

unit 1学术英语阅读课件

unit 1学术英语阅读课件
of background information that a specialist would not expect to read, not very technical) ✓ The style of writing (relatively short sentences, short paragraphs)
Step 2: Read the italicised parts of the text. (including Introduction, Conclusion, plus Heading and Subheadings)
Step 3: Discuss with your team members which is an appropriate choice and why.
1 Task introduction Economics focus: on the move
• Task 1-1.1 Step 1: Read the text with a purpose.
What is the purpose of this task? (Try and find the intended reader)
✓ What has been justified once more to be of great importance during the new era of globalisation ? International movement of labour
✓ What does a recent study say in terms of this issue?
Clues for Task 1.2
Questions to consider: ✓ What is the name of this jounal/magazine?



1 2
学术英语是国际学术界的通用语言,掌握学术英 语能够使学者更好地参与国际学术交流,分享研 究成果。
严谨、准确的学术语言有助于提高研究论文的质 量和说服力,使研究得到更广泛的认可。
学术英语能够帮助学者了解不同文化背景下的学 术观点和研究方法,促进跨文化交流与合作。

提前了解报告的主题和背 景,有助于更好地理解报 告内容。
在报告过程中,尽量保持 注意力集中,避免错过重 要信息。
对于重要的观点和数据, 及时做笔记以便后续回顾 。
积极参与讨论,对于不理解的问题及时提问,同 时对于别人的问题也要认真回答。
组织论文结构合理,逻辑清晰,使读者易于 理解。
分段论述,标明小标题,突出重点和层次感 。
利用图表、表格等形式辅助说明研究结果和 数据。
在进行学术研究时,查找和筛选合适的学术文献是至关重要的第一步。可以通过学术数据库、图书馆 、学术搜索引擎等途径查找相关文献。在筛选文献时,应关注文献的学术声誉、研究方法和结论的可 靠性。
在讨论中积极发表自己的观点,但要确保论据充 分、逻辑清晰。
在讨论中要尊重他人的观点,避免过于情绪化或 攻击性的言辞。

unit 学术英语阅读

unit 学术英语阅读
English for Academic Study: Reading
Session 2
Xin Zhao
Quick review
➢Aims of learning this course; ➢Reasons of reading and academic reading; ➢Reading strategies (Techniques) ➢Mix of Top-down & Bottom-up teaching
1 Task introduction Economics focus: on the move
• Task 1-1.1 Step 1: Read the text with a purpose.
What is the purpose of this task? (Try and find the intended reader)
organisation of the text.)
Step 2: Read the italicised parts of the text again. (including Introduction, Conclusion, plus Heading and Subheadings)
Step 3: Highlight the key words from these parts;
Key words
✓ economics ✓ history of immigration ✓ future ✓ migration of workers ✓ economic change ✓ international movement of labour ✓ restrict migration ✓ economic factors ✓ liberal immigration regime

学术英语(医学)Unit 1演示PPT

学术英语(医学)Unit 1演示PPT

• Language building-up – Signpost language – Formal English – Vocabulary test
• Suggested answers
Unit 1 Doctors’ Life
Text A
Critical reading and thinking
Useful expressions
• a 56-year-old woman • somewhat overweight • reasonably well-controlled diabetes and hypertension • cholesterol on the high side without any medications for
Questions for discussion
• How do you interpret the title?
– neuron overload – juggling physician
Unit 1
Text A
Doctors’ Life
Critical reading and thinking
Topics for presentation
1 Do you agree that it is sheer neuron overload on the doctor side that leads to the complaint that doctors don’t listen?
• neuron overload • patients’ high expectations • mistrust and misunderstanding between the

学术英语pptPPT 课件

学术英语pptPPT 课件

produced in
concentrations of
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03 Results and discussion
Thickness of the ceramic coating
Curve a is substrate; curves b, c, and d are the samples coated with 3,6, and 9 g/L Na2SiO, respectively.
01 Introduction
Application of Mg-Li alloy
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4. Speaking • Ask for information and clarification in a
polite and effective way • Learn to do interviews and report the
findings in an oral presentation
What is EAP?
English for Academic Purposes/EAP
内容:教材分为《学术英语》综合、 人文、理工、社科等。我们的课程 分为读学科主题文章、听专业相关 讲座、练学术口语、写学科专业论 文以及做学科相关研究等环节。
目标:训练对信息的获取、分析、整 合、利用能力;提高学生撰写学期论 文及学术论文的技能;帮助学生过度 到专业双语课程及全英课程学习;全 面培养学生的学业能力、思辨创新能 力和解决实际问题的学术研究能力。
Unit 1
Unit Contents
Unit objectives Text A Text B Text C Academic language and discourse Listening Speaking Writing
Unit 1
Unit Objectives
acquire some specialized vocabulary of economics • Understand the functions of parenthetical statements • Comprehend stylistic differences between formal and informal English and acquire some formal expressions

学术英语(人文社科类)Unit 10幻灯片课件

学术英语(人文社科类)Unit 10幻灯片课件

Unit 10 The Study of Politics as a Science
Text A
Critical reading and thinking of Text A
Text Analysis
When the national unemployment rate is greater than seven percent at the time of the election, presidential incumbents are not reelected.
学术英语(人文社科类)Unit 10
Unit 10 The Study of Politics as a Science
Text A
Critical reading and thinking of Text A
Text Analysis
Major sub-fields (Para 1) eight major sub-fields
Unit 10 The Study of Politics as a Science
Text A
Critical reading and thinking of Text A
Text Analysis
5. Clear, consistent, objective writing →avoid the use of impressionistic or metaphorical language; →persuade through their command of the facts and their ability to relate those facts to theories; →clarity and concision (e.g. clearly define terms/concepts) →operationalize key terms →operationalization: the process of specifying the extension of a concept – describing what is and is not a part of that concept


• 纪律严明的民兵是保障自由州的安全所必 需的,因此人民持有和携带武器的权利不 得侵犯。
New words
• Bustling
• a bustling place is full of noise and activity and is usually pleasant and interesting
• The advertisements are grouped into categories or classes such as "for sale— telephones", "wanted—kitchen appliances", and "services—plumbing", hence the term "classified".
Ethos behind gun culture 1/3
➢The hunting/sporting ethos: when America was an agrarian nation, hunting was a valuable source of supplying food for settlers, guns were a means of protection from animal predators. ➢Acquiring shooting skills was connected with survival, and acquiring these skills was a symble for boys entering manhood. The role of guns as marks of maturity persists to this day.

学术英语 综合 Unit 2 PPT

学术英语 综合 Unit 2 PPT

Unit 2
Business Ethics
Unit Objectives
6. Researching • Independently locate and study a variety of resources (articles, books, videos, etc.) to find out a Chinese or foreign company which has kept the right balance between earning profits and taking social responsibility 7. Academic language and discourse • Acquire some specialized vocabulary in business • Learn how to add an idea • Comprehend stylistic differences between formal and informal English and acquire some formal expressions
Text A In-depth analysis
1. Contribute as much as possible what you know about the following. • economic system • free enterprise
Unit 2
Business Ethics
Unit 2
Business Ethics
Unit Objectives
3. Listening • Grasp the major points made by the speaker(s)



五、汉语表达不清, 缺乏中文表达能力
英译汉是英语和汉语两种语言之间的转化, 要求汉语准 确完整, 符合汉语的表达习惯, 因此, 考生在复习时也应 该注意训练自己的汉语表达能力。
例如, 有人把“Several research groups have prepared samples of this compound …” 翻译成“好几个科研小组 已经研制出这种化合物的标本……”,“标本”这一概念用于 生物学和医学中, 如动植物标本, 血液标本等。在化学中, sample指“样品”或“试样”。因此, 该句最好应翻译 为“几个科研小组已准备出这种化合物的样品……”。这 就要求考生在复习或应考时, 要注意充分利用自己已经 具有的百科知识。
Example 2:
While both groups did better than chance would predict, nearly half the participants in each group made the wrong choice two or more times.
Passage 3: We find that we have to deal with things like climate, soil, pants, and such-like factors common to all biological situation
Passage 4: My point is that the frequent complaint of one generation about the one immediately following it is inevitable.



Study of the Text
Why is expensive energy a permanent condition? No other enrospects for delivering large quantities of electricity at costs comparable to... (Paragraph5)
Even if a few more giant oil fields ..., they will make little difference against consumption on today’s scale. They cannot solve the present problems of insufficient energy supply for large-scale consumption.
Preparing to Read
•How do you depend on energy services in your life? •How does energy use cause environmental damage? •What is the impact of current energy supply crisis? •Why have the costs of energy use been rising? •How can energy be used to benefit society while reducing its cost? Refer to the introduction and questions on page 39, and oral practice on page 50.
Study of the Text



• establish (v.) to bring something into existence; create
• evidence (n.) words or objects that support the truth; proof
Basic Academic Vocabulary List
• Phrasal Verb Demon (/collocationstheory .htm) Information about collocations.
• Verbage (/verbage) Learn more about collocations.
• Remember: academic words look the same as those we use in daily dialogues and general writing tasks, but they ARE different.
• Different in three ways: have different semantic meanings; have additional interpersonal meanings; take a different part of speech
• Academic Verbs (/vocab/q1/faca_v1.htm) Vocabulary quizzes on verbs used in academocabulary List
• Business English Collocation Exercises (/strongcoll.htm) A variety of exercises to help you with Business English.


life from the table?
Unit 1
Text A Overview
1. Summarize the main ideas of Text A. 2. Do Task 1/Critical reading and thinking.
Use the labor and skills behind the Thanksgiving weekend as examples to illustrate the concept of “the invisible hand”
1. Contribute as much as possible what you know about the following:
• Thanksgiving • Adam Smith • the invisible hand
Unit 1
Text A Supplementary information
of resources (articles, books, videos, etc.) to know more about the Microsoft case
7. Academic language and discourse • Know what is specialized vocabulary and
3. Listening
• Make predictions about the content of a lecture
4. Speaking
• Ask for information and clarification in a polite and effective way


• Let’s do skimming and scanning, read Text A quickly and write down the theme sentence.
Unit 1 Studying Business
Text A
Critical reading and thinking
The ocean has a significant effect on the biosphere. Oceanic evaporation, as a phase of the water cycle, is the source of most rainfall.
Unit 1 Studying Business
• Subheadings are usually marked out in a different font from the rest of the text. Or there is space inserted above and below them. They are either gerundial phrases, participle phrases, prepositional phrases or infinitive phrases.
To become a better informed consumer and investor (infinitive phrase)
Unit 1 Studying Business
Text A
Critical reading and thinking
Text structure
Identify the structure of Text A by completing the table on Page 7.

学术英语(第二版)综合教学课件 U7

学术英语(第二版)综合教学课件 U7

Text A
While reading
Critical reading and thinking
Task 1 / Overview
3. What is mathematics able to maal types?
Digitization enables mathematics to make predictions other than the traditional types.
could it be traced to an escapist tendency.
(Para. 7)
in retrospect : when looking back in time 回顾往事
I'm sure my university days seem happier in
retrospect than they really were.
Text A While reading
Critical reading and thinking
Text A
While reading
Supplementary Information
3. Acronym and Initialism
Acronym and Initialism are two types of abbreviation. Acronyms are pronounced as a whole word (e.g. NASA) while Initialisms are pronounced one letter at a time (e.g. FBI). In this text, an example of Acronym is ASCII, and CCTV is a typical example of Initialism.



Critical thinking
cultivate analytical and critical thinking skills through case studies, problem solving exercises, and arguments
Course arrangement
Analysis of Academic English 03 Comprehensive U Textbook
Textbook structure
Overall structure
The textbook is divided into multiple units, each containing parts such as text, vocabulary, grammar, exercises, etc. The structure is clear and easy for students to learn.
Collaborative learning teaching method
Teamwork, progress together
Detailed description
Collaborative learning teaching method encourages students to discuss and collaborate in groups to complete learning tasks, and improve their academic English proficiency through mutual learning and assistance. This teaching method helps to cultivate students' teamwork spirit and communication skills, while promoting knowledge sharing and exchange.
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Economics focus & Immigration
Text 1
Economics focus: On the move
Economic analysis sheds light on the history of immigration and on its future
cast/shed/throw light on sth
• Something or someone that casts/sheds/throws light on a situation provides an explanation for it or information which makes it easier to understand
Clues for Task 1.2
Questions to consider: ✓ What is the name of this jounal/magazine?
The Economist
✓What section does this text belong to?
Finance and Economics
Task 1.1 Who is the intended reader?
Possible reasons: ✓ The source of the text (The Economist) ✓ The type of information (fairly superficial, quite a lot
1 Task introduction Economics focus: on the move
• Task 1-1.2
Step 1: Read the text with a purpose. What is the purpose of this task? (Try and predict the contents and guess the
1 Task introduction Economics focus: on the move
• Task 1: Deciding if a text is useful • Encourage students toLeabharlann read selectively to
achieve the reading purpose; • Discourage students from reading from start to
1 Task introduction Economics focus: on the move
• Task 1-1.1 Step 1: Read the text with a purpose.
What is the purpose of this task? (Try and find the intended reader)
✓What is the date of publication?
May 12, 2001
Task 1.2 Identifying the Main Topic
✓ What is the biggest cause of economic change? Migration of workers
✓ What has been justified once more to be of great importance during the new era of globalisation ? International movement of labour
organisation of the text.)
Step 2: Read the italicised parts of the text again. (including Introduction, Conclusion, plus Heading and Subheadings)
Step 3: Highlight the key words from these parts;
Step 2: Read the italicised parts of the text. (including Introduction, Conclusion, plus Heading and Subheadings)
Step 3: Discuss with your team members which is an appropriate choice and why.
Key words
✓ economics ✓ history of immigration ✓ future ✓ migration of workers ✓ economic change ✓ international movement of labour ✓ restrict migration ✓ economic factors ✓ liberal immigration regime
of background information that a specialist would not expect to read, not very technical) ✓ The style of writing (relatively short sentences, short paragraphs)
Quick review
➢Aims of learning this course; ➢Reasons of reading and academic reading; ➢Reading strategies (Techniques) ➢Mix of Top-down & Bottom-up teaching
✓ What does a recent study say in terms of this issue?
It is economic factors that have been the most important throughout the history of migration.