gaussian-distributed additive noise.12 - 'localvar' Gaussian-distributed additive noise, with specified13 local variance at each point of `image`.14 - 'poisson' Poisson-distributed noise generated from the data.15 - 'salt' Replaces random pixels with 1.16 - 'pepper' Replaces random pixels with 0 (for unsigned images) or17 -1 (for signed images).18 - 's&p' Replaces random pixels with either 1 or `low_val`, where19 `low_val` is 0 for unsigned images or -1 for signed20 images.21 - 'speckle' Multiplicative noise using out = image + n*image, where22 n is uniform noise with specified mean & variance.23 seed : int, optional24 If provided, this will set the random seed before generating noise,25 for valid pseudo-random comparisons.26 clip : bool, optional27 If True (default), the output will be clipped after noise applied28 for modes `'speckle'`, `'poisson'`, and `'gaussian'`. This is29 needed to maintain the proper image data range. If False, clipping30 is not applied, and the output may extend beyond the range [-1, 1].31 mean : float, optional32 Mean of random distribution. Used in 'gaussian' and 'speckle'.33 Default : 0.34 var : float, optional35 Variance of random distribution. Used in 'gaussian' and 'speckle'.36 Note: variance = (standard deviation) ** 2. Default : 0.0137 local_vars : ndarray, optional38 Array of positive floats, same shape as `image`, defining the local39 variance at every image point. Used in 'localvar'.40 amount : float, optional41 Proportion of image pixels to replace with noise on range [0, 1].42 Used in 'salt', 'pepper', and 'salt & pepper'. Default : 0.0543 salt_vs_pepper : float, optional44 Proportion of salt vs. pepper noise for 's&p' on range [0, 1].45 Higher values represent more salt. Default : 0.5 (equal amounts)4647 Returns48 -------49 out : ndarray50 Output floating-point image data on range [0, 1] or [-1, 1] if the51 input `image` was unsigned or signed, respectively.5253 Notes54 -----55 Speckle, Poisson, Localvar, and Gaussian noise may generate noise outside56 the valid image range. The default is to clip (not alias) these values,57 but they may be preserved by setting `clip=False`. Note that in this case58 the output may contain values outside the ranges [0, 1] or [-1, 1].59 Use this option with care.6061 Because of the prevalence of exclusively positive floating-point images in62 intermediate calculations, it is not possible to intuit if an input is63 signed based on dtype alone. Instead, negative values are explicitly64 searched for. Only if found does this function assume signed input.65 Unexpected results only occur in rare, poorly exposes cases (e.g. if all66 values are above 50 percent gray in a signed `image`). In this event,67 manually scaling the input to the positive domain will solve the problem.6869 The Poisson distribution is only defined for positive integers. To apply70 this noise type, the number of unique values in the image is found and71 the next round power of two is used to scale up the floating-point result,72 after which it is scaled back down to the floating-point image range.7374 To generate Poisson noise against a signed image, the signed image is75 temporarily converted to an unsigned image in the floating point domain,76 Poisson noise is generated, then it is returned to the original range.77具体实现1import skimage2import numpy as np3import cv2 as cv45 img = cv.imread(r'Lena.png')6 imgGray = cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)7 imgNoise = skimage.util.random_noise(imgGray,mode='s&p')8 cv.imshow('LenaGray',imgGray)9 cv.imshow('LenaNoise',imgNoise)1011 cv.waitKey(0)12 cv.destroyAllWindows()均值滤波均值滤波是⽤当前像素点周围 N*N 个像素值的均值来代替当前像素值,并遍历图像所有像素点。

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〈 p,q〉∩Ω≠0
p+q w here vpq is the projection of v( ) on the oriented edge [ p, q] 2 p +q i.e., vpq = v( ) ⋅ pq 2 Its solution satisfies the following simultaneous linear equation:
Guided Interpolation
A guided field is a vector field v used in an extended version of minimization problem (1):
m ∫∫ ∇f − v in
f Ω
with f
= f* ∂Ω
This solution is the unique solution of following Poisson equation with Dirichlet boundary condition:
It computes the function whose gradient is the closet to some prescribed vector field-the guidance vector field-under given boundary conditions
Partial differential equation (PDE)
∂2. ∂2. w ere ∆. = 2 + 2 is th laplacian operator h e ∂x ∂y
Guided Interpolation
Equation 2 is a Laplace equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions.
The Poisson equation has been used extensively in computer vision. The mathematical tool at the heart of this approach is the Poisson partial differential equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions which specifies the Laplacian of an unknown function over the domain of interest, along with the unknown function values over the boundary of domain. Solving the Poisson equation also has an alternative interpretation as a minimization problem:
i.e., 0.4s. per system on a Pentium 4 for a disk-shaped region of 60,000 pixels.
Seamless cloning
Importing gradients The basic choice for the guidance field v is a gradient field taken directly from a source image. Denoting by g this source image, the interpolation is performed under the guidance of
Importing gradients
Importing gradients
Seamless cloning
Mixing gradients
There are situations where it is desirable to combine properties of f* with those of g, for example to add objects with holes ,or partially transparent ones, on top of a textured or cluttered background. An example is shown in Fig.6
Guided Interpolation
The simplest interpolant f of f* over Ω is the membrane interpolant defined as the solution of the minimization 2 problem: *
m ∫∫ ∇f in
T = f (t) , at x = 0 , t > 0
T = T1 ,
T= T , 1
T = T0 ,
at x =1, t > 0
at x > 0 , t = 0
圖 平版Dirichlet Condition 示意圖
Neumann condition
Neumann condition係指依變數之變化率之邊 界條件為定值,抑或獨立變數之函數之情況。 例如 ∂T = f (t) , at t = 0 , 0 ≤ x ≤1 或 ∂x ∂T = 0 , at x = 1, t ≥0 Neumann型邊界條件,亦稱為natural ∂x boundary condition。
Discrete Poisson solver
The finite difference discretization of (3) yields the following discrete, quadratic optimization problem: * m in ∑( f p − fq −vpq )2, w f p = f p , for all p∈∂Ω ith (6)
Poisson Image Editing
Patrick Perez Michel Gangnet Andrew Blake Microsoft Research UK
Introduction Poisson solution to guided interpolation
Guided Interpolation Discrete Poisson solver
方程式類別 橢圓型 拋物線型 雙曲線型 判斷式
b − 4ac < 0
代表性範例 Laplace方程式 Poisson方程式 波動方程式
∂2u ∂2u + 2 =0 2 ∂x ∂y
b2 − 4ac = 0
b − 4ac > 0
∂2u ∂2u + 2 = f (x, y) 2 ∂x ∂y
∂2u ∂2u = 2 α 2 ∂x ∂t
Seamless cloning
Importing gradients Mixing gradients
Selection editing
Texture flattening Local illumination change Local color change Seamless tiling
for all p∈Ω, Np f p −
q q∈Np ∩Ω
q* q∈Np ∩∂Ω
+ ∑vpq
Discrete Poisson solver
Equation (7) form a classical, sparse (banded), symmetric, positive-definite system. Results shown in this paper have been computed using either Gauss-Seidel iteration with successive overrelaxation or V-cycle multigrid. Both methods are fast enough
為了能獲得偏微分方程式之解答,其起始條 件和邊界條件可依其特性區分為三類。
第一類:Dirichlet Condition Dirichlet 第二類:Neumann condition 第三類:Robbins condition
Dirichlet Condiction
若依變數(T)本身,在某個獨立變數值時, 被指定,則此條件稱為Dirichlet Condition,亦稱為essential邊界條件。 下圖為一典型的Dirichlet條件示意圖 由圖中很清楚的顯示,該平板之邊界條 = f (t ), T 件為 t >0
for all 〈 p, q〉, vpq = gp − gq
Importing gradients
The seamless cloning tool thus obtained ensures the compliance of source and destination boundaries. It can be used to conceal undesirable image features or to insert new elements in an image, but with much more flexibility
∂u ∂v + is the divergence of v = (u, v) ∂x ∂y
Discrete Poisson solver
S Ωnow become finite point sets defined on an infinite discrete grid. Note that S can include all the pixels of an image or only a subset of them. For each pixel p in S, let Np be the set of its 4connected neighbors which are in S, and let <p,q> denote a pixel pair such that q∈Np The boundary of Ω is now ∂Ω ={p∈S \ Ω: Np ∩Ω ≠ 0} Let fp be the value of f at p and f Ω ={ f p , p∈Ω }